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The Medford Mail from Medford, Oregon • Page 3

The Medford Maili
Medford, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A HOME TREATHENT. OUR COUNTY PLACED WITHIN THE REACH Of iW wife and one son and one daughter who have the sympathy of a host of friends In their sudden and Bad bereuvemont. Th Boil Vrociptlon for Malaria ALL. I Correspondents Dr. Darrln, the Celebrated Physician, Ohlllt Hact finer bollle of Uiitv's Tastis- have been living at Bakersfleld, Calif for some time, arrived here Tuesday evoning, We aru informed that Mr.

Roper will go into business at Phoenix, Bov, Boguo, of Myrtle Creek, who has been over In Klamath County and tho Crater lake country in soaroh of a place that would be beneficial to his wife's health, was In Talent Wednosday and spent the day with M. D. Wilson and family. far the Cure ol all Chronic, Nervous and Private Diseases, Returns to Ills Head Olllce la Portland Scptim-ber First. i.r.m (1 iiii.i, Tc Kiu, It limply Iron una ytii-ntne In leslolens foim.

No cure, no pay. ITIoe conl. Coleilln News Item. Dr. Durrln.

the celebrated nhynlciun, jj: you are going to the mountains for an outing CD perhaps you are in need of a 1 1 Tent. Camp Stove. 1 I Dutch Oven, Gun. I I Ammunition, and 1 I New Fishinft tackle Wo are well stocked with everything in this line 3p and can fit you out in the way you should go 9 Communications from our sey-ornl correspondents must roaoh this olHuo not tutor tiiuri Wednusduy mum lo insure publluntlon. Jaeksonvllln Sewn.

who makes the eye. ear, cularrh. (loaf neat, lliroat, brorjuliinl lubes, lung, kidney, stomach and liver a speeinity, as well all private dispone, will re Malaria Makes Impure Blood. UrovosTaitelessUlilll Tonic cures Malaria. Mc.

Kaues Creek (terns. turn to t'orllantl Hepteiaorr it. wnnre ho can bo cotiHUltud free by lettr-r for tho treatment and euro of the afllinted in Houthorn Oregon, wlio ounnol aftord to take a journey to largo cities to con sult specialists. Dr. Darrin's renuta- tlon is so well known mat me annoiea throughout this part of the county should not hesitate to avail themselves It.

I). Lawlon, of Medford, spent Thursday hero, Mrs. Hull, of Hornbrook, oame up Friday for few weeks' outing. W. Iiwton, of with his family here over Hunday.

Mrs, Frod Luy und sons, of Medford, arrived hereThuisduy to camp several weeks. Messrs, Ray MeKinney and Leon Howard, of Medford, spent Hunday at tho springs. Mr. and Mrs. I.

up from Medford Saturday for a few weeks' stay. kin A. 1 Elmer, of Jackson- II HINK DIB, Miss Ada Swindon wub visiting in Gold Hill lust Sunduy. Mr. and Mrs Dnvo Mardon were Gold Hill visitors Thursday.

to his phenomenal skill. i I), llarri.i, of spent Bun-ltiy in Jacksonville. 0o. of I'lioiinlx, hijiiI Thursday In Jacksonville. Assessor J.

C. Pendleton wits at Hie county sent Tliursdny. John W. Piirnull, 'of Apiiieguto, Hpnnt Hunduy in Jucksonvillo. no Murpny returned Tliursdny from Neatl lndlitn soda Miring.

Mrs Clam Under und duuglitor puiu JaikHonvlllo friends a visit itUiriliiy. Dr. Darrln makes a specialty or all skin diseases of a chronic and obstinate character that have for years, or a life Miss Nina Householder is at present tho guest of Miss Eflio Itoundtree. We tiro sorry to say Unit Mrs. time, resisted the ordinary inoues oi nraetlce.

and uro the classes of mala dies in the treatmont of wliloh he lias 1 5HOES! become pre-eminent throughout the Pcrrv Knotts' little daughter hus Amor lean continent, ami especially on Wa have on hand a line of Ladles', Gents'. Boys'. Children's and been quite ill. 1 the Pacific) coau, and by his success vlliit. 1h visltinu here the guest of has achieved for himself a very envi Infants' Shoes C1I and Look us Over T.

If. MOORE. West Side Store Will Johnson Iiiib returned homo Krunk Roundtrcc and hd Swin able reputation. dell were transacting business in For those who cannot nosslbl place 3 At the front with Prices Medford lust week. Mrs.

M. Bollinger. Miss Laura Bennett, of Medford, visited with Miss Jossie Maoaulcy a few days this week. Mrs. A J.

Collar returned to her themselves under office treatment he has formulated a method of "Homo Treatment." whereby the suffering from a several trucks' vaeutbdi on Apjilugnto. Clay Kale, A Willis and I. V. Kuiinittt, of Ashlund, spent Hunduy In this city. Mrs.

G. Kennies, who hus hern Mr. Beun left on Monday for I Julio to work the remainder of the may be favored with hi latest modes Advertised Letter List. summer In the mines. of cure.

Including: batteries and lwlts, home in Vreka Sunday, after a ten when necessary, wblcli in many cases Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Higin-liothum were doing business in arive Instantaneous rcliel and soon el days' sojourn at the springs. feet a permanent restoration to health most accomplished young women and universally liked and respected. She is a member of the M.

E. church and president of the Ladies' Aid Society. Only relatives and intimate friends attended the wedding. Those who witnessed the Misses Vircio Woodford and which Includes building up and re Sums Valley Wednesday. Mrs.

Koundtrco and son, Rulph Edith Cranflll returned to their Poiiowlnr is a list ot letters remaining- na-oalled for la the Medford postoOce on August-si, IP01. Bantz, Mrs A center. Marion Merrill. I Morle, RO Smith, A charge or one cent will be made upon da-tlvery of each of the above letters. Persons calling lor any of the above lettaea will please say Advertised.1' O.

F. MtKRiMAH, Postmaster. organizing tho whole constitution. Consultation In all casos is confidential homes in Medford Saturday. returned home from Applegate und fnc.

Those unable to visit the dontor run writo for question blank sojourning ut Coleslm, hus ro tu mod to our city. Friink A. Hufl'er und sisters, liuir-y and Olliu, returned Biitur-duv from trip to Colestin. Mr. und Mtv.

J. V. McCurthy, of fun Fruit inco, were tho guests of Mrs Nunun Wednesday. Tlios. 1.

Kennev is ul Hold Hill Mrs. Clurotico ltosmos and sister, Miirv Colvlir. returned to their Friday whore they have been utter blackberries. John Brown wus at Grants Pass happy event were Air. and airs.

J. M. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. I.

C. Robn-tt. Mrs. David Lynes, Krs. home in Jacksonville S.Uurday., and circular and cut liis opinion on such casus.

Home treatment will be sent to any address at the rate of $10 a Miss Juanita Day, of Fairmount, Marie Purkeynile, Mrs. Lyons, of Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qatnlne Tablets cure aeoul Saturday with a load of lime. He wns accompanied by his wife, who month, or In that proportion ol time as the cae may require. Address Port Minn is hore viellitiff hur aunt, ta one day.

No Core, no Pay, Price 2b eeata. Mrs. J. W. Liwton, for a few duys.

land. care or rortlnnd hotel. went to visit irienus. would be patients should preserve Portland, Mrs. T.

W. Johnson, of Medford, Mrs. J. C. Creeory, Misses Lizzie Gibson, Bessie Wright and Rosa Wright.

After dinner the Attorney Frank A. HutTer and (ieo. Rolland bus returned from this notice where It fill be available sisters, Ollie and Daisy, of Jackson when wishing treatment ol Dr. Darrio. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.

United States Lakd Ornci, Koseburp August 21, 190L Notice Is herebv ttven that lb. comoluuiov Evnns creek where ho hus been on ii. i i Anii case commencing treatmont Dclore ville, arrived here rriday lor a lew afternoon was SDent in eocial con a Hunting irip. nave nui, September 1st will be treated at S10 a ulUiiidiug to the iitisinuss interests ol tho Ititu Sieiiion ItoHunthul. Mrs.

Mollle Kuhli, Mi scsJo und KIU Orth und Mes rs. John und lUrry Miller spoilt Tuesduy on Kogilc river. James Elliott, J. C. Whipi), Win.

Kiiniv and Phil Oleuve left hero days' outing. heard what success he had. with the provisions of the act of Congreaa of June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale or montn. verse until the arrival of the 5 o'clock train when the happy couple Joe.

Kellev and family, of Med Tho dunce ut Elmer Nichols' tlmbei lands In ue Slates of California. Ore- Ceutral Polut Items. rtevaaa. and washlnston aa ford. came up Sunday.

Mr. Keiley took their departure for their iu- Saturday night was a social success extended to all the Public Land Btalea by ask of August 4, ture borne at urea; rails. iaey in evcrv reBoect. ana ktnuiy speait- returned the same eveniug but the family wdl remain several weeks. MRS.

SOPHIA L1SDGRHN, have a boat of friends here wbo ex inir. much credit is due the host early unsday for a weeks' outing uf F.Iy, County of St Louis, State ot tend heartiest coneratulations and and hostess. has thin dav filed la this office her sworn atace- Harry Nealon, of Sams Valley, spent Sunday here. Mrs. E.

Ross made Jacksonville a business trip last week. on Atmiegste. ment No. 17D6, for the purchase of wish them a Ions and bappy life The weather is extremely warm oi section ro iv. a yA oi nection 8.

E. Colo stopped off here Wednesday on his way home from Klamalhon for a fow dsys. Ha returned to his home iu Medford East. Mrs. M.

Hunley, of llutte creek, und Miss Alice llunloy drovo over in Township No. ttt S.t Range No. 2 together. and will offer proof to show that tba W. J.

Virgin, of Ashland, was land souabt la more valuable for its umber or at present, with the atmosphere full of smoke which adds to the heat. A shower of rain would be NO STKIKES THE BE. Irom the Utter' homo Huturiliiy to stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es Saturday. visit Mrs. Kunnle Love.

taoiisn uisciaim to saia una oeiore tne and Receiver of this office at Roseburs'. here on business this week. S. F. Godfrey, of Beagle, was do ing trading bere Wednesday.

on Friday, the 8th day ot November 1901. She Mines Mary Dsvisun and Bertha Pruntv. of Klsmathon, nd Miss Mts. John Kulou arrived In this Kriduv from Klumnth County, Compulsory Arbitration of Labor gladly welcomed by all. SOME POST OFFICE FIGURES Ruth 'Wlllism.

of Hornbrcok, left J. B. Williams and mother made to 'iktUiid' her mother, Mrs. A. Disputes in Hew Zealand.

for their homes l'Yiday, after several names as witnesses: crneti nooeruf aoa Gust E- Osterberg, of Ely, K. A. Wbtte. Batter City. Lewis White, of Ely, Minn.

Any and all persona claiming adversely the above-described las 1s are requested to file thetr-clattss thf office on or before said 8tb day of November 1001. J. T. Bkidoes, Reglater. Ashland a visit the first of the Sclimitlicn, who is seriously ill.

Mr. J. W. Robinson spent Sun ran fro Ikr weoks' stuy. week.

Ik Mrs. John Millor, of Jacksonville, Mrs. Rose Bartlett, of Portlond, r.oBSoa Pvilmilrr Orlfnl, lUv In He returned nnil arm. Hurrv. of San lose.

ystawa nm Had Six Tears' Trla la rsssl to Work Satisfactorily Law GoTtml'S Wow a aad Cfclld Labor. ia visiting her mother, Mrs. M. Cookscy. to Volestin Mondny nttd will spend niio'lier wtlc therewith his futility.

spout a fow d.iys here the first of the week me guests oi it. ana Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Thos Kelsoe, of Th. inniinl report of the pnktnia-ter grnerai, thoi-fh not due till par-liamrut rrai-mi has ortn mads nulilic bv Lord l.nndur.di-rry.

Hp re V. Robinson. M. H. LusW.

formerly a member o( I ICagle Point, visited relatives here Mrs. KtiRone Dowliuir, of Yieka, Darllament of New Zealand, was be ltibt bunday. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Omcx, Roscburg. August 21, ISO I.

Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act ot Congress of June 1878. entitled "An act for the sale or timber lands la tha States of California, Ore-goo, Nevada, and Washington aa extended to all the Publio Land States by act of August 4, 1892, LEWIS J. WHITE, Of Ely, County of St Louis. State of Minnesota, has this dav filed in this office his sworn wbo has been bere for some limp, (n the industrial commission at P. Simpkins, and family, late Woodville, have become resi was called to H.iruhrook last Fri Washington the other day.

He explained the aystem of arbitration, in day to attend the bedside of ber dents of our town. Miss Cora tuincron and Her routin Mis Uernicc Cameron, ited Jacksonville Tuesduy. Miss Jiernicn went to Medford to visit friends. J. W.

Herrv, who is In the cm-plov of tlie Northwestern Improve-iiieiit Coin puny, at Roslyn, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Berry, of this city.

Geo. Brown. Eagle Point's pros New Zealand, which, he saia. naa oeen brother, who is quite in. B.

F. Peart, who is blacksmith extremely satisfactory. This system Last Wednesday evening Maslers for the Fish Lake Ditch Company, spent Sunday at home. statement No. 197.

for the purchase of tha SKVi ot Sea No 20. and El, of KWVsat Section No. 29 tn Township Na. 8., Kange No. 3 East, and wlU offer proof ia was in the form of compulsory arbitration, and It had tlx years' trial.

The fact thalthere is compulsory arbilra- Telford, Sutherland and 1 1 art son gave a bonfire party near the cold water spriim, to about fifty of their friends. Music was the principal Mrs. Helen Little spent last iou there made both employes and tails I lip liluni'riH ot the public with jrft giihlo. It in really astonishing that pseketB should he poktrd tinndilmkrd and still more that 2.707 pontnlned eh, notes postal orders and oilier -nper niouey. There la auother rec.d of oareleannen aKnionl the public in the fact that the articles found loose in the post have increased by nearly 80 per cent, in the last four years.

The crave for cheapness affect even poHtal covers, to our toss, tl would em. For the fact that undelivered correspondence for the army In Sauth Africa la brine returned in large quantities, there Is ample eiplanation in the melancholy list of in the war. The post week with her brother, Wm. employers very careful as to the jus Grieve, and family at Prospect tice of theiroases beroretney acr. feature of the eventoR and the com- show mat tne taao soagni is more vaiuaow nr Its Umber or stone than for agricultural rmr-Doees, and to establish his claim to said load before the Register and Receiver of tblsoftea at Rosebur.

an Friday, the Sth daxeff November 1901. Re names a witnesses: Eraeet-A Roberts, Gust E. Oalerbirg, Mrs. f. Dad' gren, of Ely.

E. A. White, Baker city, Oregon Jn these courts of arbitration in Sew Thos. Herriott and Jas. Grieve, oanv were tieateu to some very perous merchant, came over to Jacksonville Sunduy to witness tho spirited hull game botwoen the Urants Pass club and Medford und Zealand no lawyers are allowed to who have been camping up near appear; only tne iniereaieu pai nc pretty selections, among waica was a solo by Mrs.

Chas. A. Iunker, Prospect, returned home this week. heard. Jacksonville puiked nine.

Any aoa an persons claiming ouriery-ui above-described laods are requested to Oletbelr claims In this office oa or bfllore said Sth day ot November, 1901. J. T. Biusaas. Mrs.

Lyons, formerly a resident Labor organirations tn New Zea land are generally incorporated ana A largo crowd of people from adjoining towns gathered in Jackson- Regular. with guitar accompammeut. At i lato hour the orowd dLspersed rot Ing the young moo royal entertain ere. of this city now of Portland, spent a few davs here this week with old they found no disadvantage tn such in corporations. master general appears to ba surprised that 143 letters addressed to friends and acquaintances.

Thearbitration law had oeen lavorea Allen Strioklin and family, of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L'srrco State Lato Otfice. Roseburg, August 21, 1901. Noticed herebv atven that In oomoluuice There was quite a pleasant party the Transvaal and the.Orangs Free ville afternoon to witness tho closely contested baseball game between the Grants Pass team and the nicked nine from Medford and 4 A bv'fht employes and fought by-employ (fathered at the camp of Miss Mary Table Rock, loft last week for An ers before 11 waa enacted. Up to last Davison on Thursday night.

Musio witfi the provisions ot the act of Congreaa or Josephine County, for a tew vear three-fifths of all labor in Isew entitled "An act for the sal or juuesnxs9. State, which wei stopped at Cape Town at the outbreak of the war, "were not claimed there by the per-aona whom they were intended." There was, no doubt, a difficulty in Jacksonville, score! to u. and names of various kinds wero in weeks' visit with relatives. ZeqLacd orgamreo. la the Ntates ol caurornia, ore- timber iai ffon.

Nevada, and Wushtnaton Territory Mr. W. R. Stansell and Miss dulaied in after whioh refreshments the scales of wages In new iteaiaoa are S. A.

Thompson and family and made by the labor organizations for Applegate, daughter of Mr were served and all adjourned vot Mr. Wilson, of Condon, this state, the men outside the onions as well as the way of either Boera or ultlandera sending down to Cape Town for their ing It one of the most pleasant oc arrived here Thursday and will those within them. The arbitration extended to all the Publlo Land States by.aot ot August 4. 1S92, OUST. E.

OSTERBKRQ, Ot Ely. Comity of St. Loots. State of Mlnnssota, has this dav filed In this office his sworn ata-mHnl No. 179S, for the purchase of the of SWJi.

Bsc 26, and tha K'i of NW of Section No. So In Township No. 33 Ranae No. caeions of the season. Those pres maila after war had been ueciareu make this place their future home court of New Zealand never fixea tha and Mrs.

Peter Applcgato, were married in Jacksonville Saturday, August 17, by Rev. N. M. Hansen, at the homo of tho bride's paronls, in the presence of the family and a There is a healthy surplus on the maximum rate of wages; it simply ent were Misses Annie Bnoson, Rosa Chapman, Kdllh Cranfill, Virgie O. 0.

Kincaid, bookkeeper for the working of the department of 3. fixes the n-aximum rate of wages that First National bank at La Grande, 8 East.and will offer proof to show that the mod the operation of tma nought more valuable for Its timber or stone can be paid. which will please the ohan cellor of the exchequer, lint the de who has been visiting relatives hero flcit on telrgrapha has increased from for the past month, returned home to 888,438. Saturday. Woodford, Maggie ueiungor, jessie Maosuley, I.elah Wilson, Kthcl Maoauley, Kva Myers, Be.tha Prunty, Ruth Williams, Edmonia Davison, Sudie Powell, Annie Towne, Messrs.

Chas. and Ray Telford, Sidney Cole and Robert Lawton. Mrs. Mary Vincent, accompan MISSIONARIES WELL PAID. system, he said, does, not hamper d'ustries, for the reason that in the six1 yeara it has been in operation the iiv-dustriesof New Zealand have increased one-third; this was by an increase in old industries and the springing up ot new ones.

The eight-hoor law prevails in New than for agricultural purposes, and to establish. LI claim to siid land before the Register and Receiver of this ohce at Roseburg, on Friday, the (th day ol November, 1901. He names as witnesses: Lewis J. White, Ernest A. Rorbrts, and Mrs.

S. Llndgren, of Ely, Mia-' ueaota, E. A. White, Baker City, lire. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-deeoribed lands are requested to file taelr claims In this office on or before said Sth day at November, 1901.

J. T., Register. ied bv her azed Barents, Mr. and Mrs.

Mvcrs, of Sams Valley, made lew minimis irionus. iw "fiv couple have tho best wishes of their frionds In Jacksonville. Tho funeral of tho lato Thomas Wright, who died at his home in Willow Springs lust Tuesday, wub attended ly a largo uumlor of frionds. Tlio remains woro brought to Jacksonville for burial. Tho services were conducted by Uev.

B. Moore. Deceased leaves a relatives at Yreka, a vi-it Dollars a Tsar aaS Travel lasr last week, Zealand. No woman can be employed Better for the Blood than Barsaparllla Mrs. Hull, of Iowa, who has been in a factory there until she is at least The forelia missionary does not fat Thono Living In Ike Malaria Districts visitine hero with her daughter, IS years of age and then she can be em work for love of humanity alone.

He Orovo's Tasteless Chill Tonlo. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Ornca, Roseburg, August 21 191)1. Noslee Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the set of Congress ot June 8, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale or Mrs. W.

H. Norcross, for the past ia a well-naid person, and instead of havlna- the usual Sundays and holt ployed not more than 44 hours a which allows nn eight-hour day and half holiday for her. No child can be employed in a fao month, left for her home Wedneg day. ri.T. of rest like other ioiks ue it Taleut Hews Items.

f. Patten, of Big Butte, was Sunday visitor here. o-tven a vear's vacation with salary Mr and Mrs. Myers, of Sams Val timber lands in tne states ot uauroroia, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Ststos by act ot August 4, 1892, every once in from four to ten years, ley, who have lived together over Lost Hair Jeff. Bell went to Medford the ERNEST A.

ROBERTS, sixty-fivo years and have great aaya the Philadelphia uall. ine maided men missionaries in Chlua eaive Sl.OOS a year and travel pay Of Ely, County ot St. Louts, State of Mluaessia, first of the week on business, day Bled In this office hia aworn has wis grand children, tooK ttioir nrsi nae on a train last week. Although statement No. 1799, for the purchase of the When missionaries who are married Jas.

and Henry Helms have gone to Huckleberry mountain to gather NEW. BISK Section HO. 23. SWS4 KWI have children old enough to require toty under 16 yenrs of age. Tarenta are subject to fine and imprisonment if they do not send their children to.

school rt ce l-laln number of hours daily. Children must attend school three days out of four, and, he said, statistics show that 29 per wnt." more children are in school in N'rw Zealand than in any other country in the world. Tha Klasa Maaaa. at Wlillir. On of th moat desirable posts at of Section No.

24 tn Township No. 83 8.. Range they are both past the four score to he kenl in school away from h6mc berries. years, they were higiuy ueugntea My hair came out by the handful, and the (ray hairs began to creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from coming eut and restored the color." Mrs.M.

D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass. John Conway has uiovod his No. l.ost.ano wui oner proof to enow that toe land sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and ta ea- lebllsh alsolatm to said laadbefote the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseborg, on Friday, the 8th day of November, MoL Be they are allowed (ISO additional. If young children ara with their parents with the trip.

WRIGHT-WHITTLE. house onto bis lot just noith of- the and to be supported iw inmuom Baptist Uhuxoli. The J. M. Gibson home was the scene of a happy wedding party ia allowed for each child.

Of course Ihes salaries Incltida housa rentals ad traveling expanses to and from Miss Anna Jeffrey came ap from Medfo Tuesday for a visit with names as witnesses: jewu j. watte, uost. E. Ostevbsig, Mrs. B.

Llndgren. ot Ely, K. A. White, Baker City, Ore. Any and all pernors claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims to this office on or before said Sth day ot Tuesday.

Auaust 20. 1801. at Windsor eastle i that of "the king's limner," who in aneient times decorated book and manuscripts with initial letters and who now prepares th atatton. friends in this sootion. o'clock d.

when Mr. Pred J. T. Bridoks. November, 101.

When miaaionariea take a vacation Mrs. Britain and Mrs. Anspaah Register. Wrieht. of Grcat Falls, and i.t their traveling expenses to Mrs.

Luella Gibson Whittle, of this nri (mm their stations are paid at and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett left Wednesday morning for California th parchment commissions when hia majesty is pleased to confer knighthood or som other honor upon one of hia subjects. The gentleman who oitv. oliehted solemn vows at the this time and almost their full salary for a biiet visit.

likewise allowed (hem. More th There's a pleasure in offering such a preparation is Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable preparation.

SI.H a Mils. All (YaifliU. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Roseburg, Oregon, August 14, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notloe of his Intention 1 to make flna! proof In support of his otalm, and that said proof will be made before Gus Newbury, county olerk ot Jackson Countv.

Oreiron. hymeneal altar. Rev. J. C.

Greg ory, pastor of the M. K. church, per the sularv must, of course, be the im Marion Bonnelt and family and pelllnif motive when nilesiotmi-les po Mrs. Mi ry Anspaoh, of Iowa, were formed tne marriage ceremony to such fields ns China. his usual eood style.

Tho groom is a-ood. too, to learn that he 111 I ut Jacksonville, Oregon, on September 21, 1901, vis: hore this ween visiting witn u. v. Britain and family. John Van Siokle and his brother- borers are not lacking even in the is a prominent ollluial of the Great Northern railway company at Great now fllla th post has extraordinary skill with th pn and brush and his diplomas and certificate were greatly admired (or their exquisite taste and akillful execution.

He receives a salary of a year. The clock-maker at Wlndor castle receives the sam compensation and It Is his business keep all of the timepieces In repmir. Falls, having been in their employ for nineteen years. He is a mem' in-law, of Kansas, who have been visiting here the guests of I. N.

Hewes and family, loft JOHN ORAIN, On H. B. No. 9195, for the NIi Sec. 20, Tp.ST He namos the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of satd land, vis: FredTlce, Jerome Jarvfse, O.

Miller and. Wm. Stlnson, all of Medford, Oregon. i DnioaES, Register. face of such horrors ns It is teiiiTil have recently hwn lntiicted on (lospi'I workers in China.

Kven nt the present moment foreign mission board ara in receipt of hundreds of letters from volunteers who clamor to be sent tha land of the Celestials. ber of the Episcopal church at that II your Ururalst etnnnt supply you, send us one dollar and we will esproas ymi a bottle. Be sure anilatve th name at your nearest eiiiross pflliie. Address, AYKR Lowell, Muss. Dlace and is well and tavoraoiy evening ft their home.

known. The bride is one of our P. P. Roper and family, who.

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