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Lead Daily Call from Lead, South Dakota • Page 1

Lead Daily Calli
Lead, South Dakota
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DAILY: ''CA1 the weatter Partly cloedy; guaday clear; not muck change la toniperatur. OFFICIAL PAPFR CITY wd COUNT La AamxxiKD nun unvtca TH1 BLACK BILL SVBNINQ XlffVATU AWOCIATKD PaaaS KRV1CH -aVTH YEAR LI AD, BOUTH DAK0TA8ATUKDAY, OCTOBER IT, PRICI PIV1 CENTS LEAD AT Aicrnc convention city fw CHAfXE TAXES OVQ lUNAYYAKD KEV REPUBLIC fewis5? (fit HUGHES ItOTE wuiiaiu PirirnCAKS DISCUSSED CIJCAGO VilJTE 31 ta rm nrptir ta Uroagfal Two uridl ChniHieiatili ROOSEVELT ARE Flie From Darkaea aa. Farmer's BIuKGSUOPE to Chtraso Cab. I WMHVWB CHICAQO, Oct. IT.

Prank Uroy iii iimdeixe Daughter KutpUea Dish I'aa, IBr Aaaaetaled Phi Chance, who brought two worlda WA8HINQTON, Oct. IT Impel STUDY r.IARKETl WATEKTOWN. Oct. IT. Author- HONORED TODAY OF SOLUTION championship to the Chicago Cuba, gives political dlaeueslona la Itlea at Clark, I.

today ara In algned to manag th Chicago Am' Washington by aerloua luncheon veatlgatlng tba mysteroua ahootlng arlcaa league White Boa for tbe eoa- leoaforeao bald at th Whit House of Miss llathllda Doibi dauahiar nf HmM av CavtfMr LmJm. wffl Coolldge. Eitira Nabaa Jaiag in Tribal tala prominent farmer reaidingaihreelFaToraaU ladicatioM ara RgCtiT AMrI Freaxb and Betfian Kaaaavalt aad la Serrict Ra- 8 ad at Watbiatioa of Saccaual sati iwiuait ram lar Waa- euMloB wara Jobll Ti Adtmti ishg CMMfaliva Markatki man, tad Fred W. Upham, treaaur- According to bar atory, th man, ad Naval Conference to Coaiidar Reaar- tau reepi to- Accept new Gavanuaaat; Mora Food Rioti Rahr. INDIAN VETS TO GET whoa fas waa covered, fired at dtrtd by Navy Herot'i IkH I er of Iht republican national com aratwu Probleau.

SPECIAL ATTENTION imitia; c. H. Huston, chairman of her aa ah emptied a dlah pan at the back door of her bom. Th bullet penetrated her right arm below her a-iawawinaaBa I Br iwdiM Fn.1 an wu. ua- inr I Br tinHilH Praaal Major Bra I try to Vialt RmixrvaUo) I COntfc.NZ Oct.

17. The Rhine. WA8HIN0TON, Oct. IT Nary CIIICAOO, Oct. IT.

The William Wrlgley, o( Cbl ahoulder. to Care fur tba Disabled. nJA a m. ikk Ive committal bf tba wheat grower. lM'o, "with Mr.

Upham la a meat Pay and lha anniversary of tba birth lauu snaiuQ RtrunKKr ur ino B)r amHaita Pwt WASHINGTON, Oct. IT. Hopeful that indicated acceptance by Prance, Italy and Belgium of the Brltlab propoaala for th advlaory Indiana of South Dakota who bev of au- advisory aa organisation ll Vhlt Houm; William C. of Preildent Roosevelt ara being SUPREME JUDGES OUT aeea aervlce will receive the apeclal ia devoting lla energlea to Jointly observed today throughout recently established to develop eo-1 Sproul. former governor of Pennsyl-operative msrketina faeliuiaa i.lvaala: I.

T. Slotesbury. of Pblladel' th nation under auaplcea of tba atudy by an International commle- FOR THEIR ELECTION grain products atatea, will Jem 0. Blaaley, of Dearer; In.vy lon of aaperla of Germany' ability attention of the United Slarea Veter- and organlaatlon. Tbe ana bureau aecordlng to tbe aa- prorlalonal government at Cublona nouneamenl mad by M.

T. Norlhar- nM wt up tbe nilullry of which ly, of th cooperation dlvlalon of th Uatthea, la tba premier, al- dlalrict office at Mlnneapolla. Tbe though refer to himself aa the here November aecordlng to aa I Prank W. Stearns, of Boatoa, ona of I Judge (Jatea, Sherwood mud Polley 1 10 bBI definitely opened th way announcement tods. I tba praaiaeai a leading visors, and I "Nary Day" baa andoraementa Kntrr Into IHtliiiraJ Llata I toward th aolutlon of the repara iay luHHM rmai I tloua tangle.

Waablngton offlclala to At that time tba commute plana I Davison, republican aa-1 from auch widely divergent Intereata Indian reservation of tb will rlERKB, Oct. it Judge J. H. day awaited further formulation of to determine oa a definite form of Mlonal committeeman from Michigan, I. are rerpreaenled by Herbert Hoot executive conimlaalouer." Plana have been made for the Is visited from November 4 to IT I Galea, 8.

C. Policy and C. 8. 8her- pau. prumably under way at Eur contract to be need la organising! Alia thoaa at tba luncheon wereler, aecretary of commerce; Samuel by two doctor and one contact man.

grain marketing unlla In the prlncl-1 1arded later la (hair etatemenlal aonper, prealdnt of th American wooa' 01 aupreme court, announ-1 suance of aouud money to tbe amount of one billion In gold franca and to bj secured on a complicated Dal Droduelnc atalee end ta aniline I regarding aubjecta dlaeuaaed. I r.rf.r.tlnn nf Ijhnr- Ia lueir canuiuacy tur re-eiecuou One of tbe doctor, will be a tuber-1 culosls sperlsllat and clinic, will be aa organlaatloa program. Former I One aubjact andaratood to hare capper, leader of the Agrlcnltural Kurope Heartened. conducted on eacli reservation. system of mortgagee on unhypothe- MAN RUN BY ELECTRICITY, LONDON, Oct.

IT. Tbe American Governor. Prank O. Lowdea, IlllnoU, I bean diarnaaed wa aeieetion or In bloc In th aenale. cated real estate and the railroads.

Tb work will be In charge of Ma bead lb committee. 1 1114 convention city. Mr. upbam I "with our elvllliation, we have SAYS CLEVELAND SURGEON decision to lend her advice and cooperation for a settlement of the People In'jhe towns wher repub jor .8. Benlley and It la believed baa been arllv la behalf of Chicago I become to be Independent upon our but conalderabl attention baa German reparatlona muddle aeema to I foreign trade," aaya Secretary Hoov that all the claims of the men will be taken care of at tbla lime.

Among ar Inatallvd appear to have accepted tbe aituation, now that tba THEY DON'T HAVE TO TRET CHICAGO, Oct. IT. Man la almp- have lighted Europe out of lis er In part. "Tba continuance of ly a mechanism run by electricity French and Belglana bava mad ABOUT COAL PRICES THERE Mdert (0 Denver and It waa learned lough of depression. Secretary thla aervlce depend at once upon tbe placea to be v'slied by.tbe aquad will be the Cheyenne agency Cherry and chemical reaction a machine clear that they will not countenance that Mr.

Sianlev. who la a leadlnc at Hughes' prompt and decisive answer maintenance of order and protection lift rt I a 1 a Aa I made up of II trillion electric cella, attempta to expel the auparatlsta. Creek, Pine Ridge, Martin, Rosebud, inuu, Hiina oi nawsii, u. I lornev of Denver. iMlnted out to the I in mn I j- Maroule Curson'a kIh tar A marl 8everal more small towns are re St.

Francla, Mission, Wood, Lower -Steam flowing everlaallngly from olB.r lttBehw)n iUMU ,0 Dr' W- Cr c.n g.v. Impetu. to tb. tbe Cleveland aurgeon, here attendiug Brule and Ft.

Thompson. ported occupied. era tuiobu vi i nf lha Polorado ellv. situation and today British offlclala County Well Represented. the convention of the American col see a rift in tbe mists that hive so Tbe atlemllon of the Call ia direc Kllauea Is now being used lo beat the office building of tb Hawaiian lege of Surgeons.

GOLD DIGGERS MEET long enveloped the problem. HUNGRY DESERT SONS Mure Food Riuta (Br Aaaarlatea Preaaf Dl'SBELDOKP, Oil, IT. Food Emotion, love, hate, fear are but ted to the rather unusual fact, that Lawrence county has no leas than National Park commission. The Amrelcan voire found prompt HOT SPRINGS T0DJY stimuli loosing currents of electricity Th vapor leave- th ground at TO SEE NAM SHRINE alt officers In the U. S.

Navy. Among and employment rlota, accompanied echoes In Paris, Brussels and Rome and all three naliona thla afternoon through certain patha, he aald. '110 degree and I guided through Among them la W. A. Smead, com Game Will Have 'important Hearing I by pllaglng and reaultlug In claahea Each cell of the body, conduit a dlstanc of 40 feat lo tb HUH iter From eatera South Dako accepted the principle of tbe advls mander, of Lead, eon of Walter with the authorities, are reported oa 'Season's Standing 000,000 of them, ta a tiny wet bat building, la tba winter time it ea ta Oat her for Cvremoale ory council of eiperta.

Rmead, who built tbe Smead botel. from varluus towns throughout the tery according to the surgeons. Tbe Coach Bell's Oold" Digger clash lly kaepa tba office at a aalform France'a consent to enter tbe con Mr. 8 mead received hi appoint Deadwood la tbe mecca of all true lee, according to tb surgeon. Th tbla afternoon witb the apeedy eleven temperature of 70 degrees.

Ruhr district with many caaualtle In aome rases. Thirty persons were ference wilt Involve the question of ment to Annapolla In 1881, aud at followers of Mohammed In western brain cells of the liver the most ne from Hot Springs. This game. the acceptance of the Ameriean prln His graduation waa a gueat with tbe killed and It wounded at lloi-lium donestera nolnt out. will have an Ira gative.

THEY SERVED JAIL TERMS 8oulh Dakota today, as reault of the call laaued by Illustrious Potentate olple that the Inter-allled debta and othur 8ouih Dakota boya there, of portant bearing upon the eeason'sn or reparations must be divorced, Senator Kltlredxe. Recently he waa BUT CAN'T PAY THEIR FINES Skallnder announcing that 40 "poor siaudlnga. point ou which Premier Polncare eiecutlve officer of the U. 8. 8.

Cali I sons of the desert will be Imploring FOOTBALL STANDINGS While tb changes In th lineup I heretofore disagreed with the United Mine Owner Sign up (Br Aaaaetalrd Pre BRUSSELS, Oct. IT. Agreement. fornia, where he waa shipmate with Roy Decker and Jack Chamberlain let tbe outer gates" of the Nsjs announced yesterday by Coach Bell, Statca and England. Ensign Crouch, of Deadwood, who who were convicted oa the charge I Shrine.

north Central Conference leavea the locals somewhat ligh to resume work were signed wltn graduated from Annapolis, and aerr- of bootlegglug, In the United States I Tbe dreas parade which had been Won lost Pet. ter than that of tbe vlaitors, yet tbe German mine owners In the Ruhr, Paris Paper Object court, were brought before United I scheduled for 1:10, was cancelled on during tjio World war, 1.000 apeed gained would more than com according to official information. South Dakota 1 North Dak. Aggies 1 PARIS, Oct. IT.

Reappraiaenfent Slates Commissioner Moore tbl af account of tbe bad condition of the! l-oweu uriscou, now eiiue ires. 1.000 pensate for that loss, It wa. thought. The fire represented, control IS of Germany'a capacity to pay repa streets oflfclal program aa another Lead boy who madel8ou(b Dak 8ute Tbe lineup are: ternoon at Deadwood and took tb "poor convict oath," and were die- .100 .000 group, of. mine and eight ratlona alrlkea afternoon papers Lead nounced by Recorder Carl H.

Kub-go in-navai aerrice. n. Dos Moines 0 Hot Spring, re. Rutb here as futile and objectionable be durinar the war. and at tbe time of charged.

.000 ler Is as follows: H. Treweek, Mornlngslde cause they see in it an effort to re his discharge waa an ensign. Decker waa convicted and fined P.ul Putn.m Haye. It. 0 0 0 0 Neb.

Wesleyan North Dakota U. 4.00 p. m. Business session. 1.00 p.

m. First 8ectlon. duce the amount of payments, Other Lawrence county naval of 1300 and has served a 10 day Jail .000 .000 .000 French Aid Force (Br Aaseclated Press) COni.ENZ, Oct. IT Open and ac Brown I Leach Cadawalldor Stoner They find It futile because they flccra on the active Hat are: aentence but could not furnish tbe p. m.

Traditional Banquet, Cretghton rg say the question la political rather Commandor William Bingham fine. Chamberlain waa fined $100 Nelson Jensen 7:10 p. m. Band concert. tive French support enabled tbe Soulh Dakota Conference Won lost than financial.

Howe L'SN, Spearflah, 8. present and baa also served tbe 10 day term tbe Pet Powell rt Ouy Wlllllama la In charge of and republic today lo extend Germany, they assert, is hopeless duty: Staff, Naval War College but also was In no financial condit 1.000 tbe Glattery hnij number of small Nell Columbua 1 0 sport and fun that come with ly bankrupt, as th economic experts Duty during World War: US8 ion to pay. Inl fb 1.000 Severe Berg Augustana I ond part of tb ritle of tb must agree, but If by some means towna and v.llagea. French and Belgian troops enlarged tlielrpollc- Fulton, U88 Cheyenne, ft R. 8., N.

P. Pbtnam 1.000 Campbell ine tlatlon Into th Mystic order of 8brln. 1 000 be Inspired with the desire Lieutenant Theodore M. Wald- Bruce W. Johnaon q.

rh lh Dakota Wesleyan 1 Northern Normal 1 Huron I THE SMEAD TO GIVE Ing activities in tbe republican-controlled towns and quickly suppress sehmldt, USN. Lead, 8. Dak. gjjlto pay then she could clean bouae Lara vie L. Johnaon Tb candldatee com from all over Prnaant ifltltV! B-l 1.

and pay to her capacity, and that WAY TO NEW HOTEL .500 western South Dakota. Many Lead Yankton 1 Dutr during Worlda War: tJ8 the future la entirely dependent up ed disorders growing out of attempts to throw, out the separatists. .000 Shrlners will ha on band at tbe ses Springfield Norm. 0 on her good will. Huntington.

Famous Hostelry to bo Tons Down sions. Joseph Matthea and his support "Germany's trouble," "tbe Ensign Bernard E. Manseau, U8W. .000 .000 for Extended Mine Operations School of Mlnea 0 Eastern Normaul 0 Sioux Falla 0 ers atlll bold Coblunx, which became Playing on a slushy field, Hot Hprinics held Lead (M for the first Little punting wa used. Final I Hot Spring win from Lead lo O.

caused by German fraud (10 Sawyer Lead, S. Dak. WORK The Smead Hotel, once the "Pride of tbe Northern Hills," i. to be and repression neither one of which the capital of tbe republlo overnight when the French military kept Present duty: USS Idaho. Black Hills High Schools VERMILION, Oct.

t. Tbe Ex- Dutr durina World War: Mid will assure the payment of repara Won lost Perct. I tension division of the University of tbe loyalists oft the atroeta while the wrecked to make way for extended operations of tbe Homestake Mining shipman, Naval Academy. Rapid City I 0 1 8outb Dakota la offering an Increas- tion, and by British orrors, for which British Industry Is paying tbe separatists, who were previously 1.000 .667 Enalgn Harold C. Patton, USN Deadwood high' firat atring aquad Lead I I company, according to announce driven from tbe town, marched Ied number of correspondence courses for tb benefit of citizens of the SIT Highland Lead, 8.

Bsk. .600 defeated a team from Spearflsh Nor Belle Fourcbe I I ments just released. It will be va- down the atreeta past tbe French 600 Hot Springs 1 1 cated November first, according to I state, according to Director TJaden entries and look over the govern Present duty: US8 New York. Duty during World War: Mid mal tbla morning at the Amusement park grounds by a 6-0 score. Accord TAKK CARK OP BATTERY.

Edegmont 0 1 .000 Miss Werdna Kellar. who la now ad-1 Thau ara eifuraaa ara In the danart ment buildings. ing to report. It wa. a fast contest vertlslng tbe sale of tbe botel fix-1 menu Education, hlpman.

Naval Academy. Deadwood 0 3 .000 If BROOKINGS, S. Oct. 26. throughout and was featured by the Deadwood was defeated by Nla turea.

Plana ara already under way I English. French, German, History tbe battery is not to be used for 'JOB'S DAUGHTERS' IS NEW t'oolfdge Speaks. playing of Wataon of the Deadwood land, in latter'a only game thla for the erection of a new hostelry to Und Political Science, Home Econo- considerable period, say the winter GIRLS' MASONIC SOCIETY squad. NEW YORK, Oct. IT.

Presi take it place, which will be to Leadlmlcs, Journsllsm, Latin, Mathemat son. months or It shouldbe taken dent Calvin Coolldge', tribute to of this day, what the 8mead was to lea, Philosophy, Sociology, Spanish out where It can be' charged once Scoreless Tie WASHINGTON, Theodore Roosevelt In the form of a thla city when the botel was in Its I (nd Theory and History of Music, Mrs. Henry Swader, of Sheridan, I eTery montn and the plates kept Oct. 2T. The Council, Job's RAPID CITY, Oct.

27. Pierre letter wss read today at the dedica- Supreme Guardian who has been a guest of her prime. I All courses carry full college credit. covered by regularly ddding distill and Rapid City met in their annual I Daughters, haa just ended its third Other type of extension service I Hon of Rooaevelt House. No.

28 East moth8r Mrs. Will Hastle, In Wash Originally constructed over twenty ed water, accordilng to auto mechan conflict yesterday on the local field, I successful annual convention, held 20th Street, by Mrs. John Henry Inaton addition, for tbe paat two yeara ago, by Walter Smead, wbolsarb aa Child Welfare, Drama and ic specialists at State College. If the acore being 0-0. The two teama hhla year In Chicago.

Thla organl- Hammond, president of the Wom weeks, will leave over the Burling waa connected with the Homestake I puy Service, Viaual Instruction, thla cannot be done, add distilled were about evenly matched and to whch girls who ore en's Roosevelt Memorial association. ton tomorrow for her borne. Co. the Smead botel built up aoaaDeral Information and Public Dla- game was fast throughout. daughters, sisters, nioceB or grand President Coolldge'.

letter in part envlable reputation for hospitality I cusslon are also offered. water to each cell until solution reaches inside cover, then charge to full voltage and store 'in a dry daughters of Freemasons are admit was as follows: and personal aervlce through Its 'It is a source of deep regret that ted, already flourishes in twenty- KELLOGG GOING TO like Lincoln, waa in a true sense a successive managementa. Then locat Fred England, of Minneapolis, and Inspect battery once i A. F. Rogera, of Denver, are regie-1" 'a Impossible for me to take part I preserver 'of our national unity.

month, refill with pure distilled wa three stat. of the Union, add In Manitoba and Alaska. Far reach ENGLAND. SURPRISE In person in the dedication of Roose-1 Lincoln saved ua from aectlonal ele tered at tbe 8mead. ter to make up for evaporation.

ven House. On a previous occas I avage, Rooaevelt saved ua from class When tbe battery ia put Into service ing plans to extend the work to other localities already reaching out SejiHtors Make Little, KrTort to Con ion, I indicated my deep Interest in cleavage. So swiftly at tlmea doeslaMln remoTB water. in 1.300 WALTON SAYS KUKLUX eager hands for It, were considered the project now happily completed. the trUe word, courageously spoken, I Declflc graTlty Electrolyte and re ceal Wonder at Move.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 The for at the convention. The organlia- Tne woman a itooseveii memorial i establish Itself, tnat toaay we naw In case the ed In the heart of Lead's business district, as the yawning open cut baa come closer and closer, the buildings that aurrounded It have been torn down, or moved away. Two yeara ago the Homestake company, as a measure of safely and protection, laid plans, of which the demolishing of the Smead, la a part. The Hearst Mercantile company building, across the street, In.

which THROTTLES DjCLAHOr.iA association In re-creating the house I almoat forgotten that there waa Lattery kept in a room having a logg, former United States senator the Order of De Molay ia wnere ineoaore nooseveu wn ooru, Ume wBen lne regulation oi corpor- lconcrete fioort to place the battery Says Question of Hoar is Pieaei'va- from Minnesota, by President Cool to young boys, iu tbe Inculcation of tbe virtues of patriotism and Americanism and making a a cemer lor illations seemed to many minaa un-i elther on or small box tion of Patriots' Cause ldge aa American ambassador to prpmulgaMon of bis Ideas, baa made I necessairly radical. He spoke stern (Bf Aaaaaiawa Preaa) among its members. Great Britain ha. been withheld, but the appointment is expected to be OKLAHOMA CITY, jOct. IT.

I not only the friends of Jhi. greatl wordg wnere needed without tearcpARC Plllf' CLOSES tumi i. I Amarlcan. hut all Americans. Its I miihmit favnr Ha nolnted out I were housed the offices of IU, lUIIIH 1.1111 mm-- illtiet A Wf WltK A AHW come effective soon.

Unmaataka. waa torn down, and the I ment waa controlled bv the Ku Klux I debtors. the road of etraight Americanism 4 I IWUaVAiX I WEATHER AND ROADS His appointment created a atlr at Governor Walton, declared the pre-1 "Fourteen yeara ago, atanding at-1 where all could walk In amity to commodious building on upper Main the capital and while the senators have generally declined to comment ent queatlon of the etate, la, "shall I so at a birthplace which haa become ward the aame goal. We are a unit-I Tonght is the last appearance of the government aa handed to us by la national shrine, Theodore Roose-1 ed nation; we will remain a united tne Boyd Trousdale Stock company street, waa erected to take its place. But, now It's tbe Smead'a turn Lead 19, clear, roads rough.

Chamberlain 30, partly cloudy, on the appointment some have made velt aald of Washington and Lincoln: I nation. It was Roosevelt Lead during tbolr present engage- patriots of the past, continue to ex But Lead will not long be without good. little effort to coceal (tlio'r surprise I 'There have been other men as great I taught us that unjustified discontent I ment here at the Homeseake. "Spark ist. a successor to the Smead, according Custer 8, clear, roads good heretofore Kellogg's name had and other men aa good; but in I finds no lodgement in a nation lPlug- )g tne bin announced.

to plana that are now being urged. not been mentioned prominently In Deadwood 18, roada roygh. Newcaatle 23, clear, roada rough To Appear November First From Lead, they will go to Rapid connection with the ambassadorship. I the history of mankind, there are no I where tbe discontent which is justi-other two great men al good aa I ied secures a prompt remedy. A meeting of representative business men' will be called soon to conalder OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct.

City, for a return engagement. Philip 30, partly cloudy, roads these, no other two good men as I Byei may well turn rever- the construction of a new Governor Walton late yeaterday af- Monday and Tuesday, the Home- muddy. CONSOLIDATION OF NAVY, PresenK information points to alternoon was ordered by the senate I Among the jrxeat who re I ently today to the birthplace oi stake will show the first moving pic Presho 28, cloudy, roads good. modern building, commodious, com- court of impeachment to appear be- also good; among tbe good wholTheodore Roosevelt, given back to WAR DEPARTMENT PLAN tures of the Japanese earthquake Rapid City 30, partly cloudy, rortabeaiN pleasant. Where It will fore It on November 1, and enter a were also great, we may now lscnoe i the world by the women and cnu to reach this city.

roads muddy. a third name, forever memorable." I dren 0f the nation. All artificial I plea to tbe Impeachment charges be built. Is as yet conjecture. WASHINGTON, Oct.

2T. Conso Hill City 8 Clear, roads rough. Belle Fourehe 16, cloar, roads Adopted Son of West I distinctions have fallen from him; I presented by the lower house of the COl'RSEY TO SPEAK. lidating the War and Navy depart "We Americana have" deep cause oe belongs to all Americans. Reach- legislature.

At that time th date STURGIS, Oct. 26 Major O. W. ments into the Department of Na rough. HEAVY SNOW (Br Aaaartated Preset will be set Immediately after the to be grateful that 60 yeara ago, to- beyond our sbores, he Is tne pos- Irjoursey, of Mitchell, brilliant author tional Defense as provided in the Hot Springs 28, clear, roads day, Theodore Roosevelt, half of the session of al men, whatever their and orator, will sneak net Sunday SIOUX FALLS, Oct.

IT. A heavy I board of house members presented government reorganization plan was I rough North, half of the South, a aon of I race, whatevef their color, whatever I m0rning and evening at the local snow, tbe first of the year, ia falling to the court the bill embodying It worked out by a commission engag-1 Bturgls 28, clear, roads rough the East, an adopted aon of the West their (Treed, who are willing tc live I Presbyterian church, on "The Pio- la eaatern South Dakota today. The I charges, tbe entire number drafted ed to study that proposal. It prob-I Spearflaji 22," partly cloudy temperature la allgbtly above by tbe house committee' on the in came to thla nation to anape ita aes-by his prlnclplee ana ioiiow nis ex-iaeer and "The Philippines and Fil ably will not rbe approved by Presi-1 roads rough Instigation and Impeachment. itlnlei in a critical hour.

Rooaevelt, I ample, iplnos." dent Coolldge. I Cbadron 26, clear, roads good..

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