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The San Francisco Call and Post from San Francisco, California • Page 10

San Francisco, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 THE PILE FENCE. Mr. Crocker Explains Its Object. A SITE FOR WAREHOUSES. Incredulity Is Expressed by Oakland Attorneys.

TO ESTABLISH A BIG CLAIM. An Immense Area of Navigable Water of the Bay Taken From Public Use. Oakland is fenced In; not on land this time, where the strong arms of citizens mleht pull down the obstructions, but by eea. From tbe end of the broad-gauge mole of the Southern Pacific a row of piles has been driven close together at tbe north training wall, and from the south training wall the row ha? been continued as far as the eye can reach, in a semicircle, way to Alameda. In four days has this work been done.

A half dozen steam pile-drivers were at work continuously upon It, as if in haste to complete the task before somebody interfered. Citizens of Oakland have wondered what it meant. They saw every bit of their water front except that accessible by the creek route and a small portion north of the broad-gauge mole hemmed in by a barrier way out to sea, and they asked the reason. ice-President Crocker of the Southern Pacific Kailroad Company told a Call reporter yesterday why it was being done. Be said: "We are simply running the lines and staking, them out along the edge of our property to facilitate future work.

In time the entire property now covered with water and within piles which have been driven will nil be filled in, graded and covered with tracks, warehouses and other buildings." Mr. Crocker added that the proposed improvement would result in great benefit to the city of Oakland as well ss to the railroad company. "If the residents of Oakland, "continued Vice-President Crociter, "had not so persistently fought us in years that are past and hampered us in our endeavors to improve that property there would have been no Port Costa." These remarks caused the attorneys for tbe city of Oakland to express surprise. They had been puzzied when they first beard that the railroad was fencing in the bay and had let the matter go by eayine fbat "the railroad company is rattled and will probably drive a few piles and then stop work." But now they see a solid walllof timber stretching for miles along the water front; they see the entire harbor of Oaklami south of the broad-gauge tuole, except that accessible by the creek route, walled in and the waters of the bay made impassable for boats. Moreover they see boards are being nailed from pile to pile so that even fishing smacks and will be shut oat of this great expanse of water and they are now awake to the fact that a bold move is being made by the corporation which they are engtiged to fight.

The attorneys for the city of Oakland in all this water-front litigation are Messrs. Davis Hill, Powell Pringle and City Attorney Johnson. William PL Davis returned Wednesday from Chicago and he was aeked last night toy a Call reporter what he believed the railroad company was up to. Vice- President Crocker's words were quoted to him. "1 hardly think the vice-president can be in earnest," said Mr.

Davis. "1 don't believe they will go to the expense of putting in wharves and filling in, for they would have to rip it all up again. To be sure they have gone to expense in placing these piles, but I think that move was in order to claim all they could when they went into court. "Although the Chicago decision clearly defines the rights of corporations and individuals along the water front, yet it also says that corporations and Individuals owning land above but adjacent to high water shall have all the reasonable advantages of wharfage to enable them to reach navigable water. The Southern Pacific Is evidently going to claim the entire side of the bay as necessary to it and co into court asking for it all, in hopes that it will get more than it would otherwise.

"But as far as fencing In this vast amount of navigable water and waterfront land it is nonsense. It might as well tow a rait of logs out to the Cliff House, take some steam-drivers out there and lay a row of piles across tne Golden Gate. It would only have to take them up; it will have to do the same here; the difference is only one of time. "It eeerus to me a brilliant opportunity for United States Government to step VIEW FROM THE BROADGAUGE SLIP, OAKLAND. THE NARROW-GAUGE DEPOT IN THE DISTANCE.

in and do something. The proposition Is simple enougn. A private corporation has destroyed the use of a portion of the bay of San Francisco for navigable purposes by placiug obstructions in it. The Government should at once order such obstructions taken away. The Government can act at once in tho matter, while we are delayed by legal technicalities, by new trials and by appeals higher courts.

It may be years before we are in a position to order those piles removed and have a court back of us to make our power felt but the Government could order them out at once and should do so. At any time it uiuiit want to use a portion of this Oakland harbor, and as it now is it could not reach it because of the obstructions. It is the business of officials at Washington to see that this harbor is kept free, and they sbi'iild attend to it at once." "Upon whatdoes the Southern Pacific base its claim?" Mr. Davis was asked. "Upon the original grant on which It bases its claim to all the water-front title," he replied.

"This claim is the one in dispute, the one now in the courts. On behalf of the city of Oakland we have laid claim to the land and also to reasonable water but even if our demands are acceded to in full by the courts we would not dare to build obstructions out as far and extensivelyas the Southern Pacific has, for wew ould at once be told by the Government to remove them. "1 viewed the two rows of piles to-day," Mr. Davis continued. "They are so far out in the bay that they foirn a horizon, a new horizon for Oakland, one created by a Southern Pacific marine fence.

I can easily see, landsman though I am, tliat this wall of wood will seriously interfere with schooners and other craft navigating tbe bay. Those on this side will, as long as that fence remains, be unable to make use of from fourto six milesof sea room that they have been the habit of tacking over. In addition many square miles of anchorage ground has been taken away from the vessels. 1 thiiik anybody has a right to sail within this inclosed space, and I wouldn't be surprised to see a heavily laden lumber vessel sail down on these piles some night and smash them as effectually as tbe men did the Castro-6treot fence." The attorneys for tbe city of Oakland will hold a meeting at the office of Davis Hill this evening and consider this latest move on the part of the Southern Pacific and try to devise some means of immediately freeing the harbor of obstructions. The question of referring the matter to Washington will be brought up.

From the deck of a narrow-gauge steamer one gets a good view of this marine fence. As far as the eye can reach it extends southward from this pier and terminates at the land about where the corporation lines of Oakland and Alameda join. At the end of the pier the piles are two miles from land and at other places along the line they are from three to-three and a half miles as the land is indented in places. So that from the training wall to Alameda, between six and ten square miles of navigable waters bave been bo inclosed that a ten-ton schooner could not enter. On the north side of the training-wall there an unbroken line of piles to the broad-gauge mole, and these are also two miles from the shore and one mile in length, so that there also tin immense tract of navigable water is shut in.

Within this latter space two schooners were anchored night. They had evidently entered before the pile-driving began, and one pile was left out so as to allow them egress. After they leave, the stick will undoubtedly be put in place and the chain completed. No piles have been driven across the mouth of the creek because Southern Pacific freightboats and tbe Alameda run out there. "They might as well have ouilt their pile fence there," said Mr.

Davis, "for they claim the creels; shores and waters as well as the rest of the property. But the Government is at work on improvements there, and they would hardly dare even if their boats werfe not running." CREED HAYMOND'S WILL. His Relatives Begin an Interesting Contest. Initial proceedings in a contest of the will of the late Creed Jlaymond were begun in Redwood City Tuesday, and from the nature of the papers some interesting developments may be looked for before the case Is ended. The contestants are Mrs.

Annie Kelly and Kate Higeins, sisters of lie deceased; Louis E. and Tony K.Wilson, nephews, and Annie M. E. Wilson, his niece. Through their attorneys, M.

C. Hassett and E. F. Fitzpatrick of this city, they ask to have the will revoked on the grounds that deceased was not of sound and disposing mind at the time the instrument was made and that it was executed under the undue influence of Mrs. Pauline C.

Bullard, bis typewriter, secretary and principal legatee. Aside from Mrs. Bullard's influence the petitioners allege that a greater portion of the property of tho deceased attorney has been spirited away in some mysterious manner, and the petition for probate shows only about 86000 in value of what was supposed be a SIOO.OOO estate. Contestants set forth in their petition that Mrs. Bullard is a designing woman who cultivated the friendship of Creed in order to become possessed of his property.

They claim that she left her husband twenty years ago and has since lived apart from him. When Mrs. Raymond died about four years ago the lawyer Mrs. Builard into his office in the capacity of secretary and tyne writer. In tbe fall tif 1890 ttiey went to Europe together, but Mrs.

Bullard did not return and is now supposed to be sojourning in Ezypt. What has been done with the 5100,000 claimed by contestants may be developed in court. DISCHARGED AS SANE. Three Persons Examined for Insanity and Sent Home. Mary Pickering, charged with insanity, Miss Kate O'Brien, 27 Pearl street, arrested in Gulden Gate Park Wednesday bpcause slse aeteri strangely, and Thomas Maguire of 443 Chenery street, also accused of being insane and unfit to be at large, were discharged after a hearing in the Superior Court yesterday.

The three cases were examined by Judge Hebbard as the taw requires. Witness and expert testimony were called into requisitioD, and tbe Judge arrived at a decision THE MOUNINti- CALL, SAN FR AM CISCO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1893. in each case as if he were deciding any other question. The result was three persons were not deprived of their liberty or sent to An asylum for the insane. Mrs.

Pickering was not dangerous, only she is given to talking rather strangely and without cessation. Miss O'Brien suffers from an hallucination that small boys are persecuting spirits of her dead relatives. She was released and will return to court to-morrow for further examination. Maguire was eccentric and the court discharged him as sane. WILLEY AND FREY.

The Agitators Ejected From the Postofficc Site. Willey and Frey, the agitators, who have for some time past posed as the head of the unemployed at the sandlot on Seventh and Mission streets, were deposed yesterday morning by Collector Wise, who turned over the ground to Major Keppel of the Salvation Army. The two men had evidently been informed of the approaching change, and managed to remuve a quantity of kitchen utensils to Willey's residence on Jessie street, adjoining the lot, and when a search for the missing articles was instituted nearly a tou of flour was discovered hid away in tbe cellar. Tbe sacks were carried back to the camp by tbe men who reside in the lot. Willey and Frey departed amid jeers coming from the crowds assembled to witness the transfer, and what mignt have been a serious disturbance was averted by Major Keppel and Captain McFee, who counseled good behavior.

The Salvation Army is to pay a monthly rent of $10 for the premises, unii it intends to enlarge the prestnt quarters. Two meals will be served daily to deserving men and a free employment bureau maintained. MUST DO BETTER. Manager Gilbert Warns the Oaklands. They Are Commanded to Play Better Ball or Get out of the League.

Tbe lax playing and general evidence of disorganization on the part of the Oak; land ball team have been matters of geni eral comment for some time. The dis-1 turbing elements of the old league are still work arcong members of the ex- I Colonels and tbe effect has been anything but satisfactory to tbe new managers. Manager Gilbert has at last decided to adopt vigorous measures with the club, and at the same time set himself straight in the eyes of the public. To this end he sent the following communication yesterday to D. W.

Long, manager of the Oakj laud club. After reviewing the performance of your I team in the five games In wnlch they nave peured since tbe reorganization I am compelled I to protest agninst the further couilnuaDce of I the Oaklands In the league aud shall at once lay a fomial complaint before President Hunter i demaudlng that a competent management be at I once assured and guarantee given that a good i team be at once organized aud outfitted with I proper uniforms. Withi he revival of the game and personal control of the 11 aighi -street giounds I pledged myse'f to jrive to the patrons of the name ex-1 hlbitions that, while lacking somewhat I in the llnei 1 technicalities, would be bristling with honest, earnest endeavoi, and depended upon the manaueis aud the playeis for co operation. 1 am proud to state that some ot the have come up to my hiffhest expectations I and tbe remaiuder must reach tbe same condition. No one conversant with baseball matters here will dispute the fact that with the better I class of professionals and numberless first! class amateurs in this city and vicinity under piopei management and discipline, a league of four of bis duos can be formed, which can present the name In a form unsurpassed by any minor league in tbe couuity.

To this policy lam committed. Patrons wbo I pay their money are entitled to the very best we can give them, and as 1 personally will not be a party to receiving money under false pre! tenses. If the plan as outlined above cannot be I followed out, tue grounds will be diverted lo other purposes, until such times as tbe game can be given in proper shape. Van Derbeck, manager of the Los Angeies team of 1892, who is visiting in Oregon, will be in the city early in the cominE week to arrange for the participai tien by bis club in the series of winter I games to be given with Eastern clubs. Manager Gilbert is in receipt of a munication from J.

M. Bright, manager of the Cuban Giants, the celebrated team of colored ball-tossers, asking if he can for dates for the comma winter. From this it would seem that lovers of the game will find an opportunity to see plenty of good playing during the coming months. MARKET-STREET CLUB. Ihe Property-Owners Still Talking of the Great Highway.

The Market-street Improvement Club met last night at Quieley's Hall, 2380 Market street. W. W. Rednall presided. It was decided to issue a circular asking all property-owners on the line of Market street and the adjacent territory for contributions to carry on: the work of the club, and thereby assist in getting the grades of Market street changed.

Since the weekly meeting 1091 additional feet of frontage have been added to I the petition lor the 'change of grades, I making a total of 5699 feet out of the 11,000 which will be required as a majority to secure favorable action by the Board of Supervisors when the petition is presented. C. E. Ellis and G. H.

Gerwin were appointed to wait on the Street Department and call the attention of the officials to the unclean and choked condition of the cesspools on Market street, west of Church. Recent Wills Filed. The will of F. D. Stadtmuller bequeaths the whole estate of the testator, valued at 84000, to hismidow.

The will of Mary Tobin wag filed for probate yesterday. She bequeaths her estate, valued at $10,500, to her daughter, Mrs. Henry Heilbron has by his will bequeathed the whole of bis estate, valued at 311,000, to his widow- Tbe testator died three years ago, and his widow is now Mrs. Miriam M. Madison.

The Christian Endeavor. The monthly meeting of the executive committee of the Golden Gate Cbristian Endeavor Union was held last evening in the uoper hall of the Young Men't Christian Asbociatlon, the president, Dr. K. L. Bigdon, presidios.

The principal builness was tbe completiou cf tne new constitution for the union, which will be presented at the next quarterly convention, with a recommendation fur its adoption. iss Bessie Soole, on behalf of tbe committee of arrangements for a concert to be given by the union for tbe benefit of tbe Christian Union Mission, reported that the concert would take place on Thursday evening, tbe 20th in Metropolitan Hall. The president announced that the now executive committee of the State union elected at the last State convention would meet in a few days, when the old committee of 1892 will report and a new committee will be appointed. The active work of preparation for the international convention will then be fully entered upon and prosecuted with all the vigor uu-sible. HE WILL NOT HANG.

Murderer St. Clair's Doom Is Put Off for Awhile. Thomas St. Clair will not hang upon the 16th, the date set for his expiation of the crime of cruelly murdering Mate Fitzgerald of the 1, and the other two men, Herman Sporf and Hans Hansen, who are under a similar sentence, except that the date set for their hanging is about a month later, will probably enjoy the same fortune. Attorneys Smith and Kierce secured a writ of error in St.

Clalr'a case from Judge McEenna of the United States Circuit Court yesterday in apneal proceedings. DOUBLY DESERTED An Eloping Wife Abandoned by Her Dr. A. J. Holcombe Returns to His Eastern Home Leaving Mrs.

Wylie Here. The little settlement at Baden has been considerably disturbed over the disappearance of Dr. Almeron J. Holcombe, who has practiced medicine in the vicinity of the stockyards during the past fourteen months. The absent physician achieved sorao notoriety in March.

1892, by elopinn from Jersey City with the wife of Frank A. Wylie, superintendent of the Greenwood Lake Ice Company of that place. At the time of his sudden departure from Jersey Dr. Uolcombe was a widely kuown and leputable physician. He had a large and valuable practice, and left a wife and grown-up family when he eloped with Mrs.

Wvlie, who was one of his patients. About 50 years of age, of distinguished appearance and prominent in his profession, Dr. Holcombe's disappearance contemporaneously with that of Mrs. Wylie created a well-developed sensation. The I elouiug couple came directly hither, Mrs.

Ilolcombe following in their wake witn son-in-law. When Dr. Holcombe and Mrs. Wylie ar- rived in this city they at first took rooms at the Alvin House on Post street. Subsequently the physician opened anloffice on the coruer of Post and It was there that his deserted wife found him and induced him to sign some papers relinquish- iug his claim to property owned by her.

i After securing the necessary signatures, as tbe doctor showed no sign of repentance, Mrr. Holcombe returned to her home in Jeieey City. Patients did nnt flock to the doctor's i San Francisco office with the same readiness as in his Jersey home. Aitorafew months of unappreciated idleness he removed to Baden with Mrs. Wylio and her 13-year-old boy, who had accompanied the eloping counle in their Might.

In the i meantime Wylie had obtained a divorce I from his wife in a Jersey City court. Holcombe endeavored to free himself from I his matrimonial band, but bis deserted wife announced her intention to contest the suit, so he abandoned the idea. As the only phvsiciao in South San Francisco, Dr. Holcombe had quite a remunerative practice. He lived in good style witb Mrs.

Wvlle aud her Doy. The lady was generally known as Mrs. Holconibp, although all the Baden people were famillitr with the history of the couple. They occupied lodgings in the best part of the town and kept pretty much to themselves. About two weeks ago Dr.

Holcotnbe announced to Mrs. Wylie and to his Baden acquaintances that he was going to Oroville to look after a medical practice which bad been offered for sale In tnat town. He complained of the dullness in Baden, and said that the change was enforced by pecuniary rensons. He promised to return in two days, in any case, to settle up his affairs, before removing to Oroville. From the time that Dr.

Holcombe left Baden nothing directly has been heard from him. When he did not return after tbe promised interval, Mrs. Wylie grew anxious. After a few days she telegraphed to Oroville, and was informed that no one answer ng Dr. Holcombe's description had been seen.

The unfortunate woman was almost crazed with anxiety. On Tuesday she learned indirectly that the man for whom she had deserted home and husband had returned to Jersey City and had become reconciled to his wife. Then she tasted a full cuu of bitterness. Divoiced for desertion from her husband, deserted by her paramour, left thousands of miles from home with a young boy, without means or ability to support herself, her predicament is her punishment. Dr.

I-lolcombe before his departure had collected all outstanding amounts due him, so that the assets left for Mrs. Wylie amount to practically nothing. The horse and buggy of her lover comprise the sura total. Her sod, who is now 14 years old. Is employed in the office of the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, where he earns $30 per month.

This amount, so far as known, comprises the sole income of Mrs. Wylie, once a leader of society in Jersey City. COURSING. Longtails That Will Sweep After Shortfalls on Sunday. The entries for the Pacific Coursing Club's meeting at Ocean View on Sunday are as follows: John vs.

Grimes, Hard Times vs. Quickstep, Eclipse vs. Vigilante, Chief vs. Frisco Boy, Blue Jack vs. Examiner, Nattio vs.

Dictator, Queen vs. Lily of Killarney, Boundless vs. Valkyrie, 'lhe juden will be John Grace. Jr. and the slipper Eddie Cannavan.

According to the latest returns from the East the dogs entered by Thomas Hall of Merced at the meeting held ct Huron, S. have made an excellent showiug and will return with tbe ribbons of victory. Crime on the Decline. Sheriff McDade made the agreeable statement yesterday that there are fewer prisoners in the jails of San Francisco to-day than there nave been for five years. The total yesterday was 398, while the average waa frequently as high as 500.

A NOVEL SCHEME. Southern Pacific Makes an Offer. OAKLAND TO HAVE A TEST. An Engine and Coaches at Its Disposal. THE RAILROAD TO FOOT BILLS.

The Board of Trade May Ascertain if Trains in Oakland Run Too Slow. There were many complaints in Oakland yesterday, about the slowness of the trains. Everybody said that the Southern Pacific was trying to make the speed ordinance obnoxious, and thus Sbcure its repeal. Some of the trains on Seventh street were timed yesterday, and those who did so said they were being run at a slower rate than the speed ordinance required. A few boats were missed in consequence, and the passengers who were compelled to warm their heels in the big depot at the mole complained bitterly, but not at any action which the Council has taken in the matter.

All last week no boats were missed, and the people are well aware that there is no reason why boats should be missed this week, unless, as has been suggested, the railroad company is retaliating because of the Dow wire ordinance. The 5 o'clock train last night dumped its passengers at Oak street instead of carrying them to East Oakland, presumably to make up its schedule time. This caused a great outcry from the big trainload of people, aud there were many patrons made in that crowd for the Da vie boats. Finally certain members of the Board of Tradn made complaint, and Attorney Brown, empowered by the railroad, went to Walter Kenney of that body and said to him: "We are not running the trains slower than the ordinance permits, we will let you prove it to your satisfaction. At any time you may name, a locomotive of the Southern Pacific and Vice- President Crocker's private car will be placed at yonr disposal.

You can engage your own engineer and send East for them if you wish. We will pay their waees and furnish the coal. We will place Boyer's automatic speed-indicators on the wheels of the coach and provide of your committee with stop-watches. You can thus make a test to your satisfaction, for we will clear the Seventh-street tract fronvthe end of the mole to Fruityale, and you can make as many trips on it as you like. Afterward we will take you down in the freightyard, turn a car upon end, place an indicator on one of the wheels, turn it around nnd let you see bow many revolutions it makes in a minute." Tub offer of Mr.

Brown was accepted, and the Board of Trade named Saturday and Sunday as the days for making the test. Mr. Brown said the car would be ready, that his proposition would be carried out in full, nnd it was agreed that three test trips should be made over the road each day. The Council has nothing to do with this it is a citizens' test, pure and simple, and whether it will influence future legislation remains to be seen. The railroad company has taken off all of the locks from the wire doors with which it had provided its Seventh-street cars, and in their stead has placed latches.

It is thought that in this way the company hopes to evade. the Dow ordinance. The ordinance prohibits "any gate, door, netting, slide, bar or other contrivance in front of, or in connection with, or in proximity to any platform or steps of any car of such railroad, wbieh will prevent, impede, or in any degree interfere with the free and unobstructed egress and passage from said platform or said steps by any person thereon at any time while said cars are within the said city." Under the above It will be seen that the removal of the locks on the doors will avail the railroad company very little. There is a general protest from commuters generally against being locked up like sheep, and it is just possible that the removal of the locks was to quell their murmurs of discontent, At the meeting of the Ordinance and Judiciary Committee of the City Council held last meeting Dow ordinance in relaay Committee of the City Council st night the Dow ordinance in relation to gates on cars came up. Sneil and Barstow wanted the ordinance amended so as to permit of gates on cars that could be opened readily from the inside.

Dow and Campbell wanted the ordinance reported on as offered, and declared themselves opposed to any substitute that would prevent the free ingress to or egress from cars. The meeting was a pretty stormy one, and there was a passage at arms between Barstnw and Campbell, when the charge of falling down to the railroad was hurled at Barstow, who declared that he was tired of hearing this accusation. After tome discussion the whole matter went over until to-night. CASH FOR PAPER. A Streetcar Employe's Simple Business Methods.

According to the story told by C. H. Boyer, who is employed on the Metropolitan streetcar line, the car-dispatcher of that company, J. W. Brooks, has succeeded in getting into his confidence to the extent of $575.

Last May and up to the middle of June Brooks obtained various sums from him, says Boyer, aggregating 8500, for which he gave his xbout as Micawber might have given an I and on August 3 the still further amount of 875 did Boyer let Brooks have without any note. "He pretended to have a lot on Eighth avenue near the Olympic grounds," is the story Boyer tells, "property that would be worth a great deal of money, and this lot he proposed to s-e'l me. He doesn't own any land there at all." A warrant had accordingly been issued against Brooks, and as be lives at Sausaiito. Officer Cheffney Flynn caught him at the Sausalito ferry last night. Society Notes.

The first symphony concert of the winter smies will be held this afternoon at the Tivoli Opera-house under the direo lion of Adolph Bauer. A flower party will be given at Love's Dancing Academy, 507 Sutter street, this evening. His Hand Sawed Off. Anthony McDooough, 11 years of age, who lives with his parents at 953 Bran nan street lost hand yesterday while Dlaving in a barrel factory at Sixth and Brannan streets. He went too near a circular saw and let bis arm come in contact SK devolving disk.

At tb. Hospital the maimed limb was removed above the wrist. EUGENE F. WEST. His Contract Wife Applies to Have Him Admitted to Bail.

Mrs Annie West, the newly wedded wife of Eugene F. West, the physician held to answer on the charge of murdering Addie Gilmour, presented a petition yesterday afternoon before Superior Jodge Seawell in habeas corpus, to have hertiusband released on bail pending his trial The petitioti set forth that Dr. F. West had been imcrisoned, incarcerated, by order of Police Judge Conlan, who had ref uspd to accept bail for the doctor appearance before the Superior tour. The petitioner maintained that the opns, charged against her husband was a bailable one, and that iv refusing to accept tail when it was offered the Police Judge erred.

Judge Seawell Wednesday next at 1:30 p. M. for the hearing of Airs. eat petition, which was signed in court by the petitioner in a very trembling hand. Richmond Improvement Club.

The Richmond Improvement Club has elected following officers: President, Charles H. Hubbs; first vice-president, William B. O'Connell; second vice-president, N. McCoruas; secretary, John J. Cassidy; treasurer, Henry Kessel; sergeant-at-arms.

John Mattery; executive Daniel P. Fenton, Charles W. Lamar. M. Drury, N.

McCoraas, W. b. Upham. Apollinaris queen of table waters." "Exceptionally favored, potable, pure and agreeable to the taste." 3 Y. MEDICAL RECORD.

Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest S. Gov't Report. ABSOiJUTELY PURE DEATHS. marriage and death notices sent by mall will not be inserted.

They must be handed In at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons author- izing to have the same pulishedj In this city, October 5, 1893, to the wife of Frank Straul, a son. In this city, September 4, 1893, to tbe wife of A. Auerbach, a daughter. In this city, tober 8, 1893. to tne of John Huurston, a daughter.

In this city, October 4. 1893, to the wife or 11. h'. Bowman, a daughter. In tills city, October 4, 1893.

to the wire ol A. Longfellow, a daughter. In Oakland, October 1893, to the wife of Louis Warneto, a daughter. In West Berkeley, October 1, 1893, to the wire of J. K.

Sullivan, a daughter. September 0, 1893. to the wife of Henry Wulff, a October 5. 1893, to the wife of Pastor a daugbter. MAKRIED.

ANDERBON-HAMERTON this city, Sep- tember 27, 1893, by the Rev. K. E. Wenn, pastor of Kpwortn M. K.

Church, William K. Anderson and Lillian M. Ilamerton, Doth or San Francisco. In this city, October 4. 1893.

by the Key. K. E. Wenk. pastor of ilpworth M.

K. Cnurch. Wallace McFarland and May H. Cator, both of San Francisco. In this city, October 2, 1893 by the Rev.

Dr. Case, Liudsley K. Dooley and. Annie E. Perry, both of Michigan Bluff, CaL In this city, October 4.

1893, at the home of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Dr. Bonn, William H. Brott and Louise A. Hartman.

both or San Francisco. In this olty, October 4, 1893. William t'euprase of Riverside and Iricla Wideman of San Francisco. In Vatlejo, October 5. 1893, by the Rev.

Joseph Willuer, Paul L. Her- nan of Hanf ord, and Flora Schwalbe of Vallejo. In Rio Vista, October 4, 1893, by the Rev. G. H.

Merrill, William J. Emigh and Minute Begun). IUIiO. Beauregard, Louis N. Haas, Carrie H.

Callaghan, Catherine Hellmann. Mary Katie Harvlll, Edwin Daly, Felix Kissane. Robert Uoodln, John Levy, liabette tiuiin, Mary E. Swanssou, Swan Williams, Thomas CALLAGHAN-In this olty, October 4, 1893, Catherine, beloved wife of Cornelius Callaghan.

and beloved mother of May Ford, a native of County Clare, Ireland, aged 62 years. litr Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY at 8:30 o'clock a. from her late residence. 2024 Filbert street, thence to St. Bridget's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a.

m. -Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. In San FraucUco. October 3. 1893.

Katie, beloved daughter of George and Catherine Dugan, and sister or Annie, George, Mary, Alexander and the late Jennie Dugan, a native of Oakland, aged 15 years and 11 months. aud acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock a.m.. from the resi- dence of tier parents, 1372 Twelfth street, thence to St. Patrick's Church, West Oakland, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m.

sharp, Interment St. Mary's Cem- etery. 2 In this city, October 3. 1893, Louis Napoleon Beauregard, a native or Bur- lington, aged 64 years 10 months and 24 and 'acquaintances are respect- fiUlv Invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Friday), at 2 o'clock p. from the residence of his daughter.

Mrs. C. A. Douglass, 1417 Har- rison street. Interment I.

O. O. F. Cemetery. HEILMANN-In this city, October 5.

1893. Mary, relict of the late Henry Helltnann, and mother or Richard John Francis W. the late James H. Heilman, a native of the parish of St. John, County Koscoramon.

Ireland, aged 73 years, rsacramento papers please copy.l Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 8:30 o'clock a. from her late residence, 708 Brannan street, between Sixth and Seventh, thence to St. Rose's Church, Bran- nan street, between Fourth and Fifth, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated ror the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery.

In this city. October 4. 1833, Felix, be- loved husband of Agnes Daly, a native of Phila- delphia, Pa aged 70 years. fIS-The funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Saturday), at 11 o'clock a.m.. from his late residence, 411 Ellis street.

Interment Holy Cross Cemetery by 12:05 o'clock r. m. train from Third and Townseud streets. Iu tills city, October 4, 1893. Carrln beloved daughter of Henry N.

and Carrie Haas, a native of Sau Francisco, aged 4 months and 1 day. KISSANE-In this city. October 5, 1893, Robert. inf. son of Patrick and Mary Kissane.

a native of San Francisco, aged 2 days. In this city, October 5. 1893. Th0mas infant son of John F. and Caroline Williams, a native of San Francisco, aged 5 days.

In this city, October 5. 1893, Babette. belovea wife of S. W. Levy, and mother or Mrs.

William Lewis. Mrs. Gine Blum. Mrs. A.

Greene- baum, Mrs. Albert Llllentbal. Melville S. Levy, and sister of Mrs. C.

S. Fecbheimer, a native of Germany, aged 58 years and 5 months. In this city. October 2, 1893. John Goodln, a native of Portugal, aged 67 years.

In this city. October 4, 1893. Mary Uunn, a native of New York State, aged 54 years 7 months and 14 days. In this city, October 1893, Edwin Harvlll, a native or Tennessee, aged 68 years 8 months and 15 days. BWANSSON-In this city, October 3.

1893. Swan Swansson, a native of Sweden, aged 37 years, IHTED UNDERTAKERS' I 1 EMBALMING PARLORS. ivsiiiLiiig Kequisltefor First-class JfuaeraU at Reasonable Rates. 3167. 27 and '-9 Fifth street, I McAVOY A CALLACHER.

I FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EJIBALMERS. 1 20 Fifth Opp. Lincoln School. Telephone 3080. au i if I CALIFORNIA UNDERTAKING Directors anrl Kinbnlmers.

Fine Private Parlors. Charges Reasonable. SW. Cob. Stockton andijeary Sts.

Telephone 971. N. Grant, President. seB Su WeFr tt A. Cheshire, Manager.

CYPRESS LAWN CEMETERY. TN SAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECTARIAN; laid out on the lawn plan; perpetual care; beau- tiful, permanent and easy or access; see it before buying a burial-place elsewhere. City Office, a City Hall avenue. TO THE UNFORTUNATE. DR.

CIBBON'S DISPENSARY, 623 KEA UN ST. Established in 1534 RTjjTiFlfor the; treatment of Private Diseases, Lost Manhood. Debility or disease wear- $JSmHs ing on body and mind and Skin Diseases permanently cured. The Doctor hus vis- ited the hospitals of Europe and obtained much' valuable information, which he can i in part to those In need of liis Tlin doctor cures when: others full, -i Try him. No unless he effects a cure.

Persons cured ut home. Charges able. Call or write. Address. asS Dr.

J. F. GIBBON, Box 1937, San Francisco. 937, 939, 941 MARKET STREET San Franoisoo. I I Saturday, I Remnant I Days! I MORE I 1 THAN 1 I 1000 i I ODDS I AND I 1 ENDS I Are to be sold to-day and at LESS THAN THE I I ORIGINAL COST.

I They are the short lengths of things, the odd lots and I broken sizes left i from the GREAT I SMOKE SALE. is I Remnant I Days at I Hales, Days at Hales. 3 I i i (INCORPORATED) i 937,989, 941 MARKET STREET, I Setn. Francisco. DR.

SCHENCK'S Mandrake Pills have a value as a house- hold remedy far beyond the power of lan- guage to describe. The family can hardly be true to itself that does not keep them on hand for use in emergencies. MANDRAKE Is the only vegetable substitute for that dangerous mineral. Mercury, and while its action as a curative Is fully equal, it possesses none oi the perilous effects. In Constipation, Mandrake acts upon the bowels without disposing them to subsequent Costiveness.

No remedy acts so directly on the liter, nothing so speedily cures Sick Headache, Sour Stomach and Qll I Biliousness as these IILLOi For Sale by all Druggists. Price 26c eti per box: 3 boxes for 66 cts; or sent by mail, poatage free, oa i receipt of price. Dr. J. H.

Scbenclc Son. Phllad'a, de-J tt FrMoWe lOp 427 KEARNY ST. TF YOU HAVE DEFECTIVE VISION. ITWItI. i bo well to remember tout I make a specialty of examining and measuring ail imperfections of eye where glasses are required, and grinding inch If Decenary.

No other eitaolishraent caacettba same superior facilities as are teund here, for tbm Instruments and methods used are my own dis- coveries and Inventions, and are far In leal of any now in Die. Satisfaction guaranteed. 427-DO NOT FORGET THE NUMBER-427 5 tf cod PAL AC OTE L. THE PALACE HOTEL AN ENTIRH 1 block in the center or Ifranclsco. It fflodcf hotel of We world.

Fire and Rroof. Has utne room li large, gut and airy. Tbe ventilation is perfect. A bath and closet adjoin erery room. All rooms are easy cf access rout broad, light The central illuminated by electric lljnt.

Us Immense elaes roof broad balconies, carriage-way and trop- ical plants are features hitherto unknown In Amer- i ican novels, en either the Amer- 1 European plan. The restaurant lithe finest la tare olty. beeum rooms in advance by tele- Briiyhlng. THE JTALACS HOTS 1.. lattf granclsoo.

Cal. ANDREWS' UPRIGHT MmS FOLDING BEDS And Other Makes. raf OFFICE AND SCHOOt. Opera and Church Chairs. WEBEIt Post and Stockton stt.

8. ja7 tf eodiop PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Hereafter patients desirous of supe- rior Hospital accommodations under my personal attendance can make arrangements by applying at my office, 903 Sutter street, hours 1 to 4 and 7 to 8. DR. ARTHUR MARTEN, Diseases of Nervous System, Lungs and Stomach.

oc6 3meoa col.

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