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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 18

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUESDAY, APK1L lf 1UIU. TIIF wu.KKS-l)AltIiE RECORD 18 TUESDAY APRIL 1G. 1918. PREPARES SERVICE FLAG aent out by Mr. John Tk Iavnport, M.

A- are giving mm we comforta poaalbla. Help them aloof. mlraka-4n aV of city chairman 10 nil ward chairmen. LIBERTY 1 St. Two meeting scheduled for thl evening an Klghth Ward meeting' at THE OF TMEGYCLOPS COUNT CZERN'N RESIGNS HIS POST Mary'i Creek Catholic Church I lunori Forty-Two Members in Service Thomaa (M.

Lewla. acting aocretary read the minute of the prior meeting. At the outaet the chairman stated that It waa unfortunate that the meeting wa called for laat evening because the fact that another important one that of the oa4talaa In chaiga of the Liberty loan aal wa In aeaMioii lu the parlor of Kir Co. No. 1.

Tho report of the committee on due and tbo presidency and treaeurtrshlp was adopted and the chairman appointed commute for the selection of accre- the M. II. at which Mr. K. Murray will aprak.

T. II. Alhrrton will address a neei MASS Ing thla evening' In lha Methodist riiuruh at Porruneeton. tary and to rig the anlary of the same Navy Department Still Has Hopes; Kingston, via Mra. If.

II. Sawyer, chairman. brought In auhacrlptlon Amtroia en, ri. c. iiartman, r.u"i Dymond, lion.

A. K. I'eWIlt, Adolph Peace Fiasco Causes Austrian Pre mler lo dull Mgm O'BojIt WOI a.tnain nd IrUa-Caaadiaa Her Among Sptaktri for Missing Collier amountlnr to yesterday, making a total of 154.100 so fur. Thla the result of perfect organisation and hard work and the romnilttee ovor A erice fkig containing forty-two Miara. MrenUnr that number of voiing nun from Ht Mury Greek Catholic Church of Miiln street ho lu tmtcred tbo service of the I mt.d rttjiten cither in the army or navy, will oon be pliwed In front of die church by th paator.

Itev, Nlch-olaa C.hopey. The oongreKulion of Ht. Mary Greok Catholic Church la on of the Urgeot In North Wllkca-lkirre. Many of the young men front the church are now flghung in tho hencJi army. The name of the young men on the honor roll which huvo bcn aorured to Unto by Futher there with their moat able leader, Mra, kiawyar, are turely accomplishing OCEAN-WIDE SEARCH IS ORDERED CHARLES REASSURES KAISER BILL Toronto.

Canada, who oam. bn to at -tend th funeral of John Pickering, bother of th former, hav returned home. THK miCK OF A GOOD TTMET To-mornw at th Itlpproma A of lasting force. hom a iiiesaimi that wil demontrt It wotth a It unfolda Itaelf befor th million who ac It Tit funeral of IUohard J. Uynob of Fast Main atreet will held thl.

morning with requiem mas at St. Vincent Church at oolooJf-In-terment will In BL Vlncnfa Oem-leijr. Have you read what "The Profeaaor says" to-dayT Meat In delivery wegone mnat completely covered lwbr. why not her nlaoT A riTCC DAY t-dy from 1 LALIlC m. at th Ueme Turkiah BatS.

N. Whlrj0or St Ml May Jenkln. on of tha th-crs of Nottingham street aohool, who resigned to acoept a govornmaot poal-tlon la now at her dealt In Waahlngton, l. C. I hi nra.

Wintea-Barre will hav to Alarbanel and John Itowe. lMlng named. It waa agreed that the hotly meet Monday evening of each we until the organisation la perfected. It waa Rtiggeated that a skh-IiI ooiiintlttet appointed to look over the charter and by-lawa with a view of recommending changes If necessary thla waa alao aarevU to and lOrncst Walkiua, A. WllllainA Fred Payne ami Merry Kuachke wore named; they will ntet Wednesday evening of thla week In the office of A.

fcX William Adjourned to meet Moonday, April ii at p. m- ak up. Warrior Bun la aim) gettinr results. SEVERAL VETERANS TO TALK Cratrel Labor Union and Min Work era Join Plaai to Recrir Secretary Wdioa Mra. M.

Thoinaa reported 11,600 at Amsterdam, April 16. Count Cier-nln, the Auatro-Hungarian foreign minister, according to a dlapatch from headquarters yesterday. 'hoey are: George Kotch, I'etrr Kornxie. John Michftloe. Anare And Westmoor la working, too.

They VoratttX John flwikul. John Kid-iirv, Jcihn Selepak. Michael Yako, MicJiael SiokiU. John Fit a. John Hino- have 11.000 to Ita credit Mr.

Clydo Moore la chairman Of thl district. Washington April 18. rnremlt-ting search of trade route will be carried on by American and French naval and merchant veaaoia until overy poaalbl hop of finding aoin trace of the mining naval collier Cyclops haa been exhausted. Secretary Daniels haa ordered additional faat scout detailed for this service. Although to-day paused without a report trongthenlng In the (lightest degree the hope mill frit bv Mr.

linxtik. Hah. Ml. hnel Koacho. Anilrew Kotich.

John llliuor, Charles Vienna, haa resigned. Emperor Charle accepted the tealg-nation and Intruded Count Ciernln with the conduct of foreign affair until hi successor Is appointed. Count Ciernln did not know of Emperor Charles' letter to Prince Slxtua when he made the statement that Sewing School Eserelae Th cloning eJieivIsi of Ht. Peter's ewing M'hool wa held In the parish hall iaat evening when a literary and musical program, waa rendensl and Ice Kuchar, Michael llcre ky. John.

Her Mra. Harry French will be la charge ut headquarters thla morning) Mra. Jenkins thla afternoon. Nine thousand dollar from Pitta-ton shows that thajr hare begun the drlvo In earnest. oes)', uH)i-ge Kouicli.

George mmci-ko, MlcJiael Frakop. (Veorgo Scheroo, Georce lluvolar. Michael Stenko. Andrew Iiichkt). Michael FaateViak.

cream and cuke served. Tlili -nine cirtincatea wcrw gi anted for perfcti Panlels uid several of hi chief ms- sixUinL. tbee rrn.i I atti'liduuov nnd tlfleen lies for JoaepJl Gxurlsta, Michael AnderJhln, France had Initiated the conversation I UVe that ih vr.t isnna flcloncy lu work. Thorn were Michael Huxmokny. An.irnw nn- week of Arabian wUh Austria, accotdlng to a Vienna the :3 lues she carrlist could lu the Marguerite wj reported from kav.

John Krwvchak. o- Hon. P. A. O'Boyla.

associate Judge of Luierne County court, will le Chairman of the great IJhcrty Loan maae meeting, addressed by Secretary of Labor William H. in the armory on Friday evening. Announcement of other spcnkeri completet a program which promises to be of a high quality, and a well balanced. If not belter than any pr-vloua meeting. Capt.

O'Connor, an Irish-Canadian veternn and hero of 'he of the Mnrne. once rt on the field a dead, and w-ho has seen two )mi of the ht(i; kind seivlcv. will tell a thrilling story of the war. Aooompanylng the. valiant ruptaln will be thre Invalided veteran, who have Another IS.

000 Plum yesterday. bl John PerK-h. Michael Fit, Theo have been wiped nut. without leaving dispatch to the Ioknl Antelger. of Her lln.

On learning of the letter he re lYuut. JSuily Ihirhln. Thelnui nu ti rcstnurante, theatre, camaxeta Huxklrk. Kdna Hoyva, Camille Hh lla. Hollies, a shining ear, th Klliabrth Kvan and Derail lluike.

I uin a rood tlm. "I often dore Orosi, Htanley l-Vltz, John John Hrlclk, JoBOph hdor. aitond na much aa thla on a single signed, but yielded to a request that he remain In office until the conclusion of the peace agreement with Koumanla. EXHIBIT AT ST. LEO'S Mia Koona, chairman of the foreign spc.iking committee, report progress and a thorough cnvns plan for her large territory.

Three mettlng were hel on Sunday. One group of women from the Po Campaign for Coin "Wrn bad men combine, the od mit aoclte," Is the el.fn ef MisMiiee In the drive for the isle of Ihla ltriili i evening's entertainment and yon hav pnmls'il me six!" Such are aome of tho everlencea shown In "Th Prlco a Good Time," at th Hlppodromo tii-morrow. Mrs. Washington. April 15.

News of the resignation of "ount Ciernln aa Aus-tro-Hungarian foreign mlnlter led to rtuch speculation among officials and sale of the l.iliiv a trace. Order hav gone out. therefore, for the searching vetwel t'o "quarter" every rod of the route covered by the Cyclop and to vUU every one of the scores of Island which dot that portion of the sea. Kvery Isolated bay will be entered and every scrutJnlrM. Navy officials frankly confessed that no theory yet advanced to explain the disappearance of the Cyclops from March 4.

when she left Harbadoes, It was officially stated tonight that that wa the Indian port from which she sailed seemed I P. J. Higgini Will Demonstrate Use of Wheat Substitutes at Ashley lish National Alliance at Georgetown seen two or more yrars of art vice on nih.r t.niti. front I addressed by Miss Koona, ubsrrlbed 'diplomats here ns to the causes which brought about the rather dramatic ixlt s.r.t iritr, Privufn by asscsiitng each Other. A number of hi eternity il nt nie.

lin(i will be held doien ef end the throngs will be sddt-eMed by iKiupetenl speakers, who will urge all to hu a bond, and with tho rum already seeme.l expected the allotted amount will be were obtained Individual signature also. of the Austrian official at a moment On Wednea.lny Mr. P. J. HigTt" when, through his decided change of will give an denionHira- ttltudo toward war Issues, Involving Wheeler Krntlng of Fran id In atreet, Larksvllle, la visiting relatlre In Detroit Pon't miss "Th Price of a Oood Time," at tho Hippodrome to-morrow with Mildred Harris and Kenneth Harlan in seven big acta.

Special matinee tc and 11c. Won of iho use of heat sutwtinnca i complete acceptance of the extreme forthcoming lit nhott older. V. A. Millard will ieak In front of Willow street Li I.oo Cliurcn.

Aniey. ino plausible in the face of the facts. While It wn true that one engine was out of commission, enough views, it had been suppoied that he had greatly strengthened his position. This change was manifested anon after the Hrcst-IJtovsk peace conferences, where Ciernln had becomo convinced that his moderate views regarding tho basis of peace were un power remained to drive the MstJilp Pollnh Catholic Church, held a meeting and liberty bonds and war savings stamps we're liberally subscribed for. The Sodality of Pt.

Mary's Catholic Church also subscribed for a bond and a meeting of the church choir will be held on Friday, at which almost every member of the choir win dnmoiiMtration been arranged by the Uizerne County Women' Committee of the National Oounc of le-fenec. and is open to every one Interested. Three different kinds of bread will be mixed at 10 In the morning: tho exhibit will continue all day, and an cxceKent war cake, made without ten knots an hour. An internal ex plosion might have destroyed the Mrs. Christopher Hughey of Keating street, Ijirksvlile, la recovering from a protracted illness.

Wanted Girl to assist In nouMwork. Apply 127 Centre avenue. 8. Dick eon, E. Franklin and C.

Oowana. Thay were with the fffcit Canadian expeditionary force which went ever-eeaa. They carry the Ineradicable evidence of their lofty aacriflcea, loat limbs, gassed lung and the scare of Wound gained on the field of honor. Rev. Pelden Haynes.

of Kingston, whose fame aa an orator ha spread beyond the bounds of the countv and who la fast making a name throughout th 8tate aa a leading campaigner and speaker, I alio luted among the apeakera. Elaborate plans for musloeJ entertainment are being laid. Jamee E. Jones, Central Labor Union head, and President Dempaey, of the United Mine Worker have entered with heartiest accord Into the plana for a huge crowd to greet Secretary Wll- vessel's wireless and motive power at one Instant, but adrface wreckage school: County Cunt roller I lender-shot will dellter the ad.lrinn at the turner of Vine and Main at reel. Ke Jerferle.

at the corner of title and Cherry street. All iri.l,lrtit of Shawnee avenue between Academy street and Uaylord avenue will nitseinMe In front of Centra school, and so on throughout the entire length and brendlh of the borough. At a meeting of the captains of the various sections held last evening committees were appointed to see to It that every whistle, big and little, is blown nt 7 o'clock sharp, likewise every church bell rung, and with all going together the event will be history making. acceptable to the dominant annexation nnd forced Indemnity party. Therefore 1 woum nave reniajneu 10 mars, ner nrrir-ini hr arm inriinod in hiieve grave.

Enemy agents might hnve anv wnefll wimuever, win oe unur. Notice of thla work wnji given In all the Ashley churchej on Sunday, and gained control in a midnight mutiny, that It was not because the count was Halka Pinging Society will hold a meeting this evening the purpose of stimulating and promoting' the sale To-morrow evening at th home of Mrs. George L.wrenc, Bhawneo avenue, will be held a meeting of the Woman's Homo Mlslonary Society. 18 exiooii ncre or obnoxious to Austria's great ally that a of interest Ooiwj Uea. hp (n iVZt I n' the explanation was to be found E.

T. Bamford wl I conduct a den on- Austro-Hunrarlan issu. rauun in rciinn piuio 1 It Is recognized that Cternln Involved aon. Not only does hi position aa head I CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG TO-DAY at the Hippodrome with her own company In her latest six -reel comedy drama, "Shirley Kaye." Special matinee, 5c. town.

This meeting has been arranged by Mrs. J. K. Uttptlste. chairman for this section.

Annnal Election Emperor Charles In a most unpleasant position by his speech trying to fasten upon France the responsibility for Initiating pence proposals last year, thereby enabling the French government to deliver a master stroke of Liberty bonds. All ministers are asked to speak on Liberty bonds on April 21, which has been set aside aa Liberty loan Sunday. FlflEriN BUS ACCIDENT and front of the capltal-and-labor forces of the nation Insure him a big hearing by all labor men, but the fact that he waa formerly aecretary-treo-urer or the U. M. makes him In this locality a man well known and admired.

Concordia Singing Society will hold Its annual election of officers at diplomacy bv producing the famous meeting In the club rooms this evonlng. )otter of Charles to Prince Slxtus, Ro-Lunchpjn will bo served. Concordia irPnt eVpnts Austria-Hungary have also announces that Its spring concert that Count Czernln's tenure Borough Attorney Arthur H. Jamo.i Is attending the sesslona of th Supremo Court In Philadelphia. TRY CHIROPRACTIC FOR CONSTIPATION William Cosgrove, doctor of chiropractic, 73 West Union street, VWlkes-Barre, Pa.

Palmer School graduate. Bell phone, 1079. but even In such a well-nigh Impossible event, lack of coal would have prevented an attempt to start on a trans-Atlantic voyage. The possibility that a sudden hurricane, not Infrequent in thoae waters, might have first disabled and then engulfed the collier was admitted, but again it was pointed out that some evidence of the disaster must have been left In this case. Moreover, there haa been no report of a hurricane.

Manganese ore, with which the Cvclops was heavily laden, might under certain conditions give- off an extremely dangerous gas. Precautions had been taken against this, however, on all ship engaged in the manganese-carrying trade. As to a report that a member of the crew had written relatives in lUlttmore regarding an explosion on the Cyclops several weeks ago. It was stated at the Navy Department that nothing of the sort had been reported by Lieut. Com.

G. W. Morley, commanding the collier. and dance will be held in the hall on i Tuesday, May 7. Patriotlo Meeting A meeting of patriotic citizens was held last evening at the store of M.

W. Gillespie for tho purpose of organizing a third Liberty Bond committee to thoroughly canvass the township in support of the United States government. O. N. Postle-thwalte, chairman of the Plymouth district, and Joseph H.

Schw.irts. vice chairman, addressed the large gathering of representative citizens wh oattended, and produced great enthusiasm for the object of the meeting. Mr. Glllesplo was appointed chairman for Plymouth Township and William Drlscoll was secretary. A call for subscriptions waa made and there was a 100 per cent, response of all the with subscriptions totalling a fin showing of patriotic fervor.

The following captains were appointed for the various districts, with power to select their committeemen, whose names will be published later: First district. Mountain road, Thmas Warman: second district, Curry Hill, George Hunlock; third district, Johnson's Green, Edward Qulnn: fourth district, from Slckler's might be short. In the first place there was the frlffhtful suffering of the population, and especially In Bohemia, from the state of semi -starvation for which they held the government responsible because It would not make peace nt once. Then there was the bitter dis- MORE NAMES ADDED TO THE ROLL OF HONOR LIBERTY LINES I haa come to the notice of the Liberty Loan Committee that aomo banks In this city and district ax not giving frond purchasers, the Window emblem which la Intended to be placed In the window of the buyer's home. When a aubschlber to th third loan makea the initial payment at their bank he la entitled to a window emblem and a button and purchasers should see to It that they rot thorn and use aa directed.

Five persons were injured lat evening when a motor bus running between Ilazlcton and Beaver Meadow plunged over the side of tho road near Ka klA-h Kllll.l Forty-four' Americans Killed or satisfaction of the 'Poles nnd Czechs over the relinquishment of the rich Wounded on Battle Front inn AiMAiv Awn ii.nii dviiuii wmiy- lng. The bus was tipped over the erur Hiram Searles of Vine street. Janitor-of the public achool there haa returned home from City Hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Larksvllle offtcera ar buay killing off the surplus dogs but Instead of carting them away it Is said they are left lying in tho streets. The Board of Health of the borough ahould stop this.

country of Cholm to the I'kralne ns one of the conditions of tho Brest-Li tovsk peace. Finally there was the concentrated hatred of the foreign minister by tho anti-German elements of Washington, April 15. Tho casualty list to-day contained forty-four name3 divided as follows: Killed in action. 1: died of wounds. BOHEMIAN CROWDS the Austrian confederation because of his relapse Into extreme conservatism and his adoption of the Tan-German bankment by a touring car-fhat crowded between the bus ani-Tl third car.

Of the five persona -injured, two were reported as eerlonsly hurt. Mrs. Milton Colcralne, had her noso broKen and severe lacerations of the Gerald Fichter, of Coleraine, had both feet caught under the car, which was badly wrecked, and one foot was crushed. Other passengers Injured who were cut or bmlsed 3: died dause unknown, died or- DENOUNCE THE GERMANS frm to the Chauneey mines. Harry gnn; flfth district, Chauneey Mines to program In its entirety with' all of its Resident of WUks-Barre buying bonds from banfca within the city limits heed not reiport their purchaser into headquarter In order to have their name entered on the honor roll, a the headquarters secures the list from the bank.

However, if a Witkes-Barr resident buy Ills lioncl through an aatfciide bank, and wishes hi name entered on the West Nantlcoke Coal James Mc reactionarv nollcv. As it is understood Emperor Charles carty; sixth district. West Nantlcoke Coal Co. to Rantz's Hotel. James Dough Entente and President Wilson Cheered on the Streets of Prague erty: seventh district.

West Nantlcoke, The palace programs are the talk of the town. Don't miss to-day's it's a big Pathe special In six big reel, "Tho Naulahta," featuring two great stars, Antonio Moreno and Doraldina, This is a story of the West and East. A'w good two reel comedy also on the bill. The Palace for good programs, good music, good order, everything good at the Palace. are Sallna McCoy and Melvln Stone both of Coleraine, and Michael Baron, Dr.

Z. L. Smith; eighth country district. Wilkes-Barre lists, he must present of disease, wounded severely, wounded sTightly, 27; missing' in action, 1. Col.

R. C. Bollingr Is reported ts captured or missing in to-day's casualty lit. Kight other officers are named. Cttft.

Hyman Green and Lieut. John Alexander Ourrin were severely wounded and Oapt. WoJce-mon G. Grlbbel and Lieut. Arthur S.

Bugibee, Lieut. George W. DonneU, Lieut. Hiamon Gray, Lieut Thoinaa F. Hale and Lieut.

Reu'ben Moser were slightly wounded. of Beaver Meadow. Sterl Atherton. Arrangements were made to have a patriotic mass meeting at the West Nantlcoke High school auditorium. at which an oration will be delivered by himself still has liberal leanings and Is disposed to moderation so far ns war is concerned, it is conceived that ho might easily be Inclined to rid himself of an official so unpopular with a largo part of the AustrO-Hun-garian population.

It has been known, too, for a long time thnt the count has been a sick man and that he has often shown signs of distraction and has many times been near the point of absolute Amsterdam, April 13. Thousands of persons gathered in the streets of Prague, capital of Bohemia, on Saturday, denounced the Germans and cheered tho entente and President mimes iii Prof. Henry L. Jones of the Plymouth hia window emblem and certificate headquarters on Market street. Likewise, residents of suburban towns making their purchases throutrh city banks must take their emblem and certificate to their local headquarters to have credit given town for the honor flag and roll.

Borough High school. Music will also be provided for the occasion. Church bells and the blowing of whistles at 7 o'clock Wilson, says a dispatch from that city to the Lokal Anzelger of Berlin All the Czech members of parlia HEIGHTS SECTION Several dozen children came together last evening and paraded up and down Main street, some wearing the costume of Red Cross nurses, others as little soldiers carrying numerous placards of what would happen the Kaiser If they had hold of him. On the whole it was unique and gave evidence of the enmity the rising generation has for tho German war lords. ment and party delegates, together physical collapse as the result of his with Slovene and Serbo-Croat dele strenuous efforts to maintain control Killed in aotion.

Private Ovlla Case. Died of wounds 7orp. Frank Stiles, Privates Oscar Blanchette, Joseph L. Richards. Died of disease Sergt.

John Dejnpsey, pneumonia; Sergt. John B. The Knights of Columbus of thl city have, subscribed for $3,600 worth of bonds of the third loan. gates met In the town hall and adopt of the widely discordant elements that make up the dual empire. Hence It is regarded as bv no means impossible Surface settlings believed to' be from mine caves resulting from the breaking Th D1u Lo Vent Commandery No.

45, Kndg'hjt Templars, turned In sub-scrlptions totaling 3,650. that he has broken down In health and been obliged to give way to a stronger Tha Prioe of a Gool 8how down of props in old gangways in the at the Palace Wednesday will be Be. Empire workings of tho Lehigh Wilkes- Barre Coal Co. have occurred with In it bargain day. Don miss It.

Our creasing frequency in the Heights sec regular program for 5c. Matinee and night. ed a manifesto. The crowd gathered in the streets outside the hall in support of the policy of the delegates. The principal demonstration occurred at the clos of the meeting.

The feeling against Fofelgn Minister Czernin was shown by the shouts of disapproval with, which his name was greeted. The crowds dispersed singing anti-German songs. A conference of representative of all Czech parties at Dux. the dispatch says, unanimously opposed the establishment of a German-Bohemian province, asserting the Czech minority in the German speaking region would resist Germanization to the utmost. will indicate the drive la on.

More for Examination The following men are requested to appear at the armory Saturday evening, April 20 1918: Thomas Murray, SI Cherry. Joseph J. Salansky, 7. Wilson. Mike CUmchork, 114 Van Loon.

Harry Alex. May, 46 Pierce. Joseph Papula, 663 State. Abe Joseph, 105 Academy. Francis Walker.

Palmer. Michael Dula, 187 Barn. Anthony Baluponis, 361 Carver. John Middleton, 199 Orchard. Martin B.

Corrlgan. 21 Jeanette. Frank Merlll. 439' Falrview. John Mock, 233 East-Poplar, Larksvllle.

Henry Penxa, 317 Barn. Benpamin Williams, 91 West Broadway. Stanley Wengrzyn, 101 Franklin. John Dopkavage, 72 Julius Formanski, 4 Second. Brlnley Jenkins, 103 Downing.

Mike Pappas, 63 East Main. Simon Kllnkewlcz, Vine. Transferred cascsJohn Howells, 73 tion. Following within two weeks the' appearance of a large hole on Cross lane, back of Hillside street, the setting of a part of Empire street, only a few blocks removed, has caused uneasiness in the Fraruk M. Barker, superintendent of ttie liehigh Valley Railroad, and general chairman of the Liberty Loan oommiotee on Railroads, accompanied 15 employees of tho L.

V. to headquarters yesteday for final in-truotlons how to canvass employees of the road. C. F. Hess and J.

Bart Smith addressed the meeting. Burgess George E. Gwllliam was man. An official dispatch from Copenhagen to-day says Vienna newspapers announce that the committee for foreign affairs of the Austrian delegation has been convoked for the twentieth of April In order to give Count Czernln the opportunity to make a declaration concerning events of foreign policy. Parliament has been convoked for the thirtieth of April.

The same dispatch chiefly Instrumental In tho resuscitation of the Board of Trade and the fact that he has not thus far been appoint vicinity. City street department employees, under Grernllng, apoplexy; Oorp. John E. Clark, tuberculosis; Prlvnateo Charles A. -Oostello, meningitis; Arthur H.

ITobinson, pneumonia; Henry V. Trouitiman, pneumonia; Nevel Edward Wheeler, pneumonia. Died cause unknown Oorp. Chas. J.

Buell. Jr. Severely wounded Capt. Hyman Green; Lieut. John Alexander Ourrin; Sergt.

Hadley II. MucPhetres; Prifate Ionard V. Hildreth. Slightly wounded Wakeman G.

Gribbl; Lieut. Arthur S. liugbce, George W. Donnell, Ham on Gray, Thomas F. Hale, Reuben A.

Moser; TCorporals Ernest W. Blrch, Georgo D. Oliver; Bugler Clyde L. Jonefl, Privates George L. Brusso, Joseph P.rescia, Thomas Crockan, George W.

Daybert, William B. Gould, William C. Harshey, Fred A. Huff, Thomas J. Kilty, Frank Llsclo, ed a -member of any committee is causing caustic comment.

At a meeting of Camn 187. P. O. S. of A.

held last evening it was agreed that $800 be invested in Liberty Bonds. says that a great Czech manifestation of protest was held at Prague on Saturday against Count Czernln's speech. Interfer With Street Car Traffic Liberty Loan committee for the Stactohouse Coal Co. W. Ritter, chairman; V.

G. Watkina, J. M. Jtemenamyder. Liberty Loan committee for the Weat End Ooal Co.

Joseph Hughes, cnairman; C. S. RobiWns, direction of Superintendent Murray, have made three fills of the ckve on Empire street a short distance from Market street, but each time the settling has continued, and it waa necessary to station a guard at the hole in the street yesterday. The first cave appeared on Saturday. Superintendent Murray communicated with coal company officials, who promised to make an immediate Investigation.

Th eliole, which la six feet wide C0URTDALE Mrs. Evan Hughes of this place and London, April 15. Although there waij an clement of surprise In the news of Count Czernm's resignation, it had Mrs. John Scott of Lucerne spent Monday at the home of Mrs. Joseph A break in the main sewer line on Scott street near the Lehigh Valley overhead bridge has" Interfered with street car traffic on the Miner's Mills line.

Street department men are rriak- Kast Shawnee; Albert Obitz, 907 West been more or less expected by well In Main. Pepe of Plttston. rormeri persons here since Premier Clemenceau's revelation of Emperor Mrs. John Frallck Is 111. Plymouth Scholar Honored ing rapid progress on the repair of the twelve-inch main but passengers on the trolley line must transfer cars.

at Miss Bmlly Tt. Walters ef Willow Mrs. Cora Loveland Is daughter, Mrs. Charles Luzerne. Russell Boyd and Mr.

visiting her Gerlock, at Colander of Charles' advances to France. The fall of the foreign minister Is regarded generally as a propitiatory sacrifice for- his ihiperlaK-master's fetter 'to" Lansford and Bast Maueh Oliunk yesterday reported that they were "Over the Top" and. on the honor roll. Requisition for honor flag's for them was made ar once by the local committee. Lthls point, The repairs willrequir street, astjident of West Chester Normal school, has been chosen one Jot three member of the debating team to represent the school in the several days to complete.

nnd nine feet long and five feet deep, was filled with ashes, but within a few hours the filling had sunk Into the ground. Coal company officials expressed doubt 'yiat the hole In the street resulted from a mine promised'" to conduct' a thorough Superintendent Murray Is anxiously awaiting for this report. CAMPAIGNORKERS ORGANIZE Kingston spent Sunday with Mr. ani Prince and as being dictated by Berlin. The suggestion In Vienna advices that the country was Ignorant annual debate against Millersville Carl C.

Luedeklng, Peter Perona, Carlton W. Potits, Kdiward Schmclzer, Wallenty Sculski, Wilfred C. Trabue, Frank A. Uffolman, Ruseell T. Captured or missing Col.

R. C. Boiling. The OdI. R.

C. BolHiur, named in to-day's casualty list as captured or mieslng In action waa Identified by war dapartment officials as R. C. Rolling, of Now York, assistant general counsel of the United States Steel Corporation, who was commissioned in the signal corps soon after the warm-as declared. Normal school next Saturday even PLYMOUTH Swift employees of this city's branch are on the honor roll to-day with 100 per cent, subscribed.

of the emperor's letter Implies the lng. Miss Walters has been made captain o'f her team, an honor never view that his position intolerable after the French goYeVnipnt Save held iby a girl since the establishment it out. wr George-Hoffman West Chester. She Is a graduate Some German newspapers last week of the local high school class of 1918 deplored the young emperor's letter Sunday evening at 9 o'clock in the parsonage of Methodist Episcopal The Conlon Coal Company o.r llud-aon, through John Conlon, the president, 1 yesterday reported themselves I'M per cent, subscribed for a total of SMOO worth of bonds of the third loan. Their name has been added the honor roll.

and her friends hereabouts are another instance of Interference by airs, ivarus. Stella and Allen Covert, children of Mr. and Mrs. John Covert, are ill. Misses Laura Nafus and Florence Pollock visited Mrs.

Myrtle Shoemaker of Nantlcoke on Sunday. Elijah Blaine, who has been very ill for two weeks, is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Courtright and daughters of Kingston spent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. William Courtright. Mrs. Manley Craig and children, and Emma Dearden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

John Reese at Luzerne. Ruth Mackervlcan is ill at her home on Charles street. Mrs. Arthur Williams and Miss Rachel Morris of Edwardsville were pleased at the progress she Is making. Church, Miss Myrtle Hoffman of Gay monarchs In iState affairs without the The other meim'bers of her team are lord avenue, and Jamea George of this advice of their rhlnlsters, leading to unfortunate consequences.

place were married oy tv. u. it, Mr. Groh, of Wilkes-Barre, and 'Mr, Montgomery, of Philadelphia. ATTACKS PETITIONS OP THE ASHLAND WOODWARD HIekok.

Miss Hazle Allabaugh was Other causes probably contributed bridesmaid and Stewart Morgan looked to some extent to Count Czernln re Po serving of Success after the Interest of the bridegroom, tlrement. He has been constantly at The name of Prof. D. J. Cray of odds with the Czechs, and as late aa Immediately following' the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's earents.

Mr. and Mrs. George Papers of Internal Affairs Candidate are Under Suspicion Wilkes-Barre, an per vising principal of the public schools of Plymouth John, T. Dempsey, 'district president "ot the U. M.

find James K. Jones, chairman of the liberty loan labor organisations, have each sent out eloquent letters to all trade unions and miners' locab, urging upon them that tooth the respect due tho 1 great Secretary of Ia.bor, and their own interests obligate them to hear tho address by Secretary Wilson. April 2 once more aroused their Indignation by a speech In Vienna, in are both esteemed young people of this guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins yesterday.

Liberty Loan Committee of Chamber of Commerce Active in Big Drive A meelhiar of the Liberty Loan committee of the Chamber of Commerce was held in the auditorium in Miners Bank building last evening. It. was reported by the campaign workers that the wards of the city and the surrounding towns have been organized, and work in all sections is now in full progress. Tho Dr. Mason Olee Society has volunteered its service for campaign work at the different meetings, and gave several selections at last evening's session.

The society will sing at a Liberty Ioan meeting 'In Franklin street school to-night. A meeting of citizens of Warrior Run, who aro working to make tho drive a success in that vicinity wll be held this evening In the school building at that place. Rev. Henry W. Willlanis will be the chairman.

The which he accused them of treachery. place ana win go to nouseKeeping nere. Township, has "been -mentioned In connection with a similar position In the City o'f Plttston. Mr. Cray is one of a family cf educators whoso work In Larksvllle and In the township Diphtheria Cause Death Basel, April 16.

Emperor Chnrlcs of Benjamin, aged 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Slcmeske, of Railroad will stand "th creeping hours of street, died Sunday of diphtheria after time." and tho host of dudHs who Harrlsburg, April Four actions attacking the legality ef nominating petitions filed In behalf of James Woodward, Ashland, Schuylkill County, as a candidate for the Republican nomination for secretary of Internal affairs, wer filed In the Dauphin County court to-day by counsel for James F. Woodward, of KefHtort, hIbu a nfthdhiate for seerel.nrv. Thv will With the Women in an Illness lasting less than one ween.

The funeral was held yesterday afternoon with services at the grave by Rev. 8. J. Struckus, of St. Kasimer'a graduated from the institutions of which he had change, a vast number of whom mow occupy prominent Austria has sent the following telegram to Emperor William of Germany, according to advlces from Vienna: "Clemenceau's accusations against me are so low that I have no Intention to longer discuss this affair with France.

My cannon In the west Is our last reply. la faithful friendship, (Signed) "Charles." Amsterdam, April IS. According to Count Ernst Von Rcventlow, chief editorial writer of the Berlin Tnges-Kelttinff, the adoption by the Reichstag Church. Interment was in St, Kasl-mcr's Cemetory. places in literature, art, medicine and law.

as well aa other professions, will the Lihp.rtv T)rinp not forget Tslg services to theiri and The latest nobby foot-wear for women in neat combinations and plain leathers at lowest prices will be loond at the Tho funeral of the Infant child of Mr. every one wish him unbounded success In anything he undertakes. The and Mrs. Thoinaa Anderson, of Bar-, ney street, waa held Monday afternoon. directors of Plttston City will make in l-riiiaoeipnia, 'Hchuylklll, Berks of Sugar Notch, Thomas Eva of Askam, Hon.

Renjamln Jones, Georgo interment ucing in at. Vincents no mistake in selecting Prof. Cray. ana juznrno uountles. Tho charges Cemetery.

are that on tho Philadelphia papers I last July of the resolution against an Short Note and Personal Class No. 9 of Elm Congregational Death of Ruth B. Van Horn Ruth B. Van Hot'n, daughter of At Church will render the comedv. "The torney and Ms.

R. If. Van Horn, of 30 Minister's Wife's New Bonnet," athe I'-muuneH ana were inserted with rubber stamps, and notarial Is lacking f)n the Berks papers; that datfs were altered; that the Luzerne petition Is short tho required number of signatures and that some of the signature on tho Hohujl-klll papers am not genuine. Juuetto street, died Iaat evening of anemia following a protracted illness. UUU1UI1 VT CUJiMUAyVTCUlUB, nexations and indemnities waa du to the Influence of Krnperor Chrlej of Austria Count Revcntlow la conttnn-Ing his campaign asrnlnst th Austrian emperor and any that "MathUm V.h.-herrer, clerical member of tho Reich-slag, rend at a secret session of thnt body letter from Count Czernln to Emperor Charles In which ho wrot follows: "Austria wants, and In nny event, must have jeaee by the winter Mia Van Horn would be 16 years of William Williams of -Bluefleld.

nun next August nnd was a member of the second year high achool class. She Ward organization is about completed and with meetings scheduled throughout the city' results will soon bo forthcoming. The ward chairmen Jra: First Ward. Mrs. B.

F. Ma-- honey; Second Ward, Mrs. Kdward Backln; Third Ward. Mrs. P.

J. Ruddy, Mrs. Joseph Tischler; Fourth Ward, Mrs. A. A.

Beaumont) Fifth 'Ward, Mrs. J. Wallace; Sixth Ward Mrs. M. Gay nor; Seventh Ward, John S.

Harding; -Eighth Ward, Walter Davis: Ninth Ward, Mra. K. J. Moore: Tenth Ward. Mrs.

Russell Unl; Eleventh Ward. Miss Mary Kidder: Twelfth Ward, Mrs. A. Galland; Thirteenth Ward. Miss S.

M. H. iCHara; Fourteenth Ward. Mrs. Mary B.

Mack; Fifteenth Ward. Miss Mattle Drelsbach; Sixteenth Ward Mra. Harry Guyler. The committee in theee wards will be announced later. after, a few days' stay at Atlantic Citv.

People's Shoe Store 29 South Main St arrised In night to visit his motherland leaves again this Hociko of Ashley. Selections will be given by tbo school children. I. 0. B.

A. Shows Its Patriotism At a meeting of Wilkes-Barre Lodge, No. I. O. IB.

held Sunday afternoon In the new Y. M. H. A building, the members voted to do everything possible to support the government -in its fight for Liberty. This Imlge, of which Jacob Is president, and M.

AV. Wasserstrom is secretary, voted to subscribe for J200 of Liberty Bonds and also pledged itself to buy war saving stamps at every opixirt unity The whole mcuibcrahip present was filled with a desire to do everything possible to assist in pushing the third Liberty waa a girl of amlahlo disposition, beloved by every one of her acquaint afternoojrror Virginia where is is In ance and her death la a shock to her theoal business. fond parents and alncercly regretted H-rr Krr.hTKt-r said thnt ha had by her multitude of Juvenile friends. i izh nun rrorn Krnprir l.nSrie mifyiyi-ij hit imienm, una Help It Along For the aak of your kinsmen and Harrlsburg, April 15 The nominating petitions for Samuel J. Castles, Scranton.

for the liepubtifin nomination for In the Unkawannt district, have l.een withdrawn following filing of affidavits, that they had been filed without knowledge that they contain certain defret flnd that they would not have been entered If they had been know, sister, Anna, and one brother, Robert. thi1 the l-r ed this, according to countrymen during their trials and triumphs of the war buy a ticket for the Knights of Columbus war fund Count fievfitlww, the fVnlrlct" to ilpC'Tt th prarv" resolution The Tsres ZMlung prots sgalrtst what It rl. "Ctriperor Charle 'IHS'1-dllng la affair. Board ef Trad A meeting of tha Board of Trad was held last evening In town hall with Harry Jfrsenao, In th chair, fcwurloa; isatrucuoo have been I. dance at west's Hall Wednesday I P'f April 17.

Th K. of and X..

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