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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
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SATURDAY SPECIAL. 16 dozen Feather Boas, at 84cieach. 76 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Vests and Plants iDcieach 200 dozen Foster Hook Kid Gloves, warranted Our celebrated Francesco Gloves, $1.76 quality, today for 1,000 pair Blankets at 19epiecr Special Prices Today on Jackets and Capes at THE GOLDEN RULE Schmitt Heinly, SOUNDMONEYITES A Large Audience Pleased by A. Strong Argument for Good Dollars Before McKinley Club. For Your Own Purse Sake Visit Our Store this week.

We heed the demand of the times, Better Goods for Less Honey We rise to rlie occasion mid overshadow all passible competition with uiii- formally low prices that seems miraculous. Every bargain wo 'name is here and innumerable mare. You will never be disappointed by any printer's ink over our signature. i 200 men's all-wool, fall overcoats. TJicy consls.t of blnck cheviots, fans and ilrals meltons.

No overcoat in the lot wortih less -than $7 or wo then, at '1 s4 00 35Q, men's fall suits, the line iueliul es 'Tweeds, Cheviots and Cassimcrcs honestly made mad trimmed. Value po sPtivoly a.nd we sell (Jliera JOO -mon's extra ttnc fall overcoats. Including 'twelve different lines of all wool covert cloth tap coats lined with silk or fine -Italloa cloth worth and go at $10.00 men's very tlnest suits, embracing line fancy worsteds, "nealt plaids and eltecked cheviots, tailored with proper regard" for perfect fit and satisfactory wear, nnquestlooaWy equal to bost suit you see elsewhere. We sell thorn for 910.00 magniiDcent display of men's, boy's -amd children's fall and wioitei 1 clochiojr. bats 'and furnlshfogs suupass-os anyttUng ever seen.

The pi-ices fca.vo been made so low that not th.e slightest stumble 1 block, remains to bat any m-an or boy from being comfortably fl-nd stylishly dressed. We invite you to' call and Inspect our line. THE GLOBE. CORNER FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS. PROTECT YOUR EYES.

The lUrchberg Optical The well-Knonn Specialists of Nflw York havo appoinw D. A. H.4.UK as ugen: Tor thotr celebtated.Spectacles and Eye (ilasies, ever; pali guaranteed. D. A.

IIAUK lias complete assortment and Invitee nil to satisfy themselves at the groat superiority ol thoso goodsover nny manuractared, at tlie store of D. HAtTK, Sole agent for LogansportInd. No Fiddlers Supplied. AQAIN REFUTED. That War Circulation Lie Once flore Nailed.

Mr. D. O. 1 Justice 'ollowLag 1 'IVomsury Dt'iKU'tinc lui.s received -I ho Oiiice ot' D. D.

C. Justl-ce. Loganspoi'u -Iiiil. My Detir Sir: Your favor of Sk'ntem her Kith rfticlned during my ah- seiH-o, i lie-lice the de.ln.v ing. not of -my i-i-p by MtCnllough in wlnlcll hn sllutecl'i? clrculsitlo-ii lu Hie Unit- 1 oil Slates period in our -hfetoj-y pur L-npitn, tnvaJiy thing like -th'ivt sura, uor do I know 1 of such cireulur n.s "Circular No, O.

1 Tho shi.teiunnt Hint we hart a.t any time during or n.Dtur the wnu very pe.r eapitfi. clrculfltiou' Jn v'tbis hits been repeat oil ly mnde'naid as -repeniwlly exploded, but. I no rcful'fltlon will stop it, I yon torewirh a. upon this subject wri-ttt'-ni by my predct-essor. Hon.

Gli'nrles Foster, which I think st'iiitos 1 f.ho fncits correctly, Very truly, yours. CARLISLE. Republican Meetings. Republican speakingswill be held at the following places In Cass county: Saturday evening, Oct. Center, Hon.

W. S. Haggard. Wednesday evening, Oct. 7th; Red, NoWe Orlando Powell.

Robt. Lovel-and of Peru will spent at Wavei'ly Monday evenlngi Oct 5th; Lucerne, Tuesday evenlmg, Gth; Liincoln, Wednesday Oct. Ttli. Friday evening, October 9th, Johnson school 'bcuse, WaaMnffton C. Justiloc.

Will Buy a Good Winter Suit OF- W. D. CRAIG. 426 Broad way, Second Floor. Spring Musou Jaw at Dicckman's.

Dressed Ywk Natural gas. Wlls for the month of October -are now due. Positively the best cup of in the city at Dykeman's cafe. Old papers for sale at the Journal office. 20 hundred.

The range ever made. Sec it FlOJiegmrs new stovo store, 310 street. gas bills for the month of itobw arc now due payable at office oa Ptauistroet. mgo you want to one part ivinter n-nd 'another for summer at new stove store, 310'Market t. Keystone grocery.

Children's Tarn l'ii luce. 2c it Dun- kolberg. Moore of George street Is ill of iiia-lnriii. An excellun-t couch at low prices can be found at Ash Hn.dley's. For family -horse cheap.

Apply No. 214 Osage street. Keystone. Mocha aud Java received fresh every sale on tuuiblors for one 2c each; 20 Dim- kelberg.

dining tables nud dining clialrs, the latest Asb. nil ley's. E. C. Mlitcli-e-11, the clothier, will pack his stoc-R tonlglilt mud remove froul this city to his home in Illinois.

Visit our new cloak parlor. Every; ifhtog for your accommodation. You will not regret Palace. OToa- information cancei-n-iig gns ra'k'S, see card of Logansport Wabash Valley Gns on first page. Dr.

H. BarnQcld performed a deli- caite surgical operation upon the young ohild -of Mrs. Carson of Oinward yesterday. Tablets, two for one-'cent. But our price is flvo linen tablets that, soid formerly for lOc smd 15c, for 4 Loga iiKport should h-ave, the Reed moeiing if ho to speaJc only at one point ill this district.

Logansport can bo reached directly by every county In the district, aind nns the largest to accommodate The Politlcaa.M-iinual Is one of the most convenient and useful handbooks for the campaign yet seen. It is Indispensable for the public speaker and In -fact, the Information-touching political and fi'tfanctal matters-is -so well edited and so well tubulated and arranged that the book must'become at once It sells for fifteen cents is convenient to carry In tiie pocket. The Joiunral win tako orders for any desiring the-work. FAUST. Detroit Free 'Press: Mr.

Griffith is omly twenty-seven years, old, yet be Im.s luad 11 lairge exporj.cnce.4ii ticihigili-. cr di-wma, and abundant opportunJU-es to learn by observation, the graces and the means by wh'ich great fictors produce thrfir larger effects-- His plii'sito" was seeui -here season, when dt was rnudh admired by tliink- i'ng theatre-goei's. It is better work 1 now thinm 'It was a it will 'be 'better-a year hence than it is- now. The reason for so hopeful a view of this studious actor's future is patent; to those who know somewhat; of his Is earnest, ijidustrious possessed, tlio dra.mia.tlc faculty, eager, to when in error. Art; 'Uie Kew Oot 5th.

Attorney A. M. Higgins. formerly ot city, now C'f Torre Tjuite, aiid at president of the Indiana Ite- iniblii'cau- League, wsiis the speaker last night nit the Melvinley club's regular liieotiiig. T'iiore was good crowd out to hear the young He mode a.

decidedly good impress-ion. 1 point's made were the following: "Bimetallism may bo a pood thing. We do not- say that silvel- S'lwiill not be used as money. favor a large use of'Silver. It is simply OC ratio.

All are in favor of bimetallism. It is iio-w question, shall we coin silver freely at the ratio of 1C to 1. good reason is there, Mr. Bry- iUR for the fircc coinage of silver at 1C to At Aekk'y, you said the frco-coimod silver dollar would be worth bullion value, 53 cents, and iliac t.he Iowa.farmer could use this dol- lar'to pay 'his debts. A few clays Inter in Madison Square Garde.ii', you sa.iil silver dollar you advocate would' worth 10'Q cents.

"SBr. Bryan says wheat fallen with silver. I could iwine yon a cata- lo'gnc' of a.rl'icles Unit have not fallen. 'In two weeks I might be able to quote you market reports for one doliai wlietvt. The papers during Dim las; few diiiys show that 'wheat is rising, a.nd it i-s now At the same time, falls.

"I have hero several- invoices handed me by -a and gold plater. He' buys gold and silver far use in plating table ware. It. is a.'c-Ia.1 transaction, and fti-e use of the metals as Qws no-lining 1o do with In 1SOO it shows silver, OS cents an ounce; in'1892, 78 ceints; In JSM.

SO in 1895, 03 cents. "Tttke Wie -prices for sold. In 1S90. $21 an ounce; in 18i)2. an ounce; hi 1S9-1, ounce, ami the same price todny.

What is needed is to give the gold a. job. "But they say thorc is no go-Id this country. When t.lwit call was made for a popular loan, the gold flowcxl from it hMtog $550,000,000 of it. more tlwrn was needed." T-lic speaker closed with a ringing aind graphic description of two ships -on the -soa, one til'ie clcwertiug her.

-and otlrc- proudly riding, preparing to send life L-oars to rhe swlm-mlng seamen. After the ml dress i'nnny of Ui-e audience -advanced to the hand of the young speaker, who is remembered very-, pleasantly here, the son of the Into Rev Iligtrfois. The Escort Guards were out for Hie time Hast nigjhi, and called forth complimentary notice hs they 'the rear of the handsomely (kuiui- corps, with t.ho ba.u- of the club flying'well up In front. The boys turned out in large numbers, and their appearance was liiglil'y creditable. The are very attractive, jiml-Mie club is a One looking body of voters', tha-c being no minors in the raniks.

-The c.ancs for the Guards wore not heiro in time for the turn out last night, but tonight, when thoy.1oin hi the'inarch o.C the railway moil, theii' torches will be furnished ready for use. WE'RE HERE AND HERE TO STAY. You are cordially invited. We look for your acceptance with eager aa- ticlpatien, for we are confident of your enthusiastic commendation of our efforts. We assure you that no finer stock can be found in this country, and you will agree with us that It surpasses anything ever before seen In Logansport.

We have entered this field as leaders should, avoiding the time-trodden path, shunning the policies that have hitherto prevailed, but with un- eqnaled facilities and characteristic enery we have sought the best, that you may enjoy the convenience of finding here at home those exclusive styles you have hitherto been compelled to seek In other markets. The management of all our departments is in our hands. We've bad a life long experience to guide our Judgment, we know every "Fashion Inlet" "Quality Harbor" in this and foreign countries. Behind It are our capital, our enterprise, our broadguage methods. Such a union of tact and talent must succeed.

We've gathered a stock that is artistically perfect and marked at prices that will be an agreeable, revelation to you! Bearing out the reputation that we will win for this store and your confidence. Yours Very Truly, THE HUB. Berwangcr Bros. Co, Successors to HARRY FRANK PURE OALL. THIS IS YOURS.

We want you to understand that we running this laundry for you and that your wishes are to be regarded in every particular. We will give you exactly whait you want if we can find out what that is. Perhaps you believe thait it Is impossible to have your laundry work handled without. irritation and annoyance. We are sure tbatT you are mistaken.

May we'ljave an. opportunity of demonstrating it? HADLEY Successors to Campbell Bros. 2:00 p. on Wednesday, (he 7th and 'the time lost will 'be made up to tlioin duriingr tilt" Very truly, C. H.

WALTON, Supt. AT THE RINK TONIGHT. 1C your children are subject to croup watch for the first symptom of dls- It Chamberlain's Remedy is gilTcn as sooa as the cMM becomes hoarse 1t -will th'e 1 Even 'after tue croupy cough lias Appeared the attack can always, be prevented' by giving, this- remedy. It is also invaluable for colds and whooping' cough. For sale by.B.

Keesling, druggist. DAUGHTERS OF. W.1JJ serve an elegant; supper for 15c. nit the aH- i 6n Saturday, 'Oct: 3d from Standard The Pharos Have Time to See" Bryan. Sviicu She railroad men- 'to off Thursday to 'go to Terre Halite 'they got up a petition, to make up Hie time Saiturd-ay.

afternoon, Mr, was nn esteemed officer of the Panhandle- compoay. Tliursjdny when It was kuaw.u dime Mr. Bryan would bo -here, the editor of the Pharos headed a poW-tlon asking that liDo sljfops be closed down. After the Pharos at' tacks on tilie 'Hie Pennsylvania company Mils was cor- taJnly fresh. But the request was par- 'ticulnrly uwfalr because it made no 'suggestion" of compensation for the men who.

would lose time by this ar- Sovnd floney Railway Rooters Will Visit Kokomo Today. There will be good delegation representing the Logmisport Sound Moaicy club of Men- at the Kokomo this afternoon. The big pole will be raised with due ceremony (Mid hitority 'after the Lpgamsp'ort delegation arrives nn tiro of the festivities. 'The Richmond men will 1 return in the evening with Uio local club members, and with them wall come the speaker evening o.t the rink, George P. Early.

He is well woriJi hearing, and there sh'oulil be a big crowd at the inflating to welcomeliim and representative railway mwi wiio will accompany -him. 'Turn out-null" swell the crowd. The Giilveston Ladies' Glee' club bo present furnish excellent music. They a re favorites since their visit Ra.ijway night Their son.cs are to please. 'Superintendent Walton was happy in reply.

Ho not only granted' the request, thus knocking the coercion lie ondiwn.ys, but lie made provision so that no employe should lose a. cent by the grouting of th.i'3 remarkable outside, pe- His reply is follows: "Logflinsport, Oct. 1, "JG. Benjamin F. and Otlt- Lbganspwt, Referring to your potl- tton of this date requesting that the mien emiJloffed at 'the shops be given a leaive of absence to attend fiti-a Bryan reception, I would say to reply that 'we' 'be 'most 'happy to comply w'ljih your request and' liavo 'arranged, to shop emploj es in this city a of absence fiom II 00 a.

to WERE NOT MATES. Billy Reeder Stole Two Shoes He Could Not Wear. LOOtl.NG THEM UP. Wife of the State Fish Commissioner Mrs. Piiilip Kirsch, wife of the State Fish CominiisSiouer, was 5n the city Thursday to attend to the cases worked up by the Deputy Wardens.

Mr. Kirsoh was called elsewhere on business, and Mrs. Kirsch, who Is iiess "womain from the word go, here to look up the cases. Two cases tire to be calleC to the attention of the Commissioner. These are the Deacon violators, and the.

Burrows people. The latter have paid two nominal' fines will probably have to dance to the same music again, because of t-heir smart actions toward the wardens. The Deacon cases yet been settled. -is? Th-c Po-pocrats dct organize a marching club, McKiU'ley Marching club is such a good appearance, and out that bo as nearly a copy of d'ub'-s outfit as pos exception th.nt tlie hat The have a good pattern to copy. making WliMinm Rccdor.

n. young msui of about twcuty-ono is iit jail, charged w.iUi tlie a pair shoes. Young Rcedcr into LInc PJlliug's shoe bouse -yesterday af teruoou aud. His chance when Mie clerks we're looking away from he.pick^l up a pair of heavy caU shoes and eawntcrod oult WJiwn he tried tihcm on lie found that they were not mates. Both were for the snme foot, a.nd one was a Xo.

and the other a No. 9. Ho took tlrem to Otto Kraus's and tried 'to have them exchanged, but failed, nud tiicn put them on and wore them. He was arrested by Officer Graham and put In jniil, on complaint of Mr. Piffling.

THAT JOYFUL FEEDING. With the exhilarating souse of renewed health strength and internal which follows of Syrup of Pigs, is unknown to the few who have aot progressed beyond the old- time medicines' and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the Gns of the Southside entertained nuni'ber: friends at Ws iliome Thursday iilght atidanelng. Re- fresli'ments'were served. TALKING PRICES THE PILLING PRICES AT 412 MAICE BU'SINEJSS GOOD BROADWAY. Women's nice seamless rubbers; new and pointed iocs, new '90 goods.

Price Women's stormi rubbers, as good as some.ask 50c for. J2Sc Women's Arctics, nice new goods; good value at $1. Our price 59c Women's kid button shoes, patent tip, nice pointed toes, medium heels. Price Women's satin calf button shoes; a good serviceable winter shoe. Price 98c kid button shoes, pat-.

cut leather -tips, nice dress; shoe. Price Infant's embroidered leather mocco- sins, just the tiling for-the little ones. Price Men's rubber overshoes, nice new goods; a bargain: X'so 1 please see our line of fine shoes. The. most stylish aflrt best flt- ting goods ever brought to Line PJlMng, 41".

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