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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 17

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mm TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1903. THE WILKES-BARRE RECORD. TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1908. street and Mrs. T.

Rooney and WEST SIDE DEPARTMENT "DON'TpISS" BUSY STORE'S CM TbOM J. J. SHANLEYf MmiM OfBos No. WMt Mala BW FlyBactA' THE People's fhoiM not PLXMOUTH CHILDREN LAID AW AT Three children were laid away In the cemeteries" yesterday afternoon. The nrsi wai Albina.

the S-month-old Remarkable Sale of Women's and Misses9 Silk Dresses To -morrow, Wednesday, ,10 A. ML Made from beautiful Satin Mb. erty Foulards, Fancy Taffetas and Rajah Worth from $17.50 to $25.00 SEE WINDOW DISPLAYS. or Mr. and Mr.

John To-jmalltla of Centre avenue. The re-; malna were taken to fit i Kaslmer's tmurclv where aervicee were conducted by the Many beautiful floral off cringe from friends of the family were In evidence. Interment mda In St. Kaslmer'e Cemetery. The next funeral waa that of Eliza-beth, the infant daughter of Mr.

and Mn. John MudU of Nesbltt atreet. Services were conducted at the house the presence of numeroua friends th family by Hev. E. E.

Clark. Interment waa made In the Shupp Cema- tery. The third child to bo placed under the aod waa Mary, ths I -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mre. Frank Ard- awla of Hm atreet The funeral pro-f cession moved to Bt.

Kaaimer'a Church, where eervlcea were eon- ducted by V. Visglrda. Inter-' ment waa made in Bt Kaaimer'a Cem- tery. RAILROAD VICTIM BURIED funerai of thailata Charlea Herron, who died in a Buffalo, N. -hospital on Friday aa a reault of In- sustained In the yards of the Lake Shore R.

B. Co. several daya (f, prior, waa held here yesterday afternoon and Jargeiy attended by his for-mer companions and friends. The Tsortege moved from tha house to St. daughter Catherine' went to Carbon- dale yeaterday morning to the funeral of tha lata 'Miss Emma Snyder, Misses NelUe Melvln and Jean Gillespie are home from Harvey's Lake, where they apent their vacation.

Michael Mangan and Thomas Bren-nan returned yesterday from Atlantic O. N. Jones, tha big grocer, India, posed. 7ii- -v Miss Edith Curnow la visiting friends at Scranton. Klsa Genevieve Todd and Miss Mary Hf nderson arc visiting the latter'a sister-in-law, Mra.

James Henderson, at Brooklyn, N. Tr llsa Grace vans of Walnut street haa almost recovered from a recent indisposition. Wadhams Ledge. No. 87S.

I. O. O. will meet. this evening, upon which occasion a large class of candldatea will bo Initiated.

Prescriptions a specialty and filled properly at Hughes' Reliable Pharmacy, Centre avenue. John Boyle, electrician at Rocky Glen, spent Sunday here with hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. C.

D. Boyle of Betde street William H. Owens and Clinton Evana of Walnut atreet leave to-day for New York, "from where thev sail Wednesday for South Wales, to spend a rew weens witn relatives. John Hague and daughter of Avon, N. are visiting the- Rev.

and Mrs. John Hague, here. cradle roll department of the Elm Congregational Church will give an ice cream social on the lawn fronting the church to-morrow evening. Miss Almlra and Cora Lewis and Messrs. Richard and Edgar Lewis of the Mountain Road, left yesterday for Atlantic City to apend ten days.

Mrs. Walter Murray of.Jermyn and Kiss Lily Jenkins of Parsons called here on Sunday to see Thomas B. Griffiths of Willow atreet who Is seriously 111. Mrs. M.

Olmstead of Washington, D. CVls-thergimstitf her brother and wife. Rev. and Mra J. H.

Griffith. Miss Jessie Haaton of West Plttstbh Is visiting Mi3s Beihl of Centre avenue. Mrs. John J. Cooper and daughters of Vine street are spending a couple of weeks the guests of Mr.

and Mra George White at Meshoppen. The remains of Mrs. Kathcrlne Weiss, who died at the home of her daughter, George Frants, af Kingston, were brought here and In-resident of Broadway, In the township, for a great number of years and was well and favorably known to hundreds of the residents of the upper end. Many from here attended the funeral. Deceased had made her home with her daughter for some time past.

Dr. C. L. Ashley and brother-in-law. Dr.

Kranillne. with their left here yesterday for a to weeks' vacation. During the absence of Dr. Ashley, who Is secretary of the board of health, Thomas Brennan; who resides opposite, will net as registrar and issue all burial permits, etc. Mrs.

Elizabeth Dalley of Nantlcoke was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Dalley here on Sunday. KINGSTON The funeral of Mrs. Katherlne Weiss was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

George Frants. The services were in charge of Rev. S. C. Meckel of the German Reformed Church of Plymouth, of which the deceased was a devout member.

Interment was made in Plymouth. The pall, bearers were: Bech, Frr.nklin Frank, B. W. Davis, William Brewster, --Culver, and R. B.

Hutchinson, while Pierce Wolcott as flower carrier, flower carrier. Ralph Doron, assistant undertaker. Lady Messrs. Propst and Bell, who were students at the Seminary last year, were visitors In town yesterday. Both expect to return to school next month Dr.

Henry Kunkel has returned from a visit of six weeks with relatives at Allentown. Ha expects to leave soon for a Ashing trip along the Susquehanna. Albert Canfleld Is visiting his family Engineer Williams of the1 Lackawanna railroad, who had hl arm broken aeveral week ago at the round house, haa recovered from hla Injuries and is now able to be out again. The Y. M.

C. A. hand book of the Seminary, which Is published annually fcttora. school rccoavaneshas made- it appearance and is one othe best of its kind that haa eyer been produced. The book is an excellent guide for the new For Sale Hay's Terrace, high cla8s restricted cot- tage plots.

Sale will open WEDNESDAY, AUG. 19. Come early and get your choice. J. 0.

W. L. Farrell, 51 Welles Bldg. See Page 6. sSSSSb3 sSggBBjB2Sjs.

for a better assessment of coal lands? Those holding office and professing to look after the borough's best interests should get Special egg' drinks and aufldaea at Durbln'a Harry who left here last week. for-Seattle, Wash, to attend the national convention of tha Eaglea, arrived in and Is enjoying himself, as stated In a picture postal card sent to this correspondent If you art In a hurry, don't run home this hot weather, but try one of our dinners. A cool, cltan and neat place to eat Quick lunch at all houra B. J. Ryan aV 22 Weat Main attest O.

N--Jonea -the merchant haa placed numeroua new show cases In hla establishment Tha fountain favorite Famous Chocolate Cream." Everybody who trie this drink is delighted with It It ta undoubtedly the finest and moat delicious drink at the fountain. At R. D. Wllllams'a Mr. Picton, a local, baritone singer of note, rendered- "the late Mr.

Ban-key's two favorite tunes at Chrlatian Church on Sunday. They were: "When the mlsta have rolled away," and "Ninety and nine." His alnglng greatly pleaaadthe large congregation The early-days of the week Shupp will aell: Regular 66c ebow length gloves at 49c. S1.26 muslin skirts and lace trimmed aklrta-Jgc Lota of choice 16c white goods and lace at loe a "the ftnnwash-good at 10 per cent discount Bavea you 20c on each dollar. "Savhig tie Kt one" waa the title Of a strong sermon delivered by Rev. L.

O. Knlpp at the morning services In the Christian Church on Sunday. Mme. Rou Is ton's Beauty Secrets, consisting of face powder, skin food, rouge and two pieces of chamola, special at 69c. Dooley Co.

Dano Toung, the young son of Clayton Toung, who was taken to the Moses Taylor Hospital at Scranton last week to undergo an operation, went through the ordeal willingly and la feeling quite well at present His sister, a trained nurse, Is caring for -hhn--at the-lnetHutkm Bake with Light Loaf Flour. Rev. L. O. Knlpp waa a Scranton visitor yesterday.

Our list of satisfied customers Is growing every day. It pay to buy here. Evans A Jones, "The" Pharmacists. 1 111 East Main atreet A business meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Christian Church will be held there thia evening, beginning at 7: 80. Try Hartman's root beer; an you can drink for.

I centa. Mrs. L. A. Rlckard and daughter, Miss Mary, are visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Allen Dungan at Harrlaburg. Mra; Dungan la a-daughter of Mrs. Rlckard. Mr.

Dungan la now chief electrical engineer for I the jtewly consolidated telephone company. Soda water' served from a fountain that la sanitary, even to the moat min ute detail. Is our boast. Dooley A Co. Josebh Nicholas, who waa arrested and Imprisoned for brutally assaulting Paul Factarla an the Avondaie Keg Fund picnic on Baturday.

waa re leased under $500 ball yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Flnkelsteln. en- tort slned many friends of both sexes at their home on Main street Sunday evening In honor of Miss Fanny, a siKter of Mr.

Flnkelsteln, who la visiting them from New York City. Jrof. and Mra. Henry Jonea arrived home on Saturday from their honeymoon trip. Mr.

and Mrs. T). B. Lewis left yester day for Atlantic City, where they will spend the daya. 'MTa John Foley of Buttonwood 20 to 30 Per, Cent.

DISCOUNT Od All Oxfords 109 MAIN 6TREET PLYMOUTH Tha King of all Medicines The Eaitlesnake Liniment Greatest warrior against an the aches and pain Try It cents. EGUITERRO Cleans stomach, blood and tha whoi aystem. It la half of tha rare A in all chronle, aad i tha whole ear ie lesser allmenta THE TEN DAYS' TREATMENT Tba InfaUlbl Cure For RHEUMATISM It doesn't make any dlffersnas haw id or now long you have bad It It doesn't matter how many different doctors have been treating you. I aay that I can drtie It out of your system and main yon a new and Sound person If yo only give ma half a chance. Treated hundreds of persona without a failure.

Coma to me direct or It too far, writ and send St 10 by mall and Dooley "The effect of the the heavenly life." present life upon I BECOMING WARMER -Editor of the Record; Considerable enthusiasm la being aroused over tha selection of a supervising; principal of the borough schools. The public looks to the director for the selection of a man who la -s capable and energetic. I understand that the people desire a home man tor the. position, and it is perfectly proper that they ahould. We nave In the high school a man with such qualifications aa I have mentioned.

7 Prof. H. S. Jonea has taught In the high school for the last two year and previous to that filled a position in a preparatory school near Philadelphia. -Since wa have suck material on the ground, why not care for a native who la also a college graduate? "A Taxpayer.

OPERATION SUCCESSFUL. John I. Lee of West who conducted the lea. business and. a livery stable here for several years past and who waa taken to the Mercy Hospital on- Sunday night Buttering from appendicitis, waa operated upon yesterday afternoonLast evening, while he.

waa not feeling good, the surgeon in charge held out great hopes of hla recovery. Hla brother, D. J. Donovan, proprietor of the Exchange Hotel at Benton, came up yesterday forenoon and waa present at tha opera ion. Mr.

Donovan also feels hopeful of his apeedy recovery. Mr. Lee, while a resident of this place, waa numbered among our leading business men. After retlrlnar from the ice and I livery business here, he purchased a notei at anamoKin, wmcn is kept at a nlglr standard." HIRAM B. LEWIS INJURED.

Hiram B. Lewis of Franklin atreet sustained a compound fracture of the right leg yeaterday afternoon by a stout piece of timber falling arid striking the limb. He waa hurried to the emergency hospital near the foot of the shaft and temporarily treated. He was afterwards hastened to hla home and a surgeon summoned, who reduced the fracture. Mr.

Lewis la numbered among the most respected residents of tewn, an old employoa of the Nottingham, and notwithstanding his mature years, being upwards of 60, ha stood the ordeal well. 1 j. BROTHERHOOD OFFICERS INSTALLED. At the meeting of Shawnee Circle, No. 109, Brotherhood of America, held In the Campbell building last evening, the following officers were Installed by district deputy John Oram of Ed wardsvllle: P.

C. John Andrews; H. John J. Thomas; H. Frank Suett; H.

Benjamin W. William Gloss. The balance of the officers will be Installed at the next meeting to be held on the evening of Aug. 81. ANOTHER CHILD DIES.

Edward, the S- year and 8-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Watklns of 117 Pierce street died yesterday afternoon of cholera Infantum. The little fellow had been ailing but a brief period when death claimed him. Arrangements for tho funeral were not completed last evening.

SHORT NOTES AND PERSONALS Miss Laurlnda Leea haa returned after a prolonged visit with relatives at Altoona, Pa, and Dayton, O. Take your watch and Jewelry repairing to Olou. Prompt and efficient service. Reasonable charge. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Flynn left yeaterday for Montrose, where they will spend ten days with relatives. Shupp will sell In grocery department this week lOo package Quaker Wheat Berries, 5c; a 2 So sat of three scalloped edge cake knlvea for 16c; regular 76c wash boilers, 49c. Quantity Is limited and aale will be discontinued when tha present stock Is exhausted.1 John Kunlffonls, who conducts a cigar store and pool room on East Main street and Mlsa Rose Vinalo of East Plymouth will be united in marriage this afternoon at Bt fcaslmer's Church. Why not Shawnee start an agitation Great Mid-Summer going on at the Feopja's Shoe Store -20 South' Main.

St. Everything sold at a reduction. Don't miss wis sale. See our windows for prices. 1 A.

HURWITZ. People's -SKoe Store $51001 Bottle Would not be too much to pay at a time of alck-bed necessity Pemley Pure Rye Whiskey No better, purer or finer flavored whisky made. FRED SCHWARTZ BRO, PLYMOUTH. VASHERY COAL Two tons delivered in Wnkea-Barre, 14.80. 1 One ton delivered In Plymouth, Sl.TI.

One ton sold at the bank. I14S. Thla surpasses any washery coal on the market F. Z. DONN, No.

West Main SU ClearngSale COA Lib 7 D0RRANCET0N Miss Emma Bailey of Avoca is visit mg Jllsa MabeL-Na Miss Anna Shappelle of thlseplace and ArX. Lewis of Kingston spent Sunday at Harvey's Lake. Miss Belle R. Faulda haa returned alter spending her vacation with her brother, James R. Faulda of Say re.

Miss Maude Harding of Tunkhan-nock la spending several days with Dorranceton relatives. Or. W. F. Davison and Miss Jessie Mulford are at Atlantic City.

Miss Ltizetta Brehn of Scranton spent Sunday with Miss Cora Arner. Mrs. Taylor Johnson and son Taylor are visiting at Ransom. Misses Florence and Elisabeth Ellsworth have left to spend two weeks at Benton. Mi's Louise Klelnsorge returned last from a sojourn at Scrau-ton.

Harry L. Harmon of Hasle'ton, ao-coWmpanled by his daughter, Mia Ruth Ena, spent Sunday with Mrs. Agnea M. Wallace. Mr.

and Mrs. Coray B. Ransom entertained Miss Edna Clark of Alderson on Sunday. Mrs. John Lord nd children an spending several daya at Tunkhannock.

W. Q. Meyers of Louisville, Kyn who Is visiting his brother, T. JO. Meyers, Is spending a few days at Scranton.

Robert Renshaw, will leave today for a week's fishing trip at Wya-luslng. J. P. LORD Real estate, fire Insurance, loans and investments. Office, 82 Union street New 'phone.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lancaster and children of Askam have returned home from a four days' -staywHh Mr; and Mrs. Wesley White. Mr.

and Mrs. William Dodda of Pittsburg are the gueats of Mr. and Mrs. E. F.

Reese. Miss Ruth Moyer of thla place and the Misses Helen, Alice and Clara Wardan and Dorie Rogers of Dallas attended camp meeting at Orcutt'sj urove on eunaay. George Newitt and aon Ervin were recent visitors at Harvey'e Lake. Mrs. John B.

Reese and son John left yesterday to spend a week with er sister, Mrs. Calvin Dymond, at Harvey'a Lake, Bake with Light Loaf Flour. Alexander Weir and Jamea Noble left last evening for a few days' stay at Buffalo, N. and Niagara Falls. Mr.

and Mra W. H. Moyer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Perry War-dan of Dallaa.

The following young ladies from this place left yesterday to spend Jen days camping at Buttermilk Falls: Misses Jessie RansiTf, SMby At fierholt. Lesta bos wort and Florence Reese. Miss Almah C. Wallace returned last evening from Koonavllle, where she attended camp meeting on Sunday. Mrs.

F. N. Ruacles and famllv. who have been summerlnar at Cliffslde. have returned home.

The funeral of the late Frank Keller. who died at FJwardsville on Saturday, was neid yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of hla brother, Harry F. Keller, of this place. The services were private and were con ducted by Rev. Stewart.

Day of Lu- serne Borough. A quartet composed of Misses Julia Snell and Peckens, and Oscar Snell of Plymouth and Georgev Keller of Kingston, sang eweetly and with much feeling' "Nearer, My God. to Thee" and "It la Not Death to Die." There were several floral offerings. The pall bearers were Clyde Keller, of this place; 8heldon Peckens. of Newark, N.

Ralph and George Keller, of Kingston, and Zack and Ray Keller of Luierne Borough, all nephews of the deceased. Interment was in the Forty Fort Cemetery. Tne scnooi board met last evening with all members present except Messrs. Davis and Jones. A motion carried that the contract for the lay ing or sidewalks be awarded to Lewi Davis of Plymouth, according to hi plans and specifications, along th front and up to 'the steps of the Church school, building, along the front and on the west side to side entrance of the Dorrance atreet school building, and along the front of the Westmoor school A motion waa carried that Mr.

Dor- ranee be appointed aa sidewalk Inspector with the authority to employ a substitute at any time when he is unable to attend to the dutlea himself. The finance committee waa em powered to execute the contract with Lewis Davia A motion carried that the order for school supplies will be given to' the Wllkes-Barre Stationery Co. for the amount of their bid, or 1416.08. It was moved by Dorrance and seconded by Betterly that a notice be sent to the Dorranceton Borough council that the school board refuses to pay the paving assessment on North Dorrance Carried. The bill of S.

J. Strauss for $14 for professional services was ordered paid. Adjourned until regular meeting Sept l0S. SW0YERVILLE William Tafft and daughter Rose of Swoyerville are visiting Mr. Tafft'a sister, Mra KaJ Fallon, of Rossiter, Indiana County.

The ladlea of Swoyerville will hold a lawn social Aug. 81 tor tha benefit of Holy Name Church. A jolly party left thla place Sunday morning for Bear Creek and report having a fine time. Ia tha party; were Mra William Green. Mr, and Mrs.

Poynton. Mr, and Mra William Tafft. Mr. and Mrs. Sombery, Mr.

and Mra Benoskie, Mr. and Hoosey, Mr. and Mrs. Lynns, Mr. and Mra Do-brte, Mr.

and Mrs. Proudlove and daughter Sarah. students and Is also a valuable source' of Information. Albert Gray Is spending a few days in New York. The West Side Baking Co.

at tho Kingston Comerrhas changed hands again and is now under the manage- men or Edward J. Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. M.

Boyle, who took possession yesterday. The new proprietor has had several years' experience In the baking business and his many West 8lde friends wish him success in his new undertaking. Herbert M. Poust Is down from -the lake for a short viplt here In the interest of next gear's Seminary Oplna-tor, of which paper he Is business manager. Mr.

and Mrs. P. H. Dever and Mis Eea DufTey have returned from a two weeks' visit at New York. Philadelphia and Atlantic City.

Tbe Woodward colliery will resume work to-day, after a monlh of idleness. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis and daughter of Westmoor aro spending several weeks In the Roland R. Jones of Westmoor was successfully operatedJupon at the Moses Taylor Hospital and Is now resting comfortafcly.

Ralph Doron and William Dilge went to the Huntsvlllo dam yesterday tr. search of fish bnt were unsuccessful In their attempts to-secure some. Consequently on their return to town, since they had their string all ready and feeling disappointed over their ill luck, each went to Bteven'a grocery store and bought two-pound mackerel. LUZERNE BOROUGH Mra A. E.

Frallck and aon Ralph left yesterday to spend a week at Philadelphia the guests of Mr. nad Mrs. L. C. Frallck.

Mrs. Stella McCreary ha returned from a few days' visit at Harvey'e La fee, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stiff. Mra.

W. J. Wilcox and children and mother, Gilbert are the guesta of relatives at Pottsville. Mrs. Rose Thompson of Burlington Is visiting her daughter, Mrs.

O. J. Miss Jennie Robblns haa returned after spending a ten daya' vacation at Atlantic City. Bake with Light Loaf Flour. Jamea Crossln haa returned to Philadelphia after spending two weeks with his parents, Mr.

and Mr. Jamea Crossln, of Miller street. Mr. and Mrs. E.

B. Wolfe and children are spending a week at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. C.

A. Austin and daughter and Miss Edna Austin leave to-dayjto spend atFishng Creek. "Mfss" Alice' Sutton of Trucksvtlfe" waa the guest of Miss Elisabeth Harris on Sanday. Henry Shooks of West Nantlcoke spent Sunday with Theron Wolfe, Jr. D.

F. Daley and J. R. Burna apent Sunday with friends at Lake Wlnola. The regular monthly business meeting and social of the Epworth League of the M.

E. Church will be entertained by Mies Caroline Palmer and F. B. Palmer at the latter'a home, on Charlea atreet, thla evening. All welcome.

MlsS Margaret and Robert Hewitt are apendlng a week with relatives at Montrose. Miss Margaret Thomas has returned from a two weeks' visit at Brooklyn, N. Miss Margaret Maye, who haa been spending a week's vacation at Scranton and Philadelphia, returned Sunday. Thomaa Hayden- haa returned after spending three weeks at Oneonta, N. Y.

Mr. and Mra Randolph Harrison returned last evening from their wedding trip to Atlantic City and Philadelphia. GRACEDALE Bake with Light Loaf Flour. JBros; 99 SHICKSHINNY Bake with Light Loaf Flour. EDWARDSVILLE Miss Mary McOroarty haa returned from a week's stay at Scranton.

William Addla and William Davis spent Sunday Lake Wlnola. David Hughes baa returned from a -ten vacation at Atlantic City. Miss Dorothy Davia of Nantlcoke has returned to that place after a few weeks' stay with Miss Gladys Davia Mrs. John Hayea and sons John and William, of East End spent yesterday with Mrs. Michael Byron.

Miss Mamie1 pthe left yeaterday for a visit at Mahanoy City. John Hines, Mra. John J. Morgan and son Thomaa and Mr. and Mrs.

D. Thomas are spending their vacation at Atlantic City. Mrs. Milton Ruth and children wera recent Scranton callers. F.

L. Davis left yesterday moraine for a two weeks vialt Bradford county. Mrv and -Mr and family and Brinley Husband spent -Sunday at Harvey'a Lake. Mlsa Anna Rlnska. who haa been visiting In thia locality for tha past, six weeks, returned to her noma In Wisconsin, on Sunday.

Harry. Williams has resumed hla duties at the 4e W. railroad fro shop, after a week's Illness. Davis has left for a visit at Wlconlsco, Pa. George MlddletoA and Gomer Morgan have returned from a vacation at Lake Wlnola.

John Lane, a motorman on tha Ply-' mouth-Edwardavllle Una. Is on the sick Hat- George Ellis has gone to Atlantic City for a week's vacation. Carl Luke and Elliot Jonea have returned from a ten days' stay at Harvey'a Lake. Misses Kate and Nellie Read and Miss Anna Bednarwich have gone to Mt. Pocono for a ten daya' vacation.

Mlsa Anna Lavla of Scranton apent Sunday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mra Charles Lavla Stephen Stephens and wife spent Sunday at Fernbrook. The concrete foundation for tha new Polish church on Blocum street la completed and operations on the -church, proper will be commenced shortly. The clam bake conducted by the firemen on Saturday laat waa largely attended, and proved a big success. Mr.

and Mrs. D. T. Davis and children spent Sunday with frienda at tha Huntington valley camp ground. Mrs.

D. H. Lewis has returned from a few days' vacation at Harvey'a Lake. IrugglsA Jeh- who la at Harvey'a LakJa.pnd- -ing a few days. In town.

You Have Tried i the Rest Why Not Try the Best i For real comfort In Ladles Stylish Shoea. Julia Marlowe S3.00 Julia Marlowe Lastlc Slipper. 8PCdlAL THIS WEEK. Men'a 1 1.75 Mining .11.49 D. T.

Davis' SEoa Store Edwardsvitle. Husband's Rebuilding Sale Buy your vacation Oxfords now Men'a Women's and Chll-' dren's Oxfords, All Men's $4.00 Oxfords, now Alt Men's 3.50 Oxforda now IZ70 An Men's tS OO Oxfords now 2.30 Odd slses In 14.00 Oxfords All Women's $3.00 Oxfords now All Women'a $2.50 Oxfords now AU Women's $1.00 Oxfords, now .,.1.59 We are going to rebuild and must make room to go on with the work. Store cloaes at'l o'clock during August except Saturdays. EDWARSSVILLC Vincent's Church at 1:10 o'clock and eervicea were conducted within tha sacred edifice at I o'clock by Rev. Ai-J'Malleyr-The-Dallbearerawer the atx members of the Switchman's Union, who accompanied tha remain nere: John R.

Davidson. -William P. F. Moran, Frank ton, F. H.

Crome and E. A. Lally. In--. terment 'waa made In St Vincent's Cemetery by the aide of hla father.

who preceded him In death aeveral ago. For some time prior to the accident -which caused the death of tha young -man ha waa acting conductor in the yarda of the railroad which employed um. SERIES OF SERMONS Beginning with the first Sunday In September Rev. L. O.

Knlpp, the energetic pastor of the Christian Church. begin a aerlea of special sermons on the heavenly life. The first will be anticipation of the heavenly second. "Occupation of the heavenly life;" third. "The heavenly life Influencing tha present life;" fourth.

All Kinds of Fresh Fish This Week at JONES' Cash Store Watch the Prices' pumouih our meat prloes. A reduction ef from 15 to 28 per eent an all, Fresh Meata Saturday, 25 REDUCTION On all Reed And Rattan Go-Carta and Baby Carriages. The large roomy kind that you can 11a the baby in to sleep. We are very much overstocked on these rood, and must move thhem off tha floor before Coma tn and jjbok at ftbem. 1 20.oe Od-Cart bow.

I18A0 10.UU ClQ-Cart nnw llO.Ou Oo-Cart now .1 nboreBrosl: 1 'f Ilieyure'Druti Man Prescription Work Wilfully prepared from fresh, pure, genuine drugs precisely according-1to 1 the doctor orders is trie only kind ever turned out at Hartman's. It's ri-ht. says Fire Escapes Iron Fences All Hinds of Structural and Ornamental Iroii Work i ffioss New Phone 4072-5. Miners Mills Don't Forfjet It receive tit treatment by expresa JUERT B-fEOELEWSKI, til MAIN STREET, I rtYMOUTH. PA.

rijnoutb Flyniouth. Both telephones..

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