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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Car 2os F. Shepard, Member of the Indianapolis Board of Trade, is About Once More. Cheese and Bond Bills, Dubois Beer Tax Amendment to Former of the House. A Sase cf $iy hieresS is Asyens fs? tfcs Psiiesf iR" ffcs Ocfras, Thfe ES a farm in Be Wi-ih the Iivl. One of the hoc! knr.wn men tho in-; with nM ii.cnni:. I do lint 1 IKHV mi; I ri'llll 1 Oil! OI! ilinnr.piilis ISunrn "I I is I.III-IIK I 1 piivniii-ins 1 I "wil aril, who fur several ynri ln-i-ii VIMI-: with tliir IIIIIIM- II. I 1 "I rii.l i'lni; 1'ills, Mr. i.iuir, uany, nnd with inastiK-lic liki; I-. vi-icnm. inv il.irmr.-!;* in tin- I'lii-y Miid I lie is of all mihjcfts nnd is pspci-iiilly ill I 'i'-; inn I can- tics and medicine.

his linn- Sll nu: ness in his cnnviciions ami tin- willi I c.f. Ti.i-y vaiviuii! Unit friends for imiiily, i-vcri sometimes olistiiiuto in their opinions, have ilic force of c-hiinictt-r tiiat win admiration HIH! friendship. So feu- months wlit-n tlie news to his old nsjooiatixs na tin; lionrd of Trade that Mr. received slroko of paralysis and that the prolmUilities were Hint his (lays of usefulness 'eiv over, und tlnit porhups his hours worn nnmiici'e'l, est svmpiithy went out to tin: smitten Mini und h'is fnmily. seeiaed lo his frit-mis almost impossible thut iliis.

old man, no wholesomely iieui-iy mid always u- picture of health fin- CIS CHEEKS WEP.E I.IKK THE KOSii ix TIU-: KNOW: could have been so lai'l T.itt it true nnd mrtv.y uvcks before Kis well-known fnrm kindly returned tn his His re-nppwu-nnce wns inndo tl" occasion of hearty welcome mi'l tin- sti-ry ol'lik illm-ss and is well worth the "I was taken sick." sai-l Mr. Slu-pard, "on ti'ic 17th of IM'J- As I all n.Ioii'4 brea of opinimi (hut I was made of may well UTn-vc tlwt inra-i hard for. mt: to llit- that I was to be laid up for more tlitm a'day or two. I rim 38 yi-urs old, nnd '10 years nn to thtf'time of thisaimck, 1 hail not had a (lay's sickness. doctors wiio diiignnscd uncase saw at once tlmt it was serious.

They at firrt said that it was lumbago then sciatic rlicumiitii-ni. They liaiilly Bnme to the they did not know what was the matti-r with me, experienced no puin, my head was clear, my tip- petite Rood, hut I lost tho use of myself from I ray hips down. This was hard stroke- to un nciive man who hn.s nlwnys hnd ,1:1 i tusy pnir of legs. I-fy hrothcr-in-law, 'is a physician, eamc from neighboring city to si-c me. He nroiiounceu inv affliction to be locomotor ntnxin.

I am of the opinion tlmt he cXii-mowi! the cnsc.correctly I wns absolutely par.ilyzcd from tnc hips' down. Before he ctur.c, however, a day or so bc- SbrR I hnd bcctin takinp Dr. Williams' 1'infc Pills for Pule' People. That vns on the 20th day of hist October. I reiut nn article in the jndia-napolls jVm-s nnd saw testimonial dc- scribin" cnses cured that were similar to mine.

It struck me that the remedy could not do me any harm and I began to hike the I bejran taking theni I could not ptir a peg, but had to he carried from pliice to place. I hud not cot far into the box I ft-lt that deliverance from my enforced inaction hud come. Ik-fore I finij-hed i the sccocd box I was able to walk walking ulna i'or 1 I'ink Pills, 1 1 have them 1 sn-vi-r gave 10 iiny iiro- prii-tary nicdicini' lii-i'iin- in my life. J'l-r- iiilps it may not lie 10 do su this I Carlos F. has hern a n-sidi'nt oi Jndiamipdlis for over Ildives 'in N-i.

7i'n Kiisi Ohio He nlwnys l.een nil his nninv frit-mis will rojuiin- tlnit lie bus liter- liilly'l-i-oii put his tVct iisnin. 1 not only well-known locally but i to gruin 1 shippei-s nil ovor Iinliunn ami Illinois. ing frmii eonititinn ofihe blood, such us nnd sallow i-oniiiii-xinii, muscular loss of appetite, ji-pri'ssioii of spirits, luci; of iiinbitioii, niiiu- mill, 'jhli'-rosis or jrrecn sifkness, paljiitalinn til'the of bri-nih on sliuhi. exertion, coldness of hands or fet-t, swelling of the feet und limbs, pain in the bark, nervous heiuliiuiie. dizzim-ns, loss of nieinury, fiviilc- ness of will, riiiging in the enrs, onrly decay, nil forms of female weiiltness, li-iK-orrliiuii, tardy or irrr.ffiilur periods, of mouses, hysteria, paralysis, loraimotor iitaxia, rhenmnti-Mi, all disc-uses depending on vitiated luiniors in the blood, causing scrofula, swellrd fever rickets, hip-ininL diseii-scs, bnneiroack, uefiuircd de- fiii'mities, decayed bows, chronic erysipelas, cntnrrh, eonsiunpt.ion of the bowels and and ulso Ibr invigorating the bloud and system when broken down by overwork, worry, disease, excesses und indiscretions of living, recovery IVotii as fevers, loss oi'vital powers, spermatorrhoea, early decay, old age.

These pills nn: not a purgative medidae. They contain nothing that could injure the most delicate svslern. They act directly on the blood, supplying to tlie blood its life-giving qualities by assisting it to absorb oxygen, that great supporter of nil organic life. Jn this way the bloou, becoming "yuilt and being supplied with its Inekiiik' constituents, beconies rich nnd red, nourishes the various organs, stimulating them to activity in the performance of their functions, and thus to eliminate diseases from the system. These Pills ore manufactured by the Dr.

Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, nnd arc snld only in boxes bearing the (inn's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for nnd are never sold in bulk: They mny be had of all druggists, or dirnet by mail from Dr. Williams' Company. The price at which pills are sold makes course of treatment inexpensive as compared with other THIS LOOKS AS IF HE READ LIFE THE LEADING MOST REFINED HUMOROUS PAPER OUT TWO SKELETONS. One. In Over Four Timi-s aa Liirce in OdiL-r.

Tbc larffpstcnd smiUlcst slJclotons ol OVLT proscrved arc kept in Vhc museum of tbu Royal Co I logo of Surgeons, in Lincoln's ln.n Fields. Locdou, says the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. One is Cour incli'es in htigMt. The other is Icsn than feet.

Charles Uynie. the famous Irish gfianl, who more generally known as O'Drien, died in 1T33, when he was 22 old. ITis capacity for liquor was in Koepinfr with his high physical proportions. So keen was his anguish over losing- nil Iris a £300 note, that he drank 11 cask of ale in one- day. The day following he dead.

Bryne hnd a fyreat dread of becominga:;n subject. ITc rriade a bargain with a fishcnnan before he died to tu'ke his body out into the channel and throw it overboard. the lOnglisii sursrcon, learned of liiis arn-iiR-i: and by the ho prevailed upon thorn UK! to the letter, but U- 1 a. to the body draft it dp afrain nftr-r it had been im- The served two innators and Hunter ffot the body. The Kkcleton in that, (7a.rn1ino Cracliami, the Sieiliau dwarf, who was exhibited in Europe in the early part of The child'did not RTOW after birth, and before she reached her teens she died.

Her body, it is said, was sold to aBrit- ish stirfroon by her paj'cnts. Beside the giant's frame stands one of tlio boots he wore when he died. The skeleton of the dwn.rl 'can' be slipped into it as easily a pipe stem. of tho GUU)N. Before the Gauls were conquered by the Romans they bad boots or shoes with soles in which were silver-headed nails.

Some of these have been discovered in late years. The latter kind of boots and long- pointed ones familiar in pictures of the 14th century, und others, are more generally known. Suhhnth in Scotland, Scotland's Sabbath is losing its sanctity. Driving, cycling and golf oaSun- clay have now been, followed by a vote of trio Glasgow corporation throwing open the piiljlic bath-bouses for 'our hours on Sunday Coition Kod. The.

golden rod, which was advocated some time ago as tho flowr of the United States, is'cmblercatic of coiirag-enier. Wushington, -May the senate Wednesday the eonfereuue report ou the naval apnropriatiou bill taken up, rend nnd agreed-to. As it left some matters still unatljusU-cl in the question of but tic further uou'fc-j-enec was or- dei-i-d. And then on motion of Sen.Ttor Harris Tenii.) the Semite proceeded to the consideration of executive busi- At the doors were opened und btisincs-v "was filled cheese-bill being taken tip, on tlie pending- question was the ninendinent oik-red by Senator Dubois Idaho) imposing- an additional tax 70 ceil Us a barrel on lager beer, ale and porter. The vote was taken and the amendment-was 27; nays, 34.

At two o'clock the filU-d clu-cse bill went over nd the.prohibitory bond bill was takt-n up. Senator Hiiiisbvough X. DO made an arg-iiinent iii favor nf the bill being necessary, he said, to limit the overshadowing power of the executive branch of the jfovenini'ent bordering-on He snggt-stefl toScn- ator Sherman to, have i-he Ding-ley cniergeiu-y tarill' bill taken from the eaiendar. 'nnd to have substituted for it a bill placing a duty on tea and cofTee an additional tax on beer. Senator Morgan -Ma.) jjiive notice of an iimeiidniont to tax al! American cheese ottered t'o'rsnli' in the mnr- het one ei-nt a pnund in addition to the tux on filled c.heesi-.

Senator Klkins Vn.) opposed the bill as a measni-e tliatmight, in certain c-oiilingencies. be very cmb.lrrass- ingaiid niiglit 1 bring the government to a Ktnndsfill. The executive, he-argued, should have puwei 1 to Vorrow money on some kind of bonds, jlouso May the house Wednesday a ell'ort or two to ob- lain nnaninionn cotisi-nt for the consid- crntiun private biiis withered and died undi-i- Mr. Neb.) objection, and la.) called up the eonfei-unce report on the bill to relieve settlers cm the iiulemnity luuds, a.nd it agreed to. Mr.

Vyo.) asker'i unanimous eonseni. for the eonsideration of senate eoneunvnt resolution, as amended by ihc house coiiimilti-i- on public hinds, directing the secretary of the ijilerior to v't-suniu delay tlie issuing nf patents to the I'aciiic inilwiiy coinpnny to all bind sold by the ciimpany to bona lido settler's. With an amt-ndemnt house, late Tuesday, by vote of 105 vo 09, piisseil the bill" to repca.1 section (il. of the Wilson tarill' bill of which provides for rilcobol in tho and manufactures. The nflirniativt- vote wa.s composed of democrats a.nd five populists; the negative vote of 00 republicans and nine crats.

Komliintlnim Conllrinnil. Washington, 'May senate Wednesday confirmed the following nominations: Dominic. I. Murphy, Pennsylvania, to be of pensions. Napoleon J.

T. Dana, of New Hampshire, to be UrsL deputy commissioner ol' pensions. William F. Stintls, of the District of Columbia, to bo second secretary of legation nt Tuklo, Jupan. Lieut.

L. C. T.amiy, to be advocate-general of tile navy, the rank of captain. A NEW DEPARTURE. Motlioilixt Conforoiii-ii Votes lo Co luto Oejiorul liisuninuu Uiisliiuss.

Cleveland, 0., May fuatinv of morning of the gen conference of the M. K. church wns the adoption rhu resolution providing for an immense ofihrch insiinince com- ptir.y to compete with the great com- panics-'of the wns and confusion reigned all morning. Uishop Fowler, who presided, hnd his hands full to keep order. The light over the formation of the new insurance company was short, but it was the greatest parlinmcntnry baltlc of the session.

The conference wrangled for a half hour over the adoption 'of a resolution providing for a constitutional coin- mission. It will be composed of six ministers, six Jny men and three bishops, and to the general conference of SHOO. It, wa.s decided lo spend $1.000 towurd r.idins- in the publication of hymnal for the'use of the Danish and Norwegian congregations. Tho. committee on state ot the church reported, in favor of.

organizing a mutual church insurance company, tho iffairs to be in charge of n-board of insurance, and the company to do a general fire, lightning and tornado business. Will itim II. Swindells, the chairman of the committee, said that the plan was practical nnd that its adoption meant saving of'millions of dollars to the church. The report organizing nn insnrnnco. company was adopted timid great enthusiasm.

Young women wlio take books at the circulating library a-re imprudent to use their pages as They arc doing wrong also, for it is against the rules. A copy of "Lord Ormond and Tlis Aininta," which has been in usein a Philadelphia library, held in front of a ih-ror revealed rhe inscription: "I Ki'inJ-you my beart with a kiss," All wonicn finish' their letters with that phrase, which cannot therefore betray but in this the signature was there. 'i 'a i J-" ruticisco a.utlioriKed''by; the to'study into' workings of electrical and telephone systems in the United States, The commission is composed of S. Mine. K.

and Y. Wadachi. Tlu'y will be about, two weeks iu examining into the. teie.pb.ono and clcc- fricaJ systems of Ran Francisco, Sacramento, l-'i-csno and other cities, and will (hen proceed to eastern cities. They oxpoct to be absent from six or seven months, "All over our empire now," said Commissioner Mine, "there is great interest in electrical power and in r.lectriisaJ lighting.

Electricity lias been introduced in several cities, but the government wants it all over the country. It is. the way with telephones. have seen the value of 1-hcm and desire to have then generally adopted." "It is our intention lo study into the workings of botli systems in the United Slows. We want to generate eliintri- city from the many powerful waterfalls in our country and use it for electric railways, general power and lighting.

Wherever we can we intend to use electricity. It will, according to the ideas of our government, be especially valuable in connection with our various public nnd private enterprises. "It is onr (It-sire also to utilize the long-distance telephone in Japan. Mr. Xr.tnvama and Mr.

Wadachi, who are with me. arc experts on telephonic subjects." HUSBAND WANTED PIN MONEY. Household Brudfo nt Ualtlmoro Fined for Bolus Snuoy to IJln Wife. Mow the new woman and-the new man get along'together in practical life, ns illustrated in a case before Police Griiiman in Ualtimore the other Mrs, Ida Kulin, a. good-looking vvuinnn, htul her husband arrested on the ehnrgc of abusing her.

Mrs. Knhn, who is a collar-maker, testified that she bad supported herself and her fam- for years. The husband said while his wife worked at the fac- ory he attended to the sent them to school and performed rhe other household duties. All lit was a little spending money on Saturday nifijht, and it the argument about, this that led to bis arrest. Mrs.

Kulm said she could pet a girl ro do the work her husband far J1.25 a she would not. have lo any imperLinence. fined- Knhn one dollar -nutl coins, and as wifu would not pay up he had lo fj'o default. i TO USE ROENTGEN RAYS. Coinji.iny Is Formed lo tlie Kay tho Countvy, The Jlay oompany.of Clii- t-ago, is first carpora.lion organised I urn ihc cathode ray into profit.

The company was incorporated under the laws of New Jersey nnd received its charter ihe other day. The capital slock is $100,000, of which is. and paid in. The purucso cf the compa.ny is to show the of the- ray by means of tilt- radiosi-ope. similar to tbr rooms will be opened in -New Crooklyn, Boston, I'liihuk-iphin, New Orleans.

Cincinnati, St. Louis. Denver, Sa.n Francisco nnd Chicago. The radioseope has t-he Croolics tube, fti is providwl with the fluorescent screen used by IJdison, so that pictures are thrown upon a screen instead of a sensitive plate. Those-now interested I Ihc company are.

I'ifxgcrald Murphy, Clarence B. Piiehiird M. J. Kow- Icy and Dr. Prat t.

lo'JIilllK Juut: "13. Washington, May 27. Cole Wednesday sentenced Ii-vin Ford (colored), the iniirdcTCi-of ICIsie Kreglo, to be hanged at the district jail on dune 20 next. THE MARKETS. Etc.

CHICAGO, 27. anrt unchansuil. 1.ile us follows: SO- stmlffhts, .10: clours, ccoiias. J2.0C(fii!0; low ftratles, SS.MftiS.K); balturs'. M.lC5i;2.":iii: prndes.

Sl.W Red DDK, Hye, aclive nn- May, July. ic: September, CGiMHic. No. 2. 2 S-fcllow, June, July, Scptinnber, 'ic.

with inoOfratc trndinff. May, 1 July, Scpleni- er Sumr-k-s lower. No. IT'S 3 White, No. 2, No.

2 Wh.lte, dull and weak; buyers scnrco. Xo. 2 cnsli, sample lots, 'uly delivery, Silo. smallui', out dfi- mnnd llKht' und feollnpr easy at former prices. Thin quotable at Kfj2Tc; lair weight, but eolor, (food color, nlr to Rood weig-lu, 2U4i''2c; choice to uncy.

MESS rather liberal id demand fair. Prices easier. Quota- Ions mused nt for cosh; SB.So for May; SS.Oi{i'T.(-0 for and Suiitnmbcr. moderate nnd orTerinprs Pi-Ices easier, Quotations ranged at for cash; W.ltSM.lS for May: vl.37V-@-i.22Vi Tor July, and SJ.32K-©l.oH4 for September. BUTTKTt Quiot find ratner tame.

Creameries, ItifJiau: Dairies, LIVE POXJLTBY Only moderate dfl- (idnd Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks, fiJiilOc per pound; Geese, per dozen, YonK, Muy 27. 2 Red quiet, stcuily. 1 Juno, 7-iOc: July, GGVj'yWfie: scp'tembor, 05 IG-lCtSXM-ic; December, Oi-'iiff 2 dull, steady. July, August, 3o9ic; September, ofc; No, 2, 3-IViO 2 dull, steady. July, 23Vic; Western, Live Stoclc.

CHICAGO, May 27. lower. Fair to cst J3.2uCW.20: stoekers and leed- r.s, mixed Cows and Bulls, SI.50 Texas, 52.7'.([i-3.90. weak to 5c lower. Lig-lit, 3.2I!@3.00; rous'll packlnpf, mlxeri nd butchers', licavy pncklnu shlpplns, JJ-Oseili-? 1 Pips, Itoth Clnlin tho Siiino Aliin.

Princeton, 27. Severn nionths ug-o Ollie C'oolklge, a ro.spcctcc young- ludy, loft her home in this citj to join show cdinpnny cnlU-tl the "Rloomcr Girl." With the compnny was Cbnrlcs T. llobinson, whose show nnnn. is Charles T. Hart.

Ollii- anfl Hnrt wci-e iiisirried nt Cnn. When Ihc show senson ended they to cit'y. On the noon train Tmisdny en me hnndsonio young-woninn from llonicr who cliiims to be wife Xo. 1. Her trnnnt husband hnd in some way ht'iirt of her cnminjj left tin; town.

No. 1 was married 10 Koljirison ill Si-otls- July -I. She calli-d on wife No. 2, but the meeting- not a huppy one. Tiikcs I'oijilocn for IIin 1'onms.

him fired bushels of potatoes for a booli of is what Clifford Abboit, rural poet of this county, received for copy of his lirst work. At their nsii: price this would be the sain amount that Milton is said 10 haven cKivecl I'oi- "Paradise A second oilier of 150 bushels was niadi-. lint. Abbott declined it, saying that jioet cannot on potatoes alone. He will probably fjo down into history as th Potato Poet." nn Fritnk Indianapolis, May 27.

Moats, a real estate man. is missing, having on Saturday, His absenee created no alarm at first, but as time passed and he did not return home or report at his office his friends began a search for him. left his home in bis usual good health, apparently, to p'o down-town 1o his work. He was seen in various parts of the city during the day, but did not return home in the evening 1 Nota trace of him can be found. SJlcrUT Outwits E3 Liffonier, May U'uren, 1 ho player of Charles Badger near A villa Saturday, was ta.lten to Goshen for safe lioepingr- as the sentiment wns so strong him that it was feared lie would be lynched.

Early in the evenhiR- men were seen in groups, and upon hearing this Sheriff Simon hastened his prisoner to the Goshen jail. UIvsses-Badsvr, who was a.lso shot by cannot recover. Waren has been indicted. Masons Arc Indianapolis, May annual meeting of theprrand'lodtfeof "ins- sons of Indiana was held here. Officers elect od: Grand masUT, Simoon P.

Oillelt, Kvajiy- vllle; deputy graari master. M'ason J. Vincpnr.t-s; senior prana warden, Simeon S. Johnson, Jen'ersonvillu: junior Ri-und wai-d'-n, William Gealtc, Port Vnyno: rrnnd li-easurcr, Martin fl. Indianapolis: fraud secretary, William 1-1, Smytlie.

Indianapolis. Reports showed a prosperous year. for Itlvrrs anil linrhors. Indianapolis, May fol- lowiny is a revised statemeni of the sums allowed by the rivers and harbors bill passed by congress for the various works in Indiana: river, above Vincennes, below, White river, Michigan City, outer harbor, inner harbor, $10,000: outlet to lake, total. Fnkc Story of Fray.

Yincennes, Ma.r27.—An imaginative press magniiied a quarrel at Fort Ib-anch between e.irens men and gamblers over a "shell jj-aine 1 into a deadly pitched in'which seven -were killed and a number of others mortally wounded. The only foundation for the Biory was the quarrel, no one being' even seriously injured. Ice XaiJPi'M Kokomo, May ice manufacturers of Indiana were iu a slate convention here, about 20 manufacturing- plants-being represented. The ob- jeet the meeting- was to agree on equitable prices and territory, which was done. The next ineelir.g will be at Alexandria September 3.

A Ullby Itnnqiift. 1'eru, May 27. Mannyors of. church enteriainmenls. like those of secular affairs, are always looking for something 1 on: of the ordinary in the oi attractions.

The latest thing- hove in chureli entertainment was a "baby entertainment was about the cleverest and most enjoyable ever held. Cloth ins: lilkhart, May 27. Xndel Kempner, largest clothing firm of this c.ity, made an assignment to Jacob Goldberg-, of this city, for the benefit of their creditors. The assets and lia-' bUitics, both of which arc largo, have not been made known. 1 Droivncd Swimming.

Evaiisville. May more boys were drowned here while swiin- minff. Albert Spnifftie. seven years old, g-ot beyond his depth, when Willie Dodge, 12- years old. went to his rescue.

Both were drowned. and Others Miirry. Jefl'ersouville, May Hause married four eloping couples from Kentucky on Tuesday. Shelton Tribble, aged uS, and Melvina Carlisle, aged CO, oi: this city, were also married. Appointed Receiver Again.

Hammond, May the third time in as many months Dr. T. K. Ball has been appointed receiver for tlie Tuthill Spring's company of this city. Katnrol DiiVomctor.

A cane-bottotn. chair furnishes a natural barometer. The loud creating of the canes when sat npon is indication of good weather, but when they arc BilfiDt rain is probable. Cincinnati. Cincinnati is worth nnd has a debt of I cf Dlacoverlco on Apulicd lo Would Alone for Avoid llie CtiriipU Miinhood, LIcxv lo 1 "Iiere r.t ii ir.foranijif^ f-rn .1 1 i jnctiical source njnst 1 cl 1 incij." Tho book Cully duscribey a inolho-l toattnin mauly IMI-'-I A nieiliod by which to cal all To cure nervousness, lack 1 spaifioncy, To CKchnnKC a jr-decl airl r.r of To cure forever cl' (fcc.

'J'o Vivofullstrcacth, flevclopoient to every portion nml orpin ot lir'v- ARC no bni'ficr. Failure llinusand i-efcreaces. The bock is inedicr.l r.rA useless to curiosity eeclicrs, 1 i .1 who need it. A dcspairinK man, ivbo coon nfmr wrote loll you that ii q-e never forcret. I just bcVolort v.

to hue everybody ar.d 1 celt' )iad died yesterday, cc 'v V.AS horn cl'it'n'l VLU t-. I first wrote that I wayV" And another thus: you dumped a cart load cf feet it would not bring such ehul life as vocr method lias 1 KKIE MEDICAL COM7 Buffalo, ami ask I'or tlic iittlo bo enliel "COMPLETE Itefei- Ihis pnpcr, and the company promises book, 1n sealed without: a entirely free, until it Ii i-: Ml I riy POZZOM'S POWDER bus boon tbo biandnr-i for forty years Is imrc popular tosiar ever before. vise Menl complexion sLInK, cleanly, and linnuless. Cwiiciuc, Invisible protection to tiio lace. ullicont GOLD I'CFF BOX In priveu (rco of cburirc.

AT DRUGGISTS AND FANCY STORES. The COAST LINE to MACKINAC i-TAKE MACKINAC DETROIT PETOSKEY CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers The Greatest Perfection yet attained In Boat Construction --Luxurious Equipment, Artistic Furnishing. Decoration and Elficient Service, insuriog tlie highest degree of COHFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. FOUR PER WEIX BCTWCCN Toledo, LOW RATES lo Picturesque Mackinac Return indudinj; Heals and berths. From Cleveland, SlS; from Toledo, 3 from Detroit.

$13.50. EVERY EVENINO Between Detroit and Cleveland for Connecting at Cleveland witli Enrliest Trains nlli and boutlivvest and at onnecting at Clevelan wti nres ra all iiomts E-ist, Sonlli and boutlivvest and at roit lor all points Kortli and Invest. Sunday Trips June, July, August and September EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, jf Toledo Send for Illuslrntefl Address A. A. SCHANTZ.

o. r. DETROIT, MICH. Tie ligiroit anU Cievelaiiil Steam Nay. Co.

Gosng For A Lake Trip? You'll fully ciijoyall of Its flellsbti. i ou 1'ilkc onooliuo MICHIGAN AND LAKE SUPERIOB TRANSPORTATION CO'S mm STEAMSHIPS, I railings between Chlcnifo and Mackinsc four times every week. Tii" steel "Maniton" Is a iwlace. Travels 'twixt ChleaRO, Harbor Springs, Petoshey. Write for our readable i Address Jos.

BcrolzlieliH. "wBMICH.AKDLAKE Rush and N. Water Chicago. .1 alt- V- c'urcw. -ir any ismimniB -ioa, irrilatina cr Tlkcriv- iuo'i-iior.

tiun of 111 rni-m- by prepnul. far Circular un rX'S'-'St.

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