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The Adams Sentinel from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Gold Speculations of Baltimore 'Disl'oy- The Union Sentiment in North Carolina ahsts. on thu Ineroase--The Act of Sticjitsiou i tlie Baltimore American, to oe Repealed. It has been frequently "iiuouiicwl i i 1 2 Ijnul- tho past two mouths hy thu is't-w Yot ford Sc.itu senator froni CaMVi'll biokors, that the guuler portion ol' the do- i-ounty, N. has taken opcu grtiu'itK lor inand Iur guld iu that city was hum Haiti- a icoonritruutiou oi i It uuck-i- iiiuro purchasers. This demand from as much is a i by tlu loading disloyalists, who were cognizant of Slumlord--that majority of the the purpose of the rebels to invade Petm- Legislature nf North Carolina and I ho and oapttiie lialt'miore, and who Convention concur with Mr.

had confidence in their ability to bucceas- Brown's seutiim but it is thought in inlly accomplish the undertaking. Thus Kaloigh ihat she i safety to her- it was thut they would not believe thut sell'-thiow oil the U-jntudei-atd yoke as louj; Yiukhbui-gliad fallen, aud were bulctering the Oonfedei-ati'army hold Virginia, or up i iuvpsptmeuts and their THE. ADAMS GENE RA-L AJVJSRTISE i there is a sullitient force here to ius- a i i an i Hon. John A. CHlmer, extensive slaveholders iu this said'to 1 Suiniujj of Stevens' Furnace.

The only' private pioperty debtioycd by the order of au oftieer in the valley was the extensive lion i i Thad- ileus fjU'vens, 15 in lies wust of' this- They consisted of a l.ujie charcoal furnace, Foifje, coal-house, shops, e. Ou Tuesday the 23d a portion of Jenkins' cavalry caino upini the works by au unfrequented a i load from works, iind, deinunded the horses, aud especially tli two ndti!" horses, which they ties-cubed. They thicateued that they rjlITlTSlJlIRG A I i i i Wlioal ok' vsr. --3 la 1 10 1 t'U ui be to fUvor of the gradual system i it is lina will be required, to condition of a settlement of rliier difficulties between her and the Later iuiellijjeur-e fj-iun the Legislature, which is now in session utllnltiigh.

confirms i would destroy, the buildings if the horses per hundred were not given up. Mr. i 'has ehanre of the fo i to Wheat 1 88 to up tue riding noises, ir the prupeity should lie picketed. This they agreed'to, but ou i ri going for the riding faults they leu ins, ters and compelled them to produce send all the and mules, netrly forty in all, ef Hay, ,111 gears, harness, ore. They nad evi I I i LAST per rroiu Wugous pei bushel Cl credit by the free expression of their dielujhof.

On Saturday, however, tho bubble burst, and tfio consequence was that quite a of the heaviest dealers hud their notes pio- teated. The folly of being too is often demonstrated in evety-day life. Those who were so much better informed thtiii their neighbois as to the iriesistible power of the lebel army and the niilitaiy jreuius of'the great Lee, find their eelltUr' filled wjth. cottl at nine aud ten dollars per ton, poor deluded be gobbled will have the of laying'm their supplies later itrUhe season at t-is. doll-its Those who invested their funds in Government sixes through ignorance, on which interest is uccrutug, will soon get a proiuttun, as well a intercri't, on their investment, whilst their more "wise and far-seeing 'ueiijhbirs pocket a loss, of fifty ceutb on the dollar, or rather their creditors will, who, we hope, sue all of the same tieasouable per- Euasiou.

ivur the method nf cementing the States enemy ol the South, in of eonfwit- a a a there are millions to pt i lpr spiiHiiutit wis i. ana me i appiaudta i their propelty aud arming their DeToes, all parties. i aud the piopeity must be dcstvojcd." i lltick-H-heiit Meal Cluu'i Seed i i Seed I'lax seed LUrley 0.iU Uo. per llC to -1 ,1 L'5 to 'i-) to UO 00 Ot) ..03 to 00 1-2 1)0 1 40 jo to i au 12 1 -lii ir, 8-t ....1 10 to "to ....0 2l to GO ....2 00 to -2 L'5 1 To to CO 00 to '23 OU the report that'many of its flurs a nad ev 1T bouie out for the immediate repeal' of the tientl 3 been infoimod of the rioul a'ct of secession parsed by the whereabouts of Mr. Stevens'horses, as they Convention" of this State, a for the ic- described theiu and exactly where to ye call homo, by GOT.

of-the troops a(tor ulte from North Carolina in the Confc-deiite nvn 11 rrt i i i i i i i titf i i I i to States army at once. Should Lee's army de t0 UlC by hw be annihilated or pi evented i reaching slaff autl avowed his intention to this State, the repeal of this act may. take them. iMr. SweWey reminded him that he place at any mo'ment.

Otherwise matters -would inflict a 'umeh serious injtiiy will remain as above stated. I 1 upoa souie hundreu poor' laborers who there than upon Mr. Stevens. Gen. nvn Cl I unotby beia Puns, .80 00 on 1 Proclamation.

I 7 1 A thollim. HOUBBT J. Fisnjcn, J'res der.t of tlie ju-vural Courts ol' Common in the Counties composiii" tho lilth iiTid Jnsti of the Cimus Of O.ver and I'erminer. undj LrBitural i Delivery, i capital and other, Said diotnut. and A I UCEXTIA' i i (imst'v9a'ril)ylions''to'ni(l die woini'ied yoldfuik hi uml i i There' A 13 ISO OF OMl't'sUl'l'LllIS of food and of i ISAAC IKIOIAN Judgtb ovuiy ile-mpi i u.

i RcTcS" ol the bourta ol toiumon Fleas, and Justices RLMT.S. MEATS. 0., of tlio Courts ol aud Termin'er, and COMKOHTS, OIUWJJUs' Help the Wounded Soldiers. Tlie United- Give Imtfe jifst received latge itnd splendid stOelc Now OH-t'liean ns a Luliveiy.for the trial nHil) o.ipi- Bt will In- piu-tieulai-ly lo the bruvesoldict-j imidrrlioiu your A lr a date the aOlli dav Of April, La the year of our thousand eight hundred sixty-three, and to ine directed, for holding Court of 'Jooimon unil Qu.irted Sessions ot the Peace, and Oenpral Jail Do Court ol Oyer und Tortuinor, at oil Monday, the, of next-- NOTJUK IS GIVEN to all'the ofHhe Curuner I stables within the said County of Adaras, i they be then and theie in thoir pi-oper i Vith their Rolls, Hecouls. iuqui.i- r.

ETTFUS of admmis.YAt.on on (he e-t-ue of ions, and otlw liomem- 0 QcoucisP. of JU-nallc, brances, to do things wl J1( tu their township, dceeas-cd, l.een si-mted to offices jiud in to be done, the undersigned, residing in the b.Une town- alM), thi'y who will pro-seeute thu s-lup, hehpi-uhy gives notice to all person'- in- misimers are or then be iu the Uebtcd lo ca'tate to make iimuediiie o( the j-aid County of Adams, are to bo nienr. and' those hnving eluimb against the and there to proseeute igniast them as the' Polonme of our oil UKPO'J OF SQUAKK, and' we to it: proper dUiiiliution. .1. WARN El', JOHNSdX, Relief Agents, Sanitary Ciuimu-ioii iyeil ij I OH'61ieap RB "th'd 1 HiirtfS Tbeir stoek has i tli' of as good a quality, as the" 1 in willraltoi SUtfAllS, 1 wohaiVitll icindx.

aud Soft Uin.hed.-I i Gt-iiiailateii of the ed, Congress. Spun. JS'a'vy; OavcndKh, Hough and Natui'iil Leaf, and. Fine' G'lUh: Smoking Tobacco, 15 "difl'erent' I'll'KS, 11 large and tine.ns'Ortment i uf vjrious KAMI'S jiiidj, Slruli's, we have the, beet in the ve well low; also a HAMS, plain and sugar cured, mid Sides. Jj'LOL'U, of the-beat pluue, of Coal Oil.

ShouUlers oi lue yeisu quiility, which wo always guarantee; Cada'r- Buckets, Winer Caiis, c. SVp also keep Motions, Ocmftsetinus, Fruits, Pish by It is said that while the discussion on the however repeal of the act of Secession was uoing on. a distinguished member a foreign Karly replied that Mr. Stevens was "au WilOOl'lXG COVOll OR sevpre, be allevi ited and uuicd by the Hie ot' mm I'OKTKH Curative Balsam. i'his Medicine the ex- it-lotduiary ot relieving itninc-liately shall bejuat.

A WOLF, Sheriff's Office, July s5L, Sucuirp. Jurors for August Court GBA.ND JI-ILI. irumilton--Michael Hellene, (Foreman.y i i l)iehl. lliicihew. Liberij---Reuben Shovel.

Coiis'i, Hoarseness Difficulty of i GutU sourg-- lienry Baltimore of gold now cauied by our bankb, tor holders in this city, that cost them fifty, feixty, aad-'some of tt even seventy per eeuc premium. It is now at thirty per cent, piemiuiu, and we hope tovhave liot iu Xew York appears to he He then placed a guard around it aud gave at au end. The last fight of consequence special instruction that it should not bo took place on Thnrsday in wlncli destroyed until he "ave the order, lie rtTe pleasure ol quoting it at twenty by the i military killed eleven of the mob. wounded clow of nouther week The Ulcing of eighteen, and captured thirty five. John to emcd excetid: that he uji-jlit and the final route of Lee'h army TL the'leadei aud of ss spectacle of 3Ii.

Stevens' i do this, whilst the hunbliug the uiob, has been captured. He wib found woiks iu fiauies. lie then icturned to OhailestoQ wilUafce a resumption uf spe- in a vile haunt, contorting with a' colored So mote it be. woman, one of the very cla-? against whom The wsseaeres in York county, Pa-, who hj associate-; have directed their liad learned the -and pus-words of the h.sve been expected, K. U.

U's. thousclit this would their he is a low politician of the Fernando Wood auJ catde, while the Union men se hool. At Boston the riot ha 0 been sum- nuiiily suppressed. The authorities showed a vigorous determination to use proper weans, and the mob succumed. At the c.dl of Archbishop Hughes, directed to '-the "men of New who a i lrovo the.

rs to Jiidint; places in the'iuOun- taiiis, and thus saved them from the grasp of the spoiler. This id another instance of th folly of too inuuii wisdom in timeo uf war. Greenwood, wheie lie had his head-quai- but returned the next day, and pei- sonJly detailed Col French, of Jenkins' guerillas, with his command, to illustrate southern, chivalry and a i by apply- itig the torch to the private pioperty of Mr. Stevens because lie was sruilty of the eiinie Bre.iJung. ilu-skmcbs and Ticklin-j in the Throat.

It loosens the Phlegm, and Mill ho found to be very Agreeable to taste. It is riot a Muleiit remedy, but. eaio'lu-nt--warming, irtlilng C.m be tiken hy ilie oldest per-on 01 clnld. For file by all DiiigitiNis, at Ii3 nud 2-3 cents, per bultle. i i te of defending the Republic of our latheis.

residence jesteiday. Antony were many 'u to be some with anus in their hands. The A i i a i i addressed them at length, uriiitiir them to mfrain i disorderly proceedings to retire to their homes, and to obey and the laws. At the conelu-ion ot the address the Mage quietly' dispersed. The police, sup- ported by the military, are uuine- I The Govertimi-nt, we are glad to say, no to bond i the Yoifc iijnb or its a i by ordering even tpyjimriry of the draft.

A circular fiom Pol. Fry, Provost Mjrshai Ueneral stitca a no have been i i i a i the draft, a ade- a force has been ordered to the points now called in nuny of the rioters," Jniiumanity and Poltroonery of the Eefcel! a large a fc seiiibla-e gathered in front tf his Surgeons. The infamy and cowardice of the Rebel in deserting the men ol'Hieir army wounded at the battle of Gettysburg is without parallel iti the war. I every battle in fortune adverse to our arm-, and our wounded have been temporalily li-ft i i tiie LleJiel the brave iisd jpelf denying surgeons oi'tha Ti-gunenrs have "BTther retuatned the fallen or have 'immediately applied fur pauses i i the lluhul lines that tliej' miirlst be cared for i the Iltibeib left lying" on the Held i I thousands of I heir i reports tho at tea thousand--and i i-f i tliTH suriicun.a, stoios tmr iiurso hut literaly abandoned them to their late. These miJn complained bitterly of.

tho ciuilty of thu surgeons in forsa- i them, but- bore up patiently tlii'ii sufferings for many davs until they! -ould be attended to by some of our own surgeons most of whom had at dtu-e to hasten forward with their regiments to other fields. We published yesterday a thrilling 'etfcr from the battle field i on Thursday last, six days niter the close of the contest, stated that there were hundreds of the Jlebel wounded not then reached-that i of them it had been found iuipoMsiblc CVCH to cover and they lay in tl.e woods with bioken limbs and torn bodies drenched in the rain, some haviug teen ecss drowned in tho floods which rose around them. Ot course everything possibly was being done for them, and doe- tors, vouu(2-(iresie-i and nurses were arriving. We not prepared could riot have foreseen, the flight ot all'the Rebel surgeons. It will long bo leuieuiberd to 4 i disgrace both by the i a i and by tho Y.

The work oi' deduction was well done, and soon all tho woiks were in The houses occupied by families were not fired. Some worlh ol charcoal wa; destroyed, 7,000 of bacon stolen, a i the families of the laborers i food, in spite of the earnest icprecetitations made by Mr. Sweeiioy as to their noeosMtoUb condition Mr. Stevens' lu-a is not lesd than SoOjUOO. ew Jersey Lands for Sale, AI.1O, i or i-'rwlt Farsiss, Grapes.

Peaches, llasp- bernut, Str.awocrrics-, lilackbenies. Cui- i ot 1, 10 or 2U acres ench, at I iullownig prices fur luosent, 20 ten- $2)0. ID acres for Slid, 5 ucrcs ior ti(l, aui us iur ID. 1 acre for $20. Payable bj' one .1 Xfeuk I Also, good Craiiherry hinds vilhiKC lots in I I by 100 feet, at I by one dollar i week.

Tlie above laud nii'l fanr.b. -ire situated C'bctwood, ronii'-liip, a i County, New Jersey. I'or fitrtlic" a i i a i a 1'. U. for circular to Ii.

A LIN CLARK, Xo. OU Cerlu New i Y. Jan Ji THE 1 Sill A I A CELEBRATED PEMALE PILL iiell, ITuury Laiishiger. liiuler---JoLn Ji'uut. L.ituuoic--Mm.

M. Gardner. Oxloul--Salomon Union--Win. iSlitct, CuuuiMigo--Jesbe Kt-llor. lui A.

Snojje. Muuntjileasaiit--Jolin Peter O'Seal. Oiunbei land -John Miring. llerwicktwp--Jacob Hull. Jlountjoy--Sauiuel B.

Miller. Ited'li ig--Andiew liioun. JMcCieary. Miller. Freedom--George Seoit.

Kamiltuiiban--Ueoige Tieiikle. Gl.M.lWI. JuilY, Conowagn--Jcicmitili Edmoncl Delloue. Ihuiliugion--Samuel Uuweia, tieorge timiuL, Jeremiah ijl.u baugli. Liberty--1 tuies 0 Bncn.

i i i th Diehl, Philip Dcersum. i A Weiple. Uit'ord--Daniel tieluel. Jierw lok bor --frcUei itk Wolf. Myew, Alinihain lloffman.

llcbeti, Thomas, i'reydom--Joseph J. Kcir. Uniyn--Charles Spnugler. Litiiiiorc--Geo. Myeivs, of B.

i i i i i i a i Sbecly, John L. Jenkins. i i i i Lotl LIIIU to pieseut foi sptilcioent. July them properly siutlientieated GEO. I 1C Adm'r.

KQUKKA! The "Excelsior Washer!" ackuott-loUgcd by all who sec it, to be the most complete, und without exception tie most pei feet Labor Saving Machine before invented. li a buperiorfty over all eoiiMsia in the simplicity und durability of us construction, the lapidity and cuiiiplete- uetsot Us work, and tlie incredible ease with hich it m-iiiagcd. A child of teu yuu caulearn to woik in five minutea time, aud man i it well as (Joal, of every kind. put sou. except lor -very hony goo'la.

worthy of visit'just at'thts" time. "We i doubt whether, even in our fine a display of Stoves can be found. larco romn is ytored of Stoves of every pattern abo, every variety of Hollow, Ware, Sheet Iron Ware, Tin Ware, Plan-; ipbed Ware, Japan indeed, everything in the lino. Also, Sausage Cutters, Saufcage Stuffers, Laid c. 3'hey a jiared to sell wholesale and retail, Tin Ware, and Sheet Iron Ware, oi' their own.

manufacture--keeping a sufficient number hands to supply any demand. Their soitnient of Lumber is very large; also, In a i i the machine and is dcMnu-d- neighbor PotLEY has just com- before undi'iMgiied have piirchimcd the Patent Kifrht for County (ctxepiing one town- i a a making exlen-ive piepaiadons for i mannfactuie. cry machine will be i i i i the best nuinncr nml Price bfe.UU. In connection with this machine theie is itent Wringer, which performs this laljoi i- oub of ishiiig i the greatest e.ite. and much better than it cini be done by They may be attached to cr-union Wash Tub, and are sold i machine or separately as deti- led Samples ot each may be seen our Oallery.

IJastTork Wtieet, opposite ihe Dank Oettysbuig, 1'a. ITSON BUOTIIEIIS. June have everything in very beautiful former has every variety of Stoves of the rarest and at very iata-; whilst friend COOK attends to the Tin-work, Spouting, promptly, and executes ttork in the best nmnner. Give them a call iu their new habitation. UNITED STATES REVENTTE TAXES.

CONCTSSTRATED LYE, THE FAMILY SOAP MAIffBB: rniUi PUBLIC arc cautioned against, the J. Sl'UHIOPS artiule-i of fur miikiug SOAP, it wow oll'uied for sale. The only I and Lye is that made hy MANDFAC- f)i'n i 1 I I for it UW 6 IC'A Col- 0 i "SAl'OXU'lEll, OR CO.N'CENTRATKD leUinn JJittrict, I lietreat of General Las Across tlie Potomac. Mr Thoma" O'llartes. to the Acti'ctivc corps of Provu-t a Me- Pii'iil, at rived iu IJaltiiuoic on Friday ATilliatnsport, i ho had been captured by the held as a prisoner frora Friday, afti-r the Gettys- battle, i night where the proccodmRs h.uv, been interrup- attle Ullt 1 J' "'P 1 1 ed, and that Provost irshaK be sul whcn ho e4ca eJ IL lie 1 a a taine.l.

and are directed to proceed to c-xc- I "PP 0 of aeon- all the Con- the draft as rapidly shall be possible. operations r.ttcnd- rhe means they US-Culoucfjl'lvrMkonorT I i Tatortay aftor tlt'e been on a raul i a Northern and Utle was tilc of two flatboats, nola7 "r.uh"o'ad"'bndl!e tlw t0f lbl WCn OVel 0 th CsC Yockarra, an'd treble ttw juTt beyond, a ti TM' When the r.irer loll hn-e bo- and the road Iron, there north. CiosseJ Jies of infantry for-led it in water up to their wants and They were thus Oeeu on a raid tlnouj-li and Eastern thus repotts: "Broke which Kflre JraWtl and the command of Georee at IV A I horsos Md Queen. Ttiih well medicine is no i i i but a sure and s-atc- lor a Dillicultics, uid Ultt.tiuc.nons, Iriim Ciiuse and tlioiisiii a i it noihuii; the coiisMimii'u. I Tn A I I A I is i i It i a i i i i on the ijiuruiiiy pcriuii i nil i i In i ISI'M of Nervous nnil pmal AlU'ciions, iu Back and LnnUa, I i Kanyiie on L.V.TUOII, of the IJe.irt.

iRvs ul Spinis. White-, and nil ihe a i nccn-ioned by disordered i i these Pills i efldci a cine all other i i h.we f.nleil. 1'bEsE TIM.S h.ive inner been to i Fur parlieulurt get a a free, of N. -md i to any authorised ajiciu, will insure a botile, cunianiing over 30 piils, bv ri-luni mini For tale by A. D.

Gcttv-bnre, inci 17, JbC3. i--A. 1C. Stoner, hclcr. Jierwick Jaci! Sum beer.

i i A a S. Myois, Simpson, in inucl Xeiilit.ii. Fnnklin--Gcorjte Cole', rjarrison Bro.ugh. Maekley, Hoiucr. II i i a a L.

Firm Uutler--Solomon Otuer, Win. C. Lott Juli I I 'TUn: annual assessment for this Dibtricf hav- JL "if; been completed, all residents of the Division, who have been assessed, and LYE." The great SUCCHRS of this article has led tlNl'l'rXClPLljD IMKT1ES to eudeaiortd IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's' PATENTS. All MANCTAGUtrrtERS, BUYERS or SEL- of these SI'UKIOUS Lyoa, are i liable ior Lateb on Carnages, Billiard Tn- NO'llFtEU'tlmt Ihe COML'AKr have employed bios, i i i Cattlu, Manufactures, as their ATTORMCVS, ses, or any article or occupation in (lie MM. L-IW 0 required to rnnke puymcut ut HAEDIN5, Esq of and WH.

BAZEWELIi, of Pittsburs I Ji A A i Tallahatohie north, and pursued Chahueis beyond Uoldwatei, on the Ileleni road. Ir ettinjj uerois eontinuilly. Mr. O'lf. s-nr He made for the Tallahdtchie, to cios.

at Confederate, or etirht lar-e the month of the Cold water, killed fifteen fro tllllber uku or a took Ibrtv pn.oner.s. Pa 10 port. 'J luso fin- i-oled the SIC ut Panola, brou-rht aWay und i I8 ied Wcre 1 Mtcd to all The Trae and False Democracy. We read the speeches of peace faetion- lits and xhc resolutions of their nioetiiijjs, jind while they have -no wotd of eomme'n- lationor encouragement lor those who are iu fighting the bait 'as of this war for the preset vatioti of the Union, we find that they are equally and mnst significantly- silent In tioudeuinattoii and exeuration or the rebellwu ant! of wlu are endeavoring to overthrow the Government. such meu propose au armistice, we can but i difference between them and re- arms; the former would destroy tb.e country by cunmug strategy, and the latter by open assault.

The patriotic De- inoccracy, to which we turn with hope' and destoryed all t.upphes, workshops, nulls, tanneries, depots, i.c. Passed i i i tlirc-e miles or' Austin and Coui- nierco, destroying au iiuniense anirmat of forage and subsisteuco. Ho took from 600 to 800 horses and mules, nnd 500 hcn'd cattle, sent dutaulnucnts north and a'brth'- east irotu Pntiula to destroy" or bring away all subsistence, foratio, liorses and mules, through five counties, tr.ivi-lled fNtl'ORTAXT B. I JC I I A I WAFERS A RE i i in the cure of COUGHS, COT.DS, A a A I i 0 4 A i i i Bt.cvrniN-s. IvciriEvr Co.v- I i A i i '1 have no a of mod.cine, and any i i tnlie a bi'lore despaired 'IVsiimonv given in hundreds of cases.

A single do-e relieves in MINUTES. lor Bryan's i Wafers--ihe original a "idy aenuine is stamped "Brvan Spurious vy trains, arfilliry, A.P were It, kinds otTVred lor Twentv live cems a was a matter of nnprisc to the Cunfoder-' constructed upon them, on which the hea- th a Oeneral Uu Crtt I a a slitff Sold by dealoit, generally. JOB MOSliS.Solu Conlandi St New York. A. D.

on Monday afteinoon, between three nnd hVe chief of the Gonfedumtea was to over the river, they made a formidable sJiuw of iu these terrible is firmly in favor of sustaining the (Jovern- ment, in measures which it deems i00 uiilos, and crossed three h-id with him Slemuiens', and Withe's men, 900 and three pieces of artillery. The remainder of liis force, 900, fled south from Panoki, via Charleston, under General Ireorge. btroyed the terries at Panuhi and "Ooldwa- tcr; lost on man killed and five wounded." A NAIIUOW Esc.vr-^.--Colonel Malt by, of the 45th Illinuis lieirimenl, h-ad a narrow escape on, tho blowing tip of a rebel tort at Vicksburi; en the 25th the opeiations, Culonel JMiltby received OTIC W.OUIK! on the side of his head, a splinter was extracted; bv a second bail one of his whiskers was carried away a third bail went through his hat. a i and body, from the concussion of RUNNI.NU AWAYTO ESCAPE --All sorts of stories iu circulation, says the Bo.ston Traveler of Tuesday, rel.t- the "exodus" oi, persons' who have lioen drafted. At one of our popular 4 ho-' tels, six wnitera were drafted, all of whom are reported to have suddenly It thutsevcnty or eighty of the men 'employed' a't the gis dr.Jtcd, and that not more one in ten of those arc at work to day.

-The steamer for Su a out this uonjiag crowded with'l I. 1 A private" letter ifom Vor' he fell another officer a a i i ball cut off hi? sword belt. Notwithstanding all, he was at laht accounts Confederate Got) 'Fitzhunh Leo and Captain Winder, son of Qeji: Winder, have been placed in confinement tit Fortress plonroe, and Confederate authorities "notified that they will bo executed i the sentence of death is carried a a a i Captains Sawyer at Richmond. Damage by Rebel Shells. I The damage caused hy Fitzhu-jh Lee's i shills Carlisle, on the i of the 1st i i is considerable.

The und jail were each struck several times, as also the Lutheran, First Presbvtorian He formed, and C.tholi churches, Deposit Union Engin ITonse, and a large number of private rest dunces. In a number of instances th shells exploded after penetrating the wall of considerable i tt furniture, e. Fortunately no lives wer last. iiTarrteD, On tho 11 th by J. Haiios, Ksq Air I TOOT, of btvaban township, to Mis, IlAN.V.VU FISHER, of Butler township.

inonj hundred of tl the posted on AHckshnrg letter to the New York Herald, says that Gen. Sherman has defeat- id the roar guard of Johnston's rebel army i. -j i 4 ne i i TM T-'' 7 tho the givo (fine ami ioij, and at to their present hour of Dielr, On the 20th nt his rpsiilcnro in this place, HJJUVEY Merchant in his Ou tho 17th in Jfountjoy township, at the resilience of Jnmci W. r.air, Miss N.VNCiT BAUU, in 7'2i! year of her age. On the 24th in' Washington, T).

EKNTty, soil uf (I. J. Sc-iireinhi-, tormorlj- of aged 23 years months and 27 clays. 1 On the 13th after a protracted illness. Mix.

CATIU1UNI-: B. STOVER, wife of Frederick Stover, of Oashtown, agod 60 years 10 iionths and 21 days, ll( ir 0 uls conRratulatin thorn. on ork. the at victory. The Secretary of the Treastiry iiuUiorizcd IUR to continue my agency -I for a anilmiiil i notice, I continue to receive Subscriptions lo the 5-20 LOAN AT PAR, af my Office, and at (ho ilifTcrent Sub-Agencies throughoutfthc Loyal JAY COOICE, Snivel ipiion A July I South Thir.lSt., i UliNKTT'SCocoaino, Ii'nir Ht.or-itivf-, i i a i Tonic, andoth-' or prrtparatinns for 1 Or.

H. IlpttNKJVS Drug Store. ha" his CI.OTIIIN'O. Come'one; i-uine 10. all To Nervous Sufferers of Both, Ssxes.

A Ccutlemtin having beenie- stoicd to health in a few days, after undergoing ilie usual rout use and modular modes of treatment, without success, considers it his gnred duly to cnmmunicilc to his fullowcreatures the A OF oiiiii-. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send (fiee) a efljiv of the piefcrip tion used. Direct, to Dr. JOHN M. 180 Fulton Slieet, UiooklyTi, X.

Y. 20. TTKAH'tl A 10 Tilt, A COMPOUND SYRUP or I His provwl tn b. tlie ino-t Tfinmiy i nil )ti)inoimry Coughs. llronchilis, fsjuuinj; lilooil).

tiliort Jln-ntii, inrt storv Wvult i or riMtic; HI tlio TlmiH Vrokuu ui eiiiotntil HIM! other nil 'Utront, and l.unj; no however bad iniiy lw, or of time it mnv jou until ou l.nvo this it Mcjiuiinoiitinn. WoiuU-rful rnrts hnvc Uiht-n ptnro, when, to nil liumiin ( inulil not by tli.iinn«mn|itinn bo curud. no cloiiut luinlencd Lhu draih of niniii nn inrnlul, hy dtprlvini: them ol ihr ron-nlnilnc of I'ur-tirK nllliciiHl wiih VK loml flmuld iupportnl by every nxiunuira of t-nru, not ntnnned by tbe iloomj. fori-lwdinjr of nroqiul. l-or iir putt, wij not llmt Contuniption incurable: nnd let they will, wu IIHVC of ovidcncc to provu that prrvoim nil tbo of Cnimimplimi, doap, bloinly oxprotorn- pnliH, nnd opprow.lmi, tbront, sw-crtW, hnvo IHNJII porniniiHCttv CL VTTIEAU'S Stimulating Unguerf, or French t'reain i'or ImUl heads and bare lacet! This celebrated article is warranted to bring out full set of Whiskers on the smoothest f-ice, or a tine growth of a IJald head, in les-i than MX weeks, and in no way Slain or injure the skin.

Tlie French Cream is inanutactiired by In, II. ofl'jiris, and is the only reliable article of the kind! no otlii-i." Man-anted in every case. One box it ill do the -work. Pru-e SI-00. Im- porff uud (or hale Wholesale and Itelail by THOS.

F. CHA1MUN, Chemist and 831 liio-idway, New York." S. A Box of the Unguent to any address by i el urn mail, ou receipt of price, and lo cents fur Postage. i All persons who i-iil lo pay their t-ixei nsi alorosaid, ou or befoie'the 1st da'y 'of Angul, will incur.i penally of tcu per additional to the amount, thereof, and. C--SN.

as provided for in the 19th section of the "evcise law of July. AU persons who shall in like a fail to take out their liccn- as reijnned by latv. on or before the iillth 'day of 18C3, will incur a peniilty of jmibK TIIF AMOtr.v-T of said license, in accordant, tion ef the of Lye, in violation of the rights of 1 die Company, will be PJIOSEPUTJ3D at once. The SAl'OMFIER. or OONCEXTRATED for wile by all auti Country Stores.

TAKU XOTICK! The TTxiTnn STVT- CiucriT Conur. Western District of I'cunsyivania, No. 1 of-May Twin, in wW-ja of the Pennsylvania Salt Manu- facturiug Company is. Thos. G.

Chase, decreed tn the Company, on November 15, nee the provisions of the o9th sec- EXCLUSIVIi right cranted by a patent'owned ihe law aforesaid. liv them for the SAl'OXIFlEH. Patent'dated October for al icquired to be nuiilc at tlie'tiine but Government tunJs will received. L. TATJS, Deputy Collector titlj Division, 115th District, Pennsylvania.

A Joint Hesolution Proposing Certain Collectors Officp, Geityibm-g, i 1 I Amendments to the Constitution. Jmy 21, ism. it resolved by the Senate and Tlnnse of Representatives of the Commonwealth of in General Assembly met, That the following amendments be proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accord i i the piuvibions of Ihe tenth article thereof: There shall lie an additional section lo tho third article of the Constitution, to be designa-i ted section four, as follow STCTION 4. Whenever any of Ihe qualified electors of this Commonireath shall be in any military swticc, under a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the authority of this Commonwealth, inch electors may exercise the light of suffrage in alt elections by the citizens, uadei such regulations as are. or be, prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election, There shall be iwo addition 11 sections tc the eleventh article of i i he AU Invited.

I UIE undersigned have this day ontored iriiD partnership in Grain, Prnjuue and Connnisi-iou business, the old Klinc- felter house, corner of b'tratton and Railroad FLOUR, StPriUeS Sh a llYJi, CORN, OATS, SEEDS, AXi) IIAY. All kinds of Groceries, Guanos, Fih, Salt, ciery other article usually found in our line ol ill of which will be sold wholesale and refail, on the lowest Call and us, satisfy yourselves that it is really to. 1IOLL7NGER IIERBST. Gettysburg, June Notice. 1 jHl id Ur OiJMI'OUN'U SVKUl'OF WILD nppiitlto, JiRUHiion, strciUKtli, for nollru Oxcraso ii Miri; lo follow Ihirty tlikniiil countries coii lucinjj: prfKif.

Ui'warw of nl) pMrport- nn to "fiiitiim Obi'rry, except Unit iirupnrnl liy Dr. A orlu'iiinl nml only CPiiMino, Ur. SWAYN'K'S I'rlnripnl North SIXTH trunt. nlwut riiilKijiilphin. iNilil bv S.

Konvcv, nml A. I). BOKIIU.B, Uottysljiirg, Ml ivll dt-nli-rf In inislioinci. April isjw-- ly. i The Experience of aa Invalid.

UBLISHED for the hencfH tmd as a wnrnine; -and a otxution tb young men' whn.stiffor from Nervnus DeS.iliry,, J'renia- DoiMy, at. tho nie, a i a i i i i Sclfj-Curc, oivo who urod nftot lioiii'j; put OIIKO ry. tmr; the miHtfr A I ooiinty, N. a postpaid volo envol po, HAVE left with A.

J. for colas sections eight, and fol- JL SALE XOTCS given to nw in A Staieh, iSbO, and nope they will be paid with- SI.CTIOX S. No bill shair-be passed by the out delay. El rjCffislature. containing inort than one Aptil vhich shall be clearly expressed in.

the tiUe. except appropriation bills. T7'XGMSII, French and American Mustard SKPTIIXN 9. No bill shall be passed by the JLv''or s-tlc at DR. R.

HOUNKR'S DKUO STOUU. rjegislature granting any powers, or T- Z--: in any case, where the authority to grant such 8 -J- for your Spring and Sum or privileges, has been, or "may here- mer g- ifttr be. conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNA. Speaker of the House Of Representatives P.

I'ENNV, Speaker of the Senate. 0WICKS: 127 Street, Philadelphia. Pitt 1 Duqac-siie Way, Pntbburgr i April Salisbury Bros. NO.S7DoailANCEST., GS WBYBOSSEX PKOVIUEXCK, R. -i i T)ROPHTfiTOUS of one of the most extensive'' i.

the torn beg to community generally to the very i At they are otfeiing th'eir gsbds. sin-passing; both Foreign aiid Domehfic Manu- faelures in poiut of elegance, and real llilru- bility. i' FOU. INSTANCE FIFTHEX DoDLiits, we forward, nicely carded and picked in good order, tho A enormous quantity of Jewelry, equal in -finish, to any Plated Gold, nnd not to be recognized fiom Gold only by the trying of acids: 4 Set Enamel Vest Chains 2 Plain Florentine Pins: 4 Ear llings to match 2 Twist- AVire Pir.s; 4. Ltr Rings to match; 23 Ladies' Kitips, Double-Heart, aud a variety of patterns: 50 Union Emblems; 50 Scarf 1'lain and- Itnitition Coral; 2 pn3.

Double-Glass On-rct: or SKCUKTAHT or THK Cn-ntovwE U.TII. Ilarnsbnrg, July 1, PHNNIVLVANTA, RS: do hereby certify that the forosoing nnd annexed is a full, true ami correct copy of the original Joint of the General Assembly, entitled "A Joint Resolution proposing certain to the Constitution," ali tho same remains on file in' this, oiltce. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto my hand, and caused the seal of the Secretary's otlice to be affixed, the duy and year above written. BU Secretary of the Commonwealth.

i Special HTotice. il rlZEXS visiting the battle-field arc vrarii- A eU ftgainst carrying -awny any Government property, and all Mioae having property, either 'Federal or Confederate, are directed to return the same without, delay, 'to my office in Gettysburg, thereby saving thorn- selves from arrast and punishment. SMITH. Capt- Aide tleiCamp, to' Ihe Oon. in Chief 1 and acting Piovost, Marshal.

Pf. '0 Part 'How, Newark, and 6 Sta(e St are nur. Agents for ttioipcitiw. TinrJ'rtreanjhnriJ'c'd tn take Ad' aix'l SiibMiriptions ipr us at rates, at low r.ites, be ut ihe cUe.ip store of FAHXJES- TUUIC JLJRUTlimiS. 22.

Tor Sale, rnWO Second-hand MANA'Y MACI1I KS, JL Wood's I Inquire of March 24. provement. WM. W1BLE. H.

Stt'EKTS Infallible Liniment, for sale at Dr. K. Store. Ginghami, Muslins at reduced 1 rates at FAlliSUciTOCK BUD'S, Ma Sign of the Eed 'Front. Tetter, Itcfe, Blotches', I'.

All Eruptions of the Skin, Erj-sipe- las of the J.i'uce, OWvUlcers, of long that put at defiance every other mode ol nient, arc permanently cured by "Dr. Sw'ayno's All-Healing Ointment." Prepared only by. Dr. Rwayne Son, SIXTH above Vine, I'hiljidebhia. Farmers' Mechanics Savings" Lsswtu- tion of Adams County; A AVING incrOased its Cupital, haa enlarged its business and extended its noeommotlft-' tions.

Loan day, Wednesday. April 7, HE Ameviean ExccMor for sale at Be. II. DiiHO'STOBfi. Misses and A of Misses' and drcu'sShooi, Hlack Oto" engine-turned Box and Ulasa Pins lor por- or hair; 72 assorted Locket, IJoart and Shell Charms, and 6 Hand for Fifteen Dollars.

A collection of this kind, placed in the hands of any ordinary Intelligence, ought to retail for at least one hundred dollars I Catalogues, containing full information anil Prices tf Goods, can be obtained upon application." Oiup.iis BY i TKiKGUAI'lt 'Oil JJS" WlBSS'llESl'liCTKCraV SAHSUURV BROS. 37 Uorrauce 07 Weybobsel June 11. I. in want of a eheap'hntl fashiona- (iT lile CAP, can beaccoiairotlatcd by calling at f. R.

removed hia office i the corner of more and High opposite the, riau llesideiJce adjoining, tf.V I The 'k Nervous' Yonng'" Jtaa. from pe'cial of young Buffer Nervous Memory, Tvcaaturc who has cured hinvself hftiii- vv id Ti a i i i0 the fust rauoht-s. If you haw' fifty burn lo bavo fifty more) annex the i a a tfcoac itt titlo, by 1 8 money, sayfl not his J'cdicatcd Cough Candy. Vfant-of Hat? a 1 ccpt iiis cst in the NEWSPAPER!.

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