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The Daily Deadwood Pioneer-Times du lieu suivant : Deadwood, South Dakota • Page 8

Deadwood, South Dakota
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Big Candy Sale. Pound box Delicious Chocolates 39c. Baggaley's 695 Main St THE DEADWOQD AIL If PIONEER-TIMES PA OH ElOHT WKDXKSDAY MORNTNG. APRIL. 2fi.

1916. I have a quarter section of prairie Eggs for Setting Joyous Easter CAROLS land for sale at 5 an acre, in Meade county. L. W. ROONEY, Sturgls, ffi FROM FORr OK "YK HAITY HELLS KASTER DAY" and jPZJm If S9 Sweet Pea Seeds CRYSTAL WHITE Orphingtons Genuine Kellerstrasse Strain Undoubtedly the best Winter Layers.

$3 a Setting THE MERRY C'lllKCH HEELS RINti" Fervently Bung by the CAROL SINGERS are features of the new special Easter list of the New Edison Diamond Disc Records ge California Sweet fm Sae-aa PRES. RIEGER THE CALIFORNIA PERFUMER teal 10,000 aecda co Jlatrttrai frw aJL Com wc bofort tbtr art fo yea 4o not bare to bur anrtblnf (W aaaafc art fret, ao come today. Thr oandaonw prt-aaa arc off-ana lor product of tboaead. Plant the accd now oca ir aiadowt far a-rizaa and date of conteet. Rvml Chatty Bud the burnt parfuM.

Con la aad aampi II THE K. G. PHILLIPS DRUG STORE DEADWOOD FISHEL COMPANY For the JUL? I i OHonutnBBHi ADDRESS JOS. KELLER, Maillanrj YESTERDAY'S PERSONALS town, as well as those of our home folks. William's orchestra will furnish the music for the occasion, and as it is one of the best musical organizations in the west, it will be ure to please, for it will play only the latest dance music.

There will be attractions at the dance which will make it as good as any of which have gone before it, and it will be under the supervision of the usual committee of chaperons from the Woman's auxiliary, as well as the members of the city council park com mittee. Roses, Carnations, Bouquets, Sprays, Blooming Plants, and Ferns. Also Floral designs, made up any day of the year, 20 years' experience. DANIELS' GREENHOUSE "Quality Flowers" PHOXE A-171 at iVOO ir-eei MKETI.Vt, OK SUFFRAGE LEAGUE Yesterday afternoon, at the assembly rooms of the Deadwood Business club, a meeting of the Dead-wood Suffrage league was called to older, ith a good attendance of the ladies of the city present. It was a business meeting, and at it the usual i online of work was carried out, a ier hich the election of officers for the ensuing year took place, and was as follows: I'iisideut Mrs.

W. L. Neil. First Vice President Mrs. Mary King.

Second Vice President Mrs. F. 1). Smith. Secretary Mrs.

A. D. Tinsley. Treasurer Mrs. George S.

Jackson. After the election of officers and they had taken their positions, the usual discussion on matters pertaining to the objects of the organization was had, and interesting talks were made by a number of the members. It was decided to call a meeting for Friday afternoon, April 28, at 2 o'clock of all of the women in the Antone IJertelero was down from the city of mills. J. D.

Caprou, of Omaha is a puest at the Franklin. E. Right of Chicago was an arrival on the Northwestern. George Jlarkham of Lincoln, Neb is among the Franklin guests. D.

M. Meyer came in from his lantii on the Spearfish valley. It. W. Smith came in from island and is a guest at the Franklin.

TSabtigte Konchetto, one of the. of Lead, was in the city. George Van Dyke of Sioux Falls was among the arrivals in the city. Mrs. L.

G. Alteffer came up from Mystic to do some shopping in the city. William Richards of Lincoln, Neb. was among the arrivals on the Burlington. George M.

Graham of Rochester, N. is among the guests at the Franklin. I WANT GOLDBERG'S SPECIAL BLEND Xo substitute for mine. We've tried 'em nil, and we never knew what Khm1 coif io is until we tried Goldberg's. It's pure and sweet and healthful.

The best we ever had. And it is always the siune. unicipal the TIip only coffee roasters in IMack Hills. Goldberg Gro. Co.

DEADWOOD John Curuow came down from Lead to escape the excitement 0f county who are interested in the movement for suffrage. It is ex election day. DEGREE OF HONOR INITIATED CANDIDATES Last evening there was an unusually well attended meeting of the Degree of Honor, and the proceedings proved to be most interesting. Besides the regular work, several candidates presented themselves for acceptance into the degree, and their initiation followed. The work was performed in a most perfect and impressive manner.

After the ceremonies of initiation had been concluded a social hour was spent, during which a delicious lunch was spread. The social hour proved to be one of the pleasant features of a pleasant meeting and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Mrs. Margaret grand lady of honor of the state, was present and was prevailed upon to address the meeting on the good of the order, and her remarks were followed closely by all. She is a most interesting talker, and alwas has something to say that is worth while when talking on the degree, its work and its aims and objects.

It was late when the meeting adjourned, but every member, when she left the hall, felt that she had been benefited by attending it. Mrs. F. M. O'Brien of Lead, accompanied Mrs.

Frazer on her visit to Deadwood, and attended the meeting. Dance -Deadwood Auditorium- Saturday April 29 Under the direction of the Park Commutes, assisted by a Committee of the Ladies Auxiliary. pected that there will be many in attendance from Lead, Spearfish, Whitewood and other towns and cities of the county on that occasion, as well as from Deadwood. At that meeting Mrs. Catherine Powell of Spearfish will be present and will make an address.

All of the women of the city who had joined the league two years ago are urgently req nested to attend this nieeling and to again affix their names to the rolls of the league. An urgent invitation is extended to all of the women of the city to be present at the meeting of Friday afternoon, which will take place in the assembly rooms of the Business club. THE OTHER SIDE OK THE ARDMORE CO.NTAGIOX Ardmore, April 24. PioneerTimes; Having noticed an item in your paper concerning a very virulent, contagious, infectious disease which broke out on my farm some time ago, causing everything affected to die or be killed, with the exception of myself and dog, I wish to state my side of the case. Although the state veterinary was immediately he, together with Dr.

Edmiston of Rapid City, did not arrive on the scene until four days after the death of the cow and steer. They examined the! During the afternoon tea will be served, and there may be a little musical program of merit. The meeting of yesterday afternoon was well attended, and all of the members of the league there took a decided interest in the pro Going East ceedings, so the organization this year starts off backed by enthusiasm, and the promised efforts of some of the best workers in the state for the cause which the league 3CANv5SH 7 a tM a two dead critters, cutting the throat of one, glanced at a two year old steer from a distance, which was affected with the same disease, gave a few instructions of what was best to do and left. They did not order the affected two year old steer to be removed from the herd, neither did they quarantine (he milk cows which had been in close contact with the affected cntle. No immediate steps were taken to the disease, nor were any animals killed.

Concerning myself, I wish to state that Di. Edmiston had nothing to do with it. Begin affected with a slight ailment at the time the two cattle died I at once saw Dr. Richards of Crawford, who pronounced it a slight case of blood poisining in the hand and in no way connected with the cattle. I wish you would investigate the source of this item and cause it to be conteracted by stating the facts of the case.

JOHN ECKARD, The Pioneer-Times gleaned its information from exchanges, having no personal knowledge of the facts. This Summer? If you contemplate spending a week, month or a year at any of the resorts in thoiiastem States, you wi il find that the Brooklyn Daily Eagle and its wonderfully equipped Infor unit ion Piuvnu can be of great service to you. This Bureau publishes each year a most complete "RESORT DIRECTORY," containing a detailed list of over 7,000 hotels of the East-era States, including maps, etc. Copy of this book, together with the latest copy of The Eagle, will be sent to yo on receipt of 4 cents for mailing. Address Brooklyn Eagle Information Bureau, Brooklyn, N.

Y. Our wash goods, both made up aud in bolt, are delicate and dainty, just as women love for them to be yet they will stand the wear of the wash tub. We price our wash goods as low as we can for the exquisite quality give. Our store is the place for your wash goods and everything else yau need. Come see.

MUNICIPAL DANCE SATURDAY EVENING Now that Lent is passed and the young people can again have a full swing in the social whirl, the municipal dance will be one of the features of Deadwood life. The next dance will be held on Saturday evening in the Auditorium, and by the time that the first number is ready to be played by the orchestra the festivities and ceremonies of Arbor day will have passed. The dance will be a fitting climax to the day that had been givdn over to exercises of a most interesting character. It is proposed to make the first dance after Lent, given under the auspices of the city one that will attract many people from out of Millinery Sale Unusual SEEDS IX BULK AT GOLDBERGS Peas and grass seeds of all kinds. 4-11-tf Wiiiim The Season's Greetings Here's wishing you a happy Easter and hoping when your storage battery needs attention you'll take advantage of our expert service.

GEO H. KILKER AUTO CO. DEADWOOD, S. D. Beginning Today April 11th 300 Ladies' Spring Dress Hats all pat-eins to be sold for $2.95, $3.95 $4.95 just one half real value.

All the distinguishing marks of the newest Millinery modes. We show the largest line of trimmed hats in the Black Hills. Our Clothing Sale still continues all clothing, hats and shoes at about one-half price as sold elsewhere. Free inspection of any battery at any time Wit iMAA riWhhaiWa JUST RECEIVED Save Everything Save your Rags, Paper, Old Metal, Rubber. Auto Tires, Sacks, etc.

We buy everything that has a value and will call at your place for them. EL Pitts Company PHONE A100 DEADWOOD a Carload of 5 SAXON Touring Cars Lowe's Bee Hive Deadwood't Mail Order House I -WAGNER THOMSON.

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