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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 12

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

''V MONDAY, JULY 6, 1903. T11E WILKES-BARRE RECORD- SATURDAY, JUftY 4, 1903. 12 WEST SIDE Children Love Sweat J. Manaoer. OldJPhone People's 'Phone 7108.

Welsh, Henry Bird, Clarence Royer, John Goldsmith, Daniel Stevens Ralph Balrd and B. urray are spending the Fourth at Lake SllKworth. They will remain several day -Try Hartman's root taarj. all you can drink for a cents. The funeral ot Louisa, the Infant daughter of Mr; and Mrs.

Daniel, Het tinger of Temperance Hill, will be held Sunday afternoon at 4- o'clock. Ser. vices will be conducted at the house at 1 o'clock by Rev. L. o.

Xnlpp. Interment will be made In the Shawnee Cemetery. It was to be to-day but was postponed. INDEPB DAY STUNTS. The 8unday tool of the Second Pk M.

Church cntc at Westover's will 'TW following sport- a Truss alt your life. It Is annoying 4 and( not safe. It wlU not cost much to navayour tal t- I go It by a new method. No surgery, no. detention from no truss needed when cured.

You will only to- make from tour to eight weekly visits to my of-, flee. Write for testimonials 'f or calj Dr." P. ii'Mallay Washington 8t, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. N. B.

Those not wanting treatment may be fitted With tha b.e orchard to-day and laco during the r- In events wl take s. another at 100-yard foot race, wheol- Harrow, sack, three-legged and relay race; running broad Jump, standing Jump, running, vaulting and standing high Jump, and a pea eating contest. A handicap fluolt pitching contest at 'J. the Elm Hill Hotel at 10 o'clock for19 arid, open to all. The congregation of St.

Mary's 1 -J And "the sweet. they like! best--of the i sweets are good for them is pure Maple Sugar That's why we boil our, wheat, before flaking it, in, the pure Vermont Syrup. (-" That flavor is most enticing. 4 are making the best food. fox1, childrenahd -fl "wcwant them to like it.

We want to the food that is best for them. And flavor does more than argument, t- zL Mapl-Flake is the best food for us all, It is made of wheat white Washington wheat the premier food of the world, 'rv It Is prepared by a process requiring 96 hours, by every atom is made That is the 'important fact. And it "doesn't apply to- any other wheat food. Wheat is largely starch, and starch, to be digestible, must be made soluble. eeeaa s-nnii.

-t uuuu to Eat S) JThe particles must be separated, so-the digestive. six hours; Then thor juices can get to them. So we cook the wheat for oughly cure ItS Then we so-thin that, the full heat of center! Theri these flakes are foasted, for 3Q minutes, in a heat of 400 degrees. The result a food that's all food. A food that will all digest.

7 Them are other flaked foods both corn and wheat made by a process one-fourth at long at ours. They will cost you five, cent lea per package. But the difference is slight when, you add the cream cost to -both. And the In the process is 76 hours. Seventy-six hours spent to make the food more digestible.

Every ounce of Mapl-Flake means an ounce of nourishment. rifs) All Food" AT li DAVIS Plymouth. Stores Gosed Saturday. I Fancy Dressed Chickens, per lb 16 tl Best Creamery Butter. per lb.

Bradford Dairy Butter, 254" Sugarloaf Pines, per 11 dozen ...75 Rocky Ford Cantaloupe, a for 154 it -FOR-YOURTUNOTJJ i BASKET Boiled Ham, 1 Cheese, Imported and Domestic Cheese, Potted Ham, Bulk Olives, Sweet 11 Pickles, Dill Pickles, S) 1 1 "W11PBW me summer necessity In every home Is a bottle of Durbln's Cholera Cure for cramps and diarrhea. Price 25c. Durbln's Drug Store. Burt, son of Mr. and Mrs.

A' WnlL drove his to Benton and arrived tnere in good time yesterday. During his stay In that town he will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. J.

Donovan at the Exchange Hotel, of which they are the proprietors. For Sale Sauabs raised esDeclnllv for sick persons now on sale. Birds killed in presence of nurchaaers. in suring freshness, 86c each. Both tele phones, Thomas West, Shawnee Jean and Harold Well are sDendinsr a month at Sunset Hall, Dallas.

They went mere yesterday. IIIIIMIII PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTINO HOUSE During this week 1 quart of whlskv and 1 auart of wine for $1. Ail kinds ot.llqmors.Jn Beet and porter by the box or keg. Orders delivered proihptly. Plymoujth Distributing House, 44 East Main street All the business houses of town will be closed to-day, likewise the banks and the postofflce.

There wilt be. but one delivery of mail and that in the forenoon. The barber shops will close at noon The largest variety, greatest stock and pleasing selections at suitable prices. Glou, Jeweler. i A live turtle weighing 125 pounds In front of the store of O.

N. Jonea yes-, terday attracted, the attention of all who passed by. Post -Cards For the 4th of July ip to date patriotic souvenir views of Plymouth. Come and 4ook. We cdn please you.

R. Williams. John J. 'Moore returned home yesterday from New York. Colgate's toilet preparations a ape- cum powaer, iw, renaDiff pharmacy.

The resrtnurant pnndnrtAil hv Anilrew any in town. A plate glass front 7ias" oeen put in ineu-inierior maa-un dergone thorough overhauling. E.lec trie lights, large and small, 'shine from ever.y corner and a corps of waiters keep all wants He opened up yesterday, Miss Lulu of Mauch Chunk, who was the guest of Miss Sarah Rees of Girard avenue, has returned home. Alexander's Band Saturday. Jul "4, afternoon and evening at Sans Soucl Park.

Mteses Ella Bryan and Gertrude Maher left yesterday for Pottsvllle to spend a week with friends. An insurance office, now occupied by C. Wren, for rent; $10 per month. Inquire of S. W.

tavenport. Thomas Booney. Philip Maher, John Heffernan. William Thomas and Emorts Richards, the latter of ScrantCn, went to Lake Sllkworth lat evening to spend the Fourth. They will return to-mor Our soda on July 4 will ba excep tionally good.

A fan given to. each soda purchaser. Egg drinks delicious. D. Williams, Druggist.

Arthur Forney and John Harrison Vegetables Groceries iimmniiiii' Fruits, Fish, Etc. AU staple goods and lowest. prices; Prompt delivery. O.N. Jones 167 Main St PLYMOUTH.

school at preaching and communion service Jn English at-t First- E. Class meeting at Sunday 'school' same, hour; preaching service- at JO: SO, "The Stand ard of a second class' of probationers i. wtH i be received Ep worth League kat vesper service at three-quarters pf an, hour 'long. Welsh Baptist Prayer meetirg at Welsh service at 10; Sunday school at English service at fi. First Presbyterian Meaning worship at 10:80, subject, "Favored evening worship at subject, "The Right Kind of a Christian;" Bible school at 12; Christian Endeavor! at 8:45.

Welsh Congregational Preaching In Welsh at 10; Sunday school, at 11518,. preaching In Welsh at 6, subject, "The Friend of God." Services in the Reformed Church, Willow street: Sunday school at German services at Christian Endeavor at English services at Rev. W. H. Herbert of Nantlcoke will pr'each morning and evening.

Thursday, prayer meeting. AH are welcome. First P. M. Preaching at 10:30, sub-Ject, "The Morning Cloud and the Early Dew;" the Sunday school service for July and August will be at evening service at Rev.

OU hey of New York will giva an illustrat-ed temperance lecture, "The Wayward or the Dark Side of Great Cities," interspersed" with" Illustrated songs by Mrs. Olney. A silver offering will be taken up." Franklin street P. meeting at preaching at 10; Sunday school at praise service at preaching at A special meeting of the Ladles' Aid Society and quarterly con. feience at cloe of morning SOME ACCIDENTS.

'John, son of William Nafus of Curry Hill, accidentally shot himself In the hand last evening with a small revolver. The wound necessitated stitches to close it William, a little son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Morgan of Meglnnls street, was run over by a wagon yesterday afternoon, and was seriously bruised.

Fortunately no bones were broken. Dr. J. P. Belhl attended both of the above cabes.

SHORT NOTES AND PERSONAM. The mines of the Lehigh A Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. will not resume operations until Tuesday. They will be Idle andgaturday, lay i FefoTe" going on your vacation buy a good fountain pen. You will need It All kinds at Davenport's book store? 'frOntinghe resldone'e ofXlfre(TXeTi- ton on Lance Hill last venmg ny me E3teelslo-Cocert-X5rchestra-was attended by many and all enjoyed It greatly.

The orchestra rendered a pleasing program of choice music throughout. Guaranteed Ice cream, all flavors, wholesale or retail. Picnics a specialty. Meals at all times. Confectionery, soda Water, at Edwards's, 45 East Main street.

The meat markets of town. will be open to-day until noon, and they will be closed all day to-morrow. The wagons will not be on the road to-day, hence houcholders who aid not secure their supply yesterday must call at the markets to-day. i The flour of quality Light Loaf. The Jolly Eight, John Shaw, William Shirtwaists Suits Underwear eta, being sold at regular whole-sale factory prices! Plymouth peo ple need not go to Wilkes-Barre to buy these we positive ly have larger stock here and at the lowest pme in now while the sakg on.

The Autocrat Store 27 EAST MAIN to Plymoutfi COAL Washery GOAL Two tons delivered In Wilkes-Barro, 14.50. One ton delivered tn Plymouth, $1.75. One ton sold at the bank, $1.25. This surpasses any washery coal on the market F. Z.

DONN, No. I West Main St. Plymouth. Both telephones. The King ot all MediclnBS Tiie Raltlesnake Liniment Greatest warrior against an the aches and palna Try it.

is cents. EGUITERRO NO. 1 Cleans stomach. blood and the whola system. It Is half of the ur In all chronic, and inn wnnia im in lesser ailments.

THE TEN PAY' TREATMENT Tha Infallible Cure Toe RHiUyiATl8M It doesn't make any difference- bow Oranges, Bananas, Peaches, It Order Early. DAVIS BROS, ji Wilkes-Barre and Plymouth. Offlo No. 14 West Main St, Pljfmouth Church jf the Nativity will' picnic' In the second woods. Just in the rear of Wfcstover's A large orchestra will furnish music for dancing, refreshments will be plentiful and mahy athletic events are scheduled to take place; The Sunday school of the Welsh Con-rregatlonal Church will picnic in 'the field near Westover's orchard.

A large crowd is anticipated and a pleasant outing Is assured. The Welsh Baptist Sunday school "will picnic near the Welsh Congregational and here also a great day a expected. An athletic carnival will take place on Lance Hill, under the auspices of the congregation of 8t Church. PTiiies will be awarded the winners of all and up to date many out of town athletes have signed to take part for the liberal prizes offered. CONSTABLE ACTS.

7 Since the-erectlon of a washery at the Gaylord colliery by, the; Kingston Coal Co. the water1 and refuse from the same has been flowing into Brown's Creek and on to the river. A large timber was placed In the creek to serve a dam. Hish constable Samuel shire waited to learn If any of the boV-ough authorities would take any action but thus far they have fail, ed to tnove a muscle and in order to prevent a continuance of the nuls. -anee- he- haKdeeMed toact -hi msetf -an yesterday heservsd notice upon the officials -of tb corporation that, they must desist forthwith and alpo move the "dam" In the creek.

The outcome of the scrap will be watched with In terest. v- SERVICES FORT SUNDAY." Services at the various churches tomorrow will be as follows: English Baptist Preaching at 10, subject, "Three Wonders;" Sunday school at 11; evening service at subject, "Three Thoughts." "Safety- Where to Find It;" "Liberty How to Get It;" "Rest Whore Is It By special requert a duet will be sung at the evening service by the pastor and wife. Rev. and Mrs. Purklss.

Calvlnlstlo Methodist Presbyterian-Young people's prayer meeting at preaching in Welsh by Rev. H. Jones of Edwardsvllle at 10; Sunday $24.00 ODD PIECES of bed room furniture are In such demand that we cater to customers who want Just such things-separate bureaus, dressing cases, eserltorres, lounging chairs, rockers, small tables, for bed room, dressing room or boudoir. The woman who cares for individuality In her belongings will find It shown In many Items of our really large though carefully selected stock of furniture (or all parts of tha Dependable 'Quality Is writ In letter! large on very yard of carpet sent from this store. Looking handsome at the outstart, they look well, wear well and last well for long years.

We don't handle Inferior carpets, but request your purchases of the high class carpets we have on VELVET BRUSSELS 91.10 to 11.50 Per Yard MOORE BROS. East Main 8t Plymouth 1 Act Quickly ion Sale Still Going On Greatest bargain! aver In Footwear. Coma and take advantage of these great offers. Sal lasts but a few daya longer. People's Shoe Store 76 East Main St, Plymouth 'wf in-' isSSnL in II pi iTTM mm Alterat celebrated O'Malley Truss, guar- tccvi vu iiuiu ny case ot re-duclble rupture.

wnJ to York last avenlng1 for a brief visit Henry Lees Is visiting his son. Dr. Rush Lees at Ithaca, N. Y. Our ilst of satisfied customers Is growing every day.

It pays to buy br- Evans A Jones, "The" Pharmacists, 111 East Main street Attorney Harry Freeman Is home from a visit to Harrlsburg. where he went the pardons. In the Interest of a client. Lost Between the rnimwh: Andemy street. ShawnM avenna ni Franklin street, $5 bill.

Reward for Its return to George Kendlg, or the Thomiia nirVA Cri.i xt visiting his parents, Mr. and" Mrs. John Glrko at 788 street. Spend the Fourth at Sans Soucl Park. Special amusements and attractions.

"The Signing of the Declaration of Independence," woven in silk by hand, In the Bhow window of the Shawnee Cash Store, la attracting much attention. Mme. Roulston's Beauty Secrets, consisting or zace powder, skin food, rouge and two pieces of chamois, special at (9c. Dooley Co. Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Delaney and children of Danville are the auna of aaugnter- iert yesterday for Cleveland, Ohio. at vpn tn h.f mlA ute detail, la our boast. Dooley A Co Mrs. Mary, Phillips moved to Scran-ton yesterday.

Don't get DE5AD STOCK on yourself, It's for Insects, at Hughes's Reliable Pharmacy. Mrs. W. H. James and daughter, Miss Jeannette of Cincinnati.

spent ypf terday with her cousin. Miss Jennie Todd of Davenport street. Miss Dora Davis of Shawnee avenue has gone to Springfield, Wisconsin, for the summer. For sale Fine to-story brick house on Elm street: all conveniences; wilt sell cheap. Apply to George Armltage, hardware store, East Main street.

Particulars of the accident which be fell Mrs. Elisabeth Hudock on Welsh HU1 last evening will be found in an other KINGSTON C. S. Todsavaa-e has returned home after a succeesf ut oueratton at Mercy Miss Cora- E. Persons, who has been the guest of Mlsa Mabel Randall for the past has returned to her home In Susquehanna, Pa.

Simeon Lewis and John Bonawiti returned home last evening from Ran som witn a.nne string of. black bass. Wendrel and Weslev Davis will spend the Fourth and Sunday at Lake Nuangbla as- guests of the Sheeder at their cottage, Mrs. John who has been spending afew days with Miss Stella Pickett, has returned to her home li iW JLUIK I1JT. Order a sack ot Light Loaf Contractor Henson left last evening ror oeneva, w.

where ne will spend tne "tnourtn witn nis family. The Magyar Presbyterians will dedl cats the new-bell for their church at Westmoor this morning at 10 o'clock. It will be a very impressive service and everybody is invited. Rev. F.

von Krug will conduct tha exercises. 'John W. Shepherd of Berwick is spending tha Fourth with hie mother' in-law, Mrs. B. Stookey.

Spend the Fourth at Sans Soucl Park. Special amusements and at tractions. i Miss Isabelle Wallace has charge of the Kingston postofflce during the ab sence i of i Postmaster darner, who is taking 'his -vacation. Mr. Moore, of Plymouth, is assisting ity the office for two weeks.

I No. 4 slope and the Gaylord mines of the Kingston Coal Co. have been '( es 09 5. Miners Milk Fordet It Hartman flake each separate berry our ovens gets ta the unwu mvn RTCRNK rOOO COMPART; Mkfe U.I A. 1 ILffiakei JtBfti hmdigMgtFAag EDWAKUSYlLJ.1 I CHURCJRrNOTlCESJjJ Welsh Presbyterian Preaching T.

"at 10 by Rev. H. (W. Griffith. Mi Dh of Plymouth Sunday schooJjltJLllt preaching lifuie evening at 6 by ReW R.

Jones. immanuei Baptist preaching in tna irormny-ay-nnrj preaching in the evening at Welsh Baptist Prayer meeting at preaching at 10; Sunday school at preaching in the evening at 0. Welsh Congregational Prayer meet, ing at preaching at li Sunday school at JJ.U5; -preaching In '-evening at 6 by the pastor, Rev; Dr. C. Ed wards.

TVim atnra n9 4Kfa' firwDf toll! be'closed alt day' to-day arrtl'lh bar-f ber shops will be open until noon. I viiimm vanoyA ui Aueniown it visiting his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vahey. Isses Eleanor Toomey and 4 Katharine O'Malley will leave on Monday for Atlantic City, where will spend their- summer -vacatton-'fr-Tnt-z- Esther Morgan has left for a Visit at Philadelphia.

A great game of base ball wilt tako place this, morning at theClppers' diamond, when the Kingston teams will play the Merry Widows for, a side. 1 Albert Barrett is visiting at Scran- ton. Hot Weather Comfort E.RHS3 ROCHESTER NY Russia Calf Oxford. hand sewed process, with the style of the, 18.60 MndV E. HUSDAND EDWARDSVILLtJ.

1 White Canvas -1 OX-FOBDS With stockings to match all A-r-Tiwr' Bargains in odd jots for this week' continued. 1 AT i-. i 1 Shoe Store 1 1 1 Edwardsville. stuoMS smiwifc ssarna 'f '7a. 1 The Pure Dru Man Says: Prescription Work skillfully prepared from fresh, pure, genuine drug precisely ac '-cording to the doctor! orders is the only kind Dorle Loso has aecureiL the contractJ for the electric work on the Weltsen- korn building In South Wilkes-Barre.

Mr. Loso will also do the electric work on the "Kingston Presbyterian Church. William Bmlthr-tiwKingston fire man who was accidentally shot on the foot at Wyoming last-Tuesday night, Is getting along very nicely at the City Hospital, The ball was removed vatrriav. There-win- be aommunion serrica uy the Presbyterian congregation at Nel son Memorial Hall to-morrow at 10:8,0. Miss pearl waram win leave tms morning for Espy (or a few' days' vlalW Ralph Doron.

undertaker. Lady as- sistanu William Richard Doughton, Thomas Keller and Ted Miles will spend the Fourth in New York City. Charles Klchie or BioomsDurg is visiting his sister, Mrs. George Beagle of Rutter avenue. Miss Mildred Vsnhorn returned last evening from Mauch where she visited her mother for a couple of weeks.

Rev. Fa Donaldson, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of san Francisco, will sDeak in Kingston M. E. Church to-morrow at 10:80, and will tell the story 1 of tns great Ban Francisco disaster There will be no Epwortn League service. At o'clock the pastor will preach his first of th series of special sermons for July, His text will be, "What Christ said about the- Sabbath Sunday scheolr at the 4 usual hour.

Chief of the lire department Walter Covert has taken the usual precau tion for the Fourth of July In case of fires. Last evening Dorle Loso and Orra Halleck -were stationed at tne hose house all nighU To-oajr John Deets and Bam Qettlns, Jr will watcn all dayand they will be relieved, this evening ty winiam buiiock ana Oliver Moore. Chief Covert may be found at the hose house until Sundav morning. funeral or- HenariCK Major was held yesterday morning at from the horn of his sister, Mrs, Benjamin Badman, on Rutter avenue. Rev.

J. W. Nicholson officiating. The pallbearers were an -nepnews or. tne deceased.

Interment was made in the Major plot in the cemetery at Lehman Centre. J- Mrs. c. A. Lohmann returned noma yesterday from a few days'vlslt with her mother at Factoryvillek Norman Koehler.

who has Been em ployed by contractor Bert Williams, fell from a scaffolding yesterday while working on Edward Morconrg new house on Chester street, snd sprained his ankle. -A laborer nad Been digging a ditch so near the scaffold that it gave way, throwing" the men who were working on It a distance of about elKhteeA 'feet to 'the ground. Mr. Koehler was the only one badly hurt, and he will be obliged to walk crutches for a few days at least. ICVANS QUALITT fCE CREAM 'phone all ordera this morning direct to Evana before 10 o'clock.

My wagon will deliver all' west tsiae oraers. i ts A. Alexander's Band Saturday. July 4. afternoon and eveningat Sans Soucl Park.

HUDSON To-morrow's services in the Primi tive Methodist Church as follows: 10:10 the sacrament of the -Lords unner administered, the Rev, William Aeornley officiating, and at t. to p. m. Robert Bosley of Avoca will oreach. Sabbath school at 1: 10, Martin wsisn.

Br- is connnea 10 nis home suffering from an stuck of ap pendicitis. I 1 The enforcing of the dog ordinance has been extended to Monday morning, July Chief Strange saya that on that date all dogs pot wearing mux- sles wlU be shot. Makes' whits loaves Light Loaf-The wtrk along Miner street is pro sresslna rapidly and before another week has passea tn roaa win com pare favorably with any road in the (ntintv. i Mrs. Wesley of Plains was a caller In town last evening.

flhrla Evans' of Fhiuipsmirg. Is the guest of friends In town. The various v. et collieries were abouts have suspended operations until Tuesday. Walter Forsey has through the kind ness of the Wilkes-Barre Record made arrangements to display the scores of the various ball teams each evening at hia nool room on Miner street.

The P. Sunday school will hold their annual picnic! to-day, July 4, in lr ire jtiiscap iron; Fences erer twned out at Hartman'g. It's right -K PlymoutK. A Few Reasons For Requesting Yoiir Patronage always try to make one pair sell another and we real lie to do this we must glv you I- know that for tha sama price no na can glva you better. We have all tha newest lasts and the bast and most Domilar leathers.

We have on price to all. which we think should an incantlva to. any tit. miff ahoM from tha most re liable manufacturers only and for this reason you -cannot gei peiwr. v.

mirtnrm irv'U for.your next pair nd ba convUieodj -llenjambar itba one price, fcjoore cVDooley 109 MAIN STREET PLYMOUTH PEIILEY' PURE EYE The flneah straight Whisky manu factured In tha United no ex ceptlon. i a Absolutely pur. Never bottled un der TEARS OUV after being aged in wooa. Try our, fine Bottled Bear and Por-Jer. Fresh doll jr.

i Trcd Schwartz All Kinds of Structural arid Ornamental Iron Work i Moss OPOS old Or now long you have had K. It doesn't matter bow many different doctors have been treating you, I say that I can drhe It out of your system and malt you a new and sound person If you only give me half a chance. Treated hundreds of persons without a failure. Come to direct, or If toe far. write and send 11.60 by mall "and receive the treatment by express.

UEERT mOELEVSKI, .111 MAIN STREET. PLYMOUTH. PA, New Phone Con't -YM0UTH. PA. the grove near jFj-rings.


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