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The Messenger and Intelligencer from Wadesboro, North Carolina • Page 1

Wadesboro, North Carolina
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I I ifrniT JASt G. BOYL1H, Publisher Wadesboro Msssengtr and Wadesboro Intelligencer Consolidated July. 1 888. PRICE. OSEDOLLAR PER YEAH NEW SEltlES-VOL.


COUNTY AFFAIRS IMPORTANT SUIT STARTED. FERSONAL MENTION. Alone- Appropriated lor Demoaetra- tlon Farm Work-Jnron Drawn and MLccllanaona llaklueaa Transacted The board of county commission ers Mil Its rcgulur monthly meeting Monday; present, Commissioner AI len, Mcllae and Spencer. The fol lowing business was transacted: An Bppropriatiou ot was made for the purpose of paying half the ex pen sea of prosecuting demonstration farm work for the years J0(! 1010, This appropriation was' made with the understanding that the Genera Education Board of New York through the' U. S.

Department of Agriculture, would provide a similar amount to put into the work. Mr, C. R. Hudson, state agent tor Farm Demonstration Work, requested the board of commissioners to name three good farmers, one of whom will be selected to carry on the work In Will -loth Inatrad grpt. On account-of the of Mr building, the oju-iiin will be delayed one we.k.

Work will begin on the L'oth irwtad of the of Septe Tiber, the time which had Iweri planned for the The first teachers' mi ting to dis-cu-s plan of work will be held on Saturday, the lth, at I p. m. When Warietboro' Street Were Lighted br Ntrret L.amp. Even to those of us who have made our home here all the time it is difficult to realize the progress Wadesboro has made in JO years. In looking ever the old tiles of the Messenger and Intelligencer a few days ago we ran across the following local item In the issue of the paper of Sept.

13th 1KS8: 'Our town commissioners are making arrangements to have our streets lighted by street lamps About a dozen will be purchased at first, which will be used immediately the public square. What is known as the gasoline lamp will be used. This lamp is much superior to the kerosene lamp, and is used in Shelby, Monroe and other places in the State. It Is expected to have them in position in a short time." In the same issue ot the paper a de lightful sketch, of theday3 of long ago in Anson written by the late Captain R. B.

Gaddy, of Polkton, ap pears. Older readers of the' paper remember Captr Gaddy's contribu tions with pleasure and we are quite sure that all of these, as well as subscribers of a later date, will greatly eujjy reading this article, therefore it will be reprinted in the next issue of the M. I. Corporation Property In Anton. Register of Deeds Thomas has received from the Cororation Com mission the following statement of the assessment of the property of corporations in Anson for taxation: Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line, Southern Express S.SoC.Sft Wadesboro Telephone fs.oeO.OO Pullman Bell Western Union Norwood Elec.

and Water SH7.00 Sewerage 2.500.00 Bank Stock, B. L. Stock, 02, 24 r. 00 Corporation excesses, Tjtal. Criminal Court Next Week.

Superior court for the trial of crim-cases will be convened Monday. Judge W. J. Adams, of Carthage, will preside. This will be Judge Adam's first visit to Wadesboro in his official capacity.

There will be about 125 cases on the docket, neaily all of them except two of a trivial nature. Two mcrder cases stand for trial. Charley Huntley, colored, of White Store township, who, several months ago, killed John Philips, colored, will probably be tried for murder in the second degree. Delia Sellers, colored, also of White Store, will be tried for infanticide. T( Mr.noi lned for rrl( of am I onl and llll There wa Noh ttt( f)olu.

in whil" fh of a wliub fir -im 1- not lnjt tim lo-s hut iicir very oft-n. it ti f- u-uaily b-iit out th- ordinary i t-ed wiih tn' -tory. Several 'ly tiie of dfed-i of i i-iinty a r-e to a WaJi-Sorn youmr man. The girl in the wa- uvb gf but ht parents had waived this and given their ons' nt. The youns man with his preeious doi'trnnt went on his way nj-'icicg, and there was to be a wedding.

The groom-to-be, however, met with some youn men, friends of his, and they advised him against the -tep which he was taking and him to allow them to have the paper woieh bore the register's signature, it was produced and they immediately destroyed it. When some hours had elapsed the young man returned to the register and reported the fact of the destroyed license and was given back the fee. The next chapter was at night. The register of deeds, worn out alter a hard day's work on the tax books, was about to go to sleep when he was aroused and requested to go to otlice and issue a marriage license. With a kindly feeling for the seeker after happiness and possibly a thought of the fee, the register consented and went to his office.

He was astonished to learn that the license was lor the same party who had previously applied for the papers and who had allowed them to be destroyed. He issued the license, however, there being no reason why he should, notand went his way with the feeling of the Good Samaritan to sleep. But there was no marriage. The young man was spirited away, thi3 time again by friends, and kept through the night. The license has not been returned to the register and so far it has not ben used.

It may be used some day. It is still good. Mra. Gatewood Wills Her Property To Pin. T.

F. Coatnor. Charlotte Chronicle, "th. The will of Mrs. Margaret M.

Gatewood, who died several weeks ago at the home of her niece, Mrs. T. F. Costmer, on South Tryon street, was filed this morning at the court house. The estate consisting of personal property and real estate amounted to something over $3,000.

Mrs. Dora Gatewood Ccstner, wife of Dr. Costner, with whom Mrs. Gatewood had been making her home, was left the entire estate and was also named as the executrix of the will. The township committeemen will meet at White Store on Sept.

17th at 10 o'clock, to elect thachers for the different schools of the township. By order of the committee: J. B. Takleton, D. A.

Lowery, J. T. Collins. at Tom May, inhHduy, was one of the best known citizens of Aqson county. He was warm hearted and generous and had hosts of friends.

Iledied in Wadesboro on the Kith day of April, dipt. it. H. Gaddy, ol Polkton, under the non deplume of "Gamma," wrote his obituary, audit wus published iu this paper at the time. Many old readers of the paper re-memlier the obituary ami in resnnse to a request on the pirt of several of them it is reproduced below: FOOIl TOM MAY "Has gone out to the bourne from whence no traveler returns.

What a man he was! Unlettered, and untaught in the schools, yet carried within his bosom as kind a heart as ever throbbed in the losom of man. His kindness was not the studied politeness of the schools, but the pure nature of the man cropping out in kindly expression of feeling a rough unpolished diamond still a diamond of the first water. As a friend he was as warm and true and generous and noble as a man could be. It was not in his nature to see a friend suffer if any sacrifice on his part could relieve him. Wejiave ch raped together night after night, in the old days, and he was as thoughtful as a woman in all the little attentions about the camp, taking the burden of preparing comforts on bis own great shoulders.

His kind ways and kind words, bringing water, wood, and general thoughtfulness for the comfort of his friends were simply natural expressions of the great volume of kindnes within. To his friends as true as steel; to his he bore an Implacable hatred that never relaxed. He stood at Malvern Hill amid the shot and shell belching from McClellan's cannon; at his post at Fredericksburg, when Lee said it is so terrible we will become too fond of It; at Gettysburg, where the sun of the Confederacy went down, and In that terrible battle he heard the balls crushing the bones of bis comrades, and the groans of the dying filled the air. He came out of that terrible battle almost alone of his company unscathed and unhurt. What a grand private he was during the whole four years; never sick; never absent.

At roll call Tom May ever answered "bpre." When the line of battle was formed he was always there; when battle was joined he fought with the ardor of one who loved the terrible work. As brave as the bravest, as true as the truest, he would have been promoted, but he was unlettered. The man who stood unflinching where Tom May stood his bravery is beyond question. Sleep gently, old soldier. You have worn the gray nobly; you fought for our Southland because you loved it, and amid all the host who followed Lee there was no braver man.

Drop the mantle over his many faults; they were all his own, and hurt only Tom May. Aye, he was nature's nobleman. Over this great private's grave the drums should beat, the cannon should roar, the old gray uniforms should be brought out. Old comrades, this brother in arms has only gone where we will soon fol low. He has lived his life faithfully, consistently, according to his convic tions and training.

His faults originated not with Tom May but with those who lived before him. His virtues stood out bold and prominent. He was brave truthful, honest, a warm, true friend, and his life was lived according to his convictions. Out in the beyond he answers at the great tribunal for the misdeeds in this world. We have no right to judge him and pass sentence here, tor we know not how the Ureat Judge will legard his besetting sin.

We could weep over poor Tom's grave. Did you see him in his last great suffering? The man's great heart is demonstrated by the number of his friends in his native town. or years to come whenever we pass his grave we will drop a tear to his mem ory and say, "There lies poor Tom May. Goodbye, old friend; goodbye, trave soldier boy; goodbye, ttiou man with a large, kind, generous heart; 'goodbye goodbye! We will meet once more in that great assembly where we are all summoned to appear, but it grieveB our heart to say goodbye to you today. We would like to shake your hand as we have so often done; we would like to hear your kind cheerful greeting; but never more! nevermore! Aye, Tom, our heart reaches out to you as it has never done before, for we loved you we knew not bow much till the clods covered you.

We love many men with a great love, 'and, this was and he was worthy. Again, goodbye! With a throbbing heart, Gamma. Your complexion as well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet you can improve both. Sold by the Parsons Drug Co.

W. II. Co. and Ilia Maryland Ca.ualt- Company Mued for 1 0,000 fay Mr. W.

II. Clark, AdmluUtrator of John I. Clark, Who Va Aceldentellj Drowned at Ulewett Fall La. I Df rruiber. A civil action that will probably prove to be one of the most Interest ing ever tried here was coin meuced iu the SuerIor Court of this county a few days ago.

The suit was instituted by Robinson Caudle and Mr. Jas. A. Lock hart for W. II Clark, administrator of his son, John S.

Clark, against W. R. Bonsuli Co. and the American Casualty Co Readers of the Messenger and Intelligencer will remember thut Mr, John S. Clark, whose home was in Lilesville township, was accidentally drowned at Blewett Falls last De cern br.

Mr. Jonah A. Little, of Union ccurty, was drowned at the same time, and the body of neither of the unfortunate men has ever been recovered. Both these gentlemen, together with several other men, were working on the coffer dam at the Falls at the time of the accident and all of them were thrown into very swift water by the breaking of the logs on which coffer the dam was resting as it (the dam) was being slid into the water. AH the men were fortunate enough to save themselves except Messrs.

Clark and Little, who disappeared under the fast rushing waiers, never to be seen again. The complaint In the case has not been filed, but It will be alleged, we learn, that the accident was caused by carelessness on the part of em ployees of W. R. Bonsai Co. who had the contract for the construction of the dam at the Falls.

The Mary land Casualty Company Is made a party to the action because of the fact that Bonsall Co. are insured in that eompan against liability for accidents. Ten thousand dollars dam age3 will be asked for. Death ot Little Caroline Sajrlor. Caroline, the 5-year-old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. II. C. Saylor, died early last Friday morning, at their home on North Green street, of laryn gitis. Caroline bad had a slight sore throat for several days, but no uneasiness was felt as to her condition until a few minutes be fore her death.

Early Friday morn ing she grew suddenly very much worse and literally suffocated before anything could be done for her. She was a sweet and interesting child and the parents have the tenderest sym pathy of the entire comuoity in their bereavement. The funeral was conducted from the residence Saturday morning, Rev. J. H.

West, assisted by Rev. T. W. Chambliss, conducting the exercises. The interment was in East-view cemetery.

School Committeemen Appointed. The County Board of Education appointed the following named school committee at their regular monthly meeting Monday: J. 'A. Dabbs, for Lilesville high school, in place of P. A.

Liles, re signed. W. A. Kiker, for Diamond Hill special tax district, in place of J. W.

Kiker. E. C. Jones, for Lanesboro town ship, in place of H. M.

Baucom. S. M. Clark and J. A.

Kendall, for Ansonville township, in place of S. H. Gaddy and Clarence Ratliff, who failed to qualify. For Peachland special tax district, Dr. W.

W. Barrett, J. W. Carpen ter, A. J.

Johnson, J. A. Moore, M. C. Traywick.

Crop Damage Immense. A reporter of the Messenger and Intelligencer has made special in quiry of many farmers in the past few days as to the condition of crops, and, in every instance, the reply has been that they have suffered immense damage. Most farmers estimate the damage at about one third as compared with last year. Some say the crop is off as much as 60 per cent, while others think 25 per cent will cover the deterioration. Our own opinion is that the crop will be at least 80 per cent.

less than the crop of last year. Mr. J. I. Dunlap and Mrs.

Sun Houston Ifft Tuesday for Camilla, where they will visit relatives. Mr. J. If. Turner, of Lumherton, sH i)t Tuesday here on business.

Mrs. E. c. Griggs ari daughter, Ml-s Divie Grigg, have returned from Rocky River Springs. Mr.

Fred Hargrave has returned hoiiu from Rocky River Spring, where spent several weeks. Malvern Harris, of Polkton, has entered Trinity Park School. Mrs. R. M.

Mann and children, who have been sending the summer relatives In Kentucky, returned home last Friday. J. T. O'Neal, of Polkton, has entered Bovies Creek Academy. Paul Kiker, of Burnsville township, left for Trinity College Monday.

Mrs. J. M. Little has returned home, after spending several weeks at Hiddenite. Prof.

J. C. Hines of Morven, left Monday for tha University, where he is an instructor Iu mathematics. Mis Kate Marsh has returned hon from Marshville, where Jshe visited relatives. Miss Myrtle McRae has accepted a position as teacher of music in a high school near Rocky Mount.

Miss Sallie Coppedge has entered school at Davenport College. Mrs. Mariori Perry, of Monroe, is visiting her nephew, Mr. D. V.

Mauney. Miss Jennie B. Brent spent yesterday in Charlotte. Rev. R.

M. Mann attended Mecli-linburg Presbytery at Paw Creek church, Meckllnburg county, this week. Miss Richardson, of Lilesville, will leave Monday for States-ville, where she will enter the States-ville Female College. Mrs. D.

L. Saylor and Miss Flora Saylor, of Salisbury, are visiting the tamily of Mr. H. C. Saylor.

Mr. Worthara Wyatt has gone to the University to study medicine. Mrs. E. H.

Masseyand son, Hen ry, went to Mathews yesterday to visit lriends. Flake Miller, who has been spend ing some time here and in the country with relatives, left this morning for his home in Birmingham, Ala. Mrs.MinnieMcEachernand daugh ter, Miss Gladys, of Maxton, are visiting the family of Mr. L. L.

Bog gan. Misses Lila and Alice Little, of Little's Mill, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. W. P. Parsons.

Mr. and Mrs. Grover Lowery, of Monroe, arrived here last night and will spend sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Griggs, of 3ulledge township. Mr. R. E.

Little spent yesterday in Rockingham. He brings back the good news that Capt. W. I. Everett.

who has been very ill, is now rapidly improving. Mrs. J. W. Gulledge and daughter, Margie, left this morning fo Charlotte, where they will spead several days with relatives.

Miss Lena Rivers Smith has returned home from Goldsboro, where she spent her vacation. Rev. T. W. Cbamblis left this morning for Hiddenite.

1 Mr. F. A. Ratliff, of Charlotte, is visiting relatives here and in the Mrs. 0.

M. Wade and daughter, Miss Josephine Wade, of Quitman, are the guests of Mrs. W. K. Boggan.

Miss Myra Wilson, of Newport News, has resumed her duties as milliner for the Wadesboro Dry Goods Co. Mr. John T. Patrick, who spent the summer in Newfoundland and other Ut northern points, has returned Mr. and Jas.

A. Hardison and children returned home Tuesday night from Bat Cave. Anson. The commissioners, in re' sponce to this request, named the fol- lowing gentlemen; Dr.V. J.

Mc Lendon, of Wadesboro; Ed. L. Hunt ley, of Gulledge, and J. W. Kiker, of Burnsville.

A petition for a public road In A i- sonville township, signed by Jas. Martin and others, was presented 'and ordered posted according to law. A petition for a public road in An sonville township, signed by A. H. Richardson and others, was ordered posted.

B. I. Lee was appointed constable ofLilesville township to fill out the unexpired term of J. T. Poplin, re signed.

Miss Martha McLendon was al lowed $1.50 as an outside pauper, Fletcher Little, of Wadesboro, was admitted Into the county home. JURIES FOR TWO WKEKS CIVIL COUKT. The following named persons were drawn to serve as jurymen at Octo ber term of civil court two weeks FIRST WKKK. W. H.

Misenheimer, L. L. Mc Lendon, J. A. Livingston, C.

B. Chewnlng, J. B. Henry, Samuel Tyson. W.

J. Sykes, J. A. Thomas, John G. Winfleld, W.

M. Long, H. D. Griffin, A. A.

Leaird, Tyler C. Cox, L. L. Martin, J. ronton, C.

Baucom, Monroe Gaddy, F. A. Clarke. SECOND WEEK. W.

J. McCaskill, J. C. Lowery, M. C.

Newton, W. C. Long, V. B. Braswell, J.

H. Lee, S. M. Clarke, W. H.

Hildreth, Joe A. Martin, H. Liles, H. B. Beeman, C.

G. Teal, T. A. Gatewood, T. H.

Webb, J. M. Sings, W. A. McSwain, Wjodberry Kiker.

J. A. Moore. The following bills were audited and allowed: C. W.

Thomas, regis ter of deeds, E. G. Lues, re pairing pump at county home, 12.25, J. O. A.

Craig, county treasurer, repairs at county home, J. C. Bun for conveying Jerry and Tom to jail (Jerry twice), Pond Moore supplies for register office, J. C. Huntley, convey ing Berry Buchanan and Joe Monroe to to jail, W.

H. Downer, services as court crier June term, $12; City Water and Light Plant, water for jail and lights for court house, $12.92. D. F. MeAdams, plumbing for court house, $.50.

Richard Davis, expense carrying Lilly Davis to state hospital $5. li. A. xJiles, repairing bridge on Concord road, H. B.

Allen, work done on closets in court M. E. Lowery, making tax books for Gulledge township, $32; T. C. Robinson, cisrk of court, inquisitions of lunacy, 16.60; D.

A. McGregor, insurance on court house, $74; Ansou Real Estate Insurance insurance on court bouse, Marshall Little, insurance on court house, $37; W. Leak Steele, insurance on court house, H. Morgan, timber for Brown Creek bridge Marsh-ville and Mt. Olive road, S.

P. Martin, jail expenses during August, S. P. Martin, conveying Brack Carpenter to hospital, G. C.

Martin, conveying Mrs. Richard Davis to hospital, Jarman lumber for Goulds Fork bridge, Concord road, The Straw is now a thing of the past. It is fall now and you need a new Stetson Hat. Here are two of the most popular ones, but there are lots of others, both Soft and Stiff, in Shapes and Colors to suit every one. Gall and inspect our new styles.

We J. B. Henry, lumber for Goulds Fork bridge, Concord road, Gathings mattresses for county borne, $4. Road orders were audited and allowed as follows: L. L.

McLendon, supplies for- roads, F. C. Al have every size needed. len lor roads, fba.iu; Sandy Plunkett, rock for roads, HW. Little supplies, Leak Marshall, supplies, tlfO.79; Robt Lampley, superintendent, salary, expenses, Hnrdison supplies, C.

vv'l Thomas, gravel for roaus, PeVsonsDrue supplies, $41.29. Medley Wall..

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