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Lead Daily Call from Lead, South Dakota • Page 1

Lead Daily Calli
Lead, South Dakota
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ma ommt LEA PA linniwn aril a Ttttsis WiPlWAMTnriViT i 'STOLE KING' TIlUf.IBPRlfJTON GUN IS PROOF RAPID TEAM DRILLING ON lEAD'SOWN' PLAYS Gate City Team May bo Weakened) Mendeuhal! offer lriae farming probe not to report LED BY PASI1A, CAIROCABIKET GIVEUPFOUOS MUST EXPLAIN HIS OPERATIONS Lea KoreU Arrestee! ia Halifax, Nota Scotia; Had Beta In trailed Witk Million by Investors to Develop Panama Project (r The Aaaaclal. rYtaa) CHICAGO, Nov. 14. Leo Kortet, called "the king ot swindlers" will be returned here late this week to explain hit disappearance with mil lions of dollars In'trusled to him by Investor tor development of mythical Panama syndicate. Koreti was arrested at Halifax.

Nova Stolla. FORMER CENTRAL CITY BOY IS MARRIED IN RAPID CITY A weddlug in Rapid City ot more than passing Interest to Lead Is that ot Miss Gladys Todd and Nels Nelson. Saturday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E.

R. Todd, Episcopalian rector. The bride 1 a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Todd, ot Rapid City, aud bus many friends in Lead. Fol lowing her graduation from Rapid City high school, she studied In the Columbia School of Expression, at Chicago, aud tluce then baa had private classes in oratory, expres slon and Interpretative dancing. The groom Is a native ot Central Cxty. He Is an electrical engineer.

having lately been employed as elec trical Inspector at the slate cement plant Following a brief honeymoon. the happy couple will begin house keeping In Rapid City. FEDERATION OF LABOR IS OPPOSED TO THIRD PARTY Br Tk Aaaerlalee Frcaa) EL PASO. Nov. 14.

The annual convention of the American Federation ot Labor overwhelming ly rejected proposals for support of a new political party and reaffirmed Its adherence to a policy of non partisan political activity. CHICAGO UNIVERSITY IS WEST CONFERENCE CHAMP CHICAGO, Nov. 14. With three victories, three ties and no detests, the University of Chicago is the winner of the western conference championship for 1114. HUNTER SUPS AND KILLS SELF ON OWN DOOR STEP iRr Tfce AaMctaMd rim) HURON.

Nov. 14. Oils Silver. 25, was killed when be slipped from the landing of his apartment on his return from a hunting trip, and fell to the pavement 12 feet below. This is the fourth death among the Stiv er brothers.

One wits dragged to death by a pony. One died of lockjaw, me third died oT pneumonia in the army. SHORT SHRIFT MADE OF UNTRUE MEXICANS Seventeen Officers IJned ap by Wall at Villa Ht-rmos and Shot (Br Tk AaMrlair Press) MEXICO CITY. Nov. 14.

Seven teen officers. Including three gener als of the rebel army who were granted amnesty after the failure of the De La Huerta revolt and who recently resumed activities against the government, were executed yes- terday at Villa Heruios. FOR SOME Tjr.lE Coaunitsioa is Now ia Receu But May Prepare Somt Data For Next Cosfreu; Will Study Cat tie Industry in Near Future. Mlal tm lk Callt WASHINGTON. Nov.

14. After calling upon several branches ot the federal government for a digest of InforniaiioD of their function on specific subjects coming under the scope of the Investigation now under way. the agriculture! commission, appointed by President Cool- Idge Is In recess until such time as these reports hsve been submitted and members ot the commission have bed an opportunity to study them closely. Burvey To He lucliulve It has been specifically stated by (Continued on page 1) MODERNIZING SIX SHIPS, ESSENTIAL, SAYS WILBUR To Renew lfc-uiaad for Increased Appropriation from Congress (Br Tk Aamlattl Preaa) WASHINGTON. Nov.

14. Mod ornlsstloa of the six older buttle-ships of the American fleet Is essential. Secretary Wilbur declared to day in his annual report, "If our ratio ot naval strength Is to be main tlned." He Indicated bis Inten tlon to renew the department's much debated recommendation for a special appropriation for that pur pose. The report omitted the annual study ot the Navy General board re latlng to supplementary construct Ion required to round out the fleet, aud made no direct reference to the program of ten cruisers and sundry auxiliary craft which tailed of pas-ssge In the final hours last session. The secretary Is undertood to have ducided to treat this subject in a special report sent to the house subcommittee on naval appropriations.

Neither did he include In his annual report any recommendation tor a change in the navy's authorised personnel ot 86,000. With respect to aircraft, Secre tary Wilbur said the special board appointed to develop a policy had not completed its work, tut bad gone far enough to make certain that the navy already recognises the importance of the air arm to a modern fleet. The recent contract for a patrol plane capable ot a sustained flight from San Diego to Honolulu Is believed to have had more than casual connection with this study. Negro 8unpect Is Sought SEBREE, Ken. A trail ot blood lead a searching party to a thicket where was discovered the body ot Joseph Edwards, 67, interior decorator.

Quake Shakes Anatolia LONDON Many towns In Anatolia were shaken by an earthquake Saturday night. Japan Feels It Too TOKIO, Severe earthquakes four minutes duration rocked Lake Biwa region this morning, serious damage was reported. ot the No FORMER TREASURER DIES. CAZENOVIA, N. T.

Charles Steb-blns Fairchiid, 87, secretary to the treasurer, under President Cleveland, died suddenly at bis home here. nun 1 LA MLU A UUUv THAT ESXT.0S COULDN'T sHal ik ru PIERRE, Xov. (J. tUnuwer, of Uukla, recently abut a dutk on puad near that place, which had ev Wholly been In the arctic far north, aa Imbedded In It breaat was a bona amuwhMul which had vtlitearly not been there for a vety long time. It la not likely that such weapon would bo rd except among some of the more remote Indiana of the Arctic regions, as practically all of Iheui are supplied with fire arm of mmuo character.

WILLIAMSON CAMPAIGN COST HIM OVER $1,100 I Br Tk Aaaarlated WASHINGTON, JM 4'ampalira expenditure report-rd to the house Included hll-Hamsun, of South Dakota, HUGE BUILDING FUND TO BE SOUGHT BY CHICAGO U' lUr Tk Aumrlated Pre) CHICAGO, Nov. 14. The dovel opmeut program ot the Vnlversily ot Chicago Involves obtslnlug 500.000 during 1915. which will be pent principally for new buildings and creating au endowment fund. It was announced today by Harold 11.

Swift, president of the board of trustees and Ernest DcWItt Uurton, president ot the university. EX-ATTORNEY GENERAL'S WIFE DIES OF PNEUMONIA (r Tk Aaaarlaled Frraa) COLl'MBUS. Nov. 14. Mrs Lucie Walker Dsugherty.

wife ot the former attorney general, died yesterday of pneumonia. The fu neral will be held Tuesdsy. Burial will be at Washington Court House. LARD ROCKER PASSING BEATS YELiOWJACKETS AT QUEEN CITY, 14-3 Mine Scores Twice in Second Quarter; Spearfuh Count Comes ia Last 40 Seconds; Lead Men Star With Rapid City Eleven. Showing the same high clsss ot football that won the five consecu tive previous games, the School of Mines football eleven closed Its sea son Saturday with a repeat victory over Spearfish Normal.

The score was 14 to 1. The game was played on a muddy tieia amia towering skies which showered bits of snow upon the players. With this victory, he Hard Rockers ended the most successful grid schedule in recent years In which they tie for second place In the South Dakota conferen ce. The Mine counters were made in the second quarter, spearnsn an nexed ber three poln in the final 40 seconds of plsy when Engleburt dropped kicked goal from the 16- yard line, the closest that the Yel low-jackets were able to gel during the contest. The Yellowjacket made five first downs, two in the first bslf and three in the second.

The Miners attempted seven psss- es during the first half and com pleted all of tbem for good gains. To One-Inch line In the third quarter the Miners carried the ball for 40 yards to the Yellowjackets one-Inch line where they lost it on a close decision. Again, they ploughed to the lS-ysrd line but were unable to push serosa a score. Toward the close of the gsme. tne tiX YDU HAVE SOKE MORE 1 ftlE Boyi ARE DlNttR- TOO HIGHI" AS WELL WVI UVUIU1UJ IV win PROGRAM ON KORROW Piiblto Is Invited to Assembly HaUj Exercise to start at litis The public Is Invited to the speci al program at high school assembly tomorrow at 11:15 o'clock, in Assembly ball.

It will be produced by the sophomore clasa under the direction of Miss Ernia Krank, and is as follows: Harvest Festival I The Vineyard French Dance; Eileen Kay, Rose Marengo, Alice Nichols, Eslel Burns, Alleyne Whal- ey, Marjorlo Werllck, Olivia Hall Anna Potter. II Violin solo Peter Brtlca, III Harvest Frolic Russian Dance; Peggy Morthland, Sydney Staples, Vera Tull, Dean Esliug, Helen Johnson, Edward Qadler, Mil dred Arthur, John Corcoran, Vianie Mastrovtch, Paul Corcoran. IV A Thanksgiving story of Ab raham l.luioln Annie Vukovlch, Reap the Flax Swedish Dance; Fern Slaughter, Reva Nor hod. Gladys Bryant, Lois Graham, Florence Stllwell. VI Musical number Edward Raider, Dean Ealing.

VIII The Rheinlander German dance; Anna Mlnarlcb, uno ror Kurd. Angelina DeMatea, Walter Mattsou, Marie Holvey. Walter Schloredt. Evans Barry. Larry Mc Donald.

Florence Shedd, Clarence Cooper. VIII Harvest Home Chorus. Accompanist Esther Boswell. Program for high school assemb ly Tucsdsy, Nov. 15, 11:15 a.

m. Prepared by Sophomore class, under direction of Miss Erma Krank. H.A.A. WANTS CLOTHING TO HELP DESTITUTE CHILDREN A esse ot real need, wherein a family of children Is In dire need of the essentials for keeping warm, has come to the attention of the Home- xtake Aid association's auxiliary, and an appeal Is being made for haririlnir. and children's under clothes and other wearing apparel.

Contrlbutlona may be left with Mrs. Annie Brooks as the Recreation building or Mrs. Maggie Ryan at 09 Addle street. "The H. A.

A. clothes chests at the 'Rec' are low, or we couio met the need as soon as we heard of it." Mrs. Ryan stated this morning. It is a pitiful esse and we hope the 111. I anil response win oe ui prompt." MORGAN LOAN OVERBID TODAY IN 45 MINUTES (Br The Asaaclate PnM XEW YORK, Nov.

A substantial over subscription of the hundred million dollar French loan offered by Morgan and company was announced when the books were closed 45 minutes after open-inn. ARE THREE REASONS WHY NEWTON COUNTY ATE GOOSE MARSHALL, Nov. 24. All Newton county had wild goose for dinner yesterday, all because: 1. An intrepid moonshiner pour ed fermented mash on the bsnks of Meadow lake.

2. Three hundred wild geese flying south to sojourn tor the winter, paused to dine. S. Three hundred wild geese, loo Intoxicated to fly. were captured.

Passing tourists discovered the drunken geese staggering around on the banks. MRS. PYLE AGAIN TO LEAD LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS PIERRE, Nov. 24 The league of Women Voters at their session Saturday, selected officers for the next year the same ones as have held for the past year. Mrs.

John L. Pyle of Huron, president; Mrs. S. X. Way ot Watertown vice president; Mrs.

Fred Hoffman ot Sioux Falls secretary; Mrs. E. F. Wilson of Huron treasurer. They selected as a legislative committee, Mrs.

John H. Pyle of Huron, and Mrs. C. S. Whiting of Pierre, with authority to appoint assistants in this work.

FT. AN SPENT 5532 IN SENATORIAL CACPAlGIi Report to Secretary of the Senate That S40 Was Contributed i Br Tkc rlta Pirn) WASHINGTON. Nov. 24 George Egan reorted to the secretary of senate that he spent $512 in his senate campaign of which 540 was KNIGHT SUICIDED Rapjd City Mystery Killing, Apparently Cleared Up by Disco very; Funeral Will Be Held at Belle Fourche Tomorrow. iBal the Call) RAPID CITY.

Nov. 11. Further evidence which apparently establish es the suicide theory In the case ot the death of A. L. Knight, Belle Fourche contractor, who was found dead In bis bed at the Harney hotel Thursday afternoon, was gathered Saturdsy when a thumb print on the JS-csllure automatic revolver corresponded exactly lo that ot the left thumb of the dead man.

A pno tograph ot the print was made by Carl Rise, local photographer, un der the direction ot Dr. R. J. Jack son, coroner. Lay on Right Side According to theory advanced, Knight held the automatic In bis left band while hit right band tquveted the trigger which tent one cartridge through the upper right chamber of hie heart and the recoil fired a secoud sot which crashed through the window sush ot the room and landed on roof outside.

Apparently the victim was lying on Lis tldtt and the empty car riage, ejected on the left aide of the revolver, fell behind him where ha lay upon tbem when he turned over on bis back. The gun. Itself, was found on the right side near bis knee. lived HU tkvonds Knight may have lived and re- tained consciousness for half a min ute after the shots were fired, suggested Dr. Jackson, and In this ime, be must have pulled the bed covert up over blm and folded bis bands across his chest.

Death came at a result ot bleeding to death In ternally and was practically pain less. Knight was teen on Main ttreet about 11:10 the night before tnd responded to the night clerk's call at seven o'rlork the next morning. The body was taken to 'Belle Fourche Saturday morning where the funeral will be beld Tuesday. CHARLES GOING TO MEXICO BUT WONT TELL JUST WHY LOS ANGELES. Nov.

14. Clisrlct Chsplln, movie comedian, passed through Yuma, last night bound for Guaymas. He re fused to discuss reports that he on his way to Marry Llta Grey, bis lesdlng lady, but admitted he Is on his way to Mexico. RAPID OH VOTES TODAY ON FREE WATER QUESTION (fptrlal Ik falll RAPID CITY, Nov. 14.

Citlxens of Rapid City vote today on the question of "frea water for the schoolat" Considersble Interest is being manifested. TUAN CHLIUI IS NEW CHIEF OF CELESTIALS (Br Tk A rlalee Pma) PEKING. Nov. 11. Tuan Chljul, former military premier of China and former leader of the military pariy.

was Inaugurated as chief ex ecutive of the republic's new government. Normaliles staged a rally, making two first downs in succession and reached the 15-yard line where Engleburt booted the ball between the bars for their only score. Klevca Men Starred. The entire Mines eleven played excellent football and each one deserves mention. Three players.

Gadskl. Morthland and Bump, play ing their last garnet for the Silver and Gold, achieved their endeavor of making the last one the best Gadski, at the end, was a brilliant performer to be reckoned with on very play. Morthland played one of the best defensive fullback games seen In the Hills in years. Bump, at guard starred In both offensive and defensive play. I'ecker.

for bis panting and passing, and lattery, tor his plunging, deserves mention. Shedd at quarter, piloted the team in a faultless manner. Fcr Spearfish. t'nderhUI at quar ter, Aurhtcener at fullback, and Engleburt at half, starred although the entire team played hard dean football throughout. Coach Belle of Lead high school, retereed.

wmio all Land It planning on moving entuaa down to Rapid City Tbanksglvlug Day to help the Bell men triumph over their ancient en unties, the Cobbmen, on the football field ot honor, th Cat City coach and backer are far from being quiescent, according to the 8unday Rapid City Journal. It saya: 'The team la going better than at any time this sayt Coach Euclid Cobb at he putt bit prote gees though their defensive practice agalusl 'Lead's Own' plays, executed by the second-squad. "The Cobbler have a healtby re spect for the Bellmen's tactlct for Friday evening, the husky seconds scored a touchdown tgainat tb first squad. Not the most cheering prospect which the Cobblers face Is tb pos sibility that Captain Leo Stangle, team pilot, and Lerde Wlldman, fleet half, will be out of the Turkey Day mix with injuries. Sanglo hat bad knee and Wlldman a bruised shoulder.

Kent her are reporting for practice and their availability on Thursday Is extremely doubtful Meanwhile, Coach Dell Is pulllug bis proteges through ttaulr final paces aud plans are being perfected at the high school to give the great est fan-eupport ever accorded Lead high school football team In an out of town game. A. J. Men-den hall has offered all prise for he bent slogan submitted. Referees have been announced as Boll, ot 8pearflsh, ref eree; Peterson, Rapid City, head linesiuun; Danielson, of Lead, urn pire.

JUSO BROTHERS LAY LAST LOG IN PINECREST CABIN Juso brothers, who bad th con tract for laying the logs In the community building at Pine Crest Dark, have completed their work, the lata log on tb veranda having been laid few duy ago, fitted in lilac and given tb ususl costing of oil. They are artists with th ax and taw, and every joint I dove tailed and perfectly fitting, while be loga have been to closely and perfectly laid In walls and roof that they appear to be airtight. The building present a most at tractive appearance from the high way aud its outside appearance- Is indicative ot whst it Is Ilk Inside. Plonecr-Tlmes. WALTER JOHNSON MAY PURCHASE SAINTS CLUB I Mr Tk AaMclalre Proa) tT.

PAI Nov. 24. Local fanilom is excited over reports that Hie St. Paul baseball club may be sold and one of the new owners may be Walter Jolinaon, Washington pin her. JOHN VERCELLIN0 PASSES AWAY DURING THE NIGHT John Vercelllno passed awsy last Igbt In bis borne at 414 South Muln street.

Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from St. Patrick's ca- ibedral. Dvceaned was born S4 years ago Kaly. but for many years bsd in lived in Lesd. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Edward, Western nlon operator at Deadwood.

and manager of the Western brsncb at Rapid City, and one daughter, Elda. Mr. Vercelllno was formerly employed by the Homestake company aa a miner, but had been 111 for some time. He was known as a hardworking and trustworthy workman, and a kind and narent and bad many friends who will sympathise with the sorrowing family in this hour their bereavement. Deceased was a member in good standing in the Cristoforo Colombo society at the time ot bis death.

HALL AND SHAW ARE NOMINATED BY SJ)UL Jecsir Pasurbura. of Spesurfish, is rd to the house included Wtf-I Mr The Aaaaeiawd Ftcm) SIOUX FALLS. Nov. 14. C.

B. Hall, superintendent of schools at Belle Fourche. and Fred Shaw, re tiring state superintendent, were nominated for president by th gen era council of the South Dakota Education association. Jessie Pangburn, of Spearfish. was reelected recording secretary.

Britik High Conuuttioner Acts; Englisk Forces to Oecnpy Alas aadria as Consequence of Slay-inf of of Sir Lee Stack last Week Tk imtUlti rrsae) LONDON. Nor. 84. The admiralty ordered the super ilreadnaughl to Alexandria, CaTPt, a battleship to Port Kaid and a cruiser nnd two destroyers to Sudan. CARIO.

Egypt, Th Egyptian cabinet headed by Seagloul Pasha tendered It resignation to King Fuad who accepted it. Lord Allenby, British high com missioner. Informed th premier that instruction bad been given for British forcea to occupy th Alex andria custom a a consequence of th slaylug of Sir Lee Stack. Allenby Presented Note CARIO, Egypt. Nov.

14. Wait ing until th body ot Major General air Lea Stack, sirdar, who waa as-slsslnated, had been burled, Lord Allenby, British high commissioner In Egypt, Saturday afternoon called upon Premier Zeaglonl Pasha and presented a nolo from the British government, demanding complete sstlstactlon for th sirdar' assassin ation, the crime being a culmination ot a large number ot autl-Brltlah outrage committed In Carlo during th past three year. MARINE HEAD WANTS U.S. TO BUY A TOWN WASHINGTON, Nov. Government purr haw) of the town of Quantiro, Vow, site) of th marine corps base, was recommended by Major Geaer-al John Le JJeuna In hi aaaaal report.

LEAD PEOPLE WILL SCAN THE HEAVENS THIS WEEK Lead people are watching th weather from now to Thursday with interest comparable only to their absorption In tbe coming Lead- Rapid City football gam Itself. Early this morning, th Call tele phone stsrted to bnxi with inquiries at to the extent of th tnow atom of yesterday, tnd continued to do so Intermittently through tb day. From reliable tntormatton th Call learnt that the tnow Is largely confined to Lead and its environs. Th road to Rapid City Is free from snow beyond Slurgis, tnd from tb Smith monument on, by way of Whitewood. Rapid City bad light rain yesterday, but tbe sky was clear there this morning.

IRS. HARDING'S SERVICES MARKED BY SEIPUCITY Br Tk AaMctat run) MARION, Nor. M. Simple bat dignified exercise marked the funeral of Mrs. Warm Harding this after- KATHKR FOR THE WEEK RAPID CITY.

Nov. 14. Th weekly weather outlook for tb period November 14th to 19tb, Indus- ve. Issued by the C. S.

Weather Bureau, for the northern Rocky Mountains and plateau region is: Rains or snows about the middle snd again toward the end of the week. Temperatures normal or be low most of week. WEATHER AND ROADS Resorted by the North We Bell atSan, Today Lead 10 partly cloudy, road fair. Chamberlain cloudy, roads good. Custer IS clear, roads good.

Deadwood 11 partly cloudy, roadt fair. Newcastle IS clear, roads good. Philip IS cloudy, road good. Presho 10 cloudy, roads good. Rapid City 10 clear, roads good.

Hill City, cloudy, roads fair. Belle Fourche 21 cloudy, road fair. Hot Spring 28 clear, road good. Sturgis 10 partly cloudy, road fair. Spearfish IS cloudy, road good.

Chadroa 28 clear, road good. Maximum 10. Minimum IS. I in tk; Lives of Little Men Trti5 PiE SATURDAY FOOTBALL SCORES South Dakota School of Mines 1 4, Spearfisb Normal 1. Tale 19, Harvard Colgate 3, Syracuse 7.

Penn. State 18, Marlette 0. Chicago 0, Washington 0. Montana State 8(, Mont. Mines 0 Illinois 7, Ohio 0.

Michigan 2, Iowa 9. Purdue 26, Indiana 7 Notre Dame 12. Northwestern (. Washington U. 0, Oklahoma U.

7. Iowa State 19. Drake 0. Haskell Indians 20, Butler 7. Nebraska 24.

Kansas Aggies 0. Ohio. U. Ohio Wesleyan 0. Colorado College 28.

Wyoming 1. Colorado V. IS. Colo. Aggies Colorado Mines 14.

Colorado Teachers 7. Cornell 1. Coe 11. Western State 12, Regie 0. Lafayette 7, Lehigh 0.

Columbus II, Angastana 0. California 20. Sanford 20. I 111 mij --rTi Ti Tnc WAIM. ncr-ws-KNWiwnw Rapid City Journal.


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