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Lead Daily Call from Lead, South Dakota • Page 2

Lead Daily Calli
Lead, South Dakota
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A. TO KNOW A FEW MORE vTL rp torA Rffi I THE LEAD DAILY CALL official rat-aft 4 Utl a4 Uwimi Wmmvt rfcllrti BtwIoc Snap, tantar I. A. unity, PrMldml A Ward A. Btmley, O.

L. Boars, Secretary -Traaaiir. H. B. UUlt, BusIdms lUntfftf aivBEt or amociatso matt TIm Associated Prcaa to xclutWa-ly titled to ut for republication of wlro credited In this ptper ud also the IomI ntwi pMbllii4 here-au rlshta of publieatluo of special are- aim Dolly OaU wmljU Rate By Carrier eouts a month.

When paid strictly tn advance. It. 16 for I BBontha, or It per year. By Mll 60 canta a month. M.te for I month or par yaar.

Entered at the Port Otfloe at La4. B. a eeoond claaa ma I tar. There still are aome who do not believe nor know that this God's world, and that He always will rule for hi own en da. Conform to God's The Lord will come with atrong band, and hia arm shall, for him; behold Hta reward is with Him, and his work before 40:10.

SMALL Bl'WEftfl Governor Thomas ft has promised that a. change in admin istration this year will guarantee small business new and enlarged opportunities for development, free of the crushing taxation regulatory restrictions of the new deal. "If you get a new administration," Mr. Dewey told small businessmen in the west, anxious about their prospects In the postwar years, think the chances of small industries are pretty good. The entire effect of the tax and regulatory policies of the present administration has been to put an increasing per cent, of production into large bidustrtes." Throughout its history the new deal has fostered policies which 3avc steadily strangled small In 1942-43, than 850,000 small buatnesaes were I forced to close.


1 THFIC LRKV5TH LEGS' 1 VV i-lTV SNAKE A AMD HE'S -ONLV ABOUT Y' IWELL.I'DSAV I Westbrook Pegler's Fair Enough (Copyright, 1944, King Features, Inc.i BEHIND TJIZ SCENES IN WASHINGTON (By Peter Edton) NEA Staff Correspondent There are so many nice little ways in which a candidate In office and running for re-election hns it all over a candidate not In the office he is seeking to be elected to. Governor Dewey may not have the ref portabilities that Roose velt has. Dewey can do a lot more fancy-free shooting from the hip with small worry about breaking a few windows In other people's glass house. But President Roosevelt can Indulge In a lot more high-powered precision bombing from his exalted office without giving any too obvious appearances of playing politics and without ever mentioning his worthy opponent once, by name or inference. For instance, the president dashes off a directive to Budget Director Harold D.

Smith telling him he's gotta start figuring how to reduce the number of govern-ment employes as soon as the war's over. Thereby the president. In office, gets credit for a beautiful assist at cutting down federal expenditures. The president signs the( G. I.

Bill of Rights and his administration gets credit for being good to the soldiers. As commander-in-chief, the president goes to Africa, the Middle East, Hawaii. Alaska. He sees the troops In those places, and without kissing a single baby or giving away one cigar or clg-aret he makei his presence felt and thus appeals to a few hundred thousand voters. He can throw In.

-along with a list drvlnS promotions of career d'PlomaU. the appoint tionsl Committeeman, Charles Rawycr of Ohio, to be ambassador to Belgium, and he can thereby pay off a political debt. He can make reports to the na tion form "your government" and he can make fireside chats from I secret naval bases on the west coast. He can appoint a committee to 1n of nyip hich a hn; folk, wn0 makes a great hit with folks who believe the con of Hving is too high, as who doesn't. Without a word from him.

a buresu of his administration can the course of Its busi- unregulated. 11 verv t0 P'ldent. when 'ant 10 THE INDIHPKNSABLK MK. L. By James Thrasher By subtle remarka dropped here and there, Jc'in L.

Lewis hM indicated that he feels scant en-thuaiasm for President Roose- velt'a rc-electlon. He has even hinted guardedly that he con aid era the present administration's attitude toward the United Mine Workers downright unfriendly. But Mr. Lewis Wasn't attacked Mr, Roosevelt from the "indis- not he. Mr.

Uwla may be said to have created the Indispen-able man in hi. own image. He na. been indispensable to the UMW Inr 2 nan man unit bnv And slapping down anyone w'lo sug- gests he kn't. "One Ray Edmund5on." as Mr.

Classified Rate: Jiff canta par word par da: Minimum Chars. Ik cwoU Ada run with a Call numuir i letter are airlctly coiiAilenttal. i are not at lterty io reveal tht i identity of tho advartlaora nor sva any Information rniin FOUND FOUND-Falr of child's glassss on Washington school play-fround. Inquire at Call office. 27 12 FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartments, furnished: oafurntshMl I Clark, Pbon 207a, hrmae T-BU FOR Fur.

sleeping ano ouscJcplna room Votanda FOR RENT 4 room apartment with heating stoves and garage, i Phone 1346. 26 t8 FOR RENT One large furnished house in good location. Inquire Lehecka Insurance Agency. t-28 tf FOR SALE FOR SALE At big discount, ladles and men's diamond rings' and men's wrlstwatches. Auto Bankers, 694 Main Dead-wood.

9-2 tf FOR SALE Six room house and bath, full basement. Inquire 133 W. Summit or phone 2667W. -25tf FOR SALE White liber board clothes hamper. Regular S6.95.

special 13.95. Black Hills Radio Dealer. 602 West Hione 2400. 8718 FOR SALE Two men's overcoats In good condition. Sizes 42 and 44..

149 Terravilie avenue. 27t2 FOR SAL New two-element hot plate. 112.95. Black Hills Radio Dealer. 28 13 FOR SALE Boy's pre-war bicycle.

Phone 127J, Deadwood. 28 t3 WANTED WANTED To buy second fcanf -furniture. Second HamT Store No. 9 Baltimore. Phone -11-141' PAID NOTICES Bfe.4t'TyftllOPt Will be open evenings fox appointments ir.acle during the day.

16 Baltimore. Phone R. 19 112 BAKED FOOD SALE By Bethel Lutheran Aid. Light Office, 10 a. m.

Saturday. Sept. .10. 27 13 What is a parlance A A Catalina search plane, used cues. time rate of home construction? I A About 800.000 units annually, inculding houses and Dumbo" in AAF i I i tff.

L. 'IT tiyuig boat! for sea res-1 taxation which a during; that time he has develop-' It may be remembered that claim on our bympathy or deal bad imposed on thm mmmiflcent technlone for than a vear back. Mr. Rooac- lum but. after all.

thev dn have LA JUNTA, Colo. Mr. Roose- velt's resort to the words "false- hood" and "fraud" in his address1 political and apiritual th unio racket recall, another falachood and fraud which perpetuated on the American PODIe only a lew weeu ago. velt's attorney general. Francis the one who tiptoed up the back stairs to pay homage of the immigration reductions tsaa thi.

uvr. rinnjf uwm.M hnv DEBT traitors to every country but Russia. They were absolutely re-1 sponsible for fascism in Italy and largely to blame for the rlac of Hitler in th. collapse of the French army and 'nation in, J940. I r-omniunif refnirrn.

hv children who are not communists yet. As to the women, however. who were supposed to be in the the female of the speciea is as deadly as the male. In such cases our compassion might be exploited to our own Injury, There was no statement of the ai-Hi-ilia. anA ance that if the waiver had been granted it would not be abused' in this way and the president's own promise to congress more re- i cently that the majority of the refugees would be women and children.

should be present then What would you bet that, having brok- toniumt ueeatata Wa. riaM NBC 6. Frank Morgan; 7. George Murphy for Bing; 8, Joan rogramd I TEAM VOBK Lewis called him, feas so as, to Sidney Hillman and the CIO-; majority it could not be over-to challenge this Indispensability communist axis at the Chicago looked that among communists at the UMW's biennial conven- convention, went to a committee tion in Cincinnati. In fact.

hef congress to ask for suspension was aoubly audacious, not oniy did he want 40 run for VrT the duration of the emergency, la's office, but he also favored Mr. Biddle explained that un- anma haratiral trio). fUflV ailtO nomy. This would allow mem- I fWW TO J0i' rVt 3aE'r --iT IMni F0(5ITF I RD 0' aM? 1UPLT A VV'S 3VV, shell to pay ourselves a head tax oany of the adults, however. They ner.

in i ui jcigiu uu.ima on cui pnauner u. jusi refugees nu mat was gtt ready tnM mll. trlcts to choose their own of fie-1 war brought here for detention i all we were told about them. ons people -hould have their era. a privilege which Mr.

Lewis and representatives of our gallant For short while after the wages ralfcd. And vou know-In his wiedom has long denied allies would have to go through refugee party arrived we were al-'who gets the credit for that, them. i the vexatious process of entering lowed no information about them. He can attend eonferencea with Mr. Edmundson called a caucus; the country In the regular way.

But. presently, reporters visited NImiti and MacArthur in Honolu-of his followers early in the con-j He assured the committee thit the camp and then without em-1 In. with Churchill in Quebec. Chi-vention. Mr.

Lewi, sent around Mr. Roosevelt had no ulterior phasis on the ratio or reference I ang Kai-shek In Cairo and Joe some of his strong-knuckled boys motive and certainly would not to Mr. Roosevelt's promise that I Salin In Teheran. These- have to break It up. They did.

This i abuse the privilege if it were women and children would be in nothing to do with domestic pol-apparently was just to remind the granted to admit to the country the majority, we learned that the Itlca, but they make an awful lot Edmundson boys- that It waa they I large numbers of European refu- majority were men and not homy- 1 of front page news without his who were expendable and Mr. I gees. 'handed farmers or laborers, either, party' press agents having to Lewis who was still indispens- Congress apparently didn't be- i but Journalists, lawyers, artists turn a single handspring. Mean-able. lieve Mr.

Biddle so the request 'and other sedentary Intellectuals. while, his opponent has to get in Liter, in a more orthodox turned down. This certainly suggested influence's train wreck to compete, sion, Mr. Lewis made a speech. As to whether the head tax has or Pu" point in Italy where Just before an election he can He came right out and told the been paid on the war prisoners selection was made and a pref- I get fie plans all started for keep-delegates that Mr.

Roosevelt, Mr. iand the distinguished visitors on the part of our authorising the peace, feeding the hun-HiUman and Mr. Browdcr had have had no announcement but I Ue" for favored types. gry, educating the dumb, stnbil- "hlred a man to come down here probably it has not for they arc) So Mr. Roosevelt's mention of world- currency, rcgu- and dethrone the old man." King nt punctilious in Washington ex- "falsehood" and "fraud" instinc- Hating the world's aviation.

rub-John doesn't dethrone easy. lceDt in searchine the tax returns tivelv recalls Mr. Biddle's ber and every other thing that ofnomtDX "I STRAN5E.K RED KTDtK 1 61'JEVE l-'-l 1LOCO HE Boon afterward the convention, in the perron of Mr. Lewis, ruled thst "said Edmundson" waa not a member in good standing, could jonly a debit on one set of books not be seated as a delegate, and i and a credit on another and It thus of course could not posnblyimay be assumed that neither Mr. run for president.

Churchill nor any of our many -m m-if I-- QUESTION AL'O AHSWERS with a maze of regula-l tton. reports and red. tape made -impossible to The war. which temporarily raided the new deal depression and made jobs for the ten mlHion un-- employed whom the Roosevelt administration had been unable to brought the small business little comfort. In the first two years of the war.

retail stores, 94,000 construction firms and 86.000 service establishments went out of business. The Roosevelt administration, with untold billions at its disposal to pour into the gigantic task of arming the nation, completely overlooked small business. It awarded 70 per cent of its war contracts to 100 big firms. Instead of more business, the small firms got more regulations, more taxation, manpower- controls and price ceilings. What does the administration offer small business in tha postwar era? The Byrnes report that OPA and WMC will continue their restrictive prp-srrams after Germany is defeated.

The economy of the nation wiH be thoroughly regimented; ana small business knows from bitter experience what its chances of survival are under auch system. Governor Dewey, on the. other hand, has demonstrated his abil ity to foster small business. The state of New York is tha leading industrial state of the nations it has one-tenth of the population and it psys one-fifth of the national taxes. Yet when Governor Dewey assumed office, the state of New York was far down on the list of war contracts and 400.000 men and women were unemployed in New York City, despite a national manpower shortage.

One thousand small business firms bad HUe facilities. After six months of intensive work by the Dewey administration, the state of New Tork had risen to second place oh war contracts; payrolls i lVew York City had increased 25 per -cent over the previous year: unemployment insurance claims had dropped 62 per cent; and small business was guaranteed a share in New York's new found leconomlc vig-or. A surplus of $613,000,000 in the treasury had been locked 'lip in a post-war reconstruction fund. Governor Dewey initiated a state post-war planning; snittee which is already at wont preparing a program which will keep the state's economic structure. on a sound, profitable basis.

These plans can go ahead with the sssumice that a minimum of i $163,000,000 in cash win be im- mediately available for the gifan- tie task or reconverskm. What Governor Dewey has done to assure a brighter future for small business in (lis home stale. he can do for the nation, "if you get a new administration," i of BED RYDER VVHEM SMBEZE, THEV USUALLY SNEEZE IN GROUPS OF 7MEe, FOUR OK Five I HE.T, COWS01 CM 1 SFEA "mlfW NOW 1H KT 50 Wlfl.lS CAN! GLSi KHCH v.L -E 1 in rrr-ri-" i -w THIS CURIOUS WORLD By Wm. Ferguson MMwti" "li I By Fred Harman wvs tamers OlfcCUSSINtj WHAT. of bad Indian The convection, in the person Russian dignitaries who have As to his- further promise that of Mr.

Lwia; also saw to it tharjeome here on war business has! they will all be sent back after bis erm of ofnea nd that of oth- been sent to Ellis Island or other- the war, what would you want officers wa wise embarrassed by the immigra- bet on a proposition of falae-changed from two years to four. tion officers on rrrival at our hood and fraud if Mr. Roosevelt Also them was a little nmuer holding conventions every four i year now instead or wa cenuy assuming tne authority en down the bars by force, he will help keea the boys from get-, which congress had specifically wouldn't beckon hundreds of thou-Ung any restless idea of refused to grant. Mr. Roosevelt jsands more to come on over and tag orees every 80 or 30 years, sent memorandum to the hill live with us? And o- it went Fesolution announcing that Tie had suspend-1 kiiainAM Hrnnori a lfmtr tht imn-i crnttynn Ian a m-usv How fast does thonder- bolt travel? A 60,000.000 m.p.h.

What Is family's average share of the natiou'a wartime- ex-; pencttturevf A 18200. a life insurance com-1 paay reports. What arc Guam called 1 A Chamorros. the natives of 1 What do Uie letters TNT stand tart A Trl-hitro-toluene. What new um has been tug- eeated Air cornsuarchT 1 What is the standard "safe--tv" position of paratroopers at ly.

ni-ithout diacussie-n, of American citizens who have opposed the new deal. If it has been paid, however, it represents I ports. Well, time passed and hen re- Citing no legal authority, the by Christmas Savings auhs. Christmas cards, however. save a I lot more.

People who marry merely for money usually earn it. it isn-t the shortness of skirts One, delegate -complained thit president just informed congrefs ha and hia fellows couldn't fmUov he had decided to admU the repoa-ts beetusr 'about 1,000 refugees who had been they were read by number, and collected in Italy and was send-ggested some other procedure, jing them to a disused army camp That -was impossible. Mr. Lewi? near Oswego, New York. He told hira, aren't said women and children would the rules of the in the majority and gave aa-sNo questioa about ilV demo- sura nee that afler the war they cracy in actim is wondaiful would be returned to their homes, and inspiring thing.

And well This wis a difficult case. Most be of the boys in the I'MW of us are sorry for refugees, ex-mias iC cept the communists who are A As internal surgical drras-1 in. Frozen -Isyonge" of A Davis: 8:30. March of Time. Rep.

starch would bold medicine, J. W. Fulbrigbt. would dissolve gradually relaaaing the medicine. i Death Valley Sher-j Iff; 7, Major Bowes amateurs; 8.

O' -lt historic Interest to First Line, drama; 8:30. Larry Americans Is Ghent, captured re-Douglas songs. by the Allies? 'point of landing? a-Feet togther. knees slightly ibent: thia position reduces danger of anltle injury. hat president delivered the longest inagural address William Henry words.

What is the Seabee motto? A Construtmus Baluimus Wo I Build. We Fight. 1 What president never voted i or held office until he was elected A Zachary Taylor. Moldy Csra Farmers should not feed moldy corn to horses or sheep, but it does not injure cattle, and hogs can be allowed to eat all of it they want dvises Prof. F.

B. Morrison of the New -York Stale sollvjic of asncul-lure. BARBS paring Yanlt! Jarin airhnrnr Yanks Ei-abbed the ortdfre that let British race tntp Holhtiwr. A Dutch treit! The best place to caih in a tot personaJ sati-'faction ts at the JksnK- Millions are saved each' year 1 BLU- 6:15. Lum and Abner: 30.

Harry James band; 8. Rav- imond Gram Swing; 8:30. Stop or Go. Joe E. Brown.

MBS 6:45. World Series pre- view; 6:30, Sammy Kaye variety Antonini aerenadc; Air Forces. 8:80. i A The Treaty of Ghent was signed there in 1815, ending our War of 1812 with the Britua Have the AiBes given much aid to Italy since -that nation's capitulation A TV Allies have shipped supplies, InchnHng food-, fnl nd mediobM, worth" ANSWER: Fingerprint. that worries dad.

but the leng of time they're worn. Army KBXI: Where the souls FADED TEXT INK SMUDGES.

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