The Roanoke Times from Roanoke, Virginia • 3
- Publication:
- The Roanoke Timesi
- Location:
- Roanoke, Virginia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
3 THE ROANOKE TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1903. 3 $3.00 Exceptional Value IN A Pat. Tip Turn Oxford. This is our latest invoice and one of the newest designs in New Engrand, the -cknowledged birth place of foot wear. SNYDER-STOLL CO, 110 South Jefferson.
0 A PEER BEHIND THE CURTAIN. It you will go to HARTBERGER'S and taken prep you will see the biggest furniture ever brought to Roanlive of oke, Prices to suit. HARTBERGER can make your home a paradise. Car load of trunks just arrived. This is trunk week at, HARTBERGER'S FURNITURE WAREROOMS, 129-131 SALEM AVENUE.
Catogni's Restaurant. Counter and Dining Rooms Lunch Open Day and Night. the place of all places in the It is get the full value of city where you your money. Breakfast-6 to 9 a. m.
25c --12 to 3 D. 256 Dinner Supper-6 to 8 p. 25c by the month. $15.00 Meal Tickets (good for 21 meals) $4.00 All the Delicacies of the Season. Col.
Thos. Lewis Room 501 Terry Building. Has for sale desirable lots and parcels of land as in the city as follows: Harrison ave. and Sixth Lot corner street, n. 80 feet.
Lot with house, on Gilmer avenue, n. 50x130. 200x500 feet plat forming on Sixth street, S. W. 130x600 feet plat fronting on Sixth street, S.
W. 200x130 feet plat, south side Woods avenue S. W. 250x90 feet, north side Woods avenue, W. Lots and parcels of land from oneto five acres on west side of half acre Sixth street.
These are all desirable building sites. Dainty Oxfords Brother George's shoes are no longer correct. Women's tastes have swung to a love for daintiness. A higharched, full instep foot looks its prettiest in Oxfords or Colonials. They correct.
Keep on the side of are very daintiness in choosing the style. BUT OXFORDS MUST FITTHAT'S THE CHARM. two-thirds of the Oxfords do not Yet We perfect the fit of all, and therefit, success of this shoe store at in lies the selling. See the styles in our Oxford show window. RIELEY RAMSEY, 'SHOERS.
I PLAY BALL. Amateur Baseball Season Opens at Athletic Park Tomorrow. On Saturday the amateur baseball season will open with a flourish of trumpets and music by the band--the Red Men's Band. The Tri-City Baseball League promises the people royal sport, and every nine in the organization say they will give a good account of themselves. The first game on Saturday afternoon will be between Vinton of last year's championship fame, and the new Norfolk and Western nine.
The Vintonites play in their old-time form, and expect to do business from the opening of the league season. On the other hand the Norfolk and Western team is a strong youngster and have demonstrated they know a thing or two about the game, When the fun commences on Saturday afternoon, at Athletic Park, Roanoke's mayor, Joel H. Cutchin, will 1 before the eyes of the astonished lookers, shoot the first ball across the plate preceding such action by a few happy words of felicitation on the opening, of the baseball season. Then the band will play some more and the cry of "batter up" will start the great American game going to the accompaniment of many voices from the grand-stand. The Virginia College girls are expected to be out in full force, at tomorrow's game.
called for 4:15 o'clock A general admission of 15 cents will be charged, ladies being admitted free. BEDFORD CITY HOME. HoW the Elks Will Dedicate Their Beautiful New Building. The committees in charge of the dedcation arrangements at Elks' Home opening at Bedford City consists of Messrs. Phillip G.
Kelly, of Richmond; J. A. Pack, of Roanoke, and L. Lazarus. of Lynchburg.
The committee, after considering various plans, decided to have on the occasion of the dedication an old-fashioned Virginia barbecue. It will take place on the grounds of the Home, and a fire-class man, one who is skilled in and familfar with such undertakings, will be ento look after the barecuing of gaged the meats. Mr. Lazarus has a list of meats, and the address of welcome will be made by Mayor Campbell, of Bedford City. Other addresses will be made by Governor Montague, Senator John W.
Daniel. Mr. J. T. Fanning, of Indianapolis, chairman of the grand trustees; Mr.
George P. Cronk, of Omaha, grand exalted ruler of the United States: Mr. Meade D. Detwiler, of Harrisburg, past grand exalted ruler. and chairman of the national home committee, and Frederick Ward, the famous tragedian.
The exercises will begin at half past 11 o'clock in the morning, and at their conclusion dinner will be served. The music for the occasion will be rendered by the Roanoke Machine Works Band, which have twenty-five members Music will be rendered after each address, and eight minutes after each address will be devoted to this purpose. Mr. H. 0.
Humphreys, of Bedford City, is chairman of the local committee in Bedford City, which is looking after arrangements. FEWER GALLONS; WEARS LONGEP. Fewer gallons; takes less of Devoe Lead and Zine than mixed paints. Wears longer; twice as long as lead and oil. A little life may be sacrificed to a sudden attack of croup, if you don't have Dr.
Thomas' Electric Oil on hand for the emergency. For sale by H. C. Barnes, opposite passenger depot. Come in and take a peep at Edwin Clapp's and Williams' Kneeland up-todate Shoes and Oxfords, the finest in town.
They are dead swells at Bachrach's. The "Bucks Junior Range contest" closes June 1st. Send in your cupons. See our ad. 8th THURMAN, OVERSTREET BOONE.
New Shape Aluminum putter. Call and see it. Ball runs true from any port of the face. ROANOKE CYCLE 103 Campbell West. UNION MEN Buy your coal and wood from the Roanoke Co-operative Supply Co, office 136 Campbell avenue, s.
W. Yard 528 First avenue, n. W. Both phones. Smoke Cigars.
Union made. THE WEATHER MAN Was right when he said we'd have a cold April- wasn't he? Now he says we're to have a warm May--and he furthermore advises the men folks to buy light-weight suits. A real warm day will catch you in that old winter suit if you don't look out! You'd better look in here--if you buy in haste. you can get your money back equally quicker. We are sole agents for "High Art" clothing the best in the land.
N. SCHLOSS Philadelphia One-Price Clothiers. FOR SALE. Stylish bay Hackney mare. five years old.
City broke. Has good speed and has been taught to high step. For particulars address J. R. Martin, phone 52, or P.
O. Box 226, Pulaski, Va. CAUGHT AT NORFOLK. Singer Sewing Machine Agent who Absconded Brought Back. W.
E. McMillan, who was formerly in the employ of the Singer Sewing Machine Company in this city, and who in the summer of 1898 suddenly departed for parts unknown, was arrested in Norfolk yesterday and brought to Roanoke yesterday morning by Detective W. G. Baldwin. McMillan, who was a remarkably clever salesman, had been employed at the time of his defalcations in the capacity of city and country salesman and did much business for the company.
A new manager, Mr. W. C. Bryant, took charge of the office in Roanoke about this period, and prepared to go over the books. McMillan was told to be present on the day in question, but gave an excuse for going home for a short time, promising to appear on time.
"He never came back." Instead he was found later to have hired a horse and buggy and to have driven, to Cloverdale. Here he very generously, presented the entire outfit where he was stopping, and bought a ticket to some point near Buchanan. Here all trace of him was lost. It is believed he went for a while to Baltimore, and later returned to Newport News, where his family are said to be residing at the present time. The warrant served on McMillan charges him with having embezzled $1,069 from the Singer company.
This was made up of small and large amounts collected on machines for which no return was made, McMillan has been looked for by the police in vain, and has long succeeded in eluding capture. He was well known in Roanoke and exceedingly popular with many. THE GROCERY STORE ROW. The trouble which took place at the True Reformers' grocery, over in the Northeast last night between J. M.
Lipscomb, the manager of the store. and W. E. Davis, a colored insurance agent. was aired for several hours in the police court this morning.
Quite a vicious fight appears to have taken place between the men, in which a club and a weighing weight were used. Harris Hoge represented Lipscomb and A. J. Oliver acted for Davis. Judge Bryan decided that there was considerable blame on both sides, but finally fined Davis $5 for his part in the affair.
THE DUST PLAGUE. The dust, which has been lying thick upon Roanoke's principal; streets for many days past, up by the sportive winds yesterday and has ever since been eddying around in blinding clouds to the despair of ladies who are out on shopping tours, and the disgust busy citizen and sight-seeing stranger. Water cverywhere, but none upon the thoroughfare. Roanoke seems destined to lose what reputation she may have had for cleanliness with the ever-increasing dust plague. FOR SALE.
Good surry. Will sell cheap. No. 21 E. Campbell avenue.
SEE THE HORSE OWNERS. Rushing to McGee's Pharmacy for Dixie Nerve and Bone Lin ment. "Best on Earth" for all swellings and lameness. For your dressed poultry see H. H.
MARKLEY, at 141 Salem avenue. He keeps the best the market affords. Slazenger Drivers, Brassies. Mashies. Cleeks, Irons, Putters now in stock.
ROANOKE CYCLE 103 Campbell avenue, West. HOT WEATHER COMING. If you need a Refrigerator see the Odorless sold by JENNINGS BLOXTON. NO SPECIAL DAY HERE. Every price offered is a distinct bargain at McLaughlin's 5 and 10 cent store.
NO COMPLICATED MEASURING Necessary nor need you try on the clothes several times before you are fitted. You see the garments here in the finished state, ready to wear, select the style you want to try on, your size and there you are, clad in clothes of the latest style that fit you perfectly and which have all the distinguishing "style-touches" of the finest to measure made garments, the only difference is in the price. The mAjority of men want clothes that look just right. If you are such a man we have what you are looking for. Suits $7.50 to $22.
MEALS BURKE CLOTHING Masonic Building, corner Jefferson St. and Campbell avenue. FOR SALE. Blacksmith shop, complete set of tools, two desirable lots adjoining. Best situation in Radford.
An established trade of $2.500 per year. Good opportunity for right man. The above property will be sold at a sacrifice as the proporietor has to change business on account of ill health. Address, J. A.
HOWELL, East Radford, Va. Smoke Cigars. Union made. SELF MEDERN A. A.
Waterman Fountain Pens. wish to show every one interest our complete stock of We WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS. "Every One Come to see when you come tothe Carnival. Van Lear Brothers, Is. W.
Cor. Salem GRADUATES and Jefferson PHARMACY, ROANOKE, IN VA 0000 "Something Different" The making of jewelry is an art-craft most susceptible to artistic expression, We select those pieces that possess a character and originality of their own. See our new line of Brooches and links. and Silversmiths, A.J, RANKIN 108 South Jefferson St. HERE'S A BABY ITS MOTHER 19 WELL.
The baby is healthy because during gestation its mother used the purely vegetable liniment. Mother's Friend: Mother's Friend is a soothing, softening, relaxing oil, a muscle maker, invigorator and freshener. It puts new power into your back and hips. A coming mother rubs it in from the outside, with her own pretty dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs--no inside treatment at all. The state of the mother during gestation may influence the disposition and whole future of the child: that is why mothers should watch their condition and free themselves from pain.
Her health, that of the child and their lives, depend on keeping free from torture, worry and melancholy. Be good cheer, strong of heart and will and peaceful mind. Mother's Friend can make you so. Bearing down pains, morning sickness, soreness of breast. and this insomnia wonderful are all relieved and diminished by remedy backed by two score years of success.
Of druggists $1.00 Send for our book k-Motherhood-free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, GA. WADE WAS NABBED. Bad Negro Who Played Jesse James Held Up by Police.
Bird Wade, the negro who yesterday robbed two boys, also colored, on a freight train at' Brown's Tank, near Radford, and then compelled his vicquit the train, has been run to tims to earth, but not before he gave the DOlice considerable trouble and some tall sprinting. A telephone message was received at police headquarters here this morning that Wade, after his escapade yesterday, was sighted in Blacksburg. In some manner he broke from the and regained his freedom. It police, shortlived, however, as he was again in the toils of the law about 11 o'clock last night at Christiansburg. He is said to have, given the police a hot chase several shots were fired before Wade gave up The two negro boys whom he robbed who spent Wednesday night in the cells for want of better accommodation.
have not left the city, and will appear against Wade at Christiansburg in connection with the robbery. The bad record by Wade will likely result in his getting a long term. A STARTLING TEST. To save a life, Dr. T.
G. Merritt. of No. Mehoopany, made a startling test resulting in a wonderful cure. He writes.
"a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach. I had often found Electric Bitters excellent for acute stomach and liver troubles so prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Bitters are. positively guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipatian and Kidtroubles. They them.
Only 50c at ney Massie's Pharmacy. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by all druggists. We sell the Odorless Refrigerator, come and see it and let us explain to you why it is Odorless.
JENNINGS BLOXTON. SHE EXCITES WONDER Does MADAM REYNOLDS. Her 16- markable development of Palmistry enables her to warn you of dangers and sickness. Leads you to the road of happiness and wealth. Reunites the separated lovers.
Readings 50 cents up. 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Eureka House, opposite postoffice. Parlors 5 and 6. LIGHTEN WOMAN'S WORK. By using Bissels "Cyco" Bearing Carpet Sweeper. It preserves your curtains and draperies as well as your carpets and makes sweeping a pleasure.
No Dust--No noise---Just comfort. We have a new shipment just in. GILES BROS. BRITTS. HOW IS IT DONE? It's done by a simple twist of the tongue and paying spot cash when Swift's Silver Leaf Lard 10 he buys.
good lard for 9 cents per pound: a cents: best Western meat 11c; best regular 'hams 15c; best sugar 50: Arbuckle's Coffee. 10c; Obelisk Flour $4.25 per barrel: 3 lb. can Tomatoes 7 cents, and everything carried in stock at closest possible prices. The nicest and best line of fresh meats carried and sold at the lowest prices, at SPOT CASH GROCERY corner Henry and Church, W. G.
Guerrant, manager. Slazenger Imported Scottish Irons now in stock. ROANOKE CYCLE 103 Campbell avenue. West. is costly.
The parents of modern means who wishes their boys to be well dressed will avoid dissatisfaction and save money by buying clothing which is guaranteed to be just what they want; such clothing we sell and if it is found to be different from our representation you can have your money back. Boys' Norfolk Suits 4 to 17 years. Boys' Plouse Suits 3 to 12 years. Boys' Sailor Norfolk 3 to 8 years. We protect you against loss.
MEALS BURKE CLOTHING Masonic Building, corner Jefferson St. and Campbell avenue, EXPERIMENTING WITH CLOTHING Water Color We will have on exhibition for the next week $1,200 worth of Imported Water Colors, painted by the most famous Italian artists. Prices from $6.50 to $75.00. Don't miss this opportunity of seeing the most artistic line of pictures ever shown in Roanoke, Gooch-Crosby BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, Roanoke, Va. No.
10 Campbell Avenue, Right Price. The price of LUCK" Baking Powder to the housekeeper is ten cents (10cts) for a full pound (16 oz, net), packed in a moistureproof tin can. This is the lowest possible price at which the best Baking Powder can be manufactured. Richmond, Virginia. WOODWORKERS' EXCURSION.
Arrangements Made for Their Annual Outing. Last night at a meeting held by the Woodworkers of the Roanoke shops all arrangements were completed for their annual picnic, which will take fifth place on May 30th the objective point being Lynchburg. This excursion which is always looked forward to by promises this year to Roanokers anything ever attempted by the eclipse Woodworkers. From 1,500 to 1,800 peohave been carried on these exple cursions in previous years and it is expected that this year the number will be even further increased. The music by a first class band will be in attendance and will add a wonderful measure of eclat to the occasion their presence.
Last year the Woodby workers took out some 23 cars of pleased this excursionists, and at the date for falls Memorial day, an even larger crowd on be looked for. So far the Woodmay workers hold the banner for the larnumber of excursionists SO far gest as known. GREATLY ALARMED. By a Persistent Cough, but Permanently Cured by Chamberlain's "Cough Remedy. Mr.
H. P. Burbage, a student at law. in Greenville, S. had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says, "greatly alarmed me, causing me to fear that was in the first stage of consumption." Mr.
Burbage, having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try it. Now read what he says of it: "I soon felt a remarkable change and after using two bottles of the twenty-five cent size, was permanently cured." Sold by all druggists. Millar Higdon, both phones 129. Grain, hay, flour and produce, 115 Norfolk 8. 1 Now speaking of your Oxford's there is nothing manufactured that can come to the Pat Pat Vici or Vici Kid.
The up Dorothy Dodd at $2.50, just as good as any at $3.50. You can only find them at Bachrach's as he is the sole agent. Smoke Cigars. Union made. Three times the value of any other.
One hird faster. One-third easier. The only Sewing Machine that does not fail in any point is the Wheeler Wilson. JENNINGS BLOXTON. Smoke Cigars.
Union made. ODORLESS: ODORLESS! ODORLESS Is the name of the Refrigerator that ve show you when you come, and ofen sell you before you go. JENNINGS BLOXTON. Smoke -M." Cigars. Union made.
ANNUAL MEETING GERMAN BAPTIST BRETHREN, BELLEFONTAINE, 0. The Norfolk Western Railway will sell excursion tickets 29 to June 3, tickets limited to June 6th. By depositing ticket with Agent Bellefontaine, 0., extension can be had to June 30th, 1903. No fee required. On May 29th through cars will be run from stations on Shenandoah Valley Division and from Roanoke.
Write for rates. W. B. BEVILL. M.
F. BRAGG, G. P. T. P.
A. Roanoke, Va. Smoke Cigars. Union made. TO HOUSEKEEPERS.
You want the best meats for your table, especially when the best cost no more than meats of inferior quality. I keep the finest grade of meats offered the Roanoke market and ample reon frigerating facilities enables me to keep my meats pure, fresh and sweet. A trial order will convince you. H. H.
MARKLEY, 141 Salem avenue. Smoke Cigars. Union made, Style, Tone, Comfort, Service and the price just a little less. Ladies, Misses and Childrens OXFORDS. A to see these.
We are acknowluncred leaders in MEN'S to FINE SHOES. In fact it will pay you see us. Roanoke Shoe Co. Spot Cash Money Savers Base Ball North Carolina University VS. Washington Lee Today at 4 p.
m. Athletic Park. Admission 25c. GAME CALLED AT 4 P. M.
W. 39 8 88 Doors, ROANOKE, VA. AVENUE. NORFOLK Both A Stock Southwest Virginia, Shingles, Pickets Laths, Lime, Lumber, Maple and Pine Flooring, Work, Hand Rails, Dressed Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Mantles, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS Lumber EXCHANGE Sawed A Phones and at Cement, Ceiling, and Z. 442.
bot- Undress- Turned Saddle Stallion I desire to inform the public that my: fine young Kentucky saddle stallion, "Star will be at Knepp's livery stables every Friday and Saturday during the present season. Respectfully, J. H. Reaburn, R. F.
BLUEFIELD, W. VA. Smoke Cigars. Union made. are talking about.
W. S. McCLANAHAN Co. The Insurance People, 104 S. Jefferson St.
can. Tomorrow, may be Today you you can't. It's Insurance protection.
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