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Albany Daily Democrat from Albany, Oregon • Page 3

Albany, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JjrtUuScmoa-at. OMR A.VU ABROAD Dob't go to the trouble of running all over the city, but go directly to Conn 4 Mhilihriii ersrir uay lb nk EAT. S2 CKNTS. Cases op Destitution should be i ported to Mr Walter Montelth In the First Ward, Mrs Dr Kelley In the Second and Mrs Sears In the Third, and hey will be promptly attended. Any clothing-left with them will he put to good use.

Tomorrow evening's Dsuookat will coo-tain Utest election news up to the tour if goiug to press. km 111 AMI riKHOViL Mr Kiwi I. ft llo()11 f()r IIIIIH'H. Kfy It Portliiinl. i the cily.

I. il. 'rtiui tljlllt(. ririn, ih in II, city. MiMiry I'ronk went to Allmnv Hcndricson'B and get what you want in the GROCERY line.

Their stock is larire and well-selected. Fresh produce Almanacs are beeomini ouIIh rmnnlnr The Bclahazzai rehearsal will he he'd thia I and fruits can always be secured at their stands at the lowest prices. You get MUTES Editor, aid rtp'ri brfxroi! tllie Pint Offlo at Albany, Or mijii, onnoiiil afaaa mill matUr evening at the College at 7. SO o'clock All with our officials Last winter a Heaver justice read a mdrriuifa ceremony from sjjeeml requested to be gOU(l goods and prompt attention. In momherrf are presunt an almanac, and some of the jurors last crockery, glassware, lamps, mey are Niornin to work f.irllui I' at that pimit.

Il will 1,0 in the duBot. Euifwin wecK ciaimcu Mierm liootn summoned them with one of l)r Janes' books ti 1M1 Uilicnuk, who died at Salem yester- also having a big run. No better place it, waa 43 yean of auo. lie had taken in the city for bargains ill this line. Ciuaid Ochoco Keview.

(.777 OFFICIAL I'AI'Elt. the 32ud degree in Masonry, lie moved Don't close jour eyes against tticse facts, LARGEST ASSORTMENT or HEATIHG STOVES. AT MATTHEWS 4 WASHBURN'S llro rHiiiaiiiH of (iodloy were 10 naiem irom Vermont id 1S0S. Fear's soap, of London, exnends be We neglected to mention vestt-rdav that urouuiit All.any thia noon and laid to rest in tlmci' cemetery, where abort services ere hold. ob Saturday ulght numerous gates were re- Rbmotbd.

llcPherson has re tween half a million and annually in advertising, half of which comes moved his loan and insurance office te uioveii uom their hinges and taken to other places. It was Haloweeo uight. Mi has I'ijuT, postal clerk on the 9 I' to 1110 united Mates. They are supposed to bo the largest advertisers in the world. opposite the Masonic temple, where at is KpcnniiiKa nay or two at Albany, the The pile driver has begun busioeu on the OtrOOJD EVEHI1TG KuchI of Mr bunion, lie has just and probably are.

The amount of busi firet Keutou couuty pier of the Alnanv With his new bakery Conrad Meyer able to offer old and new customers every thing tiratclass iu baked goodj. present. 110 iibb piemy 01 monvy 10 loaa on Albany real estate. a ii to rcailie. bridge.

Tue workmen uav no attention to ness they do, owing to their judicious advertising, is enormous. hii liorris mid family have moved the rain, being aiiuarJed In wet weather and work goea ahead regardleaa of from ily to Albany. A Cheney. uimihIuI liy a son, is now running the out luviniu. The Baker Citv Democrat refers to the liazetlo ol that tub II.

The following in the Circuit Court pro editor of an exchange in that citv as retcntlv with the ceedings of Lane county ie about a former the licentious old reprobate, irregular Albany man; State of Oregon ve thos I) I', has accepted a position with the II 1 I practitioner and general all round two legged piece of irresponsibility that is uusteu. Assault with a rtangemua weapon iv 1. 1, Hl! iiini, iiiicraior. Arrauue' trie iirjinl iiirv renorted atrue bill. He was Coi'STT.

Mr.rriiM, nt the rt-ni-imeu Mr and Mrs Clinu, in 1'rinp-ville. Siiinlay, Oct 25th, offlcmtiiiK, Mr 1' Ihirrinntuii ami Minn Jane All of thn new iimrliint'iy line been plarail in tho iiiill nihl now i'riiiovi'lo can taunt of ImviiKf iih Kood mill ol ita lizeari thero in in eiiMtcrn (Irenon. MnrM IIwIkph rt turned liwt Saturdiiy from California, wheru ho had heen with baml of Iioiwi. Mr HoiIc-h anya the unuertaKiiig to palm himself off as an ineiils have aim, been made by which the employe will only work about ten arraigned this morning and took until Mon editor." that is getting rather personal. day to plead.

iiours a nay instead ot sixteen or sev entceu. Yhe dispatches today leave lall guesses io Chas Ieland, son of Manatrer T.eland. doubt as to the elections. Republicans of the Hotel Portland, occupied a seat in The family of Mr Kl'riehard arrived from Dakota on Monday and have taken claim Piew York by 5000 to 20,000, democrats claiu. it by 12.000 to CO.

0(A). Kepub me police docket riday, charged witl being drunk. Officers Harris, Putnam homo market in ralifornia in dull, but licans claim Ohio by 20,000, end donioorata by 11,000 Roth parties claim Iowa by arm liacasiroin brought in tho voting up their nliode in our city. Mrl'richard is one of our Rood inechanieB. Corvallie (iaictte.

Mr Priehard is a brother of Itev l'richard, of Albany, and resided blood. For Bome peculiar reason, the lie inanrceii in (ihioh of nil he took there, and will drive another hand to California next hciihwi. 12,000. Republicans claim Pennsylvania case against young Leland was dismissed. uy 40,000 and democrats by 15.000.

Ke- nere several minims. rortianu r.x. publicans claim Massachusetts by 10,000 to l.lhott nnd family arrived lat I A Cochrane, of tho Woodburn Real AI.UOO and democrats by 10,000 in this city. Mr Code The financial management of a news week irom l.imi county. They tried livini! in wehfM)t two yearn, which was all they could Htninl, hence they return rant, a former resident of Tanuent.

re Will Stark, the jewelerB. Kreah roast ed coffeei at Allen's. ports Woodburn to be having a very live paper is a favorite theme with a good many journalists who have theoretical considerable to ImnchgrasH. Klliot brought out and substantial growth, lOOIiead of ycarlniK and two-yenr-olil building having been do knowledgeof the matter. Jim Kdwards Fronb hams, lard and bacon just received done there this 01 liaKota, furnishes, in experience.

steer. Ochooo Keview at Alltn'c, year. some practical points that have been of Keep your eyes open for bargains at Claude Mansfield returned this mom- Allen 8. niu; in me iuuiviuutii case. mm running a newspaper in Fargo.

Dakota, after ing from atrip to his hot spring rancli Wanted, at Allen's, 500 dozen egga near P.reiteubuHh. wheru ho has had giving his employes rach a check for several nun at work, improving the Hiheat market price paid. place. He ill keep a man there during Stewart Sox sell the rery belt patent their week's wages, he would invite them to take tea with him, and after tea they would adjourn to a commercial room. A little wine would be onened me winter, hnow hail begun billing tcinpeted shear and iciasors.

Mr William Cox has returned from Ladies Oxford tie at creatly reduced rates at Klein Brotv. Must be sold and a little game of draw begun, just for Portland, where he has been laying brick several months, and is now ready A Cannkky Allen Parker and on Ted, are In the city. Mr Parker offers to bring I Is canning outfit, a good one. lo Albany, and establish a fruit cannerv here under very favorable teims, and ifour citizen want t.ucli an Institution, and ther certainly do, they should get on tome action and act at once or tome other city will secure It. The plnnt Is a one, with a capacity of 2y to joo cases in 12 hours, which would give Albany one of the best canneries In the state.

A cap1-tal slock of or $7,000 Is probably all that would be required. Mr Parker will put In Ids plant at $4,000 and take $ioo of It In stock. Let there be Immediate action A lare Hue of elogant gold watches in amusement, you Know, ana before morn ing Jim would have all the checks back for proposals in Albany. Ho reports a tasty njw trays at ill btark and lay them awav for the next Satur large nuiiinnr ot line mechanics in l'ort All kinds of farmers produce taken in ex day evening, when they would be again land, though considerable building going on. ehine tor groceries at Alien s.

Oh! Ladies, look here! 6 ptcksges oda paid out to the boys, and so on, until the checks were worn out. In this way home industry was encouraged and the money kept in the city. at Alleo for lb cents. CIKt'lIT COIItT. See Read's line of dress gocda and silks before buying elsewhere.

Slate aat Joseph Peters. Indicted for "That is th first READY MADE suit I have worn for Twtlvt Years," a prominent busi nf ss man the other day, as he walked out of the tor of T. L. "Wallac Co. with on of those handsom patterns and richly tailored garments under his'arm.

Silk umbrellas in natural wood handles larceny. Found guilty as charged in the chftao at French's Jewelry store. Indictment. An Albany man hands the Dkmocbat the following for publication, which he thinks should he read: "The swindling You aet vour worth when you' Akkknhmkk (yity Assessor Porter has completed the city assess State agt John Jcwlsburg. Indicted for buy silk umbrella at tench larceny.

Verdict guilty of simple larceny ment roll, and the extension of the cor The fiuest line of picture frames ever in State agt McKinnon. Indicted for Albany at fortmiller Irving s. endowment orders now have completely collapsed in Massachusetts, and the Insurance Agent of that state has made an estimate of the harvest reaped by their officials. They had high-sounding porate limits of the city puts a considerable increase on the totals. The total valuation of real estate aggregates V1 Achison are selling monnmtnts at Portland prices.

IIH'; of personal property, offered glittcringallurements.and Tho very latest styles and novelties in the nvliii ery line just received atthe Misses mil b. banana see tnem. total valuation of all property, indi bti diu-SH, exemptions, 740, leaving the vain" of the total taxable property The tax levy, which will be live mills, will run one after the other have gone the usual way of these swindling concerns. There were, for instance, the Golden Grail, the Royal Ark and Friendly Aid, which arc now in the hands of receivers; tliB Red Cross, Annual Friend and the Wonder of Davis is now in charge ef the Del- raonico restaurant. Meals 25 cents.

Eastern assault with a dangerous weapon. Continued. State of Oregon act Harvey Davis. Indicted for seduction. Verdict of not guilty.

Schoo ing agt Jerry Hay. Sale confirmed. Sugar Pine I) I. Co agt II Knox, et at; forclosure hen. Decree of foreclosure granted.

McCIarv. asvinee I. Henness, agt l.on Conscr. et el; recovery of money. ConiinueJ.

Assignment of Kwong, Woo Kee Co. Continued. 11 Williamson agt Mueller; fresh. Everything first-class. 'the total amount of taxes to fli.oiil .57, an A Perfect Fit is Guaranteed.

increase over last year of liaette. Decidedly the largest and choicest variety of tea in town is at Brown ell's. Sun the World, which have been closed up; the Homestead, the Citizens' and the dried, basket fired, g'-een, black, English Mutual, which have disbanded with utter loss to the bondholders and all the assets hreiikiast. xc. in the pockets of the officials.

The aver GitoOC McFarland for sadlery, har- ni'uaiMa-Tiia- lawnssan age life of these concerns has been about newa. robea, all kinds ol horse cloth six months, and in that time all that has ing etc. recovery of money. Judgment 'or want of been put in bv the subscribers has been For first-class meals call at the City Res answer. No matter what shape the man, be long and slim or taurant.

Everything dainty and ntat. taken out bv the officers in ealariei. The Insurance Commissioner estimates that Minimi Mattkhs. ohn I. Hean baa filed with the comity clerk proof of $HK) lalxirou the Old Fidelity claim in the in district.

On October '-'1st A llalvorsen located the 1 lonest Injion claim in the Hantiain district, about '4 of a mile southwest of the White Hull. Two or three men who have come down from the mines report the big stamp mill nearly ready for business. It will probably be running by Nov 15th. Stewart Sox agt Sloper Vaughn; re 25 cents. Board and lodging $4.50 50,000 persons have lost an aggregate of short and stout, we selected our stock fit ANY and ALL.

covery of money; attachment. Settled. in tins snort time. I earns agt I.aban Case et al; on note; attachment. Continued.

agt Nellie Davis; divorce. Conltni'ed A Larg and Beautifu1 Line K'eischner. Maver Co agt Waters L. E. BLAIN'S Morelock; recovery of money; attach ment.

Continued. Ed A-ard Stover et al agt Mrs A Sto Overcoats, Macintosh and Rubber Goods. ver al; partition. Continued. IS THK Almira Miller agt and Martha Auk ani, Yoi'Tii.

Hugh Fields, of rirownsville, well known all over the state as an extensive farmer, stock raiser and speculator, was married recently to a M'ihs Stillman. Mr Fields is credited with being worth about half a million, and can support his young bride in all the luxury she may wish. Ochoco Review. Tho case is somewhat similiar to that of llenton county's half millionaire, Mr John Foster. Schooling; equity.

Continued. II Davis agt II II Davis; divorce Continued. Leading House A Complete Line of Vironda VVestlnke agt IV Weftlake; IN divorce. Granted. R(A1 Who Is F.

E. Allf.5. Why we Biipisised every one knew, bat vnu should n-ir iust ffive him a cH. opposite Is twenty years 81 2 divorces were granted In Multnomah county, said to be a record which places Portland ahead of Chicago. Take the country over, from 1S66 to 1SS6, the divorces granted were -if.

inraip nf i C7 tier rent in that Men's, Young Men's and Boys Clothing, Furnish the Mnson'e Teniidi-, and you will liud it the BOOTS and SHOES. Fine Umbrellas, New and Novel Neckwear, Latest Stvles in Hats. place buy good fresh groceries chesp. twenty years, while an increase of only 60 For barcains in innnu merits, headstones ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Tailoring. go to Aehisont Albany, Oregon per cent ill population is passeu 10 um credit in the same length of lime.

So that the in-rerse will be seen to be general. Linn county has been doing her share. Iti ii.niNr, ash l.oAS The directors of the Salem Kiiilding and Loan a-sociiitioii met i.t the olt'u-e of the secretary last night, and loaned some $3,000 at seventy-five 1,. n.iintiri. (tco II Hur- The best.

rint colre in the city at Coma ll. s. l.i"tH;li. And we would especially call attention to our line of 1IASSI.ER-CI1ARI.TON. -On Nov.

1, nett, (ieo lilngham nnd liarker ufvf fur niulitnrs to be voted lS'll. at the residence of the bride's par UJNJJJLIiVViiiAK, which is Large and Complete and selected with a view to please those who suffer with cold in winter. To see it you will buy it. As regards prises' would ents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. II, Charlton, in on nt the annual meeting of stockholders Santintn bv James Williams say that our daily increase in sales speak volurries.althowgh on Wednesday. salesman. OnTiik Rivkk. The William Iloag J.

Mr. 0. 1'. Hassler and Miss Icy liberie Charlton, both of Linn county. we make no pretensions to sell cue slabs of people cheaper The Dkmocrat unites with friends in extending best wishes for future happc than any ether.

came up the river from Portland today, and went on to I'orvallis. As the river at this city is only one and a half feet above low water mark this is early ness and prosperity. inrn. We belieye in strictly ONE PRICI to all and have FARI.OW. At Millers Station, Linn marked our goodi in rlain ligures.

county, Oregon, October 10th, 1891, m. R. Farlow, aged 12 years, 9 months and Qmi.lav November 1st. 1 oav. Volney Farlow, aged 9 years, 2 Wheat remains at Si cents, with very little movement.

Farmers who did not Mil when it was 86 cents are generally wailing for a dollar. Wl.l they get it? Makes thk Best. It la a well known fact that If you a etvilah ault of clothes made to order you have to go to Hlain'a tailoring department, under charge of A Schiffler. He has a fine line of suitings on nand and mke them In a manner to give general months nnd 10 nays, Deing crrnuren 01 Mr and Mrs A Farlow. Thus the angel ,1.

l.da nlneknd from the familv T. WALLACE CO. garden two promising sons and planted il. nt iminnrtnlitv. Ilieui These sons were favorites among their in thn entire neigbbor- atiSOCIBien, hood and school.

Rev I. Fisher, of the Leading Clothieri anil Furnishers. Evangelical church of Albany, officiated "On the fur off shore lliey ii meet us, -a l.nvA loved before. The Zane kid gli.ves mann-fscttired at Philadelphia rn the hest in the rket. Call at A McIUaiu and ex- rorrrs In their spotless robes they'll greet ns, For Many Years He has Been in the Lead and why? Because he gives THE FULLEST VALUE, THE BEST MAKES, THE LARGEST ASSOHTMENT, THE LOWEST PK1CKS.

come evermoie. mioe them before purchasing "'I'S'-'e F. L. KENTON, No matter what you want in Men's or Youths' Overcoats or Suits, he can fill your demands at a price that will meet your certain approval. Give him a call.

taking CIAl.KF. IS Choice Teas, Coffees, Spices, 11 XTRAOTS, And it Kcntral assortment of OC3ES SSL IE 3E2 225 Near the Post Office, Albany, Oregon L. E. blain, Powder ALBANY. -WJ wJ- Csod ia MilUons of Homes-40 Years tke StaeteJ.

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