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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Robs Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Risk. A SHORT JOURNEY TO CALIFORNIA IN FIRST CLASS STYLfc The Southern Pacific Co. -SUNSET LIMITED" TRAIN. Over the Sunset New Orleans to Los AngekVs and San Francisco. Was April The Hoperlor accommodations Riven dumber oC patrons of the above duriuff the pnst tourist season, Warrants thi; announcement plans 'tor next season of fluer service with superior to anything yet knowii In transcontinenrnJ traffic.

Look for early re-itiaueuration of "BDNSET LIMITED" this fall. For Home Seekers. The Southern Pacific Co. "Simsei Boote" in connection with tliu "Queen Crescent Route" are running the only line of through tourist Pullman fleepera leaving Cincinnati every Thursday evening for Los Angeles and ten Francisco. These excursions art- specially con- incted.

and the object Is to enable them. who do not care to buy the flrst-clasi round trip or ono way tickets, to enjoy a comfortable ride with sleeping car frivlleges and no change of cars ut the low second-class rate. For further Information, address H. CONNOR, Commercial Agt. 9.

P. Cincinnati, O. V). G. NEtMYFR, G.

W. Agt. S. P. Chicago.

Hi. 8. P. MORSE, Q. P.

T. Afff 8. New Orleans, TIME TABLES for Chlcnp Irtt. nSJf. ChtoJ'isfl)a KM leave 2: ror BruilfOiU 7:50 a 2:15 Arrive from 'Bradford a 12 ra: :10 Leave 4 8:0011 8:30 in; 2:05 m.

Arrive trom 1:05 ra. Leave ror Blcumona ArrlvB Rlclimon(l 2:56 ft mi 1:50 1120 f.enve tor LoiilsvlllH in; m. Arrive from Louisville m- J. A. Airent.

Loeanaport. WEST BOUND. 5 Locn' Frelclit, accom dally ex 3 St. Louis ilmlti-d dally, -old no 1 Fust Hall dally. 'OKI no 7 Kwisfia -City express dally 'old no 41.

6 express dully ex sun 'old DO 'lo 4 EAST BOUND. 2 1. Boston lira (1 dally 'old no 42. Fast mull iliiily. 'old no 4 Atlantic Lira dallj.

ex Sun 'old no 74 Local lit. Accom. dnllyexHun EEL RIVEK DIVISION. WEST BOUND. No 36 arrive No 31 arrive EAST BOUND.

No 36 leave No at leave ID ni pin 3:13 in ..10:19 a 2:41 ft 9:48 a rn 4:52 Ul .12 So rn 235 10:45 ft 3:30 ra LANDAU A TRAINS LEAVE LOQANSPORT, IND, FOB THE NORTH. No forSt Joseph, dallj ei Sund 10:31 a No 14 TOT Bt Joseph, dally ex Sunday 0:16 a No 8 ex Sunday for Soutn Bend 8 36 pm No 8 has flirongh parlor ctr, Indlananolls to South Bend via Coll nx. TOR THE BOUTH No 13 tor Terre Hnute dallj ex Sun 7-18 No 11 for Terre Hsute dally ex Sun. ZgO No 18 has ibrounh parlor car, South Bend to Indianapolis Tla uollax. No 16 dally except Snndny JSi for complete time card, giving all trains and and tor full Information aa to Or, B.

A. Ford, General Acent. 6t. Mo. Ind.

Paaaenger ANTAL-IWIDY These ftny Capsules are superior Balsam of Copaiba, IN.48 HOURS' the same diseases wit inconvonienco. Sold ty all druggists. lOEiah Bacon, conductor on tne-P, W. B. R.

says "BraziUnn. Balm cured me of inveterate catarrh which I had lor $6 year3." Brazilinn Balm kills' Ue catarrh microbe, a cure. WAS A GREAT SCOOP. How Oapt Jack Crawford Beat Qroaard, the Scout. ACCEPTS ALL OP THE CHICAGO PLANKS.

Wittsbr.rg Dispatch. A LESSON ON THE DOLLAR. flD hlican vrty stands Tor honest money und cluincu to uin-n it fli ktj It WouliI Dofriind Burners. earners thought of this poiut in tho silver with free coinage, tlio value the dollar paid them would be fixed by tho cost of production in 1'oroigu countries where wages range from oue-hulf to one- as high us their vases? There is nci tariff on silver and, as Mr. Bryan is an extreme i'reo trader, it is not likely that lie would favor protective tariff on anything.

Ko one who has thought atull'uppii the subject' doubts taut tho purchasing power of the coinage dollar would soon fall very nearly to tho cos-t of its production, because of the world wide competition which silver miners would set. up for the American coin market. For there would be but one field where the competition in the sale of silver coiu could bo carried on to the very hist moment, this would bo among the employers 1'ibor in the United Sfatos. Tlu: legal tender provision of tho free coinage law would compel wage earners to accept the depreciating dollar ut. its and pocket tho loss.

The payrolls of the United States foot up something like twenty-five hundreds of millions of dollars a year; and here would bo an enormous field for the sale of silver coin and certificates; and into this iield, bidfiingmoro and more sharply against each would pour the silver of the United States alone, but of the entire world; and the final value of tho silver dollar would bo barely above tho cost of its production in tho country of the cheapest labor. Do'American wngo earners desire that the purchasing power of their wages shall be regulated by tho cheapest wuces paid to the cheapest labor ou earth and that tho value of their dollar should decline very nearly to the value of lead? A voto'for Bryan and Sowall is a vote for exactly that result. Wlmt Reciprocity Accomplished. It is probably irritating to Democratic susceptibilities to mention the fact that reciprocity was a Republican system and that in putting an end to it the Democracy exhibited wanton recklessness; but the fact may us well be looked in tho face. Put into tabular form, as Major Me- Kinloy has arranged it, the figures are startling.

In 1892, under reciprocity, our exprort trade reached the amazing aggregate of $1,030,278,148. Under the threat of -free trade the total fell but our. relations with the South American states continued to improve up to the time of the abandon- mont of the system. A case in point of which Major Mc- Kiulcy makes use is that of Cuba. From $13,224,888 in 1891 our export trade with Cuba rose to $24,157,098 in 1898 and $20,125,321 in 1894.

But in the was repealed, it fell back once more to $12,887,661. If tho party in power had deliberately sot out to destroy our export could not have found a means ready to hand more effective than tho repeal of tho reciprocity Bryan said in Louievillo that the present contest is between plutocracy and Democracy, which in preoisel; what Jack Cade said when he reache. the gates of London, by which he means that the struggle was between those who had property and those who hud none jind were unwilling to work for it. Jack lasted just 10 days in Londoi Bryan's run will be longer, though briof. A LESSON ON THE DOLLAR.

The Free Colnf-S 4 From Ciu-1 Sclmra's Speech. However, the ultimate result is not nt all uncertain. After a period of infinite confusion, disaster, humiliation, snfl'or- infC and misery, the American people will at last regain sanity of mind and arrive at some very' simple conclusions: That, if you call a peck a bushel, you will have more bushels, but not rnoro grain; if you call a foot a yard, you will have more yards, but not more cloth; if you call a square'rod an-acre, you will have more acres, but not more laud, and if you call 60'cents or 1 cent, or a bit of paper a dollar, you will have more dollars, but not nioro a groat deal less chunco of wealth, for you will have far less credit, because far "less honesty. Wo shall then have learned again that tho wit of man insanity tries very hard invent au economic system under which everything you have to sell will be dear and everything yon have to buy will be cheap. And having got hold of theso very simple truths, tho American people will then in sackcloth and ashes repent of this insane free coinage debauch.

The Free Trade Club. The remarkable dilutorinoss wifh which Democratic clubs itro being formed throughout tho country suggests tho use of this emblem ns being fit and appropriate, with which our free trade tariff reform, foreign industry friends should bo clubbed into line by the regular Democrats who led their party into action at Chicago. If there are. deserters from the ranks, club" them into line. The free trnders here seem to be wilter- iug ns badly as the British Cobdonites.

Bryan Doesn't Cure. SpenhlTiK formyaalf, it is. immaterial, in my Judgment, whethor tho shoop grower roooivoa any from the tariff or William J. Bryan. We quite believe you, Mr.

you are too mean, too selfish and too unpatriotic to have any desire to witness any degree of prosperity among your neighbors in Nebraska or any other western state. Their happiness is "immaterial" to you as long as your living is assured. Want American Our people are beginning slowly to gee that tho largest producing and manufacturing nation in the world must depend upon foreign nations for her transportation on the ocean and are be- fjinniug to realize that wo can build iron vessels ns well as we did wooden ships, that we can Bail them by the power of steam as wall as wo did'our American clippers by the aid of canvas. "Cbeap." Judging -by the haste with which New York retailers are tumbling over each other to mark dowii the prices of the "cheap" goods of tho'freo traders have men of us. According to all reports, there is little demand for the "cheap" goods at any price.

People find it miRhty hard to get food, while even "cheap" clothing is a luxury. ARUhiTt American MHohtaory. Free machinery for "manufacturing all things" is the idea of. the Democratic caudidrito 'for'president. But-how 1 do the manufacturers of machinery and the wage' earners'whom they employ, feel upon the subject? The Well-Knovni Poet unil Lceturrr Wan Too for Autititonlat Thereby Uullt Up it Newspaper's Reputation.

Few persons comprehend dangers that were umushed to the work of western newspaper correspondonls back in the days when. Indian fighting wais the principal occupation of soldiers on the border-land. Nelson A. U. S.

ftmicd the couniry over i'or bis success in UoiiifT barlle with the redskins, in Chic.iyo recently and 0110 of the first im-n he met wn.s Edward Hosowatcr. editor of the Omaha- Bee. The mix-ting significant, for it recoiled an incith-JH oC the early 70's, and how vhe m-ws- paper Kccnreil ii meritorious Intimately connector! wilhihulndinn uprisings', says the Chicago Journal, were Frank Oronard and Opt. "Jack Craw Cord, the latter being be tier known as the "Poet Seoul." Both did good service a-s scouts with the Seventh cavalry, Gen. Ciistcr eoininfir.dlnff. Crawford sided sit 1 his time HS a for the Bee, then a. small daily, for i-xisto-nce. Durinq- Glister's last, stand Crawford WHS Col. TJenteiMi.

who commanded a pnn-t of Caster's command at SUm Butr-i's. and Crowd wn.s with Col. llcno. who another detachment of Cusrcr's forces. After the Custcr mnssncsre, Keno dispatched GroHiird to S.

the nearest telegraph station, t.o notify the war department of the terrible affair. At about the same time Cnpt, Crawl ore! concluded to ride into 'Dmdwood and dispnteh to the Bee the particulars of the ami "scoop" t-bc country. The majority of the great papers correspondents with th? troops, but none of them dared to ride through a country filled with hostile nor oouJd they get anyone to do it for them. Even had they had the courage to do this, they could not have withstood the hardships of a 300-mile ride over a rough country. Both Crawford and Grouard met at the s-tage station a Jtock Springs, nnd each divined the other's of getting off the news of the massacre CAPT.

JACK CRAWFORD. first. Both were superbly mounted on thoroughbred cavalry horses and both were equally matched as physical strength and cnduniojce- It tacitly agreed to ride together for mutual protection. Huur after hour they rode, sometimes ex- chang-mg- shots with straggling- Indians and ami in resting 1 their tired horses. On the morning 1 ni the last day of thfir ride both stopped for a short na.p and to rest their horses.

Each kept an eye on the other, however, to prevent him fixnn sw-nliivga march. When Ihey got ready to go (JronarO broke his cinch while saddling 1 his horse, ami. before IIP could repair it, Crawford in'o' out. of sijrht in a. deep gulch.

They had eniercil the foot-hills of Ihc Block- Kills. Grounrd galloped after him. As the cabins c-f the little town of Spearfish loomed into view Crawford was half a mile ahead. As he enic-rcd ibe town his jaded horse was ready to fall. Seeing cowboy's broncho hitched in a house, he leaped from his horse and upon the' cowboy's and was off just as Grouard rode into tihe town.

The 15 between Spcnrfish aud Dead wood were soon covered. When Grouard rode up to the telegraph office in Beodwood Crawford had sent half of a dispsitch and the people in Omaha were roading the details of the slaughter, the Omiiha Bee thus secured bhe biggest "scoop" ony paper in tho country had ever had up to time. In this ride the i.wo scouts covered 300. miles in hoiirs with but three changes of horses'. During the last Indian campaign at Pine Rid'ge, in 1800-01, Grouard was Gen.

Miles' chief of sooute, and did good service. He also acted in the same capocitv during the troubles between the cattlemen ond rustlers In Johnson counrty, Wyo. He was then MDJ, Whitcside's command at Fort McKinney. Grouard is of Indian blood and his family lives nt Pine Ridge agency. At present he is hi St.

Capt. Jack Crawford la a resident of Mexico nt present. He is in. the employ of the United States govprn- mont in. the department of justice.

He is well known from his lectures and poetical contributions. He is a picturesque character and still affects the long- hair end habiliments of the western kato and Old ARr. AGerma'ndoctorwhohas been collecting- information about the habits of long-lived persons finds tliat the majority 'of 'those who' attained old age indulged in late-hours. Eight outof ten persons over'80 never went to bed till well into the small hours and did not yet up again till late in'the day. Keep the Eyci Cool.

It is probably, not a. very, well known fact thnt the shedding of tears keeps the eyes Such is the case, however, aiitl no matter how hot the head may so long as' there' are tears the be on the was): board, because it was washed week after week with clieapw soap that was ineffectual to dissolve the dirt. There's another kind of cheap soap that's too the clothes ss well as the dirt. If you 'want the soap that's neither too weak or too strong, get It drives the.dirt out without injury to the clothes. It washes equally well the coarsest, dirtiest wooleus and the finest, most delicate linens and laces.

Preserve your clothes and your by using Santa Clans Soap. sold everywhere. Go. Use cake. Made only by 'X.

1C. CHICAGO. The Cigar Dealer Permanent Trade ily the Best Five-Cent Cigar ewer, offsroi to iiz trade. EIGHT KOLLIONS; Coxipaay, Indianapolis DISTRIBUTERS For by B. F.

KEESLING si Five beautiful dolls, lithographed on cardboard, cightinches high. Can be cut out and put together by the pasting. Each doll has two complete suits. Air.cri- can, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, German, Swiss, Turkish and In- diau costum cs. All parts being interchangeable, many combinations can be made, affording endless amusement and instruction.

A high-class scries of dolls, patented and manufactured for us exclusively and cot to be compared with the numerous cheap paper dolls on the market. How To Get Them. Cut from nveoutslde wrappers of Such. Mince tho bend of tbe girl Holding pie Send theso with ten cents In in paper-and your full immc and address, aud we will send the dolls postpaid. Or xvo wl 1 send them free for twenty beads of the plrl- Send only tho heads to avoid extra postage.

MERRELU-SOULE SYRACUSE, N. Y. TO PITTSBURGH. GREAT ROCK ISLAM) ROUTED Brotherhood of St. Androw Annual Convention, ria Pensj-lvania Lines.

October 12th, 13th 1-ibh special low rate excursion tickets ivlll be sold to Pi-ttsbUJ-Rh via PenusylvanJa Limes, for annual convention of Brotherhood of St. Andrew; return coupons trill be valid'through to starting point on or bofore October 20th. If you have ever seen a little child in the ngony of.summer complaint, you can realize tbe danger of the trouble and appreciate the value of Instantaneous relief always afforded by Colic Cholera Cure. For dysentery and'diarrhoea It 5s a reliable remedy. We not afford to recominend this sa a cure unless it were a M.

Johnston. Playing Cards. Send 12 cents in stamps to John bastinn, Gen'l Pass. Agent R. I.

ft P. R'y, Chicago, for the slickest padfc of pl.iyiu'g cards you erer handled, andJ on receipt of. such remittance (or one. or more packs they will be sent postpaid. Orders containing GO cents in stamps or note for same-amount will secure 5 packs by express, paid.

Tneorles of ctnre mny be discussed length by physicians, but tbe want, quick relief; and One Minnta- 1 Cough Cure will give It to them. A- gafe cure for children. It Is "the I Harmless remedy that produces Inimedfc- Johnston- Subscribe for The Journal..

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