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Herald and News from Klamath Falls, Oregon • Page 7

Herald and Newsi
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1052 Ml jurist. H-te HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Save up to on Helena Rubinstein's Beauty Pairs at CURRIN'S -for drugs re' Sjth and Main Ph. 2-347S PAY FOR ONE FREE! lb I A' i 2 FOR OILY SKIN "PASTEURIZED" FACE cream, marvelous cleanser that discourages blemishes.

Alio BEAUTY WASHING GRAINS, for brisk friction wash that helps remove blackheads. Combination value, 1.70. BOTH FOR ONLY 1.25. 4n IV -S'i-7 pi 2 FOR AGING SKIN "PASTEURIZED" NIGHT CREAM, extra rich moisturising cream that helps smooth out lines, prevents dryness. With "HERBAL" extrait, ultra-soothing lotion for sensitive akin.

Combination value, 2.38. BOTH FOR ONLY 1.50. A. 111 1 ILL MR. AND MRS.

JOHN SLIONYS. Red Bluff, announce the en-gagement of their daughter Lilija Slionyt to Don Wimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wimer, Fort Klamath. The wedding is planned for Sunday, Oct.

12, at the Lutheran Church, Red Bluff. Engagement. News Aug. 12 ENftAttlMlNT of Aurelie Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Patterson, to Bill IStoney) Stontcyphor, ion of Mr. and Mrl. Chtilor Stonacyphtr, Tulelalta, wat revealed at a party given at the Patterson home, 524 N. 2nd Saturday, Auguit 14. Floyd at Underwoods Patterson Engagement Announced The Broncho room at Mr.

and dainty baby breath sprays, and a rose decorated cake Inscribed wilh "Happy Birthday, was cut and served as part of dessert by the honor gtiest, who received many gifts from his assembled rela 2 FOR DRY SKIN "pasteurized" face cream special with superfine emollient to clean and lubricate dry, taut skin. Paired with SX1N LOTION SPECIAL for a velvety smooth finish. Combination value, 1.88. tives and friends. At the close of dinner, interesting Mjs.

Clav Thomas' Old Fort Tlvern arid Cafe was the delightful setting for a gathering of relatives and friends. Tuesday evening, August 12, when Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Wimer entertained a small group at a festive turkey dinner party given In honor of the 23rd birthday anniversary of their son.

Don. Tne banquet table was lovely with arrangements of colorful summer flowers combined with news was disclosed by Mrs. Wimer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold P.

Patter-on m.r hosts an attractive party. Friday. Au. le. when they entertained for their dauwhU'r, Au-rella, whose eniiaaeinrnl lo bill titonecypher waa annouhcr-d.

The door prlr.e waa a lartie blown-up yellow and (rern balloon decorated with llnwera ol dlllerent colon caxadlnc down pink and ribbons. Tlie annnunceiurnl card which waa tied tn the center of the ribbons read, "Aurella Pal- who announced lo tnose present, the engagement of her son, Don, tn Llllla Sllonys. Red Bluff and Fort Klamath, daughter of Mr. BOTH FOR ONLY 1.25. Icrnnn 'n Bill Hlnnrcyplin France Blcarti.

who drew Ihr door prize, revealed the ciiKSric-ment of the yuung couple lo Ihc olhor 'lite refreshment table wita centered with purple iiluil loll nurround-ed by white gladioli and herbtu-cuUH. The punch llorll helH'd decorate I lie Utile ns II bubbled unit smoked In the beautiful cui-kIumi bowl. The kucm to whom the chkrc-menl w-a announced Included: Lucille Ward of Tulcliike, Klilrlry Mal-tnon, Marilyn Miller, Francra Stearin, linll Ncr.icth. Beverly Kella. Nonry Wnrrick, hhu ley Thornton.

Lucille Ring. Sharon Finchum. Jerry Rudgcra and Jeanie and Mrs. John Slionys. Red Bluff.

The wedding is planned for Sunday, October 12, at the Lutheran Church, Red Blutf. Enjoying the party Tuesday evening were the guest of honor. Don ald W. Wimer: his fiance, Miss 2 FOR COARSE PORES DEEP CLEANSER, amuing new liquid dean, ser that penetrate deeper, remove bacteria 'which commonly cause surface blemishes. WitL it, "HERBAL" SUN LOTION, astringent freshener.

Combination value, 2.00. BOTH FOR ONLY 1.50. LiiIJa Sllonys. Mr snd Mrs. Roy Wimer.

Mr. and Mrs. James Van Wormer. their son Douglas and little nephew. Danny Branham visiting here from Bly, Mr.

and Mrs. Loren L. Miller Mr. and Meeting Held At Buck Home MCSWI.L-The Merrill American Legion Auxiliary Poat No. 10, met at the home of Mra.

Lena Buck. Weneaday evening. August 11. Report on Olrla Btat waa given by -Joyce Oreen, the Junior klrlour Peal aponsored. plana were completed to take the Camp Fire Church Society IN THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH.

Sunday. Aug. 3, Clo King, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Stall S.

King, West Klamath, became the brida of Floyd Cone, ion of Mr, and Mrs. James Cone, West Klamath. Wedding Vows Exchanged Sunday, August 3 (Continued from Page Mary was attired in light green and Mary Jo was In a soft peach. The three girls' colonial bouquets were of gladioli of contrasting color to their gowns. Tom Schubert, Jerry's brother, served as best man.

Ushers for the ceremony were Jack V. Taylor, brother-in-law of the bridegroom; Al Lullaway and James Webb; two of Jerry's fraternltyi brothers; and Carl Loennlg. The bride's mother chose a dusty pink afternoon dress with navv ac Mrs. Dennis ICnowles. Mr.

and Mrs. Gene Corbin. Stockton, who were visiting here with her parents, Convened, Aug. 14 FORT KLAMATH Memhen King Wed August First Ihe Woineni' Soeletv of chrlsiln Service of the local Mrlhodlal com Olrhv that aold poppy on a swim- Air. and Mrs.

Bert uray, Mrs. Wesley J. Smith. Mrs. Marvin Roeder, Al Lewis, Donald Roeder, Leonard Smith, and the hosts, Mr.

and Mrs. Harold L. Wimer. Invited but unable to attend were: Mr. and Mrs.

Harrv Orem, Marvin Roeder, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Engle. Edward "Bud" Strong, and Charles "Bugs" Johnson. First Chrstian Church '1 FOR DAINTINESS, HEAVEN-SENT IAU DE TOILETTE, divine floral bouquet in clinging, long-listing fragrance.

Also HEAVEN-SENT DEODORANT 4 CREAM ends perspiration problems, keep you fresh. Combination value, 1.85. muniiy church convened fur their regular monthly meeting, Tliurs. dav. Autrll.L 14 ai thtk l.n....

Mrs. Jauira F. Leguet tlotible rlnR ceremonv at the Durum the buMnna eKlr i First Chrlnllsn Church. Sunday, nunc parly Augun it. Neil meeting will be Sept.

I. at the 'heme Mrs. Audrey Three visitors were penent. Mls Joyce Oreen. Mls Freda 8chlccl, and Mra.

Clyde Hammond. Delicious refreshment wt larwd bv th hoatena. eaila Weal la president of Pout Me. K). report on the church benefit din.

lAu' 3' 1,1 4 P- cl FOR ONLY 1.25.' cessories for her daughters wedding. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy and white sheer dress with white accessories. Both Cathoi'c Daughters Hold Meeting cessories for her dauchlcr's wedding. The groom's mother wore a brown dress wltb beige accessories. Both of the mothers' corsages were of rose buds.

The garden at the King home was the scene of the reception held in honor of the new Mr. and Mrs. Cone. A pink gabardine suit with black accessories was worn bv the bride when Ihe young couple left for their honeymoon trip to Uie Oregon Coast. Tlie newlvweds are now home at 1123 East Street.

urdny. Augiuit g. wan given Kuik, became the bride of Floyd Mrs. Raymond 8. Loosley who I Cone son ol Mr.

and Mra. James wilh Mra. Uert tirav. were 1,0111 are from West chairmen of tlie allalr. aiwlsled by i Klnmnlli.

C. I. club members and other worn- Candles surrounded by a floral en of the community in sddllton to ariaiiKcmeiu ul wnitc aunimer ihe church group. Nel proceeds i flowers formed the lovelv Belling from the dinner were clone to the ilor the ccrrniony ul which the Rev. S20U mark, the sum to be added lo 1 George Alder ofllclalcd.

"The Ihe church Improvement lund to Lord Prayer" waa sung by solo-be used for purchasing either pews Don Weeks, or chairs for the locsl church snd Th. brJd. marriage, bv 1 2 FOR PERFUMING COMMAND PERFORMANCE EAU DE PAJIFUM, exquisite long-luting, feminine fragrance. To complement it, COMMAND PERFORMANCE COLOGNE STICK, to cool you. Combination value, 2.55.

Catholic Daughters met in the Mrs. David House Honored at Party 1 Mra. David llouae waa honored with a baby ahower at the home of. Mrs. Frank Obenchaln leal Friday afternoon.

Auguit IS. The Parish Hall. Monday evening. Aug. I 11.

8 p.m. with Grand Regent Mrs. Einar Brandsness presiding. Open-1 ing Ode was sung and the salute to the flag given. Resorts of var-l ious committee chairmen were read.

Mrs. JoseDh Heider. co-1 her luilior, wore a floor length gown of while chsniilly lace. The 1. i BOTH FOR ONLY 1.75-1 gueata ware entertained with chairman with Mrs.

Michael Hol mualeii selection on the piano, played by Mrs. Obenchaln's niece, Jo Campbell, (allowed by a alork land on the bazaar card party announced that It would be held I Thursday. Nov. 13. Initiation will game.

Four ablera-ln-law attended, Mrs. Dan, House, Mrs. William House, be held October ana tne my of Recollection will be Sunday. Oct. oi me mothers' corsages wera of white rose buds.

The lawn reception was held at the home of the bride's parents at North Powder. The square four tiered wedding cake was made and beautifully decorated by a family friend. Mrs. Harold Craig. The bride's table and the service tables wer covered with while lace cloths.

Streamers and bows of white satin and baby orchids were srranged on each of the tables. Betty Towato. a friend of the bride, sent several hundred baby orchids from Hawaii for the wedding. Jack V. Taylor and Mrs.

Eldon Hutchinson cut and served th'e cske after the, newlyweds had cut the first piece. Mrs. Harold Craig and Mrs. James Newman assisted at the punch tables. Holly Isaacs passed the guest book and Mrs.

Vjillllam Willis was in charge of the gift table. For her going away outfit the new Mrs, John Schubert chose a navy blue suit with pink accessories. Her corsage was of pink and white rosebuds. The young couple traveled to Kootenay Lake, B.C., for their honeymoon trip. Out-of-town guests Included: Mr, and Mrs.

A. Fullaway, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, all of Klamath Falls. Mn.

Thomas House all of Bly, end Mrs. Donald Ross, Klamath for a possible redecorating of the church interior, if funua will allow. At the close of the meeting, those present heard Mrs. Paul llcrron. Chlloquln, guest speaker for the afternoon, who.

talked on Lailn America and Branl. Tlie meeting was brought to a clnso bv serving of refreihmcnis by Mrs. Leggel lo the women Ml attendance, who were Mrs. C. Ellerv Echlm and Mrs.

Paul Herron of Chlloquln; Mra. Raymond 8. Looslev, Mrs. William Brewer. Mrs.

Richard H. Wilson. Mrs, Stewart Nicholson, Mrs. Harrv Orem and Mrs. Don Vestch, all of Fori Klamath.

Mrs, Echlm will enterlnln the group at Its next rcgulnr monthly meeting. Thursday afternoon. Sopt. 13. when members are Invited to meet at her home st the Methodist personage In Chlloquln.

2 FOR EYE BEAUTY waterproof MASCARA in cream form, won't run, streak or smear, even if you cry or swim with it on. With it, ete cream special, rich, easily absorbed for dry eye area and squint line. Combination value, 2.00. Falls. Mra.

J. E. Houae. Mr. Houaa's mother.

Langell Valley, at S. Mrs. Otto Smith will be general chairman of the annual open house of Catholic Daughters to be held here Monday evening. Sept. 8, at which time various state officers will be present.

All Catholic ladles of the parish and surrounding communities are cordially invited to tended with Mra. Peter Hodges, Quests from Blv were as fol lows: Shirley Dlllavou, Jo Camp- Klamath Couple Married At Reno A wedding of interest to Klam-atli Falls friends was an event of Aug. 2 In Reno when VI Juve-land became Ihe bride of Ralph Reed. The single ring ceremonv was read by the Rev. R.

E. Schroeder In the parsonage of St. Luke Lutheran church. The bride wore a belce silk faille suit with violet hat and matching accessories and a lavender orchid at the shoulder. The new Mr.

and Mrs. Reed honeymooned In the South and are now at home at 2321 Darrow street. Upon her return here she was honored with a charmingly appointed miscellaneous shower In the Elks party room, Aug. 13. Hostesses for the affair were Mrs.

Joe Duracha. Mrs. William Lelser and Mrs. Ralph Bilyeu. The gift table was centered with an arrangement of pastel shaded sweet peas and summer blooms were used about the rooms.

Thirty guests were present. BOTH FOR ONLY 1.00, high pomlcd leaf collar complemented uie soli scalloped bomce. and the long lace sleeves came to a point at her wrists. The scalloped hemline of the iklrt revealed a permanent pleated nylon ncl over satin underskirt. The crown of pink and white carnations, held short veil of Illusion ncl in plncc.

The bridal bouquet was of white and pink carnations tied with narrow satin ribbon. The bride's sister, DcLorls Cone, was llio maid of honor. Jeannle Lowerv and Jackie Lowerv, both ol Bend; and Patricia Wessner, West Fir, were Clos bridesmaids. DeLoris wore a pale lavender floor length dress of nylon tulle over Uifleta. The bridesmaids wore dresses of similar style but different in color, Jeannle wore pink and white: Jackie wora rose; and Patty wore green.

William Majors, the bride's brother, served as Floyd's best man. Ushers were: Frank and Don Cone, brothers of the groom and Don Majors, a brother of the bride. The bride's mother chose a navy blue afternoon dress with red ac ben, irma camuron, Jeanne Pope, Patsy Bates. Harry Oben' attend this annual affair. It was announced that three of the Court officers were leaving to make their homes In other cities chain.

Mrs. Frank Obenchaln Mrs. Walter Campbell. Mrs. Dnve Campbell.

Mrs. Willis Pankey, a FOR AIL-DAY MAKE-UP which will necessitate having an election to fill these vacant offices Mrs. Monte ciine, Mrs. r. H.

Armstrong, Mrs. Everett Hunt, Mrs. H. Powell. Mrs.

Nell Orlffln. Mrs. Basil Hall. Mra. V.

L. Renlle. the last meeting In September. Refreshments were served by Chair man Mrs. Ralph LaLonde assisted Mra.

William Bsnbunr, Mra. Roberl by Mrs. James Cronon, Mrs. Frank i SILK-TONE FOUNDATION, (lawless, glamor. out and luting cover every tiny imperfec tion! Also SILK-SCREEN FACE POWDER for BOTH FOR ONLY 1.50.

Beard. Mrs. Louise Vaughn. Dor-orthy Derrah and Nora Sullivan. Wlnfleld, Mra.

Max Dlllavou. Mrs Robert Stanley, Mra. Albert Patake Mra. William Hatrel, Mrs, J. Kendall.

Mra. Max Cllne, Mrs, Oltls Osborn, Mrs. Frederick Hyde, Those sending gifts who were un Bonanza Altar Society Meets The Bonanr.n Altar Society of St. Frances Cabnnl met at the home of Mrs. John Harris for a special meeting the afternoon of Aug.

14. Meeting was conducted by president. Blllle Colwcll. Final plans were made for the dcdlcntlon of Ihe new Catholic Church, "81. Frances Cabrlnl." which will be Sent.

able to attend were Mrs. Irwin House, Mrs. Is Leavltt and Mary Ann, Mrs. James Dye and Lea, Mra. William Burnett Mrs.

Oeorge Noble, all of Langell Valley and Mrs. Walter Cambron, Mrs. Wnvne Smith and Mra. D. B.

Smith, Bly. GOSH, I'M GLAD THAT 7, Following the Mass and the dedl- to flatter 2 FOR "LIFELESS" HAIR SILK SHEEN CREAM SHAMPOO-cream-rinse and super shampoo in one! With HEAD LINER, glamorous hair groom gives lustrous highlight to hair, keep it beautifully neat. Combination value, 1,50. a--1 jit 1 Installation a lion there will be a potluck picnic dinner eld on the lawn of tho Cecil Hunt home. Following the mcctlnir a social afternoon was enjoyed with dnlniy refreshments being served by Mrs.

Harris to the Roso Dunbar, Mrs. Mne Onle. Mrs. Bob Colahnn, Mrs, Leonard Schooler, Mrs. Clav Walker.

Mis. Cecil Hunt, Mrs. Frank DcBel. Mrs. Lec Mor the less -than perfect- figure BOTH FOR ONLY 1.00.

the SCHOOL STARTS SOON! AND I'VE GOT ALL THE SCHOOL THINGS I'LL NEEDI HAVE YOU? a KkMl -ity Mr vm eM My to iMTMnf. TWi why w. m. mmmr aawf having ar w. km at far fW nln.tiaal Cm Wi rw far Mn atMf.

r' awA ton, Mrs. Ern Glvan, Mrs, Eddie Orallan. Mrs. Jerry McCartle, Mrs. Bob Cnlwell, Mrs.

Zane Heustcn. Mrs. Charles Walker. Mrs. Vernon i Newly Installed officers of the Women of the Moose, Chapter No.

47, entertained members and friends In. the lounge at Moose Hall. Saturday evening; following Installation. Punch was served by candlelight. Deed Stirling, played for dancing until Among visiting guests were Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Jones from Ft. Jones, California. Mr. Jones Is a brother to Mrs.

Irma OaRue, newly lnatalled senior regent, of the Women of Ihe Moose. Mrs. OaRue was presented with a bouquet of one doren red rosea by Moose Lodge, Chspter 1108. Hubble. Mrs.

Ben Nork. Mrs. Lo- "IX 9 2 FOR BODY FRESHNESS PERFUME SPRAT DEODORANT keep underarm dry, perfume and (top odor. Matching land Harris. Mrs.

Rov Fernhmd. Mrs. Frank W. Brown. Cathoiine Heuslen, and Father Phelan, IB WHITE MAGNOLIA COLOGNE STICK lor lra-grant refreshment! Combination value, 2.05.

uorr- BOTH FOR ONLY 1.25 trtMo mom eoaireamoN tooaj cIVrrn 1 1 mrn i 1 1 1 1 I IMITin TIME AMIVI PltiM send me tbes Helena Rubinstein Beauty Paira f. Set U. wtrrtN TAitiTS TOTAl rrsw Beautiful Ml curves con yowl jo eomlortobly, so nolwoy, no one will ever suspect. Hidden Inner pockets conceal (eaiherlite removable porofoam bust normalizes that make your SnUllr Camel I (Osddinq Or lus Round i vVbaa ehwk year eleruis; for aiik-ap HrmU clothes look smort.r, Tit better, ond ..,1 lavlteNaai as Aaasuacaataari I Ulead. Medium Brew RfdheiJ Cray looti iiAf nuias mawino tahits scrap i Ittm ll.ll tlialrK Alk Far Your Copy Of give you more figure poise Ihon aver bsloral "WIDDING CUSTOMS" 3 VOIGHT'S PIONEER Office Supply 42? Main TY TOWN SHOP Octet.

Dee- at ")' flf rfcal ttnn tn Htn Crm StorM. Vto Vlaorna 500 Main Phone 6407.

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