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Lead Daily Call from Lead, South Dakota • Page 2

Lead Daily Calli
Lead, South Dakota
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'SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2S.1U AGE TWO LEAD DAILY CALL heretofore filed declaratory statements or made homestead entries in South Dakota Noivo BY OF attended her, but apparently without benefit. Finally some of the Christian people of Northvllle gathered at the house and indulged in prayer for the speedy recovery of Mrs. Tewer, the prayer service being closed by Rev. Mr. Lelsenring.

Instantly upon the conclusion of his prayer the sick woman arose, and walked into the room among the kneeling group. She afterwadrs walked to the home of a friend in the next block. Last Sunday she walked to church three times, apparently having fully recovered the permanent use of her limbs. SOUTH DAKOTA WOMEN START A PARTY PAPER Equal Suffrafrltsts Launch Publlca- tfcm to Further Their Cause In Sunshine State Fort Pierre, S. Feb.

25. At a meeting rt the committee appointed to org' n. a new political party, growln of the equal suffrage movemeut, a publicity committee consisting of Mrs. Hippie, Mrs. J.

M. Cole and Mrs. Florence Jeffries was' appointed. It was decided to launch a new state paper to be started at Pierre to advocate the principles of the new party for which no name has yet been selected. "Some of the papers call it "The Woman's Party," said Mrs.

Jeffries, "but we object to this name because we want to eliminate the word 'sex' from politics." The fact that women can hold so many of the state offices according to our state constitution has given the new movement an impetus that Is very gratifying to its promoters. PTKAWANA BANKER GKTS A STAY OF JUDGMENNT James 8. Sanborn Asks More Time Before Effecting Settlement With Mis Ella R. Ray. -Sioux Falls, S.

Feb. 25. In the case of Hiss Ella R. Ray, of Wisconsin, against James 8. Sanborn, a banker of Pukwana, 8.

tried in the United States court In Sioux Falls last fall, when the plaintiff was awarded damages In the sum of $25,000 for breach of prom ise, a second stay of execution has been The rase was one of the moat sensational ever tried in I the federal court for South Dakota, -and the amount of damages granted the plaintiff was the largest ever( granted by a South Dakota Jury in a I breach of promise case. The plain-' tiff sued for $75,000. This is the second stay which has been granted in this the first having extended until March 1, the time for deciding whether an appeal should be taken or the amount of the damages awarded Miss Bay should be paid. The second stay of execution now extends this time until April 1. One of the conditions of the second stay was that the defendant should furnish a bond In the sum of $30,000 to secure the payment of the judgment for $25,000 should the action of the Jury became final.

SOUTH DAKOTA SETTLERS ARE GIVEN- MORE TIMK Homesteaders Will Be Allowed Until May 15 in Which to Locate on Their Land. During the past winter a large number of young men have been working in Lead with the intention of removing to homesteads to the north or east of the Black Hills as soon as the blamy days of had arrived, practically all of the young men having filed on the tract of land which they Intended to homestead, but coming to the city to spend the winter, from the fact they were Insured employment at good wages. As a rule six months from the date of filing is allowed In which to move onto land and this would call many from Lead in the near future. As little or nothing could be done at farming at the present time many of the young men were loath to leave good situations, and for this reason the news that an extension of time has been granted them and that they will not be compelled to locate on their homesteads before May 15, Is most welcome news to them. President Taft has Just signed a bill to this effect and- the news of the same has been forwarded to the variou land offices.

The bill is as follow: "Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in congress as sembled, that all persons who have April TO, 1911 AY let us show you the difference in the FEEL, SHAPE and appearance of clothes cleaned by our sanitary methods. We really clean the gar ment, linings and all. Our cleaning is guaranteed and we stand behind it with a reputation built on five years of dealings with the people of the Black Hills. Our wagon will call. Phone 46.

KISER DYE WORKS Notice of Application, for rebate of Will State of South Dakota, County of Lawrence, ss. In County Court. In the matter of the estate ot Mary Shea, deceased. The State of feouth Dakota sends Greeting to Maggie Davies, Daniel Shea, Dennis Shea, Jerry Shea, and the heirs at Law of Mary Harrington, deceased, to-wit: Mary E. Hemmlng-way, William Harrington, Catherine Harrington, Edna Harrington, and Michael Bryan heirs next of kin of Mary Shea, deceased.

PURSUANT TO AN ORDER of said Court, made on the 8th day of February. A. 1911, notice Is hereby given that Saturday, the 25th day of February, A. 111, at It o'clock a. of said day, at the Court Room of said Court, at Dead wood, in the County of Lawrence, have been as the time and place tor proving the Will ot said Mary Shea, deceased, and for the hearing the application of Maggie Davies the Issuance to her of Letters testamentary, when and where any person Interested may appear and contest the same.

WITNESS the Hon John R. Russell Judge of the County Court, and the seal of said Court, this 8th day of February, A. 1911, at his office in the City of Deadwood, County of Lawrence, State of South Dakota. JOHN R. RUSSELL, Judge of the Covcty Court.

(Seal) Attest: SOL STAR, Clerk. By H. W. TROTH, Deputy. When at Hot Springs Stop and Bathe at the IE1 BRAUN MIHUE New, Modern, Clean and Up-to-date In every respect.

Hotel and baths are nnder the same roof. Hteam and hot water heat throughout. Our baths are becoming famous through the west for the speedy relief and care of rheumatism, liver, stomach and nerve diseases. LA GKH'l'K COl'GHtf Strain and weaken in system and if not checked may develop Into pneumonia. No danger of this when Foley's Honey and Tar is taken promptly.

It Is a reliable family medicine for all coughs and colds, and acts quickly and effectively In cases of croup. Refuse substitutes. Holvey Pharmacy. Go to the Mammoth Socond Hand Stcro for second hand furniture, stoves and household goods. Prices always right.

The larges-stock tn the state to select from. Will also buy all kinds of household goods. JOE SEELIG, Prop. Cor. Main and Seiver THE STAR OAKERY DIVERSION CLEANING SprinColonistFares the state of North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska) Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Minnesota, Washington and Oregon, and the territories of Arizona and New Mexico, where the period in which they were or are required by law to make entry under such declaratory statements or to establish residence expired or expires after December first, nineteen hundred ten, are hereby granted un til May fifteenth, ninteen hundred and eleven, within which to make sdeh entry or establish such residence upon the lands so entered by them: Provided, that this extension of time shall not shorten either the per iod ot commutation or actual resi dence required by the homestead law: that this act shall not affect an adverse claim initiated prior to the passage of the act and after the expiration of the time allowed an entryman for establishing residence on the land.

"Sec. 2. That homestead entry-men or settlers upon the public domain in the states and territories above named be, and the same are hereby, relieved from the necessity of residence upon their lauds from the date of the approval of this act to May fifteenth, nineteen hundred and eleven: Provided, that the time. of actual absence during the per iod named shall not be deducted from the full time of residence required by law. "Approved, February 13, 1911.

RECALL IS ASKED Commission Plan Mayor and Commissioners at Huron Arouse Indignation of Citizens. PETITIONS NOW IX CIRCULATION City Fathers Will Issue Complete Explanation of Accusations Brought Against Them Huron, S. Feb. 24. Petitions are being circulated among the voters of the city asking for a recall of three of the city commissioners and the mayor.

The commissioners mentioned In the petitions are A. A. Chamberlain, C. E. Young, and M.

L. Tobin. J. C. Madsen, who was elected for but one year, will be up for re-election this spring anyhow.

According to the laws relating to the commission form of government 15 per cent, of the voters can demand the recall of the mayor or any commissioner. Under the recall it Is provided that the voters of the city shall again vote on the official so recalled a second time. Thus he caa be either condemned or upheld. The main point brought up by those circulating the petition Is too great taxation. Mayor Koepp said today that everything in connection with the matters touched on In the petitions and In the letter recently published by A.

W. Wtlmarth would be fully explained in a statement which he and the commissioners would publish in a few days. There Is no supposition In the minds of anyone that there has been anything not entirely honest and above board in the conduct of the affairs of the city. Those behind the circulation of the petitions do not doubt the slncerelty and trustworthiness of the mayor and commissioners, but they feel that possibly their policy has not been the best and most economical for the city to pursue. PROSPECTIVE HOMESTEADER KILLED BY CURIOSITY Man Enronte to South Dakota Is Killed by Cars While Watching a Train Switching Hamburg, Feb.

25. Curiosity as to what might be seen In Hamburg cost John Frlck of Yorktown, his life last night while he was en route to his new home In Lynn, S. D. He was with his household effects In a freight car. Looking out the door when the engine was switching, he was caught by a sliding door ana instantly killed.

PRAYER CUBE FOR A LONG TIME CRIPPLE Woman, Invalid for Year, Is Re-' stored to Health by Prayers of Her Friends. Northvllle, S. Feb. 25. About two months ago Mrs.

W. W. Tower, sisterlnlaw of Alice Roberts, of this place, arrived here. She utilized crutches In making her way about Snd claimed to have been an Invalid for over a year, specialists havina- glven her up. About three weeks ago she.

was confined to her bed, ap parently in great pain. Physicians Succeed when everything else ills, in MrtMH rfrnatratfafi and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is tte best medicine ever soU a-int a drcggist's counter. Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now allover the world. F-r sal by (OTTO! IT WAS ECZEMA iriMHND Spread All Over His Head If Touched It would Bleed and Leave Raw Spot Could not Go to School -Spent $200, Still He was Bald.

Got Cuticura. In Six Weeks He was Well and Had Growth of Hair. "One day, when my boy wu five years old, I noticed a sore on the top of his head. 1 was hunted, sol called In Dr. and he said tt wai eczema.

After treating It for a week it spread ail over his head, to the doctor advised us to see specialist In New York by the name of He said tt was a bad case of ringworm and recommended astudent of his. We doctored with him a long while anH mnt-nt tthrtut til. vrJ i mnd the hoy's head was 7 still bald. He had ft I I I disgusting looking lit- I 1 tin hMri It ami i Id smle over night and if you touched It it would blerd ami leave a raw spot. All this time he had not been to go to school, although he was e.fnt ears old.

"Then an old drmrv' named said, Why don't von take to the Hospital, ai they have run I a young lady with the Cuticura Remedies But they said the young hviv'n rase had been different. 8o we derided to trv the Cuticura Remedies ourselves. We got Cuticura Houp, Ointment and Resolvent and Uiev gave our boy immediate relief with tint liriit apnlleation and in lx weeks' time he was will and hud a rmwtli of hair. Now i fourteen and has a nirer growth of than niv other children! The all said he wvild be hnld cr hb hair would rorrse in nit and several dot-tors said tke hi child to the Jnrunt.e hospital. hud at lea-Jt seven doctor and we received no Ivnfflt from any.

Mr. Harry Fee, Liberty Conr, N. Feb. Win." Cuilcurt RmmtM sold throughout the world, Potter Dnit turn. Hole Props- Bottoft.

FOR RHEUMATISM AXD NKRVOl'SNESS Nine out of every ten cases of Rheumatism, Nervousness and kindred complaints, are caused by excess uric acid in the system. It poisons the tissue, weakens the organs and retards circulation. Electropodes eliminate all excess uric acid and other lm-. purities. They strengthen the nerves.

Increase circulation, and promote the health and action of every organ. A prominent Journalist of Albuquerque, N. says: "Tour Electropodes certainly have wonderful merit. I know of no other remedy as complete In its care of Rheumatism." Druggists sign this contract TtosaKhaaeraf Nertraida'la (ran pririltc ef retomlna Hutu wilhla'Mi.piiNluueerta, I1.M la to be nfan4d apoa taa following- eeadi-Oeasi Tear an la be nn aawrdla, ta direction for at kaat 2S eoamcattTadara, and tarn If art eatii factor, to ae retanei laerlsiaalboit At druggists; or by mall, postpaid. If your druggist cannot furnish Electropodes, 1 send us 11.00.

and ws wfll see that you are Supplied immed- lately. Bute whether for I man or womaa. WESTERN TLECTROPODK 287 Los Angeles 0t Xaa, Angeles, 00. harper March 1Q to To Points in California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington. Br.

Columbia AKKRDEKX I.O8SK8 UNITED STATKS LAXD OFFICE Question Is Knifed Whether Rereiv er and Register Are Also to Go To Timber Lake. Pierre, Feb. 25. The order, moving the Aberdeen land office to Timber Lake has raised the question as to whether the register and receiver of the Aberdeen office go with the transfer, of whether new officers must be appointed for the Timber Lake office. There is no creating of a new office, Just a transfer of an existing one, and when the time comes for making the change the applicants can find out where they stand.

But as both the Aberdeen appointees have about completed their terms of appointment, some one will get a "look in" at an early date whichever way the proposition decided. WILL EXAMINE HOUTH DAKOTA COAL LANDS Believed Land In Perkins and Harding County More Valuable for Agricultural Purposes. Camp Crook, Feb. 25. Letters from Congressman Martin indicate that -the secretary of the Interior will cause to be made an early examination of the lands In this section withdrawn for coal, by the president last fall.

A large portion of these lands lies in Harding and Perkins counties, In the extreme northwestern part of the state and those around here 'most familiar with them believe that examination will prove little coal and show them more valuable for agricultural purposes. Meanwhile many entries for isolated tracts are held up until after the examination and classification. IlROWX COUNTY HAS AN EPIDEMIC OF SUICIDES During the Past Six Weeks Three Residents Near Aberdeen Have Taken Own Lives Aberdeen, 8. Feb. 25.

An epidemic of suicides appear to be prevalent in this (Brown) county. Within the past six weeks three men have taken their own lives in the county. The first victim was Stephen Skinner, who disappeared on Friday, January 13, and whose body was found in a grove two weeks later, with a bullet through his brain. The second was A. D.

Converse of Lake Preston, S. who committed suicide by shoot ing himself in a room in the Lincoln hotel In Aberdeen. The third was Chas. Koepler, atrod 50, an early set tler in the county, who shot himself with a revolver which he took from a trunk which sat near his sickbed. Koepler had been an invalid for many months, suffering from rheumatism, asthma and other troubles.

He had at one time been an Inmate of the South Dakota hospital for the Insane, and for some time past had been of unsound mind. To Observe Mission Sunday. New York, Feb. 25. Qulnquages-tma Sunday, which falls tomorrow, will be widely observed, by the Sunday schools of the Episcopal churches in the Interest of missions.

WOMEN SUFFRAGISTS TO PRAY FOB BALLOT Suffrage Sunday to Be Observed Tomorrow at Albany by the Many Women Asking Ballot. Albany, N. Feb. 25. Suffrage Sunday will be observed in Albany tomorrow by the hosts ot feminine would-be voters who have spent the week In heckling the state legislators and voicing their demands for the ballot.

The Rev. Anna Spencer Garland, vice president of the Ethic al Culture Society of New York, will occupy the pulpit of the Unitarian chuch, and special addresses will be delivered at St. Luke's Methodist and other churches. A mass meeting, with Miss Sylvia Pankhurst, the English suffragette, as the principal speaker, will be the 'dosing feature today. $32.35 To California Points $32.35 $28.20 To Northwest Coast Points $28.20 Tourist cars and dining cars operated daily on all through trains.

Make reservations early. We will gladly help you plan your trip. Call on or write J. L. Bentley E.

O. Mlckle, Com'l Agent Agent Deadwood, S. D. Lead S. D.

0 0 0 0 6 0040 -i, ALASKA'S CALL To America'9 Last Frontier New discoveries in quartz mines, copper and free milling gold. New railroad 20O miles into the heart of a vast mineral belt to be opened in March affords every facility for Prospectors Investors Farmers It will repay you to write for new mining maps, new industrial folder and all information. Summer Excursions to the land of the Midnight Sun. Aslaka Steamship SEATTLE, WASH. Cream Bread, Home Made Pies, 4 Cakes and Best of allV Pastry.

Phone L213 COHEN, Prop,".

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