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The Evening Kansan-Republican from Newton, Kansas • Page 4

Newton, Kansas
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FOUR NEWTON EVENING KANSAN-REPUBLICAN TUESDAY, JUNE 7. 1921 1 EVENING KANSAN-BEPUBLICAN a wet wheat harvest in central Kan are urged to be out as so mo important matters ere to be considered COUNTIES OF KANSAS sas. The question is whether the quarrying, 3.9 per cent machinery 3.8 per cent; poison, 3.3 per cent; fire arms, 3.1 per cent. Published by Tha Kumo Printing Company river running bank full, affording! excessive evaporation causes the local Albert S. Burleson, late Postmaster-General of the United States, born at San Marcos, Texas, 58 years ago today.

Malcolm R. Patterson, former governor of Tennessee, born at Somer-ville, 60 years ago today. J. MACK, Business Manager Reno Organized in 1872; county Y. M.

C. A. First Game in Sunduy School League Played The initial game, of base ball scheduled in the Sunduy school base bull rainfall, or whether tho general atmospheric conditions that result in J. NAPIER, Editor seat, Hutchinson. General Jesse the river being full, also produces the Official County Paper Reno's valiant service for his country as captain in the U.

S. army, and The fact that President Obregon has indicated his unwillingness to sign a formal agreement as a condition of recognition of Mexico is by no means conclusive that a complete understanding between that country and the United States will not be reached in regional down fall. Anyway, it Official City Paper like rain. league was played at Athletic park, major general of volunteers, was up permost in the mind of those delegat Business Phone 83 SCOVILLE Tt) SPEAK ON MOTHER TONIGHT Monday evening between the Metho BIG RIVER FULL EXPECT RAINFALL The protracted cloudy weather and occasional rains of the last few days reminds the Knnsun of the contention of old citizens that whenever the Big Arkansas river is full of water, that rains may be expected throughout the valley with 40 or CO miles of the river. Many an old resident will tell you that he never knew it to fail, and whenever the Juno rise in the 'Big River" is abundant, they may expect Editorial and News Office 193 US West Sixth dist Sunday school and the United ed with authority to choose a name for this large central county.

Gener The largest negro church world is in Chicago, with moit ten thousand members enrolled. Presbyterian and Evangelical Sunday the near future. President Harding is exceedingly anxious to re-establish tho The Scoville revival will he resumed al Reno was killed in battle Sept em' Published each evening except Sunday tonight after the usual rest night of cordial relations with Mexico that pre ber 14, 1862, at South Mountain, the party and one of the largest au Subscription Rates vailed for so many years previous to Maryland. diences of the entire campaign is cx $6.00 the abdication of former President Most of the cats in Liberia arc of bright red tint, and they arc very con spicuous in tho moonlight. Per Year, in advance- Per Week Per Month Diaz.

It is known at Washington that .15 .50 completely given up the idea. The pec ted to be present. Tonight is on the revival calendar as one of the special nights, with all the honors of informal exchanges between the two cares and worry of his philanthropic schools combined. The game went to the Evangelical-United Presbyterian team by a 13 to 2 score. Edward Ervin of the Baptist Sunday school officiated in a commendable manner and quite a number of base ball enthusiastis were out to get the boys started.

The next game is Wednesday evening when the Christian Sunday school play's' the Presbyterians. Per Year, by Mail 4.00 governments would not be objectiona the occasion pointing to "a feller'i ble to Obregon, and it is through them plans so preyed upon his mind he grew nervous and since he didn't have the million dollars decided to enjoy Entered April 25, 1903, at Newton, best friend," his mother. that a return of normal conditions is Kansas, an Second Class Mail Matter, For several years Dr. Scoville has anticipated. Considerable progress to himself and let the others do the fret under Act of Congress of March 8, set aside one service in which jfte talks ting.

Tribune. 1879, 10 me railroad Doys in every city he ward a solution of the difficulties has already been made. Assurances as to safeguards for foreign investments Htnktr ot tb AModated (mi visits, and dedicates that service to the. memory of his own brother, who During the war Judge Johnson of have been forthcoming from the Mex Atchison was a pacifist. "War is Tlx AMoelated PreM It exclusively entitled to the dm of lt newi diepatcbei credited to it or not otherwise credited in thia paper, ud was killed in the service of the Wab ican government, and public declara sin," he cried.

'The swords should ash railroad. This service was held tions by President Obregon in their alio to the local newi publiahed herein. be beaten into ploughshares." But Community League Started On the regular base ball (diamonds the Santa Fe clerks defeated the Elks in a 6 to 3 game of base ball which was the first in the Community League. The game in detail is reported elsewhere. support tend to establish the right of All rlRhta of republication of ipeda) dl now that the war is over Jude re- last Saturday night and was attended by more than 200 railroad men pa tehee herein are alto referred.

Mexico to recognition. fuses to follow a ploughshare. Three and families. farmers offered him jobs the other Dedicates Service to His Mother A great fuss has been made over day and he described his rheumatism The service tonight is in keeping the case of a Chicago man who was LINES WORTH REMEMBERING He that upon a true principle lives without any disquiet of thought may be said to be happy. L'Estrange.

Community League Meeting Tonight to them in detail. Atchison Globe listed as failing to respond to the with the custom of the noted evangelist to pay tribute to the life of his mother in each of his campaigns, and draft call. It was shown that he had A meeting of the Y. M. C.A.

board is called for the Y. M. C. A. building If you would be an average man volunteered and rendered distinguish you must be a good mixer.

That is this evening at 8 o'clock prompt. The the entire city is asked to join with you must mix a little work and ed service in France. It also develops, however, that the man had twice session will be brief and all members him in remembering our mothers in little play, a lot, a little the one service, to be held tonight. Alaska STAR Refrigerators A Household Necessity A GOOD Refrigerator is an absolute necessity in summer. It will save in food its cost within! a year.

Milk Soured Butter Rancid These are everyday words with many housewives right here in Newton possibly they have an old typed refrigerator that enables the ice to melt away and the contents entrusted to -its care to deteriorate. And how expensive such a refrigerator is riot that it wastes ice, but that it wastes food. Fruits and Vegetables keep their original freshness for days and days in the Alaska Star Refrigerator Before you buy any kind of a refrigerator come in and see the ALASKA-STAR. changed his residence without notify little play, a lot of nonsense, a little inose whose mother is dead are ing the war department or the local fear with a little bravery; an ounce S30EX0I asked to wear a white flower in mem board, and- enlisted in a town differ of forgiveness with a portion of sternness; a lot of take and a lot of ory of her, and those whose mother ent from the one where he was enrolled as subject to the draft. If there is living will wear a red flower.

pretty fair character. Exchange. The songs used will be "mother any injury to his reputation Lawn Mowers Sharpened by Ideal Power Grinder $1.00 if brought to shop $1.25 called for and delivered Everything for the bicycle songs," and Mrs. Scoville will sing a through, the publication of his name in TODAY'S EVENTS "mother" solo. This will not only be the slacker list, who was to blame The Canadian Manufacturers' As sociation will begin its golden jubilee one of the greatest services remaining the campaign, but Dr.

Scoville's The Labor Department shows that convention today at Quebec. AMERICA'S ACCIDENT TOLL An average of 11,000 workers a day are injured in the United States on acount of industrial accidents, and a total of 680,000 men were laid up for a period of over four weeks during the year 1919, the latest available statistics, according to a report just made public by the first aid department of the American Red Cross. There were 3,400,000 disabilities from accidents during the same year the report shows, with a total of 22,000 deaths. Automobile fatalities have increas-cr ten fold in the last decade, the statement sets forth, with an average of 90 persons in each million population killed during 1918 compared with 10 million annually from 1906 to 1910. The control of accidents and reduction in number is one of the outstanding problems in the movement for sermon will be one of the most glow- year ago the dollar had a buying A special election is to be held to Shaw Cycle Co.

ing tributes to the power of Chris power of 37 cents as compared with its value before the war. Now the day in the Fourth congressional district of Alabama to choose a successor to the late Congressman Fred L. 221 Main St tian motherhood ever heard in the city. Strong in its denunciation of power has increased to 65 cents. Re IOE30 aoi the barriers to strong Christian moth Blackmon.

tail prices are going down all along erhood, the sermon will also be strong The International Association of the line, and month by month shows in its drawing power to the ideals and Civitan Clubs is to meet at Birming ham, today for its first annual new lows for food, clothing and shelter. The department officials believe that prices will continue to fall. virtues which make a woman what God intended her to be, and for a single person to miss the service tonight convention. We Have Both Top and Side leers Price $25.00 to $52.50 Following one of the hardest fought is to make a sacrifice to one's person Bill Haywood says Russia suits municipal campaigns in her history Los Angeles today will elect a mayor al life and to deny himself of one of him. And it suits the United States to have him remain there in com the richest hours of the present series and other city officials.

of meetings. The Farmers Alliance Insurance Co. Better Insurance Better Service Oldest and Best At Montreal today the American This is a service in which old and Iron and Steel and Heavy Hardware pany with Emma Goldman and Bloody Berkman. Haywood's room is better than his company, even in a cell. young have equal part; in which the Association will meet for the first man of the street and the man in the convention ithas ever held in Canada.

church can stand on the same level; At a special election in Oregon to HAYTER HOLBERT HARDWARE STORE Corner Main and Broadway in which the rich man can stand by day the voters are to pass upon the side of the poor; and the man of number of measures and proposed amendments to the constitution, in authority by the side of the man who B. Currier toils and pay a united tribute to their mothers. cluding the soldiers' bonus bill, the woman jury bill, and the test bill KANSAS COMMENT Many people think there are laws to prohibit the use of the Bible in schools, but no state in the union has ever passed such a law. Everett Palmer. Some of the names that are wished on babies now days will make thejm hump-backed as long as they live.

Yates Center News. Business may meet with reverses 618 Main Phone 920 providing for physical examination of and disappointment crown your day; all applicants for marriage licenses. those who seem nearest will misun Herbert Hoover, Secretary of Com merce, and Senator Frelinghuysen representing Congress, are to confer in Washingto today with represetatives derstand and friends will prove untrue, but mother never failed. So, hail! ye sons and daughters of Newton, let us pause for an hour tonight and assemble in one great meeting and "give honor to whom honor is longer and healthier lives and life-saving, and first aid instruction is being stressed as part of the peace time program of the Red Cross, the report adds. During 1919 coal mining attained the highest accident death rate of any industry, with 33 deaths for each 000 employed.

During the past seven years an average of at least four men lose their lives for each million tons of coal produced. One quarter of the men employed in metal mines sustained injury during the year. 1 Railroad and street car companies employ nearly 2,000,000 men in the United States and out of each 10,000 so employed 19 were killed while at work in accidents, during 1918, according to the report. The accident fatalities, although on the decrease over previous years, in railroad and street car industries, totalled 3,500 for this year, the report shows. With a total of 83,000 accident deaths in 1918 (latest figures for the whole country), the following are listed as the chief causes.

Railroad and street car, 16.4 per cent total; falls, 15.6 per cent; automobiles 11.3 per cent; bums, 10 per cent; drowning 8.3 per cent; absorption of poisonous gases, 5.1 per cent; mining and A colored woman entered the office of Maurice O'Kcefe, county atorney, today. "I'd like to see Mistah O'- of all phases of the coal industry on measures for extending a degree of federal supervision over the production and distribution of the nation's fuel supply. due." Keefe," she said. "I'm sorry, but Mr. O'Keefe is engaged," said steno Tomorrow morning at 10:30 Mrs.

Scoville will meet the high school girls grapher. "Lor, child, I don't want to marry said thecolored woman. at the First Christian church and each girl is requested to bring another Atchison Globe. reduced high school girl with her. The service tonight begins at 7:45, It will take real advertising to get the business this year, but the real with a great baptismal service at the opening of the service.

business man will get it just the The steward inPric The number of edible dogs eaten same. Kansas Optimist. A Great Bend man who was going to do a number of noteworthy things annually in China is estimated at five millions. The dogs are of a special if he had a million dollars has race, raised wholly for food purposes. iob locaoi IN THE DAY'S NEWS.

William Hayward, who has been nominated by the president as United States attorney for the Southern district of New York, has been active in national politics since 1908, when he became secretary of the Republican national committee. Before that he had done much political work in Nebraska, then his home state. As a student in the University of Nebraska he was a widely-known football player. During the Spanish war he was captain of the Second Nebraska infantry, and later rose to the rank of colonel. He established a residence in New York in 1910, and there met Gov.

Whitman, who appoined him as assistant district attorney and later to the public service commission. During the Word War he went overseas as commander of a New York regiment of colored troopers and was awarded the medal of the French Legion of Honor for valor and intrepid leadership in the great Champagne counter-offensive made by the Allies. THE HOMEFINDER S. R. McArthur Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Abstracts, Notary Public.

Solicits inquiry. References: Any Bank in Newton. Addresai First: It is sold at a moderate price. You save when-you buy it Second: It has more than the ordinary leavening strength, therefore, you use less. Third: There are no failuresit always makes the sweetest, most palatable of foods.

Fourth: It is used by millions of housewives leading domestic science teachers and cooking experts. Newton, Kansas 611 Vi Main toe IOC lOl I0E30I IOI A. B. C. Phone 398 J.

H. AVarhursi, Prop. A DAILY LESSON IN HISTORY One Hundred Years Ago Today 1821 The Protestant University of Montreal was founded. Seventy-five Years Ag Today. 1846 Beginning of the fourth fcocaoc30zs: aoi SILVEKrCWnT CORDS -5IZE Anti-Skid.

Safety Tread" TUBES 30 Z55 32'3-j $32.90 2S0 32x4' $41185' $3.55 334 $43.1 0 3J7Q 324 $47.30 450 334V 65 34fe $49.65 .75 335 $58190 5SS 355 15.80 FabritfTires, Kafir war in South Africa. oe IOI Fifty Years Ago Today. 1871 Immanucl Baker, celebrated Our Prices Drop 20 Per Cent German philologist, died in Berlin. llllrSjWHM YOU BUYIT-WRIXTOI USErTgJ on our Born there in 1785. Twenty-five Years Ago Today.

1886 Several persons killed in Barcelona by a bomb thrown at a re I I u-ii It i 4 ligious procession. One Year Ago Today. Home Made Candies We rv Dinner and Light Lunches Prices Reasonable Try Dish of Our Chill June 7, 1920 Martial law declared in Galveston on account of dock strike; supreme court of United States upheld Eighteen Amendment and Volstead law. Swod3Ox3Sll00l Safety 324 $26S0 sl303 BA5 Sa3M Safety IQ JQQ Safety 334 $3X15 Fifth: It is the best Baking Powder that can be produced. Was given highest awards at World's Pure Food Exposition, Paris, France.

Sixth: It contains only such Ingredients a. hnve'ben officially approved by the United States Food Authorities. The finest quality Baking Powder st the mor economical rest The Birpest Barcain That Goes into the Kitchen Today." Prmnd caw ff Olumyf contain- ftifl 16 ot. Some baking powders come ia 12 ot. instead of 16 os.

can. Bew you get a pound when you want it. CJum Nw Cooki Recipe) cup batter; Vj cup sugar. 2 gg, 4 flour, 1 level teaspoon Calumet Baking Powder, 4 cup chopped puts, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, Then mfat in th regular way Ice Cream Dish of Goodness The most popular desert. If yoa have not tasted our cream you don't know what good cerara is.

OUR DAILY BIRTHDAY PARTY Hon. George H. Murray, premier of Nova Scotia for a quarter of a century, born at Grand Meadows, N. 00 years ago today. Rt.

Rev. Joseph H. Johnnon, Episcopal bishop of Los Angeles, born at Schenectady, N. 74 years ago today. Carl B.

Roben, of the Chicago Public Ijbrary, born in Kansas City, Mo, SO years go today. THE BJ. GOODRICH RUBBER! COMPANY Antt-Skid Safety Tread SILVERTOWN Palace of Sweets IOI onoi IOE30E.

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