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Huron Reflector from Norwalk, Ohio • Page 4

Huron Reflectori
Norwalk, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SALE. fx virtue of- a writ of Venditioni SHERIFF'S SALE. virtue of two writs of Vcmliltoni virtue of a Decretal Order, is- i of a Decretal sued from the Court of Common Huron due. at the door of the in public vcndue, at the door of die Court- Court- a vcndue, nt the dour of 'sale at public vop.due,at the door of my, on Ti Home in a in said i the Court House in Norwalk, in said ---da? of on Saturday the 2'2d day of clock a a A. D.

1812, at one fol- clock in the afternoon on said day, CnrkhufT Stephen seventeen one idrcdllis acrt-s oflund, ofb.nd the third section ol' Richmond township, in said cot; follows: one tract of i the following described real estatw' Caipenter Cinthia, in said county, being the same i of a to wic-Lots TM ce -i- --d eight, in the thinj Church John, of the i of I-" 1 00 i Daniels Smith, county, (formerly I i i i i i i i i 4 A i i i i i i i i i i i-jiv bounded as laud partitioned to Ralph George Ohio, more a i a de- and land', Also, about one hundred scribed as six rodr in northwest corner' ar.d five acres of land in the tliini sec- i from a i street, in a and EM coun- i Jos Fairchild AC township of Lyme, and bounded as fol-; ty, and being the northwest cor-; said Ralph and C-Seonre Lockwood by tier of thefufuresaid lot No. 9, and run-' Gregory and wilt-. Also, about nine-easterly the north line of said' one hundred and forty acres of land in i a KnnjT i northwest corner, and rive acre, jihu mim- oflot No. in'tbe fourth section of tion of Milan township, now Erie coun- i back from the front on said ly.) and Sta of Ohio; Fclt Amos the same land conveyed to a i a distance and i her four, George Lockwood by the i front of lots i a i i one, in the tier of thefafuresaid lot No. 9, and run-' Gregory and wilt-.

Also, about two and three in of said to Sal5 a i i to the of a rendered i i co lirt i i iiin.i is i i alonff the west line of said lot. to tlie wih' ami A. Yv. i a i i 1 i i i i i 0 (lie front a i place ot beginning-, shall contain ten a-: about hundred ana ten and a cres. Also, another tract of land, con- 1 half acres of land in section and tlaslfr tahiins: thirty-six ijeinr; tlie south township last aforesaid, and being lot a i a on 48-5 east by the i a MASTER'S SALE.

P. Latimer's i i and on of a Decretal Order, is- of Huto me direct- whic-h id crcctod a store-house, at Lock- Felton Ferril! Horatio Fleehany Co Foster A Foxier and Squire Francis John Case Miss Abby Golden Josiah Grover Lemuel Hays Andrew Harding Perry Tlanforil Dauiel A Henry Betsey Hnren Sarah i John A Hi Hiker Frederick Haxil Hiram Howeth chains eighty-five links to a post; Also, one other tract of laud, de-; 'er seven, and part of Jot number six, in i of Kuggles, county, a i i nine- scribed sixty-nine acres of land, lyind the fourth action of BfM-li in lot No. 10. fn the 4th of and conveyed to said Ralph -lin township, and George on and a of Ohio, to me direct- and Slate of Ohio, ty i and seven acres of land:" to satisfy a decree, rendered in the Court aforesaid in a of ion C. Bailey and John H.

Bai- Jey, and against i a Salisbury township aforesaid, being that part of by Henry Lockwood. Also, twenty- lle said lot wns conveyed to said Syl- three acres of land in the fourth section i via by Lemuel Morse, administrator uiv of Milan township, and being the north ed and i 1 shall otter lor sale at i vendue, at the door of in a in said by Lemuel Morse, administrator up- ol township, and being the north i on a a the day on the estate of Geonro Sheffield, de- j'art of thirty-three acres of laud hereto-; of a a A. D. 184:2, at one ccascd. by deed, recorded in Huron! f'jrc conveyed by "Wm.

Sher-; clock in the a of day, county records, vol. 15, pajiu 2- )0: said Huron county, to snid (he i described premises, to eepti.ncj eleven acres of land heretofore! Lockwood. by said Sylvia to Guerdon I number forty, in tliu town of Milan, the i COTiVCVCr: Aiul also; all that pu-t i in the second section sued from ihe Court ofCommon rty, in the town of Milan, i the i of FairOeld, in said a i i i i 0 i of and Rebecca a i remain! rwalk, Ohio, iMorehouse JMulbury 2 Morrow Jan 'iNortoii Pantland Jo porker Philips Spei hamGcoT 2, Potter John Potter Poands Lev Price Hirai 'RickardGe Snedecker Seymour Shephaid Skinner Do Skinner Dr Smith Smith Mar Smyth Sprague Spaith Jam Squires Job, Tr.ylor OH Taylor I Thayer Ne Tift'Geo Titus Will Tower Pan Van Patten jWard Jose Ward Rex- Ward Rev Webber St Wells Sara WellesEzt While Jon; jWiiitcomb i Wiley Mis WiMoox GERMAN Bauer Plii Blatz Petei Fits Sebast Fyrst John Heitel Fra Meyer An Mayei Gail Myt-r Jose Mver Jno Hunter John Hunter Jr.T Huyck Jennings Ooct II Kelley William Koos Le van way Henry Manahan Chas McArdle duintrilla Mead MefTord David Miller Isaac Moore Jr Co Mrs DiMyer John Persons callins for any of theal i please say thev art- advertised 50-3 O. JENNE 1ST OF LETTERS reraait Post Office at Peru, Huron cc Jan. 1, 1842.

Win Baker Benjamin Bartlett Geo Boorman Carlos Baieman F.lins Bri--toll i i Barman Baker JAIRUS A Master in Chanceru. I Mary Cherry Wvatt Cook December 21, 18-11. 48-5 MASTER'S SALE. 13 i of a a Order, is- Woodward: "to saisfy a.jiidirmcnt ren-! that lies northwesteily of a line parallel 0 and the west half of ron and state of Ohio, to me directed and delivered, I shal! ofier for sale at i at the door of the court-house in Norwalk, in said coun- gainst John M. Larimer and K.

westerly from the said southeasterly line of "deed's" of ty, on a a the 22d day of Jan- Campbell, principals, and Pickett of nicl excepting tberelVom two uary, A. D. '1812, at one o'clock 1 ot nnd---the ni'sfmeco hem i i in. ifred in the court aforesaid, In favor with a line southeasterly of said lot nnm- a by George he President, Directors and Company ber forty, which first mentioned line is io eg a i 20th, the Clinton Bank of Columbus, ana a- one hundred and fourteen feel north- 1833, as may be in the ainst John M. Larimer and K.

irom the sud southeasterly hne of dee(L the of Latnner, as surety. E. E. RUSTED, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Nor walk, January 4, 18-12.

50-5 SHERIFF'S SALE." virtue of a Decretal Order i.ssu- ed i'roin the Court oi' Common Pleas in and for 'the county of Huron, OMo, to me directed and delivered, I shall ofier ibr sale at public venclue, at door of the Court-House in Norwalk, pieces of iirst piece beina th northeasterly corner of said piece, being ninety-one feet in length on the northwesterly line of said piece of land, and twenty-eight feet in width; the second i piece, tlie northwesterly corner, and be- Eaton Lyman Fe a i Benjn In? Hiram I SethC Pai Pai (Benjamin 3'Jesse Smit Nicholas Coppernoll i a John Crawford (John Sii Jeremiah Eaton IBlasi ins 50-3 ALONZO H. FO by the township line, west by Jacob Iluyck's land, and again by Jacob Huyck's land, and again west by Kinsman's land south by George Dill's land, and east by Zachariah ing; seventy-five feet on the south wester- a a a i i one ly line thereof, and twenty-five feet in width on the northeasterly line thereof, tlie lines parallel with the original lined (3) in the town of New Haven, county, and State of Ohio: to satisfy a Decree in the lot number forty: to satisfy two judgments rendered in the Court afore- in county, on Friday the -1th day of a ic Commercial Bank February next, at one o'clock in the at- Luke Erie, and against K. G. ternoon on said day, the following real Lockwood, Amos B.Han-is, and Abraru estate, as described in said order, to wit: Harris. E.

HUST Sheriff. A certain tnct of laud lying in the second section of the township of Clarksfield. in said county of Huron, and SUMO of Ohio, ar.d being the center part of lot No. 6. iu said section, nnd bounded on the north ami south by the original lut- tuu.

lines of said lot, by land belonging to Henry S. Barnes, and running cost fir to contain sixty a- Nurtcttlk, IS 15. 50-0 acres:" io satisfy a decree rendered in the court aforesaid, in favor of Munson Pond and Carlos i and a a i Sylvester Griswold. JA1UUS A Master in Chancery. Master's December 1811.

48-5 SHERIFF'S SALE. virtue of three writs of Vcnditi- ni lH.i'jwnax, issued from die Court oi'Common Pleas in and for the county of Huron, Ohio, to me directed and de- livcved, 1 ofier ibr sale at public vcndue, at the door of the Court-House cres of lines IK-drawn jiarallel witli the lotting- lines of said to satisfy a decree rendered in the Court aforesaid, in favor of Johnson "Wheeler i and Oliver AVIieeler, and ap-auist Joseph followinsr described real estate, to wit: Lot three, contaimmir one him- of dredaml twelve a nmeleeniir.ndredtlis a i Norwalk. in said on Friday 4th day of February at one in the afternoon on said day, the A I 1 i I i I I Nicke.rspTi and Nancy Nickcrson. IjUJtE. E.

HUSU1C1X SAcrif. MASTER'S SALE. "33 i of a Decretal Order sued from the of Common Picas, in and for the of Huron and State of Ohio, (o me direct- MASTER'S SALI virtue of a Decretal ed from the Court ol Pleas in arid for the county and State of Ohio, to me di: delivered, I shall offer for sal vendue, at. the door of the Cox in Norwalk in said county, on the twelfth clay of February. I in the afternoon of said day, the in- at one o'clock in the afternc tercet of Wallace D.

Keeler and E- followingf described lisha Steward in and to Out-Lot TMt: "One undivided half ol land in the township ot Jt 1 1 said county, bounded on th the north line of said townsli eastbv land owned by C. A. Br by land owned by S. H. Ree land owned by L.

Benson-fifty-four acres and tliirty- rcdths of an acre; except ing west of the river, and oj saw-mill on said premises abo ed, and bounded north by the line of said township, and i river running through said to satisfy a decree rendered ii aforesaid, in favor of Stepliei and Joseph H. Hickox, a Thomas L. Humphrcy illc. JAIRUS KE Master in Maxfrr'n Office, NorircJk, January 11, IS 12. aforesaid in favor of George A.

Knight and i Clark, and against Wallace D. Keeler and Elisha Steward. JAIRUS KENNAN, Master in Chancery. Master's Office, December 21, 1841. 48-5 MASTER'S SALE.

i of a Decretal Order issued from the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of ron and State of Ohio, to me direct- January 4, SHERIFF'S SALK. virtue of a i lie -nine more or situated in the third si-ct of Pern, in said bounded east on lot. number four, north on the section Emmas, issued from the Court of, iuh on luts number live nnd eight, ed and i I shall ofier for ed and delivered. I shall offer for sale at i at door of sale at i vendue, at the door of (he Court House, in a in said the court-house in Norwalk, in said on a a the 2'2d day of county, on a a the 2'2d day a a A. D.

1812, at one o'clock of a a A. D. 1843, at one 1 in the a on said day, the fol- clock in the a on said day, described real estates to i the following described real estate, a of a i in to i In-lot one, (1) in i a tract the i a plat of South Haven, and in i laid out by i a Frisbee, being four, (-1) section four, (4) in the i a lot, southeast of the township two of Ihe Western by the Paris road, and west the Reserve, more a i a as road. i New Haven town( the a of the lot formerly 1 Huron Ohio: to satisfy STATE OF OHIO, HCRON COUNTY, ss ROURDKTT WOOD, OI.ARKK PUFFER, VOI.NEY OsnoRN, DOUGT.ASS D- JKNMNOB, and the heirs of THAPDEUS BF.TTS, deceased. 0 Pearce, con- a decree in the court afore- a at public ven- ir of tlie Court-House in NorwaUvffti said county, on Friday the 4th day of February next, at one o'clock: in thf! afternoon on said day.

the. follow- 1 iny; described lands and tciiements, to wit: ijixty acres'of land situated in the second section of the township of Clarksfield. in said county, and bountled as follovv's: takr-n from the northwest of lot No. 1-1, in said section; also, that part of lot No. 10 lying east of the Ver- rnilHon river, and bein-r acres of land, be the same more or 'less, and beiiur a rt rtc a E.

January 4, 184'2. 50 a i in favor of a a Ferrell, and i i a Edridge, Charles SHERIFF'S SALE, virtue of a writ, of I cntJ-'f'wn issued from the Court oi Common Pleas in and for tlio comity ine acres of land, and State of Ohio, to me di- i a Amo? i Master's Office, A I A December 21, 1841. Master in Chancery. Muster in Chancery. 48-5 part of the same lands purchased of Nathaniel N.

Daniels by John Hnyes, and beinir about seventy be the same more or less. Also, nineiv acres IvitiiT in the second section i delivered, 1 shall ofier for sale at public vendue, at the door of the Court-Plonse in Norwalk. in said coun- tv. on Fndav the 4th d'iy of February next, p.t on" o'clock in the afternoon on uav, tlie followi Matter's December 21, 1841. 4S-5 IASTEK MASTERS i of a Decretal Order issued from the Court of Common i Picas for the county of Huron, and i of a Decretal Order is- State of Ohio, to me directed and de- 8 sued from the Court of Common i shall olfer for sale at i Pleas, in and for the of vendue.

at the door of the court-house ron and Slate of Ohio, to me direct- in Norwalk, in said county, on Sated and i 1 shall offer for sale a day of February, defendants in the ab catise nre hereby notifi the 21ft cloy of October, A. I paid Wood filed in said Com Chancery against the said rlefl substance nnd prayer of which on the 3d dny of June, 1P34 then living 1 made a wr mont i said Osborn a seli to them nt the price of acre, interest and taxes. of Lots number 17 and 22. in i of township of Sher Huron county, which lie wesl tcr of the Columbus and Saru piko: that the said Osborn at made sundry nts on this and on the 12th day of Ma signed nil i interest to the and the said PufTVr on the 3d cember, assigned all real a i vetuhie. at the door of the A.

D. 1842, at one o'clock in the af- of 01 and bom- that rwrt wh: Out nunil-er nine, in in a i said ternoon of said day, the following de' ty, on a a the 22d day of Jan- real i a in oflot i Vrrmil- tmvn l'. a ot lion river, being thr- rt-m under oi said lot No. 1'i: to satisfy a 0 river, -l beino- tho n-m under of Oliio: io sutisly a judgment rendered a tnvor oi rendered in the Court aforesaid, in favor of Nathalie! Weed and Harvey and against John TL-yis. E.

E. HUSTED, Sheriff's Xvriralk, 18-12. drew Urewnakcr, and against Bui ton and others. K. K.

T-irSTKD. S'icrif. Jftm'y )' 50-5 i to the said Wood: that the rmde sundry payments on this of principal, i and! taxe some portion of the purchns mains unpaid: tlint the sail Fince deceased. Ipsvintr heirs names, number rr rpsiden are unknown to said Wood; pignment to Wood, alt 1842. at one o'clock the second section of Cforkstk-ld, in upon its was on said a the fol- coun'y, to i I art oi JjOt i described lot? of land, two in said section, i tosa i i Wood, for six (0) in the Town south by the of the which snid premises were Plat of Huron, i Erie State road; on (he by the cen- Prayer a account be tal (late county.) and ler of the section line road; and 1 mount dun to the heirs of thr State of Ohio.

Also, ten (10) feet i far enough north and east to i front by one and i two contain i by lines parai- the same. The. virtui' of writ of is-poed from The nonriof in f.jr ih? Huru-i, Ohio, to me tiiroct- c(i and ile'iiverctt. sl'ni! for sale at public veniiiit'. at ihi of the Nor- in saii'l couit'y.

on Frid-iy 4iii day nf i't o'clock in afifrnncn' ilinv.ifip roil? Intnl. IHM'TI on South in tin the c'lOiity of F.rif: to ndcred in the cotirt afore- omss nnii ic and acaiiitt CaltiweU. Benjamin f. Smith and Brewster. E.

E. HUSTKD. ShrrilT. K. HUSsTKIl.

Sheriff. Ncrwalk, Jan. 4, oO-O I a i Jan. 1, toil. 50-0 ul a of Veuihioni fort deep, ofiTof the i a lei i the aforesaid lines, and of e- i so notified, a of In-Lot srven (7); qual therewith, and order of jaidPonrt mjHj nm! I shall offer for silo pi.Mic in the Town Plat of Huron es.iid: nonsh to include the of a- i October I erm, rcnderr.1 in a a menl toned: to satisfy next, nf in the on court ajnresaid.

in favor of John Kel- decree rendered in the court atorc- I a a i i I said in favor of i i a Herbert a a i i west oi.d i fa wood Kill" and others. JAIRUS KENNAN, Master in Chancery. Mosler's Office, against Andrew i a JAIRUS KENNAN, Master in Chancery. Master's Office, A'onculk. January 11, 18 pn lie hat nnl i i i (Jai next Term of the said court plead, answer or demur to that the said Wood will at tb after the expiration of the sai apply to said Court to have ken ss confessed, nnd to de i accordingly.

BBECHERAz 1 Solicitors for iNov. 15,1841..

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