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Lead Daily Call from Lead, South Dakota • Page 1

Lead Daily Calli
Lead, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm) mmm gmjl rmm wxATnn rnseltled tonight and Wednesday, slightly wuimcr Wcdm-iduy. IN TDK MINING CENTE1 Of THE BLACK BILLS FORTY-THIRD YEAR LEAD, SOUTH DAKOTA, TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1937 PKICE riVK CENTS OmCIAL PATER I.KAII AND LAWKKNCK COUNTY Asum-liiled Vrrtt Kervlee ENTRY LIST FOR SOAP ROY T)KRRV i SIMPLE RITES TOMORROW FOR ftGftnieMc Moves Him nDeOnanaee GROWS STEADILY Boys between the ages of 9 and 13 GEO. DANIELSON DIES SUDDENLY Is Stricken By Heart Attack In Alaska; Be Brought To Seattle Today's Ba sol) all Scores (Courts iHUU's I'lut) NEW ATTACK ON MADRID OPENED BY INSURGENTS Twenty Dead and 40 Wounded Toll of Bombardment Last Ni(ht JEAN HARLOW In both Lend ami Deadwood are uiged to register fur the All American Soup Box Dolby. The greatest amateur racing event, the local lace of which Will Im r.i...i T- w'" run on Poorman Hill In Lcail Will Be In bharp Contrast To One Julv The kM. rap.

h4lnr of Screen's Moit Spectacular Careen Jointly sponsored by the Lead Klwanl club, the Load Dnlly Call. Deadwood Pioneer-Times ami the Chevrolet Lead relatives of Geoige Vernon Danlelaon, former Lead youth, and widely known In the Black Hills, weie National 'league Pittsburgh 021 102 lot Philadelphia I 001 000 00 Bauer, LamtVtcr, Philadelphia LOS ANGELES." June 8. t.TI Molor For several ilaya Jean Hatlow. author of the nlatlnum the trophy to be awarded the Madrid and Valencia, old and new sites of the Spanish government, dug has I Monde vogue and central figure of winner aa part of hia piize, maiitul tiagedy. will be burled with bcn on rduinlicit contrasting! with one of contrasting with one win- ln today undtr a new insurgent at-! tack.

Ccunters Mayor Kelly's Decree In Chicago With Surprise Move lily llti Avm ialetl I The Republic Steel corporation stiffened its defiunce of steel woikeis today with an announcement its Monroe. plant would resume pio-ductlon. Mayor Daniel A. Kmigg said the citizens of Montoe weie "really moused over the closing of the Newton Steel company." a Republic subsidiary and that he would ask Gov Informed this morning of his sudden I death at 6 o'clock yestenlay morning at Fairbanks. Alaska, where he had gone about six weeks previous for employment.

A heart attack was (given as the cause of his demise. The (body will be shipped hack to Seattle, I for funcial and bmlal services. I George Vemon Danielson was bom The entry lixt continue to grow. (JKANI)IS KITIOS AUK I lKU) TODAY A requiem high muss was celehrat- (d this morning at St. Patrick's Catholic chinch during funeral services of the late Mis.

Matgaiet Giandls. who died Friday ninht shotlly bcfoie midnight while asleep. Tbeie was a latge attendance of fiienils. The Rev. H.

Itoacli was olebiant of the mass and also pi cached the sermon. Mrs. Itny Corndl sang the "Ave Minis" and Miss Rcna de Maitinl sang 'O Saliitnils Hostia." Mis. Wesley How was at the oigun. Inlet ment was In Culvaiy cemetciy with the following pallbearers heading the, escoit; Bait Swanson.

Chailey liar-vison. John Catti. Jack MGiath. Joe Statiki, John Foittino. i Cincinnati 202 000 000 i Boston 000 000 00 Glisson.

Fef.e, Boston Other games poststnied. rain. I America! I New Yoik 103 i Chicago 2.... ooi oi iBroara, New Yoik.vLee. Chlrngo Boston 000 1 'Cleveland Ill McKain, lost on; AHcn, Cleveland When coming to the Hills Chevrolet company office In Deadwood, to regis Hollywood's moat spectacular caieeia.

The 26-year-old movie itar died unexpectedly jesterday of uremic Her death nt the hlgbt of Starting at midnight over 1.000 shells pouted into Madrid from In-suigcnt aitlllery. Thla morning 20 peraona lay dead In the atreeta and more than 40 otheia were carried to hospital. Valencia watched the ter for entering the race, boy a must 'hnvc either parent or guaidlan with her ru.coss was remindful of those i l.ui Lira Lamarr. Wallucc Held and; BS the rlgnaluic of the par ent is needed In order to make the i in Lead February 22. 1N00.

and was the youngest son of the late Mi. and Mm. Ole Danielson. He leeeived his education in the Lead schools and the state university at Vermillion, being registration official. At the time of rcg littering, the boys I Philadelphia 000 00 Detroit 102 02 will be given the official tule book which shows bv dincianis and explan sky.

Four insurgent planes droned over the outskirts this morning, bombed the fortiess and hit small ahip. They vanished when anti-aircraft guns protested. Talking truce two weeks ago, the British were trying to keep the war In Spain today. They proposed ex-tentsol of safety zones for neutral n.ciicy, i-nnnrieipniai AUKer. uciroit gmdunted from the law depaitment Washington-St.

Louis, postponed, toin' 0f the state university. He served ations how a car should be built. I overseas for the dm ation nf the Wot Id Boys aie advised to obtain this book before beginning to build cars. war. Sjrvlvlng relntlves Include his wife, Earhart Makes Hop Acrctes South Theic is still ample time for boys Mrs.

Gladys Danielson. who is at their to register prior to the closing date shipping and asked greater protection which Is July 6. but boys should not from the warring factions for ships in four sisteis. Atlantic Ocean homc nk-riey, coi Mis. Silas Townsend.

Mrs. James Jel- the non-Intervention patrol in the hope ernor Frank Murphy for state police or national guaid tioops if neces-saiy to assure resumption of operations. The mayor claimed a "straw vote" he conducted showed a majority of the workers opposed the strike. Lansing. Mich returned to normalcy today after a "labor holiday" demonstration by the 1'niled Automobile Workers in protest against the arrest of eight pickets.

I'nion leaders said more than 2.000 employes of business places and transportation services joined 100110 to industrial employes in Idleness A back to woik order was Issued after city and county officials decided to quush complulnts against the pickets. delay too long. The following beit and Mis. Heibett Stclr of Ixad OFFICIAL OF KIWANIS HERE Jcseph F. Wnlertown, Ki-wanis Lt.

Governor, Cuest of Lead Club entiies have been of enticing Germany and Italy back into the international neutrality Ku Valentino, but her mother. Mis. Ji'iin Bello and her atepfather, Marino nelln, aought to foreatall demount lutloni by great thronga of cur-Ions persona like those which aaw Valentino as he luy In atate, and which greeted the train which bore Ills body scions the continent. Miss Mailow will not lie In state. The coffin will be closed when private uncial set vices are held at 11 a.

m. toniunow at the We Klrk-o-lhe-lleather in Gler.dale. Ariangemcnta for interment are yet to be made. Little warning had been given the nd was near fur the gill who did her fiit screen wmk in 192ft and shortly was iiM'keted to stardom as the platinum blonde in "Hell's Angela." Shi left the set of "Saratoga" in which she was being starred with luik Cable May 29. feeUng III.

She asked then for William Powell, who has been her closest fiiend for two years. Her illness waa first reported made since last week: Dalmer Pratt, DAKAR. French Senegal. Apill -(I'l Amelia Eathart flow hete today from St. Louis, capital of Senegal, for an caller takeoff on the next leg of her flight attmiul the woild.

ond Mis. J. Brooks of Hugo. Philippine Islands: two brothers. Colonel C.

H. Danielson of Washington. D. and G. Untold Danielson of Seattle.

Wash Ix-sid' a number of nieces and Bobby Wright, Kenneth Jobs. Clarence Milcs.Billy Cur i an, all of Lead, and Kenneth Sanders, James Hoffman and Jack Hoffman, of Deadwood. Raid N'uzl Spy Center Aviators heie said Miss F.nihiut's uinmn ui i nephews His father died in and nf 13 nnj Z2 poricu lute touay uiey nail uncovered evidence that a German spy and pro Joseph F. Messer of Wateitown. S.

lieutenant governor of tins Kiwunis district paid his official visit the 1.900 miles firm Natal. Rtazil. nl" niouier in iho.i. to St. Louis.

Seneal. where she1 Geoige Danielson and his wife paid Isnded yesterdsy opulently was to Lead relatives last fall, record for the eastern south Atlantic; paganda center existed in Madrid before the start of the Spanish civil Republic continued production St lis SCOUT COURT HONOR HELD war. Agents aaid they had confis crossing. Miss Far ha it flew through rain most of the way across the an FEDERAL COURT to the local club yesti play. He was the guest speaker at List evening's dinner meeting of the cluh.

Taking for the theme of his talk "The Woik cated large quantities of nazi propaganda both In Spanish and in Gt- anc saia. ine sinni nnicinan rier laid up her plane hie for repairs. She said it would Bt tomorrow or man in a raid on an apartment of a 1 German resident who is now in Paris. CONVENES TODAY Thursday before she! could hop off as gall bladder trouble, then as a cold. She was removed to a hospital Sunday without the fact becoming generally known and died there yesterday Just before noon.

Lads Are Formally Presented With Ins ignia Won In Recent Tests across Africa. South Chicago mills. In a sm prise move the company sent 21 Pullman eats into the property to house non-striking workmen. The steel company's move was Republic's method of 'meeting Mayor Edward Kelly's decree that Chicago building and health ordinances forbade the use of a wire factory as living quarters for the men. A request by union leaders in the Illinois-Indiana -Calumet district for presidential Intervention in the steel strike was relayed to Secretary Perkins and the national labor board.

The latter said "no formal action CONTRACT NEW SCHOOLAWARDED of the Kiwanis Kdiication Foundation." Mr. Messer told about the beginnings of the fund which the Foundation administers. This fund has been contributed by individual Kiwan-lans and by clubs so that now theie is quite a large sum available for the purposes of the fund. Many physically handicapped young people have been aided In obtaining their education by mums of the loans which the fund is able to make to them. Grand and Petit Juries To Report Fcr Serrice Tomorrow Afternoon NEW ANTI-WAR Formal awarding of badges and honors won in recent tests was made last evening In a Boy Scout Court of Honor presided over by Guy N.

The spnng term of United States district court for the western division BATHROOM NOW MORE COLORFUL THAN KITCHEN WASHINGTON-i API-It takes seven colors to meet tke ordinary demands of the house-wife out chopping for the bath-room, and only six to staisfy the lady buying gadgda for the kitchen. Tha Bureau AUJrds and the National Retail Dry Good- Association have boiled the bath-room-kitch BILL PROPOSED Henry Hackett It Successful Bidder For New Washington School House I hus been instituted" and hence it had Mr. Messer told the Kiwanians of several representative rases of young people who have completed their col of South Dakota convened at the fed-I cral building in Deadwod this after-jnoon at 2 o'clock with Judge A. Lee. 'wyman presiding.

'A Liege I of civil and ctiminal cases aie listed for disposition at the present term. lege, college or tiadc'scnooTt no reason to initiate proceedings. K-KDDV The marriage of Miss Gsyle Dick education through the aid of the foundation Due to the still limited en rainbow down to this. IMembeis of the erand and netlt jur- Bjorge, chairman of the local Scout council, and conducted by George Bruntlett, Rapid City, Hills Scout executive'. Honors were conferred as follows: Life Scout Emil Scderstrom, Leslie Robinson.

Merit Badges Emil Sederstrom, handicraft and athletics: Jack Mor-com. life saving; Bruce Walton, safety; Theran Thomas, swimming; Robert Mackness, pathfinding; Bruce Walton, carpentry; Robert Valland-ingham, music, swimming and life saving; Robert Campbell, woodwork; Roy Nelson, mechanical drawing; resources, the foundation limits its They did It because there have been wjli for service tomorrow Henry H. Hackett Contractois. Rapid City, was the successful bidder for the contract on the new school building for Washington addition of Lead, it was announced this morning by William Frackelton. president so manv comolaints over such nredicc i l'i" I 1 1 III 1 UUUWCi I II lilt Mimiiui- amenta ah nf th lartv uhr i i laid lion of evidence in cawa lo be bought a groon fhavin mirror arid i ttia tA.i i si-u- -i orioic mc lormer Kiuun a iki inr mni and William Eddy.

took place Sunday afternoon. June 6. at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dick.

.107 South Mill stieet. In the presence of the immediate relatives of the uniting families. The Rev. Dan J. P.ucb.

pastor of the Baptist church, read the services, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dick, a biother and sister-in-law of the bride, attended the couple during the ceremony. I 7 Tn7 i rUldn cases before the com room jurors, bid was J27.062. and includes rsang rurtain t0 mtch.

And then there's, of the present Washington school and tm trouble of matching up blue mix-1 The local club was complimented for its many and varied activities. The sponsoring of the local Soap Box Dei by was considered by the lieutenant governor to a unique ami worthwhile contribution for the club to make to the community. I I I.1 1-. llnnn. construction of a new five-room, brick ing howls and blue-nandied egg-rx-ui-, ruany It A) I api'l It Designed To Take the Private ProfiU Out of Manufacture of War Supplies WASHINGTON, June 8.

(JP A group of five senatois proposed today to "help take the private profits out of war" by giving the government a practical monopoly In the manufacture of war weapons and munitions. Senator Bone (D-Wash I headed the group which included also Clark of Missouri and Pope of Idaho, democrats, and Nye and Frazier of North Dakota, republicans. They said their proposed legislation would be necessary to other methods such as high profits taxes designed to make war a profitless enteiprise in this country. Under their bill the secretary of war would acquire plants sufficient to produce munitions and supplies to meet all army and navy re Describes Mining In Hills In 1883 Robert Campbell, swimming; Keith Griffith, swimming; Walter Long, swimming. First Class Scouts Donald Steph ers.

The seven most desired hath-room colors are: while, bath green, orchid, ivory, maize, bath blue and roy Duiim; the afternoon Mr. Messer i veneer structure on the comer of Washington and Erwin streets. Leo Kilminster. of Lead, was awarded the contract for plumbing and heating. His bid was 16,345.69.

The new schoolhouse. will have space for grades one to four inclusive and also for a section of the and his son. Jiinmie. who was travel-1 Both the bride and bridegroom are ing with his father, weie shown thiu lifelong residents of Lead, attending the surface works of the Homestake I the public schools, and both weie al blue. W.

E. Rnvce. of Lead, has in his The fix most popular kitchen possession a copy of The Mining Ex shades are: white, kitchen green, chance, published in San Francisco graduated from hiii school, ne wun the class of 1934 and she with the mine. Jack Walker, who has charge of ivory, delphinium blue, royul blue and Ion January 8, 1883. which is devoted entirely to the Black Hills enson.

Bryce Walton, Billy Curran, L. C. DcCorey, Wayne Griffiths. Jack Morcom. Billy Paul.

Howard Stoner. Elton Ferguson, Robert Sandvig. Robert Hogan, Jack Henderson, James Mattox. Second Class Scouts William Gus-hurst. Gene Anway, Chester King.

Glen King. public kindergarten. Plans for the rcJ- The ten-pace issue, devoted chiefly to mining, canies a full-page engrav programs for June, announced that 1 next Monday the program will con- sist of a talk by Mr. Bond, of the Old i Oichntd Nurseries. Mr.

Bond is at piesent wotkir.g at the Lead Country I club and will talk about golf couises' ings of Lead, Deadwood, Rapid City and Sneaihsh as they appeared in class of 1930. Mr. Eddy is employed with the Homestake Mining company in the Recreation building. The eeremon was followed by a wedding repast served by the bride's mother. The couple has begun housekeeping in an apartment at 520 Fox street.

Mr. Eddy's parents are Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Eddy. of .10.1 Crown street. quirements. The secretary of the navy would acquire additional ship new school were designed by George Morthland, Jr. I Work on tearing away the old Washington scsool house, now prob- ably the oldest public building in town, is expected to start at once, and as soon as razing is completed con-1 struction of the new building will start.

It is hoped to have the new those days. Lead is pictured with a "Drairie schooner" coming up East yards and gun factories necessary for and their care. Main street. CIRCUIT COURT JURORS NAMED Jury List Is Drawn This Forenoon For Service Starting June 21 On the front page of the edition are pictures of Samuel McMaster, K. Of C.

Officers Are Klected Here Cleaning Methods Called Antiquated In an interview recently published, one of America's leading health officials made this startling statement: "The average housewife would be insulted if she were told that her home was not clean, but experiments first superintendent of the Home-stake; S. P. Romans, early day min-inc expert: John P. Belding, chief Weather and Roads building, armoring and repairing an adequate fleet. In the controversial court reorganization issue a proposal by Senator Andrews (D-Flar for a flat enlargement of the supreme court by two members received consideration as a possible basis for compromise Informed senators said administration leaders had encouraged Andrews.

school house ready for occupancy by early In September, Mr. Frackelton said. The total outlay for the new build- Dave Smith, La was elected grand knight of Elack Hills Council No. 703. Knights of Columbus, at a meeting held in Lead last evening, i engineer of the Deadwood fire depart jing, the school board president aaid.

carried out on dishea and clothing wj be about S3S 000 ne aauea inai ment; Por ter Warner, editor and proprietor of the Elack Hills Times; and Sol Star, mayor of Deadwood. Twenty thousand copies of the edi The jury list for the present term of Lawrence county court was drawn washed in the home bring out unde- the school district is in good shape niablc evidence that many of our financially, and will be able to finance Other of licet elected were Merle Gairy, deputy grand knight. Jos. C. Dunn, treasurer; Henry Beshura, advocate; William Jones, chancellor; Fred Schopen.

warden; John Gorman, inside guard; Ray Yeionda, outside guard, and Dave Holloway, trustee. The newly elected grand knight was recently elected warden of the state Lead partly cloudy, roads fair. Deadwood 50. paitly cloudy, roads fair. Spearfish 41.

cloudy, roads fair. Slurgis 4ii. cloudy, roads good. Belle Fourche 43, cloudy, roads fair. Hill City 4, cloudy, roads fair.

Custer 46, cloudy, roads good. Rapid City 46. cloudy, roads good. Hot Springs 50, cloudy, roads good. Philip 50, cloudy, roads good.

Piesho 60. cloudy, roads good. Chamberlain 62. cloudy, roads good. Newcastle 60.

cloudy, roads good. in Deadwood this forenoon by the county treasurer, auditor, coroner and clerk of courts as follows: Charles Anderson, Deadwood: William Autio. Lead; C. C. Boone, White-wood; W.

D. Carlin, Deadwood; Edwin Dahl, Deadwood; Ulig Danielson. Spearfish; Emil Dupras. Lead; Carl the new building without a bond issue. The old building, of a type of architecture now entirely outmoded, does not lend itself to remodeling, is expensive to heat and is impractical tion were printed.

10.000 of which were sent to Deadwod for distribution. The paper says that Deadwood's population had declined from 12.000 at the height of the gold rush to 6.000 in 18S5. at which time Lead's cleaning methods commonly employed today are antiquated and ineffectual. "Not, if you please, because she does not try, but because some of her methods are not based on scientific information. "For the kitchen itself, not only JUDCE'S FIRST DUTY IS TO FINE SELF PRATT, Charles R.

Mawdsley, recently appointed police judge, entered the courtroom to hear his first case the city of Pratt against Charles R. Mawdsley for overparking. Reprimanding himself, the judge assessed the usual fine of $1 and assured himself that if it occurred again the fine would be $2. chapter at the annual convention held at Wateitown. the refrigerator needs careful atten from several standpoints, and as a result the new building was decided upon some weeks ago.

J. Eilers. Deadwood: LeRoy Follette, Lead: Ben Hargtaves. Spearfish; tion. but the sink, drainboards and The meeting last evening was from E.

Hedstrom, Deadwood; Lee Hood, tables on which food is prepared re' quire thorough cleaning. latgely attended by members both Lead and Deadwood. "Carefully controlled experiments show a high bacterial count on these Spearfish; Robert James, Spearfish; John Jeffery. Terravillc; Roy Jensen, Whitewood; H. S.

Johnston, Spearfish; Ted Hovland, Spearfish; W. J. Johnston, Deadwood; Roy Krukenberg, Livestock Growers AUNT HET BY ROBERT QUILLEN articles. Proper disinfection of all I these things, including, of course, tow- POORPA BT CLAUDE CALLAN Belle-Whitewood Road to Be Built Commission Says STURGIS A road contract calling for the expenditure of $282,000 and construction of an 18-mile federal i els, dishtowels, handkerchiefs, mops Deadwood; William Langhoff, Spear population was 3,000. The Homestake was not the largest gold mine in the Black Hills in those days.

It was operating 80 stamps. The Highland and the Golden Star mines were operating 120 stamps each, and the De Smet was operating 100. The paper Zists 30 gold mines in this region, operating from five to 120 stamps. The Deadwood and the Terra were 80-stamp outfits. The Esmerelda and the Standby were running 60-stamp mills.

Other producers averaged around 20 stamps. The issue contains detailed descriptions of Lead, Deadwood, Spearfish, Rapid City and other communities. Hold Final Session Of 46th Conventionj PHILIP, June 8 Problems fish; Ben Lowe, Deadwood; William Lead; George Martin. Spearfish; Warren Miller, Spearfish: J. S.

Nelson. Jr Spearfish; H. A. Neabitt, and utensils, would cut down the 'Chance of spreading infection. "Using more rinse with the I addition of an efficient sodium hypo-i chlorite, or other disinfectant, or boil- ing water, will result in a much more highway between Belle Fourche and of the livestock industry were Uis- cussed by prominent speakers at the Whitewood via St.

Cmge will be let 'Deadwood; H. P. Persons. Deadwood M. E.

Pontius. Central City; F. M. by the South Dakota state highway final session of the 46th annual con-; vention of the Western South Da- i hygienic approach to the question of commission offices at Pierre June 8. kota Livestock Growers association! home sanitation." The announcement was made by C.

here today. The convention opened Reausaw, Roubaix; H. B. Reynolds, Lead; Alfred B. Roesler, Deadwood; Edward G.

Ross, Lead: George Sas-sell. Spearfish; J. A. Sanders. Dead- unvl' Klntt DendUHMvl To H.

Hornbeck, Centerville. and H. H. McCrary, Rapid City, two members vesterdav with approximately 500 listing city officials, as well as stories of the various mining enter of the commission, while in the Hills per sons in atendance. Livestock health and legislation affecting the industry I Sprigler, Whitewood: John Thompson, prises.

There is a discussion of gold last Thursday were the principal topics discussed at The contract will be let, Hornbeck Lead: llno wannanen, Roubaix; shipments, "transported by the invincible shot-gun brigade." said, despite the fact that Lawrence 1 Clarence Watson. Deadwood; David county officials are firm in their re-1 Yanzick, Spearfish. Considering the age. the edition Jobe Has Pictures Of June, 1915 Snow Arthur Jobe, of Lead, offers proof that while heavy snow storms in June are unusual in Lead, they are not unprecedented. Mr.

Jobe has kodak pictures taken on June 13. 1915. in which Lead streets looked much as they did last Saturday when about ten inches of snow clogged traffic and did heavy damage to trees and shrubs. is unusually well preserved. fusal to purchase the necessary right The jurors will report In Deadwood of way which amounts to about 60 Monday, June 21, at 10 o'clock at 1 which time trial or criminal cases win acres.

Butte county has agreed to furnish the right of way. the morning meeting. Keporis oi me National Livestock association activities and the organization's convention were presented. The selection of the 1938 convention city is to be made late today. Rapid City.

Lemmon. Hot Springs, and Winner ar seeking next year's meeting. Former Governor Tom Berry, a Mellette county rancher, was toastmastcr at last night's banquet at which Cullen N. Wright, noted Omaha humorist, was the prin BARELY CROP PROSPERS SAN FRANCISCO Because Americain brewers and Scotch distillers both need barely, the value of The contract will call for no rail begin. The first case on the court calendar is that of the state versus Harry Harrison, of Lead, charged with carrying a concealed weapon.

I believe in freedom and equality for the sexes, but I'd hate to think I couldn't be man's equal without gettm' a3 drunk as he does." (Copyright 1937. Publishers Syndicate) road crossings and a decrease in the number of turns as in the present "Ma says I was in bliss when Daisy sat close to me, but I wasn't. I could see that Ma wasn't laughin' at funny things the company was sayin'." ICopyrtftit ltST. Fublisban SrosUcata) highway. The highway now crosses crop in California has soared to S30.

000.000 annually. Last years crop sold as high as $1.75 a hunderdweight compared with a depression low of 30 cents. the railroad tracks 12 times in the 18 The naturalization law provides that an alien cannot acquire American citzenship before 5 years residence in this country. miles, drive. This will be eliminated Tomatoe "wilt" is caused by a which lives in the soil, and may the plant at any stage of growth.

cipal speaker. as a safety precaution..

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