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The Evening Herald from Klamath Falls, Oregon • Page 1

Klamath Falls, Oregon
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8 Pages Today The Income From Klamath County Farmt in 1929 Was 210,000 Associated Press and United Press Telegraph' Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Trice Five Centa KLAMATH FALLS, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1931 Number 7340 (ol Ml ivilAlixl AN I FLYDNG ATLANTA END CAME Joffre Spent His Last Years Writing Memoirs "Respirator Girl" Wins Fight Against Fear MEDFORD PILOT IS NOT HURT Defender Of Paris Is Dead Mjhjl Jtptph Jnffr The battle of life for the great field general who halted the German onrush at Marne and saved Pari endcJ wbrn the aiurrl of death entered his room at an early hoar thf morning and spirited his son I to a hTtn of rrst. Joffre'a death remored one of the fw remaining military leaders of the M'orld war. CITY RETIRES City general obligation bonds, the first aver Issued by the city ot Klamath Falls, to the amount of 155.000 were retired In 1930, according to Lena Dennis, city treasurer, with the retirement ot the remainder of these bonds, amounting to S5000. the first sewer unit will be cleared. These bonds were issued In 1910 and 1911.

In the past two years 018.T1 worth of Improvement bonds, embracing street and sewer work, have been retired, and dur ing January. 1931. $101. OSS. U4 worth ot improvement bonds will be called.

During the year of 1929. gen eral obligation bonds for construc tion ot the municipal sewer aud airport were Issued to the amonnt of $350,000. Improvement bonds issued during th year 1929 reached th amount of $95,123, making a total of $445,123.00 is sued In 1939. In 1930 Improve ment bonds to the amount ot $1.008, 928. In comparison with the grand total of bonds Issued In 1927 and 192S, and amounting to $1,204, 818.

LATTE II 1 Q.i tO BOND ISSUES Marines And Nicaraguans In Skirmish MANAGUA. Nicaragua. Jan. t. fAP) Two I'nlted State marine were serloualr wounded today In a klrmlsn with Insurgent In th Interior.

Th men were brought her by alrplan. On Thuraday tight marine war killed and four wounded In a aklrmlah with Insurgent believed to bar been commanded by a lieutenant of th lusurgent general, Auguatlno 8 a I o. Sine then marln patrola hav been aearchlng for th band which made that attack from ambush. U. S.

GRIEVES WASHINGTON, Jan. I. (AP) President Hoover cabled to President Doumergua of France today hi person! and th official condolence the American people on th death of Joffr. The meaaag aald: "I am distressed by th news of the death ot Marshal Joffre who Is ao affectionately remembered by th American peopl. Both In their nam and personally I wish to express to yonr excellency the deep sorrow which la felt In this country at tbe passing of thia great patriot." (Secretary stlmson Instructed th embassy In Paris to convey a message of sympathy on behalf of the American government and tbe secretary himself to the French minister of foreign af fair.

Th former commander of th American armies In Franca. Cen-eral John J. Perahlng. expressed deep sympathy over the death of (Continued on Tare Two) LOIR RATES ARE PROMISED CHICAGO. Jan.

fAP) Geo. MeOulre, secretary of the Western Faasongar association, said today eastern rallroada probably would follow trana-Mlsslsslppt lines If their experiment with day coach rates of 1 cents a rails is successful, Until June S. travelers can buy tickets from Chicago, St. Louis and all other points west of the Mississippi to the Pacific coast and some parts of Western British Columbia, at $77. SO tor standard fare, $65 for tourists accom modations or S0 for day ooach seats.

McGutra said Eastern roads are anxiously awaiting th result the effort to compete with motor bun and private automobile competition. He said the three-class system vess tried successfully In the spring and fall of 1929 and 1930. ME DEATH TODAY AT 8:23 A. M. Heroic General In State Of Uncontcioutneta As Death Comes PARIS IN SORROW AS NEWS SPREADS Death Takes One Of Latt Military Leaders Df World War PARIS, Jan.

8 (AP) Death came today to Marsha! Joffre, last of the chief French military leaders of the great war, after a fortnight's illness in which it was necessary to amputate his left leg. The marshal would have been 79 years old tomorrow. The end was peaceful. Three member ot hi family, Mme Joffre, his son-in-law. M.

Lelle'. anil hla brother Ferdinand, (eeneral Issaly. hie chief of staff: Colonel Deamazes off hla staff, bis doctor and a few others were present, tie died without coming oat from the coma which closed over him at noon Thursday, hi life gradually ebbing; since. The annonncement was made at 8:30 a.m. A member of his military household.

Captain Saint Cernln. pale with emotion, emerged from the hospital and In a husky voire telling the newspapermen: "The marshal is dead, gentlemen." He displayed a bulletin signed by the physicians. Prof. Leriche and Drs. Boulin and Fontaine, which set tho end at 8:23 a.

m. Shortly afterward Prof. riche, Strassboitgh specialist, who came to Taris to treat th ailment which finally cut the marshal's life short, appeared and informed tbo newspapermen of the circumstances ot death, added that the marshal had been In a state ot coma practically all this week, except for rare intervals of five er ten minutes lucidity. News Spread Kapidly Despite tbe early hour a crowd Continued On Page Two news FIRST ACE. tAI'l Funeral service were PARIS IS OBJECTIVE OF FLIGHT Mr.

Beryl Hart and Lt. MacLaren Are PiloU Making Trip PLANE iTTARRYING COMMERCIAL CARGO Start Of Flight It Made During Darknea Of Thit Morning NEW TORK. Jan I. At p. m.

E. no word had been received from Bermuda to th rrrvl of the mono-tin. Trad Wind. which waa than two hour overdue. Th monoplane hd last been reported by thlpt point about J00 miles off Bermuda at 1 1 :0 t.

when all appeared to bo going wU. VKW YORK. Jt. I AP) A red h1red widow and th mn who taught hr to fly pointed tho plan "Tridawlnd- for Pari la pitch darknea rly today, sitting their aiglne fr Bermuda nr lb AsorrVwUh a pr Mm. Uryt Jlrt.

on of Hi few women to hold an unlimited transport license. nd Lieut. V. II-liam 8. MacLarrn.

former navy flier, took off from tho Glenn H. Curilaa eeaport tn queen m. circled tho field several time In th 'r of searchlight and headed over Manhatlan. ft-nsllv roaring awsy toward th tip of Long Inland. Sararal mlnulea later an -corl plana, occupied hr W.

I). Campbell. K. M. Smllh nd J.

Mrltkland. frlenda of Ih plluta. followed them Into Ih. air. Intending to accompany them several hundred mllea.

Mailt. aa at the. ronirola on tho getawsy hut Mr. Hart waa expevlcd replace him after Ilia atnrl and do the bulk of th piloting. wero ittcasad In- apollesa aerial tots, nmoiled hr tho grime of land lak-offa, and Mra.

Hart wore a flv leaf rlover, a rahblt'a fool and an Indian penny aa emblem of fund luck. Considering tho nrlv hour, a fair slued crowd waa present to wish them hon voyaae: Mra. (Continued on Pago Two) Robber Takes Cash And Xmas Present KANSAS CITY. Jan. S.

(API rred Jensen. 4. a patient In tho U. 8. Vatarana hoapllal hera.

went downlown upon receipt of January compensation chock to l.n hla wlf In Charlton, a belnled Christmas prcaent. Returning, ho waa held up hy a rohhr who took tho KIM. a I0 handbag, and th remainder of Ih veteran's $74 check. DISPLAYS nil'F BERRIES MARSHKIELD. Jan.

(AIM Not to oiitdnno hy oilier In Coos county who picked from thnlr garden on New Year' day. Mary n. Harney, trim arow-r of Hrondbcnt. todny dlapluyod a cluster of rlpn Evergreen brr-ri. atlll on th Tine, which he nicked In her Karden till" week.

COFER 10 TAKE OVER Five New Councilmen To Enter Upon Duties Monday Night RUMOR OF SHAKEUP IS HEARD OVER CITY Members of Fire and Police Departments Are Uneasy With the arrival ef the New Tear, official duties of the pres ent rltv administration will end Monday evening. F. H. Cofer will succeed to tbe position of mayor, T. B.

Watters retiring. Four new councilmen will en ter on their official duties. They are Jas H. Driacoll, J. D.

Barley, A. R. Moore and K. W. Vannice.

J. K. Van Camp Is th bold-over councilman. Special Interest centers en th Initial meeting ot the new administration, due to the fact that a persistent rumor hss prevailed lor several days that a aweeplng clean-up la to be made In the po lice force and fire departments. Whet her or there is any fonn-(Contlnned on Page Two) FATHER IS HELD ST.

IX)UIS, Jsn. (AP) Warrants charging Pearl Aber-natby, St. Louis negro real estate dealer, hla JS-year-old ton Charles, and hla niece, Frieda Robb Abernathy, with complicity In the kidnaping of Adolphus Bnsch Orthwein, 13. New Year's re were prepared today at Clay ton. St.

Louis county aoat. The warrants do not charge kidnaping for ransom, a felony punishable by death or life Imprisonment, but merely kidnaping, a felony for which the maximum sentence Is 10 years. The senior Abernathy. who has been under arrest at Clayton since yesterday, has named his son. Charles, the father ot seven children, aa tbe abductor ot the son ot Percy J.

Orthwein. The boy Is a grandson of Adolphus A. Buscb. and great-grandson ot the late Adolphus Busch, millionaire brewer. Miners Are Trapped In Coal Mine MIDVALE.

Ohio. Jan. S. (AP) Seven rescue workers, overcome by gss while searching for fire trnnned miners In No. 4 mine of the.

Mldvale Coal company here today, were brought ont of the workings unconscious by other rescue crews. Fnysicians saia all will recover. The seven men fell nnconsclons after breathing the poison that filled the mine following an explosion In which the five miners were trapped. Fifteen other miners escaped from the drift mine a few minutes after tbe blast. Little hope was held for the five miners who were trapped by tbe blast.

Over $20,000.00 Of Frozen Assets Are Discovered CHESTERTOWN" Jan. 3. (AP) Froien In the ice covering the Bohemia river, a wallet containing $2,200 In cash and $20,000 In bonds, part ot the loot ot yeggmen who last week blew a vault in the West End Dover bank at Hartley, was recovered hero yesterday. Two employes of the state roads conimlsaion apled the wallet ts they crossed a bridge. The bank cashier Identified the cash and bonds and said thoy represented about half ot what waa stolen.

mm III KIDNAPPING CHICAGO. Jan. t. (API CM-ram'a "roaplrator girl," France McGann. ha won bar four-month fliht atalnat fear.

Th 24-year-old aturtent mime at St. Luka hoapllal, wbua greatest enemy In har atruggl for Ufa waa ber apprhnalon that ah could not leep oulalil of an automatlo raaplralor, smilingly watched yealorday aa hoapllal attendants wheeled th from bar room. 1'byalclana aald lt would never ti noceaaary for them to ua lb machine for Krancea attain at ah la able to aleep aaally without It. Th flilil bad to made gradually. Karh afforl to do without It waa a Utile leaa terrifying than tbo prevloua attempt, until finally th battle waa won.

Th machine waa called tnlo play laat September when her lung mueclca wer gripped hy In-fanlll paralyaia. Tha dlaeaea al-an attacked her arma and lega. hi. are atlll affected, but franra aaid aha waa confident ah would ultimately regain their aaa. PORTLAND.

Jan. I. (API The aum of ISfjO.OOO for a awcaplug Inveailgatlon of telephone ratea In tha alale la propoaed lu legla-lallon raouaalad by tho Oregon Club. according tn a petition proaented to the Multnomah county legislative delegation ber laat night. The argument for tho plan waa presented hy Waller B.

Whlt-liock, Portland luauranr man, who aald that tha proflla of tho tnlepbono company ar being pyr amided on high charge of acrrlce. Only a completo and aclentllle Inveatigatlon "In the Intareta of the peoplo" will get reanlta, Whlt-herk aald. Thia proposed IkIhIm-tlon waa one of aeveral presented to local leglalatora at the meeting called to bear conatltuouta. Abolition of the tax conaerra-tlon otimmlaalon waa reoueMed In another plea prcacnled hy John Van Horn. Kenton.

This Recipe Would Cure Any Illness Jan. 3(AP A quaint recipe for "a good water for con- atimptlon" written hy tho mother of lien era! Jamea Wolfe, who died on tha plain of Abraham In the Krenrh Indian wara wUIrn preceded th American rovolution. haa been mado public, here. Tho recipe call for nuanllty of powdered annil washed In beer, mlicd with epllt green earth worma, dlallllcd over a alow flro and boiled down, with many anlcea and rnota. In threo gallon of milk.

"Wolfe may have been a delicate lad." eulil Taplnln J. Wardn, president of the Wolfo aocloly. In rending th recipe at a dinner Int night commemorating the 2J4th birthday, "hut aome-how I don't think hit mother could have thought him rnnxump-tlvo, boon no If anynno had aur-vlved her ronaninptlon cure he could never have succumbed to a mere Trench bullet." POOR PA By Claude Callan "a if "Dalar got ber dlvorc an married again while her baby waa lenrnln' to talk, an' now th little fallow It ao confuaod i FOR RATE QUIZ ar i i Ma. During th lght years since th hero of th Marn visited Japan, Canada and th United Statea In 1922. receiving great acclaim In each country, had don little ls than writ hi memoirs, attend public functions snd nloy th quiet country lit of his beloved Franc.

Several time he was reported to seriously 111, but with characteristic audacity Imme diately put an end to tbe rumors with vigorous denials. Once, to prov bis prim condition, he walked two miles at th age of 72. As ag rpt apon him, was unable to attend the American Legion convention In Pari In 1927, causing much disappointment among American vial-tora. Although for several years after the war there were many differences ot opinion as to who waa the real bro of the Marne. before Marshal Joffre'a death It was generally conceded that It wss be who hurled bark the Invading Germans when they were within 20 miles of Parla.

It waa Andrew Maginot, minister of war, who in 1922 gar full credit to Marshal Joffre for (Continued on Page Five) MEIER FORGES PORTLAND. Jan. I. (AP) The Portland Telegram said today It learned from "authoritative source" there are aeven "esaen. tlal point In the program to le endorsed hy the new elate administration." The paper aays It understands the bnlk ot thia legislation Is being drafted by A.

E. Clark, Tortland attorney. The seven points are: Abolition of the present state public service commission. Creation ot a new commission of one. shorn of most of the pree-ent judicial powers, snd charged with the representation of the people.

Optional noma rule for eltlee In regulating utilities Creation of hydro-electric commission of threo appointed by the governor, to control power rights in the state. The so-called "grange bill" properly safeguarded. Action by the state to speed federal development of the Colombia power possibilities. Abolition of the law prorldlng "certificates of necessity" for creation ot now utilities, STORM WARNINGS 1SSVET) PORTLAND. Jan.

(AP) Southeast storm warntnga were ordered up at all coast stations from Kureka northwards at a. m. today. Wind will go into soulheaat tonight and increase to gale force Sunday morning, weather burean states. Comment clmitly studied the matter, and there would be plenty of time following tho initial meeting Monday to consider subject.

Arthur W. Schanpp, city attorney, yesterday stated that the charier wns undoubtedly in er-foct but said that there might be argument as to whether or not the present firemen and police men, are under civil Relative to tho statement ot Mayor Watters that the civil service law had not been In full operation due to th fact that XVonunuea on rag TWO), DRAFT PR0GRA1 Cunningham Made Hit Way To Oakridge Latt Night PLAN ELANDED ON LAKESHORE EDGE Spend 24 Hour Tramping Through Snow To Make Report OAKRlnOE. Jan. t. (A Pi J.

Ruaaell Cunningham. Pacific Air Tranaport pilot whoae arrival here last night ended a Iwo-day search for him In Southern Oregon, today waa ready to go back to hla dutlea In tho overnight mall paaranger service between Seattle and Meoford. Cunningham dlaappeared early Thursday whil flying from Mod-ford to Seattle. No word waa received from him aftar he radioed be wonld bar to land. Air and land aearchlng parties wer organised eaon after dawn (Continued on rag Two) IS IDE PUBLIC HVTCIUNSON.

Jan. S. (AP) A letter from Senator Kltner Thoinaa of Oklahoma as serting Chairman Alexander Leg- ge of the federal mrm poor a told th enate agriculture committee la.t November 55 the board had reused a brek In wheat prlrea by eWHng 600,000 hushcla on the Chicago rtchange. waa made public her todny by John A. Blmpson.

The loiter from Fentnr Thomas aa made public, hy Simp son anld In part: Mr. I.rgge admitted tho board has practical control of a mono poly of the American wneai au-uation and the board could at will plnre the price of wheat at any figure desired. Mr. Iggo testified Inat Saturday, November 12. that after the honrd had entered the buying aid of th mar ket, wheat started to rise and the hoard not dealrlng to ao wheat go up at this time, lcp-ped in, sold S.

500. 000 bushel on the Chicago exchange, causing a break." "Mother" Kennedy' Ire Badly Aroused By a New Cocktail T.OS AXOKI.ES. Jan. S. AP) Mra.

Minnie "Ma" Kennedy. mother of Aimeo Scruple Mcrhor-aon, evangelist, baa a bono to pick today with one M. llilgiiry, of Colon, Panama. "I don't know how to ahoot. Mr.

Kennefty aald Inst night, "but If 1 were In shooting distance I'd mntta Mr. Hllgary eat tho words he haa directed against my littlo girl." A tho cause of her. wrath. Mra. Kennedy displayed a post card aent out by Bllgary.

owner of "IlilKary'a Tropic Bar and Cabaret." describing a "Hallelujah cocktail." which the card aald waa Invonled In honor of Mra. Mcl'horson's recent Tislt to the cabaret. Weather Tho clearing wonther predicted kv lhA rvctn-3toriti- graph at Underwood' pharmacy arrlvca on acnenuie umn. nnu further rise In barometric pressure almost Insures a clear snappy day tomorrow. The Tycos recording thermometer registered maximum and minimum temperature todny aa follows: nigh, an i.ow.

25 Forecast for the next 24 hniira: Clear and cold, with brisk winds. OHEr.ON: llnin tonight and Sunday In the 'west and now and rnlns tuts tonight or Sunday In the east portion: moderate temperature. Increasing south east tnd south winds on the coast, becoming ot fait force HOiS LETTER STOCK MARKET HAS CHEERFUL DAT. NEW TORK. Jsn.

8. (AP) The stork market finished the week still under the Influence of New Year' cheer today. 8bare prices were helped hy the prompt submission of the four-party eastern railway consolidation plan to tho interstate commerce com- mission, by the improved tone in commodities, and by the pirknp In activity reported at automobile and steel plants. Bl'RY NATION'S FORT WAYNE. Jan.

8. New Officials held today for Lieut. Paul Frank Barr, America's first official are of the world war. Lieut. Racr was killed Dec.

0. at eihanghaf, China, while flying an amphibian plane on a mall and pasaeager line. He was 37 years old. He was given a. military funeral.

Make No on Civil Service TWO LEAPS FAIL TO BRING DEATH. NEW YORK. Jan. g. (AIM Esther Spelglc.

25. In an effort to end her life drank poison today, leaped Vi feet from the roof or her home to an adjoining building and then Jumped ell floor to a rear court yard. She was taken to a hospital where both legs were amputated. IT'S NOW COLONEL BROOKHART. WASHINGTON, Jan.

8. (AP) It' Colonel Brookhart now. The Iowa senator, who helped train 7.000 marina officers tn the art of snapshooting at Camp Perry, Ohio, during the World war, today waa mado an honorary colonel in the SOth marine reserve regiment. Mayor -Elect Cofer And New Councilmen Express No Opinion on Status of Members of Police and Fire Departments. The Nightly Argument Newly elected city officials in whose hands rest the city government for the next two years, today declined to make any comment on the status of the civil service provisions of the city charter which has been brought up by members of the police department who contend AUNT HET By Robert Quillen 1 1 "I don't Ilk to ee company fold up their napkin whon they're through, It look like th.r tlionght I didn't bar no 1 1 hn BRITISH FLYERS INJURED.

TUNIS, North Africa, Jan. 8. (AP) Lord LoTelar and Cap-' tain Barnard, British filers, and their American mechanic, en route to Cape Town by air, were aerlously injured today wliia their plnne crashed near Tripoli, COLONEL JENKS DIED LAST NKJHT. PITTSBURGH, Jan. 8.

(AP) Colonel Isaac Colburn Jenha, HJl, who serTed umny year in the United State army and during the World war commanded the 817th Trains, 82nd Division ol the Army of Occupation, died while visiting a daughter hero last night, L1XDLEY GARRISON SERIOUSLY ILL. JKItSEr CITY, N. Jan. 8. (AP) Lindley M.

Garrison ol Seabriulit, secretary of war In tho first cabinet of Preslilent Weod-rovr Wlnon, la seriously III at the home ot frlenda here. ISSUE CALL FOR BANK STATEMENT. WASHINGTON, Jnn. 8. (AP) The comptroller of tlie curreai jr Issued a call today for the condition of all national banka at the cloae of hiiHlnesa Wednesday, Dec.

81. CHICAGO HAS RREAD WAR. CHICAGO, Jan. 8. (AP) Bread sold aa low a Uire eaaU loaf in the Lawndale district yesterday.

A bread "war" between two groara at waa ingonalbl. that they, are under civil service, and therefore cannot be removed except for cause. Asked todny noon to express hla opinion ot tho question raised by members of tho pollco department aa to thulr status under the civil service. Color respectfully declined to make any statement, saying he had no comment to make at this time. Several ot th councilmen who were asked to mako statements regarding th matter refused, stating MUC fc4 WaUIr lata tonight uu eui tar.


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