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Northwest Arkansas Times from Fayetteville, Arkansas • Page 2

Fayetteville, Arkansas
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NORTHWEST Fayetteville, Ark. Friday, 24, ,1939 DBMOCBAT OOMFANT 1SOCIATION OtMHUW MO By III nretmllU Arkunni eltlw ICWM, mr null r.t. In Wuhlngtoi, MmdlioB, Craw- 3 See A Column of Comment ft? KOBKRTA FUUIBIGHT fcrd Countici In In met mouth, (o thrw I I ill monllu, 11.71; 0n iuburlptlon Nortb- WMt In Mouth, 60 three tnonthi, $1 amnitu, istl, oca xiai, IS 00 Edition (Tburwltr) I jralT four llctnti, one Bible Thought 1 For Today The Mayor Speaking again i mayor and how impossible il is to please personally each and every 6ne, I'll just say, tie did not do either of hyo things I rather surmised he mijrht on my nctount One thing, fillemplmg lo Supplement the pica of the garden club last summer, I talked my very best all the way from Devil's Den to Fayetteville on the feasibility of our having cheap water through July and August Well, we didn't get it I still think we should have had it and think we hhould have it next summer But--it did not make me think Mayor McAllister was 'not a good mayor, but rather did I know that he and his Come unio me, all ye that labor council particularly and are heavy laden, and. 1 -wilt JfllKious that the water pay- II you. rest--Matt 11 28 ments come along without I' We haye not quite II OH YE OF LfrT FAITH the peak load on and interesf for our Ghlrjes Evans 'in address- water plant and after a short ing here this; week' time Meel sure the rates can stressed 4 faith as the funda- be lowered mental "need in America to-j Again, rimbition stirred my il dav, (breast after the mayor and Without faith in (council wen in snd I had a God other men, no man sort of an idea I had assisted reallj can succeed.

them to jt a little and thought I Therefore those thing? that 1 might rate a place on some I build faith for Board or Planning confidence)' constructive board, board 'of and good. Thpsg'tKktfatter such, but no, not 1 either me jt are bad and destructive or anvong close to me They I Faith not are alletgicjo me. But that mountains, it brings pros- still did not make me think peritjv peace of mind, hope he was not a pood mayor II 1 In eternity, and present good No I only thought he wag 'Itrying to select as knew I did not ask for any in Paper of thcse No No The Was it Sir Norman Anirci point is that one to be a good or another British economist citizen should be able to told us here that Great see over and above his, own Britain balanced its budget little mteiest. and built back fortmwf The mayor Is a high class after the depression, on faith man om we nuy little, and alone? he performs well. He has no Without an ounce of gold consuming interest aside from she the city It comes fust He issued 'enpugh papor money one we may justly I to ptiy her debts (exclusive 00 pioud, Conservative and of course, of her war debt 1 consistent, and believe a I to UR which evidently she Ju ge of honesty in doesn't intend to pay) unions and tiansactions Back of this paper WHS That's important nothing at all but failh hi fj ow don't vote against a England to ptill hprself out pf K00( man because he failed to i any crisis, even by her own ju tter one little bite of your -iTn'tn THE SPRING PERENNIALS ARE COMING UP! bootstraps? She abolished standard when she no longer a.whole to toast, Hejs tukihg ctood euro the sold 0 i mteiohl in the citv na had 4 0ri to That is death to De- -7 IQ LU JJU- faith--the one.

in any mocracy, any time, any place- financial or; spiritual comeback. Another thing they pi-ac- ticaly! slapped my down when I wanted to present the citv "with a lot for a Library pretty nearly got my skin. But they Li- people shpuld tillow such meetings to be held. -This -Is Vmerica, not Germany, and if ley aie or what, let lorn go back to those" countries rom which they have Iway.i had a doubt i i "naturalization process' 1 'aklng tiuly Americans, -but Jf icy are "naturalized 1 Americans; ley should be IOL Americanism, American and a Pcm- crat and I believe that, everyone iiaking these 1 States his' ome should be. American through nd' through: It is my sincere 1 beef that niled ''Slates, shb'ulrt'-put- a- slop to nil anti-American meetings: Sincerely, (Mrs) Edith H.

Echini Olios Feb, 23, '39. By W.J.Lemk» AVliorc There's Smoke That 'wasn't 'a pleasui-d. trip Wedmgton hizonnef A Rollins Stone WHen we 'stopped in to sre Bob a patient at the i who etersn3 Hospital, he was bed Mayor and Uic Chamber: ol Coinrigii riglit but lie had -the' old mcrce secretary took Thursday pVj.mMiar ciKaf ptub in his mnuth They Wcnt'ib ihe' Methodlnte can't tiew 'diniiig hall and "dance vilion won't know till he reads it What Steve Ratliff -th'e table. 1 "'T bcul the chicken arid'spnghctti we fi -had at Catholic Church sim. night'.

Both local 4 the ot'Jno much furniture in- nlle ol a staii'monf nlnn. Nnme nf. the Mdrley. manager, of the Morl-y book I Had Four Apples." I Your Federal Income Tax GROSS INCOME, NET INCOME, AND SURTAX INCO.VlE of the terms Used in Ihe incom-tax law, gross income, net income, and surtax income should be noted particularly, inasmuch as they; vitally important the: whole subject of Ihe Gross income -includes in genera! all income from any source whatever, unless exempt from lax by The grics' income of Ihe usual business consists- of the gross profits on 'sales, plus income income cidcntal operations or sources. The return must show the gross sales, purhea'ses, and cost of goods To.

reflect income. correctly, inventories arc necessary at the beginning and end of each taxable year. A lawyer, "doctor, arhitcct, clergyman, author or other professional man must include in gross Income all fees, salaries, and compensation of any kind for professional -services. Net income upbn wliich ihc'Uix mcr'ous eirors on frtit of taxpayers An earned-mcome credit is pio- vided in addition to the personal exemption and credit foi dependents, for the purpose of com- puling the noimal tax Having arrived at the net income, the next step is to sonal exemption and credit for dependents The balance tepie- sents the surtax net income. next step ib to deduct fiom huch balance the ned-mcome LI edit less and othei ciedits to is entitled which The the re- is assessed is gross income Ihe.

deductions allowed-by law. Such deduclions include business rnaindei lepiesents tlie amount of and professional expenses, such I net income subject to the normal as salaries, pensions and bonuses I tsx of 4 per cent Any amount to employee, laxes, losses, inler- c'St, bad dc'ols, 'depreciation, dc- of siirlHX net income which of $4.000 is subject The surtax is computed in.accordance with Ihe rales Ihe -various. so lo understand deductions against WoH Snle; at the yards the past hurl wnath- lu cast of We recallvthat here-in America We have.always been afflicted from the "Mollie Maguires" and with groups of Intolerant morons "no nothings' down to the "Ku Klux" and "Silver Shirts" and we never went out and shot any of in God firm faith in srihie'tH irijr 'flie efficien( and justification stroni England like: the r-'ii ls these past afflictions Is' foivttie ATM fl11 the nee I Cl1 VI home-made origin whi people. It. iV somethtiir in 8 8 classl(; lld which thby believe as firmly Wlth but they do in the Rock of urely 1 for PSi 1 and can afford.

I think games the Junior American Legion team Inst summer. Who Was That Lady A the Jeffersbn School FT A In had a- poem by Cecil Shuford of Fwyelteville, entitled "Ax in the Morning." "Winss of the Navy." which opens Sunday, and brothers in "The Throe. Musketeers." there comes to the auditorium greeted a pic ure for which we vs been "The Bea'rh- its' we never wciii unu ruuL tinj i u. these 'misguided- zealots annual minstrel show last fombe rtll rinq Charles Laugh- though the temptation was great "'f' They re expecting miother i(o Ant believe'if. or'not.

the and justification strong. However, 1 1 whc.vllie sliow lowinK They have. not necessary in their i good city set-up with accent on the Mayor. or iii. their; ceptance of science, to.

drop God. They ancient 'teachings of the Bible when discovered did they foreswear the Faith their Fathers, when they Freud. They knew faith is the first as it is the last word in power, j'iist as the scientist knows that breath is the first andvlast'pf living. i rrom the FaWn in Self These things being true, it behooves everything a everybody 'to have faith in Self, and havinor: 19 make deftiarid (while towards one's, goal), in the meantime, shalt decree'a thing as it shall be established unto thee" we read in Job I Again, in another place in the Book that has survived 'throughout the ages because of-the. truths, it contains: "According to your faith unto you." Let us then in America, Dear Editor: I noticed, your request in lasl night's paper for th readers to their views as io whether tho people.of the United States 61 America should allow the peoples of alien nations to advocate their within our country.

is fundamental subject and your attitude is very for a free, discussion of -it through the-columns of "your par per. Personally, I feel no fear in such because it seems logical to me that if the hundred and twenty million American people truly believe in the principles on which our government is founded, the form of government under-which we have lived since 1789, it is absurd to think that a small group of foreign propagandists could In- 'fluence them. On the other hand, if they are not satisfied with the setup as it exists they have perfect right to hear discussed other philosophies of government and to decide for themselves. Let tho people decide; tho right of free speech will never hurt truth. Oils A.

Kite. Lincoln, Arkansas, Feb. 22, 1939. i CUt ai'OO. renew pur And DC- Editor Northwcsl Arkansas Times, lieving.

that if we decree Fayeltcvllle, Arkansas. rightly, it shall be established Dcnr Editor: unto us let us'live daily with I the Feb. 21 tojie of your unro UB.H.I. paper you ask for renders'opinion our feet 071. the ground, our of (hc bund mcollng hold in were le Hie present oiip Is of foreign origin.

And that makes a difference. The question is: How I tolerance a virtue? How far should forbearance go? Personally -1 am i uuubu luuiKUL wiiuu nn; OMW.V phowint; of "The Benrh- will be'repcatcd at o'clock. The. 0 ber" -will be for adults ladies, of the ensemble stole the on Fayetteville has no show last night. While Hie rc mcf for its most illus- inen were gagging on their grigs, ous niiizen, Archibald Yell, but dozen all- In blank- '(be rfly slrecls n.imarl face, sang pleasingly.

We didn't Harding. Nelson, Slclzntr, Futralt them all, but Miss an rt stacker And In com-lii- reachlng the point where these two cardinal virtues of democracy arc beginning to lose some of thei saintly-aura: There is limit to all Ihings and Ihe German Bund with their'-slorm Hoopers, their Heil Hitler and their Swastika elevaled over Ihe Slars and Stripes -are dangerously close to tae limit, if they have not already reached it. OBS your cogioe merely groan when you'touch' the starter', button? THE WRONG WMtoJremedy the to yank the choke until pool gathers uoderdeath the iump up and dowo oh starter until the poor battcry.givejup.tbe burn your fingers pouriog hoc water loto the radiaton THE RIGHT WAY, the easy way, is keep the tank filled with Phillips 66 Poly Gas, which is extra without extra cost. 'This high test does the trick every time, because any engine in good mechanical condition tvillstart provided that the gasoline in the tank is "hot" 'Phillips 66 Poly Gas Is plenty "hot." Rarely exceeded ID high test even by higher priced motor fuels. extra wallop and action, with'extra heat units a'nd extra Yet it.costs nothing.extra, because Phillips is the WORLD'S LARGEST PRODUCER of test gasoline.

We sincerely believe i i this winter's best buy in cold-weather gasoline. Get a trial tankful, and then 1 thai difference. Phill-up with Phillips for Lillian Wheelis 'sang 'well. Mrs. ion, one; more joke from the Jcf- Kftheririo Madura gave a delifiht- ers0 School minstrel: the Int-r- I rondlllnn of "pown in Aln- 0 cutor asked the end'man, "Dp hpm," nnd Mrs.

W. E. Ivie jind ou thjufc 'th radio will ever re-' Miss 1 Helen Sivage. were charm- Ing In a duet. The girls wore irk skirtj linndnnnps hirt-wals wn and red an 'TM around their heads.

ff suffering and rather meek son but il might be'well' for these 1,0 wedi Nazis of the jZ kf was H1B to recall tha the Ilvst flag car- prcsident Mrs vjack rled by American patriots a hun- dred and sixty years ago bore this 1 motto at foreign' tyrants "DON'T' TREAD ON'ME." We Americans still feet the same way and will probably act about the same way now as we did then, if we are pushed too far- --A: H. Clement. and most youthful ap- af the darktown gals was S. W. Jackson.

Mosl ex- lubcrant in. I he bnck row. was Mrs. Dignified even in efferson PTA's Carlisle, was tho place the Northwest Arkansas Times?" and the end man replies, "No, because you can use the Times to start a fire with." 'FLASH! This predicts that' Fred Hawn will the Mbnet't Red Birds' in Ark-Mo league. -ALEXANDER SENTENCED Little Rock, Feb- Judge T.

C. In Unusual in the mother and daughter pair, Mrs. John Dunsbn and 'Miss Wheelis. Oulslondirig in Ihe masculine contingent were D. Hayes, the interlocutor; Paul Corlett as a night watchman, a Turley Beard, end man.

The Rev. Ewell Loguc and Mrs. Logue were members of the cast. Interlocutor Hayes had a rather distinguished appearance, height- federal jencd by the tux he wore. He is behind the court this afternoon sentenced the guiding genius Vcrn 32, of Jefferson.

School's minstrel and Pine Bluff, former teller at -the 'his Is the seventh annual min- Slmmons National bank, lo serve strel Ihere in which he has lakcn a term of ihree years In Ihe re-lpnrt. Incidentally, Roy Scott formelory. Alexander earlier In I directed the first Jefferson School the day entered a plea of guilty Mrs. "lo charge of embezzlemenl. He! iano las Sh( was charged wi(h taking $1,780 In funds beltmglhjr- to Ihe bank.

owl paid with his life for a meal and cut off the current in this community for nn hour and a half. When a hlghllne short-circuited, Mort Rodwcll, utility employe, sel out to find the trouble. Beside sputtering wire wa3 a lhc and furnished the correct foot-tapping rhythm. We cannot close our report of the Jefferson minstrel show wilh- out giving Smoky Row readers ASK ME ANOTHER-- I 1. Which is the mother a chick--the hen which lays the egg or the one that hatches it? '2.

Wiat is the difference between huckleberries and blueberries 3. Can horses sleep without lying down? Answers on Classified TODAY'S HOROSCOPE I If you are today's birthday child, look for promotion in the coming year and the fulfillment of your wishes. Your will enlarge and your plans.pros-' per. The child born today.will be physically and mentally strong and resourceful. He or she will be reliable and businesslike, and will be lucky In the choice of an He or she will also H1 Bluo wlro 8 looking heavenward, N(W York City recently.

seared, dead owl, rabbit's hcnd Wood and they boT turned ft OUr on Wm. I do not think that th? Amer- Its claws. 'rubber" sample of i mlnslrcl! make a hnppy and successful mar- humor as it was expounded lost ''InB 0 a make progress all night. It seems (wo gor.tlomen Ihrough life, named Wood and Stone were standing on Smoky Row talking when a woman came out of a store and got Into her car. "Wood lurned to Stone, Stone turned to Hints tin Etiquctlc A tiny child may be forgiven, if he holds his mug, glass or ci.p in both small hands, bul Hie should hold his cup In one hand by lls handle.

JUST received from the flourishing Manufactory ill Jlartfonl, a few Pieces of superfine BROADCLOTHS, of an excellent quality, which may be had in patterns, at reasonable prices, of GILBERT I A No. 4l, London Smoke, and Hartford Grey. Shopkeepers and others, who may want by the piece or package, will.please lo leave orders with A A I HAZARD, No. 51, Water-street, Jan. 12.

In January, 1789, George Washington wanted some broadcloth for "a suit of doaths." Scanning the pages of the New York Ad-vertiser, he found the above advertisement. So he commissioned his friend, Major General Henry Knox, to purchase the broadcloth for him and send it to Mount Vernon. This is just one of the historical facts that show that George Washington was a shrewd buyer and a good business man. A close study of the advertisements in your daily newspaper will you to buy wisely. Read these offerings of your local merchants carefully.

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