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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 20

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Sunday, July 10, 1910. 20 THE DECATUR DAILY HERALD A STORECROWDER! 9b00 pieces of granite ware, coffee pots, preserving kettles, buckets, sfew kettles, dish pans, cuspidors, tea kettles, milk pans, pudding pans, wash basins, chambers, milk tans, rice boilers, worth regularly 18c, 25c, A STORECROWDER! 2.000 pieces of chinaware and glassware hand painted plates, salad dishes, real cut glass water glasses. Jugs, cake stands, fruit dishes, chop plates. French Chin plates, dinner plates, meat platters, vegetable. dishes, etc, worth 18c.

25c, 35c and 50c. Monday morning Tour choice for JlQ AUWWSTW- LOWEST jfrtoCZS 3ic and 50c Monday at 8 a. m. Your choice 10c 0 Dicaturs Busy StdreTv Mm LI OF SLUE IS GETIHG THiSNER More Than 2700 Old Soldiers Die Every Month of the Year. notnemat Bargains! NEARLY 630,000 LIVING Census of Veterans of Union and Confederate Sides Being Taken.

For the second week of our greatest of all July Clearing sales, we 'are going to offer some phenomenal bargains. Eeal genuine decisive bargains that our customers will immediately recognize as uoprecedented in the annals of July Clearing sales. Of course we expect an enormous response but we have secured extra sales-people and hope to wait on all satisfactorily. Be on hand Monday morning for the best values ever offered in Decatur. You certainly will not be disappointed.

Hundreds of real, genuine bargains but advertising space permits only to mention a few: i 20c, Wash Goods for 10c yd 35c Wash Goods for 15c yd Upwards of 500 short lenerths of exauisite summer wash sroods. including Suesine silks, Come Monday and select from, upwards of 100 pieces of fine Primrose Batistes, fine French -g all this past lawns, fine Organdy tissues and beraitiful dainty dimities that were priced iercerized 15c mercerized 1UL silks, mercerized silk poplins, polka dot secco silks, mercerized silk novelties all lengths under 10 yards. A great many dress lengths, skirt lengths and waist lengths. An entire counter loaded down with regular 29c to 35c values. Monday, choice a yard season at 15c, 18c, 20c and 22c a yard.

Unoice now a yam. 18c Zephyr Plaids, 12'2c 29c Organdies, 15c Exquisite Imported French Organdies, satin striped Imported nov Beautiful stvlish Zephyr plaid Ginghams those much wanted v5c Ginghams, 8'2c Genuine Ked Seal and Toil Dxi Nord Zephyr dress Ginghams stripes, variegated plaids, checks, etc. All lengths under 10 yardt. Regular 12 Jc to 15c values. Come and select from up-wards of 2,000 yards.

Choice now a yard O2C variegated large colored plaids, also in the much wanted shepherd from the i inch to check black and white checks. All size checks 15c elties, exquisite Egyptian Tissues and real high class novelties. All those beautiful wash fabrics priced all this past season at 25e to 29c a yard. Choice now a yard 122c the one inch size. Also broken black and white plaids.

Kegular 15c to 18c values. Now a yard Summer Suitings White Dress Goods (Beautiful whfto dress goods, striped and checked fine goHlers and sailors of the Union irmy In the Civil war are dying at a rapid rate. About 90 names a day are dropped from the pension rolls. This average Is equivalent to about iiVu deaths a month, or about 32.000 annually among federal survivors of the war carried along on the pension How many survive who are not on the pension roll is not recorded In the pension office or the adjutant general office ol the War Department. The orflcials refer to these unrecorded soldiers as the "unknown army." and there Is such an army of survivors on both sides, confederate as well as union.

Many of them belong to Grand Army posts or Confederate Veteran camps, but there are undoubtedly a number who are neither pensioners nor Identified with organizations. Every once in a while a survivor of the war who had been lost sight of turns up In some out-of-the-way corner of the world and applies for a pension through a congressman or under general statute. Vanishing Army. The old soldiers of both armies are vanishing rapidly. Just how many survive, will not be known1 until after the completion of the thirteenth census, and can only be approximated now outside ot those whose names are carried on the pension rolls as having served In the Union army.

There is no such record of the confederates, for they get no general pensions, and their names and places of residence are not a matter of official record. A number of confederate soldiers can be located through the rolls of the veteran camp in the South, but these records are not nearly so complete as those of the (irand Army of the Republic. The law providing for the taking of the census of 1910 stipulated that there should be Included a tabulation of number ot union and confederate soldiers and sailors living. The census ot 1900 continued no such tabulation. The most generally aorepted estimate of the total number of "individuals" serving In the union army and navy Summer Suitings Here Is another great special.

Indian Head Suitings, 36 Inches wide, in the plain shades black, brown, tan, navy, champagne, light blue, cedar, Copenhagen. The fabric for hot weather wear for wash suits, skirts and long klaxons and Llnaire white goods, embroidered Swisses, White Dress Goods Upwards of 100 pieces of new white dress goods, checked and striped lawns, India llnons, 40-inch Victoria lawns, nainsooks, etc, worth regularly up to 17c I A- a yard. Choice, a yard I Up tjpwards of 0 pieces of beautiful white dress goods, Including mercerized fancies, checked Flaxons, striped and Fine yard wide white Seaside suitings for summer suits, skirts, coats, etc. Worth everywhere 15c I fli a yard. Our price a yard I 45 inch India Lawns, fine white Batiste, worth up to 35c a yard.

Now choice a I9c 12k coats Always a big seller at 17c a yard. This sale a yard Come and see our enormous showing of new Durbar Finest imported plain or striped or checked sheer Klaxons, Linaire and Linweave white goods, also 45 inch cloths, Himalaya cloths and imitation Himalaya cloths, checked mulls and lawns, dotted and embroidered Swisses, Beautiful yard wide Economy Linens for summer suits, skirts and dresses. All colors. Remember full 36 inches wide. Regular price 25c a yard.

This great I July sale our price, a yard I UC in all the latest shades for summer suits and skirts Persian Lawn and Paris Muslins, worth up to 50c a yard. Now a yard 23c 15c etc. Many regular 25c values. Our price, a yard 25c Very good values a yard, 35c, 29c and HOUSEKEEPERS! Here are Sensational Values! 65 Mercerized Damasks 39c to outdo any similar offer ever before made in Decatur, to break all July Clearing sale records and as another! great phenomenal bargain Monday we place on special sale 25 pieces beautiful mercerized Table Linen 64 inches Wide looks OO like the imported Irish damasks at $1 'a yard. Regular price 65e a yard.

Jj-ff Come Monday, choice a yard 75g to $1 Drawnwork Linens, 39c Here is-one of the greatest specials ever offered in Decatur. Upwards of 1,000 pieces of drawnwork linens dresser scarfs pieces, lunch clothes, pillow shams Six and eight rows of drawnwork. Mexican and Teneriffe handdrawn lin-ens worth 75c to $1.00. Not over 3 pieces to a customer. Choice at the un- -jj heard of price 85c Sheets for 69c 98c Sheets for 77c Our very best SI by 90 full bleached seamless sheets made of the celebrated Pequot and Androscoggin sheeting.

Our regular leader at 98c. Come Monday and supply your wants. The HH best values ever offered in Decatur, each 69c Sheets for 48c On special slc- beginning Monday 50 dozen bleached and unbleached ready made bed sheets 72 by 90 torn, ironed and hemmed sheets worth regularly 69c. Not over 6 to a AQv customer at the lowest price ever named, each. Here is another great special.

Full bleached seamless bed sheets 81 by 90 torn, ironed and hemmed. This sheeting off the bolt 69c is worth 30c a yard and it takes 2i yards to make a sheet. Positively regular 85c values. Monday Window Shades, Etc. MUSLINS.

7c Unbleached yard 7c Lace Curtains Half Price wide Best 30c Window Shades, long, bur price 3. six feet All our Sheeting, a yard 4Sc BEDSPREADS. Regular 75c hemmed Bedspreads, white as snow nice crochet designs now choice, at Regular $1 Bedspreads Marseilles designs large size and good weight All our Sic yard wide heavy round Shades, 6 Best 35c Window feet long, our price, each To make quick clearance of upwards of 500 pairs of beautiful lace curtains all broken lines--one pair, one pair and a half, Nand two pairs of a kind Cable net, Battenberg, Madras, Brussels and English net lace curtains worth regularly 75c to $5.00 a pair. Choice now at about one-half the original prices 22c Choice, now 79c threap Sheeting, a yard .1 Best 9c full bleached Muslin lowest price in years, a yard Best 121c full bleached, yard Muslin. Our price, a yard CALICOES.

500 pieces of the best American prints, silver grays, indigo blues, worth 6jc to 7c a yard. We' always name the lowest price. This sale, 10 yards I for fr I 200 pieces of the very best 8 l-3c Apron Ginghams, our price, a yard 05 The very best 124c Dress Ginghams, our price this sale, 1 a yard V2C All the best 15c Percales in all colors. An exceptional bar- I fl gain, choice a yard I UC All our regular 10c percales in all The 6k wide 8k Regular $1.25 hemroed and fringed and -cut corner white Bed- flO wonderful values at a pair $2.98, 98c, 49c and 29c oou spreads, now Very handsome fringed, scalloped and cut corner white Bedspreads, worth TICKING. Best 60c Oil Shades all colors, our price' ft each 0lC 44-inch extension Brass Rods for sash curtains, our price, complete with fix- tures Regular 15c heavy Brass Rods for Lace Curtains large fluted knobs, our price com- ft plete DC Upwards of 300 pairs of beautiful lace curtains including l-i i if.

a VT.ii' i i $2.25 to $2.50. Slightly soiled Choice $1.69 vauie net. uauras aim lace curiaius that were priced $2.50, $2.75 and $3 a' pair. Not over one to two pairs Beautiful Fringed and cut corner gen Best 20c Feather Ticking. The lowest price ever named, I a yard I rC Best 25c Fancy Feather Ticking, the lowest price eT-named, a yard IOC uine Marseilles Bedspreads, worth $3.

or a Kind, lo make quick clearance (Jome Monday $1.39 enoice a pair Now your choice for colors, now a Our price, yard $2 to $2,25 One-Piece Dresses 98c during the Civil war Is il.213,365. This estimate was prepared by Fred Alnsworth, adjutant general or lie army, 14 years ago. and Is the one toward which pension officials and others turn for data relative to the size of the union army In the war. But it was only an estimate. The records show that the total number of enlistments from the various states and territories during the war under Resident Lincoln's various calls aggregated But of this number there were 105.963 enlistments of seamen and marines, leaving 2.672.341 enlistments credited to the army alone, exclusive of 16.422 men who were serving In the regular army.

It Is estimated that of these 2.672.31 there were 543.393 re-enlistments, which when subtracted leaves the estimate of Individual volunteer soldiers 1 it the war 2.126,943. There were enough re-enlistments in the navy to bring the actual number of Individuals in the navy down to 84.417. making the number serving in the war on the union side 2.213.365. This is the only official estimate ever made, ana larr it varies from the actual number can never he determined. The number of survivors of the Civil war on the pension rolls on June 30.

1909. was 503,961. At the close of the Spanish war. in 1S9S. there were Civil war survivors on the pension rolls.

These figures relate only to soldiers and sailors who actually fought in the war and do not Include widows, children or orphans. The number ot names of Civil war survivors stricken from the pension rolls on account of death last year was 32,831 In 1908. la 1907. St. 101: In 1906.

29.208. or a total of 127.573 dropped from tne rolls on account of death in four years, and the fiscal year which will show about 32.000 more dropped on account of death. This is the rate at which the pensioned old soldier is passing. In Other Wars. There are no pensioners of the Revolution or War of 1S12 living.

The last survivor of the war of the revolution on the pension rolls was Daniel Brakeman. who died at Freedom. Cattaragus county. New York. April 5.

1S69. aged 100 years 6 months and 8 days. The last pensioner of the War of 1S12 was Esther Damon of Plymouth Union. Vt ho died Nov. 11.

1906, aged 92 years. There is now only one pensioner on account of the Revolutionary war remaining on the roll. She Is Mrs. I'hoebe M. I'almeter, aged 89 years, of Brookfleld.

N. pensioned by special act jf Congress as the daughter of Jonathan K. Wooley. who served in New Hampshire company. The last surviving pensioned soldier of tlw War of 1S12 was Hiram Cronk.

of Ava. X. who deid Slav 13, iat)5. aged luo years and 18 days. The names of 305 widows of the War of 1S12 remained on the pension roll June 30, 1909.

The last survivor of the Involution lived to be four ears older than the lust survivor ot the War of ln. The last survivor of the Kevolutlon lived until four years after the close of the Civil war. The last survlvoi-of the War of 1S12 lived until seven years after the Spanish war. The last survivor of the Kevolutlon on the rolls lived for SS years after the close of that war. If there is any soldier ot the Civil war who will live vears after the close of the conflict In which he fought his name will remain on the pension rolls until The last survivor of the War ol 1S12 lived 90 years after the end of that struggle.

According to these Instances, we may be paying a pension to the last soldier pensioner in the Civil war in There is in mourning colors. Black typifies the solemn midnight gloom, the total deprivation of light and joy. occasioned by the loss of friends. The Persians mourn In pale brown, the color of withered leaves. The Ethiopians affect a grayish brown, the color of the earth to which the bodies of the dead return.

in Syria sky-blue is t'Ae color of mourning. Indicative of the assurance that the We want to make quick clearance of upwards of 200 Women's One-Piece Summer Dresses made of percales, lawns, madras and ginghams light, medium and dark colors stripes, dots and figures. Remember one-piece dresses in the very latest styles worth regularly $1.75, $2 and $2.25. All sizes 32 to 44. Beginning Monday, choice at "the unheard of price $10 Dresses For $3.95 Tr i i S5 to $6 Dresses $2.95 "Women's beautiful figured Madras and Lawn one-piece Dresses Women's exquisitely beautiful white and colored one-piece Princess Dresses and Tunic Effect Dresses, marl a nf WpncVi T.i Maxons and Batistes.

Daintily trimmed with lace insertions. No a. i rt una lace insertions. No actually worth $5 to $6. To make quick clearance your choice now a t- the very reasonable price $3.95 uress aiise una entire lot.

uver 100 to select from All sizes Kegular $10 values Choice now $20 Dresses $10 Upwards of 50 Women's beautiful Summer Dresses, made of Pongee Silks, Taffeta Silks, Foulards, Linen, Lingerie Durbar Linens, etc. Actually $17.50, $18 and $20 dresses in all the very latest 1 A styles Choice now for PlU $8 Linen Coats $3.95 Women's handsome 54 inch Automobile Linen Coats Made with high or lay down collars semi-fitting and with large stylish cuffs Coats that are actually bargains at $8 All sizes Choice rtC now for Linen Jacket Suits All our Women's White and Natural Linen Jacket Suits at greatly reduced prices. Summer Suits actually worth $5 to $25, now reduced one-third to one-half. Wonderful values $10, $6.98, CI HQ $4.98 and 33 1-3 to 50 Per Cent Off On Tailored Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Etc. 5,000 yards of Scotch Lawns," AU our women's 79c.

S5c and SSc While Krabroid-ervd Lawn Wuists All our Women's White Duck Dress Skirts tailored scams, worth $1.75 to J2.25 Monday Women's Percale House Dresses worth to $1.25, all sizes and all colors Mon To every customer buying $1 worth or over in our store Monday 1.000 pairs of sample hosiery for men, Women and children, worth 15c to 25c a pair. 100 pieces of IS inch Corset Cover, embroidery, worth everywhere 25c a yard, Monday a 50 pieces of fine Swiss. Nainsook and Cambric -embroidery and Insertion, worth 15c to 18c a yard. 50 feet of guaranteed 3 ply garden hose complete with couplings and nozzle, worth 50 dozen Women's hemstitched crossbar pure whhe handkerchiefs not over 6 to a customer Ql each Z26 50 dozen Women's Mercerised taped pure white regular 10c vests. Monday a great special each at 0C Mason Fruit.

Jars quarts, a dozen and pints a dozen, at 33c worth l-3c 71c to a yard sell 10 we will Monday all choice, at 48c deceased has gone to heaven. Purple, the mourning of kings, is said to be derived from the purple garment which the Roman soldiers put upon Christ when they mockingly hailed Him as 'klcg of the Jews." 98c day, our price 48c sizes Lenox bars of Soap, for Monday, a pair 10c Monday 10 yards for yard, at 39c 15c Monday a yard 10c $7 Mon day $4.99.

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