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The News-Review from Roseburg, Oregon • Page 5

The News-Reviewi
Roseburg, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EVENING NEWS TUESDAY; MAY 10, 1016. HVB NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be. received by! the board of directors of school dls-1 trlct No. 5, Green, Oregon, until 5' o'clock p. May 25th, 1916, for, the erection and completion of frame school building, according to plans and specifications prepared by Charles H.

Burggraf, architect, AI-: bany, Oregon. All bids must be ac- companled by a certified check pay-' able to "School District No. 5, Green Oregon," for the sum of $50.00, as a I guarantee that the contractor Willi furnish an approved bond equal to Eighth Annual Strawberry Carnival! May 25th, 26th and 27th Odd Fellows Grand Lodge, May 23, 24, 25. A WHOLE BKi wiFoF SOLID ENJOYMENT The Following Big Cash Prizes Will Be Awarded "Cleanliness is Next to Godliness" PAIXTEDXESS IS NEXT TO CLEAXLINESS WE ARK NEXT TO THK PAINT CAME. YOU need PAINT, JET S.

1. Because paint has advanced In price a little is not a good reason for failure to "Brighten The advance per gallon wfTl make but little difference in cost of paint necessary for your home. And this is especially so with S. W. P.

for it goes farther, lasts longer, and will prove a joy to you. REMEMBER S. W. VAHXISHES AXI STAINS ARE THK LEADERS, AXD WILL XKVEH DISAPPOINT YOU. Wo wish to call especial attention to FLAXOAP and FLOOR-WIPE.

Flaxoap is a soap made of linseed oil aud proves a benefit to any varnished surface. Cannot be excelled for washing flannel. Floorwlpe used as you would O'Cedar, will livon up your Var-, nishes whether used on furniture or wood work. Removes all dust and presents a fresh new surface. Churchill Hardware Co.

IRONMONGERS. The 'quickest and best puncture repairer is Air-Vulc. 60 per cent of tne contract within ten days after the awarding of the contract. Plans and specifications may be seen at Churchill's hardware store, Roseburg, Oregon, or at office of the clerk. Green, Oregon, or at the architect's office.

The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of school board No. 5. T. G.

HAVENS, Chairman. ESTELLA R. CLAYPOOL, Clerk. 697-m24 Beat Decorated Automobile, $1S0, $15, 10, and $5. IJest Industrial or Mont, 120, $15, $10, nd $5.

Ilest Grunge appearance In ia and $10. Host appearance In line of any rural school $10. Largest aiu-iidnnce in liiie of any ctrfsanizaiion, $15 and $10. iash prizes far Itiiby Parade $35, divided Into several prizes. For best Strawberry exhibits $50.

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals addressed to the County Clerk of Douglas County, Oregon, and endorsed "Proposals for Improving Road in Douglas County, Oregon, to-wlt: Edeubower Road from tho north end of pavement on Winchester street to a point Thirty feet ESst of the Southern Pacific Railway line, a distance of 4,520 feet or so much of the above roads or sections as the contractor may elect to bid upon, will be received by the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, until One o'clock P. May or expedient by the Road Master of jouglus County, Oregon. Tho right is reserved to reject any aud all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for Douglas County. Dated May 4th, 1916.

County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, By, R. W. Mnrstors, Judge by, County Commissioner, By, F. Nichols, County Commissioner. Attest: E.

H. Lenox, County Clerk. (Seal.) 31st, 1916, and not thereafter, at Its sealed cover and filed with the County Clerk of Douglas Coiunty, Oregon, aud shall be accompanied bp a certified made payable the County Clork of Douglas County fur an amount onunl to at least tea per cent of tho amount of said bi4 and no bid shall be considered unless such check 1b onclosod therewith. Such certified chock shall delivered upon the condition that II suld bid bo accepted, tho party bl- ding will properly and promptly eater Into and execute contracts an bondB In accordance with the award. Should tho successful blddor ta whom' the contracts are awarded fait to execute tho same within ten day (not lncludlhg Sunday) from lh date of of 'such award, such check Bhall bo forfeited office in tho Court House In Rose burg, Oregon, when such proposals will be publicnlly opened and read.

Balloon Ascension Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Carnival Attractions furnished by the Browning Amusement Company. Merry-go-Round, Ferris Wheel, Two Big Bands, Carnival Ball, Battle of Confetti and Masked Carnival will combine to make this the biggest and best Carnival ever held in Roseburg. Ladies' Rest Room The Ladies of the Prosby'terlan Church will maintain a free rest room for ladles In the 'Sunday School Room of the Church. Miss Carrie B.

Howes will conduct a rest room and nursery for babies In the Hildeburn building on Cass street, to care for babies and children while their parents are enjoying the Carnival, for which a small charge will be made. Trained nurse in attendance. Eugenics Contest The Eugenics contest will be held at the Commercial Club Rooms on Saturday with Mrs. L. O.

Maddux In charge; 25c entry fee charged for this event; and all entries should be made with Mrs. Maddux. One and one-third fare for the round trip on all railroads, good the entire week. Come and stay the week out with us. For further particulars call on or write.

SAM S. JOSEPHSON, Carnival Secretary All proposals must be made upon 575-m30 blank forms to be obtained from the Roadmaster at his office, Court House. Roseburg, Oregon, must give the prices proposed, both in writing NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. and figures and must be signed by the bidder, with his address. Soaled propoBalB, addressed to the specifications and estimates and cop- County Clerk of Douglas County, Ore- Douglas County as liquidated damages tho same shall be the pros erty of the County.

All other certified chocks will be returned to th unsuccessful biddor who submitte les of proposed construction and gon, and endorsed, "Proposuls for maintenance contracts and bonds are' constructing, a bridge In DouglaB on file with the County Clerk of County, Oregon, over tho South Ump-Douglas County and may be there' qua River at Happy Valley Ferry," seen and copies may be obtained at! will be received by the County Court the office of the Road Master at tho of Douglas. County until one o'clock above address A deposit of Ten' P. May 31st, 1916, and not there-Dollars shall be required on each I after, at its office In the Court set of plans and specifications and shall returnable only upon receipt of a bona fide bid and upon House In Roseburg, Oregon, when such proposals will he publicly opened and read. All proposals must be made upon the return of said plans and specifications In good condition on or be blank forms to be obtained from the Road Master at his office. Court fore the date of opening bldB.

Ea'cB bid Is to be presented undor House, Roseburg, Oregon, must give same. A good nnd Bii.flclont bond with a satisfactory surety will be require for the faithful performance of th construction contract In a sum equal to the amount ot tho contract prlce The estimates aro approximate only, being given on a basis tor tb comparison of bids, and the County Court of Douglas County does not expressly or by Implication agroo th the actual amount of work will correspond thorewlth, but reserves tb right to lncrenso or decroase th amount of any class or portion of th work that may be deemed necessary or expedient by the Road Master ot Douglas County, Oregon. Tho right Is reserved to roject ar PIANO RECITAL LAST NIGHT COE TAKES CHAlUiE OHIO TO DECIDE WHETHER INSIRAXCE COMPANIES CAN COMPETE WITH STATE the prices proposed, both In writing and flgureB, and must be signed by sealed cover and filed with the county clerk of Douglas county, Ore OF 1XDIAX OFFICE the bidder with his address. Plans, specifications and estimates and gon, and shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the County Clerk of Douglas County for an amount equal to at least ten per copies of proposed construction and maintenance contracts and bonds are on with the County Cleric of Douglas County and may bo thero seen and copies may be obtained at cent of the amount of said bid and C. E.

Coe today formally took charge of the local Indian office and will serve as superintendent of the district. Mr. Wilson wl leave in a short time for his new district where he will spend a few weeks arranging the business. no bid shall be considered unless Miss Mabel Van Buren last night presented the pupils of her music class In a piano recital at the Presbyterian church. A number of the pupils rendered pleasing selections which were roundly applauded by the audience which packed the large and beautifully decorated auditorium.

A full account of the muBicale will be given In the society new In tomorrow's Issue. COLUMBUS, May 16. The supreme court of Ohio today will hear arguments In the suit brought by Attorney General Edward C. Turner and the state federation of labor attacking the right of liability insurance companies to write workmen's compensation In competition with the state. Eighteen Ohio companies are defendants.

The suit is a test of State Insur the office of the Rond Master at tho such chock Is enclosed therewith. Such certified check shall be delivered upon the condition that If said bid be accepted, the party bidding will properly and promptly enter enter Into and execute contracts and and all proposals or to accept th proposal deemed best for Douglia County. Dated, Mny 4 th, 1916. County Court of Douglas County Oregon. By, R.

W. Marsters, Judtw By Commissioner. By, B. F. Nichols, Commissioner.

E. H. Lenox, County Clerk. (Seal) 674-mS bonds In accordance-wlth the award, above address. A deposit of Ten Dollars ($10.00) shall be required on each set of plans and specifications and shall he rotuijablo only upon the receipt of a bona-fklo bid, and upon the return of said plans and specifications, In good condition, on or before the date of opening bids.

Each bid Is to be presented undor ance Commissioner Frank Taggart's Should the successful bidder to whom the contracts are awarded fall recent ruling permitting the liabil Mrs. Lydia Taylor, who has been visiting with her sister Mrs. Caston for the past week, returned to her home at Corvallis this afternoon. Mrs. Taylor camped in thlB city 28 years ago and as this Is her first visit since that time she observed a great difference In the city.

ity companies to write employers' liability Insurance. Former Attorney General Timothy will make It absolutely water proof. The health and police department of the city council under the chairmanship of Councilman Clark, have been conducting the tests and it is upon their recommendations that the Improvements are being made. S. Hogan and George B.

Okey, representing the state federation of labor, will aid Turner in arguments of the court. IX THK MATTER OF THE LIQUIDATION OF THE YOXCALLA STATE HAXK. IXSOLVEXT. SUMMER SCHOOL. Outside Attractions Make School Work rather Irksome theso pleasant days.

Can wo help yon to counteract. It a little by making tho mid-day lunch to execute the same within ton days (not Including Sunday) from the date of noTTTicatlon of such award, such check shall bo forfeited to Douglas County as liquidated damages and the same shall be tho property of the county. All other certified checks will be returned to the unsuccessful bidder who submitted the same. A good and sufficient bond with a satisfactory surety will be required for the faithful performance of the construction contract In a um equal lo the amount of the contract price. The estimates are approximate only, being given as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the County REV.

SLAUGHTER GETS 1.1 YEARS IX PRISON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned will sell at private sale, subject to the approval of the The Mrs, Halverson Summer school of 8 weeks for pupils wishing to make up their grades, or to do extra studying during the summer, will be held in the Benson more appetizing? OROVILLE, May 16. Rev. Madison Slaughter was sentenced to 15 years in San Quentin prison for assault on Gertrude Lamaon, aged circuit court of Douglas County, Oregon, on or before June first, 1916 the following described real property, to-wlt: building beginning the first Monday In June. Grades from the 4th to DEVILED MEAT PEANUT (HITTER VEAL IOAF LUNCH TONGUE 15 years. A new trial was refused and Slaughter remanded to jail.

The Beginning at the southeast corner the 8th Inclusive will hare from 8 to 11 a. m. Lower grades 2 to 4 FRESH FRUIT other four Indictments against him were dismissed. of lot 6 In block 4 and running thence west on the south boundary p. m.

Charges will be 75 cents per week in advance, or $2.75 per month. or $5.00 for the two months. Chil Wright-Reidel Grocery Co. FRENCH LOSE HIGH OFFICER of said lot 16 feet, thence north erly to the north boundary of lot 8 thence easterly on the north houn Court of Douglas County does not expressly or by Implication agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith but reserves the right to Increase or docreaso the amount of any class or portion of the work may be deemed necessary dren who have never attended PHONE 103 3 dary of said lot eight 16 feet to PARIS, May 16. General has been killed at the front, the school may be sent during the afternoon and carefully looked after for tho same rate.

Parents who desire that their children should take this the northeast corner of said lot 8 thence southerly to the place of be -dispatches declared. ginning, all in block 4, town of BICYCLE THIEF PROVES Yoncalla, Douglas County, Oregon TO ItE MYRTLE CREEK MAX work, please communicate with Mrs. Maude Halverson, 502 Commercial Avenue, or at the Benson building. 603-m20 together with the bank building constructed thereon, to be conveyed to the purchaser free end clear of all Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling and Transferring Bert Foltz was brought to this city WILL REPAIR RESERVOIRS Incumbrances by the undersigned. Proposals for the purchase thereor will be received by the undersigned until the first day nf June, 1916, al his offiro In tho city of Salem, Ma Preparations are now being made last night from Drain and lodged In the county Jail charged with having Btolen a bicycle belonging to the son of Dr.

Bradburn, of Wln-stonB. Foltz has been residing In Myrtle Crwk for several years end is under suspicion of having been concerned In the robberies which occurred a short time ago when the Rice Bros. Adams general nier- rion County, Oregon. I hereby re-i The French Transfer Company to repair the water reservoirs on the hill east of town. The tanks have been leaking slightly for some time and a few weeks ago were given a coat of cement to stop the flow.

There Is still, however, a leakage serve the right to rejont any and all proposals an( said sale, if msrie. shall be subject to the approval of the court a aforesaid. noticed and tho water company will chandlse store was entered and Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 13th repair It Immediately. is propos- money and goods stolen. day of May, 191B.

ed to cover the Interior of the twoj His case will be taken before the S. G. SAROEN'T. tanks with a three-Inch coat of ce- grand Jury and rigid Investigation' Superintendent of Banks for the ment and sand properly mixed which will be held. State of Oregon.


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