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Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina • 1

Winston-Salem, North Carolina
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1903. Price, Two Cents. SI, 000 TO CITY PRESIDENT PUR Makes a Statement Which is Warmly Denounced. LATTERY BILL DISCUSSED Stockholders the N. ii Midland Railroad Declare 2 1-2 PER CENT DIVIDEND At the Annual Meeting Held Hera.

$29,000 Net Earning of the Road lor Past Year. Statement of Palmer was to the Effect Amount be Paid War Veterans Would be $31,008, 100 Inst Special to Journal: Havana, Not 11. The question of a Intteiy in connection whh the army loan bill was the subject cf a heated diaauaaion yesterday iu ti Senate. Sneator Delgado, the her of the lot er; bill, replying to President. Palma'ii statement that war veterans' would accept tha proceeds of the loan aa full satisfaction of their claims, warmly denonuoed that statrm.ut and said that uo one who applauded the President! aainranoea duriug his recent tonr of the country spec ted that tbe amount to he paid to the veterans would bo reduoed to $35,800,000 from $55,000,000, the tnll amount of the veterans claims.

Senator Delgado insisted on the necessity ot pausing the lottery bill in to adquately compensate tli Cnbana who had touglit for the Independence of the country. OLD TOWN CHURCH Where Sesqui Centennial Will be Held on Friday. DYNAMITERS AT WORK SESQUI-CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 150TH ANNIVERSARY Of the Founding of Bethabara The Most fmportant Church Event for Many Years. Attracting World-Wide Attention. At the annual meeting of the atnok (older- of the North Carolina Midland Railroad held here yesterday a divi dend ot 2g per cent on the capital eto.k was neclarad.

The ret earnings of the road for the paat jear were found to be $39,000, after the internet ou bonda had been paid ud all inol dental expenses have been aettled lh city of Winatou owniugg $40,000 worth of aharea in th road will entire aa her abate $1,000, Davie County owning the aame amount ot stock will leceive a like amount. The atock ia practically owned by the Southern Railway though there ere a few private stick lioldeis beaidea Win-ton, Davie Cntanty, Monreivllle, which own atock to thj amouut of $9,800 and Coddle Creek township, $5,400. The fololwing were elected to ooiiatiote the board ot director! O. B. Eaton.

II. E. Fries, R. J. M.

B. Bailey. J. W. Flier, F.

II. Bate1, anl G. Hinahaw of Winatnn; J. W. uannon, of Oonoord.

A aud Dt. J. MnClellau, of Mooreaville; Johnson aud W. A. Bailey of Davie County; A B.

Andrewa, of Raleigh. In the Jtnre the mayor of ti'e nity will be one of I lie direotore because of the stock owned by the city. Mr. A. Leuaer was olioien by the board to draw reanlotionu of reaped to the life ot Rev.

W. G. Wilaon ul Mookevtlle, a director of the road for more thau 84 yeaiv A oopy ot then lelaolotioui will be apreed npou the reoorde of the meeting and one ee to the widow at Mockaville. Tli of the executive committee are U. W.

IloiiJkhaw A. B. Andrewa 'and A Leazoer. The road was declared to be in ex-cellait condition. Col A.

B. Andrews who cume up iu hie private car to attend the ineetiug spent the day here. SUC a1LK VE NT. Marriage of One of Saleme Populei Daughters November 85. Tim hctlirnthal of Miaa Genriga Riglire of Salem to Di.

Eflrd ot South Camlina was annonuoed at an eutei-tainiuent giveu by Mre. Dr. Sioweis, in her honor a few dare ago aud wa a-in in theae ooluina at the time, liivitiiiona to the weddiug are now oat aud read as follows: Mr. and Mrs George Ilanea Right request the honor ot yuur premies the marriage of their daughter, Georgia Ur.ijgfacce and Dr. Lester Juliau Efird, Wednesdav afternoon, Nov 85, 1903, 8 o'clock.

First Maptiti Cliuroli, Winston Salem, N. U. Mis Kiglua after graduating at the Salem Academy was tor a number of year a member of the faculty. Sue ia prominent in social circles in both tba Twin Cites. Dr.

Eflrd, for a number of years a of the mouumenta and the coital of the deeds of the settlera. The importune of the oalebretian la attested by the. Boutheru Railway consenting to run a apeoial train with a seating oapaoity of 800 penpla to Bethabara. sttih at 0 a. bara at 5 p.

of 85 cents. Saturday Tha train will leave Win m. returning from Betlia-m with a looiid trip fara Hi'tortoal the MoravUu Portion of a River House Blown Down. Special to Journal: Tituidad. Nov.

11. Dynamite waa exploded yesterday moruiug un der tue eleotrlo light power liouae at Hastings, 30 milea north of Trinidad. One oorner of tha liouae waa blowu out but the machinery waa not dam aged to any great exteut. Although information ia meager, it is under stood that the dynamite was not piao ed correctly and uv a consequence very little damage was done. At strikers Headquarters it is claimed that the dynamiting was not dona by strikers and that the purpose probably was to have militia ordered to the namp.

It waa rumored here that the superintendent of the Hastings miuc had been shot and seriously injured bnt this oould not be verified. meeting iu settler 150 years ago took np their ab'de Is marked by a linge boulder of grauite ou whioli la Inscribed the mea of the original twelve setleia. The old fort which daring the Prenoh and I.idian war sheltered refugees from the country for 100 mitea around la outlined by granite pillars allowing the exact aituainn and size. The mill atone of the old mill which practically fed the western part of the State for a number of yeats lias been fonnd end made Into a monument ou which la Inaorihed a history of the fort. 1 In fact eo completely haa the town been marked nut aa it originally stood by these ptllara and luunouients that one in passing through ia strangely impressed with an indescribable feeling aa if in the midst of a apeotre city.

It waa through this town In 1781 that Oornwallia passed with 7,000 anl-diera and encamped olosa by. Two years later President George Washing ton waa a visitor to the town aud expressed himself well pleased with the sterdy and valiant settlers. It la in commemoration ot tha founding of this settlement, taking anch an important plane in history Ilia" the exercisea on Friday will be devoted, together with the dedination The nelsbratlou of the Ss-qnl-Oen-tennial to lie held at Beliabara Fiiday at the Home Cliuroli Satin day and Sunday and thiouglic.ut the Snothetn Moravian Province Tuesday ia exciting widespread Interest. Dr, la in reciept of mauy letters of nnr.gratnlalijua upon tills gieat celebration trmn all over the United States, Great Britain and Germany It is a fact that Bethaharn and poiuta in it Immediate vicinity aie ot more interest historically than any other points In the Srate. These pniuts of interest sud events centering around them were uever fnlly recognised by the people ot the State until the oi-ganixation of War lioviu Historical S.ciety.

Sinoa thou the publishing ot interurting pamphlets ot information aud dates mid a complete hi-torv ot Wachovia in North Carolina" by Dr. Clawell lias awkened the people to he importance, historically of tills con inanity Great piepratioua have b-en marie to make tiiia the inott important celebration held in tin Stats for many years. The old towr of Bethabara, has in a sense been com-peltely rebuilt by the establishing of signs marking the streets aud the sites of all the buildings wlifoli were originally there. The place of the hut where the flint DRIED Ul. Society will have a public the Home Cliuroli.

Rev. Paul de Hohwelnitz ot Bethle hem, will be the speaker. Sev eral papers of interest will also be read. Sunday the members ot the different churches of the Southern proviuue nuDibmng about $5,003 will be invited to attend the apeoiel servioea at the Home Clinroh. The last of the series ot services will be held Tuesday, Nov.

.17, at 3 oolook, this living the exaot day aud hour when the first spttlera entered Bethabaia. At this hour every ohuroh of the piovlnoe will be open tor services and every member, no matter where at, will devote the hour to quiet spiritual devotion serviea at this hour will oouolnde the moat important ohuroh occasion for many years and will uonatitota an important fact In history. YELLOW FEVER CASES resident of Wiuvton is a nephew of J. O. and F.

Kflid and is now building up a line medical practice at Lees' villa, A. U. wr? A -'a. In Texas New Cases 20; Deaths Total Cases 768. Special to Journal: Laredo, Nov.

11. The rffioial yellow fever bulletin issued last night Is aa follows: New oases 80, deaths 5. total casea to data 788, total deaths 77. Three new casea have been discovered at the Gannel coal mines, making the total number there 11. Two deaths from jellow fever noenrred at Miners Monday making a total of ten deaths.

Coffee Was Drying up Her Blood. "Coffee had the peculiar effect on me of thiukeulng the blood and lec-en-ing it in quality, in other words 'trying it up" says a onog lady ot Hhel ton, "aud so long as I used Ilia diug, coffee, 1 had terrific headaches' frequently aocomianied by soar tUtu aoh aud a very bad breath. "My condition was set inn and I knew something Imd to he done so I decided to quit ooQee; drink Iostam. "A few days after 1 quit drinking uuffue aud r.hittcd to Postuin I felt much better bu1 to Improve on the Postum nutil I am now entire ly free from headaches, and stomach trouble and stoadiiy gaining iTi flesh and health and fuel happy and full of rloh, pore blond. My parents were ailing as long aa they were coffee drinkeia.

They were certainly great coffee fiends and oalimed that they could not get orffee strong enough fur them and my father in particnlar was a rt gnlar a ave to Ciflre, driuktng many cupe of it daily although he Lad teirifli iiAaduoliea about once a week, hite my mother complained ot her I.ver and took diff erent liver remedies out all to no avail. "Then I persuaded Hihui to it cuffte mul drink Poi-tum Foul and be rcn-ilt. was all that Iliad lnqed (nr and both are hearty caters and are strong and well I (eikiw i many other ohtjh where luring i if enffen and diuk'ng 1oatuui has result i-d in wonderful cliHi in l-eiilili," Nu'e given by P.iitotu Buttle Creek, M'Mi. Look in ench pHrkei.e fur a top i the famous little hor-fc, "The Koad to WellvilK" FRAUD CHARGED Warrant Issued Against Squire A. B.

Sedan of Asheville. Special to Journal: Onarlntte, N. Nov. 11. A special to Chronicle from Asheville saya: A warrant lias been sworn out agaim-t Squire A.

B. Sittnn of Henderson county by the Pristine Petrified Phenomenon Company, charging Bitten with obtaining money under false pieieusea and with fraud. The Pristine Petrified Fhenonmeuou Company kuowu as tha owners of the Pelrified man, last Mpriog paid Sitton $8,500 fur the enrioaity which tiittou claimed wsh fnuud on his farm iu Htndersr.u county Recently W. P. Brown, attorney tor tlif- company, discovered avidenoe which it is claimed led to the expoeura of the thing as a take and the company lias broght criminal action.

baptist hkvival. The meeting at the Nortii Winston Haptist Dispel continues to grow in interest, tiie reivii'e last night whs conducted by Fred N. Day, who preached a very touching spinnm, from Matt. 8:33, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God." Mr. Dav plead with his hearer to make God aud his righteousness their first choice.

The meeting will continue through the week. Tonight the Jolly Boys Longue will arteud in a body at which time they will be favored with a selection A Phoo Showing the Progress Made on the New Depot. CARD OF THANKS. I sincerely thank all those who in anv way helped os in our affliction, wnicli came upon ua through th death of my husband, J. K.

Pfolil, wi-at a beautiful and sub-tanlial tincture this will be. The contractors are very well pleas with the war the woik ia advan cing anl pronim even more rapid work. As will be seen by the above pfeture tha prepress r.n the new Union Pas senger htath'n is being made in a fai'ly sati.fartory manner, and the portion of the walis which have been etecied,!i not much more than the foundation, fire a faint idea of and may God bleas yon for your kind aympatliy. Mrs. J.

K.jFfohl. requested to attendtlieae meeting-. by tiie League quartette. Tne pjbihj i.

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