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Queen City Mail from Spearfish, South Dakota • Page 4

Queen City Maili
Spearfish, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Thursday. April 15. 1943 QUEEN CITY MAIL. Spearfish, (Black Hills) S. Dak.

LOCAL NEWS hla mother, and hia slater, Kathleen, are enjoying theaueivea. They plan to go to Superior, before King reports back to duty to visit hi brother, Francla, also In the army akr corps. RAF and waa recently tranaf erred to tha United State kuw corps. King felt right at bom with the crew of tee Black Hill Aggie. The fonr officers on the ship represented four middle western state Montana.

Nebraska, Colorado and South Dakota, Xing' leava will and May 1 when he report for duty at Boa-ton, Maaa. In ta meantime he and Reveals Cause of Freak Weather Experienced Here Crarlly deviating temperature in the Black Hill which attracted nation-wide notice Jan. 10 to 23 were explained by Roland R. Hamann. weather observer at tk United Bute weather bureau.

Rapid City, recently. Tbe temperature at BpaarfUb climbed 4 degree, from four below xero to 45 degree above. Chevrolet SpearfUb Motor. Mr. and Mra.

Jimmy Anderson id oaby have moved to tta )rank Tauck farm Dear Spear- tlili wnere Mr. Anderson, who Sformerly worked to Rapid City, hit employment. J. H. Naaon returned Tuesday of laat week from Chicago where be attended a meellua of llveatock producer and proceaaor ai one or the repreaentatlrea of the Am clpee are mad oa the bulletin each week.

Mrs. Ruth Pryor of Albarquer-qua, N. and Dorothy Orand of Burbank, visited In Spearfish recently at the bom of Mr. Pryoi- aunt, lira. Hattle Thomas.

They had been In Mikes City, attending tbe funeral of their father, O. R. Hutchinson. Mr. Hutchinson was well known In Spearflah.

Hla wife waa tbe former Mabel Gray of Spearfish. Edward Charboneau, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Charboneau. of Spearflah, waa among the Spearflah boys who left Dead wood Monday to take hla pbyaical examination for entrance Into tbe army.

Charboneau returned to his borne recently from the west Warmth which arrived at Lead before noon was not felt at Dead-wood, three milea northeast and 00 feet lower, until evening. The aea of cold air withdrew like a tide. Wave oa the surface of this cold fluid caused the extremely iharp variations. Finally, at low ebb, the shore Una receded and almost the entire Black Hills emerged from the sold by the evening of lb 22nd, Hamann said. Soon afterward, however, the tide was reversed and tb cold air became deeper until the entire Black Hill was submerged In It once more.

L. M. Jones, weather bureau Inspector traveling in tha Black Hills at the time, told of a temperature of 62 degrees above aero F. reported In Lead while Dead-wood shivered at sixteen below sero. ell, Jamea Curran, W.

J. Harvey and George MorthLand and daughter, Peggy, of Lead and Mr. and Mis. Joe Keffeler of OayvlUe. Dorla Robinson, who haa been working in Rapid City.

1 expected to come to Spearflah tomorrow to vialt with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Robinson, before going to Santa Barbara, to make ber borne.

Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bennett have received word that their son-in-law, Lieut.

Dlnon Busch. ba been assigned to the coilege naval elan at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. Mrs. Busch, who ha been working in tbe rationing office at Laguna Beach, plana to give up her work there, rent ber home and move to Dartmouth to be with ber busband. The Junior choir of the Newell Congregational chuvch, directed by Mrs.

O. E. VanV'aclor, will present a 15 minute program over erlcan National Livestock asaocl- aiion. The meeting waa attended by atockmen'a repreaentatlvea from all over the nation and waa held to dlecus the problems fac Ing not only producera and pro- Iceaaora of meats, but alao the con-aumlng public. Congregational Industrial bak FISHING TACKLE A Complete Line of Everything ALSO FISHING LICENSES Guns and Sporting Goods Visit our BporUnc Good Department today.

QnaJltf Tackle at Lowest Prices. Gamble Storo A. D. ed food and apron sale Apri. 17 In Valley Cafe building.

A letter waa received bre this week from Mrs. Hoy Newman, whu with ber husband and aon, Monty LeHoy, left Spearfish recently and went to Venice, to live. Mrs. Newman said: "We like California very much except when It rains or is foggy like It Is today. The flowers and lawns are beautiful and people say they are prettier this year than ever before.

We urn Bpearflsh, 8. D. within two minute, at 7:32 a. m. Jan.

22. About an hour later, Stur-gi had a similar lift. Tempera tures in Rapid Cfty went on a mad rampage beginning at 10.M a. m. A audden warming of 12 de- greea occurred wltbin four minutes, succeeded at 10:31 a.

m. by a drop of 22 degrees within three minutes. A rise from 20 degrees to 64 degrees followed with in five minutes. The thermometer continued to stgsag until that afternoon. Pedestrians, winter-nipped on on side of a corn er, found the other aid Ilk spring.

Windshield frosted over with perilous speed. Cause for the weather changea waa not the Chinook ao prevalent In the Black Hills, but was an alrmasa discontinuity, Hamann pointed out. The Black Hills at that time could be compared to an (aland engulfed by a aea of cold air, he aaid. Above thi sea, like peaks, were tbe town at high elevation, Lead, Custer, MX. Kusbmore, Hill City.

When a layer of warm air begins overrunning the cold air early on Jan. 20, they reported warm weather, which appeared at all elevation above 4500 feet. Warm air gradually progreaaed to lower elevation until Jan. 12. Insist Upon enjoying good health and are es- pecla ly pleased In the Improve-1 ment of Monty LeHoy' heallKi no is gaining weignt ana nis asm-.

ma bothers him very llttlo. Mr. I Newman is a tool designer for the Douglas Aircraft company and APRIL. 18 7:30 P. M.

BLACK HILLS Rod and Gun Club ANNUAL SMOKER Catholic Auditorium Lead, S. Dak. Admission: MEMBERSHIP CARD John King- CatlaaS Fra Pa 1) they're on the other and the beat roan wine," said. He compared the aenaatlon of battle to tha aen-aatlon of wanting to win any gam you participate in, only a million tlmea atrongar. "Yon are so keyed up to tight," be said, "that you throw all you have into it." When asked if a let-down came after a battle he said he had never ex perienced one.

King la glad to get hi feet back on United State soH. "England Is all right." he said, "But I'v seen it i. I've seen enough." When asked If he got homesick while overaeaa he said again that he "didn't have time." And then he added, "We did look forward to the mall, though." He said he met a former Lead friend, Everett Stockey, in a bote! In Lon don. Stockey bad been In tb THE 2nd WAR ow to manager of a unit of seven houses when we move this week. This will tak very little of my time but 1 am releasing a man from the inamignrehlp so he can go to work for 1'ougla.

Regard to all our Hpearflah friend." Jaime llazledlno, son of Mr. and Mrs. Karl llailedlne, left Monday from Deadwood to take hla pbyaical examination for the army. Mr. and Mr.

Hazledlne return! -week from California where Mr. Hazledlne ba been working in a airplane factory. Mr. Hazledlne will remain in Bpearflsh at the home of ber parents, Mr. and Mr.

Peter Felt, for an Indefinite length of time. Mr. Maa Bledsoe, home economist for the Black Hill Power and Light company, waa In Spearflah Friday on buainesa concerning the bulletin board she baa established at the local light office. Change of reliable wartime re- Mr. and Mra.

John MeCJenahea of Belle Fourche. former 81. Ong residents, ar the parent of a sob born at tb Bell Fourche hospital Tuesday of laat week. Ptwaa 18AM ONI we've a wa JOHNSON'S Broad. Pastry.

Rolls At Your Grocer's Classified Ads LOAN DRIVE IS inves coaat to hla parent before going Into the service. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Blake have received word that their son, Gene, who is working in defense plants in Ban Diego, will be inducted Into the army April 23. Mra.

Blake will remain In California while her huaband la In the aervlce. Mra. Willie Lee Bone of Ban DU.jro. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Oeorge Dandrow of Spear- flxh, left for bar borne Tuesday after visiting here at the home of hr parent. Mrs. Jay Dower and family of Belie, Fourche were week-end visitors at the Dandrow home, clb; Mr' of 8pt.rfl.fc. where he spent several day Waiting hi sister, Lieut. Donnabelle mhsnn, an army nurse, before he Ml Monday for Induction Into the army.

Among tbe Spearflah men who left Monday for Omaha, to take their physical examinations for entrance Into tbe army was Chester Worth, son of Mr. and Mr. Chester Worth. of Sarflsh. Young Worth ba been attending Black Hill Teachers college.

Dr. and Mra. J. W. Bmoot left Tuesday for Livingston, to vlHlt two weeks with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mra. Oeorge Bryan. Congregational Industrial bak ed food and apron sale IT In Valley (aft building. Among the out-of-town people In Spearfish Sunday to attend the funeral of Oeorge Allan Beard-Hhear were Dr. and Mr.

R. B. Kloeger, Dr. and Mr. A.

L. Rot- Running water, near school. Call 1B(M or writ to Roy Blckle, Bpearflsh. FOR SALE SMALL MODERN bouse In Trojan. Easily mored.

Inquire 416 N. Ird evening. FOR SALE FLAX SEED. BEE Martin ChrUtofferson. FOR SALE REPOSE 8 8 milking machine may be bad for unpaid balance.

Montgomery Ward Store, Deadwood. FOR SALE OR TRADB r- 14 room hotel In county aeat town. Inquire Queen City Mall. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Hemstitching. Mr.

Mating. PASTEURIZATION IS HEALTH Insurance. Our milk goe to the consumer free from all possible taint. Miller's Dairy, l'bone 211. April 17 Proprietor KOBH, Rapid City, Sunday at o'clock.

Mra. VauVactor was formerly Margaret Lyuian, daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. E.

Lyman, of dpearflab. Ben Hammond of Victory Field, Vernon, returned to bis aviation duties Tuesday after coming to Spearflah laat week-end to attend the funeral aurvicea of hia best friend, Oeorge Allan Beard-1 hear, who waa killed In a plane1 trash at Victory Field Tuesday of latfi week. Hammond accompan-j led Beardahear's body to Spear- flab from Teiaa. Ilia home Is in Wisconsin. Mr.

and Mrs. Dale Beardahear of Santa Ana, arrived here last week-end because of the death of Bcardahear'a brother, Ueorge Allan, who was killed In a plane crash last week in Toxaa. Ueardabear, who la atatloned with the akr torpa at Santa Ana, will return to California tomorrow. Mrs. Ueardahear wl I remain here the Sum Beardauear bom for the preaent.

Mrs. Harold Schoepf and son, Clary Dean, and her sister. Mavis Fox, of Kimball returned to the bchoepf home here Tuesday. Mrs. Scboepf and dairy Dean have been visiting relatives and friends at Kimball and Spencer for the paat two weeks and making arrange ments to move tbe Scboepf household furniture to Bpearflsh.

Mr. Scboepf is linotype operator at tbe Queen City Mall. Mary Naaon, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jack Nason.

and Jean Ann Shannard, ber Toommate at the University of South Dakota Vermillion, visited In Bpearflsh at tbe Naaun home from Batur day to Monday. They made the trip here with Maurice Heln- baugh, of Belle Fourche. Heln-baugh, who plana to go Into active service in the army in June, came bom to vlall briefly with hi parent, Mr. and Mr. M.

J. Heln-baugh, of Belle Fourche. Farmers Allowed to Redeem Part of Stored Wheat Farmera In Lawrence county can redeem 1941 and 1942 farm-atored wheat at feed prtce of $1 per bushel. The quantity to be redeemed at one time, together with the total amount of feed wheat held by the producer, must uot exceed tbe producer' require ments for 90 days. Fred Furoli, chairman of tbe county agricul ture board, ssld.

Furols also aaid that incentive paytnenta will be made on com mercial potatona and commercial vegetablea only. "However, deduc-ions ni made for failure to meet 9U per cent of the tutsl war crop goal for tbe farm. Even though no incentive payments will be made for other war crops. opttutors are reminded of tbe need for these rropa In the war and every effort should be msde to maintain the goala." be con tinued. 1rdiPT and Ikmkkrrplng Bya- traii for Hale at Mali Office.

Tbt Most turnout Samt in Diamonds! Kc-epsok. "ASHLEY" Matched Sf Kate Callahan "YOUR JEWLER" Pboaw SsWS Lm4. D. IO mmt lfm f-r first tatwrttoB. pmw lias Ittr mmmh aMjst I MMlM.

CUaftft4 a Ml Cpr mm 1 a far taaarllaa la Thai 4af'm aaar. WANTED WANTED SOMEONE TO LIVE In part of my horn. Free rent L- for doing chorea. Garden spot. Telephone 2K6.

FpR RENT FOR RENT ONE KOOM Apartment. Inquire Mall. FOR SALE FOR SALE ALFALFA SEED. tie lb. One young team boraea, end year oid.

Claud Hep- lar. FOR SALE SWEET CLOVER hay. Bee Martin Chrlstofferson. FOR SALE 48 35 ACRE FARM 7 southwest of 1'actola. "fi dollars!" ghting in ing men need got to buy War Bond "Lead mora money to balp carry oa tho fight That' Announcing newer bought them btfortl la tbe nest few week you may ba visited by one of tha thousand of men and women who are giving their time and effort to the 2nd War Loan Drive.

Welcome three patriotic worker if they call bay from thorn oil tko War Bend you can Better atlll, don't wail for them. Co In your neereet bank, poet office, or War Bond booth, and Inreef more ghting doUort now It' the least yon can do to help these who ar fighting and dying overaeaa! Among the 7 different kind of l'. 9. Cowenamenl Mcnritie 1 one that exactly fit your own particular puree and requirement. These sec uri lice are tbe finest investment In the world bar none! For your Country' sake for your oern sake invest all you can I what our Government la aakliif vou and all tha real of asking us to lead IS blUion Igtninf dollar in tba aext few weeks IS billon extra dollar over and above all regular War Bond buying 1 We can do ll we mutt do If re owe It to our bojt who are fighting overaeaa.

For fAeir twite. ITe're got to build man ihipsl We broke all records laat year when we built 8 million ton of shipping. Thi year, we're building IS million lone but still if It not enough FVre got to do mora fightingl More and more of our soldier and sailor are going into actual combat requiring more equipment, and mere supplies. We cannot let them down! TVr got to fcary more War Bomdtl Te help pay for ike thing our fight- Re-opening of the VALLEY CAFE Saturday, Helen Dellaven, THEY GIVE THEIR YOU LEND YOUR This Advertisement Contributed by the Tho QUEEN CITY MAIL MONEY! IXTfNDfD PAVMINTI V-.

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