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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 7

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 JT3XY4, THE WILKES-3ARRE RECORD. SATURDAY, JTJITlDQa .0 street Is attending the Y. M. C. A.

convention at Eaglesmere, Pa. A delightful porch tarty 'was ghren by Mlsa Elisabeth DeWitt on Thurs CELEWTE. T0-ID1Y T. L. Newell and son of Kingston, who are nuking a tour Of the world, ara now ty- Russia.

Albert Iiwis will sirs a danea for Jils employee, as he haa done for aome rm mill tn-ntrht Rear C. 8. Cfllahan aotne friends ai supper at Raub'a Hotel, onf 'evening this week. Mr. and Mrs.

James Oore Blake of. new York-are visiting the latter' par-' ents, Mr. ind Mra. Edmund O. Butler.

Guy Stirdevant haa removed to Dal las to spd the remainder of the Bum mer. Ei Steelman wlll take hla family to jM(unt Pocono for July. "'Qarl Wood of Dorranceton; Is on crutches as the result of an accident byt which he broke one of bis legs. 'i 'A i B. C.

Allen and family have, opened belt Hanrey'B' Lake cottage. 0 Schuyler 1L Reynold has been spending some time at Orangevllle. Mra John R. Lee and daughter have been visiting-the former's son, Henry Lee at Dallas. AndersorVafld family of Franklin street moved to their cottage at Dallaa on Wednesday tor the summer.

Mr. Anderson is general superintendent of the Wyoming Valley Gas and Etectrio Ca Patrick Gtlffln of Haste 'street Is the guest of friends at East Mauch Chunk, Morgan Hughes will rail July I on the Baltic for Carmarthenshire, Wales, whera he will spend couple of months. Mr. and Mrs. F.

Ck Hartman of North Main street have returned from a several weeks visit in New York City. Jacob Grelsmer and family of South Washington street, are at Nuangola for the summer, Mrs. Struthers and Miss Barnes will spend the Fourth, with the former's daughter, Mrs. George Macan, at Eastern. Mra.A.

'Er Mack an daughters are at their Nuangola cottage. TThVfamllyof James Hilt of Wright street is at Trucksvllle. -Mr, and Mra W. H. Shepherd are occupying their cottage at Nuangola.

1 Msv and JKF1 Charles W. Dana and children are occupying theMlllef "coti tsge at Nuangola for the next two months. Miss Agnes McGann of Hasle street is visiting at Pond Hill. Col. and Mrs.

Asher Miner and family are at Ehgleslde Hotel, Beach Hsven, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Belles of Benton have returned, after -attending the funeral of George -Young from the home of Edward Young at Drums. ft niani Ariaun ma neien onerrea are Miss Miry Phillip haa Miss SharpeMtoccupylng their cottage at Misses Ariadne And Helen Sherred are Notoniy dav. but betausiFwe sof Bay pity, Mich. as her guest at partita rcottage.

near Idetown. Miss da Abrams is entertaining her sister rom Ohio, Mlss Metcalf, Miss Piatt and Miss Lewis of Tunkhannock left New York yesteiflay for Europe, where they will speiidthe summer. 7- -vy Mis Mary A. Sharps haB returned fron a visit with her Bister, whoa-re aide near Washington, D. i Ik Olds is having a visit from his jflaijghter fromtheJWest.

1 r. and Mrs. Harry Sutherland" are jspwdlng the summer with the latter' -parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.

T. Long, at Hirvey'B Lake. 'hi c- A The members of the Q. F. N.

C. Club turned home. gamuel Tonkin will spend the Fourth 11 the Poconos. Edgar A. Innes and family have re-ihoved tp Harvey's Lake tpr the sum- Stanley Harding of Tunkhannock Spent Tuesday In this city.

R. Nlon Bennett Is a guest at the summer home of Dr. J. Arthur Bullard 'at Loch Eden, near New MUford. He spent Sunday with Glen 8ummlt frlenrt.

Mtta Oora Hahna has returned from StodSartsvllle. enjoyed the greatest demand iff our history for "the famous "66" suits. We will be closed all day find nJtjht; to-dayJujy 4th. Weitlenteiiis" rMrfc 'sDana-andj' family hava takn a cottage at Lake Nuangola. 1 Porge Dlckover and family have re-' mfered to Harvey's Lake.

dauahter was born this week to day-evening, at her home, on South River street The spacious porch was decorated with college banners and pennants, Deing illuminated by many Japanese lanterns. Cosy corners were cleverly arranged. About, twenty guests enjoyed the various games. Afterwards an Inviting lunch was served. The- evenlna- was moat an Joyably spent and Miss DeWitt proved aerseu a capaoie nostess.

Miss Minna A. Boorse has left for Lansdaie. her home, to spend vacation. She will also visit Phila delphia nt New Jersey, Mr. and C.

A. Duraht and daughter. Clara M. Durant left on Friday for Hartford. Conn, to visit A.

Durant Jr. Mr. Durant wllte turn in ten days. Mrs. Durant and daughter expect to remain two months.

H. p. a life-long resident of this city, left on Wednesday for tne. wnere ne went to enter the Old Mrs. Black shd Miss Mae Black of South River street are spending a week In Tunkhannock.

Mrs. John M. German and Miss Jessie German are visiting in Homer, N. Y. Miss Rose Gortner of Sellnsgrove Is the guest of her sister.

Mrs. M. H. Fischer of Barney street. William N.

Reynolds, Jr, left on Monday for a visit to his brother, 2. Welles Reynolds of Ban Francisco, Cal. Mlssi HelfitL Congdon Mooney of Philadelphia arrive 1 this city yesterday to spend the Fourth with her mother, Mrs. Alice Mooney. Mrs.

J. E. Boyle Is spending some time In Allentown. Dr. Louise M.

Stoeckel has returned from a few days' stay at Catawlssa. -Mies Madaltne Sparks is visiting her aunt Mrs. Joseph P. Burns of Phlla- aeipnia. George Reed has returned from Camptown, where he called to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs.

Lydla Thompson. Prof, and Mrs. I. O. -Winters of Regent street are entertaining Mrs.

Collins Henry of Berwick. Mr. and Mrs. Miller H. Cooke and son Carey have returned from a visit at Northumberland.

Miss Nellie Camp of Tunkhannock was the guest of Miss Ermlnle Jones of South Welles street several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. of Barney street are vlsttlng In Shlckshlnny. Mr.

and Mrs. John Wilson and children of Lancaster are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Holllngshead of Wood During Dr. G.

'WvFOuthrle's recent visit to Chicago, where ha attended the wwwie Hospital at Rochester, to attend the meeting. Miss Mattle Drlesbaeh is spending the Fourth at Dal ton, visiting her sister, Mrs. Koehler. J. B.

Freaa and daughter Mar tha of Berwick, who have been vlslt lng Mr! andMw. M. B. Freas of Barney street, havKgone to Jermyn to spend a fewdaystP Earl Senn-ef-iS North Welles street Is spending a few days with hla uncle's family at Harvey's Lake. D.

Remley of 39 street expects to spend the Fourth of July at Harvey's Lctke. Miss Smith of Altoona, who has been the guest of Miss Pearl Ellis, cor. Bjatney and Lockhart streets, for the past three -weeks. yesterday. She was accompanied home by Miss Bills, who will make an extended stay, at Altoona, tha guest of Mlrs Bmith.

Miss Elisabeth Benney of this city left yesterday morning- for Mineral Point for a stay bf two months, where she win visit a host of friends. Miss Benney was formerly of Mineral Point. Mr. and Mrs. G.

M. Pace and family of Kingston returned home this week, after spending a couple of weeks at the Isleworth Hotel, Atlantic City. Miss Jean Outhrle returned recently from a most enjoyable visit to one of her schools friends. Miss Van Clef or Ithaca, N. Y.

While there they attended the Various dances and social functions of senior week at Cornell. Vlss Mildred Morshall ot Chicago, who has been "visiting Miss Jean Guthrie for the past two weeks, returned to her heme on This la Miss Marshall's second visit to Wllkes-Barre and she has made a large number of friends here. Just after he closing of Yv- rtnw'a arhnnl at Rrlnrr.llfP earlv In June, Miss Marshall and Miss Guthrie, chaperoned by Mrs. Henry ciay or Philadelphia, participated In the gay-etles of commencement week at An napolis, Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Goodwin left yesterday to spend a few daye4n New York State. Mr. and Mrs.

Abram Marks, wno Hi and Mrs. Frederlrfc of Eas -ff-" lespinf-ot i -7 Miss Dorothy Blddla is the guest oi I tieiids $4 turn ''t 'fiii -i TTSSi I ll 'fclde leftyesterdaFfoTktWO mohxnsWth 4laU at Elisabeth, New BrunsWtck and iij Mrs. J'E Wlllson's musical pupils 4lv an enjoyable recital on Wednes--aiv eveninc. 1 Mine Mary Sheehan left for Pittsburg I visit her brother. Dr.

J. A. Sheehan. 1 Nicholas Stemmer and wife of S46 Hc6tt street have gone on a trip ihrouah the Western States and will vlK ine lattera uncle, D. fl.

Schure- I man ot Rockf ord, 111., a weu known architect. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hopkln and daughter May have goue to Kalrmount bprrntrs 'to visit their daughter, Mra. herbert) Davis.

Mrs. fleers Hoata returned home a brilliant red in the conventional fruit and flower design, color Is re posted With pleasing In the hangings. The consists of N. G. Robertson.

P. Belln, Mrs. W. W. ScrantotLMra-H.

H. Brady, Thursday from a vlslt'with ner uaugn- JrJrb of Boston, where the groom Js en-Miss Alice Belln. Thrf aged In business as a well known fra ovjbbw ftps-. lomoyher little granddaughter Wh ill spend the Fourth in yviiKea-Barre, I and Idrs. Frederick HiOnm and.

child removed to the Johnson' cottage at Glen Summit this a WHJIn handsome, new residence near Dallas Is completed and his -family moved into It early In the Mra. Wordeii. Paine and Miss Annlee Worden opened their cottage at Glen Summit-thle week. Gen. Dougherty entertained a hum-ber of friends at a clam bake on Thursday evening.

Stephen Drum and family went to Nuangola this weak. John 8. Harding and family moved to their summer home at Bear Lake this Mrs. Ben R. Jones and family are at Pocono Lake fof July and August.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sherred and Lake.

and Mrs. J. Frees Smith are spending the summer on their 'farm at Harveyvllle. t. 7- Mrs.

John C. Phelps has returned after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Burrows, In London. England. Mrs.

Mary B. Ays rs was In the south of Prance a1 weeks ago. Mrs: Dr. Murphy and daughter will shortly leave for Europe, to be gone during- the suVmer months. Miss Rutherford -of the- Osterhout Library will spend her vacation at her home Jn Dr.

and Mrs. Levi Ives Shoemaker will, as In times past, visit the Maine coast. j. P. M.

Klrby and family are expected at their cottage at Glen Summit next Friday. The Kline brothers of South MahTf street are at Atlantic City until October. Oscar Myers will spend the hot months on Long Island. Mrs. Stanley Woodward will be the guest of her son, Dr.

George W. Woodward of Philadelphia, during August, at his cottage on the Maine coast. W. H. Marcy of West River street has recovered from a severe- attack-of lumbago and 1b now at Lake Carey.

Mr. and Mrs. Lanlng Hatvey are expected home the first week In August They are now In Switzerland. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Lee are touring France, en apto. 71 from hla nieces, Mtsses Josephine and Ella Butler of Trenton, N. J. Herifyife'' Piatt aw oftflaren-" New juiy ana aukuii. jar, i-mii.

oh recently recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Henry W. Palmer Is on a ranch In Wyoming, the guest of his son-in-law. Mr. anil Mrs.

Walter BIddle are at their cottage at Harvey's. Lake. Hon. and Mrs. C.

D. Foster h.ave returned from Cape May. Their daugh-ter accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs.

James M. Frits of South Main street have gone to their cottage at Lake- NuangoWv- Mr. and Mrs. L. A.

Tuttle are al Candor, N. for the summer, Jdc, ano.Mrs., a. n. warvey ano, tne Misses Harvey are occupying thelrcot-tage jtMiaa Symmlt. -r.

v- i' Fred 'Stegmaier and family are jit Thornhurst for several weeks. Dr. and Mra W. Gearhart1- and son will return from Atlantic City to-morrow, i Mrs. George W.

Mitchell and daughter Jean havo gone to Lake' Wtnon for Mr. and Mrs. W. Goslln and son Blair are spending some time at Atlantic City. Mrs.

John Sharps of South Washing, ton street Is visiting at Falls. MlssEllsabeth' Vcrlenden la visiting relatives at Lansdowne. i and Mrs. John D. Davis are spending a- few rdaya wtth relatives at Bloomsburg.

Mra. prlscllla Orr of West ilon street -is' spending the summer at Jacob Thols and. Tamlly have opened their cottage at Harvey's Lake. Mr. and "'Mrs.

Grant Shaver will spend a few, days with Mr. Shaver's brother at LefaysvIllB, Pa." Miss. Carrie Raub of Kingston is spending a week at Hopbottom, Pa. Fred Lecher's family of Terrace street Is spending a week at Nuangola. Miv.

Lecher will spend the Fourth and Sunday thers. and Mrs. Edward Noble will spend the month of July at Back Log Camp, Raquette Lake, N. Y. I O.

Hoover and family of Academy street left yesterday, for Glen Spray, Nt Y. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schloss will Vpend reveral weeks at Long LakeN. Mrs.

Carl Fernbach and children of Ntorth Franklin ssjeet are at Point "Woods, Longjsland, N. Miss Alice Conyngham, who haa been quite ill for several is much urU 'tAiiii nmorv left on Friday tol occupy her cottage at jubkb weesaua "John. Lanlng is spending tha Fourth at his cottage Bear Lake. 'Mr. and Mra Lord Butler Hlllard are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Samuel Warrlner over the Fourth at Montrose. Mr. and Mra Thomas Graeme ara in New York and will be from their town home during July and August mjm ur. and Mrs.

George R. Bedford are at their cottage at Bear Creek. i Hlllmsn or eoutn; rrwKim street Is quite in with an attack of bilious fever. Theodore Coleman Is at Atlantic City. MaJ.

Jacob Roberts and famijy will sojourn at Caps May, 1. V- i l-Maror Fred Klrkendall and r.mii m.t their eottase at Dauaa. Robert Drodhead js now at his xann in nw Alderman Pollock fcnd family, will spend a few ot tha hot, weeks at Nuangola Lake. rvii tv o. Connolly of Hotel Hart Uxpects to spend vacation In El-llra, N.

Y. TVwranM Aevnolds and? family will summer-on the New "England coast. Arnold Bertels and mrs nerteis are at Lake Carey for the summer. V1. and Mrs.

Beaumont wui soon go to Lawrencevllle, where the Colonel has a fine Mr. -and Mrs. W. N- Jennings of Union street will go to Mehoopany In their auto and take trips about the surrounding -country. Jtiflo-e and Mrs.

George H. Troutrnan opened their Lily Lake cottage this week. Mrs. Albert Stono of Ithaca. N.

who has been-vlalUng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ryman at Dallas, (left recently for Butte. Montana, where she will-be her sister's guest. a.

Frederick Parrleh hss returhed ftom New Hven, where he at-tendrd the Yale commencement and Ysle-IIarvard beat race. i a (For the Record. r-Shake out Old Glorjfs folds to-day, That alien eyes mejr see The emblem of a people great Whose blood bought Liberty. Hang out the dear old Flag to-day, To greet the rising sun; i Let, those, who love it ever keep The freedom It has won. 4 Tnfurl the Red, the White, the Bhis, And float It to the breese; To victory It oft has led, On land and over seas.

Hang out the star-decked Flag to-dy, Its tale to children tell: Wherever it has led the way There Liberty doth dwell. J. Andrew Mr. and Mrs. Herman A.

Lewis left Pittsburg the week for- the Blue Ridge Mountains, where Mra. Lewis will remain for the balance of the summer. Mrs. Lewis will be remembered by, her many friends here as Miss Ella Gottfried, formerly of this city. Robert Johnston nnd wife left venter.

for Cambra In their automobile, maxing tne run In one hour and thirty minutes. They went to visit their daughter Yerre, who is spending the summer there with relatives. They took with them several toy balloons and a lot of fire works. Mlrs Anna Dauksys of this city haa gone to Oten Onoko to spend a few daya Mrs. M.

Bmtth, formerly of (his city, Is now living at W2 Pine street, Scranton. Carleton Oarrlnger, formerly of this city, now a resident of has arrived, in Wllkes-Barre to spend several weeks. Miss Jorephine Miller and Miss Helen Coddlngton wilt spend several 4- daya next week at Nuangola. George Tlmberman leaves to-day for tne where he ex. Kra Robert M.

Johnson fne TTrnn. Mfs. Robert M. Johnson fnee ITrau hart) wth her daughters, Esther and Margaret, Is visiting relatives and 6mvm Phrrsfaei pTfira: shris on her Way to Join her husband, -who Is a writer tor a leading Chicago paper. They will make their home in Bvanston, a suburb of Chleago.

Mrs. Johnson and her daughters will remain here several weeks. Burt Weil of Plymouth Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D.

J. Donovan of Ben-ton. Jean and Harold Well of Plymouth are spending a month at Sunset Hall, Dallas. Mr. and Mrs.

William Schlotte, have returned home, after spending a week at Altoona. Mrs. M. Andorson and Master Chester Butts of FJast Market street, are spending a lew days in Deposit, N. Y.

Blanche Douglass has glvett up her house on North Main' street, as her daughter Evelyn will enter the Watts de.Peyster Industrial Home and College, Sept. 1, at TlvolLonJtheHud: son, for a four years' course. Miss Ella Monahan and guest. Miss Ethels-Carney -of. Meshoppen spent Thursday, with Mr.

and Mrs. Michael McGeeverof Ashley. Miss W. F. Howell, Miss Nellie Leach and the Misses Doran were delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs.

Joseph Lindsay (nee Andreas) in Freeland several days this week. Mrs. W. B. Robinson gave a luncheon yesterday for a few Wllkes-Barre friends.

Mrs. Thomas Frey 6fW lwrene street is entertaining her niece, Miss Harriet Weldaw of Carbondale. W. of Mallery Place received news on Tuesday -last of the death of his sister, Mrs. Khlnehart who lived at Lecane, New Philadelphia.

Innes i the last jsf the family living. MrSiAj-OV-Hessel of New-York City has been spending the past few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Laphy of Trucksvllle.

'Kiss Katharine Oberst and Miss Min nie Kester spent a few "days in Phil, adelphla this week. the guests of the former's sister. Mr. and Mrs. W.

C. Knight and daughter Grace tg of Kidder street are on an "oxtemsPn trip to Niagara Falls and Canada. Mlrs Martha Kane returns to-day from Pittsburg, where she has been visiting for the past-three weeks, ac companied by two of her nieces. Misses Norberta nay Mercedes tnnerr. Karl Lohmam returned from State College this week and is with his mother on North Main street.

Charles and Hasel Hlggs of S20 South River street ara visiting at Sunbury. VTI4A I. vfL Miss Grace Da Witt is spending the month of July at Ocean Grove. Cornelia M. Stark of Hudson, Esther L- Wood of Dorranceton and Sidney Warner of this city left for New Tork on Thursday, where they joined a party of Baltimore people, who sailed on the steamer Roumanlc and 'will tour the Continent for the next two' months.

They will land at Naples on July 18. Mrs. Bryce vandiing 3Q south River street accompanied by her daughter Lowida, is visiting at Scran ton. c. Quite a number1 of WIHces-Barreans attended the funeral of Frank' Rlck- etts at Orangevllle Mra Etotesbury of Philadelphia has as her-1 guest at Loch Eden Mrs.

Torrev of T.vnr.hbura. Va. x. A Rev. Dr.

Jones be awav for August and Septembers F. E. Zerbeys family Is moving Into the Snyder, house, formerly the Rocka-fellow house," of North River and Union streets. Col. Relchard moved out of the other part of the Ingham house a few days ago.

Now the coast Is clear for the building of the new apartment on the site of the Ingham The new building it is Bald win te nine stories in neignt and it is practically all spoken for already. cot. w. c. rnce win spend me Fourth at Glen- Summit Mr.

and Chester Ida of Madi son street have a new daughter. George Shlber and Ous Stephens are spending a' week In New Miss Annie scheiiing of Park ave nue is visiting in Reading and Phila delphia. Miss Lotta B. Martin spent Sunday in Scranton. -t Miss Matilda McKeeby of Sorantoa will spend the end of this week at the Martin home on Horton street, pre vious to going to Montrose, where she will spend the balance of the summer.

Het brother Leroy, who is convalescing from an attack of pneumonia, will with her to Montrose. Arthur Thomas of North Main and ment committee consisting "Of-Miss Ethel Boles, chajrmajn, G. B. Jermyn, Mrs. Frank Stone, Mm.

Leon ard Van Nostrand, Miss Margaretta Belln, Miss Anna Louise Smith, made an jinqualifled Buccess of the opening. Oppenheira's orchestra of this city provided the music i- GAVE A PARTY Miss Sophia Theerwachter or Parrlsh street gave a partg evening In honor ot Opllogr at her home on Loomls There were piano solos byV Misses Lottie Strlttmatter. Sophia Theerwachtr and week. 4 Mr. and Mrs.

R. W. Green are spending some time In the New England States. iAmsag tha Wllkes-Barreans at-; tended the Anthony-Sutton wedding at i Montipse last Saturday were: Miss EllsaWth Miss Esther Stearns, Miss Helen Leavenworth, Thad B. Ry-man and D.

B. Williams. Miss Stearns birth-have Harned of Davenport, Iowa. The gift from the groom- was a crescent of dla mnnds. Mr.

and Mrs. Park left for an extended trip through Canada. They will reside in Somervtlle, a sub- THE-IATE-HARRT FAUX HORSEMAN, WHO WAS AT "OSI THaB RESIDENT OF THIS CITY. DIES AT BLOOMSBURG. Harry Fans died of typhoid pneumonia and rheumatism after a nine days.

Illness, at the home Of his mother. Mrs. Catherine Lake, In Bloomsburg on Wednesday, aged about SI years. He was born at Espy, and was a son of 8. J.

Faux, a horseman. Tha family-moved to Wilkes Barre-In: tha eariy eignites ana Harry cams nera years conducted tha hotel and raca track at Lee Park, where he always had a large string of race horses and of these Harry as a boy had charge and often rode or drove them In races. Harry remained with hla father until he was abeut of ago- whear he-beeame-stockman equestrian director ef the Old Port Hart an aggregation that traversed the middle west and Eastern and Middle States, aa well as parts of the South thirty years ago. He-was later-with -Barnum and the Adam Forepaugh 8hov(. Anally became a sprinter and pedestrian but when Interest In those sperts waned he came to Wllkes-Barre and made: this city his for a number of years, being ens-aned in the driving of race horses and in this business-ha: went to all parte of the Ualt.rt bv.u oriwv one Alaska he -was one of the first to goto that.

country and met'wrih son. success. Of late years he lived at Clearfield, but spent the greater part of his time away from home, delving horses at raca meets and county fairs. He reached BloomsbSrg two weeks ago. with some horses that were entered In the present race meet and on arrival there his friends noticed that he was a very sick man.

Only a few months ago his brother. Charles Faux, formerly of this eltv. aHm at Berwick. BEFLEXt'- Seriously upon how much pleasure you have missed after- seeing our flowfrA Never again will you deprive yourself Of the J. find out How Little Flowers Cost Hers matters not whether you desire a for the family tabl -cr ir tnr some me party or function.

Th Mt aTeat In either case. Neither It If you have us make some flqral design tor any occasion, erava or EVAT' FLORIST Op. Record Qftlee. 14 N. Hotb 'iihones.

sswr wa m. wm: rm. 'ir-. iu: mmm Miss Janet Chaplin, John Zeiker oy nri iMlss Leavenworth" wera brides handsome home, of Mr, id Mrs. Anthony was filled by society yak from orvcuies.

(rs. Button Win resiao oaujiuu, The brlde has a wide acquaint- mi in this, city. -where she spent: a luinbef tt-; ri' aK TCVnlrnff la anlovlnK the "InuTnf a new runabout automobile. iu a. I Jt if iARonivfi ocunerr bdu ivui v.

this city, accompanied by Dr. J. A. and G. a Smith of Mahanoy City enjoyed tqulte an extensive automobile trip last week.

They left this city on Wednesday, proceeding to Reading, thence on to- Philadelphia and Washington. From the latter place they visited -several-places In YUsjinla after which the party returned to Atlantic City; then back to this city, arriving here last evening. Miss Ethel Miller of 50 Linden street and Neta Richards of Bloomsburg are visiting Frank Richards and wife at Chicago, 111. day--for "New Vew will take a cruise up the Hudson River. He will return on Monday.

rhri A. wlfa and mer'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.

McCarty of S6 South River street Miss Mai Carlisle of Hill street is visiting her sister over the Fourth at Meshoppen, and will return some time next week. MISs Augusta. Hessler of Academy street is visiting relatives In Pblladel nhla and Darby. 1 R. Nelson Bennett and Z.

Piatt Bennett have returned from Middfetown, Conn, where they attended the Wes- leyan commencement Last Thursday evening in the High School auditorium a private gathering offthe Halka and Chopin Singing societies was held, at which both socie ties received handsome oil paintings from the brush of Nicholas Gano, an artist of Brooklyn; Editor Chen-clnakt of the Gornlk presided at the meeting and in a brier speech intro duced Mr. After going over the history of Polish music and setting forth the, advantages derived from singing organisations, the artist then formally, presented-rhls work to the societies. Mr, Gano was given a vote of Hubbard B. Payne entertained a number "Of" friends at his Harvey's Lake cottace on Saturday last. Edward Blxby has returned from Philadelphia, where he is taking a medical course, will spend the summer with1 his parents.

Letters received by friends of E. Payne's family in this city announce their safe' arrival in Germany on June JL f- C. A. Jackson is quartered at Dallas lor tne remainder or tne summer. "Mr.

and" MrsVi Paul Xake have returned to-West Plttston after a wedding trip-of several weeks, taken in an -f Miss EleanoTMurrayrot Phlladel phla is the guest of parents at their Dallas cottage. Dr. W. CHve Smith spent several days. In New York this week.

John Williams of Harrlsburgi formerly a resident, of this city, spent Wednesday In town, Mr. and Mrs. William D. White have Mr. and Benton Dales and family of Lincoln, Neb as their guests.

Louis M. Evans of Philadelphia, who married Miss Harriet Laclar, a former Wilkes-Barrean, In Philadelphia on last Is a brother of Clark Wright Evans of this city. Mrs. Daniel A. Fell entertained some young-people at Dallas one evening recently for her eon, Harold Fell.

George Lewis of Kingston has been spending several days- out of town, i Mrs. J. C. Wells of Barnum Placo has her son and his wife, Mrvand Mrx. John Barnes Wells of New York, as her guests.

Mrs. William P. Ryman was recently the guest of Mrs. John Ryman at -I; -v- Mr. and Mrs.

Wadsworth Austin are spending a few days near Henryvllle in the Poconos. C. W. Blxby and family will remove to their" Glen cottage arly next, week. iw Charles LeRoy Robblns Spent Sunday with his parents-at, Watsontown.

Thomas W. Brown was the guest of relatives; in Mauch Chunk over- Sun- Mrs. A. Bryden of West Plttston Is entertaining her daughter, Mrs. Kte Roat, at Dallas.

Benjamin Williams and William Williams entertained ted State College undergraduates at 1 supper, at Raub Hotel, Dallas, on Monday evening. Later all enjoyed a ride on Harvey's Lake. The college men are taking, a mining course and were here on a tour of inspection, The Messrs. Williams are alumni of State College. Henry Esq of Philadelphia, who was the.

orator at Wyoming Monument yesterday, was tha guest of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Dorranceton. He was also entertained at luncheon by Mr.

and 'Mrs. Benjamin Dorrance. His address was a capital one and viewing, as It did. the Indian policy from Quaker standpoint' it gave the Wyoming-Valley descendants of New England something to think about that was new to many, i G. Holland Hillman of Union street Is seriously 111.

Alexander Mitchell and family have gone -to Ocean Grove. Ira Is having a visit from his daughter Grace," Mrs. Bart-lett of APantlo City. 1 It Is somewhat remarkable that in all the thirty years during which the Wyoming Commemorative exercises have been held, there has never been' serious Interruption from rain, Mrs. Jerome Thompson and daughter arc at; nay neaa, n.

Will. SIT" i Georgw R-McLean has returnea xrosa a trip to D. C. Dorrmoe vReynolds and bccupylrig rthe cotUge at Reynolds's farm, tfeaj Trucksvllle. An interesting series of handicap iolf matches was played on Saturdays during the month of June at tha Coun.

Trv mfih. A aood slsed number played ieveral schools iand ptrlct Rov Stevenson, Therewere toresent Misses Louise and Mina Eva and Minnie Bolt, Louie Htriumatter, Janet Chaplin, Kathleen Rlebsame, Rose and Sophia Thervrarhter, -Stella Oplinger; Jesse Stevenson, John Zeiker, Harold Smith. George Williamson, Charles Charles Smith, Charles Gould. William Sterl Ing and Thomas Durkhv BARN DANCEAN InAoVA' The new. barn dance seems the rage and at seashore- and resorts It occupies a consplcu dancing programs.

Ngwlthtand- mammas have placed their ban Arson It and dancing masters argu against It the summer girl and the athletic man are all for the Innovation, and the pro testations" the legislators of dancing have emiAlWd for It is dlmcHlt to say why some people are opposed tVlhe barn dance. -It Is easy, 'it is healthful and affords many ODDortunltles for Individual variations. Dlsslness Is unknown in a barn dance. sometning -wnion said tor waltslng and then, too. If.

a real barn dance Is held It Is always delightfully Informal, and affords rollicking fun-" The learning of th barndance Is easy. After a few steps are mastered Individual variations, which the Ingenious girt may create, are gradually acquired. Every orte tries think of a new twist or turn and you (nay be as original as you line witnoui anyaanger Of blundering. Here's for tho who never saw the barn danceV The couple stand by the man places his right ha ijd onT the girl's waist, while she rests herleft hand on his shoulder. Take three ninnlm XJON.

offba all mountain due nlace 'each afternoon, allver cups being given as prizes, Elmer, H- Lawall and W. a icLean, tied for the prise In the first match, tha latter winning on the MaJ. Stearns and)r. Hs M. Beck tied, for" first honors tha next match, the "former eventually taking the oupY R.

Espy and H. M. Hard-Ing were tied on. the third match and F. L.

Huntington captured the fourth "one. The tournaments were hotly con-, tested" -and some surprises were sprung by new golfers, some of whom rf unexpectedly low Boora. and Mrs. Robert Shoemaker and Sir -and Mrs. P.

8. Rice spent several yg in NewTork this week. Lieut CoL and J. A. Dewey and lllef Florence Dewey are at Hanrey'B Lftkl for an Indefinite time.

1 jrs. A. D. W. Smtth.

Miss Reta and Master Alan-Smith of South Franklin st et are spending July at tha Pocono Piles Inn, Pocono Pines, K. Allan -IL Dtckson and Mr. and M. Franck C. Darte are spending the --summer at tbelr ramp at Paul Smith's in he AdlrondackB.

D. Oaringer.aiJ.Bon, who far been in Philadelphia all winter, ar-at thete homeon South Franklin tIst- -r mb. El B. Tordy Is' spending some steps, starting with left-foot, thenl'1 juiy b. Miss Grace Hoffhelmer and guest Mies Dlttenhoeffer, are spending, the day at Dallas, guests of Miss Ulman.

Miss Klein was the guest or and Galland. has re turned to her home in New York." Mr. and Mre. Berry Gump and Mrs. Louts Casoer have returned from a trip to New York, which they made In their new Thompson flyer.

NUANGOLA. Sfr. and" Mrs. Jutin Kashenbach en tertained Mra Charles Weldeman on Sunday. George F.

Mccora ana wire ana a. H. Van? Nortwlck and wife were tne guests of Mr. and Mra A. C.

Over- peck. Mrs. Charles Snyder entertained on Sunday Mr. Swans and family of Nan-tlcoke. Clayton Shecherd and a number of friends enjaswd a clam bake on- Sat urday nlaht.

Mr. and jars, xsiver spent ounaay at the lake. WUllam Webber and family were tne guests oft the former's parents over Sunday. 11 Bradley Coons was tna guest or. a.

P. Childs on Sunday. Charles Dana and family are now comf ortablyj settledjn the Miller cot- tage. John Jennings has openea nis stuaio and Is ready for business. Paul Kaiser and friends "are at his father's cottage for a few days.

There willbe a dance at the pavilion on i Saturday. July 4, afternoon and evening. SCRANTON'S COTTNTRY CLtJB The newly rebuilt Scranton Country Club house was opened under auspicious circumstances on Saturday last. So closely-was tha model of the first club followed In the design of the second, that It Is difficult to believe that 'Utter annihilation of everything had taken place a few months ago, and that the handsome colonial structure Is different building, with different furnishings and adornments. Yet there are important changes, for the new building that has cost.

$46,000 If of larger dimensions and tar more commodious every purpose demanded of jit and while In certain color effects the Interior contains hints of the former jwas. there are changes that are to be adjnlred. There-Is rich dark panelling of Weathered oak. Thers is an odd oriental paper on tha main dining room, with splashes of deep, yet are nown Pans, win sail ror noma oirring cut step generaljy caed tt kick take FT mica iiiuiw running sit-ps. Blurring wun the right -tost, cut step, spring twice around ana turn three- times on each foot.

It Is claimed dancing instructors Chat the dance Is only At for children and that It Is altogether too Inelegant to be tolerated on a ball room floor. When pinned down these rrttlcs cannot give any reason for their opposition ex- tlonable. But It Is evident that little attention is being paid lo. the masters, as young peopfe dance for their own amusement show the skill of the professlonala So exhilarating and popular Is this romping dance that at summer events most of tha regular numbers and the extras call for It NUPTIALa An attractive -late Jun'evnt the marriage of Mlsa. Maw L.vHafned of West River stree Nelson.

Park of Boston which wa solemn lied 'Tuesday aJrtlrh noon; th First Presbyterian Church by the pastor, itev. it. ijj. The lyoung people were unattended and ponly the Immediate families' vtHnessftd id wrviiif'iijr. liiiiir.

wiy ipeautl- fully decorated wSpVpalms, ferns and Cut flower sFollbwlng4he a wedding breakfast was ertl at the bride's residence. The- brle was the recipient of a Humtier of beautiful gifts, among them belnjr a handsome chest oft silver from her brother, K1L I at Fayette. Ohio. a A is. Weyhenmeyer is at her.

cotV I at Nuangola. i Iss Sparring of west Robb street is atCrestmont Inn, sagiesmere. jl i G- Miller of River street Is spading the month of July at Centre-pc, L. ll Zelser and family spending thfsummer at Nescopecfc 1 Ir- and Mrs. CT are G.

Marcy and family of West at Caiy and Mrslf E. D. Phillips ate sliding a week aa ruests of Mr. and Ms Bert Towner at Homell, N. Y.

nnd Mrs. Fdward Mitchell and hiw douahter Margaret of Powell, County, have returned home nf enendinor several day at the lihfie Mrs. ropll's. Uncle vMaJ. W.

Ofoolbourh of Terrace trftt..

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