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Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina • 12

Winston-Salem, North Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

yt WINSTON-SALEM JOUIMAI Thursday Morning, August 15, 1918 'A TWELVE 10 COMPLETE CALL1 Additional White are Called to Fill Out Recont Quota of 111 From City Board QUAL1TYHKK VICK SATISFACTION! Give to the Jewish War Relief Fund A The war stricken Jews of the old country; a needs help. every one do their share. NEXT MONDAY Handsome Line Of Marcus Wards Stationery All kinds of pound paper, envelopes, box paper, etc. Its beautiful; drop in and look over the assortment. OWENS DRUG CO.

The Heal Druggists Winston-Salem, N. C. BRIEF LOCAL NEWS BROWN -ROGERS COMPANY lermlned, 1. Mlaalng In actlqn, 1. Total, There are no men from Southern vtatea in tho llat.

Total killed in action, 93. Died of wounda H. i Wounded aeverely. 34. 1 Two ChmUnlana UlJAUTY SKll VICE SATISFACTION! National Biscuit Companys Cakes JuHt received In the following n-aorlmenl 0 olden Rod Bandwluh.

Kx-tra Winn hiarull, Marahmellow fruit. Prarh Turta, Whealleaa War-era, Cheeaa Tldlilta, Baronet Rlarult, Halllnea, Social Tea. Arrowroot. Tokmia and Mnrnh mallow Cream. Shipment Klberig Icachca thla morning.

WHITE STAR COMPANY M- riiouoa ST, IS and Wlniw QaaUlj Pmalla Called yeolerday hy the City kg-emptlon Moard to report for Induetlon into military aervlca at I o'clock Thuraday afternoon, Auguat Jl, and to entrain wlih the aubaequant five day period for Camp Jackaon are the following TO white reglatranta of Claae At, JUT regletratlon. Tommy Weldon Thomaa. Oncer Jamaa Groan. Jama ltoy Myrlck, Walter Gray Lloyd. Ranaaon Cornallua Wood.

Namuel Enalgn Ford. Virgil Otb podenhamar. Waltur Arthur Gregory. Leepla R. George.

Worth Gant. Roy Matt Brewer, Charlie Bit Hutching Oily WIRIam lirewer. 'George William Hapler. Gaither Eugene Lanier Kverelt Willie Dobblna Walter Blkea. Thomaa Barney parka.

Walter B. Bwaim. Arthur Hobart Adama George E. Royal. Jamea Willia Hudaon.

Mas Rtauber Tranaou. Fred S. Orrell.i Ollle E. Riley K. Matthewa Eddie Carroll.

Harrlaon E. King. Herbert B. Ragland Arch Monday. Kufua Daniel Cook.

Jonah Pitta Wealey Edward Willard. George William Porter. Noah Winfield Beck. Thoa J. Lawaon.

David Evana Day. Norman Pika 'Ralph O. McClamrork, Morgan Lewla Paula Willia Joe Prather. Willie Doeaey Wooda J. Edward Hprlnkle.

C. Wiley Wllaun. ItohL B. Doyle. David Chatham Gordon.

Henry V. Brown. llarrold 8. Petrraon. Matthew Jeremiah Palfaa Wn, Wallace Wharton.

Wm. McKinley Newoom. Clinton Warner. (Cornel lue Manuel. Carl Manvllle Brooka Carl Oilmoro Moeer.

Grady Leo Zimmerman. Wiq, Lawrence Tlmmoul KohL McKinley Ixwand. J. Montgomery Mlnlah. Ilunnle W.

Brown. Dallla William eon. Grant E. GarrltL Chaa Alpheue Lenta lamnla W. Martin.

Krneet Earl Mcflea Chaa Anderoon Balbr Chaa Awry Ilalthcoi Ed. Auatln. Albert M. Smith. Harry Headon Weave (VWWWVWAWWVSWWWSWWSVWWWWWWVWWWWWVM BEFORE you buy a typewriter, see the master model 10 Royal.

The typewriter of perfect presswork. E. L. CRAVEN, Dealer 08 W. 5th St.

Phone 235 Winston-Salem, N. C. Journal Want Ada bring reaulta. WKATUKIf KORKCAST NORTH and South Carolina: probably local thundarahowera Thuraday and Xrl-day. Virginia: loral thunderahowera and not ao warm Thuraday and Xrlday.

Tanneaaee: probably thunderahowera an not ao warm In went portion, fair In eaat Thuraday; Xrlday fair except ahowera and coolar In aaal portion. HAND niSTKItT IS PONTPUXKD The band concert to havo hoen given on the mrart tonight hae been poetponr.t until Xrlday right on ar count of the funeral of Mr. Jameo A. dray, whlrh wilt be held thla evening. KltVxK GRAVM 1ST NAVAL HOSPITAL Mr.

Xrank dravea of Mt. Airy, ton of Knllrltor 8. Inrter dravea and Mra. dravea ia In a naval hoapltal at Norfolk where he underwent alight operation. Ho la getting nlong nice.

MR. ARNOLD AKRIVKS KAXK IX FIIAXCK i The many ftienda of Clarenco B. I Arnold will he glad to know of hia anfa uMoliia I noaeaoa aufe arrival overaeaa, THE BEST WORK AT A LOWER PRICE 9 Out of tho high rent district and operating distinct saving in over head expense ia one of the reasons why our patrons receive the best printing at a lower price than they can obtain elsewhere. Let us estimate on your next printing job. We'll surprise you.

Medearis Stamp Works Winston-Salem, N. C. rnAvmiiuxH rtouk xkwx Tou will enjoy mir Xnvorlt ftroad thaaa hot day. 'rh by fit at expreaa from Waahington City every day. Plenty of Ewlebeek and a full lino Of National Itiaeult Conipnny'a Cake and Cracker.

Journal Want Ada firing reaulta IJTWtStSAitiaTrggiT IVMMt THE Watch For the Opening of Dixie Sample Shoe Store To Open Soon at 15 East Third Street Next lo Zirzendorf Laundry ecouony pi ires Sample shoes for men, women and children at economy prices I All Youths Who Have Douched the Age of, 21 Since June 5, PJ1S, Must Register Augusti2ltli Another regletratlon la pending, thla one to lake Into domra held for military oervied ihnoo buya having gtUlnad tLa nga of tl alnco Inat Juno Ith. Aa ihrra are not esperted to ho many In thla rrgiatratlon. either from tho cliy or rounty, regletratlon will tako place at City and County Ea-emptlun lloocd uffliwe on Hie arennd floor of tho Io-iofflce building Au-guat 94th. between the Maura of n. in.

and 9 p. aa hae heretofore 1 been rtwlomary. I fn the cliy offu'o, where twice ae. many are expected ae In the rounty, Menace. C.

X. Morrell. W. S. Xhher.

(Irorao i. Ilwlgln. W. flulcanib, and Will C. Brown have ben drafted to oaelat with the rt-u let radon, tho aoma regulntionn being otwrved ao prevlounly.

with tho undemanding that young men foiling. to report will tnuird aa drllnquenia. The report from Waahinglun renda; ll-clal ration on Solurday, Auguat 94. of all you ilia who have readied iho age of I alnco the necond rogio- iraikm loot Juno 9 woo ordered lo- I day by Provoet Mondial General Crowder under prncUmailnu hy I the I'rrMJntiL The purpuee la add i quickly lo Iho almuM rshautd Clana 1 lo meet Army draft cello In N-p. temher.

WOOD Ok, pine and liickory stove wood WINSTON-SALEM COAL CO. rhonc 26 DR F. N. TOMLINSON Dentist Dm (31-324 Ullmoy IIuIMIb Maura, to I and to hy appointment Oflkw IMS Itvoldrura IflO-W Phono MINN FHAXCKM MIMA 11.1, AT II Kit IIO.MK The many frlende of Miaa Frnneeo Mllla will regret ihat ahe la very III at her homo on Wvat Fourth atreet. I.

AWN PIRTV NATI IIHW NldllT There will ho a lawn party at lean Method let Church on Saturday nlahl. The public lo cordially Invited. WAI.TKR NMITII AT IKlMK OX miMIIGII Mr. J. It.

Nmtih, who realdea on Woodland avenue, haa received tel. rgram from hla ann. Walter Smith, ending that It hae arrived In New York and will lie at homo on furlough In a few day. YADKIN MOTOR LIMtl IMA la htaa Lnn YImIM Tin m4 Dana Raftb Him Pi. hr Y-dkienli- alia late Yelkumll lar Wom-a il.a Mlaa SOAPS No home should be without soap.

Wc havo many varieties to select from, rhone, if not convenient to call. Phone 8 CRESCENT DRUG CO. Next to Xnu WANTED Green Cow Hides at per pound Gmn Calfskins at. We handle handle all kinds of junk, scrap iron, rags, met1 als and second hand bags. Bring it while the prices are good.

SWARTZ 713 N. Main Street IMIITWWII.I, VISIT MIL Silt SIIOIIK A pnriy of young hoy and glrti III inoinr lo Kpeneer to vlalt Mr. Md Pluire, who In employed at that place, lie parly will ronalat of Mleaea X.tmer Collin. Kdna flolllng, Chrlailae and Carrie I lion: and Meaara, Xrank XOeier. Itotieri Mummer, CuriM Hiitiihdeal.

Iieekerdiias and Mr. and Mra Xrank llrtnkley. SAVAL. IIKpiiltTKn WUr.MHJl IX AtTIHX Waahington. Aug.

14. Tho Navy IwpartnM-ui anmauucod inflight tho wau ding In action of Movala K. Ilunn, honpllol appnnnro f.roi rlaao. It N. ollorhcd to llradqilorlcra Company of iho M-rm- I'nrio Hunn'a homo adJrom la Xuihvrlond, Vo.

Star Brand Shoe Are Better fArpemfgM FROCRJIM FOB SMI SIM cmnoil IT TMKHiiE for AM Journal Want Ada bring irrulla. Resorts HOTELWEBSTER S9XXK9D IJirr ADDX SS KASHI TO TOTAL IS, The Aaaatlarad Praaa) Waahington, Aug. 14. A oeond Army coaualiy lial woe looued lot la. day eunloinlng 99 nanira, dlvhlvd aa follow: Killed lo action.

II. filed of wound Died a cold ant and other cwuora. I. Wounded aeverely. 14.

Wounded, degree undetermined, I. Mieamg in auton. II. Total, 99. Tho nameo of tho following South-ornera appear in the acoad maualty hat: Killed In Action I'rlvalca Wm.

D. Shumate, Teen-Ion. Tenn.t Clyde Tomllnaon, New Xian. S. C.

Died of Wounda llecetved in Ao-lion Ueupmani C. S. Timothy. Chatla-nonga. Tea a.

Wounded Severely Cwrparol Arthur L. Thomaa, Raux-lio. Ark. ITIvolea flaywood fieanla. Troy, S.

C.J Herbert K. McKinney, T9I 0110 gwt, Tkarkana. Ark. cgauolty lima given In day report follow; Killed In Art ion, 99. I Med of wounda.

II. tned of dl-raa. 19, n4 of accident and other caueoa, I. Total. 191.

The Iw Htrludee tho following mou from Sunihem oiniee: Killed Action Privalea Elbert Diion. IfaNI. day, Ark. Tom W. Ilotli Foroyih.

tie.i irws I Moron, fia.i John W. Ileamo. Iloulo No. Goudneter. Aid.

tned of Wound mpioin Mortimer II Jordan. 1411 Milner Omni, liirmlhgham, Ala. Pnvnlea Alhrrt T. I 'opening, law note. X.

CM Wiilmni Fuleper, III Mill venue, MemphMi Tnn. icd of lilaeoer priveia JnrM 1C Inwrvwne, It. I. Jl, Itmnc X. I1.

Marino Itwpe IJg A Merino Carp reeuahy IM lu4 today ehowe1 Killed in nation. 4 Wound-4 to act ion aeverely, 9 Wound-4 IX aeHon. d-greo unde- ggWoaMMbat. Km York. I Ifud-thb A a id o- oovnamo) Mothoiilti MlritlM, I OH -Mil M-t unlwotiawo -'kollioti The CdviTiior of our Klnic lias nxkfil the I mi tip to rontriluitp ax far ax their mennx will allow thriu to on next Monday to the Jpwixh War Kclicf Fund.

Wt urge tin tpodp to give heartily ax lny ran that tin1 buffering down who arc Waring their jart of thix great niggle for demoerney may get fawl ami clothing. Following la the program for the Yedkin C'liunly Sunday Schiml Amo-riailoq ronvenitog fur all denemliia-(Nuia on Nunday. Auguat la. 1919, In the Cuurlhnu-o at Yadklnville, N. C.

XiaulHi htmIum ia.Hng eervlre, 4- DrviUlnfial rierrpca V. Ikrlnr IV-Nmur 19 to Prc-id-ni'a meaeage, C-IMwia. ilit-aMg II I fc Urn lary'e enri letana Ilea ekhlblled An wall charu), J. Harnor II The America a avaien Of reiiaPuia ed veal ion. X.

II. Inaog, (ullMtlun IS.gtAMaimiNient Of COW Mil- leea. 1 1 IS Announcomeata. If It -Admurnmeni. Afurmmw NwOui I 90 Snng eertlee.

I to. I 41- -ltl roll of townehipa nownahip uffkwio will e'en raU rwi of haolat 9 oO- Suag 9 Mb- A a hole. lima Sunday Wiwl euperlniendup for Yadkin ig-nuca. di-eua-um I. Warden, 4.

Williama, Frank Hum, T. IWoee. I ft-Muate, I 9 Vedhin'a place the American MrOM ef ellgMUB eduMtlun, Ullk-rt Stephenann. I eo whn rhildren, Mra Thee I. ton Nop I'm I leiirnuria of lenuoll'eee I 4t -Adfaoenmenl Am tiTf-h hMltl I I KT CtMP op itiMl lil II til; tI TI lit Imikiawa MNl'Sg lm pom MOtal'IlM 9 EM VKRNON GROCERY COMPANY 1 2 K.

Fourth Htrrrl Oppo. City Market ItOHolA and HI M. II fr irM a nglo god double do litg ill- p-a-iuo-a uiUnml gay llnnble ffh, (Jl Itomi Keuih Wroi Kod AIM HlPTin Plume Am IIH-I, Our big Msnhsttsn Shirt begins this morning. Corns and get ths pick. Yea are evperled la hll nl the 1 fvnienai Church ipie evening oi 9 4 to ollend ilia fawial edrlcee of f-nnoado A flrav l-ale will ho fc-ert-d.

nu ocr-oiol of fha wegiMr. ti'U Oi a luquralrd pet Wear Uhl Mu Y. IlYNi'M. lMn.aod.f, ji'IIX i. tnl Nil.

AdjuianL MK ARE HK I. MM! NEW TUCKS AT THE tOl.Mmi.Mi PIUCKS 30x3, 30x3 12 $14.00. Otlxr ldy equally as We sIm rdmul oid raxingx and riuir inner luld. TWIN ITY TlltK COMPANY Kim heieg Thud and Fourth i New Gillette Owners DON'T FORGET OUR 8L0QAN One Gillette Sells a Set E. B.

Parks Co. Factory Diairlbutorv Wallace Clothing COMPANY Puna A'wul i HTiximiii; itiPtmiMi ptvrhopiM uhteoghle XalieteHiah guaraui4 lauury Murage hMttnu lev ilgio utrhouge prp. IW I he ht the h'lwdil-, iMrtel Wool Ada mg tullo, A i la-9 from GuMuluire IMd-frlhwx OiphsmiKe 111 alts an rntritaliimrnl at Utah Sthnul building Thurodsy rvralng at elgM aVInck. tilrd In help lb mpHand. Ad mbmiim 25r, cbibtrrn 5r.

I WMI MS lhl hol'ofy IteiirrtfW N. It hltiWIi wear of Tiadu and Hh w. Winston Salem, N. C. IJberty Street IbvluMged Me ill Ut Till fill IIILH HI xt I'l 111 II I 1 Sosnik-Kretzmer I MHIHP PHH tP llll, IhW MWWAWWAVW, Til Inci.e 4f nj'uirt'l fr hidio itiiii mnl Inj i.

HK' iii ihii mi nmumt with r.a (Nn-. Ymii'II like mir kImm ii iM wrt iif. Comer Liberty am! Main Street WHAM.

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