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The Hamilton Examiner from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 8

Hamilton, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

lu fifltniiicii Jgyomitur 10, ISTfr. COUNCIL. Council met Monday night in regular scs- n.and transacted the following business- The Committee on Claims reported bills lor the month of August to the sunount $14,801.97, divided among the dim-rent funt) 8 as follows: ist Ward Street Fund ii 2 12 4th 256 86 General Expense Fund 8,719 oo Fire Department Gas Fund Library Fund -Third Ward Special Street hund. Fourth Salary Fund Interest Account Total t'4. 801 94 On motion, it was decided that hereafter the civil engineei'o bill be certified to by the committees of the several wards.

A report from the civil engineer on the estimate on Third street, Third Ward, to be placed on lax duplicate, was received. A petition was received from a number of property holders on Boudinot streets praying for the erection of gas posts on said street between second and Fifth streets, and on post on the corner of Oak and Park streets, I'irst Ward, and on motion was referred to Committee on Gas, An ordinance was passed ordering the issuing ofbonds to the following named parties: Two bonds of each in favor ol J. W. to renew bonds Nos. 300 and 301- One in favor of Christ.

BcnninghofT for $500, to renew bond 302. Five bonds each in the sum of $1,000, in favor of Louis Snider Son. to renew bonds Nos. 303, 304,305,306 and 307. in favor of G.

Vinnedg, in the sum of $2,500 to be charged general expense fund. One bond of ooo in lavor of Geo. W. Dick, to be charged to general expense fund. Two bonds of ooo each in favor of Benj.

Joyce, to be charged to general expense fund. One bond of $700 in favor of Benjamin Joyce, to be charged to general expense fund. An ordinance was introduced, and on suspension of the rules passed, appropriating $14,800.94 for the payment of the bills reported by the Committee on Claims. An ordinance assessing a special tax on certain property on Third street, Third Ward, for the improvement of the same was read, und on suspension of rules passed. A contract and bond from Jacob Haid for the building of a bridge over the Hydraulic on Butler street.

Third Ward, was presented and bond from F. W. Freder- icklfolHhe improvement of the unfinished portion of the sidewalk on each side of Chestnut street, between Front and Fifth streets, Second Ward, was presented and approved. A contract and bond irom Getz, Ruff Warner for the improvement of the unfinished portion of the sidewalks on both sides of Chestnut street, between Front and Fifth fct reels, Second Ward. The Mayor reported fines collected during the month of August to the amount of $46.

License, $27.56 ToUl, $83.50. The matter of contract with Pieper Rannke for the removal of dead animals, -was referred to the Health officer and City Solicitor. I onc of the twenty-one disappointed candidates for the office of Re corder, was recently overheard uttering the following words of consolation to a number of his old competitors, or colleagues, as Jim now generally terms them, who gathered sound him for consolation and to talk over blighted hopes and the uncertainty of nominating conventions: "Why, he exclaimed, "sec how my own brilliant candidacy has been obscured by tne golden of this first national meteor, wafted currents of its own interesting) sire(n) breeze, and brazed by its (18) refractory a Delacourtian recordatorial body the magnet as it were (by the immutable laws of Democracy) around which you lesser ttars are expected to revolve. LEGAL Sale of a Large Amount of Real Estate of Robertson Jones, dec. by James W.

Jones Executor of the will. Bv term" of will and of KobertoonJonfg, the undyrwlg m-d tormfter death of Ellwbeth Jonw, wMoffof totertMD Jo" 1 1 "1 WWJf ill the KeaJ ol the raid Kob- eftwn Jones EpcutorjtmU elect: whf Kliiabetu W. Jones. Kxccutor of the Isst Of the expow tos-we near, Butler County, a will Kotwtson Jonw, bjr Of the will, will expow tos-we servitors reflected as it were from A jjRDAY, 12. A.

1874. mirror, 'the fixed' star ol our dork the foiling described and parcels of land, and designated as THK ladies of the Univcrcalist congrega- gation will give a social at the residence of Mr. Jacob Mathias on next Thursday evening. Let all come an enjoy this union of friends. Admission 25 cts.

A match game of base-ball was played last Saturday afternoon between the Osceolas and the Resolutes in which the tormer scored 18 to the latter's 15. HAMILTON MARKETS. Corrected by D. Ross, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruit 306 High Hamilton, O. Sugar brown, described estate to-wlt: In Butler county, Ohio part of section 16.

township 8, ninjfe 1., Miiu.u^nciuir SO chains west of the northeast comer of section witnwmcd by trws, thence south SO to corner witnes-- edVtwo hickory trees, thence west 36 chains and twenU-flve links to the south east cortier of iplcce of land deeded by Ch.rles Shields to Mr. witnessed fcy a Hycamore- and Kim thence north degs. cast six chaina, thence 8 chains and 85 lliks! thence north 3UU cast 11 10 links to the north Hneofstfd sections wltnewed by two sycamores, to the pfaceof bc- ginSinBTcontalmne MX of land more or "xiso five acres of land In sectjon 21 range 1 and town Sand five acres of the LOCALS. 1 ioCAL NOTICES. PROCLAMATION Old.

1 ocean has done her level best, McAdam's stock of Merchant Tailoring goods has arrived from Europe, perfect germ-- ye young gents that pants for splendid Suits of the finest texture you can be accommodated. As in addition to my own acknowledged ability its an 1 have Prof. Keeley, one of the best cutterK hi America. The young McAdams its in the eastern cities making selections from the latest and best designs, for Merchants Tailoring. I have nothing to do but make fine cloth, so come make your selection and leaie the measure of your forms divine.

12-it. GEO. W. McA. THK finest and complete assortments of boots and shoes in town, at D.

M. Took- er'g, Third street, between High and Basin, one door south of Fitton 1 Come, get shoes for get shoes fpr your wife, get your pet the pride of vour liie; boots for Tommy, Susie I and will keep their feet from the weather, the snow and the rain. Fitton Bros, are filling up their store with the finest and most complete assortment of dry goods and notions to be found in town. If you don't believe it, call and DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, Ac FITTON BRO! INTEND OFFERING TO THE PEOPLE -or- I BUTLER AND ADJOINING COUNTIES The most ATTRACTIVE Stock of DRY GOODS! Ever Brought to Hamilton.

oft hard refined, 5 roaste Tea, Young Hyson, Oolong, tt Japan Gunpower Allspice, unground, 11 Pepper. unground, tt ground, Dried Peaches Dried Raisens Jj ft Prunes fi Currants Dried to. I "2 ..38 ...30 80 ...60 So -35 -45 -35 1 2 ..18 31 20 oo OO 00 20 Rice, fc Candles, tallow, star, ft Butter, fc ..10 ..15 ..20 dOZ 10 Hams oo So OO OO Coal oil, gal Molasses, N. O. gal Sorghum gal Sugar house, gold syr.

gal. 90 -75 90 90 Beans, bush 2 25 Salt, bush So Potatoes, bush bo Chickens, Flour, family. bbl 6 50 oo Coal, bush 19 GRAIN MARKET. OO oo Barlev, fall, 19 bush i bush 56 58 Wheat--White i Red. Rye 8 Oats north side of the north-weet quarter tion and said fire seres are adjoining the said fifty fonr and one-half ncjes.

Also the following real estate situ- in Morgan Me bouneed as follows: being part he north-east. quarter of section So. township range 1. eart of the meridian line drawn from TMuth of tl.c Kreat Miami River, bettinnlug at the north cast corner of Raid section thence south alounr the east ime of "aid section chains and 93 lo the corner said quarter, thence wMt wUh the 'south line thereof 7 ehains and 51 inks toagtikefroiuwbich a hickory 14 inches in di- ainetcr N. links and a black oak 84 inches in diameter bears links thence north 14.

chains to a stoke in the north line of said section from which a 10 Inches in. diameter bears south HM dcgs. -A link'fand a gray ash 6 Inches in diameter bears 17 V. thence east 7 chains and OTlinksfotheplaceof beginning, contunung 40 Al 8S TMHo1r tract, lotor parcel of ground you satisfy yourselves We are bound to keep acre, Range one (1) and three (s) in section sixteen the same being in Okeana, Morgan township. Butler County Ohio.

Said tractsarcall sold less amountssold to Dr. Armond and am.nnt used for road condemned bySrder of court, which will be fully explained or the' last twelve a larger and better esire of the pro nnder a of cultivation, and well executor reserves to himself by the terms of the will of Rol)- ertson tones, to withdraw and all tracts of land from sale unless the bids and offers made shall in the judgement of said James Jones be up to the tafue of said lands. TERMS ef One thin! cash on day of sale, or sacured to be paid in 30 days thereatter-onc- third in ona year, and one-third in two years from dayof sale, with six percent interest from day of safe, and to be secured byiraortgage on the prem- up with the times, in prices and goods. FOR Two story brick of seven rooms and Hall, on Third street between Heaton and Buckeye. Enquire of Samuel Davidson.

Tha stock and good wiil of the well known clothing store of Kreis Situated No. in High street, Hamilton, Ohio, is offered for sale. The establishment has been in successful operation years, and never enjoyc custom than just now prietors to retire from tne clothing business is the only reason for the proposed sale. Terms can be made so as to suit purchasers. H.

W. FKECHTLIXG and are bound to sell as cheap as the cheapest. They can not be undersold by any house in town. They keep as good and fresh a stock of groceries, as any house in the city. They buy for cash and thus save a per cent which they give to their customers.

Call and see them. WE call special attention to the splendid assortment of Dry goods, groceries, queens- ware, glass and all things usually kept in a first class store, for sale by H. W.FRECH IDLING and Co. Look at their adwiisemtni another column. One of the Finn (WEB.

FITTON) is now in EUROPE Purchasing large Quantities of Beautiful Goods, INCLUDtNS I ises sold. To be sold free ol dower and all other last will and Attv. Administrator's Sale. John Harlow, Administrator) State of Daniel Brannon, Wm. Brannon, et al.

of Ohio, County, Real Est'e. 45 Corn Meal, bush Cattle 4 .90 oo THE TURNERS had a very enjoyable time during their celebration here. Those from abroad were met at the depot by the City Band, and a large number of citizens on Saturday evening, ar.d escorted to the Hall of the United German Society, vrhere a bountiful repost was prepared by the ladies. They were welcomed by Henry Stein, President of the Hamilten Society, after they were addressed by Mayor Lawder, who welcomed them to the hospitalitie of the city. Illuminations on Saturday night a picnic on Sunday and Concert.

Sunday night, with Gymnastic exercises, Monday comprised the programme which was well attended. IJIE mass meeting at the Court House Park will be addressed by Miss Sallie M. Tucker. Subject: "The Philosophy of the Woman's Temperance Movement." Hour, 4 p.m. JARVIS HARGITT, clerk of the Common Pleas Court on last Thursday with his family left for northeastern part of Iowa where he expects to spend a few before the opening of the October of Court.

OWENS LANE DYER have one of their road wagons and a threshing machine on exhibition at the State Fair at Columbus. SHERIFF'S SALE. P. J. Breitenbach vs.

Butler Common Pleas. Peter Becker et al. VIRTUE of an order for sale to me directed by the Court of Common Picas of Butler County, Onto. I will offer for sale at the door of the Co'nrt in Hamilton, Ohio, on SATURDAY. October 10, A.

D. 1874. between the hours of one and two o'clock P. on said the following described real estate towit: Being part of inlot Ko. the town of Rossvllle, now First Ward of the city of Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, said lot being known in the renumbering: of lots in snid city of Hamilton by the number fifteen hundred and forty Uolo), commencing on Main street at the southeast corner of the store-house formerly owned by A.

McCleary, and running from thence northwardly alone the east line of whnt was A. McCleary's wtrt of said lot. 57 feet and 3 inches to the south fine of the uart of said lot held by Thomns Kii- at his decease; thence eastwardly with said Enyart's south line about 15 feet, thence south- wardly to Main street 5T and 3 inches, nnrt thence along Main street abont IS feet to the place of beginning, with the buildings and improvements thereon. The intention being to convey the full equal west half of that part of lot So. 40, new So.

1540, deeded by Tliom.18 Tavlor to Matthew Hueslon by deed recorded in Book So. 6. pages 299-0-1: sold as the propertT of 1'cter Becker, at the suit of P- Breltenbach. Terms Appraised at 13.000. W.

H. ALLEN, Sheriff. WARWICK ft WARWICK, Atfys. September virtue of an order of sale to we directed in the above cause, i will sell at Public Sale, at the Court Housejin Hamilton. on Saturday the 3d of October, between 1 and 2 o'clock, p.

m. the following Real Estate (1) Lot numbered 8948 as numbered and designated on the Recorded plat of north addition to the city of Hamilton, Butler county. Ohio, fronting 3S feet on Third street and running back 200 feet to Lowell street, situatedin Hamilton, Ohio. (2) Also lot numbered 267 on the plat of Woods and Woodruff's addition to the town now the ON Fridav last an accident occurred at the residence of Dr. Parks on Second street came near resulting in the death of his little girl by drowning.

The child was plaj- Ing near the cistern and by some means fell in; fortunately the servant saw it and her Mrrejmvs brought Mr. Loiithan who jumped dawn and rescued the child. MIAMI VALLEY BONE FERTILIZING I Corner of Front and Water Streets, HAMILTON, O. city of Hamilton, in Butler county, Ohio, fronting on Fifth street and running back westward about 103 feet to an alley. Sew No.

8S4, said lot bounded "of lots nunibered 99--91--ftJ--83 situated in the city of Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio as Recorded on the plat of Kail Komi audition, fronting on Chestnut street, bounded Beginning on the north side of Chestnut street, running north about 125 feet, on a line of land deeded by Asher W. Cain to Abram Carle to a fifteen foot alley, thence eastward on said alley to the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Jayton Itailroad: thence southward on the Hoe of said Hailroad to Chestnut street; thence westwardly on Chestnut street to the first mentioned bomidry more or less, with a brick house thereon and other 14) Also 60, Kew Number 1149 in Rail Road Depot addition to the of Hamilton Butler County, Ohio, laid off by Woods anil Errin. and being 30 feet on Fifth street and run- nine back n-estwardly 90 feet to a 10 foot alley being in that part of Mid addition formerly owned by John W. Erwin. conveyed to Danied Brannon by Isaac Robertson, deceased.

Record One-third cash, one-third In one one-third in two years from day of wile, deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale, and secured by mortgage on the premises- First Tract tppmiteU at 4 000 00 Second "500JJ Third 2UUOUO Fourth 3500(10 John Barlow administrator Thos.Millikin.attvi of Brunuou. Dcc'd. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. 1 will ray the Highest Price in Cash for BOXES delivered at the Mill. F.

D. BLACK, Proprietor. So 13-Iy Trains leave Hamilton every day EXCEPT SUNDAY, asiollows: C. H. R.

XOKTH. Chic. SCO A.M. Dayton Toledo 8 86 A. M.

I lam. -1000 Eastern Ex 11 lavlon ft Toledo 8 45 P. M. Accom 5 30 Dmvton Accom 6 40 Hunt. T40 RichChicago 15 Eastern Ex 10 IS Ham.

Accom 12 SOUTH. A.andC..W. Ex Ham. Accom 550 640 Chicago Ex IS SSfi lUun. 12 so 11 Oaytnn 251 Ham.

A. W. Kx 4 TO CALL and see the tea sets of 46 pieces at $4:25 H. W. FRECHTLIXG Co.

NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned have entered into a partnership for the purpose of carrying on the business of dry goods, boots, shoes, notions, at No. 13, Main street, West Hamilton, Ohio, under the firn name of Beck Tabler. August 12, 1874. DAVIDSOX SCMLIEP, Agents for the Superior Grain and Seed Drill. This Drill was awarded the First Premium at the Ohio State Frir, and at the Butler County Fair, in 1873.

Tho nickel-plated Smoothing-iron also on kand. Chas. Borger, Agent for Butler County, for sale of Davidson Schliep's Hardware House, Hamilton House Bulding, Hamilton. 4-tt. The quality of Falconer's Baking Powder is not strained.

It is twice blessed; it bless- eth him that buys and him that sells; though the truth being" told, the buyer derives the greater blessing. Buy a pound of it and you will be convinced of the truth of this. 41 tf In the matter ot drugs, advise our readers to call on Falconer when in need of any drugs, chemicals, or druggists sundries. He keeps a good assortment of articles appertaining thereunto, which he proposes selling at prices within reach of all. His establishment is on High street, opposite Court House.

tt FOR large house, in fine condition, suitable for two families or a first-class boarding house. N. G. CURTIS. 4 t- 4 FOR A small Engine for sale cheap, suitable for Butchers or Wood Saw- ne business.

Falconer's Tea trade begins to assume immense proportions as the people are finding out that it is to their profit to get their teas of him. Pure quality, full weight and reasonable prices is the motto inscribed on Falconer's banner. 41-tf SAFE FOR fine, large, fire-proof safe for sale very cheap. Inquire ol James E. Carmbcll.

f-tf Gas Fixtures of all kinds can be bought at manufactory prices. Call and see Walker E. cor. High and Front Sts. THIRTY lessons in penmanship, for $3, at Commercial College Open at 9 A.

M. and i P.M. Read the notice of Phonographic Institute to be opened Sept. n. in another column.

By letters received from him we learn that he has already bought goods in ENGLAND, FBAXCE and GERMANY, and that most of them have been shipped, and are now on the way over the OLD OCEAN. WE shall expect to show a complete stock of BLACK, COLORED AND STRIPED SILKS. BLACK CASSIMERS--ALL GRADES: BLACK, COLORED BOMBAZINES. ALPACAS. PURE MOHAIRS.



VAL. We shall also receive a Splendid Stock of Hamburg Edgings Inserting ALL WIDTHS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. OUR STOCK OF Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Ties SIJLK AND PEARL BUTTONS. To the gentlemen OLD and YOUNG we wish to say that we shall have a well THE alarm of Fire sounded last Friday from box No. 14, was caused by the burning of a shed roof near the junction of Main and the MiUvjIJc pike, First Ward.

The alarm sounded Sunday night -was a onc and turned in by seme unknown person at box 35. AJSV of oar subscribers in the city, more particularly in the Ward, have not rccciv- Ihcir paper, because we have put on a new carrici has not yet Icanxrd 1hc route. will have patience with and we will sec that the thing remedied ar.d will get papers ON Thursday night 3avt the Fourth Ward Park thrown open to tbc public, and the new Gas tamps just erected lit. Hut only the President ol'thc company, the paten- ten of the Chinese globes adorn the and the hands xvho under the Superi of the Street Gco. for the past three months have at work digging the canal that inds its crpcnt course through grounds were present.

No doubt when the water is turned in the citircnt will turn out. SHERIFF'S SALE. William MecVett Commercial Rank ofv Butler CoTnoran Jacob Kirn. t-irfae of for mle tome directed by of Common of Botlet will nffr for at Uic iloor ol Court-- JTI IIftmiloft, Ohio, nn SATURDAY, SEITV 12. A.

D. 1874. IT Mill an5 ami twcnty-tw. TUjmlx'ivJ nvon 1h- original ir oty tit JngBtlJn wrrr of'wiid Jot ttir-TK-f at ruOil J.TI«]-« iJTi Tt'etlTio lotti" line nil aJU-y, north J- of said and 1 hence Jwaidly alonjc Dayioa Mail 18 A. ft G.

W. R. R. N'ORTB- N.Y. V.

A.JI. 4 M. C. NOSTH. Mail wl A Kx r.

SOVTH. Kicli. nl Arrrrm MniJ of Ufl-nlt of ff Kirn al A MilliXin. Aojr. li, DIVIDEND NOTICE.

C. H. I R. Sotrn. Ace 7 IS A.

121jr. 14 r- 10 I COUNTY OFFICERS. Judge Court Common Pleas--W. I. Gilmore.

Tenn expires February, 1877. Probate Judge--W. R. Cochran. Term expires February, Clerk Court Common Picas--Jervis liar gitt.

Tenn expires February, 1876. S. Caldwcll and Frank Jones, deputies. Proscculing Attorney--J. L.

Vnllandig- ham. Tenn expires Januarr, Sheriff--W. II. "Allen. Term expires January, 1876.

Timothy Lavin and Mar- ccllus Thomas, deputies. Treasurer--David Yc-akle. Tenn expires September, 1876- Awdi'or--II. P. K.

Peck. Term expires Novcmocr, 1874. Recorder--Samuel Davis, Term fanuary, 1875. County Commissioners Samuel Long, W. W.

CaldwcJl, Gconic B. Tobias. Terms expire respectively in November, 3876, 1875 and 1876. Coroner--Win. Spencer- Tenn expires January, Surveyor--Jolin C.

Weaver. Term expires Oclobcr. 1875. Infirmary Directors Gcorpc Vanredijc, Peter SbaH-r and Jacob Matthias. Terms expire respectively October, 1875, 1876 and County Infirmary Infirmar II.

SELECTED STOCK OF Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassimeres jeans, c. LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN VTOTICE to the N. i thf JT FMvidend payable OT afjr 'ITS CH ft. tnal Miilviilo, alxwit tw w. Onc nuditim-timl, coiw, with ast-irm The a cow, hiixior jvarW, and A will paid to snr parson ho win furnish that will irtilitrir cry.

N. Uchi otner cr CT1 Tl1 Samuel Dcncen. Physician of County Stevens. CITY OFFICERS. -J.

B. term expires ApriJ, Lingkr; term expires Mayor Marshal David April, 1875. Clerk--II. II. Solicitor--J.

nkVingcr; tcrai expires April, 1875. Engineer--Isaac Peacock; term expire- April, 1875. Engineer Fire Department--Mandcs Icr; term expires April, Rccd; term expires April, 1875. Street Bommissioncr--George Bisdorff; lertn expires April, A f- WHO HAbCHARGE OFTHE TMT OF OUR SIORE DESIRES TO SAY TO HIS Friends and Acquaintances THAT HE BE READY A A I TO A ORDERS FOR THE CUTTING OF Gents Clothing to Order. HE alwavs gives Satisfaction.

Leave an Order with him for a SUIT CLOTHES. FITTON BRO..

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