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Huron Reflector from Norwalk, Ohio • Page 1

Huron Reflectori
Norwalk, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

gire. me back joyous infaiit stood 'With which -And'h' ceded- not: their i i down, the rapid -Beyond her -flow-Jets swift didiglide. -Ttieiii eWsctous they were gooeV -2 Bowed down 5 irr She 'cried in deepest grief, "Ohl give me back 'flowers." The swift-stream murmured on, heeded herloiid prayer The rocks re-echoed. buck- Her fitful- weeping there. jVbat are those infant's Which naught, can e'er restore? They are otir youthful Once lost; are seen no Then let our- swifily they, pas? i Be seized, well spent, -Ere they forever.

fly -rK-i- Lest in maturer years inufn oiir mis-spent -hours, Arid cry, as did the child, i 'g'aie me lack imffloicers I on -Tuesday i (not last) -by -Ask, Thbfna Mowitt'arid coming man and, wife a.jfeyv wards. perhaps, the ifirst record whereiii a. wife performed the pf-- fice of a coroner's ury, maa on the body of heroNvn, husband. ME BAMING XAW, tfie OkiorLegislatvre. AN.

ACT; Yo incorporate State Bank of The followirig will'snoW ahtsfahd -The size-oftae head, all other The.deyelpp.ment of the cranium not. given, but they have made science': of some kindl A fellow's skull-that was ought to'have contained some remarkably large ideas, say you. 'Verily, ''there were giants 1735, mea.s- ured over eight feet saw who was ten feet high. The bo dy was eleven feet sixinch- Galbara; brought from Arabia to Rbme7 under Claudius Gaesar; was 'nearly, ten the The above marriage was consuramat ed. in -this city on last Tuesday week? -some years ago; and 'thereby hangs" "a of Mowitt is i who -keeps leveral and among 'est "was" John Had 'i iated ljniaself by ais.industry, faithfulness and took partnership about years ago, arid he: had no" cause to regf his.

kindness. 'From time Mr. Mr. Pelsing were, constant friends and companions, and board- sd" at the same until about twelve rnp.pths.aigp, when they were coroner's jury, -about to be held over the-' dead': body bf ho. ad been 'taken ou jpf tb ies ri.vfe r.

foot of Maiden sd had all the appearance of being--a 'and it-was the bpin- all. present that he liad fallen ipto the slip while in state of intoxication: but verdict AVas merely 'found The jury being dismissed, Mr. iit turned, rdund to look his friend ind'felldw juror, --who" had been ait his but gbne, and Iii3 'tfiqiight lie. riirining speed Maiden Lane; V.This 'being rather 'singular, 'and in the time.of Eugene 2d, measured eleven feet.and a half. The Ctievalie'rSco'rg, voyage to the Peak of Tenerifle, found in one ofthe caverns of; that- mountain.the.

head of, which eighty teeth, and his body was not less than fifteen feet long. The g'ran't Ferragus, slain by Orlando," neph- eWt6 eighteen near St. Genuaiu'e, -was. found the tprnb of the giant Jsqret, was 20 feet high! 'Iri 1809, hear Rouen', they found a- skeleton whose skull held bushel of com, "and whose body must have been eighteen feet long. Platerus saw at Lucerne, the bones of human subject nineieen feet long.

The giant-Sudan was twenty-two and half feet his bones were found in thejbanks of the In.181'3, near a castle in, Dauphene, -a tomb was found thirty long, twelve wide, and eight high, -on' 1 which were cut'on" a--grey-stone the words "Kentolocus skeleton was found entire, twenty-Eve and a falffee.t long, ten feet across the shoulders, and five deep, from the breast bone to Near Mazarine, in 816, was found a giant thirty feet high! His head was the size of a each of his teeih-weighed-Cve ounces. whether dentists filled teeth with gold in that Near Sicily, ih'1547, was found the skeleton thirty-feet and in 1550 another thirty three feet long. iipw much did his tailor.charge for.his pants? Morse says, in his geography, that 'there is, upbnithe Rocky Vidge in the Islahd of tomb'of i'immense but he-does not a how. many feet. The bedstead of Og, king, of, Bashan was nine cubits long, which, according to Dr: Adam Clarke, was fifteen feer.

long did it take him! to get to sleep all, was six cubits and a span-eleven feet three inches. When the spies went to explore the Canaan- tes they reported the children of Annk as giants, in-whose presence they.felt-themselves to be but as grasshoppers, they just "pulled foot for home, for fear that they should all be by the giants," for the spies had said "that they ea't up the inhabitants of the'land. connexion With In's su.dcien Mr. Pclsing.had first glanced-at the face of corpse," he started' and turned deadly then to his stprerto "look for-his partner; "but he had riot been to "return; he heardpffrpm him. He all further inquiries, think- irig that there'must be some mysterious connexion between Mr.

Pelsing and the rr.aii.that and.tbat in consequence thereof, -he had made away', with himself. matters "r'eist'ed. until.a.','certain"day a lady called w.itt, at his store, sing. -She was told the particulars oi 'trid has he not bijeh here sinceT.she anxiously, inquired. the reply.

fl know he returned has "riot, I. assure.y pur--at "least not toJmy 'iWrHkt'prbof have you'ofitl' iqrj MENDING A. TREE. Newton, a tolerable large apple tree had the bark eaten' all around; by the mice, some years a- and of course would havie died without- some extra pains to save it. 3VLv Frost set about adoz en scions in the tree, oue end.

in green bark and wood below, and the other above the wound They all at both ends and grew well, ex cepting one, which took only nt the bottom, ant is lorming a little tree by itself. The scions are now about, two inches in diameter, and are touching each other. The tree is in a flourish- irig'cbndition. b'fniending a tree is attended witlisbiiic-'tr'bubleVbut by thissirhple means, can be. done in a few hours, a valuable, tree may be.

saved, as has occasipaly been the case. Farmer. wile 'Bull Indi- notes', shall de- and a Ohio ami companies. ur signed by it i flV I Cli TM rites: first p'uHlica'tiyri'dfthfe'notice such Note's aB ry'; the' Tfeaiu 1 'may' to the hol'ders bf 1 that shall. 3-to carry'on its business, as dri independent' bankiiig" company and shall have compiied'with the fequire- riaents of this, act, 1 bank'ing bu: shall before commence such land 'before It'shall be held shall rriade iii the tlie and a duplicate The'Treasurer of State "shall not.

1 have, been any.corhpariy, byAvJh.ora any stock' i of tli ishall have been according to iremairiirig in his hands," rhay be. needed lutiit; ito ILS uicuiu- i i 1 ors and shareholders, as in this act, ti-visjii; "'Seci 4ol All fe'cs protesting notes any paid "by-the I -T-- previously sucli hotes 'shall y3et'-son 'procuring'the 'to'cie made," siness, to acquired 'corporate powers, deposit with arid transfer to the Treasurer of State certificates ofthe. funded debt of this -State, or of the United States, at least, ecjual in' amount to the amount of its capital stock," at such time paid in; and from tiiiie to time as an additional instalment, "or portion, of its capital stock shall be paid in, additional certificates of the funded debts above specified, at least ecjual in amount to the amount of such payments of capital stock, shall, within thirty days "after such payment, be deposited with and transferred to the. Treasurer of State; "but no such certificate of funded debt shall be received by said treasurer, at a rate or price above the average selling price of such certificates; at the New York stock exchange for the fptir weeks next preceding the time of tho receipt thereof by the treasurer, nor shall any ccrtirjcate.of the funded debt of this received at any above Us par exclusive unpaid interest that may have' accr.ued thereon; and if such cprnpany sliall fail to ma1ved.eposits.6r transfers of stock, as in this section, required, all Its franchises arid powers from this act, except as -may be necessary to settle' up. its.

affairs, shall immediately. cease and determine. Sec. "31. The 'Treasurer State shall deliver from time to time as he may be to do, to any independent banking company tliatrnay have entitled itself thereto, on the written order ofthe and a majority of notes for circulation; to any amount not exceeding the value, certificates of funded debt deposited and transferred him by such company as prescribed by the preceding section; but at no time the of such notes, delivered such cp.m.-, pauy, exceed three at such time, actually paid in on its capital stock, and remaining stock un- diiTiinished by lossess or Sec.

32.. In order to furnish suitable notes for. circulation to such independent banking companies, the Treasurer of State is hereby authorized and required to cause engraved and printed, 'in the best manner to guard against counterfeiting, such quantity of circulating notes, in the similitude of bank notes, in blank, several denominations pro- videdTor lhis' act, as from receive a'p'ply tQ its own use; sucii powers' of attorpcy snail become vpid, upon, any such company failing to Vjp 'applied to the'paS'rhent'pf siich fees: ii' and. all expenses incurred in conducting tlie'sale ofauy the note' holders of any ins6l vent bank'- of the will ibe Vjes't promoted therd- 44. by, with' the 'advice "cif'the Auditor 'arid any iridepcriderit i i i t' i redeetri the circulating notes, issued b'y Secretary of State," h'ypothecate or seU such compajiy; provided, lioweyer, that whenever the price of any of the stocks, pledged for or redemption of the circulating notes', issued by any at private sale any bf the' stocks transferred to, arid deposited with i by such company, to any other indejiehdent batiklng'cbmpariy," or to any individual such company, a's aforesaid, shall be atj person or firm, and receive, c.

ei- time to time 'deem, necssary-to furnish to banking 5 'companies, according to the provisions hereinafter set forth; which notes shall be counter' 'The best in the worid; replied thela- 'for 1 am 1 here, and Mr. Pelsing and I are' one and the -f- And strange as. it may-seem, such was The 'question then whether Mr. 'Pelsing Ayas a gentlem'aril' arid it turned she. was a lady; he.r'l.'name furthermore sh Uvas-the widow of the man found drbv 'She that herhusbarid'Syas Philadelphia, -that she.

had two years thather name took atid'treat- her no leisure hours by isit- -stitching shoos for her husband, InSidn party'of of '14 female, have lately E'riglanB from the Northwes territory, the speculatidn'6'f taking wilt savages' to' 'be'' stared at by John proving a profitable one. These ans say that their mode of courtship, is somewhat as The stricken Ro- rneo discotirses such music as is'able to'extract frbin'a "flute before'the wig- wam'pf the coppered one i damsel "comes'fcifth, and coiiornences pelting her sticks." If she'sniiles throw the sticks back; it is a match; on the contrary, if she takes it into ''her to' throw the aforesaid sticksTjack, 'man his looks for another or it' I i i TII'OG iv to arid registered proper books, to be provided and that.pu'rpos'e, in. the- office of said under 'liis'Sii-cction, such sp 'i could finish to leave a HrunTten man.and'.^ as" soon in other that "in and 'smokes" it" '''This'is make arid reject love. father was framers.of blood the other day.ip. arw.ther^of rn ore plebeian cares'for thatl" quoih the'latter; "my father'was'one of tlie fra- :mers.ofthenew Tom, you seern to gain flesh every day--the grocery business rnust'agree with you: "What weigh lastT'-.

-1 I really, forget now; it strikes it was a ppu.nd of Homapnilcy--Onegrain of time, dissolved in bncketfull Of industry, and taken one drop at-a dose every hoar in the dayjis a sure cnre fot dirty shirtaiiveness aDd.patchedpantaloon- ery, says Dow; 17 persorTpr. p.ero'ns may ap.pb:nt. that each deriommation. of such circular ting notes shall bear- the" uniform signature o'f'onepf 'such'registersj and all.the notes of each separate denqmin'atipn shall bear the: same device, and b'ear a general similitude; and notes or bills to be so countersigned-shall have stamped or on'their fac.e the Ayords "secured the pledge slock. 5 Sec.

The plates, dies, and mate 1 rials to be procured the Treasurer of for the printing-and making the circulating notes, for in the thirty s.econ.d section of this act, shall remain in custody of said treasurer and under.his.^direction; and the expense necessarily-incurred him, in e.xecu- jting.the provisions of this.act, shall be audited an.d settled', by Auditor of paid.outpf any moneys in. the treasury hot the of reimbursing the same said.treasurer the in the city pf New York, for. four consecutive at a price or rate less'than the value at which, uch stock shall have been estimated, vhen. so deposited and pledged, Treasurer shall receive and retain the. in- on sucli depreciated untilthe interest so to the market yal- pledged, to be ascertain-.

"section before provided, will be amount to the amount or which were pledged, and ie so received, this State, at such, rate of interest, as shall agreed upon, or at the option, of! the company by which such stocks deposited, invest such interest or dividends iii any of the.stocks by this act authorized to be pledged, in the name of the Treasurer pf for the banking- the slocks, on. which such interest or dividends may, have have pledged, and whenever the price of such depreciated stocks, at the. New "York stock-exchange, shall rise price, at. whicl they,, anc so remain-for consecutive weeks such investment shall be assigned to such company, and all accruing" interest on such pledged stock shall thereafter be paid to such, Sec. 37.

The stocks transferrecl the Treasurer of an banking company, fqr.the; of.jts circulating notes, shall be him exclusively, for that purpose, until such notes shall be redeemed, except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 38. If any such independen banking company fail to redeem in gold or.silver coin, any of its circulating nptes issued in pursuance, of the provisions of this act, when thereof shall be lawfully dcmandedj ing the usual hours of business, at the ofHce of such company, the. holder of such- note or notes may cause one or more protested by a notary public, who protesting the same, forthwitli forward notice of such protest to the Treasurer, of Slate, after such.protest suffered, it shall not be lawfuLforihe cnrnpany, ihus suffering pay out any of.

its any notes or engage in. the. business of banking, ceptto receiye-and safely moneys deposits; provided, however, that sat- isfactory.proof be produced to such the payment of.any such note or notes is restrained or delayed by order of any court of competent ju- ler money "or the circulating uch failing company; provided that 'no uch stock shall be sold; by private sale, less than the par value, at ess than its selling price at the New York. Stock Exchange at the date ofthe ast received informatipn, nor shall any uch stock be sold on'credit. "Sec.

41. Oh receiving notice.that any inch independent banking company shall lave committed an act of as lercinbefpre defined, the Treasurer of State, the'Secretary of State, and the A'uditor. of a majority of them, shall appoint a special agent, who sliall aimediately proceed to ascertain wheth- er'sucli company has refused to pay its notes'in gold and silver coin when lawfully demanded, and report to Treasurer, Secretary and Auditor, the ucts so ascertained, and if Irom the re-, so made, said'Trcasurer, and Audito'rj'or a majp'rity of be. satisfieJ' that such company, has sus- pended th'o payment pf its notes, lawfully" circulating demanded, risdiction, such notary public shall not prptest the the s.uch notes shall cause more than one to be prptested on die same day, he shall not" receive pay for more than one such protest. Sec.

39. case any such independent banking company shall, fail to pay and "redeem, its circulating notes on demand, in gold or silvr-r coin, as specified in.the next preceding section of tins Treasurer of Slate shall, within thirty days after he shall have received gold and silver. coin, they shall Jprtl.iwilh appoint a receiver or and re- i of him or them such bond and as they shall deem proper, who shall proceed to take possession of the books, records and assets of'every of such company, collect all debts, dues and. other claims to such company; settle with the approbation of "an agent, to be appointed. by the stpckholders.

for theprotectipnof thcir.inferests, compound for. all.bad and doubtful. debts; all the real and.per- sonal property of said company, and to pay over all moneys so made to the Treasurer of State, the Treasurer of Slate shall cause noUce to. be given by advertisement in one or more published, in, the of and also in one or more general circulation in the county where the of s.uclu i company shall situated, for. six, consecutive months, calling on all persons, who may have, claims against such company: to make legal proof llicreof; and after end of one year from.

the first puVjlication of such notice. the. Treasurer after full provision shall have been made for re. deeming the circulating notes of such company shall make, a ratable dividend of mooeys so paid over to him. by such receiver, or inclusive of moneys received by him on sales of stock transferred and deposited i him by such company, ou.alLsuch churns as may have, been so.

and fro.m lime to time, as the proceeds of scls ofsaid company shall be paid over to him, the said Treasurer shall make further dividends aforesaid, on all claims. previously the remainder, if any., shall be paid over to the stockhqlders of the company, or their Icgalrcpresentauves, in proportion to the stock by them. severally provided, however, that if any independent which proceedings have beenJnstituted as prescribed in this section, on accpunt.of any supposed act of insolvency, deny having committed such act, such compar ny may apply to any. court of cprnpetent shall time liable to.

suchppm- surer" ues, or both, to ari amount greater than, three fifths of the amount of'capital stock 1 i actuiuly, paid in rerriainin.g. undunin- ishc(i'by losses or nor; the directors! be so liable amounh and in sucli manner, as shall be. prescribed byr such com-, pany. adopted by its stpckh'olders to regulate such liabilities; and,a)l-b'e. the.

duty of the -Auditor, and.Sec.-* retary of as pfi.en.a.spnce in.cach. appoint some suitable person in the.xiciuity. of. Banking; Company who shall not in J. any bank pf.this shall bavo power to make a ihprbugh examination into all the.

affairs of the bank, wluch he may be appointed doing to examine any of the omcers.andagents of sucli bank.on oatli, hall make a detailed report of conr- dilion State; ving and this not be. any visitorial powers than vested co.urts,. of i and as, in this.section fbr his thp.rate of tvo for each clay by him and tvp. every tsventy-five. riiiles; travel in.

the. of bis which.shall be pa.Jd by. the banking Sec. 45. Whenever any independent; A panv'shalK' act aS vl 6 i i i i- 1 1 hblder, 5 'yhpse -ha'bili I 4-i S'i nrl rfi nfiVl ftiv flllv WftP-'' is and tinp' to vote: this tion 'as each'o, irec'tor; sh iri'his own name and'right' 'i own i ec" the 2 capital i to two hundred thousand lars, "and.

the 'halt Pi one'per Vt: i fcVKT -i 3iHi 1 a i a two hundred of such bank, to the- of the banking companies deri- cor one rector'shall. path that so visions lated anv oTthe j-a ithat he is the bona ride owner, oj.yn%:- lii.S: Qn 'the books notice'pfsuch failure, 'the stocks jurisdiction, to enjain pjpceed such company, or, so is. way through the world rig- equipped "her's'elf 'in me'n's clothes, ihe left ber-lord and Snii so.on Of success journey man; partner, itiquest finished, s.tarted for phia "where she -learned that husband, loafer, ork, injured vvife 1 1 tound a watery gra-ye'i'" downhill and. natural for a man to incjine to hereby, authpized and required to charge against, and receive from, each company receiving such circulating notes, such rate per centum as as may be necessary to redeem circulating of such company, to be the. Stock Exchange in the city of New giving notice of such sale- to such advertising the time may be sufficient for that purpose, and land place of-salc, with a pertinent d.e- sha'll, from, time to time, equalize said ion of the pflered for among the companies to such circulating notes furnished.

Sec. 34. After, any such independent banking company shall have caused to sale, ip two or published in; the city of. New not ten consecutive days before the day of sale, or at the State Treasuy tural for. ants f9 be industrious; A 7 i r.

dies to d6-anv sudh ii schoolmistress, letter's are thus addressed: Yates be executed by the "presi- in the of givmg dent and.cashier-thcrebf, lhe circulating to said advertising notes received from, the jin one or, mpre.newspapers.pubLished in manner, as may be rcqui- the city of ormpre site to make.them no.tes^pay- new.spapersrin general circtjlation an.phc "able on its place. j.cpunty where the, sach jailmg such authorized to company: whicli issueand mcnts shall contain the i as are sales are. to be made in. the city of N.e and put of, the; -the Treasurer -such com- panyy of which du.e;npt.ic.e-.shall given ings in the wai raufjed'by thei7 te-(Pblk, and the Pth'e'r Henry -Clay. premises; and- such court, after: citing thc.Treasu rer, Secretary Auditor of to show, why further, proceedings not be.KDn- jpined, and- after "the finding pf jury that such company has not suspended the: payment of its notes, when legally presented, in gold and silver shall make an order, enjoining said Treasurer, Auditor.and Secretary; oi! state, and -any receiver or receivers, apppin'ted by them, further proceedings; on account of such supposed act dfinsolyency.

Sec. 42.. If the original- capital stock of any of such independent.banking cornpa- niesphall, in any manner, be diminished, or any portion therepf be i hd rawn for purpose whatever," while against such company main no dividendg thereater bp made on the 5 "sball be.the of State to notes, issued by^place xhereof.other clr- cuiating.nptesjjtp equal amount, and;Sueh iiptes to 1 .1 1 nresentaherniforvaucb.payment,,at the randumshall -tave been entered to ashes by the said Treasurer, in State i i rcu lating notes of such failing corn- Capital' stock of such original amount of the capita-tstockfthall pf the shareholdefS, or outlpfttheiip.rorits of. the business of such: and in ease any dividend shall -the capital, stock -shall remain so diminished, or withdrawnjiit shall be the.duty ofrany; issue the necessary "orders and decrees i J. tninishing, of ils riotcs shall 'deliver, of.

State.any in at thousand.dollars, to Treasurer shall dc.strpy the same as pre-r scribed in and-, sliall thereupon re-transfer and deliver to such; company certificatc.s 6 of jositcd by such, an amount, equal to tlie ampunt: of so delivered up; that the-a-. of sucli certificates Trcasurei-sliall nptthereby be reduced, below the of the capir stock of such company at that-lime, jaid n.or'in any-case, below the-stim f.fifty estimating the same at their then current. irice in the" city'of New belpw he amount of.circulatiTig..notcs rc- by.such} company, nor. sball.the:. Treasurer be re(juired to re-transfer such c.e ti i ca es 'in 1:9 ti op al, le ss nc thousand whenevera- ny being'.otr'e- inquishing.iits banking business, lave paid at least cent.

ofthe ampur.i; of its circulating notes and havei delivered the, same to. the rreasurer of State to be and. hall have provided means, and.given security; to. the satisfaction.of, ihe.T.rqas- 1 urer, Secretary and Auditor of State for-, he rcderhtipn of itsp.utstanding notes, of irculalipn, at, the. place where the OlTice if such company, was shall haye, giyen.

thereof by advertisement for six two of -general. circula- ipn publislic.l at at least one bl ish'eda the ci ty, tow or, yil- age where the such located; it rreasurer of State to re-transfer aiiclde- iver to sucli-cojnpany previously pledged jiyith lim by such and ihereuppn.all t.he;.co.rp^.rai.e.powers excep.t;;Siich' -shall he' up Sec: banking- jb.e.idiyide.d into shares of shall be.t the books of the as its by-laws shall prescra.b.ei.but no-shareholiler shall bave.pp.wer or transfer any shares heldln his own right, so long as he shall Neither; as. principal S.urety, the any deb AV ich sli all ha ye, becorji.e ue, and- rernains unpaid;" nor mlsuch shallsuch shareholder ceive.any dividend, interest orftpronton s.uch shares, liabilities shall continue; 1 bu.tjall such; interests.or profits, the company, suchUiabiiities; and-no; stock shall be transferred: without thenconsent pi ge cl as ri ty, fo 1 by brm self anil certified istrate. befpre.iwhpm it is taken, filcid and! f. he TCCO rd p'f cpu unt i 1 anuary, next thcreatter, lifin held anriually, on first.Mpnday*-PJ^ a a a i all Hold places for i-V i successors.

elected an.dU TSut directors, removjriei -XU or.qeasing to er of the stock', sh thc.reby vacate his AnyXvapannJ' cy in shajl.e -that election may be "held day, "thirty days notice been ne.wspapeT county 'where'. tibie, cpm.pacyus.jocat^ pointment di so hold -his, place, until, the aLcloclipn; and jf election shall nqti iim.e,. Every thprizeclvtp carry a banking, under; the prpy.isipns^pf' thism whether die State of.Qhio, or as an iuderj.en.deritjbankingj company, shall be h.eld.,and be- tjl the day hundred and and thereafter closed, and by its corporate beicompetent-tp 5 dcscrip-- tion as fully as natural persons; cess company. ed.uppna.tS; ther.eofati.ts.

us of business houjsi rst in, one sdl exchange, i a.ud ey prohil siilyg.r|jcp|u tr.ansact7all~ptherxpasiness, I F'fe tipns: hold -cpn J6v. be tcj.the -its; business, re.aj. estate-pled 1 holder thereoffis :indebteds.t;btthe longer, than which it was' acquired but at any.

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