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The Sentinel from Winston-Salem, North Carolina • 8

The Sentineli
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I RULE HW.0 AT AJiRW, Il (ITlWi K.01UC- nuntt awm 1 AT MiiY Cautious dgugcatgs 4Bw Pill GOlMC AQOAfl-D Vdrtvt r'ULt MONRCnU-ftRuC HOTVUATCR- 3 TUG BAR. WLU BG CLOSCD ABSOLUTELY DuRlMg THE VOVACC PRospecnvcPteoeu; PRACT.CICG POR RKAMlNAriC AS TotcUGl6iLl'rv i 1 i official PUOTO OP Te 60(D(M(, GcnvOP pcacg-, MR. AU6uTUi HuTr u0 sNS THAT MG' 'CV'tfc ROAR.0 -VHG PCACG SMiP BY A nft'f-nJir IGS. ANt tiGLCtAt I'rtiUNfeTo "tl if-rr 1 1 'G ixjLOj unu. a cfcA.n (f Tur s.hccT.

BUSINESS MEN TAKE MILITARY STOCK-TAKING TIME Detroit, Jan. hunii troll buslncs nun have iu-. military training urganixsn.t-today liegln sixteen wei iu' Kvery Tuesday from tu these business men will armory. Spnchil eotnpan.n 1 formed for work in larairy, cer. fleld engineering, maii, and medical aervlce.

BY HIS IP molillo areldent In wlileh Kmmct R. WiMiten, SHnker of I louse of Ilepro M-ulutive. a badly Injured. IS.1 T. Ilowle i hOMcn ieker pro lein of House of HepreM-ntatlvcu In absence of Simaker Wooten.

21. II. IL lluyen. Wake Koreat student. killed by train at Wake Koreat.

SH. Kimince tiiiimiittee of Senate and House reMirt eight per cent interest hill unfavorably. 24. Dr. Cliarte K.

Ilrewer, dean nf Wukn Koreat College. M'hs'ted a new pn'iihnt of Meredith to aurreed Dr. II. T. Vann, resigned, 2.V Judlclury commltte nf Hnuae lucid first lime for eonldirathm of Caricr-Abornethy controversy.

2C. Committee nf seven appointed liy Speaker I'm Tern Ilow le for the In-vestiguthm nf Curicr-Alicniidhy mutter. 27. Knimet R. Woolen, Speaker of II.

man of Repreaeiitnllves, die In Res Hospital, Ilaleigh, aa reanlt of accident on Country Club nmd In which William Aycock wna killed. Sienker Kmniet R. Woolen buried In Kinston. (Ta be 1 uni Inued.) The week now nearing Ita clow and marking tho punning of onn of Ihu nuiNl eventful yuan In the worhl'a history ha hern no exception lo tho rule In bringing out vivldly-eohired fore-caal of what tho new year will hold for tho human race. If these are any who art ahaken with fear hy aotue of (he dire prcdlrtlona that have been made for the next twelvo rnontha, lei them mako ready for Ihe new year hy reviewing the eld.

It la a lime to pause and each ask klmelf: Where am How do I atnnd? The Houston Pont In nn editorial article recently urged tho people of Texna lo "lake alot-k." It I mighty good advice, not only for Texan Iml also for North Carolina. This ihe season when all busltiesa men "lake alack" of (heir pmlita and lnee during Ihe year and make Inrentorle uf what haa been left over. They deter mine just "where they am at." nut "taking ntm-k" akouhl nut be confined to bualnesa nnterpriaea aucli aa Rlorva and factories and supply huUNc. It should bo on iron-bound rule on every furm, In every home. In every muu'a heart and 111I111I it ahoold apply 10 city, county, Slulu and ua-iloiml government; It Mliouhl cxlcml to every Institution, public and private.

Whoever you are, whatever you are doing, taka atoek, la (he way the Savannah Newa argue. cot on ami nn.iie a in-: liixtiinu 01 Kwr of a rsnliae The dn inter of "Uhs and C.l,- Ad ihi-m cniinun ami iilinriilg. Ilow-ever Hint 1st i Very ijiril H-r-sn dies uf a lug alliifnl. ILinirsrou llronchiul and fJ.iK iltsa fulliiw a iieKlccicil cnM.y, fiir puily strua -Im iiuiil'ist colil cer-if'. un aid Ih- 1,11,1 than lr.

Kliig'a New Ills. 1 overy, Ii oivril lisi leslrd liv III Hlnl yi'iinw. In U4X liver 4t yrar. let bottle tislny, AVulil th risk of i'l'ius Lung kiIiiipiiIs. iirunglslN.

win, Uh-Jm. cannot arm -u larrli la a bUsiii ami In In win li-rnal rfinxTic. liilcii mmenaliy, nmi, the Id Ajd wtsl la or.t a wna IJX-SCI Osol Ay ,4 lh, Melai In lihyi-ouniry I nArini'n. Il -m-, Ihe l-at 1S1, known, ml iiNkm jBii'ifti'ia. in! tii imifoim Mtnv.

Tlm Iwii of n9 twit dtirnilii'tii flllCHB 4ttfall WniHll'lflll Mills fi iiirirrii Hf'iMt fiif VIK.NKV l't'4-1 Fftl4 tjr Hthbribi, c.v. Taka Hali Famlljr llili miiKdKMtr. of null. piiu. run I'uriMiaiif i ixmcrii ronliliird In nil irlr Hip district rnurt of Hip I'nltril Hibuh for Hip vrtsHrrn dirtrlM of Xorili Oroliriiii oilliitK In liunk-ruiliTi duly and nitrl ly J.

AliftAnlpr, i.a r'ftria la a raua Minliita Ifforr him In anld rurl. rn-tuh-il in flu mutter of M. A. f'arroil, tUnknii'f, on Ilia IMh day of -i'iii Wr. the uiHltrramd lrufa in lMiikniity of Hip Kill A.

I'armll mil ortor fur aah ii th hlh Mil dor. at Iip riiii-iiiiHn hiir In iii'tiii-HhIi'Iii, Xmili nl laii oVlMrk a. tiii Monday. Hu il.iy of naiy, lain. Hip fullomrta oal rt tu piiip, Ivina and li Ilia In Hip rli of Wiiiftoii-Salpin, and tnnrc mrl ulai ly dri i ihd ih fnlhiM' llpaiiuuna mi an iron riaka at tM.r liar of s'litiluii and Att-ltv Mici'U, Itiniitna oaHmardly mill ruiiliew IIi'i tv 1 an ii'mii at a hi.

Hh-imp mouHi-wardly 1 a atnki in an allev hi mill aid all apatwanlly li'i fp In an irm mkp nl Andrrn a nliopf, them h'lrihaiiinly IfiW nluna An dreMN BihM-i in Hip In-a inniiia, lictim knnan and dm'iannlod an lln Non. in and KJ mi maji of KhIii Irw, rpi'ord I In linnU Sm, muv iiSii, nhop of roalnlpl dop'la of Kmnih ntiiniv. un kii1 'mHriy In ailnaip ilia renidi'ni'a of Hit lata is. A. Carroll.

Tha fiiroao.iiK r.Mrijr alii ha add fraa and rloar of all rn-(iinlraniaPM, ah-nln rl arnanniu-iitn whli a III la ura In ilia haiit'lll tlia ur lianprn. Tarma of aala; Carli on rnnllrin.iHnn ly Ilia rafi-rra. Tho nala a ill lia con flrniad or ni conltimcil at a if tha rn-ilMorn of 10 id Itankrniil In I hold hfiro raid iaf'rp at lH idfla In Wui'di'n-Kiiloin, North 4'arliiiji, 00 tha ln day of Ki'hinarv, Utft, at I oVMk kl at nIJiirttimnt tkrra of; and an avidt-ma l'hh faitti Hu aiupifcftil lnM a ill In ruiuii-pd tha dny of tala In dimH't aith Ho-truNiip a Mitn in in Uni aiitilin of liln Iml, In ha furfiti In ilia pyanl tha a.ih In rntiflrno-d nnd lha rniiti.ut of mIc Is iI rninlial ailh lv Hu litilil mol In lp return-ad in tha huhh In Hie ivriil Ilia na! la i nlirnii-d. Yhli Hu iMh i4V of 115. Ji'IIS F.

ItUl MH.lirf. Tisita. Wiiialnii.H.ilann X. i COMMON FOOT AILMENTS New Ynrk, Jun. lli-nrjr I'nril.

lio Iril tli rxH'iliiiun lilcb li-fl hern Ibt-wulMT 4 on (lie elraniiT Oitrar II fr 4iM-nliuiit In llm lioix lirluKlng lmt i-nnfiniii'o of iiouirjil Nulinim (Iml mtoiiM rml llm nur, urrl'i hi-re Sumlny on (ho hIi utiht lii'rKi'nHjfiml. lie miillrmi-il rnlile rHiriH tlmi hi return Imil Ihcii hiiKloneil lijr lllni'M, hut Raid it inuilo a ilitlrrrni'c uf only a few day a In1 Inli'iuleil when lie left to cninn baek till niiuiih. Mr. lYird deilared hi view ro-Kiirdlng the enuHe of (he war hare uinleryonn marked clmiiKe. When lot left Im huIiI he we of I he opliihin tlial hunker, lint ntifaelii rent of mu lull lilt UitiH mnl aiiiiaiiient were re-riNiieuhle, hilt he return with the Imllef Hint It I the iH-nple I hi'lll-uelveii, lhiin now In-illK HhlllKhlereil, mini lire rerHiiiHlhle.

The men iliilii llm IlKliiltiK hate Inth too euiitent to let IIi'kui win rule them do their thlnliiiir. mnl they have mil taken adVHiiture of their divine rich! In nay for Ihenmelvea wlmt they nhull do alid think, (he parlllelHt HXHerled, nre no heller liion-aietile In (hi n-iipeii." he nahl. 'liven In llm fulled Stale we allow tlitiHH whinii wu have eleeteil lo of-llee to Ih awerveil (nini llielr duty. We do liol aiuierl ouiwlve, I'eriwiiinlly. have voted only nix time and then lieraumi my wife made me." "Tim movement in now orranlxed ami under way," he nnlil.

"Teoplo are tulkiUK alanit It and while nome rl'itlrliu, when people talk Ihi'y think and when they think, they think rialil." Mr, ford' future plan with re npeet lo llm peuee exHdltlon were uneerlaln, Im nuij. While he hud neveral Idea In nilml, Im deemed It early In npeuk of Ihetil. lie left the parly In eliarae of liaalon (Man IIIT, he mated. III arenriUnee with III Ill'll! Inul plans, and, despite all repert to the i-onlrury, when the parly left ANNOUNCEMENT Through Courtesy of the Scfioll 1 Corporation, of Chicago Manufacturers of all sorts of foot remedies BROKEN COWN ARCH llm dinar il II wa a hariminlou isiilld In dimlnol. Main Idea cf Miaaien.

"Thn muln lih a of llm roiillnui'd Mr. Kurd, "ara In vrystal-llro mtn rum-rots form, If iNnmlhle, (Im vnrliiu Ideas and hnH' (nr la-ura wlileh prevail all over tho world. Tha Nat hill UoIiik thn IIkIiI hijc would Im Klail In Mlnp It if they isiilld, I Iw Ih've, bill limy arc afraid tn lei go. "TIuihh who aivuiniKinli'il me on the dinar II were a (Inc a Inuly nf ptsiple for lliul purlli'iilar nil inn a I eonhl uek, anil llm hiti'n'Nteil dele-Rale that mrl ii at nirluiiaiila wen1 all rimiiI men. I aiu aiiuply lluam-inx and rurryliiR mil a far a Hikilde I lie work net under way lnt year nl the niis'lhiK al Tho lluRiin uf Ihe Women' liitermilhiual I'eure I'uiiRn'.

Till work nltliimiely will hrliiR Kur-ope to Ita nenhi-a iiiul ntep the war. If what I have done will Prime lu-mii only one day ne'iror, I ahall Im more Ilian repaid. Kn-ry day llie war I nlioiieiied will nave iin.niHi Uvea anil sn.iam Urea will 11111111 niui toward reaiorltiR order and normal isiip tilt ion. "If nereiiary I will naln rn tn Kurom and If It will help matter I will eharter nnotlmr nhlp. I am not iliilnic il for iM-rsonul alory.

Rain or advert llng. I have more money now thun I run uae ami I fmd I ant nine ply riiKiiHtlnn nf what I have. It wa ent runted lo me hy Ihe people, niinm of whom are loduy In Ihu Irene he." Agalnat Preparedneai. CeiiinieniiiiR on the preimreilnp Ih.iup In I'reHliletil WIlMin'a Mr. ford raid: "I am aualiist prejuiredne aa pre-iwredne mean war.

No man will arm hlineelf mill he menu In al-tui'k. Kven when he take a fork In hi hand Im I prepurliiR to attark an nynler or a liref Nlenk. "It would bo liMter for tlm Ad-lilllilHtratlnn Hud out Ural If tlm peoplo UieiiiNidvra 4iant rrmunient. If Ihey do. they will rvrnluiilly Rid what I RidtiiiR now.

A lo other feature of I'reMlilent Wilson' ipirhilly with referenee to irado and a nreuter men-lmnl murine. wo nrn nil wllli him on I hat." Mr. Kuril, their Mm. l'hl Kurd. W.

A. I.IvliiKMton, and a friend of Mr. Samuel Muniut of In-troll, whose hiielminl rid nr nisi with Mr. Kuril, went down the Inly lo meet Ihe Iteriodia Jforil. IH1T UKKNI'IM IN ST ATI: IH'ltlNC FKItltrAKY, 1915 from yenlefilay) Senator John Nfrltae luinuliire I rural rreillta Idll Into the Senate.

Ilrunre nlutiie of Chief Just lee Tlinmas lluffln uiivelhsl at nprltiR term of ru-lireme i-ourl, wlilidi liealii. S. ('onareeeniuu I 'mi ns-ninnieiidK liar! M. ISatllnR a wtiimiler fur llnl-elah. Iluiii'oiiilm eiHintv adopt new eon let eyetem.

Rev, A. S. Ilarue tiike I'hnrRe a tiierhilonihut of Metimdiet OrphnnaRe. lr, Anna Howard Shaw deliver two ddree In on sual auffniRe, X. Hr.

R. T. Vann' realanathm a president of Meredith Colh-Ro an-millllred, 4. Woman' 11 ff rape hill killed In IIoIIm of Repisuieulaltve of llm North Carelln la-Rtklature liy IndeflnUe postponement. Klfly-etahl rmelve lindiae lo prneliee law In North Carolina.

a. Alluntir Coast Uno aarve not lo ri'inove still from N. C. i-ourl. William Itnylan.

prominent Raleluh i-'t re 11. die. Colonel II. II. Harm, n.

Wilson, die. JuiIrp fYnnk Carter fine Sollr-itor A'M'rnidliy t-liuraiiiR vonleiupt of rourl. voiirt hand down opinion that Ihiiior Hliipiiieiit nssinl are oun lo lnKHH-thm hy (ho pulille. II. Secretary of Aarlrulture David K.

Houston speak al New llern. Cor-poralinn Commlnspin of North Carolina Rive railroad elxty day of grace tn niMtier of frelelit rlilpment hy i'ouiH-ntve mull. 1-- Wake I'oiVkt College reiehrale annual nnnlvereary event of MMletie. 13. John II.

Mott hs'ture al the Cnlverslly of North Carolina. 14 Mr. Nolan Kntglit I appointed first woman notary public In North Carolina. 1-V-U I. Ilotdi resign president of liiiltfurd College.

17. I'nlform eertirhatlon of teaih-er hill I tabled In House of Repre. setiljtlves a Her having passed Senate. I 11. William Ayctxk killed la auto- UNION Have Been Able to $ecure the Services Of An Expert oit Specialist I WIk) will be at our store January 5th toth Wednesday, Thursday, Fridaj', Saturday i If you have a foot ailment he is at your service.

No obligation, no charge for consultation oti tit a 1.1; ot 1.11.I Flint MMIS Ilf vlriua nf ordar of rcMlc nmtlc of lha t-laik of Hip aiM'iir rolirl li Ilia NSHH'lNl hrts'pi'dllias Plinth'll W. Ihrliiiiiii, ((tui'iiiNt 1 1 of T. Haatont CHihartnp Himhin. liar thn Hnui-li mil inhaiN. will ra-all IHp hl'lilir at Ilia Innr III inimly In Witln lain, X.

iv ni Mmul.iy Ilia Pdli du if Jmiiimi iHIti, at mia n'aliH'k in, the folliiKii di'M'tihail IhimK in ml: haitiiiihu in lha itlhu mill IrMilma front luatnltaliaiti dill Utah, I filial anriiar Hlnl rntirt nii 41, druraaa wract mImiic hH ItllP ill I1 I In in Agoll Wilt, I ban ali.iiK bnJrt.ui -iv'h ri draraa ansi a yr iimth il rMil( tlirn amilli ihyfiaaN phhI Oian In a MtmiP naar Ihka aurih 4 dagraan ajM 1 il-lV lU Ilia inihlh-1 tluil a alif; xil 1 gid nmili dcBlccn AcnI a Mh I i Ilia Itagiii liing i'i at.iintiii Vi l'! i it 1 tiioia or laHHb HJa lroiicuY Im I Itrml n. I daM-nhfd UoKiii Ilia III Itlh nil ft thafniV- id thah'ik tha hiipai I fnii rmihty, Thc.ilin sW)m 1 I tf hip iaat ad Im Ihu'chhW hi nP. sn, h. C. an I Iddtndii.

yt.H uif- WlMl Is kuna A an ij ddinmi m.oi laNilllI flni SI X. C. ildlnrt, N. nod Ufma four lha I'lHIk Of lll.lha Ill(l1l klltulrt niulyv 1 lp-i Im'IIiw ur HruMjri nil kmmIm of iarui thav r.iindlv s.ilua Tarma ip liidding will atari at and Hip imihaMr Hill ha raiiipa In Mjr mii'dtiiM nf Hip 1hMHP ul-p nil isintli 111.1l mu, hiilniiap III am it and twilvp irri nmnihs frmi, lalp of cintlimalini, oil lO-farrad pair inanta In airjw ht rant Inlarpot ff'Hii data of aiittlmnsilnni Mini IiHp ra tmtiPd till nil tha 'ir Iihmp uoniav Is paid In full it upimii In pniha(i in pay oil -ah nn and Mtc lull i-m ntid aat IiHp jv. Tha puiahau will al- ha I uiaha a dHisit of K.

on on of aata pmi iimitap of fn.M. whlrh Hill ha hh a radii pur ahaaa cn lltmad nr ra turiiPd i pnr-h i-. if not ntifii mad. Thin tha I Mil of W. lUllTMAV, admr.

nf T. dppaiH. MI.K lit HI liy viitua nf rhariiy rniitaMipd a I'artam dird inid cko'iitcfi H. W. s.i -r tn.

thp i th doy of IV-painlipr lklk. fn ha Undaraiatipd trua ipb to Prriira a loan of liundri. and piahM-aia fN on 1 thdUrs. aanl itctl of truHi hr 1 a 1 il rptamdpd Hu of th pantr of ippIn of Korayth cwtnih pi Imhik of tnnriNaar No. on pAgn itfi I tha atijnil.i ina i'i raid iip.

nf iu)i nd Imiiiis I'ppfi npliptl with and at tha rv ijupal tha nwiir lha hond hccih1 ad hy MHI tfload of trn.i, will ctitmu fn 1 tha hialir.t bidder, for arh. Ml tlia iaoii hilipr il'r III lha itv nf VI H.itiiislHr tlanuHry IH. at nM.ak th-ftillna mg ilcriTilwd frit I pl.ltp; l.yuig and him M.ddlp Xnrtl Carolina and hrcinvuiig at a mkc 11 It tlptpra line, Inifcpr'N romp. NnrHi dim and fi. a Maka.

I hr HOP a. mtn PhaalN lift imfpa and ft a mm ia Phppta hnp. thaitva muth on new polra and la ft tn j. It, HrstPra rnrnrr. thi iut pm With 4.

II. IImicpj hop tail a and I ft. fn tha lrdi-fur. rnia int.g at'tra and pfor nr laaa. Thla tha lib day of TVc, fill 11 TfMrtaa.

IlIhriVSA A ItU KHI, g- At t-r Tiutaa. UiTui CONTRACTED OR HAMMER TOES tiii mi I'nili-r the I.r a r.e!'i ,1, ar tru :1, i.eiulr(t In Py I. A llllt he. Hint III the Ill n-KIMer lf Ktelll Iv, I1, im No. c-f Xinrluaare, iler-ls Ira .1, pa1 ati'l lv re U-- of the lieMi) tlo'leoi, I will II.

f'r I'a'-li. at in lo 1 12 XI. on Hi IMh l.v Juiin-nrv. ISIS, in '( in iruM ami hl more li.rtli-uUi ly ilrm i llii'd a (ollon lo Mil: l.viKK ami Im-Iik In the mnnlr of I of North rarollna. Ix'Komin el the rorner of lot Iheme alooit 'iililien mi, one huiolnol fed a fool ip, 'lire north one Hint frrl e.l'l etrert to I ti riier of a la fo-t alli-v, ihetor 'l Mitli Nsi'l ox Immlreit i to liortlo.iet rornrr So fX.lllrlo Ittii oni' Ml lot I and e.xly feet ('r oil of llm parerl luml Pi'iiui noun a 1.I o.

amt loi thr of "Kalrv lew, IPe nlftee of III lelliu.r nf nf Korn I'oiiniy. v' in Imai. nn, pna Tina lltli of IVneemher. I91S. k.

uit.w. Trustee. worn hi. ii miw vn: ly virtue if my ea rv elver of B. It nn, I Pt virtue a polir in ml of nut'rr'or i M'h Ml-tool liy IP I'hne.

at I lie Nn rinlor leriu. Inr-, Hie ran i'. Von Tr. ne! IV. II llaw mill It IhivM me Hie ouner the Hereinafter ileuertor'I.

for llie nut Of n.itiwfv in a J'liluno iit III the I'lltoii aeninl W. II. Imvl I Mill otT, for le. amt sell lo the h-i hr -r VV enr.4nyt Janaarv vne lfh. al Inrli eS'lork iiihoi Hie lamia of It.

I'molle. on the iirmaeioi, near kurrh. I hr f.ill'iMIlin 1 Itne tr.o-ti'.n engine kuJ holler, one romplele ar mill olllllt. I Mill ala, for rale ami ell at Ine name lime ami Hoe-half inierrM in the thte.hinn nmrhine. lit It at pres, I I.

pu-ale I un ih of chap Itmlenhanier, In hi okes roll (ill I M't also life. sple aril at ine Miii lime end plarr- line. alf in' err .1 lisale.l nm-n the 'anil of T. ('. (laliua.

Oral- of nf W. II. Corner Fourth and Main Sts. In Our New Stor W. FOURTH SI Last of Januar; CORNS AND BUNION ovm AND UNDIRtAPPING TQCB EXTREME NIGH INSTEP.

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