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The Daily Deadwood Pioneer-Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • Page 5

Deadwood, South Dakota
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DEADWOODIDAILY PIONEER, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1890. HATS. The SOL ROSENTHAL We are selling our New Stoek of CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, ETC, cheaper and more of them than those Houses that are advertising to sell out. ONE PRICE IMIadm- Street, CLOTHIER Deadwood. Is the lateit and nobbiest style of Si iff Hat.

The STETSON is still the favorite Soft Hat. We have them in all stylet and at all prices. Our stock of Hats is the most complete in the city, and prices thelowest. THE PIONEER. I aaMOOod data matter at the Detdwood Pomoffln.

WANTS. ANTED Two good waiter flrlt, at the weea. WANTED. A boy to wort In cigar factory. Wages, IS pat week- 1.

W. SCOFIEt.D. FR SALS Bonae and lot on City crack apply to 8I8TKH8 UP THE HOLY CROdS. WANTED active, honest man, aalary I1G0 monthly, If niitable, with opportn-nitlt for id vane, represent locally a responai-ble New York bouM. Reierrnoea.

MANUFAC- TURFB, Lock Box 1585 w.Y A ANTED A L'nl aman to do laun.lry and chambei work, at ine urana uemrai. ANTED A goo female cook at ANTED An errand boy wanted at Lieb- mauni. THE CITY. House to Rent Apply to Edwin Van Cise. Blacksmith coal for sale at Need-ham's blacksmith shop, Deadwood.

Oats! OaU! Oats! at Fish Huhter's. Oats! Oats! Oats! at Fish Hunter's. If you want your watch fixed up in first class shape take it to Morse the Jeweler. Ask your grocer for "Triumph" and "Pure Patent brands of flour. J.

Goldberg, Agent, Deadwood. When you want a first class meal go to the Saoramento restaurant on lower Main street. They never sleep. Chicago Dental Parlor, next door to Morchants National bank. Satisfactory work guaranteed at reasonable prices.

Da. F. 6. Richard G.

Anderson, civil and min ing engineer U. ft. deputy mineral surveyor for Dakota and Wyomine, Over Star Bullock's, Deaf. wood. S.

u. Paxton Gallagher, Jobbing Urocers, Omaha, Neb. Smoko "Daily Pioneer" cigars. Smoke Tans-ill's Punch 5c cigar Scofield's "Daily Pioneer" cigars. Goodwin of nneapolis, have opened a first class merchant tailoring estaDiisnmeni on towei main sut-ei Good work guaranteed.

A. Kodym, Manager. The best 6 cent cigar in the west is Scofield's "Daily Hioneer." Mining claims patented, milling re ar Thomas H. White, Mining Engineer, Deadwood, S. D.

Smoke Tansill'a Punch 5c cigar, GET THEM from Hawlet; Monuments and headstones. Look at this list of marbles: Rutland Marble I Georgia Marble Sutherland rails Marble I Italian Marble Best and handsomest Marbles in the world; all colors: latest eastern dp- signs. Excellent apartments and office rooms for rent Apply at Merchants' matronal Bank. Assaying and tests made atKerstini Go's, sampling works, Deadwooi and Siever streets. Do you uso Beat all soap? For Rapid valley irrigated native hay bnlod, in car-load lots, address S.

A. Flower Co. Rapid City; 8. D. Nebraska Sugar at Goldbeg's.

When you go to Omaha stop at the Hotel Barker, on American and Eu cut. His injuries may prove fatal. It was necessary to amputate his leg below the knee. He was resting easily from last report. Mrs.

Dick Dnnlap, ef Golden Gate, took a trip around the belt yesterday. Wheu in Lead and you want a good meal go to May 4 Kiopp's European restaurant. J. Blatt, manager of the Homestake hotel, Lead, is always ready to accommodate transients'. Judge Romans, accompanied by A Q.

Smith, passed through Lead yester day on their way to Ruby Basin. Susan B. Anthony will address the people ef Central at Miners' Union hall at 7:30 this evening. Everybody invited. Fred Doton's familiar face could be seen at his post yesterday, from which he has been absent for the past two weeks.

Susan B. Anthony and Rev. Miss A. Shaw lectured lost night in the M. E.

church at Lead, on "Equal Suffrage," to a crowded house. G. McKenzie, who is with Haines, the dry goods king of Load, took his first trip to Deadwood last night, where he went to attend the fair. Dick Bullock leaves tomorrow for trip down as far as Long Pine, to which point he will accompany the express messenger with the bullion. John Lanorno, while at work in the Highland mine yesterday, received cut on the right arm.

His wound was dressed at the Homestake hospital. James Gallagher, a native of Ireland aged 32, an employee of the E. M. V. R.

was yesterday admitted to the Homestake hospital with typhoid fever. J. James, the contractor at section 95 of the B. A passed through Lead yesterday morning on his way to Deadwaod, where he wus called on business. Johnnie Murphy, accompanied by following Lead ladies, attended the Catholic fair in Deadwood last night: Mrs.

SthckpooL Miss Katie Early and Miss Annie Farrell. Willis Malkison, one of Lead's estimable young men, who was taken sick Thursday night, is still very ill at his rooms in the Campbell house. He is a member of the K. of who are looking after his comforts. Jerry Shea, who has been employed as driver on the light delivery wagon of Geo.

Hearst of Lead, while turning the wagon on a hill, was upset and thrown out, mashing ono of his legs. Nothing serious is feared. The Roy monument was erected lost Friday, at his grave in the Masonic cemetery. Lead City. In placing this unusually fine stone the orders show their high appreciation of a brother who was respected and esteemed by all.

The stone was furnished by C. E. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs.

George Beemer re turned yesterday from Hot Springs, where they have boon spending a few days. They had a very pleasant trip, ana Dotn would have remained away longer had it not been that businoss called Mr. Beemer home, Thoy know nothing of their son Johnnie's illness, so they had nothing to worry them on their short leave of absence. Mrs. Thomas Bennett and children will leave next week for England.

Mrs. Bennett has had very bad luck while in this country, having been sickly for years, and also had the misfortune to lose her husband, who was hurt in the Homestake mines and died from the effects of the injuries. The THE dent yesterday while driving into Deadwood. When about half way down the hill opposite the reduction werks, on the Whitewood road, a trace became unhitched. Zevhers jumped out of the wagon with the intention of of fastening it, but his foot caught in something, tripping him, and he plunged head first over the embankment.

He strnck his head on a rock, inflicting a severe gash, and his face was pretty badly cut up. The team started to run down the hill, but he managed to halt them before they got far, and getting into the wagon, ho drove to the city. Here he secured some court plaster, and speedily posted up his damaged head. Frank Leslie's of Nov. 1 contains an article on the Black Hilis, and four excellent reproductions of Grabill's viows on the Homestake railroad.

During the recent visit of a titled Englishman to Deadwood he openly stated that although he had eaten in all the restaurants and cafes of Europe and America, lie had found none where he enjoyed a better cooked and more comfortable meal than he got at the Grand Central hotel of this city. Try it yourself. The streets were packed yesterday with strangers, tvery corner hold a coterie of politicians, discussing the probable result of the tlection. ist night's spoech of Senator Moody was a fruitful theme of conversation, and was lauded or condemned according to the political convictions of the various street-corner orators. Perhaps in no city of its size in the United States do the inhabitants pay so much attention to the comforts of the table as in Deadwood.

This is the reason that Charles basse thrives so well here. Nothing but the choicest meats and vegetables are to be found at his Denver Market, and he caters to the choicest and most particular trade in the city. Billy Morgan and his popular Sher man Street Market have bull! up a rep- ualion for handling only the best meats and vegetables, that is not merely local. It is not an uncommon thing for Lead and Control families to send down to him for meats and vegetables for their Sunday dinners Besides these, he has a large and increas- ng trade in this city. Fargo Sc Son are doing a good busi ness at the First ward livery stable.

They have received a number of bug gies and carriages and have several good saddle horses. They now have ferty-two bead of horses in the barn tnat is when they are not out on the road. They received a carload of oats and carload of hay yesterday. Grain and baled hay are kept for sale. Culf Coast Winter.

Resort. For the past two seasons the winters have been so very mild, even in the north and Northwest, that there has boon little need of lookinz for a South ern home. Bu, from every indication. and judging from the many signs that have never failed in the memory of the oldest inhabitant, we are to have, the coming season, an old-fashioned, cold. frosty, snowy, blizzardy winter.

The inquiry will soon be, "Where can we find the best climate, most attractions, with good accommodations, conveni ently near home, at reasonable rates?" The Illinois Central Railroad can take you to just such a spot, New Orleans, the most attractive city in the winter on the continent, has no superior as a winter dome, in addition to the many attractions within itself, which compose all that a truly cosmopolitan city can give, it bas, within two or three hours ride, on the Mexican Gulf coast, the most wonderful hunting and fishing grounds. Deer, wild ducks and turkeys abound, aud the fishinz for red snapper, Spanish mackerel and sheep- neaas is tne ueugnt or the amateur as well as the old settler. Then, the oysters, direct from the finest oyster beds. the riding, rowing and sailing, (and picnicing, if you please, in mid winter) with the invigorating odor of pine from the land and salt from the ocean, with a climate unequalad, and all within a short distance of New Orleans, makes of the Mexioan Gulf coast an ideal spot lor a inter Home. By applying to J.

F. Merry, Assistant Gen. Pass. Manchester, Iowa, you will be furnished with an illustrated pamphlet entitled "Mexican Gulf Coast Winter Resorts." A. H.

Hanson, Gent Pass. Agt. CHURCH NOTICES. baptist. Rev.

C. H. UcKee, general missionary for the Black Hills, will occupy the Baptist pnlpit this morning and evening. Come and hear him. Pioneer wishes Mrs.

Bennett a safe and pleasant Journey across the water. Tim Moran, who was admitted to the Homestake hospital on Thursday, Oct, -30th, died yesterday at 8 p. m. Fuaaral today at 2 p. m.

from S. Smith' undertaking rooms. The remains will be interred in South Lead cemetery. The deceaseJ had been employed en the U. grade, and was taken sick on last Monday, but thinking it was nothing serious he paid no attention to hi illness until Thursday, when be was removed to the hospital.

Death was caused by typhoid pneumonia. PERSONAL Joe Craig is in from Carbonate. Mis. Barret of Whitewood is in the city. J.

P. Smith of Rapid was in Dead- wood yesterday. Capt Grant of Whitewood was in the city yesterday. Harry Williams and wife of Crook are visiting the city. H.

Richuv came te the citv yester day, from Whitewood. Heleher. a resident of Hill Citr, is visiting Deadwood. J. F.

Buattv and wife camo ud from Whitewood yesterday. Jack Gray was a visitor to Dead-wood from Terraville yesterday. Dun Toomly was a visitor in the metropolis from Spearfish yesterday. Mrs. Sebastian Koenigsberger returned yesterday from a visit to Rapid.

George Mochel, of this city, was at Rapid yesterday, on his way to the Springs. Rudolph Ege, the schoolmaster of the Galena district, was in Deadwood yesterday. Miss Minnie Dooley and Mrs. J. Stapleton of Custer, came to Dead- wood yesterday.

F. Lamberison, a resident of Custer. returned home yesterday from a visit in Deadwood. Wm. Pratt of Piedmont came te Deadwood yesterday by way of the B.

a Ft. P. R. R. H.

O. Alexander, Elkhofn right-of-way man, came down from camo in Whitetail oesterdoy. Lige Fowler, a republican candidate for the legislature, came up from Whitewoed yesterday. John Gherkins and William Lynn, owners in the Ontario mine at Galena, were in the city yesterday. John Aj res, formerly with Star Bullock, now located in Whitewood, was in the city yesterday.

J. P. Miller and wife will leave this morning for California, where thoy will spend the winter. Dean Cushman came up from the School of Minej at Rapid yesterday, to spend Sunday with his family in this city. Mrs.

G. C. Moody, Mrs. Dr. Dickinson and Robert Hayes went to Spearfish yesterday to attend the republioaa meeting there last night.

CoL J. C. Casson, tho gentlemnnly representative of the Lee-Clark-Anderson Hardware company of Omaha, arrived in the city last evening and is quartered at the Keystone. Republican Meetin" at Speariish. A large house greeted Senator Meody at his address at Spearfish last night.

Many went from Deadwood and the farmers from tho country near Spearfish were presentalmost to a man. The senator reviewed the legislation of the present congress, and urged tho unconditional supoort of the republican ticket. The introduction was made by J. F. Summers.

Adriee to Mothers. Mrs. WinsloVa Soothing Syrap should always be used for cnudren for teething. It soothes the child, soften the gums, allays aU pain, card wind colic and la the beat remody for diarrhea twenty eve cents a bottle. Capital Surplus.

FroSts. .1100,000 00 20,000 09 ISM 20 22,480 00 1,009 OS ropean plan, 140 rooms, fire escapes, steam heat. Rates $2 and $2.60 per day. F. A.

Balch, Prop. The "Daily Pioneer" cigar only 5 cents, guaranteed as good as 10 cent cigars of other makes. Furnished front room for rent, at Mrs. L. C.

Miller's. Grnd Island Sugar at Goldberg's. Jim Harding, deputy sheriff, went to Whitewood yesterday to engineer a sheriff's sale at that place. Kov. A.

Bailey Hill telegraphs from Pierre to Mr. McPherson that on ac count of sickness he cannot be in Dead- wood today. Mrs. Hayes at her fruit store, upper Main street, has just received thirty barrels winter apples and fifteen boxes of oranges. The bazar which was to have been given next week, by the ladies of the St.

John's Guild, has been postponed until December 15th. John Elliott, publisher of the White- wood Plaindealer, is confined to his bed with mountain fever, and the officeboy has eutire charge of the paper. A grader in ono of the M. camps, whose name couiu not oe learned, was badly scalded yesterday about the arms and chest by the up setting of a bucket of boiling water. said the journalist's wife.

as he came home with a black eye, a cut nose and a bandaged jaw, "where earth did you got that display head?" Washington Post. William Selbie yesterday made ap plication in the land office at Rapid for a mineral patent on Buckoye No. 1, No. 2. Woodpecker and Chicago lo'les in Whitewood miuicg district.

The Independent editorials that are not contributed are stolen from Puck and other anti-decent sheets. The man who has been crying "stop thief," is himself a thief and a pirate. A cow found her way midir a house on City Creek yesterday ami got stuck there. It took four men to overcome her modest and shrinking disposition sufficiently to dislodge her from her place of retirement H. F.

Huntington, a cousiu of E. McDonald, of Central, if very sick with typhoid fever, at Minneiela. Dr. Wedelstaedt was called to see him, and after a careful examination gives only a faint hope for his recovery. The following telegram was received yesterday from a prominent Dakellan east of the river, to T.

H. Russell of this city: "Do everything possible for the democratic state ticket, as wagers are being made on this side, on its sue cess." At about noon yesterday the sky clouded up and the atmosphere grew cooler, with every indication of a storm. Towards evening, howover, it cleared up again. The streets are in a very dusty condition and a little rain er snow would improve them greatly. A force of men are engaged in removing gravel from the school house lot to use filling in on Lee street.

The stone wall of the school grounds is built about ten feet beyond the lots, on Main street, and it is the ultimate In' tentlon to move it back onto the line of the street. Henry Zevhers, a ranchman living lu the valleys, met with a curious accl- Block, First Floor. ON THE BELT. Louis Jacobs is sick with the fever. Laundry girl wanted, at Shannon's-hotel, Central City.

"And don't you forget your box of specimens at Barclay's." State Attorney Rice was in Central yesterday. George Wilkins, the tinner, is prepared to fit and furnish pipe, and put up stoves on short notice. Johnnie Boemer Ig improving veiy rapidly. Barney Franklin, of the Brick Store, Central, has a new stock of unbroken 0. all sizes and all prices.

Dr. Haines will promptly attend all calls, day or night. His office is opposite the Springer house, city of Lead. Miss Etta Wells is getting on nicely and will be up in a day or two. Murray Miller, of Lead City, will give you good board and room for (28 per month.

Singie meals, 35 cents. Give them a call. Ole Matson was resting easily last night, and there are hopes of his re covery. "Only a mechanic," but a good one, and guarantees prompt and satisfactory work Dennison, the Bleeker Street Blacksmith. Anton Jurich, the Lead harness maker, opposite Miners' Union hall, has just received a large line of blankets and robes, at very low prices.

JS. C. Haines, of the Lead dry goods firm, sold three cloaks last night, through their ad. in the Pioneir. For Rapid valley irrigated native hay, baled, carload lots, address a.

A. Flower Rapid City, S. D. For flour, feed and provisions call and see Hand Walker, southwest corner of Gold and Main streets. Lead, and they will save you some money.

Richard Johns, Col. Jones and Mac the Saddler, were rustling for voters in Lead yesterday. Hand Walker will receive a fine lot of dressed chickens today, at reasonable prices. Store, southwest corner of Gold and Main streets, Lead. Susan B.

Anthony and Rev. Miss A. Shaw will address the people ef Lead Miners' Union hall this afternoon at 2 o'clock. William Richards, succossor to Richards Lewis, the Lead City blacksmith and horseshoer, guarantees satisfaction in all branches of the trade. J.

Farrell wishes to inform his friends that he has taken charge of the J. C. Haines dry goods store at Lead, where he will be pleased to see them all. Tom Barrett arrived from Custer yesterday, where he has been spending the last two months, on a ranch. C.

E. Miller, of has opened a carriage painting and repair shop over Dennison's, on Bleeker street, city of Lead. Work guaranteed. J. W.

Curran, Broker, Real Estate Dealer, Loans Negotiated, General Insurance Agent, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Abstracts furnished, titles examined and collections promptly attended to, Lead City. Mrs. C. E.

Warren went to Dead-wood last evening, where she has a class with 31 voices, of which she is the musical director. W. S. Allinson, real estate dealer; loans negotiated and collections made; mining stock broker, notary public and conveyancer: abstracts furnished: fire insurance agent. Office in the Ost block, Mill street Lead, near the Lead City bank.

See big sign. Two lectures were given in Lead last evening, one on "Equal Suffrage" and the other on "UnequaJ Suffrage." You can see a finer display of watches, jewelry and diamonds at George Beemer than at any place this side of Omaha. Prices are as low or lower than nny and quality guar anteed to be tne best, ion mate a mistake if you do not look at his stock before buying elsewhere. Mrs. Nourse, of Golden Gate, when leaving home for town Friday evening, stumbled and fell on her arm, which was broken.

Dr. Freeman is attending the lady. P. S. Tetrault, tho Central City dry goods merchant, in addition to carrying a full line of everything kept in first-class dry goods house, carries the biggest line of gloves, mitts, gents' underwear, ladies' underwear, furnishings, blankets, quilts, ever shown in Central.

Prices are always lower than in Deadwood or Lead. While E. Mitchell was at work in tho Big Missouri mine yesterday he was strnck by falling rock and quite badly DEADWOOD REAL ESTATE E. W. KilTrs, Free.

Jho.HcNib, vice Pres. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK DEADWOOD, OCTOBER 2, 1890. Parties Owning Deadwood Real Estate would do well to eall before selling the same, on J. K.P.MILLER 06 28,931 35 es 23,664 0 10 W.289 42 Seal Estate and Expense Account TJ. 8.

Other Stocks and Bonda. Cash and 01 7 to 10 Syndicate 'J Parties Desiring To Purto Should Do Likeviss. Business Respectfcllt Solictted. WM. SELBIE, CASHIER..

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