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The Daily Deadwood Pioneer-Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • Page 6

Deadwood, South Dakota
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TBue Lead Depairtoeimft TUKiaWBSVENTH YEAE LEAD, SOUTH DAKOTA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 21, 1914 PRICE FIVE CENT! city on the train today. NO BUT BECAUSE I PELL INTO THIS HE Re REAL, TOBACCO CHEW. eZftS Reception for Chicago Lady A reception will be given for Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCullough of Chicago at the home Mrs. M.

L. Johnson, 121 South Galena street, between the hours of three and five this afternoon, under the auspices of the Lead Equal Suffrage League. All are cordially invited to meet this brilliant and distinguished woman, who is to make two addresses in our city; the first at the Methodist church, at eight on this evening and WHAT ARC YOU GRINNING FOR- BECAUSE I LOST MY HAT AND FELL INTO THE LAKE YVWV THE ROUSTABOUT BENEFITS BY SOOD OUOOt'S ACCIDENT.) IT does beat all how word of "Right-Gut" the Real Tobacco Chew gettf around so fast. A man hears of it tries it likes it better than the old kind and straightway is eager to get his friends started on the chew that satifies. Sappy, mellow tobacco seasoned and sweetened just enough.

Take a very small chew les than one-quarter the old size. It will be more satisfying than a mouthful of ordinary tobaoco. Just nibble on it until you find strength chew that suits you. Tuck it awav. Bryan in Deadwood Saturday A rumor was circulated in Lead yesterday that Secretary of State William J.

Bryan had cancelled his date here and would not be in Dead-wood Saturday. The report was entirely without foundation. He will arrive on the Burlington at 1 o'clock and will speak at the Deadwood Audlorlum at 2 p. m. Found Their Wives John and Will Stanley and O.

Magee arrived in the city from Hot Springs, coming to the city In Jim Stanley's 60-horse power auto. They made the trip by way of the Pactola route, and all of them declare that it was one of the finest that they had ever taken. The gentlemen, as John Stanley admitted, came to this section of the Hills looking for their wives, who had been away from home for almost a week. They found them attending the convention of the Federation of Women's clubs, which had been in session at Deadwood, and so thoroughly enjoying themselves that they had no Idea of returning home for a time, and will probably remain over and attend one or two of the sessions of the South Dakota Educational association, which will convene In Dead-wood today. Mr.

Stanley said that he believed the gentlemen would return to Hot Springs last evening, allowing their better halves to remain in the northern Hills a few days longer. Apply Sloan's Freely For Lumbago Your attacks of Lumbago are not nearly so hopeless as they seem You can relieve them almost instantly by a simple application of Sloan's Liniment on the back and loins. Lumbago is a form of rheumatism, and yields perfectly to Sloans, which pen etrates quickly all in through the sore, tender muscles, Umbers up the back and makes it feel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joins, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your money back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief.

Heard From "Doc." Mrs. O. E. Granger received a telegram from her husband yesterday morning announcing that he had just got out of the mountains, and had reached civilization safe and was in the best of health. The wire did not etate whether he had been successful in getting any game, but it did say that he had encountered lots of snow.

He said if nothing happened he flhould reach Lead Friday. Doctor Granger has hunted in the Rocky mountains for several years, and is usually quite successful. The wire was sent from Ovan-do, Mont. He will, stay over a day in Sheridan to visit his mother who lives there, and will then come home. 'item Then let it rest.

tobacco taste comes, much less you have be tobacco satisfied. Chew. That's why it costs less in the end. It is ready ohew, cat 6ne end short ahrcd to that yon won't have to (rind on it with your teeth. Grinding on ordinary candied tobacco nukea you spit too much.

the second at the Homestake Opera house, at eleven on the morning of Thursday, Oct. 22. Mrs. McCullough's ability as a speaker was publicly mentioned by Miss Jane Addams on her recent vis it to the Hills. Miss Addams' opinion is amply confirmed by some of our own citizens who have beard Mrs.

McCullough. She Is a practic- lawyer In Chicago in fact the law partner of her own husband. It was largely through her efforts that the Illinois legislature passed the recent suffrage amendment and that amendment was drafted by her pen. She is possessed of an amount of oratorical ability which would do credit to any man. There is no question that her addresses will be of Inter est to all persons, whatever their previous views on the subject of Women's suffrage.

COMMUNICATED Home From Omaha Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pellymounter returned yesterday from Omaha where they have been viBiting for the past three weeks with their son Tom and his family.

They report a delightful time and come back feeling well repaid for the trip. While they were in Omaha Tom received a fine promotion with the company for which he is working. He has been employed with the Midwest Electrical company for some time, and the promotion received was to that of head engineer. He will now have charge of all the construction work. His new duties will take him away from home considerably, as the company has a great deal of work outside of the city.

Tom's many friends in Lead will be glad to know of his success and will hope that he may continue to ascend the ladder. New Modern Dancing. The leading Expert and Instructor In New York City, writes: "Dear Sir: I have used Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes, for the past ten years. It is a blessing to all who are compelled to be on their feet. I dance eight or ten hours dally, and find that Allen's Foot-Ease keeps my feet cool, takes the friction from the shoe, prevents corns and Sore, Aching feet I recommend it to all my pupils." (Signed) E.

FLETCHER HALLAMORE, Sample free. Address, Allen S. OlmBted, LeRoy, N. Y. (OCZZDOC The taste of pure, rich tobacco doea not need to be covered up with molaaaes tod lioorice.

Notice how the aalt brings out the rich tobaoco taste in "Right-Cut." One small chew takes the place of two big chews of the old kind. WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY SO Union Squares, New York (BUY FROM DEALER OR SEND lOSSTAMPSTOUS THE PIONEER-TIMES AGENTS: faeeb'a Buur, Brown's Drug Store, Blodgett An? complaints to be made re-Girding the distribution or failure le receive the Floneer-Tlmee at reasonable hour, ihonld phone the Lead calling the Shove number. Anyone haying an Intern of interest will confer a favor if the above timber la called and given to the Lead correspondent. SUBSCRIBERS The subscription price of the Plo- teer-Tlmes Is 76 cents per mono. LOCAL NEWS NOTES.

MSNsataiaginnM Mrs. Henry Oaulden and daughter Claire returned from a month's visit to Crawford, where they have been spending the time visit ing with relatives, and enjoying themselves. Both are looking fine and feeling fine. Mr. Gaulden did not return with them, but will be back in a few weeks.

They were visiting with Mr. Gaulden's brother Bert Elswlck, who is running a pap er at Crawford. Mesdames Kahl and Gunderson from Vermillion were visitors in Lead yesterday having remained over after the eesslons of the Federa tion of Woman's clubs to enjoy and see the Hills. They are much pleas ed with Lead and have been much Interested in visiting the workings of the Homestake. In municipal court yesterday morning George Thompson was ar raigned charged with having smiled too frequently the night before through the bottom of a glass.

So convincing was the proof against George that his honor thought that ten bucks would satisfy the injured dignity of the municipality, which George had shocked by being found drunk upon Its streets. Word has been received from William Quayl, who at the present time is in Omaha taking treatment for an ear trouble from that celebrated specialist, Dr. Gifford. It states that there has been an improvement in his condition, and that he will remain there probably a week longer, taking teratment, and then return to his home In Lead. All who know the genial Bill hope that when he returns it will be with his hearing completely restored.

Mr. Danbenbuss of Sturgls was In the city, and while here made arrangements with the Northwestern for tickets for the members of his family, who are now In Amsterdam, Holland, and he expects them to sail from that port for the United States In a few days, the tickets having been cabled to them. L. E. E.

Hill left on the Northwestern for Chadron to participate In a meeting of the division safety committee of the Northwestern road which was held in Chadron last evening. He will return to the A Happy Home (Read What Peruna Did) Mrs. James F. Summltt, No. loot East Eighth fit, Muscatine, Iowa, Writes: "My health was so miserable for years that I was practically an invalid.

We had no family, owing to my ill health. I was induced to give Peruna a trial, and found very quickly that It was helping me. "I am now well and happy. We have a baby boy, which we believe Is the direct consequence of my Improved health. Be Is our first and only child, and if Peruna had not cured me of my ailments we should never have had him.

I hope every suffering woman will rive Peruna a trial, the- same as I have." TJtoee whe objeot te liquid md. elnee can new procure Peruna Tab lam now well i and 1 We have xlt- A Baby first and child. O. W. Coursey of Mitchell was a Lead visitor on business.

Mr. Cour sey travels for the South Dakota Ed ucator School Supply company and has an opportunity to learn the sentiment of voters over the state as to their preference for the various candidates asking for the suffrage of South Dakota voters. He Is of the opinion that the entire republican ticket will be elected and he believes that Charles H. Burke for United States senator will be high man. Agent Mickle of the Burlington yeBterday afternoon began the work of moving his effects and that of his office from the old office in the west end of the building to the new of fice in the east end.

The painters got through yesterday morning, and the new office Is certainly an attrac tive one. It will be much more con venient that the old, and will be much more roomy and comfortable. Keep Your Stomach And Liver Healthy A vigorous stomach, perfect working liver and regular acting bowels Is guaranteed If you will use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They Insure good Digestion, correct Constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the whole system Purify your blood and rid you of all body poisons through the bowels.

Only 25 c. at your druggist. Mr. and Mrs. H.

P. Coolldge have arrived from Columbus, where they have been making their home for several years, and will spend the winter in Lead. Both are looking fine and do not appear to be a day older than when they left Lead. Their many friends in the city have given them a warm welcome, and all are pleased to know that they willi again become residents of the city. Contractor Mullen yesterday began building the cement sidewalk which will run along the Wall street side of the new Krug building, and will have the job finished in a day or so.

The men who are to put in the tiling and place the marble finish In the Interior of the building are expected to begin work Saturday. The front is ready for the plate glass, and the building will be ready for occupancy within a very short time. James Hardin, the mining man, was in the city yesterday on business He believes that the prespects for the coming year are even better than they were last year, despite the fact that the European war has caused a falling off in the demand for many of the metals mined in the Hills end has had the effect of keeping capital away. Your Fall Cold Needs Attention No use to fuss and try to wear it out. It will wear you out instead.

Take Dr. King's New Discovery, relief follows quickly. It checks your cold and soothes your cough away. Pleasant, antiseptic and healing. Children like it.

Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep It in the house. "Our family cough and cold doctor," writes Lewis Chamberlain, Manchester, Ohio. Money back if not satisfied, but It nearly always helps. Organizing a Class.

Some of the young men who frequent the Recreation building and use when opportunity presents Itself the athletic apparatus with which one of the basement rooms is equipped, have got together and are making the preliminary arrangements for starting a class in gymnasium work. There are many of the young men who could draw a salary on a vaudeville circuit, so good are they at ground and lofty tumbling and on the apparatus, aud already there has been quite a number gathered together and nightly take exercise in the gymnasium. Monday evening there was quite a session, and the young men went through with some stunts which made the spectators open their eyes. Russell Knox, Walter Tillson and a number of others are so good that they are removed from the amateur class. Manager Kellogg of the Recreation building has become interested in the work of the young men, and will probably furnish an instructor for the class that is in process of formation, and during the winter evenings it Is possible that exhibitions will be given by the members of the class between acts In the Homestake opera house movies.

All of the young men, and many of the older boys who have been using the gymnasium are enthusiastic over the prospects of a class being formed, and there will not be a lack of Interest In It once It la atarted. See how easily and evenlv the real how it satisfies without grinding, how to spit, how few chews you take to That's why it is The Real Tobacco fellow came after him with an axe, "There's Just that difference between us," and sailed in and won the game hands down from Belle Fourcne, paying no more attention to the fellows from Sturgls, but showed them Just how a High school eleven should play the game of football. The window cards are out advertising the game next Saturday with Sturgls and although Lead beat Belle Fourche in a better game than the score showed, and found the boys from the river husky and fast, the members of the team are not overlooking a bet, and will be In such shape when they, play Sturgls, that if they lose they will know that they are losing to one of the fastest High school football teams that ever donned the armor in the Black HlllB. But then, they are not a bit afraid. There is more Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable.

For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Toledo, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market.

It is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cire. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F.

J. CHENEY Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Will Observe Anniversary On Saturday will occur the anniversary of the foundation of the order of the Pythian Sisters, and the members of the order in Lead are preparing to observe the event in a fitting manner on the evening of that date.

To this end a most Interesting and pleasing program is being prepared, and will be carried out in Castle hall on that evening. There will be a short program of music and song and recitations, Interspersed with short talks by prominent members of the order on Us objects and its works. These will be followed by refreshments, alter which cards will be Indulged In. The committee having charge of the program for the evening has not as yet completed all of Its details, but when it does It Is euro to be one of the most pleasing that hat even been offered to the Sisters and the others who will Attend. Stole Some Pointers During the football game of Sat urday between the Belle Fourche team and the Lead High school team the first game of its kind played In the city this year, it was not until the last quarter in the game that Coach Schmidt and Max Newcomb who like to see the boys win, got onto the fact that there was a fellow from Sturgls on the sidelines busily engaged in taking notes, as sistea Dy anotner leuow, who was busily watching every play that Lead made.

Well, it was probably their privilege to do so, and they left Lead with a lot of valuable pointers on the plays of the Lead High school eleven. Did Coach Schmidt get mad when lie found out that they were spying on his eleven? No, he Just said, as did the fellow when another DOC 3C1 r. No Alum Arc You Sure of Your Baiting Powder? Do you feel satisfied that the baking powder you are using is absolutely safe and certain? Have you read the label to see if it contains alum? Dr. Price's is free from alum or any doubtful or unwholesome ingredient. It is made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes, pure and healthful beyond any question.

Sixty years the standard CREAM BAICIMG POWDER Made from Cream of Tartar iOC 30C.

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