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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 8

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEOXESIUY EVE.MNfl MAKCII II, 1J25 I H. Itmeiiff In home (t Mr. I IL GQUAI WIFETO SCHUIILALLtbOHi tiile Iirive. I A 'literary day I arranged for Wednesday, March t'5, nl the luuiie iof Mr. K.

It. H. d. 111011 in Thorn-i I. ,11 1 1 1 1 I Disabled Veterans' Chaplain to Preach Itnhbl Michael Aaronsnhn, national chaplain of Veteran! of tliB W01 Id War, will occupy tha pulpit (if Temple Hlnal Frldav AIDS CHEST WORK OFY.W.C.A.

ISSET FOLLOW RANCHING lint iiriHiiu, 1. 1 Alheiluli) will bo reviewed by Mis. 1 Vun Huvee, wllh Mr. 8. W.

Lore ie lli Tllluugh III Nt'vdK' 'Arthur Tam.) OOO MISS CLAIR ADAIR, an Alpha Xi Delta sorority member, whose rngflsruirnl to Noiman A. Woodlord cf IVikeley was announced at a te $tn at the Fairmont rece fitly. llabenuht rhoto. 1 In honor of the member of the mum FOR Oniiinninlty family of Grant School, the Parent, i Chest activities mil took the form evening at o'clock. The rabid la traveling under the auspice of the extrusion department of th lie-brew I'nion follege.

'I'll O.i kin lid chapter of Pd-ableil Veteran will honor their at dinner on March 11, He will also dpeak for the Men flub of 'J'eiiipl Siunl next Monday evening, and to the children 01 the the Iii ar m- VISITORS FROM -MIDDIEISTJE4 HONORED AT TEA! it I 1 III I IIIVIH I at ten-Tomnrrff-4n he- Meund--i Mlieuui yUl lili li pil III. I Temple on March 15. 1 Dirt'clors for Three-Year Term Will 15e 4 CHICAGO. March 11. Jume Mlnooto, former Italian count, and ill wife, who wh Ida May fclvx.

if to devote theniselve lively lu the future tu raising beef rattle on a Colorado ranch within f.d mile of fustle Rock Springs, friend hero have been Informed. They uru ut a ranch near Piencotl, Arlx. Since their marriage In 1916 the former count has been 11 11 importer, vioi'-pi csiili nt of 11 Chicago bunk and rattleman. lie lias submitted hi resignation nl the bank to take effect July 1. O.

Chaplain to s. Preach At St. Mary's I'ev. launii't O'Connor, assistant at St. Jame rhurch, Han t'ratT ri n.

ki The i.uiii: ('III int 'an nllegntnrv In which pupils In. 1 Hi' I'd (ho roles of amy. In-ililleii ine. Love and other iclcnn whlcli IHMileln he priddeiii of car-lug for 1 1 ikl. mil's needy "lip a I'llcnd." tt.n the (llle of the It was written by M.

I'nllcl', lllnl plesellled the cinsK cf the fun. lummy t'hesl. The pro, uci urn wu given list under the direction of Miss Mil. tin- 1 1 1 an. I Miss lmbe Snachan.

and 7e clilldien participated. The audience cmtsisteil of 1 lie sue nt l.ii. I and member of the P. T. A.

The pi 1 let ri presented "My City 0" pi. a in with Mr. Ulen, Lo is siiii ruin. l.v If tie, Sid- way I milling. The Informal In in ranged to giv opporuiniiy lo 1001 In is mill teachers to become aoiitmtiile.l.

Tlu regular day i'f meeting on Tm-sdnv Was post polled 10 Thiiisd.iy for th nccommoil.i-llotl'of the oniplimciili'd gui sts. OOO Maor Prank 1. Milnghain nint fhailes 1. newly appointed post master, were speakers th.s nfii riiiion biforo kelc League of Women oter. lueeiing 111 I 11 it Hill, sharing the platform With the vltv official was A.

f. Jelisull. Slipcl lliten.lellt of the coiiniv hospital near San l.e.iudro Mrs. l-'rederuk ti. At heal 11 presided as chairman.

"The 'J'rii Year Plan'' was explained bv M.ior Sli High. mi. Frank Hull lloiix N'fiif Affair fr Kiiif''lk, From Missouri. risen ami chaplain of the California ll'hlsiun uf the Amlent Onler of I Hiberbuins, ill jireach this even- nrf at l.etilell HTI ice held III St. honor I- Ct'T COST OP Mil CATION.

PLYMol TII, Fug -Tim council ha decided lu iihollsh all lee 111 secondary niul technical huola to aid the cause of c.luoailon. llollllCli 1 1 A I It lis.k? with 11, llnv tml of l.ol.ln l.lliil MiMinlMM A.l. I F.VI il I 1 ten, re. rpt: i Hull ber daugl t- r. 1 1 lo I ft -I I .1 lea f.t' is Mi.

Fr.uA II. I i.l i' .1 11. 1 I 1 1 I. Mai lHiwiituwn chun tak-land. I.eiilen services are held three evening each week at SI.

Mary's. Wrdiicmlax idas and Sundiiv. S11111I.1V ul p- in. a of si 1 loons mi the church as 11 iiieans id salvailoli and s.i ml 1 1 1. 11 1 Ion 1.1 In progress, gltu by the resident clcigv.

of, III-- ii i a I to i I i mi's fun. inn up I t. uce. nil. "Mv fit) ak-fhcsi.

The he bene- Ign were rep- HI.S, Inuk' In the ell. ill i al fori, "i 1" 11" i.Ml il rk.l the .1 1 oi- 1 1 la 1 ions Hie ramp, inc. I bv lllicis .1 pill "1 I -i, liul-ft III 1 I llo vird. Th bloae ppol tin 1 h- tie tie A i.itn it ill In' Id I In' t.llli'ltOW III tllH sin i A will pn-ri'ile tlie reports of ofl'ireis and chairmen of siandim; icminlttecs. jAt'er tin' ri.iitine biisuicsi has been iiiinpleli .1, he meitihein will listen t.i an by Mrs.

who h.i iiiip I many thrilling 111 'nns'a nl innplc aid Snivrna. Mis. lanriil. has i n.Mi hi'l Mpecifl. hlll.ji-ct.

"In'crn I Ii la 1 imm nil. I the 1 Vi.iim omen i i.i- i I ie members of the build of .1 ii c. ..1 1ml. 1 1. ll'ii 1.

it ti riu of three cais will be elected t.i-iin.'rt'ow. 1 'a ml es names been polled on the regular ticket are: Fihcr Mr. Mil. J). Mif, I Fuller.

Mrs, Fduin Pond James, Mrs. II. T. Miller. OOO I flround will be broken the cliildiiiiise which has long been t'lrcai I of by the M1.ntcl.11r I Women', I'luh and the Montclair IiiiiM.ivciW'iit club, jointly, within I the next six weeks or o.

The site I II I' I I I'll Golfers Pleased pleasure Is rxprenseit those who pla over our course. Come lu Santa I'm and xpeii-ence a plrasanl XNeek-end. Mal oiir In aduii 11 lers del la 1 inner I'ansanl Sat 111 da) Ad- I'l ielllelil h. in.lliv I'I lelldshlp and vil i I'll I lo' a .1 of music. Mic I'usl master lb 1 discussed the work of his new position.

"The 1 11 1 11 It Shop ml a ilied Hi the lolltlly llispllal Was pleseliled bv Jensen All txhibitiuii and sale of the aeliil.s made bv I he as a feature of the d.iv. A no li I.i rsli drive prolilutcil the le.l-lle under the leadership Mrs. Arthur Painter. OOO An ad!" Hilled numial din'ier will 1-, were Mrs. Paul I'lilltlH'O t.rerre.

i' st 1 t. 1 Mr. nl Mi Holme l.e In ll.e recen ViV per. ljeln Gasier. Manuel Mi lln, Jesse Gulls.

os, l.uie 1, Kell.l' M.ll lllll.l, Cl li.l Her. belt Vcllil fuslllle, elln.l G11I. Kose ami Vend 1 Ttil and the guest Mr, Jam'" Hen-lull, Mr Henrv 1 1 111 'frin, Walter 1 reeded i I he beat! of Mr. fili-cii. wlm 111 linn best lied i mkhiii.l in ii 1 1 1 1 ill to I he hi The numbers of the east included: I.

li t' ni' ii.i. 1 i I'rates, 1 1.... Hi T.rileri. S.111, 1, In .1 He Molile. 1 .00111 Wosi.iu Andraile, I.mIvh ola.

FmImi "diMr. Ilel.n SlUa. Pose Fieii is, Christ ine fl a it Heel Mr W. T. 1 iad.1ii Mr TV.

Ji. P. foT r. Chile Snn-k. Mrs.

O. P. Klerulf. Mr H-eret? Hrnn. Mrt.

Under! Kirhard. Mr. Yer-unn Fmith. Straus, Mr Hill, Mr John C. 'hindler and Mr Irn Howell.

Mr. Henry llson of Feaview venue. Piedmont, anil her son, I'ranrl Wilson, left Sunday eve. nine fir a vim rfi Southern California. OOO At the home ef her mother.

Mr. Ioucla K. Wilson In Berkeley yesterday afternoon, Mr. Herbert Kydney Jone una hostess at a tirldre complimentary to Mn. Rob s.seinble members of the Maljaiid Ibisiness a ml I'i ol ssioiial olden Club 111 the 1 l.sier sireej buiMing tomorrow night.

Furl her action will be taken oil proposed amendment to the by-laws. Kcports of standing committees will be re-oeUed. Mats Siialine Chalmers, president, will preside us chairman. The weeks "Herald" carries 11' memorial'' to Mrs. Florence, King, whose death occurred a few daj.s ago.

I OOO I Mr. A. Thurston, who Is par- li.iniiitari.iii for the al.fomla foiigress of Mothers, has been elected president of the Parent-Teacher Association of the high school. She succeeds Mrs. Lena 'ut.

hen. Officers who Mill be associated with Thin st. .11 on tin- hoard! of directors for the ear in I hornhill road has been the property of the organization for some time. Kazaars and dHnces have luought in sufficient funds to enable the sponsor of the project to start work. The plans which have been adopted by the organizations for the community center call fur a JTmii) ttrin-ture.

'Klahor-ntp ceremonies will attend the ground breaking. The Montclair Women's Club met In business session today at the ilin for the Inmnalion are taklnsr rapid form. The scholarship fund which ha been i olio, ted the mothers ha grown to from the proceeds of the wick's benelit. The program was contributed by school orchis- irn, the Hoys' Glee dub, Mis 10. Gil.

Kriust P. Alwyn. violin, ussisied ut th( piano by My nard Joins. I Howard Peterson. Mary Garoutte and Fst.

lle i irelll represented th 1 I'rama class in th" production of I a one-act play. Karmen Pervcg was director. The stage commit- lee Included Freda Nankin. Shir- lev Movers. Poland Nysiruin.

org- I Jb- 1 x. Mrs. Cnim In honor of Mis Jean-nette Koberts. to whom farewells will soon he lichens will nooominy her parents. Mr.

and Mrs. .1. S. 15. d.

and Miss P.ubara l.oberts to Kurope. OOO "ard are out a bridge party whiih Miss Boss Porter will give are: vice-presidents, Mrs. A. A. Pint, Mrs.

A. H. Cr.gorv; recording secretary. Mrs. I ion espoiidiiig secretary.

Mrs Helen 1.. Graham; treasurer. Mis Florence Harbison: financial -retnry, Mrs. Hugh lingers: historian. Mrs.

I-'. Oiileishaw: parliamentarian, Mrs. P. M. Nielsen; auditor.

F. G. Gridley: delegates to ert ryer, wire or Lieutenant uyer, IT. P. who is to join her husband In the Hawaiian Islands In the spring.

There were prareful basket and lardinier rt early eprir.c blossoms placed throughout the livins rooms. Mrs. Jones is about to leave for the Islands herilf nnd arcorni-nied by her small daughter, I'atty-Bene, will journey to the I'hilip-plnes-and orient in Afrll where Lieutenant Jones will be stationed with the fleet during its maneuvers. Mrs. Pyer and Mrs.

Jones will In all probability sail upon the eame date April 15. Yesterday's guests at the first ef a series of parties w'hich the hostess is giving before her departure, were the Misses Muriel Zahn. Kranres Mathieu, Muriel de Parodi. Isabrllc Scupham, Hernice rle Parodi and Mesdames Frank James Edoff. Homer Clark Pound-atone.

John Walton Pearson, Frederick Conner. C. J. Teoples. Alfred Field.

Krederii' Ahlev. Fmm-es in honor of Miss Anne and Kn hard Dempsty on the evening of March 17. Miss Porter is also hi nie-elect. her betrothal to I'harles K. Adams a I.os Angeles business man, having been announced recentlv, 000 Mrs.

Hex Midgely has returned An old fashioned prejudice overcome Many people lue tlic idea that facials air injurious that tltry cause tlie face to and the skin to coaisen. On the contrary facials which are propetly pien are. mot stimulating they lone the muscles and keep the skin in a smooth, healthy condition. A facial vf unusiiul nicnt ii given with the Minerva Creams made in our oD'n laboratories. An excellent treatment moderately pined.

$1.50 and $2. I beginners this is a tieatment which will completely demonstrate the value of regular face massage. You -will feel better groomed and your skin will immediately respond to its the Oakland Federation. Mrs. James H.unill":i, Mrs.

VV. H. Gra- i ham. Mis. ladita Zeis.

Mrs. roil Slovens was rh airman of the nominating committee. The. next meeting of the association Will be hell Wednesday1 afternoon, lv OOO The naming of Mrs. William A.I Fitzgerald of Stockton 11s a mom- I irom tne soutn, wnere sue has Arnold, Pnmner Kverir.gharn, George Williclm.

fnarle Peterson. When Girls Trust Men Esther was the simple, trusting kind of girl and when she Rave her heart to Carl and he-talked to htr eaf-erly of marriage, she believed herself secure in the certainty ol perfect happiness. But that was before she introduced Carl to her nearest and dearest girl friend. Then Ksther suddenly discovered that Carl hd secretly transferred his affections. And thus began the age-old battle of love fought out in the eternal triangle.

Did Esther succeed In holding her affianced husband? And ws her friend really guilty of treachery? Read what happened in the story entitled' April TrueStory Maga-ine. And this Is but one of 18 big. features in the April issue. Miss Bessie P- nder eee guests at her on Twentieth firl I'riday evening, music and dancing being the diversions followed by a buffet supper. The home of Mrs.

Kalnh ('rum on Verimn Heights was the scene of ern given vpi.tiIiiv l.v spent rortnigtit. in J.os and Hollywood she was entertained by friends during her sojourn. OOO Mrs. Ker.neth fluster will be hostess March 20 at an afternoon of bridge in honor of Mrs. Herbert Sydney Jones Knid Wilson 1, who is to leave the Orient si.

on. Francis Stmiey Arnold, Miles Standish. Harold Beard. James Archer Dnrst, J. F.

Hassler, Kric Leiders, Arthur Rarendt. OOO In honor of her sixteenth birth-di ft rrnini r.f voiiLT frien-l i.f 0 Under personal supervision of Sfinen'a Russ her i.f the state board of charities and corrections is exciting a wide interest in the club world. Mrs. Fitzgerald is past president of the California. Federation of Women's clubs, immediately preceding Mrs.

John C. I'rouliart of Los Angeles In the executive office. For a year or more Khe made her home about the buy. She headed the sjate federation for two years. OOO Regular dance In compliment to students In Oakland high school probably will be inaugurated this month under the auspices of the local parent-teacher nssoeia io.

Mrs. J. X. Urock, president, and the women who are associated wilh her in ad ministeri! the activities of the club, received so strong a student support in the entertainment and dance which Beautu Salon, Second loor (4 11 ,11, f--' announces a great announces a great Fraee lory ii At all newsstands 25 th-ev sponsored right, that I ux; I I r-r Spring Display Watch your Coffee! EOPLE are saying that of their coffee is changing- exclusive that it doesn't taffe like Mi relic mery from the most celebrated Tariywoclistes it always did. You have heard such comments Elian p.

Claire Nf erfy Marie Louise Louison Crouzeix Caroline Reboux Maria Guy Mai son Lewis Marie L'ancret Marthe Regnier but have you ever heard it from 1 mi- rr Hi ocniiiing soiree annizersr The quality of Schilling Coffee has Ihese original models, exquisite creations of the world's most renowned milliners, will be on exhibition as well as a large number of other charming hats fromthe "petites modistes." Each lovely model has been personally selected by The White House millinery buyer who brought them back with her thus insuring the latest styles to discriminati a a i a s. not been changed. The traditional blend stands untouched Watch your coffee! money pver my counter inHantly, glddlydndwith You keep the coffee: FFE INS URANCE If at any time you do not consider Schilling Coffee the beH coffee to be found anywhere, I will return your Your Grocer -Oel sDo -s v-' -v v. vv v. rym A fio A- A Jb tfc A rn rh ab oVi iVS (fa iD th aft 1 maoifc di da J.

co fx aa aa aC.

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