Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 6
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- Herald and Reviewi
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- Decatur, Illinois
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- 6
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SUNDAY. AUGUST 21, 1927. DECATUR HERALD DECATUR HERALD HERALD'S PAGE OF INTERPRETATION AND OPINION Editorials ABE MARTIN On the Mopps Divorce As I View the Thing nHH first hearin' of a suit fer dl- Pity thegirle in the rumble seats on a night like this. Ji vorce brought by Mrs. Net Bud BY W.
F. HARDY; Mopps, prominent horse-woman, so cial leader, Polish relief enthu slast, agin Dudley Foxhall Mopps, internationally-known authority on Three specialists have been called to see Mrs. Dcmpsey, which seems to indicate that her illness is not what all the neighbor women seemed to think it was. war debts. It willl be urged that, since Germany can not afford to pay the Allies, the Allies should not be compelled to pay the United States Government Cancellation will, of course, leave Germans and Allies both free to pay the bankers.
Thus, after eight we find the bankers coming around to precisely the same opinion held by the humanitarians in 1919. John Maynard Keynes in 1919 advocated the cancellation of debts and the reduction of reparations to a minimum, because" he was concerned about the welfare of the peoples of Europe. Now, the world's masters of finance begin to speak for the same policy, because it protects the security of their loans. The humanitarian cause has never looked so bright. Greatest trouble about a hydrophobia scare is the length of time It takes to get over 'it, as the owners of unlicensed boats are finding out now.
Wyandotte chickens, prominent clubman, an' familiar figure around the Skunk Ridge Country Club, wuz con' ducted t'day. Not since Charley Le vine, rich an' with many years ahead of him. took chances on cross in' th' ocean in an airplane, has anything so surprised our community, as only this mornin' Mrs. Mopps em phatically denied that a suit had been filed, an' appeared amazed at th' very thought of such it proceeding. At th' conclusion o' th' hearin' Mr.
Mopps gave out a statement tn BELLOWS FALLS, Vt, Aug. 15 Of the pious moralixr ing that passed as wholesome reading 70 years ago nothing that I have found in the old library, through which I have been rummaging, excels "Anecdotes for the It is a volume of 450 pages made up almost completely of short stories and incidents and, in the words' of its editor, "providential events of the deepest interest and A sample anecdote: "SABBATH BREAKER, THE, NOT TO BE TRUSTED. An eminent merchant, a great Judge of character once said, 'When I see one of my apprentices or clerks riding out on the Sabbath, on Monday I dismiss him. Such a one cannot pe Another: "SCOFFER, THE, ADMONISHED A scoffer was once' introduced to a minister in the' following manner: This Is Mr. an acquaintance of mine.
I am sorry to add, though young and healthy, he never attends public worship. 'I am almost tempted to replied the minister, that you are bearing false witness against your By no means', said the infidel, 'for I always spend Sunday In settling The minister immediately replied, You will find, sir, that the day of Judgment will be spent In exactly the same which he declared unequivocally that his wife's father has plenty of money, that he'd never had refuse his wife anything, an' that she'd Tou don't hear much about one-man tops any more, most of the lies now told' being about the miles per never expected anything from him, not-withstandin' th" many false ru mors floatln' around. He said- th1 question o' alimony had never come up between them, that ha would go work rather'n accept any alimony. Mr. Mopps says ha an' his wife are still th' best o' friends, an' that even her father likes him.
He says his wife has got a lot o' things she's THE BELOVED DOCTOR Medicine becomes more and more an exact science, tut patients remain just what they always have been, human beings in an anxious or painful period of their existence, wanting not only the expert service of a cool, competent scientist but also the support of a personality that radiates sympathy, cheerfulness, above all confidence. The scores of solicitous inquiries that came into newspaper offices every day of Dr. Andrew Hedgcock's last illness; the mention of his name that had a way of coming into conversation wherever a few persons met the unusually affecting scene at his funeral service yesterday all proved the extraordinary attachment won by this man, among hundreds of his fellow citizens. Of his professional talent it is not for a layman to judge, but this about Dr. Hedgcock has been given a remarkable demonstration: He had those qualities of personality that patients want in their doctor.
Neither hospitals nor the multiplication of specialists las lessened the peculiar relationship of intimacy and trust that the family doctor occupies in every household. 'Eloquent of the personal nature of this affection are the comments most frequently heard. "He never was too busy to He got out of bed, and stayed right there all night," "He was so cheerful and so sure that everything would be all right, we felt better as soon as he came into the house." Happy is the man who is so loved. No other member of society is so grievously missed. If we sometimes are not as enthusiastic as we might be about abolishing war.
It is because we can't help thinking about the horrible sort of wars that probably would be bootlegged under those circumstances. alius wanted to do, an' that he's got some things h'd like t' do, so they've decided scatter out an' do em. Mr. Mopps is widely known far his work Mrs. Dadley Foxhall Mopps, an'i among chickens, a great lover of Her Favorite Kentucky High Jnmp-I ped Near HU Locker at Skunk RI4r, Country Club.
er. "Maseppa." golf, an' immensely interested in th' recent geological discoveries in Africa, which have done so much t' clear up th' origin o' man. In dis- th' Mopps borne declare that th' Moppses knew th' first wji'c o' ther cussin' nijj aomesuc aiiairs with a married life that th' partnership would blow vp, an' constantly dis WHO OWNS THE AIR? Ancient theories of the law provided that a man's title to his land extended downward to the center of the earth, and upward to the heavens. The sub-soil rights have long been firmly established in practise. One may not dig a mine gallery under another man's property, at any depth, without his consent.
For obvious reasons, the ability to maintain control of the upper limits of real property has not been brought to a test until within recent times. Now the students of English law everywhere are interested in a case arising in Tasmania, where a land owner is trying to get damages for trespass from an aviator who flew over his farm without first bargaining for the air rights. The legal question is an extremely complicated one, involving as it does a fundamental concept as to the rights of property, and also a liberty that may become social necessity with the development of a new means of transportation. Nor is aviation the only modern complication for the old doctrine of private property. Should the point be established in modern law that the owner of ground owns also the air, it is terrible to think of the suits for trespass that might be brought against a broadcasting station.
This is a changing world, and the present-day man who gets a reputation as an humorist Is the one who does not say that a premature report of his death is "greatly cussed it -1XT. Mopps has been gittln' that Mr. SHips is still madly with his wife, an' that ah is crazy al-out him. "Yes, it's true I'm leavin' Foxhall." sail Mrr. Mopps t' a meter reader who wanted know th focts o' the case.
"I no feel a little bad about it I but Foxhall is a comparatively young man an should have no trouble finding work. His corniry cTiih cnnl.tcfR fthnnlH s.t his breakfast downtown fer nearly a year, an' it has been noticed that he wuz alius indifferent about proin" home tt th' conclusion of hU daily car washer at th' O. K. garage, Mr. Mopps said, "My wife is an exceptional woman an' one o' th best wives I've ever had.
an I'm sure her life will teem with fine accomplsh-ments. She has a wonderful mind an will do extraordinary things. My life has been greatly enriched by our companionship, an' ril watch her future with great interest." Mrs. Mopp's fattier could not be f)und t'-night, hut maids who've worked inl foursome, but th' couple met occa sionally an gave ever evidence o' bein' happy in each other's company. the way o' finding employment o' Those cJotest th' Moppses r.re de- "srmined that th' roma.i:e is fer some sort, especially durin' tt' summer months." (John F.
DHle Co.) As these samples suggest, the anecdotes are arranged alphabetically. Did the exemplary New Englander wish to find a scathing rebuke to unbelief, he had only to turn to the Ts where he would find a number of examples of the confounding of infidels and infidelity. The Vila of drink are listed under "Intemperance and Card playing and theater going are similarly cataloged. These anecdotes pleasantly illustrate the Puritan attitude toward places of public amusement: "THEATER, THE. Archbishop Tillotson says of the theater: Tt is the devil's chapel, and the school and nursery of licentiousness and 'Such he adds, 'as take their children there are monsters, I had almost said devils.
The learned prelate had the, moral courage to call things by their right names and denounce vice as it deserved." "THEATER, THE DEVIL'S GROUND An old lady whose gray hairs should have reminded her of objects more worthy of an immortal soul, was one evening speaking warmly in favor of the theater. At length she addressed a venerable clergyman: 'Doctor, this young man thinks that If we go to the theater we shall all go. to hell. What do you think?" The old minister replied: 'Think! Why I think the devil has a right to all those that he finds on his own from bein" an end. They lnsitt Herald Mail Bag NEXT PRESIDENT MAY FLY TO WORK IN WASHINGTON President Coolidge is going to visit the Yellowstone, but does anybody seriously expect him to admire a geyser? Turmey Worse Than Bull Fighter! THE LESSON BY FREDERICK HASKIX To the Editor of The Herald.
WASHINGTON. D. Aug. 20 It air: in the matter nf'tha is altogether within the realm of Tunney affair it appears to me that It's the older girls between 30 and GO who really sets the styles says one of the experts, on account the younger ones can get away with anything, and after this we are going to be careful to avoid saying to any of the dear old girls of our Class of 1910, "How stylish you me preacher has all the best of It fn his exchange with Sam Tlirlce-- possibilities that the next President of the United States will Journey from his home to Washington on the formed of a few loose boards that totters while a carriage passes over them. For miles the driver has to wind between great stones, logs and stumps." Good Roads Came Slowly Nor did improved highways come rapidly in the early days.
In 1S16 it beg to move you that you redub vonr uur uurrah's Nest" as most appropriate and comprehensive. occasion of his inauguration by airplane. In any event, developments in air transport point inevitably to the day. early in the future, when the oureiy silence, nine out of nlno. somen, at carat and the reverend t.
pressed "them's my sentiments" to a country will have a flying President Lindbergh, Chamberlain, Byrd. This and That Maltland, and others, and their took 100 hours of actual travel to cover the 475 miles from Buffalo to New York city. The year following a member of Congress was two days in making the 69 miles between Richmond and Fredericksburg, Virginia, and as late as 1835 David Crockett, a representative from Tennessee, wai gnais neei. However, here goes for a little "silver" small change, a la Bryan in anyway. How any association supposed to achievements tell the story.
They are demonstrating that air travel Is secure, speedy, and enjoyable, while ue consuiuiea of at least half civilized and Christianized men could have IN OLD DECATUR what is being done almost daily by me cneetc to Invite that "TOUKh neck' 20 days in getting to his home from Washington. At that time it was said 25 miles in 24 hours was "good going into our midst, passes my compre- engineers, manufacturers, and scientists to make it more so will soon establish it as all-in-all the best means of getting from one place to Probable loss of five lives in the effort to win the Dole prize, and now perhaps the loss of two more- in the search for the first five, is tragic confirmation of the judgment of the Navy Department, that such enterprises are wholly unfortunate and ought to be discouraged. Every new step in the advancement of aviation is attended by risk, and usually by loss of life, but the depths of tragedy are reached in a sacrifice of life where no contribution to aerial progress is possible. Both the Army and the Navy had previously sent out planes to prove the possibility of a flight over the Pacific to Hawaii. For such trail-blazing, the recognized hazards being so great, the Government authorities selected only the most experienced and best qualified men for the task, and provided them with every known device -that might contribute to their success, or safety in the event of Much different are the conditions in a race for a prize that attracts, all manner of contestants, whose recklessness and eagerness to win a fortune no measure of their qualifications for the test.
It is significant that the missing Miss Doran and Golden Eagle had not even wireless sets, and the Miss Doran no life raft. The hope of all the world is that the missing adventurers may yet be found, but neither hope nor grief disguises the fact that Mr. Dole's prize offer was for them a temptation to a foolhardy and ill-planned dare to fate. over n.entucKy roads and the plaant is oureiy tastes differ and what is of official record that "traveling to sauce xor tne goose is not niwv another. Washington is the most laborious of 'or tne gander, proverb not A Washington Inventor, for in Congressmen's duties." (News Ton Read In Tonr Herald 25 Years Ago Today) Illinois' greatest product corn will receive degree of attention at the coming state fair never before accorded it A special effort is being made by the.
state board of agriculture to encourage a record breaking exhibit. In addition to the usual classification of corn, special prizes aggregating 81,000 in cash will be offered. wimsianamg. stance has just perfected a device John C. Fremont and his family left for which it is claimed that it will We, of more northern latitudes, are much prone to look patronizingly upon the barbarous sports, the bull bait make it impossible for an aviator to get lost in a fog overland where there are radio-locked airways.
Ultimately ing or our southern neighbors. The opamsn toreador is a high toned it may be possible to have airways San Francisco January 1, 1850. for Washington, preferring to travel via Panama rather than brave the dangers of the Journey across the desert, over the mountains, and across the plains. They arrived in New York In mid-March, 75 days later! Four weeks of that time, however, they were held up in Panama by the illness i-nriBuan gentleman, and the bull ring a shouting, barn storming old over the ocean equally guarded by The theology in the anecdotes is that of the narrowest most sectarian Protestantism. Romanism is derided save' where it furnishes an argument against free thinking and disbelief.
Where it does not serve this purpose "Popery-is held up to ridicule. Universalism with its protest against doom and gloom is, of course, to be abhorred. But it is the infidels against whom the shaft and barb of incident are chiefly directed. Hume. Voltaire, and Volney the three figures whose crime was that they were not quite so certain about some things as were the theologians are the special targets.
The source of some of these stories is not revealed. The fact that they are not found in the recognized biographies creates the suspicion that they are manufactured. "INFIDELITY, ITS PRACTICAL INFLUENCE -One day that D'Alembert and Condorcet were dining with Voltaire they proposed to converse on atheism but Voltaire stoppei them at once. -Waif, said he, 'until my servants have Withdrawn; I do not wish to have my throat cut tonight'" "How like Voltaire;" will be the comment of the person nab th Partn bi0y with 8 habit of saying what he pleased to the whni through his terrible pamphlets. W0Tli tnf1" V1 discussinS the dying moments of some free th takers Voltaire is rephesented as shuddering at the ZT pose when truth was not available.
radio. mainlined camp meeting revival compared with our prize rina-s of todav. This same inventor also has de veloped a method of arresting or of Mrs. Fremont The fastest sailing braking the speed of a landing plane For in the former, one at least of the actors is a dumb brute with little choice in the matter, while In our rings two supposed human Halnn vessels of those times that went Dy reversing the action of the pro around the Horn required five months peller, and this is expected to' make for the New York-San Francisco voy it possible for a plane. to land almost age.
anywhere even on the roof of a The board of review is attracting a little attention Just now and there was an interesting session Wednesday. Within the last few days the board has been sending out a list of questions to some persons supposed to have valuables that have not been listed for taxation. Some of these questions were directed to loan brokers to learn if they were not placing loans for persons who had not listed thir cash for taxation. But in another direction the board made a find. A few days ago there came to the board of review from the board of review of Charleston county a list of mortgages on Christian county farms of the aggregate value of $70,000.
All of these mortgages are owned by Macon County persona. us anomer into jelly for the edification of a mob that would do credit to the infernal regions. Quite as barbarous as these un moderately large building. A plane is to be tried out shortlv that is called sports is that relict of medie heralded as a 300-miles-an-hour or better machine, and Henry Ford is val oarDarism known as "the chase in which a helpless and harmless Perhaps the cruellest joke of this year without a summer isthe one that was played upon the national advertisers, who are still advising us in the papers and magazines what to eat and wear in order to keep cool. said to be building a super-plane that will carry 100 passengers and nine animal nowadays a fox usually afford them all the comforts of a ia run to its death by a pack of Pullman train or an ocean liner and mercuess Hounds, often ten to one, followed by another nack of fvn.
greater degree of safety than The coming of the railroad in iszi promised to ease the traveling trials and tribulations of Members of Congress and other government officials, but it took years to make good the promise: In 1830 there were but 2J miles of railroad in operation in the United States and It was not until 1835 that the 1000-mile mark was passed. Five years later the total mileage was 2,818 and another decade was required to bring It up to 9,000. By 1860 the total was over 20.000 miles, and it was more than half again as much in 18C9 when the first transcontinental route was completed. The early rail Journey from coast to coast was three times as long In point of time as it Is now and its either. legged dogs called sporting gentlemen with sometimes alas, a so called lady accompanying them.
One of these hapless animals, a stag, ex- Flylna- Cossreumea Now We now have flying Congressmen. The corn does grow, in spite of everything." and we can't help thinking what a terrible blow' it will be to, some of the pessimists we know it really does make a good Representative Roy G. Fitzgerald naustea, terrified, gasping, with the hounds in full bay, just ready to pounce upon it, as if by instjjict, ran under the Empress Josephine's carri HOW IT WORKS has. breakfast at his home in Dayton, Ohio, and then flies to Washington, arriving before the House is-'called to order at noon. His secretary, Lieut.
F. H. Rossiter, also pilots a plane to'the Capital. There is at least discomforts were such that courage was required to undertake it There were no sleeping cars and no diners. The coaches were noorly heated and one flying member of the President's Cabinet and there are several under secretaries or assistant secretaries who take to the air when they want During the past week the citizens of Macon have killed five dogs showing symptoms of hydrophobia.
No person has been bitten yet and they think they have found all of the affected animals. The foursome golf tourney arranged for members of the Country club on Wednesday afternoon was interfered with by the rain. Ten teams had been entered and some fine sport was anticipated as the playing this year shows great improvement and the members are more interested in golf than ever before. The golf tourney will be held Saturday afternoon. Sherry W.
Johns now holds the cup for gentlemen's Bingles, having won the trophy from Harry Crea and defended it against the challenge of H. C. Quest. Mrs. Charles Powers and Frank Powers hold the foursome cup and Mrs.
Luclen Shellabarger and D. A Maffitt the sixsome cup. The Country club now has a full membership of 94 with 26 subscribing members and two clergymen members. poorly ventilated, and the dust smoke age as a last retreat Its appeal was not in vain for Josephine not only saved its life but had a silver collar put around Its neck for after protection. Fully in line and much of the same spirit as the above is the brutal game in which many are injured and not a few killed, college fostered football While almost a twin of this last" is the game where in some great bully brother of the prize ring "swats" a ball at the speed of a bullet- and makes what is known as a "home and cinders were at times almost un to get somewhere in a hurrv.
lnai airplanes will be utilized dur ing the next presidential camnalirr- is a foregone conclusion. They are endurable. Today the journey can be made almost as quickly and In far greater comfort In a second-hand flivver. And by airplane It can be made today in a non-stop flight of only a little more than 24 hours, or a Lind sieui anmnuators of distance and the great time-savers and necessarily must become important faotnra in the game of politics. Anv mpthnA run' to the plaudits of a howling bergh makes it in two hops in less Kon 1 tinurs actual flvlnlf time.
of transportation making it possible i Dieacners- or blocked streets before newspaper bulletin boards our a. candidate to go from coast to coast and back and deliver half a with less discomfort than a 20-mile drive entailed a century ago. iana over. Surely, although' the schoolmaster ana parson have been abroad from time immemorable. we are littl in aozen speeches enroute within a week is certain to be used.
Heretofore the transcontinental tour of a President aspirant has been called advance of our cave man ancester wno, according to Ineersnll hlort The work of setting up the tanks in the new Pratt corn oil mill is progressing nicely. Five of the 24 tanks have been set in place. Work is progressing on the steamer house and the foundations are laid for the naphtha house. This will contain seven Immense tanks, 3x30 feet and with a total capacity' of 100,000 gallons. swinging around the circle." The time is at hand when it may become known as "winging around the cir forth mornings to secure a snake for a delectable breakfast cle.
Mt Auburn. FIRST CHEMISTS New York Times: The scholars of India in the days of the Roman empire, had evolved a science of chemistry and knew the existence of hydrogen and according to discoveries announced yesterday by R. Kokatnur. a chemist of 60 East Forty-first street According to Mr. Kokatnur's computations, the discovery of these elements in India antedated their discovery in the Western World br about 2.000 years.
Mr Wokatnur evolved his theories oucn is tne marvel of modern transportation and the contrast it Credits Dr. Hedgcock With Saving Life When the famous Dawes plan was adopted, the published explanations were so long, and in language so technical, that most American readers did not even attempt to understand it The French and English seemed to be satisfied, the Germans gratefully accepted, everybody praised our banker-statesman, so it appeared safe to take the thing on faith. The time is coming when the precise nature of the Dawes settlement will be pressed upon public' attention. The essential features of the arrangement, it wjll be found, were not so complicated after all. They were, 1 an agreement by Germany to pay certain fixed sums annually to the Allies on reparations account on conditions that (2) Germany should be permitted to borrow money in the United States.
So far, the plan has worked beautifully. Germany borrowed the money in the United States, then handed it over to France and Britain as reparations. The French and British had the money, and were pleased. The Germans were out nothing, and equally well pleased. Unhappily, the thing can not go on indefinitely in this delightful way.
For one thing, the amount of reparations payment grows larger year by year, so that by 1 929 it will be more than half a billion dollars. For another thing, the New York bankers who have been loaning the money begin to show some concern about the security for their investment. It was the hope of Gen. Dawes and his committee that the loans from the United States would put Germany on its feet economically, so that after the first year it could meet the reparations payment out of its own earnings. This has Germany remains as poor as ever, and this year is farther than before from making its revenues cover the cost of government.
Under these circumstances, it is easy to predict what is going to happen during the next two years. The New York bankers will not want to advance much more money to a borrower who become, less, rather than more, able to pay it back. Neither will they want to lose the hundreds of millions already put up We may expect, therefore, to hear more and more talk favorable to the cancellation of presents with traveling conditions in the early days of the Republic is almost incredible. When George phllopKldent iVen ab0V" 1I1U8trates strict Sabbath VARIOUS INCIDENTS OF THF PUNISHMENT THEREOF" is the heading for a coneS fanin tlntST0r PePli that have com t0 ends for pro-are no tfnfl.f day' nameS are lven and Places SnnJ SaV6 K6neral terma such a town in One will serve to illustrate all: no-f "A of yunS men went out, on the Sabbath' to a tlT JT t0 CUt a0Wn a sma11 tre fr a May-pole and while they were bringing it home upon a cart, one or the wheels suddenly went down into a low place, the SSL a thmupon the head and WUed him upon 4e spot. And there he lay, a fearful spectacle of the wrath of God against those who profane the Sabbath." Convincing, of course, but' the reader wonders if into the minds of the good churchmen of 1850 who perused these pages some doubts may not have entered.
If was th! ridTnt Pele who went skating boat fh t0 be drownel. was it also the wrath of day or FrMayf to.be drowned on Mon- nf a3th0UEh 18 evidence that the "Anecdotes" 11 was something on which the pious looked askance. They probably had read little of It ha bn moved by Dav Copperf "Nicholas and "Oliver Twist-it Is interesting to have this testimony: sometimes Maimed that novels and works of fiction cultivate the finer sensibilities and awaken the active sympathies of the heart But who can cite a case of anv novel reader being made more considerate to the wants of the poor by all the fiction that they (sic) may have read? Whose purse is opened to real want by the false pictures and puffing sentimentalities of Dickens and Sue?" th. he lef3n sh0WinS what is likely to happen to Hv" -Wrt the truth of "Anecdotes of the Fam-irtlowtas: P'US eSSa'8' 18 stained in the '0VEL-EEADING-A physician in Massachusetts says-I have seen a young lady with her table loaded with volumes of fictitious trash, poring day after day and nTght trlT'f, OV" scenes and skillfully portrayed pictures of romance until her cheeks grew pale her restIess and her mind wandered' Pa was lost-the light of intelligence passed behind a cloud -lit 80 freV6r benlShted. She wa, insane? incur-aM insanse from ruading novels." To the Editor of The Herald.
Sir: In the loss of Dr. Hedgcock. the family has lost a ieweL the com went from Mount Vernon to New York to be inaugurated It was a Journey of days with all the discomforts and vicissitudes of almost Impassable roads. Today the trip can be made rail in five from a sixteenth-century manuscript munity a big man. the medical profession a man of rare ability and his patrons a man that took a real heart interest in their welfare.
A saw which, in turn, was taken from writings coming down from before the Christian era. He will discuss him his outstanding charrtriatio were his ability as a dlas-nnatitian discoveries before meetings of tne American Chemical Society In De nuurs or less on any one of several splendid daily trains, or in half that time by air. What road conditions were in those day. Is told in a letter of Senator Gouverneur Morris, of New York, de- his skillful handling of his raflfta hfa troit next month. alertness for comDllcationa or According to Mr.
Kokatnur, a wora cnanges, his cheery smile in the slelt THE LIGHTHOUSE REPORT New York World. In regard to this performance of the Nantucket Light keeper, who stopped the Baltic in order to get the Captain to mail his monthly report to Boston, the reporter have already note that it was a little like borrowing a Krupp siege-gun to kill a sparrow. But what strikes me as odd about it is the report itself. What in the world can be contained in the monthly report of a Try as you will, you cannot imagine a life more uneventful than his. One would think indeed, that one day would be so much like another that the report would consist of nothing but a row of ditto marks.
Possibly on Sunday, if the ration consisted of chicken, there might be some slight change, but if Sundays were listed in a separate row ditto marks would serve Just as well for them, too. Tet this highly important document has to be mailed each month to Boston, and the Baltic, a vessel 709 feet long, 75 feet wide and 52 feet deep, scaling 23,884 tons in its stocking feet and holding 1.524 horse-power in its boilers is stopped and asked to haul it to shore. The thing is" imply which corresponds to the Englisn word "chemistry" has been traced to these pre-Christian days, together room, his readiness to respond quickly to any call, and his real sincere interest in his patients. In my critical illness February 1925 when for 12 hours I had no pulse at the wrist and four hours of that time with other nouns denoting dyes, perfumes and fibers. .1.
5. 8 Jurney to the new National Capital in 1801. "The road from Annapolis to Washington." he fa one aea of mul bo deep that the stage was stalled and stuck Jt took 10 hours to go 25 miles." Today, over the hew Defense highway, it is Just an easy hour's run the entire distance from Annapolis to Another was unconscious, but for Dr. NSURANCE COMPANIES HEAVY INVESTORS cock's correct diagnosis and master- United Pros.) iui nananng my ease, along with assistance from the hospital nurses and Mrs. Sanders, I would not be here now.
WASHINGTON. More than half that period wrote that "the road from Baltimore to Waahlnirtnn i9 of the 8500,000.000 assets of Austra I heard of the death of Dr. Herir. ceedlngly bad that a carriage some- lian life insurance companies are invested in government and municipal securities, according to a report of the Department of Commerce from cock with deep sorrow and regrets I will miss his cheerjr smile and know I have lost a realBfriend. J.
W. SANDERS, M. D. bihks so deep as to defy the utmost exertion of the strongest horse to draw forward. Bridsrea built the Trade Commissioner at Sydney.
urusn creea are perilous. being B. G. Squire..
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