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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HAINE8, Editor, Awiitant Publisher PAUL D. HUMAN, Advertising Manager National Advertising Representatives: WHllact Wltmer New York, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Memphit." Entered Kcond claw matter at the post- office at Blythevllle, Arkansas, under act of Con- tnw, October 1911. Member of The Associated Press SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier in the city of Blytheville or any suburban town where carrier service Is maintained, 35c per week. By mail, within a radius of SO miles, $5.00 per year, $2.50 for six months. $1.25 for three months: by mail outside 50 mile zone, $12.50 per year payable in advance.

Meditations Nevertheless there are good things found in In that them hast taken away the groves out of the land, and prepared thine heart to God. I Chron. 19:3. The heart must be at rest before the mind, like a quiet lake under an unclouded summer evening, can reflect the solemn starlight and the splendid mysteries of heaven. Clarke.

Barbs Ignorance hw an awful lot of the world's TTiieves dug up and hauled away the grass on a golf course green in Florida. Amateur golfers will take care of the other greens. A pessimist any person who thinks there is more than enough trouble to go goes around abovt H. if. The average husband likes clinging gowns; says a fashion expert.

And the more years they cling, the better. A girl threw eight consecutive ringers in a Georgia horseshoe contest. Such aim won't help bar chances of matrimony. A survey shows that the average modern youth IB taller than his lather. Maybe it's his fault father fe short.

The Test Of Living Not long back an American playwright wrote a play in which half a dozen middle-aged people, gathered together more or less accidentally, found themselves taking stock of their lives up to that time. All of them realized with something of a shock that they had not accomplished much, that fame and greatness had eluded them, that their lives were empty of "big moments." Finally, one man says, with a sad preception of a blunt truth: "There are no big moments unless you have a pile of small moments to build upon." What he meant was that for most of UB achievement follows only upon painstaking preparation. Greatness is seldom a thing of quick, flashing inspiration, except in some of artistic endeavor. The man who goes through life pursuing the "big moment" may exhaust himself in the chase if he does not understand that the laborious building up of small moments is the only sure course. Without this, he will look back at 50 upon a life that seems a barren wasteland.

For many of us, no doubt, there can never be anything but small moments. We can pile them up, but we cannot erect a bigger edifice upon them. This should not move us to deep regret. The big moments, and the great men, are few. The test of living is the ability to make the most of the small moments, to push life to the fartherest horizons permitted by one's limitations.

As there are no great moments without a base of smaller ones, so there are no great men without the vast accumulated accomplishments and experience of smaller ones to draw upon. We are all part of the long bridge of time, of human history. Without our massive total outpouring of effort, there would be no nation, no civiliation, nothing from which greatness could spring. No one who builds good character in himself, who lovingly tends the growth and security of his family, who devotes full energies to his work and his pleasure, ought ever to fear that his life will seem a desert. If he does all these things, even though greatness may never touch him he will make a great contribution to world he lives in.

He will be just one stone in the long bridge, looking very much like the one alongside. But without'that stone, and the next and next, endless would crumble and there would be no support for human life on this planet. Every single stone hag its place. Better Be Ready Some advices from Washington suggest our government is worried over Moscow's next possible maneuvers aimed at blocking West German rearmament. They are not evidently disturbed over noise from the Kremlin threatening to break off long-standing pacts of friendship and nonaggression with France and Britain.

These have been meaningless for years. What does upset top officials is the thought that Russia might really offer to turn East Germany adrift. In other words, to present it in return for a guaranteed, unified Germany. Heretofore all Russian unity proposals have been strictly phony, always hinging on fake election which could give the Communists clear chance to dominate the unified government. It would not be easy either for Chancellor Adenauer or the West to dismiss a plan under which Russia would withdraw all forces from East Germany and make no immediate effort to control the merged zones.

No one who knows the Russians doubts they would make this effort in time. But we had better be ready, should the new unity offer come, with good reasons why it cannot be accepted. VIEWS OF OTHERS Preventing Rumors As every ex-serviceman knows, few things get around so fast as rumors. Usually the speed with which they are scattered is matched only by their inaccuracy. American businesses are also plagued by "rumor mills." While the misinformation thus spread is often a harmless form of gossip, sometimes it works considerable harm.

For instance, the home office of one national firm lost 15 of its valued employes within a two week period. Investigation showed they had left because of a false rumor that the office was to be moved to another state. Unfounded rumors also breed discontent, resentment and work Interruptions. It is known that rumors flourish in large organizations where there are poor communications between the top executives and the mass of employes. It is also known that the best way to prevent or stop rumors is by making sure that every employes is kept informed of the truth.

The National Industrial Conference Board, in an effort to stop unfounded rumors, has issued a booklet, "Communications With Employees," stressing the importance of oral communications and of learning the worker's viewpoint. It recommends small group meetings where rumors In circulation are analyzed and corrected. It also urges top executives to "feed" the rumor grapevine with the truth. Under this system accurate information is passed along employe to employe, from the president on down to the office boy. Top executives are learning that in the United States, where the employes represent an educated class, there is a need for a measure of democracy even in business.

Employes are curious to know what is happening in the upper echelons of their companies. In the absence of accurate information, rumors start and flourish. Rumors can best be prevented by the truth. Portsmuoth (Va.) Star. Darkness Specialist A physician in Knoxville, has just started doing something so sensible that many people will wonder why someone did not think of it before.

Some of the wondering will be done by people who have had to try to get a doctor in the middle of the night. Other wondering will be done by doctors who have been awakened after a tough day's work. For Dr. Frederick W. Carr is maintaining 6 p.

m. to 6 a. m. hours. He doctors during the night and sleeps in Louis Post-Dispatch.

SO THEY SAY America speaks from strength strength in good allies, in arms, in readiness, in ever-increasing productivity, in the broader sharing of our economy, in our unchanging devotion to liberty and human justice. President Eisen. hower. We will push north alone if we have Korea's President Rhee. If every radio station were silenced, if evor printing press destroyed, if every statesman mute, but the Iron Curtain remained, (world) tension would also Jackson, u.

S. delegate to the UN. It become apparent that the Eisenhower administration and the Republican Party have lacked the capacity to lead and unite the American Butler, new national Democratic Committee chairman. If peace means simply the absence of major then "peaceful coexistence" In our time not only potslble, but probable, provided the maintain their strength and British Field Marshall Montgomery. Time to Get Her Out of Diydock Peter tdson's Washington Column Paley Thought He Caught a Red: Soap People Slipped in Interview WASHINGTON (NEA) William S.

Paley, chairrnan of the board of Columbia Broadcasting, once thought he discovered a Communist on his staff while he was serving as chairman of the President's Materials Policy Committee. 'One afternoon Mr. Paley overheard a corridor conversation between two young men on his staff. One of the men said, "I think we ought to take all the files, just as they are. and ship the whole works off to Russia." For a moment.

Chairrnan Paley thought he had bumped into a dramatic example of He waited to see if he could hear a further disclosure of the "plot." What he heard was this fuller explanation from his staff assistant: "Those files would get the Russians so mixed up they wouldn't know what to do for the next 50 years." "I tiptoed away," admits Paley. My mind was relieved about subversion. But it was not set very much at rest about our report. There was altogether too much truth in what the young man said." There was a fine public relations stew in connection with the first Washington press conference held by Neil H. McElroy, president of Proctor Gamble.

Mr. McElroy was recently named by President Eisenhower to head the big committee for the White House Conference on Education, which will be held next year. Information people for the U. S. Office of Education, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare or even the White House might have properly been called on to arrange McElroy's press interview.

Instead of which, it was set up by Proctor Gamble's press agents. During the session, Mr. McElroy was queried about his stand on federal aid for education. He made it apparent he was opposed, although this will be one of the big topics for debate at next year's White House conference. Later the soap company's public relations men got to wondering if he had given the right answer to this question.

They called up reporters who had been present to ask their opinion on whether Mr. McElroy had blundered. Government Information people chuckled over the fact they hadn't been mixed up in this. Native girls in North Korea are now being forced to marry Chinese Communist men, according to South Korean Minister to Washington Pyo Wook Han. This "diabolical treatment they are giving our women in the north is part of an attempt to turn this part of Korea into a province of Red China," says the Republic of Korea diplomat.

He points out that there are now only about three million natives left in North Korea, whereas the population was approximately nine million in 1945. "The Red Chinese are steadily moving in their own farmer.s and laborers to claim our northern land," Minister Han declares. "They are practicing mass for the first time it has been practiced in all history to this extent." Rep. Harlan Hagen Calif.) makes this analysis of the No. One question Washington is arguing about.

This is whether President Eisenhower will run for a second term as President. "There are several factors which are expected to guide the President's decision," Representative Hagen has written to his constituents in a newsletter. "One is the desire to gain vindication for the defeat suffered by his party in November. He (Ike) regards retention of the presidency in GOP hands and the recapture of Congress as a challenge. "Another equally compelling circumstance may be Senator McCarthy's declaration of open warfare.

Those who know Ike intimately recognize that he is shocked by McCarthy's activities and that he will bend every effort to prevent control of the party from passing to the conservative-isolationist element." Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Lewis L. Strauss flew out to California recently to deliver a speech and tend to some other AEC business in the west. He was in a government plane and was accompanied by one of his assistants and a security officer, because he was working on confidential papers. Bad weather slowed the plane and it was apparent that the chairman would have a few minutes after he landed to shave, get into his tuxedo and make the speech. In the confusion of getting to his hotel.

Admiral Strauss' suitcase With his personal belongings got mixed up with a traveling salesman's sample case. Undaunted, he borrowed a shirt from his assistant, used the security man's razor, and delivered his speech in the business suit he had worn on the plane. Sunday School Written for N1A Commentaries on the Bible have their proper piace and use and commentators, of whom I suppose i am one, may have their value. But I have long believed that the Bible is in many respects its own best Interpreter, and that much erroneous use and misleading interpretation has come through approaching it with man-made theories instead of open-mindedly reading it in the light of what It reveals itself. Explicitly the Bible has not much to say about itself, but by implication, reading it as a whole, anri comparing parts with parts, it ha.s a great deal to say.

A generation or so ago there was much controversy over the question of so-called "verbal Inspiration." Saint Paul in his second letter to Timothy (II Timothy declared that "all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteous ness." But to believe that all truth 1ft inspired of God; that, as Saint Peter wrote ill Peter 31) "holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy is a different, matter from believing that the very words were inspired, as if the holy men were not writing out of experience and thinking God's thoughts, but were mere automatons mechanically recording. When the question arose in view of the many versions of the Scriptures as to what words were inspired, the advocates of that mechanical theory took refuge in the plea that it the words as they were originally written, but as wi do not have Any original manun- crlpt either in the Hebrew or the Greek thai wu meaningless. I have frequently pointed out the fact that, though we lack the original manuscripts of the books of the Bible, and there are many variations in the oldest manuscripts that we have, most of them are of minor importance in relation to the spirituaf significance and meaning. Our Bible as we have it is a marve! of preservation. Let the Bible speak for itseli, and much concerning it is The one thing that stands out boldly is that its many books comprise a progressive revelation.

It is not the same and of equal authority in every part. It moves from the conception of a God whose back parts could be seen (Exodus to the God who is a Spirit (John the God of love and grace, whom "no man hath seen at any time" (John A progressive revelation does not mean, however, that earlier stages in the quest of God, and in ethical and religious conceptions, wene unprogressive or unimportant. To believe in personal God was vastly different from bowing down to wood and stone; and an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth was measured justice, ft far advance upon the blind venegeance that demanded a life for an" eye or a tooth. But it was still a long distanc? (ron- Christ's "I say unto you that ye resist not evil" (Matthew 5:38, 39), That was the climax of a great progression. A "Thinking machine' Is attracting publicity.

But is it equipped with (Miss.) Lcader- CftU, Country could do with more thinkers and short-range Louis Globe-De- mocrftfc. JACOBY ON BRIDGE Expert Makes Hit Own Bridge Breaks By OSWALD ACOBT Written for NEA Service One of the most interesting hands that I have seen Jn a long time was played by the great Howard Schenken, famous New York expert, in a tournament held last spring in Monte Carlo. The contract seemed to depend on getting reasonably good breaks in both red suits, but NORTH A8632 K62 WEST AKJ7 1072 1037 J10 EAST 4Q10954 South 4V SOUTH AK96J A853 4852 Both sides vut. West North Pass 2 Pass Opening SchcnKen mnde his contract even though both suits broke badly. The bidding was reasonable enough.

North had normal trump support and 9 points In high cards, so could well afford to raise. South had about an ace better than an opening bid. so could well afford to Invite game. North hated to refUM the Invitation despite the fact that he had very poor distribution, and so the Erskine lohnson IN HOLLYWOOD (NBA) -Hollywood on TV: A "laugh" machine invented by a CBS Hollywood TV engineer for video comedy shows has had 1U Ust laugh at CBS Hollywood. CBS Vice Preaident Harry Ackerman shuddered last week when I flipped my typewriter and howled with pain over the idea of a machine providing tailor made laughs "from a tiny titter to crescendo of howls" for sometimes unfunny TV dialog and situations.

Television has too many gadgets already and should concentrate on shows funny enough for REAL laughter. But now, and in the future, the "laugh" machine cnn go, laugh it up elsewhere. The organ- like gadget has been barred from all CBS Hollywood TV shows, Ackerman assures me. after being used only a few times on "Life With Father" and "That's My A warning to TV fans, though. The CBS engineer has the right to rent his "laughs" to other shows and networks.

So with the gadget still around, don't wirry about your sense of humor if a laugh- packed show leaves you sober faced. The machine can be wronR. PINKY LEE said it to his teenaged daughter after she completed a one-hour-and-20-minute telephone conversation. "Another 10 minutes, honey, and we could have called It a Spectacular!" Last week it was a joke about a Private Ear series starring a psychiatrist. Now it's a note from Nat Tanchuck: "May I point out that I have in preparation a TV series titled.

as announced some time ago." I guess I missed the announcement, Nat. I'll pull up a couch when you're ready. THE TELEFILM version of "The Halls of Ivy" is delightful proof that a husband and wife can team up successfully on TV without benefit of flying pies, fright wigs, dishes piled high In the sink. mad neighbors and situations to match. "There was talk of occasional slapstick for the TV version," Ronald Colman.

the smooth-talking, never-absent-minded professor told me "but we decided to retain the flavor and charm of the radio show It was a wise decision. Our fan mail indicates you can be visual on TV and intellectual, without hokum. Our only concession has final contract was a slightly ambitious game. West opened the jack of clubs, holding the trick, and continued with the ten. Schenken won the second trick in dummy witlr the ace of clubs and led a low diamond.

East played the four, and Schenken covered With the five of diamonds, ducking the trick into the West hand. West led back, but West actually chose to lead a spade. Schenken won with the ace. drew two rounds of trumps with the ace and queen, and then stopped for thought when East discarded a club on the second round of, trumps. The hand now seemed full of losers.

There were two losing clubs, a losing trump, a diamond already lost and perhaps another diamond to be lost. Schenken continued calmly by ruffine a spade in his hand. He next took the king and ace of diamonds and ruffed his laai diamond with dummy's last trump. Finally he ruffed another spade with the nine of hearts and cashed the king of hearts as his tenth trick. The last trick was won by both opponents West with the last trump, and East with the king of clubs.

been making mt a little more colloquial and giving the camera more movement than on mott TV shows." Mrs. her intellectual wife who never goes into the kitchen character: "I think It'l a food thinr. I'ta nice to be character Inatead of a If you've been wondering, those college buildings and campus scenes on the show's main titles were photographed at Trinity College Hartford, Conn. JIMMY DURANTE filmed hit first show the other day on the stage where Danny Thomas' "Make Room for Daddy" is lensed. Danny's director, Sheldon Leonard, called the shots on leave of absence from Danny.

The director predicts Durante will be a future on-film saying: "He was like a man who juit discovered uranium." Ed Kemmer's wail about his unromantic life as the star of "Space "I can kiss my apace not a girl." Is Mae West too hot for TV? She claims she was offered guest spots on the Milton Berle show and other programs during the past month but turned down all offers because of her night-club act. Steve Cochran vetoed the role of the light-fingered, safe-cracking hero of the upcoming Oross-Krasne series, "Jimmy Valentine." A kinescope of U. S. Steel's "Fearful Decision," which starred Ralph Bellamy, is making the major studio projection room circuit Bids are expected for a film version. If Ihe movies on TV get much older the cowboys will be riding dinosours.

MU Two strangers were admiring ft beautiful automobile parked on a side street in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. "What a beautyl" sighed one. "The Russians sure know how tq build a car." "That's not corrected the other. "Don't you know an American car when you see "Certainly." retorted the first observer. "But I don't know Press- Scimitar.

Did you hear about the man with the corn yield? F. -I he ate i fourteen acres of corn dinner I and was still I ville (Ga.) News. it says here that a certain man was financial genius. What does that mean? one he could make money faster'n his family could spend (Tenn.) Times. In 1853 there were 429 flying sauc- er.s reported.

The year before, impressionable people reported 1,700. Up into October, only 254 saucers reports had been turned in during 1954, with or without demltasse Post. So They Say Answer to Previous Punlt ACROSS 1 "A better mouse 5 on your hands" 9 In the manger" IS "So as a day in June" 13 Sacred image 14 "A ripe old 15 Excitement 17 Meadow 18 Congressional 19 More savage 21 Lounge 23 Three (Roman) 24 and nors 27 59 Missile 32 Mechanical refrigeration replaces him 34 Thoroughfare 16 Death 17 Former popular hiir-do 38 Anthony 39 HMvtn (var.) 42 Placed 44 "Hit the I on the head" 46 Customer! 49 Lathers 53 Fruit drink 54 Of Noah 56 Vehicle 57 Heating device 58 DOWN 1 English trolley 2 Fury 3 Dry 4 Flower part 5 (or tat" 6 Frozen water 7 Anchor 8 Boredom 9 Flirtation 10 Curved molding 11 Equipment 16 Hawaiian greetings 20 Kind of duck A 5" 1 A A A A A A A hi -JV a 4 A 1 A A 1 A A A 1 3 A 4 A 0 II A A A 1 i 25 Chilled 40 Demented 26 School (crms 43 Sounds 28 Pacific island 45 French river group 46 Gait 30 Regrets 47 and 31 Distant 48 "A of iw ui UULA. (prefix) sadness" 22 Read between 33 John L. Lewis 50 High cardi man 51 Pots and it 35 into thin 52 Blackthorn nor hair" air" 55 Scoundrel type DO Plant.

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