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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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GOSPEL OF HEALTH. Olad Tidings Proclaimed by Thankful Ministers. for IVoale nud TlpbilltiUfil Fnnple. How llcultli nnil St.rriictli Readily OlitiUnuU. There nro no words so strong as tlicse by tho true 'minister of the One knows and instinctively, that such words come from the heart, and are uttered only with the -curncst purpose of clomp good to 1m- These great preachers thus a new Gospel 1 of Health to the and discouraged, which means re- newed'health, hope, happiness.

Rev. F. H. ISuft'uai, ot Winchester, y. who is Grant! Army Chaplain for state of New- Hampshire, says The remedial effect of Dr.

Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy on the weaknesses and nervous prostra- of my wife, was so positive and that we can. heartily testify to merits." Rev, G. Wells, of En.rchvick.Vt., "I have used Dr. Greene's Nervura Mood and nerve remedy with most ex- -REV. e.

-WELLS. results. It did great good for my wile. We think highly of Dr. Nervura blood and nerve remedy, and cordially recommend it." Kev.

C. I). E. Meaeham, pastor Baptist Church, Tovvnsliend, states: am very glad to say in regard to Dr. Greene's great remedy, that when 1 my blood was badly impoverished and nervous system greatly impaired, Dr.

Greene's medicine gave me won- relief," Eev. Heary Langford, of Weston, W. says: 'l took Dr. Greene's Nervura Hood aad nerve remedy, and am wonderfully improved in health and I can heartily and truth- iully recommend it to the sick." Clergymen strong'ly recommend the people to use Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, because they know it cures, and because it is a physiciiin's prescription, the discovery of the most successful specialist curing nervous and chronic diseases, Dr.

Greene, 3.1 West 14th New York who can be consulted free, or by letter. Keep Cool by Using THE KELLEY Shower Bath RING Hot Water Proof Hose $2 Express Ad, 2So. Prevents Wettlnn Head floor or Walls, Hornless Water Closets. Send lor Catalogue Proof Water Closets, Self-Acting Water Closets. Kelly Stop and Waste Cock, THOS.

No. aoi Madison Street, Chicago. STATE NATIONAL BANK LOOANSPORT, IND.3 S20O.OOO J. F. Johnnon, President.

f-, 8. W. Ullery, Vice President, i H. J. HeltbElnk, Cashier.

DIRECTORS. T. Johnson. 8. W.

Ullery. J. T. Elliott M. Elliott.

W. H. Snider. Buy and sp'l Government bonds. Loan noMey penonal lecurlcy and collator- mla.

iBgue special certlflcatea of deposit! bearing per cent. Intcreit when left one rear; 2 per cent, per annum when deposited ilz months. Boies In Safety Deposit Vaults of thii bank for the of deeds, Insurance ether rallusbles, rented at from 15 to 116 per year. KROEGER STRAIN, Undertakers fcEmbalmers. 810 BROADWAY.

CHAS. L. WOLL, UNDERTAKFR 417 Market fftxit, Calli attended to proliptly, day er Central Union and Mutual telephomee. No. 16; Residence.

No. 121. It doesn' matter much whether sick headache, biliousness. Indigestion and constipation are caused by neglect or by unavoidable circumstances; De- Wltt'e Little Early Rlserg will speedily enre them Jno. M.

JohnMoc, W.J.BRYAN Speeches of the Popocrat Candidate. DETAILS OF RECEPTION Some Notes and Incidents of the Celebration. flade Votes for flcKinley Here as Elsewhere. Mr. Bryan hiis come and gone.

His Is the conquest of delirium, not that of cool, calm reason. He hopes to succeed, not by argument that time cannot shake, 'but by the enthusiasm tlio moment. His personal therefore stands alone. It cannot be supplemented by documents. It 'cannot bo aided by the intelligence of men whoso work must stand examination.

The careful plans of party advisers arc -therefore, played its only card, aiiul what is tho re-suit? Two 1ihat will make iccpubllcan votes from now till election day, a glimpse of a man who betrays weakness and fajKVticism in every'c. incidents of a that indicated wild arc of them. Mr. Bryan arrived thirty minutes late. 'He was escorted to Judge Dykeman's residence where ho dined.

one o'clock he was taken to the stand at Riverside Park where lie was by Judge D. D. Dykcman. Mr. Dyke-man said: "Fellow citizens On behalf of you all, on account of tin large assembly, I beseech of you all keep quiet.

The speaker's voice is no strong for much speaking, but 1C you will keep quiet, you can hear him th length and bread'tlb of this large crowd Now, I want to introduce ito you th Democratic candidate for President the man who came here to save this country, William Jennings Bryan (Cheers.) Mr. Bryan said: "Mr. Chairman Ladies aad Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to 'bo -permitted' to address the citrons of this place. And I dos I re -to express my special thanks to t-hose veterans of the war who liave so kindly token part in the exercises of to day. I say, that I appreciate the attendance of tihose war veterans: the interests oC tho soldier will be safe In the liands of those who are fighting a important a battle today as they fought thirty years ago (applause).

For, my friends, it Is ns Important that wo pre serve this nation as HE independent naticra, which shall not be subject to the dictation of any foreign power, as is.tbat we preserve it is one nation among ourselves (applause). In fact I consider the young lueji of today who wore too young to have shown theh love of country upon the battlefield, I consider them fortunate in having an opportunity to prove -not onily the love of their co-untry, but their love ot Amorie.Tnism by boating'back this gold standard Importation to dominate and destroy the prosperity of ow people (applause). Tho gold standard is not an American idea. It 'was never accepted by our people; ft was introduced to this country in tho dark and without discussion, and has never in a single campaign received the endorsement of the voters of Clio States. It has bccffl kept hero -by 'fraud jind They have proposed issues, and when tht people 'have discussed issues and voted on issues, after tho election has been over they have come In and rushed tn th-is gold standard Idea, and taken another step which the people did not con template.

The battle of ninety-two was not fought on the- money question. The people In. ninety-two did not declare against bimetallism; on the contrary, both parties In ninety-two declared In favor of the double standard, and yet there wore leaders in both parties wbo ns soon as they obtained office on bimetallic platform, set to work to destroy bimetallism and to.make the gold standard permanent In the United 'States. 'the'people 'had declared against (be principle of silver purchase and declared to favor of the equal treatment of both metals, then our opponents -took a part of the declaration and left the rest. took up the ory agatost the principle that -underlay, the Sheraton law and then Insisted on repealing the but they substituted nothing 'better in its place and they said they would erect us a platform (applause).

They mate me think, of a preacher when 'he wanted to preach against the habit that the ladloa of wearing the hadr on" the top of the 'head, and wamted text from preach; ie found It In the 'Top-not come down." itfter IKS toad a regulation ser- mon, those who listened to him went home and then found' that the single sentence was "let be that Is on the house-top uol, come down." (Laughter.) 1 could not help thinking of that plan to take a parrot' the.sentence and giving an entirely different meaning from that, which would be given to tho whole sentence. When I say that opponents took out a little part from the Democratic platform and left the most important it out and refused to substitute a double standard which was plainly declared in the Democratic platform. I say, my friends, the gold standard 'Has nevoi boon Indorsed by the American people; why not? Why lias it not been? Because the gold standard means a rising dollar, and a rising dollar means falling prices and falHng prices moan hard times: and uo party dares to advocate hard 'times (applause). And yet my Crie-mK t'lie llepU'Mican parly is advocating indirectly the continuation of hard titares -wh-en it tells you that we must nwiJital-u the gold standard which made times hard witiil foreign nations got tired of oar lia.vimg hard times anil want, to-liolp us to apply remedies (applause and cheers 1'or Bryan). -We conic to you wilh open proposition: wo present to you a.

financial policy. I ask yon to remember Wwit the'Republi- cans i.n this do not present policy. They simply oppose, they do' not propose anything. We ask Cor free coinage; wo -have the free coinage of gold, ve want the free coinage of silver We have the unlimited eoiunge of gold, we want-the unlimited coinage of silver We now have gold and silver circulating ait -the rstJilo o-f sixteen to one; we want to tihat ratio and continue tho circulation of gold and silver at tho of sixteen to one (applause.) And we want to do- without waiting for siM or consent of any other nation on. earth (applause).

The Republicans say tho free coinage of silver will be Wall, my friends, we oitlior have the present condition conr- tinned, or we must liave 'a change. Now wo Oiave tho condition, we can- expect no improvement In times. If yon people believe that times aire as good as they could yon believe that our financial system Is good, an'd ought to be continued, then, my friends, you owghit to vote tho Republican ticket. But if you are dissatisfied with present conditions, if you are with our financial policy; it' you believe it can be improved, you have got to secure Hia.t improvement tUrbiiffli. those who want TO cluange it, in other words, who want to keep it as is (inpplaiise).

The Republicans either do not know what ought to lie (lane, or c'se, if they do know, they will not tell. Now. which are yo-u going to say? If you way tlra.t they do not know, you certainly can-not trust your affairs in the hands of people do not know what ought to be done, 1C they know, and will not'tell, are you going 'have more confidence In thorn than they have In. 'you? (Laughter and cheers). So I womlo-r which proposition they will take.

1C'they do not kivow, then they are blind lending the blind, 'and you know where lihoso people go to according to the Bible; they go to tho ditch (cheers and cries of 'that's so 1 if they know and will not tell, It means, my friends, that they not williug that tilie American, people shall know 'wh'at plan is until they get a. chance to listen it upon tho people, and then it will not make any difference whether they like it or nor." I believe tihia.t this people know wnat Mud of policy they wnnt, a.tsd simply refuse to toll the American people, and, I ha.vo an idea as to why they refuse to tell. They know that the gold standard is good for a few peojQc: they know ft is bad for the great of the people. TilKTOforc, they do not intend, fiat tho great mass of the people shall know anything, about their plans until after the election I li'avo another reason for 'believing that their refusal to tell ds due to their knowledge that tiholir plans are not good for the people. Whenever a man.

believes that he IMS something that Is-good for you, he will come to you and tell you, believing that yon have intelligence enough to occcipt tlwit wMcli is best. But, he thinks It Is not good for you, he will try to get you to accept it, not by reason, Imt' by force, by InUroWiitlon or fraud. And when I see our opponents resorting to intimidation, attempting to compel employes to vote for a thing, they do not wont, I accept It ns conclusive proof that logic -has failed and that force must be brought In to make what logic cannot do (apla.use and oncers). I understand thfat in some places the presidents have turned school teachers, and are attempting to in- tlielr employes. I do not go to the president and nsk.

him to deliver these votes to'me'(applause). If our policy does not comtnend itself to the railroad men, then I do not want them to vote for our policy; but so great Is my faith- in the merits of the cause, that I am wiling to risk the Judgment of these men, If they we allowed to vota as they please; and under, the Australian ballot, every man is 'per-, miitted to vote as he pleases yihen they tell me that, these railroad corporations are ugaln'stti's, I tell them CLOTHING. CLOTHING. We have no old shelf worn goods, but everything new and up to date. Read the following prices: Our $15.00 Suits go for $12,00 Our $12.00 Suits go for Our $10.00 Suits go for 7.50 Our $8,00 Suits go for $5.50 Our $5.00 Suits go for $3.50 DOG FOR CHOICE OF SHY STRAW HAT IN THE STORE.

25c choice of any of our Children's Straw Hats. Boys' Duck Suits one third off, thsy are bargains. Now is the time to buy a Suit of Clothes, a Hat or Gents Furnishing Goods, and 526 Broadway is the place to save money, These Prices are For Cash Only, JOSEPH G. GRACE CO, 264 BROADWAY. Republican Meetings.

Republican speaklngswlll be held at the following places in Cass county: Friday evening, October 9th, Johnson school house, Washington town- shiiHD. C. Justice. Flnklaiy evening, Oct. 9th, Royal Ceo- tor, Ro'bcnt J.

Loveloud. Friday evanfcg, OoL Obh, Hoovers, Q. A. Miyers. S.nturday evening, Oct 10th, Broadway rink, Robert J.

Love- cventag, Oct. Dtui Clymers, S. T. McOoniKell. Friday eveniing, Oct.

Otb, Onwnml, D. McOommeM. evenUag, Oot 10th, Hazel Patch school 'house, BetMeham township, Q. A. Mj-ors.

Saltuitfciy eve-niog, Oct. 10th, Center school ih'ouse, Jefferson towns'hip, D. C. Justice. Fiiitoy aftemooA Oct 16, Broadway rink, Han.

Frank Hanley, 'Euesd-aiy aCternoon, Oct. Broad- -iajj- riufc, Hon. James E. Watson of Rushrille. Generous Alper and HoTT'ard ainfl Cor- pornitt Tamner, Repu'bVtcans, and Generals Seigel fliKl Stckcls, Democrats, speak for Sound Money Tuesday, Oct.

13th, at 11 o'clock, a. Logansport. Tuesday evening. October Bab school house, Deer Creek' township, D. C.

Justice. Friday evening, October 9, Swamp school 'house. Deer Creek township, E. B. McConneTil.

eventng, October 13, Deacon, 'W. T. Wilson. Saturday evening, October 17, Center school house, Deer Creek township, Q. A.

Myers. Frld'ny evening, October 23, Harness school house. Deer Creek township, D. McConneHl. W.

M. Kenney, of Rochester, a form- or Democrat and a witty and eloquent speaker, will speak ID Cpss county as follows: evening, October 12, Jouug Tuesday evening, October 14, Galres- ton. Wednesday evening, October 14, Walton. Thursday evening, October 15, Twelve Mile! Friday evening, October 10, Lucerne. Saturday evening, October IT, Royal Centef.

Mimin A. Quinn, a Miami county Sound Money Democrat, will speak Monday evening, October 12tn, at New Waverly. Tuesday eveaing, October 13th; Deacon, Martin A. Quinn, Wednesday evening, October 14th, Galloway school house, Jefferson township, M. A.

Quinn. Thursday evenlug, October Concord school house, Jefferson, township, M. A. Friday evemlng, October 16th, -Gransinger school bouse, Adams M. A.

Quinn. A REWARD Of Health is Happiness The Indiana Depurator Company has placed in Dr. J. B. Shultz office at 417 Fourth street, one of their instruments, for the ment of Catarrh, Asthma, Hay Fever.

Bronchitis and Consumption We do positively cure the above named diseases also Rheumatism, Sciatica, and blood diseases. It you are afflicted or have friends who are afflicted, do not fail to investigate once. See testimo- nials of Leading Physicians; monials of patients cured, on file at office -M Parlors of the Indiana Depurator Company at Dr. J. B.

Shultz' office 417 Fourth Street Logansport, Ind; ward, M. A. Quinn. Hon. Hiram Brotvnlee, of Marion, wiill speak at Hie rink, in Logansport, Saturday night, October 17tb.

HOW'S THIS. We offer One Hundred Dollars re for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney Toledo, We, tlie undersigned, have known J.

Cheney, for the last 15 years, and believe Mm perfectly honorable In oil business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made, by their flrm. WEST TRUAX, Wholesale Drug gists. Toledo, O. WALDING, KINNA'N MARVIN Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials eent free.

Price 75c pe Sold by all druggists. Greatest Discovery or tfte Century. 19tb 1 Mcdicntv NXW RKMKUT Medicated Air Kor the Cure of Catarrh, and all Pulmonary It has no equal for Sick and Nervous Head- ache; people, ale annually from above named Why naffer and dlv when Medicated Alt If guaranteed to care you. Hlchmond, 8. A.

EXCURSION TO CHICAGO. On account of Chicago Day the Pennsylvania Lirie sell excursion tickets to Chicago and return for all trains, Thursday' and Friday, October 8th and Oth, at one fore for the round trip: Tickets pood for return on any train until Saturday, October 10th, inclusive. CARD OF THANKS. We, the undersigned, beg leave to express to the citizens of transport and vicinity, our deepest appreciation of their kindness and sympathy toward us -in our. recent misfortune.

STUDENTS OP MICHAEL'S CATARRH tl0n lj Ihla remedy does not. contain mercury or any other Injurious dmg. ELVS' IrjREAM Cleanses the Nasal Paa- sages, allays imlamina-i v-g i. oon, and protects Al A the membrane irom LAB colds, restores ine senses of taste and IT WILL CURE. A panicle Is applied Into each nostril and wreeable.

Price 50 cents at Druggists or by mail. JOc, by mall. OJbe whole system Is drained and nndermined by Indolent ulcers and open', gores. Witch HazM apeedUy heals them. It Js the beat pile: cure M.

Johnston, Natural gas bills. for the month of. October are now due and payable nt the Company's office on Pearl street OW papers for Bale at the Journal office. 20 cents a hundred..

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