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Queen City Mail from Spearfish, South Dakota • Page 1

Queen City Maili
Spearfish, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Dancing Students in Recital Here Tomorrow Night DaM-Ward Place Second in BH Net Tournament Floyd Dahl and Don Ward. Spearfish high school students Prepare "Sh-7 I7idcnw of Ycsr Many people aad organization are Joining hands to give the 14 1 4-H club boy aad glrli la Lawrence county tha feast county 4-H achievement day they're ever had, T. H. Young, county agent, and Mrs. Ina B.

Hanson, county home MTH TEAR 8PKARF1MH, LAWRENCE COCJITY, County Farmers Begin Combining This Week-end throughout the county this year. Reasons for the light crop were the small amount of snow last year and the dry spring. Fields will harvest only a third of last year's yields. The first cutting of alfalfa made some time ago, was low In tonnage because of alfalfa wee vil damage. Young said However, the second cutting will measure up to yields of previous seasons.

Weevils, now out of the larvae atage, can not damage the second growth of this crop. Many farm ers. Young said, plan to grow the second crop for seed. Weather conditions will be the final deciding factor In thla case. If weather forecasts show a dry period, farmers will keep the alfalfa In the ground for setting of seeds If.

(hough, rain is In the weather forecasts, alfalfa fields will cut for feed. Thus, this week end Iawrence rounty farmers will begin full-scale harvest operations with top prospects in the majority of crops nod poor prospects In the others. On the whole, the total crop yield will -be a little under last year's average. A shadow was thrown on prospects of a gortd apple crop recently when fire blight showed up In a number of local apple orchards This condition Is apparent throughout the state this year. No preventive method Is known to destroy the tree disease Churches Plan Union Services 'Members of the Spearfish Methodist and f'ongregailnnal c-hurches will attend union sec vices during the month of Aug ust.

Services will be held at 1 1 o'clock with the two churches ro tating a tsMta, A tg. 1, a4t Cftcalaf r-ahkp sorrfcew felll If the Methodist church slid- AM. and IS services In the Congrccn-tlonal rhurch The public Is Invited to atten-t. IIOMKHTAKH HOI HUM flKT NHW PAINT JOII Houses at the llotneslake hy dro-electrle plant No. 1 In Speur-flsh Canyon are receiving a new coat of paint.

The Job, tllidertiiken June 25, Includes the palming of the seven houses at the plant and one at the utjtiike The work Is being done by Holtbs and t'ooley. general painters. and local team entry in the doubles division of the Black Hills Junior tennis tournament at Rapid City Sunday, smashed their way to a runner-up crown In consolation play during the afternoon program of the one day toorney. Walley McCullen and Kenny Crban. Rapid City boys, won the (rloubles championship and McCullen easily walked away with the first place singles medal.

The tourney, played on the East Blvd. cou-ts In Rapid City, was sponsored, arranged and -person-ally handled hy F-mmett E. Ben nett. Rapid City tiostman. Gold medals were awarded to ehe fhamp, medals to the Young GOP's Pick Spearfish Woman for State Office Mrs Harry hrintensen, Spearfish, an active Republican League member since 1936, was elected national eommftteewo man of Dakota Young Republicans at the group's second postwar convention In Pierre last week-end.

A member of last year's eiecq-tlve committee of the league, Mrs. hrfstensen is the daughter of Mrs. J. Orfskill. Spearfish.

a former state vice chairwoman for the organization. Other officers elected at the 1948 convention last week-end were F.iil Rensvold, Madison. Iptwl, vice chairman; Keva Winans. Mighmore, vice chairwoman; Kurt Cuttad. Yankton, national committeeman and Thelma llot-l, i anton, se.

retary-Ireasurer. Mi floe I and iss Winans wre re elected. The new const it ut If of the Young Republican, drafted hy a regoltitiotJi- coriimlttee headed by It. F. Mannon, Watertown.

set a one-year term for of hers, provided for annual meetings, continued a nliie-maneie ui Ive committee, and prewrltied a 21 to 36 ate limit for officers. Endorsement of the veterans bonus was the keynote of Kens-told s'ayeet as he took the stand to accept his new position as stale chairman: Haymond llleb. il.airman of the league. He lined a popular theme with con-1 lenlion speakers Ihe recruitment of World War II veterans as rfpubli. an voters, and he called upon the demmratlc convention at to go on record as f.irorlng the bonus referendum.

speakers at the cpnven-lion were Mrs. Kutli Stoikton, Itenver. national young r'publl-ran ro-( nalrman II Ilottum. Ilapid City, central chairman; (Jov. T.

Mick elmn; Harold I). Iivre. Water- 1'ian. first district congress can. dldnte.

and A link. Klk Point nutinna) rommltte'man. Jonas to Attend Executives School Dr Huiselt Jonas, president of Ilia, Hills Tea. hers college, a 111 be a croup observer at the hoid for F.xe utives te be held Aug 13 to Aug. 16 at F.stes Park.

Colo. The school, sponsored by Ihe American Association of Colleges nf Teacher Kd'Katlon, will be at-t. mled by more than 5u0 college sdmlniHtrntors. JTI.Y 20, tfHH SO. 21 Death Claims Graduate of First Normal Class Heath recently claimed Mrs.

Jean Cowgill C'omerford, Palo Alto. Calif colorful newspaper and magazine writer over the past three decades and one of three living graduates of the first class of Spearfish Normal school at Spearfish. Mrs. Comerford. who would have been 78 In October, died at the Palo Alto hospital July IS after iufferinf? a Btrok from which she never re-ralned con-x louanes.

Mrn. ComerfoM. one time clajumate of Kate Kemper, Spear fish, wag one of the first career women to make a national aur- ff-ag in her thfcn fi-M acting: and She beran her literary career after a afae. career In whfc nhe was amo-iafed with Tony Pastor, Charlw, Frohman and many of the other one-tfmg KT'-ata of the theatre. It was during her newspaper work in OiiYaeo that he gained i nationwide rerotrnitlon.

There Bhe firlaiinafed and wn'te tie I "Snap Shorn nf f'ly Life." fore-I rnnn'T to the feature columns of today'a Journalism. She married twlre, served a.t one of the first worker In the welfare department of the Mtafe of Illinois, edited neveral small town week Men and four year ao retired from a.fhe fiiitilff lif- Mrs. Tomer ford'n death leaven only two rUjrvMnt; frraduaten of the flrt rhiM of Spearfish Vor- rnal hool Still living from the I of Ifi utitd'-nts are Kate Kernp-T, SpearfiKh. and Mra. Sally CtiiiTiIng of California.

Stove Fire Causes Slight Damage A eanolne stove fire at the HolH-rl llohliB home Sunday afternoon at I 30 o'lork was eitln-K ii I shed soon after the Maze he-Kan and only ullnht snvke damage (harle liwn, fire chief, annonii'-ed later that day. The fire department waa summoned hut the, had been. srnofh'-red through ue of kitchen flour hefore the depart ment arrival fire I.e.; an when the trove helriK lighted It was put (tilt liefure It reai Tied the flnve ttan tank. County Delegates Return from State Conservation Camp Verla worn it ley and Anthony MrN'ellt, St. OtiKe, county III le-irewHiituthes, and Mrs.

Ina II 1 1. in ion, home ration iiirent ret ur tied Sunday morning from Hoi (Cider Organization laruti to ar Nemo where they had been enrolled fur five day In fhe annual South Pako'a nn nervation camp The five day camp perlml. opi-n-Iiik WedneMlay. July 'it. In hided demonstratli'Qs on soil ninnaee-np'iit.

wefds and conservation. trappltiK. fly fishing and timber study. Several movies on fire pre vention and one on rat Henna keg nere shown to the campers (In" nfternnn was spent on a tour of the Mitmestake Mine at lad and event ties ere devoted to canrj fire and cnndlellghtltitt cTe-tnnnles. folk danrlng, nmvies and tilki.

To county youths placed In he 4 on ri at ion rapbook ruti- t.t Tiey ere MHton Mltciell. blue, and Miss Twom- nMrR nf thr week'. orciinled br a Irln eSm lni; um, hT car" The tr.nip le't camp Jl 7 a. m. and Vle filiowlng scenic point returning to ramp at o'- Sylvan Ijlke Hefuge.

Ml llq.hmore National lennirliil and a fish hatchery at I I I I I Elerea Spaarfiah yoanrateri will Joia with thildren from Bella Fourcha. Lead and Deadwood la a rerital at the Woodbarn Hall theatre on the tampua of Black Hills Teachers eollere tomorrow even In to show what they have learned since enrolling la tha Dob Crosby School of Dancfnf. Participating; In the recital. scheduled for Friday at I p.m will be the following Crosby dance students from Spearfish: Jay and John Belts, sons of Dr. and Mrs.

J. Gordon Belts; Ann and afereca Ward, children of Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Ward; Jo Blue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Edison Blue; Betty and Callia Chrlatensen. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. H. R.

Christensen; Johanna Meier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josef Meier; Judia Wilcox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.

R. Wilcox; Bonnie Kelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A.

Kelley; and Lea Jean Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Tap and ballet numbers will be handled iby the Spearfish group. Young boys and girls from the three other northern Hills towns will present, In addition to tap and ballet numbers, both acro batic and toe numbers. The pro gram will continue for an approx imate hour and a half.

ixm Crosby, ueadwood. conducts his school of dancing la Spearfish every Wednesday In the old opera room in Matthews Woe. Regents Approve BHTC Librarian Appointment The appointment of Mrs. Elsie Forbes. Tacoma, to the position of librarian of Ia Hills Teat here college by the South Dakota board of regents, has been announced by Dr.

KuHnell Jonas, BHTC president. Mrs. Forbes, who has been assistant librarian at the college of 1'uKet Sound, Tacoma, and assistant In Ihe catalog department o'. the University of Washington li brary, received her B. A.

degree from the t'riiversity of Saskatchewan. Kaxkatuon. Canada. She did further study at the School of l.ibrarlanshlp at tha liilverslty of Washington and waa grimed tha U. A.

In Ubrar-lanshlp In l. Mrs. Fortws will assume her wJl th openni o( f. jn ficptember. 9mm Funeral Services Held for Early Hills Resident Fun.rul services for George I.

Ileers, early day Lead resident, were held Saturday afternoon at o'clo at Ihe chapel of Ihe Kounseiell Funeral home In Lead w(h le Bap. tlt pastor, officiating. Robert Beers, grandson of the deceased and son-in-law of Mr and Mrs. lieorge Ilandrow. Spearfish.

arrived In the Hills last Thursday morning to be present lor Ihe final rites. He returned to Aberdeen, where he Is enrolled at Northern State Teachers college. Saturday evening. The death of tlorge Beers occurred unexpectedly Wednesday morning of last week as he sat In a chair In the living room of his borne conversing with Mrs. Beers He had been In failing health for several years.

Burial was In Ihe Mountain l.asn cemetery In Lead. The decision to open a short deer season throughout much of the state aould come as no surprise lo most residents. Peterson raid Such a season waa held In (he northeastern corner of the plate last year and this year a UlUih larg-r area of the Is renortlas an en ess of animals. arn) tTp damage Is sure to re-j tun any more than a rery limited number of deer are fcand In a small area, the director stated llun'lng date and area In nhich a deer season will be opened have not been determined by 'he commission yt. All hunting reasons la South Daacta.

including aplaad and big gaase. will be announced after Ul A agist ateet- SOl'TH DAKOTt, THrF.SD.4Y, Elevator Board Selects Officers at Recent Meeting Definite plans for the construction of a 40.0'JO bushel capacity elevator In Belle Fourche within a year were made by the board of directors of the Farmers-Kanch-era Co-operative at an organizational meeting Monday night in llelle Fourche. Main business or the evening was the election of hoard officers for the coming year. Ed koth, Spearfish, was re-elected president of the eight-man board. Other officers include: Vice president, Harry Vore, Heulah, Wyo.

secretary, Orvllle It. Harper, lieu-lah, treasurer, Chester Noss, spearfish. Other board members present. In addition to the elected were John lienlz, new member; Ar thur Nicholas, S-pearfish and Harvey lavls. Kourehe.

Includt-d in plans made by the imard at Monday's meeting is the construction of warehouses for storage of feeds and fertilizer. An eifenstve drive for additional stock holders is now underway to raise funds to finance the project. Thomas Rude Dies at Rapid City Hospital Th.miaf, Hurl. rllnt nf Hi.rfMi Mite tU-( U'wl-remihy morn In (it 7 4 5 oYlork the St Jolm'. In fUpi't i'lly.

T.i l.xnl city annf-tur mn-trri th iV'upJliil "ne to l-afh awl under wewi tnajnr nurtri-ry tirf within tlit pvi-ii day. KuniTtil pn-tiitiK th- i from aliforitiH mul N(rt)i Imkota. I "tirvlvliiK rlnt tn-hMiV lii- Mrx ltul-. a n.' 1 1 ii ph, l.o Ann i-ti't; inn' hrih-r In ('ulifnrhia; a IrT.ith.-r Mini In NurUi I 'a kida; ji 1 1 ft uratMNi'ii.

I-arry rih wit Mr. and Mm. -Mtfrjihy and Infant niii arrind In StarfNh laf Tinirnii I iiv tt.alr ul (if iipwh of Mr. Kudo's upriou lit- tH'tS. nwm programs flight ntatieiiters by Col Joe Fns.

er-Mnrilte are. and ills siiiadrim fif I f. I mustang fighters, a wing nf the South liuknta Natlinnl il iurd Air Arm; four Jet Shooting Stars In acrobat! and flight and Sammy Mason and Hex Weill. Ilnllyw I Hawks flying troupe mi inbers. In comedy.

dead stltk. poser, torn anil "Jntn" arts. Speakers on Sunday's program Imluded V. exe utlve secretary 01 in. siaie iidii.

commission, (inv. Ceorge Mi'-kel- Ihe governors daughters. Janet and Unne Ml. kelson: U. I Co.

Joe Koss; and James lT Nelll. Kildle Hyp-I kema. Deada-al. and Herman Knlpa. a l-ad ItJtcd feature of Ihe 1-th lo.w as a ra a.

r.i the airport area by a I'-il Vutang lighter and a Star I plane to idea of Ihe roinparaiiii 1 1 the tan plane The jel pian triellng apiromafely fi.iles an hour f.iter than the t.y ailroul effort A h.jiy r.iln and aln.l norm. IslMtng the Sparfth area at 4 n't In Saturday afternoon short ork of the pleau-e ght 'rips f.illnmlng the fr day aer lal program. II. -never many Sundai flights at the cli-M- of the h-1u'ed entertainment A dince at Ihe Spearfj.h pa-k pailltttn con- feailre I it- te for Saturdays Vore than l-" persons from Sun.1a audience remained In 8r-a-rii t- at eienins to attend a perform- i an of the lllack hill I'Ua flav i roa.i demonstration agent, reported yesterday. The date for the annual a- ehierement day has been aet for Aug.

24 at the city park In Spear fish. "4-H Achievement Day I tha show window for 4-H clnb work." the extension official explained. On achievement day tha 4-H elab member show their project calves, pigs, crops and home eeoaj- omlc exhibits In competitioa with all other member. County winners to represent tha county at the State Fair In September are chosen at that time." 'Cooperating with tha extension agent in managing the local e-chlevement day Is Ihe Spearfish Chamber of Commerce. Member of tha 4-H Leader association, officers of tha County 4-H Members association.

Chamber of Commerce representative and extension officials will meet the first part of August to appoint committees for the all-county event and to discuss tha premlom list. Frederick Wilson, Spearfish. state extension livestock specialist, will Judge the livestock while the home life exhibits will be Judged by Mary France Lyle. Brooking, assistant slate club leader. All 4-11 girl In lyawrence county are enrolled In the home life project for thla year.

"While the prizes and honor 4-H'er win at achievement day are an incentive for better work, the boys and girl get the greatest good from seeing Ihe winning exhibits and learning why they were chosen," the extension a-gent pointed out. Teaching: Goal of GI Students High school teaching I the goal of 34 of the 67 veteran attending the second Bummer session at Black Hllla Teacher collage. Thirty-two thea aad two women veterans are working (or tha 4h-rree of bachelor of science la d-ucatlon. Thirteen men are studying for Ihe bachelor of science degree; one man and on woman are registered a special. Other courses In which veterans ar registered are pre law, pre-mediclne, pre-dental, pre-englneerlng, commercial, business administration, general and grade teaching.

Nearly all of the veterans enrolled in summer term at BHTC plan lo continue in school during the next regular school year. Surface Downs Sawmill Nine Surface went Into a tie for first place In tha llomestak Baseball League by dropping the Sawmill crew of Spearfish 4 lo I In a game al Lead Wednesday afternoon of last week. BUI Mitchell, pitching for Bur-face, held the Spearfish nlna to four singles and sent eight man down via the strikeout ront. Fltsgerald. on tha mound for the Spearfish crew, gsve op 10 hit and Issued three trea passes.

Generous LI. Col. Joe Foss, commanding officer of the South Dakota National Guard Air Arm at Sioux Fall, landed his plane at tha Black Hill Airport Sunday afternoon following flight maneuver, of his 61 mustang fighter squadron to greet the crowd aad to receive renerou token cf western ts'lly. The three toker s. presented to Foes by ror James CNetll.

and lerthald Jacobs, owner of l- Hub store. Dead-wood, were a three toot yellow hat (too large to wear); a stetson hat ((00 small to wear); and a flat straw hat (too ridiculous to wear). The three-foot yellow hat had been especially constructed for the show. It was to be placed on the head of a dummy which had leen built by Snapper member as a featured part of the Jet Shoot-Inng Star act. A P-10 waa to sweep down at Ihe close of lha act and rut off a foot of tha hat.

Just preceding the show, however, tha act was banned as too dangeftra by CAA officials. Mayor O'Neill, who had posed for tha dsmmy, thought the hat had some value so he shored It oa to Foe. Tha ex-Marine ace left tha fwtt feeling overly rich aa far aa head cor) erlnrs were concerned aad a Irttla taiiled aa te what coakl wear thea to. Lawrence count? farmers thlsi week-end will begin combining their 1948 grain crop a crop which they lay will not reach laat year's record yields but which will average above normal yield. With binding getting underway last week on some barley and rye fields, combining on the remain ing fields, which have ripened considerably In the past few days, Is scheduled for the laat part of this week.

Karly fields of winter wheat are also ready now for the combine machine. County crops other than barley, rye and wheat are onusually late this year, T. H. Young, county agent, announced this week Main reason for this. Young said, Is that the majority of farmers delayed spring planting until wild oats got a good growth.

Waiting to give wild oats a good start before plowing It under Is the most err tire way of destroying the nuisance, he pointed out. This late grain planting was a good break for local farmers, the county agent says. Lata grain did Dot suffer from drought as early plantings did. Corn prospects at this time are very (food. Fields show excep-tlonally good standa and the re-rent moisture has put them In top shape.

Just as corn Is this year In lis glory, so hay Is In Its depth. Probably one of the poorest hay crops In the past decade Is evidenced Governor Appoints Spearfish Man (Joy. George T. Mlckelson Sat-arday appointed Frank C. Fuller ftpearfish.

to the state veterans commission to succeed Frank Mitchell of Pierre. Fuller will serve as the Spanish-American WAQ member of the commission HI anpolntiuVnt Oct. I. 15Z. Other Saturday appointments made by the governor was the renaming of Alan Williamson.

Aberdeen, as employment security commissioner for South hukotii Williamson was first named to the post In order to complete the term ol Hart Archer, Aberdeen, upon Archer's death Wll Damson's term will expire July 1. 152. Francis Case Says Local Passenger Service Likely Congressmsn Francis Case. In Spearfish last week-end for the 12th annual lllack Hills Alrfalr, told Mayor James T. O'Neill during an Informal visit Saturday afternoon (hat It looks very much like passenger plane will be slopping In the near future at the Black Mills Alrfalr.

Case said (hat he had recently discussed the port with Jerry Brooder. Denver, niklweslern manager for Western Airlines, and that llrooder seemed pleased with work that Is being dune at t'he port. Brooder Inspected the lllack Hills Airport grounds two seek ago. Flool rontiol work lor Spear fish creek waa also brought up during Case's visit with Mayor II Nelll The South Dakota congressman said that orri'lala at Fort I'ek are being urged to hurry the flood control project along How Do You Do One for this rasper's immv la lifetime" dcajartmrnt Is aa Incident which took phai-e res-mil) la Hankaiuoa, Naaaatrhrvea, Its-Mis. Mr.

and Mrs. Merit- Otmptoa tut family, MtM-arfUh, nhn were spending; ersrral tin) rrcrntll la staaaalnua flatting rvlallvea, narked use aflrsmcnin nn a doan-liHia ManhafcaH ntrrvi. than live mlnatra burr asxalvrr tar drove an Bad narked Bealde them. mxi'va la neither rar pnhl nl-Iratloa la the vther. Tntsa the CfasnlM.isis nMlrrd the e4hw rwr hsww a lasTmrv raMinly (411.

kMsrh IWik.aa. Ikwwnr pUir Intrwfisrtsnsis were pawned, an. I low SpenrfWl faJtiilte. exit sre-atoanilr arsjaalaled. Insav friesHW ssa a eiprr la aawwher rwwntry.

The swhrr raw fas is nee-Mr. aatd Mr. I He Hwaanua aaW Record Crowd Present for Annual BH Airfair Discuss Anterless Deer Season for Black Hills An open seaon on deer in all. that the ultimate result will be an sections of South l-skota here eiliaustid range and mass starra-, 1 Hon Tney also said that the ra-arge numbers of the animals are 1 pa-ity of the range would be low-damasln? crops Is tentatively U)h planned for this fall. IMr tir El-1 attuld ue many years oeforc Ii mer Peterson of state game, fish vould be possible to maintain and parks commission said this rnough deer In the Hills to pro-seek He added that the cotnmls-l worthwhile shooting.

Nearly In. nun pi-rsons. the largest number In tunny ars. attended Ihe annual Itlark Hills Alrfalr at Hpeartlsh Saturday and Sunday. (' A.

Keetie. president of Ihe Snappers Huh nponaurlnx organisation of the shew, anmiumed thla aeek Keene said mat Ihe first day program attracted only an awruv, Imate jr. no persons but Sunday's crowd brought the figure up to Ihe record loial. The opening day crowd heard t'nngreisnian Flan' Is 'ae aarn of Ihe seriousness of the European situation and were told that, despite Ihe fact thai Ihe s.lal session of Congress being railed 1 to settle domestic problems. for elan afralrs aould be high on the agenda.

Cae the people ofj Spearfish and Ijiwren.e c.mnty 1 residents for fhelr air mln.edne I and ald he hoped Western Air l.lnea aould resume flights to the Ills Hills airtmrt when runaays are r. par.d al the dual port Winner In llir Mun.l. morti-Int m-lcl alrplaae ronteM at Ho-annual lliark II Ills Alrfalr were announced a follows' In I lie nv.Ml.-U nllh motor dlUIin lira tllglit). MrM: I la Imedlnnil.

K.4lli flr-M. Malwn M. slpln. and third: Una. ll-a I William.

nrM. Fr-fi IUI- rr. Huh. npv.Mail. In Hie nh-nweh-U nllhonl swats iIiihh" Ihrt Iff ewr 4l gvHip.

I. ml Stlimehier, flrM. Hill l'ee--nWr. tMsd: an-ler Iff irar Iviiigr fir, helih Williams nan rrralr. a r.

Ins 111 1 Aerl.l acta daring both after- l(tJ. Tn rraT, i nn nlll probably optn a season on antlerless deer In the Black Hills area acaln this year. Ilia, Hills game wardens and ttt mil. lans meeting with the com-mls-ion re-ently urged that ate a. tlon tie taken to pre- vent further expansion of the Hills deer herd and some redact! should be mad- if poa-1 sible.

Peterson said He explained I that range utiliialion studies by Ihe big game survey and population estimates hy the game department and S. forest personnel point clear. to a der popa-latit-n In ev of that which an l-e rr.a;ntaln-d on the winter deer ranee in Ihe B'a. Hills Csrce te. tint, tans stated that If va u-er nersj in in a remains ai preswui 1 ars making the trip aas in charge of haie Harris, game warden.

IMHTOK HOOK TU11 I. IK.K IIII.I.H THOI Hr 11 Koth- hield. Madison Pik has lieen coming to spe.irft.h snrnmer ft-r Ihe l-at seieral years for a rest from d-ties and to try hi ki.l al fihinr This year tha doctor tan go t-a. to Madison with a he man fish story to tell tits tatl-nts He dropved a line in creek Monday and In tt time pulled out two heaa to one a pound trout, me, ether a 4 1, pound trout Ir hield Is staying at the city Mns In upper speartisa para, hile here oa vacaiun. r-amlhr..

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