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The Democratic Standard from Coshocton, Ohio • Page 1

Coshocton, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


47. FASHION NOTES. (SOCIETY NEWS. Some of 9uwv the Fountain. A.

Eiegut Stock of SpriBf tuoM Why Bay Haskell Silks. We have just returned from New York, which is considered by all to be the greatest dry goods market in the world, and we are now glad to announce to the people of Coshocton county that we have on display the finest and best stock of "Moee Kennedy and wife, was Ute way it appeared on the register at the Empire House last Moaa didn't "wife" be- Mose and his paramour were exceedingly giddy, and while occupying the same bed laid tbe ground plans for two sensational divorce suits. CAPITAL CHATTER, Features at Wednesday Light. But give his full name, and the cent Love lid War. Mrs.

Fred La Rerre, of Roecoe, objected to her son's love for the company of Miss Susie Lower. Instead of breaking the boy's legs, and thereby compel him to stay-in o'-nights, she assaulted the lovely Susie and soiled the fair girl's which passed at 10:80 Without stopping. The second section ot this train followed a few later." Other freights paased at irregular intervals until past aaldnight, aud then Social ETOnta Of Ke- several and called aud purchased and had bagKKge checked. While Panrill was in room, Jwaring of in- Dispatcher in Dennison was callitg and when the operator mtaruwl to hte office there Whrreli Is Stalled were three men wanteng tickets, anil two hotel porters asking "how's No. 5 while he was endeavoring to an or.l«r for No.

5 and No. 2 to meot at 0. tower. Alter a time the Cincinnati Express put IB an appe and I was given somred by the pondorutini; vote of New York, but because the Democracy of tho country want him. Tlic earliest National convention of the Demon since 18H).

it RANSOM GLOVEB'S her Ule of Double TraeV to Covhocton. Henry Hess, the Supervisor for this division of the Pan Handle, has been notified to secure the requisite number of gangs of workmen, and proceed to prepare the road bed for the additional track from Tuscarawas, (the present terminus of the double track west of TMton art ion's Freaks aid Sudry of put lm an appamtKwi --Mtsa Helen Pomerene is the guest a opportunity tor of the mam- of friends in Granville, 0. imposes -Mr A. D. Howe, of Wheeling, W.

was here on business this week. --Mieses Maggie Lorenz and Lucy Fritz were in Columbus last Tuesday. --Mrs L. K. Anderson and son, Mattor Svdney.

are visiting relatives Pittsburgh, Pa. --Miss Agnes Wy'ie. of La Suite, 111., is ihe guest of her mister, Mrs. E. W.

Frew, on east Chestnut atree't. --Mr. J. E. Loader, of Newcomerstown, who is employed as gang foreman of caipenters by McAother A of Brewy Lettor From Our tte 2 id oWiSTs SJ ular Correspondent.

Murk of Interest to our Hundreds of Intelligent Readers. Weekly Bulletin of Dry Qoodt Row on Exhibition One of the Most Elffaat Lints of Spring Krer Seea Denuison) to Coshocton. quick as possible. It is highly probable that the brought to Co- coming summer months will see the Chicago, made this office Pan Handle double tracked to this city, call recently. --Miss McCain, of Coshocton, and Miss Orpha Skinner, of near Admns Mills, wore the suests of Mr.

and Mrs. John Slack a fow dayb last stopped the mall ear was freight depot. To that pcmt hurried with a track loaded with mail, aud the aacka ware hastily thrown into the car. Rushing batk to the platfoim, with the assistance of a brakemau, ho 10 dumped five heairy sample trunks aud three valises from a truck into a baggie car; first receiving from the cur two trunks and one valise. During this time the conductor and engineer were waiting for the order which tho "red block" indicated was yet to be delivered.

After a stoppage ol seven minutes the train WHS away again, and as Coi.rxucs, Omo, March 10 1802. Hon. James B. Townsend. iresh frum Washington City, stnnped otr in Colutr- bus.

He i viewed, and iu the Httht of intimate personal relations with Sent tor Br it of largu impor- Ia spottkiue tho election of dogates to the Nutionnl Democratic Convention, he said: Mr. Bnce has that ol held in Chicago. 1st, at wtuca (ten. Jt-o. McClelland nominated for Prraidont.

The of York Citv this year will exceed 300000. Tho in 1SSS WUH 273 000, which more Ihiia that of 1884. The General Wraversaya, "that the people's partv i eweop everything before it Metropolitan city ought to corrnl it to koap its strtwtH cUan General Weaver an I when ho ruauing for PrrHidenry can't his The inutnnati Enquirer, o' Sr.nJay, Pa-ia holds that Senator Mil) is the loisl- rrnlv cat prwidPiula! ramlidate of the Demo- IS irUI Iascinaun g- PBXFEUUD) POUTS. Wfekk Includes Local Happenings Gathered br Oar Gleaaer. shocton.

All that is necessary to convince you that we are telling the truth, is to give us a chance to show you the many new and beautiful things we have on display. China silk will be One Of the lead- hold their convention'at fiverton Cen ing Styles for hght, COOl tre on Saturday March 19th at 2 p. --James Crosky, an old and well and beautiful dress fao- known citizen died at his home near We have a complete SSf -Jmonito8i eh 0:03 p. --Sunrises 6:17 a. m.

Sets m. Day's length llh. 46m. --Tirerton township Democrats will rics. line from 37 l-2c per yard to any quality that your taste may desire, and the way we have been cutting them since they arrived would surprise you.

If you want a china silk this sea- den Transcript. --Mrs. John Duncan, of Killbuck. and daughter, Mrs. Carrie Strauss, visited Mansfield friends last week, the pueBtb of Dr.

and Mrs J. R. Millcrsburg Farmer. --Hon R. W.

Lilliard, of Cincinnati, 0 made tine oflice a pleasant call last Moudav. He passed Sunday with hia wife who is gm-st at the residence of Mr. Joseph Williams. --Mr J. Graham, Superintendent of the A Rnilwty with headqnar and is the odd title of a stage tors at New ni k.

0., accompanied by his a pleasant grfta pinuthe'wrd that swung the fl on his countenance as I 'I wonder il I've forgotten anything" After reporting No. 5 ont, tbe operator uow took time to gather into the baggage- room the mail and by tue train. Passengers soon began inquui east oouud No. 2 express, and there were several ticket Sales and more Dag- gage checked. A traveling man with two heavy trunks "kicked" moet vigorously wheo required to pay tbe stipulated excess.

Another wanted a thousand mile ticket, and the same hurry and bustle was rampant that is characteristic ot the local railway station minutes prior to a train's arrival. The tirat section of the train dumped more no intention of attempting to dictate the cratic party, tuul thai if noiuiimtvd ho nomination of delegates i choice carry in November. The of a candidate. I have talked with him, nu rv iutensely interc-atiou. and and ho foels that it would inconnis.

8tr vindication of Mr. Hill's ad- tent with his position as Ch urtuan of the Dihtr New State utfairs. National Committoo to run machine in tho interest of any candidate. Ho possibly will have nothing to do with tho selection of delixateH. -When the Two itioti roaches the convention he thinks they have fixvd their choice on an undersirnble or unavailable candidate, have talk with them on the matter, but betoud that he will not go." What iayour personal opini of the "WbiU F1HK FIKXIM.

llarus Iu Tiverton Township Fired by Incendiaries. SPRING BUDLETS. The new spring wraps of all kinds have a freshness and newness of design about them that No one can look at them without uttering exclamations of delight. distinctly new. You don't have to ask if they are this season's style, each and every one of them speaks for themselves.

Colors are well established, nothing stiff or conventional about them, the set of Last Saturday night Plat linn, io Tiv- orton nihip, was scouo of two in- CMidiary tires. The barn of Philip Elrov. with buy. grain. Hill is not my was a loss of $SOO, on the sleeve, the SCt of the Col- that ho jiiHi uow which i WAS t'iOO insurance in the i 1.1 The present boom is ivr- Royal.

At tho Rauie time Mrs. Nancy Iar act the SCt Ol thewhole C. Workman's bwn, a short distance garment is Simply beyond de- away, was Imtwiil. Four horses per- in tins ono tnaui boinn worth and tho other 160 a inquiring for W( it sterns to me that ho jnsi uow which has the call. tainly his, and if hesorures the doubtful States and develops propor strength in the South ha can either or dictate nomination.

I have no faith iu any scnption, has been because reached. absurdity that is to be at the City Opera House, Wednesday, March 16. It is very funny. --A twelve months old ughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Riley Richardson died yesterday. Funeral services will be held today. --Over 500 cars of coal were billed by W. F. Thompson, the C.

C. S. Rai for points in tbe north dur- wife, WPB the of Rev. anil Mrs. R.

Pope tun first part of the week. --Dr. R. E. Finlov making a business and pleasure tnp in the west, and reports tho preparations for the fair at Chicago, as being on a roost magnificent and gigantic scale.

He contemplates buying it, if the managers will accept bis terms of cash on day of sale. his nomination will be very grout. 1 believe that before any Western uisvn uu ct8 the nomination Whitney will bo than a ton of mail matter. It consisted 1 he would be 8tron can The Saw York World is and intolligently Seuntors by the popular present method is valuable check on the impulsed of the electors, and should, wentorn man getting the nomination, tuuant on tho farm, lost about If New York, New Jersey an.lConmc'i- with no insurance. Mrs Workman's turers nave cut combine on a man their influence for loan was about $700, with little or no in- themselves and have ev en mufujca.

of mails for branch, 0. A Western status. It is sent ftero every morning to be placed on No. 1, west uouud, for diBlribtttioa by the postal clerks. The second aection wan Ute and baggage to put off and take on.

Orders were also fci.Tvn to meet the et bound at Oxford. After the tram'a A Trnlv Enjoyable Atlalr. The most notable cochil event in which our colored people htivo pnrtioi- pated took plnco in G. A. R.

Hull lust perfection Manufac- outdone attained even more than they dared hope for, and all for woman the most beautiful and most charming beings on earth. Oppo8ed to lb 11 The fitting and adorning of Social Club tendered its 2 L-- way agent, Son yOU must buy It early, i ng the month of Eebruary. or yOU will be sure to pay --The dwelling house, owned by A Miller and adjoining the Opera House an increased price later in converted into a business room the season. You can hard- Wl b7 Williams Pon- duoarture it twentyeight min- Pettay, of Dennison, JSKfSoroM work, on the part of Social uiuo icnciereu us niemoow wnmari nnc a i lends delightful reception. Elliott's woman ngure nas DCeil a celebrated colored orchestra of Coitiui- study since the day that Eve bus furnished inspiring music and tho in gay fostivitioB were continued until TM as iacca me gaiaen The Iowa LeKislalore dooH ttot Jhooarlydawn.

The following visitors Eden, and this Season will not together with the electoral college, con tinno a part of our system of govern ment. the same view of the from adjoining places Misses Hunnnh Nflsh, Co. take a back seat for any vious effort. Jackets will be from a to 4 inches longer than they were last season, which is one of the many distinct ot ly tell the Shantong gee from the genuine imported goods. Nev- 53 graduates we find'the following W.Leplev, Killbuck; O.W.

Boa --The graduating exercises of the Co a lumbus Medical College took place Wednesday evening, and among er before did we buy many handsome thin fl this line. Bonuer yitikee Ridge; G. rjtilwall Brink ven why. Now take No. 1 to --Patrick Jones, a former well known Rev.

D. Lea in the presence of a fow and find aotue reason They are pertect res jdent and business man of Roscoe, invited guests Tbe bride was neatly 3 copies." inH WA died at his residence in St. Paris. 0., attired in white silk and made an ox- Ar we wan i i aat Wednesday. His remains will be cellent appearance.

The groom was wait i( in exchange brought here this morning and interred dreesed the conventional black. A When No. 1 arrived there was tne Pennsylvania to Mr tnemioyou yo by side of his wife in Oak Ridge bountiful supper WAS served. Their sane hurrying through with the several OI wiTMosln Is for five dollar bills Up to cemetery. His second wife diod only many friends wish them a long and hap- duties.

Mail and baggage to py life. rf A one week ago, on the 2nd inet. anv once vou want. A -Last Thursday Mr. James H.

6wi- beautiful line of zephyr one of the beet known and most and highly respected residents of White Eyes township, died after a short illness. Mr. Swigert was sixty-seven years old and leaves a wife, son and Remember, daughter. Funeral services at the Kimball church last Sunday at- every lady IS going to wear tended by a large concourse of the de- asiik waist this year, and ceaaed's friends and neighbors, i --The great and famous High School you Certainly Will have to i i ey club, covered themselves have one; and we do not taTM boast when we say that we sented the popular Etheopium comedy, Gambrinus, king of lager beer. No.

the eral take off and put on; orders for the crew, and the tic 285, Cleveland '2b5, and scatters 3oO amongst Western men, and would be unsafe to wager on. It ancigns the perluos the most, uncpr- ginghams, in plaids stripes to suit every body, at 12 l-2c. lady isgoh year, have the finest line in the city, made in all colors and qualities. Why you should buy Haskell Silks: 1st, are made from pure silk fiber, of best quality. 2nd, Not an ounce of sizing or tilling is ever used In any of them.

3rd, There being nothing but pure silk fiber in the goods, the color is Having been solicited by many leading plays this season. The club is now re- TOO MUCH FOR ONE XiN. Exacting DatiM Required of the Pan Handle's Night Operator. "That's the hardest worked man on thin division," said a to me a few nights since as we stood watching the night operator loading h'-avy trunks into the baggage car of the weal bound midnight express. "He's doing the work here at night that rrquiree three men to accomplish in the day-time, and gome of these nights he'll forget an order, and there'll be a smash-up, and of course the night operator will be held Only a few nights ago," appearing in the dim, uncertain light of the early morn.

Several sections of a freight now came along and were stopped for orders; and then during a lull the operator performed another duty required of him, and with broom in clean the waiting- tne city mails that had Demote Lug- le vote of 1888, when Mr Harrison carried it by .000 was 49,000 by 28,000. The from 2 to 8 Democrat!) 1 Republican. The Republicans assert Perfection the cut- which corn- led tho grand march, Bobert Dorsoy tofoYe existing Only In had charge ot tho refreshments and tfL that is proof sufllcient that the spread nation, tvery Wrap WC OflCr was excellent. The Krmine Club is for sale has been thoroughly 6 and critically inspected before Doruev, R.T. Dorsoy, T.

B. Carr, we allow it tO be placed On OUr Btowarf. ni ilrookiir bharlos counters. We Can Save Jones and Davidson. in Interesting Document.

Rev. B. Pope's discourse on tho Personality of John Wesley, tit ttrttce M. church pti last Sunday evening unu was highly interesting throughout. during the night wero their ability to carry it, but it wdifhcult During the lecture tho Doctor reud tho the very birds are Singing that nlaced on a truck and wheeled to the comprehend the reasons which give following autograph letter which had fttoffice by Parrm.

the in- 0 bean written bf th P0 founder of Metho- money too, at least from 15 to 20 per cent, on each garment. This is quite an item. The season is here for carpets too, and it it seems as if strnment was neglected lor several and the dispatcher again ex- he got the operator in ing. Passengers for the Dennison accommodation were now wanting tickets, and there were orders to be taken for belated section of a freight. And so it charges, amonsat which is one "for responsible.

ceiving many flattering compliments. canned, "KS VSsani No. 1, at West Lafayette We came They years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.

here nearIv ahead time, sought his couch to dream per a 0 are confident of being able to bold the Bute, and, indeed, all the indications look in that direction. The bill of expenses for the burial of ex-Congressman Houk, of Tennessee, has boon presented to the Committee of Accounts of tho House of Representatives. It contains a number of unique dism: July 20,1788. MY A arc more afiuld tlmn luirt. i'gor Cliuroh again sant Into Wales, but not IM a tmvelllnK prcunlior.

will no longer net In that charnctcr. at lenat not before tlitf In a fnw dayn I am toBfltout for HollHiiJ. I i a much rather eft out for But I Ixtllcvc I nm oallcd Io one more IMt to our frlomlo on tlio contl- nunt. If It plcftno Gcxl to In Ing mo back to yor want a carpet, don't you? All right, we can show you the best and biggest stock )ou We were never in we are now, want to look at every piece we have in stock, come ever saw. better It does not State fcnglaml.

1 think ot crowlnz the down Snmp mnrnincr WP ran 11 0( rman Oooftnanyinoro. Hut 1 would UOWH SOmC morning SO WC Can corpse or tne oongressional 0 lnrto Comoiittee which accompanied it was YounintooadoraOuctlon, QO yOU j. WKSI.KV. and checking ba gage. cu iaa mTsaVlv' neral procession.

The Aftor tho cervices many of the great 11 e. glad and W.I JJmp at waa hishlv esteemed bv ill her ac In thi excitement of tbe moment he lt 5, 80r 1 on wiUl an additional ium of for audience went forward and examined the chance to show yOU at any wa 8 hly esteemed bv all her ac ll extra Now, whether the the valuable relic. Dr Pope announced timr. Our facilities for male- photographed. Perhaps it was the funeral procession.

we trimmings were attached to the coffin.or that his theme for next Sunday evening quaiatances, had been prostrated by forgot the order and gave us a white ol the PeansylTania' i-nnnnmntion for RHYnral months and her block. Ltlfkly for US the engineer Came miibitn wcttj BIIKUUOU coiuu.or lum, uis liiemu igr ncxi auilU back to compare time with tL operator jMjjeto onej were safely housed in the will be Alexander Hamilton. wflftks Funeral sm-icBB were conduct, and that reminded him of the order, dinous a uties as ireB VI live organs of the Congressmen a weefes. tunerai were conduct ine the probab i regu if nicht ooerator at Coshocton. M(I tn Ann we had sot away without the order, ed by Rev.

R. Pope and the remains were" taken to Frazeysbnrgfor interment while feeliag safe in thinking we had a clear track through West Lafayette." Is it possible I asked myself, that the Pennsylvania Company has become so a niggardly --Adrian I. Adams, an umbrella der of Colnmbus, was struck by No 9 i- express doe here at 11:20 at the Pen absolutely fast. 4th, They Twyn siding last Friday and instantly penurious as to introduce Vt A Li-urt. sscf are me mui i ouic OIIAS RI co flj ne and sentto hut relatives in Columbus.

Coroner Miller held an in- Saturday, and from the testimony of Engineer James Nelson, itap- 11 A pears that the man was walking on the tee that we Will refund the giding and thinking the twin was on troTri the same track stepped over to avoid it you couldn't have recognized the writer money paid lor every yera an me his death. a few evenings ago. A flcxen hecvy, bushy beard, slouch hat and an mufll-jr world. 6th, We give you a written guaran- and there determined to pass an entire night in the vicinity of that tele- gragh oflice and station. Had yon bt-en a delinquent subscriber, evading the editor for the past ten years watchfulness tnd caution operators, it is extremely hazardous to perplex them with duties that are ral- culated to interfere with the more important work ot zealously guarding tiie movement of trainB.

It's acrioaothat should receive attention, from the legislature. In this instance, however, I believe that if the General Manager was cognixunt of the facts some subordinate would be called upon for an explanation. is lett in The Richmond Diapttch, voicing as it claims to do, sentiment of Virginia, condemns the New York, bolt against David B. Hill, by the profeened friends of Mr. Cleveland, indignantly exclaiming.

"Are we of the South to see the Presidency lost to Everything Coining our Way. Coshoctou in detet minded to make a large growth tbu coming arnhville Regiftter. Tngcarawas Township 1'rlnmries. or --Mr. David Swan, our village black- making arrangements to move to Coshocton about the first of April, where he will be employed in the Raiff Machine Worka.

A part of bia family will be employed in the Tuscarora Advertising Companys Works. His shops 'ill probably be rented by tbe J. Rippl He inll that breaks, cracks shifts (slips at seams). The following numbers and qualities are kept in stock: No. 1, Surah, $1.28.

No. 7OGros-Grain, $1.25. No. 1604 Faille-Francaise, No. 1643 Faille ton will welcoae his arrival.

6 1 in Alma Royal, $1.40. No. W. Lederer's comic players will be the attraction at the City Opera House, Wednesday, March 16, at which time the sw-miagly poonlar laughing festival, "ty and will be produced. This has alwavs been very popular throughout the country, aud its visits evervwhere always most successful.

It is to the brim with good Tinsic, dialogue and amusing situations, and is bright from beginning to end. The company ia a strong one and comprises each popular aud well known comedians as Tim Cronin and Harry Standwh. Miss Minnie Miller, the comic opera. TOjalut, and tbe favorite sou- ADDITIONAL POUTS. ffl made ftn excellent disguise, and when at 7 o'clock Rnn at tirkpt window to know apputo JI UO unuw --John C.

Adams was admitted to practice law in the courts of Ohio after bolt, and says: New York have determined to rule the Democratic party or ruin it? "Why it would the very madness of the moon." The New York Sun and tho New York "World declare that there is not the slightest reason to justify the bolt, and that tbe Democrats throughout the country should discountenance the movement while it is in. its incipiency. The Boston Globe cannot justify the "There is no question 10th, ot 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of numinnting candidates to be voted for Ht April election.

Tbe convention to nominate candidates for the several eorpo'atbn oflices will hold on date at 7 :30 p. in. C. L. CASSINOIIAJI, Committceman.

Erwln Art Unllcrj Is now permanently located fit Coshoc- ------is) wai.uu wvonvb- a a a i would arrive from the passing a euccessful examination in Co- of principle, or even of procedure, on ton, 0 "corner 3rd and Walnut str and Justifies US agreeable lumbns last week. Mr. Adams' office which to base a protest." are nrenared to do the latest and burn- xx timr, Our facilities for making and laying carpets are the best and we always guarantee satisfaction in everything cr money refunded. Carpets were never cheaper than they are this season. Brussells carpets from 5oc up.

Ingrains-any price-- any grade you want. By the way, our stock is simply immense and you will be surprised when you call than we can handle so many, but then you know that we are are the carpet people, and our greatly increased sales fully east, Mr. Kipp, in his usual agreeabl manner, gave me the information. Owen nicht operator, hnd No. 18O4, "Peau de Soie," No.

1904, "Peau de Soie," $1.73. Your Servants, had been reported office in Dennison. commodation next came in, and I observed that Parriil left his instrument and went out on tbe platform to assibl in unloading and loading bageage and express matter. During his absence there was a continual call for from the Dispatcher's office, and when he returned he took front the wires order for an east bound freight. There wan now a few minutes breathing spell, daring which time be replenished the stoves io the waiting rooms with coal, and then the frieghts' crews came ia and received orders.

A few minutes later several sections of a west bound freight passed and were severally reported, and then came more east bound. in ia Room 3 under Odd Fellows Hall. --Shipments of Ktock from C. C- A S. station to East Buffalo N.

Y. for the week ending Mcrch 5th: Pocock and Wood, 16 horses; Dickey and Randal. 19 norsea; Dickey and McCleary, 104 sheep. are prepared to do the latest and highest class of work known to tbe art The Boston Herald says: "There is Our Spring Stcc' of Butter- really no ground for a contest. Tbe We want all to samples of our work Jck's Patterns is COmolete and Hill delegates were chosen according to Bn OU will be convinced of our supe- 7 WUI the methods prescribed by the regular or ty Our pictures have a finish like we can 'urmsn you With any i' if effected by dampness pattern you want in all sizes.

The Chicago Herald, says: It is or atmospheric changes. Ink, finger- stated on appatentiy good authority that marks, soot, can be washed from and get a catalogue, W3 Jf to the surface without injury to the bril- always have them. I a i i a Km tnaHa nn --The millinery stock of Misses Lor- Convention in New York to send dele- ii an finish Being acompo enz and Fritz will be moved into tbe gates to the Chicago Convention. If this sition of celluloid thev are waterproof ro now occupied by Schaich as a is not trne, it ought to be. Mr.

Cleve- aaioon, on April 1st. The room will be land, like all other Democrats, must bow and made at- to the will of the party expressed through its regular channels." The Herald has stoutly favored the nomina- thoronghly overhauled tractive in mr.n/ ways. --The Prohibitionists of White Eyes township will meet at house in Avondale, on Saturday, Mar. 19th. 1892, at two o'clock to nominate a ticket for their support at the April election.

Barge, Commit- tee last stage of pessimist Democracy of Adams township The next Democrat th a tionof Mr. Cleveland. the township Tfae Demomcv 5s not ghort of reei Hential timber. The political woods are fall of it. He who thinks that there is only one man to name as this year's Democratic Candidate, has reached tha limism.

National and permanent. pictures are sold under a guarantee that they will not fade or turn yellow Wo will call and show samples of our work. No tin types. Respectfully, Take Notice. Before placing your orders for Sup- plica write or call on me for prices on Basswood Sections, Bee-Hives, Foundation Smoke's.

My goods are all first class in quality and workmanship.Trans* o'clock Parrill left the office met in convention" at Tsntion will contain 900 delegates. The (erring in May and Jnnq a specially, carrying a sack of mail to the "crane," Saturday evening, and placed ia nomination will be made under the Catalogue free. B. F. STOVER, situated north of Main street audsev- nation the following excellent-ticket: two-thirds rale.

Therefore it will take mart Roscoe, 0. 600 Totes to nominate. Twenty-seven StatM will vote before New York is call- -Best California Oranps 20 to sd. If Mr. Hill ia nominated it will not cents per dosen at C.

0. D. store. I brette, Josie Sutherland, Mw mem- era! hundred foet from the station, and Trustee, Lewis Rice; Assessor, Jobs of the present company. Aescrved attached tiro sack that it mivht Haaeberfet sJooso Stonebtvok: seats at W.M.

Smith's Drof More. by the Limited Express, Constable, John Hoff. SPAFLkl -r i fcN,.

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