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The Union Republican from Winston-Salem, North Carolina • Page 3

Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Issue Date:
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ItlfeULU llUHtH -SBBE 1SHI liGIOU IIEl'lu. Lester P. Dixon is annotated fourth vclaas postmaster at Dixon VVIBELESS TELEGRAPii How Will Eadio Be Controlled, and Other Prob-v lems of the Air Waves. Eadio becoming a problem of large dimensions. At present it is almost a national sport unsiow county.

Pg and Chang Naiivc3 of Siam, Stopped Show Business, Married Sisters in Wilkes County, Settled Adjoin- nig Farms in Surry County and Both Raised Large FamiliesDied 40 Years ago, Aged About Harding and Attorney General Daugherty decide to continue hands- vu. poucy- ine coat striae. i W. B. Townsend, of Red Springs, announce that he wIU run.

for the Mgislatusre this fall. 'Haydeif: Clement, for the past eight years SoUcitor in the Fifteenth district, announces that he will not be a candidate this go-round. Zeb tong, of 53tatesville announces himself a eadidate or, tRcf place. I Osborn Brown, an influential' Be Jnblicaa Catawba county, will be the nominee of his nartv tnr r.nn. The war finance corporation make additional advances of $265,000 for the financing of agriculture in North i ana every boy does not possess a receiving outfit, it is because lacks 'either imagination or moriev.

raised large families, one having been the father of iht Moore A. Emerson, a successful merchant and farmer, died the past week in No. 3 township, Cabarrus county. M- J- P. Price, living near Hickory, was' kkked by a mule a few days ago' and as a result, is nursing a broken leg.

A majority of the warehousemen' at Purham have agreed to turn over their warehouses to, $he Co-operative farket-m "Association. Dr. Edward King, a. prominent phy, sician of Sharpesburg township, Iredell county, died the past; week at the 8fe, of y5R years. He was never married.

The large veneering plant of the Ut9-ity Manufacturing Company, of Golds-boro, was totally destroyed by fire of unknown origin one night the past week. loss is estimated at 8225,000. i Governor Cameron Morrison, paroes Thomas Hargis, of Person county, scrv-ing a six months term on the roads for violating the prohibition law, in order that he may make a crop. Hargis has a Interest of the older people is' only less la many neighborhoods people are BtrineiniB wires to Ltress in gthe district in the childrcn. several of whom are tiU living in this State.

witK SPELLS '( 8 Packed air-tight in the rfr. patented new container the quality is sealed in. Penn's is. always fresh. II Buy Penn's the next time.

Clean fresh sweet. catch the ether wave Par The postoffice department asks the civil service commission tc name a date fqr examination to fiD at (Chapel. Hill. Another bill authorizing 2.75 beer has been presented to Congress as a means to pay off the Treasury deficit. James jL Sheek i was for postmaster at Mocksville, Wil brrrsf -of grandchildren and great-grand-thildren.

ents are now installing radio bhones ovemDejf election. Two years ago, Jake Jewell, of Charlotte, made the ft The Bpublican jndiciat Convert-Hon" of t6e Seventeenth District, will to instruct the youngster and" to 1 The Siamese Twin with yellow, skin and slantine eve entertain themselves. Programs of hich-power sendiner Bations are ieet at yUkesboro, N. AprU 22, liam O. Honeyeutt, at Honeycutt, and Cornelius Wallace, at Pores Knob.

i 1 ivome of their descendants partake of these chaactcristks, some of the grandsons, of the same, some have striking resemblances totheic anctstorv Others partake more of the qualities of the maternal. American ancestors. Strikins attributes e( A-rA- suited td all ages and tastes The prima donna 'soprano sings," Tf Coming Thro the Rye;" a tenor 'jpours into the transmitter the tones of the favorite air from- the rising young pianist' plays soni6 1nen a Solicitor yril be designated for the approaching primary, and a of the district committee will be John R. Jones as hairmaa and Wade Bejivis as j-4 :1 Attorny Stack, at one time a reiidenf of this city, now living at Mfcnroe. N.

C. is a Democrat. Senator Prank B. 1 Willis, of Ohio, large family. in an address in York.

April The Shelby Hiehlander notes the tnmg rrom Brabras or Chopin; there is jazz for the dancers. On "i tnai i bo government is hav been shown in some instances, a granddaughter, in particular, haying at- saving more than $4,000,000 a day birthday celebration of Enoch Parker, Sunday evening a- group of; people as the result of the application of iivmg near Xockdale, who reached his Wc candidate for Jndtre in his dis- SEALED business methods by the present Re publication administration. 101 mile post along life's journey. His neighbors gathered and made "the oc His opponent in the primary ta a punur iiien io an eroquent Olivine who is twenty miles away, and afterward the host takes up a collection for him. Then, there, is a AIR tauicu uisimciion qyisic andvwas for some time a teacher in one of the North Carolina colleges.

A grandson- was heralded as -one the flying aces in the wotld Other, Jowever, seemed to have been unable to conTorm completely to their' social environments is Judge? Waller Broek. named bv casion a most pleasant one. The Senate confirms the nominations of James S. Rogers to be postmaster at Oxford, N. C.

He suc 15-months-old dauahter of Mr. news service throuch the dav. if Joveraorf Morrison to succeed Judge Aams. anybody, wants it, and the weather 4, Democfet8 have a brenlr 5n TTnli. and Mrs.

Sam Miller, living near Ruth-erfordton, fell in a slop pail in the kitchen-of their home a few days ago and service later: last of all. the of ceeds Postmaster B. Lassiter, commission expired. "The Senate and some have been found in, conflict with society. 4 fax and leader is needed to buck3 ficial government time to compare was the child being found with the clock in the corner.

-x of the" no-called "Siamese in Chicago Thursday recall to, nds of many North. Carolinians i the original Siamese Twins, Eng Chang Bunker, lived for more than a ton, married, raised large families died in Surry county, North Caro- IL war kt Siamese Twins married atcs Wilkes county. N. an event oaAed the nd of their show ac-; lilies, which they had engaged for llalyaand which' 7 kai accumulated fair fortunes, ht adjoining farms in Surry coun-Tjnd there spent most of their lives, 'L spending a week with the other, Ja the other spending the next week with the one. The cowTfCtKin in.

this instance was VbM, near the lower end of the of skin, muscle, rterif wins, nerves, probably cartil-icfi but Tift bone. Because the location the connection was directly in front, the tvire wert Required to walk facing taJi other, the length of the connection allowing the to walk with their fronts finj; an angle of 'about 45 degrees. foe occasion- they decided to try to hare themselves cut apart, but phy jfciaiB decided first to try cording the connection, so as to stop circulation beaten them, before performing the op-crition. A few seconds after the cord tihtened, both resulting loosening the cord and the. decision not to ferform the operation.

They, lived to be about 80 years old, in the early '80s. One of them was bkul skk, while the other was ap-paiaUly unaffected by his brother's illness. However, immediately after one an operation was performed, sever-feg the connection. The other died al-vst immediately. they died, -a large cfcffin was Ji bold both of them and they rat huried on their farms.

A few days iter, doctors from Johns Hopkins uni-itrsity arrived and had their bodies carried them to Baltimore for examinations. rn; Morrison Halifax "has several erievaneea and iatronir. i-ng and vhil joiried closely body, were not always of the same oead when Airs. Miller sent her son for Many stations throughout the also confirmed i William J. Hardage as postmaster at Wax haw, succeed ing J.

MeCain, resigned. The postoffice department has removed Postmaster Hanner, at Liber rw u' jjjicjr. at strong ucm mind. Differences of opinion often oc- State are taking the sermons of At Five Points, a suburb of Wilson. curred and they frequently resorted ton tlC fronfnol votes against the Well-known preachjet now holding Johnnie "Boot" Price.

18 vears old. shot will -fel the elemental way of setttmg disputes. iRr wfrs democracy the loss rith evidence of other losses himself through the right hing with a ty, and appointed Otis P. Brower, pistol: About a year- ago he was run in different parts of the Stated and would stage fist fights that would rival some of th modern boxing Neither could run 'away. acting postmaster.

This action followed a very; Bitter fisrht. in which ever by an automobile and since that Guaranteed by Politicf; are said to Weia to boil time has never been in his right mind. senator Simmons and Representative One man who had often seen them, re hn Rutherford county. Three have a meeting in Raleigh some towns the apparatus for receiving if fitted up a church and the congregation assembles at the same of those in Baleigh. But taere it a serious side to it, "and-a conference' is now in session, with Secretary Hoover to work out a plan for legislation on the subject -Of th use of radio.

Mr. Hoover says that The Lily Mill Power company, lated that one of the last times he had Hammer tried to prevent the ousting of Hanner. i rurown taeir hats into the ring 'for the 'last entrv beinrr ever seen them was at Dobson, county scat of Surry county. They- had driven The Senate April 13. adonted the J.

B.vMcrarland, of Forest City, who which operates a fine iyarn mill just south of Shelby, is installing a plant to mercerize and olor fine yarns. Fiske-Carter Construction, company has they always 1 announced his candidacv in nnnnai. House joint resolution extendi ncr to an ox team to the villagi used oxcrT, as they were afraid of norsesttion to P. Bean and Senator Juhe 1924, the provisions of the i a.

rr i i a -m 1 the contract -and work has just been Tl friends of Attorney N.C the real questions to be defined is aim nau siarxea get on xne wagaii.aicu. present 6 per cent immigration re-; striction law. Several amendments! .1 ii put under way. Harris ake nreinff hint to enter the were added to the House measure. Prof.

Mansfield, who was sent by the who is. to do the broadcasting -tt that is to say, the transmitting -ia the definite zones. Too many broad' race, it is likely that he, jwill make hi announcement at an early government to unravel the Brown Moun wagon, one on each side of -the tongue. There, under the tongue, they staged a battle royal, fighting because one had caused, ihe fall of the two. whieh would originally have extern ded the present law" for only one year, or to June lt 1923.

date. Ite is rumored- that there are tain light mystery, returned to the cap casters would spoil the" It ital city, without being able to enlighten at least two more candidates for was in danger of becoming unprofit The connection the Siamese Walter Lee I Campbell, son of Dr. SEND US YOUR ORDERS I SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WATCHES Ladies' Bracelet Elgin watch, gold filled $22.00 18 size Elgin, 7 jewel, nickel case $11.00 16 size Elgin, 7 jewel, nickel case. Special attention io all kinds of Repair Work, W. T.

VOGLER SON Cor. 4th Liberty Sta. Winston-Salem, N. Jewelers an enquiring public. While he was there, camping on the job, unfavorable weath James Isaac Campbell, of Norwood, twins "was about the size of a man's arm, a little above the wrist.

Their ef able and a nuisance. Kegnlation," the Secretary, of Commerce pointed out, 4 will need to be policed if there is not to be a gTeat prejudice to the er conditions, with fogs, rendered A. who came to Washington four months ago to accept a position as forts to walk straight had stretched it 1 the lower house. Bepubpcans of the, Fifth Congressional District are called to meet at Greensboro today, by State Chairman Bri'mham, at which a canr didate 311 be nominated and a Congressional Committee chairman his e.norts futile. j- i The town of Whitehall, 18 miles east some, allowing thera to stand witnT their prohibition: enforcement ofbeer, fronts forming an angle of about 45 dcrA was killed April 10th by a fall of of Goldsboro, was nearly destroyed by A national asset? must not.

be allowed to pass into uncontrolled grees. thirty feet from a window. It is supposed that) while looking for an apartment with several young ladies, They became sensitive about their condition after they stopped the show" hands. The truth of the matter, of course, is that not even the electro 1 also a- leretary will be ehosen. It is estimated that between 150 and 200 delegates.

Twill attend the con business and resented reference' to it or fire early on the morning of April 12th, the total loss being about $10,000, with insurance partly covering it. The post-office, a livery stable, nine stores and three' dwellings were consumed. One woman was killed and perhaps However, one of the sons the one tliOjMSumed the leadership, who was fivingat.the time of their death In. California, me home soon after the bodies hid been taken to Baltimore, followed view oi iir. Campbell's approach the attention they -would attract among ing marriage, that while sitting in a vention" afrom the counties in 'the cians, know how the tapping of the ether waves is to be preveated.

Radio telephony, they admit, is in its strangers. Charlotte Observer, window, iie accidentally fell out. district, jpuilford, Rockingham, Ala manee, 'Person, Granville, Chatham another fatally injured and a man was By a vote of 177 to 130 the House them thrre, secured them and brought then back, re-intering them in the grave hurt when an automobile in which they observes. -tne- Philr adelphia Record, wants to haraess Not (A Story'in Acts) of Representatives April 15 acceded to President Harding's appeal that Surry, IhjrhamV Orange' and John A. Smith of Hieh from which they had been taken.

Mail Ds Your Kodak Films were riding was struck by a Seaboard Air Line passenger train between- Frank- the Siamese Twins were the expanding waves, $re now flowing loose free, for its Point, prominently jnentipned as a While, living at Besse the. personnel jof the navy be not cut below what he regarded as the ihin Jinton and Kittrcll. April 15th. The par bom in Sam, about the .1803 A. P.

Barrett's' little daughter tells her own The government is tly is said to have been en route from What they1 were about three, years old, mer City, he was a candidate in the Ninth District." He now resides at nCionaa to. a northern state. Dr. professor in one of the vitally The radiophone is a good deal more than a. tpy.

David Croonj negro, who was. tried in lmum bf national safety. As it stands with i the adoption of the Vare amendment increasing the number of men, and the Mc Arthur amendment appropriating the money the bill now provides for 86,000 men. Imagination cannot set bounds toit'j teacher that her mother is Mr. Bell sends little5 jBarrett home; 'Wf'iv'r.

(Two days" later Superior court at New Bern for the old New universities, who was travtting'm Siam, found them and bought them from their mother, bringing murder of Gust Stewart, Adams Creek negro, two months 'ago, was found guil- High Congressman Brinson had 'hardly been dead and buried before a l6t 'of Democrrie 4availables were aa-nftuneedfor" his plaee; This number include C.V Abernathy, of them back to America with development, are said to be schools, "colleges and-churches, as -well as faetoriesyshopw and homes, fitted with receiving! ofmurder in second degree and sen- J)r. Bunker adopted them and gave Icoced to ZO years -ui the pemtentiary, A. P. Barrett ("Mr-BeBw; I have been sending, 4riy 4ttle girl School everyday: and yourndliC.tacr, )hem hi own name, as a result of which. apparatus, and there are ta- UGan.

lised-a. hoc to Sttwart West Hickory citizens whose" $60,000, school bonds Were, declared invalid, will vote again in! June the question of issuing $50,000 in bonds for the same We develop and print yoiir films just as cheap and far better than anywhere else in this section. us once. Mail parcel post we'll get them back to you quickly. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Also Kodaks of all sizes, films and albiuns. We ship by iparcel. post, anywhere. Write for prices on anything you need in our line. Barber Photo and Oiiice Supply Co.

W. 5th Street Opp. Postonice Winston-Salem capi.j'itaBtign. v.ntr elcT, onraijBttta aAlleh, arid called the latter to the door of his eovernnient under sv- statute that j- CO. John D.

Liangston, of UoMsboro; purpose. There was little opposition the Lumberton- has two candidates for Dr. R. Ii. Carr, E.

J. Hill and Rivers if Vr et' to as EnarKfcApieng The England. Char.g; are'' said jtobo Siamese worsTneaning tight and wljictt.they always desig-jaki. Dr. Bunker educated them and lept them until they were about grown, iftr which they joined a show troupe mayor -who have some striking points in first time anq plans were drawn and a picture of tht building printed before Johhsonj of and ex-Sheriff Hargett of Jones; fX-Demooratip Just tbougnt; WHiiaxaii you up ant see what is the matter." Mr.

WcU Barrett, it is this way we are1 having to be very caref now on account of the When any one is reported sick in the family send the who are members of that family home. This is done for the protection, of -the School and the cora munhy." 'r mate UoL W. 1. it was learned that the district was larger than the town ordering the elec Common the initials of each are Mn each is blind the same eye, and each is a lawyer. If nobody else offers Lum-berton's next -mayor will be one-eyed ind toured the country for" several years, Dorteh.lMatt H.

Allen, of Goldsbor and Coll A. C. Davis. Ad then we was- enacted to regulat radio tCleg raphy before- telephony came. There must be a considerable -number of unlicensed amateur, sending stations A conference, is yi session in Washington.

Ilov to bring order ou of the is its business. To regulate use of the. air by the host of radio phone promoters and enthusiasts is a poser. NobodH1 wants to.restrict the American boy'? yearning to hear all that is going op appe rmg as freak. i tion and despite an effort to correct the mistake in the legislature, the bonds could not be soid.

It iis so' appearing that they but able to see enough out of one eye will have the initials E. and will accufaulated money and while showing are tolcfi that Democrats do not want office. is further said that an election! may- be eallod to fill the vacancy i. a. lawyer, Mr.

Barrett. "WcIL there not any Men Lead in Suicide Toll. body sick at my house. My wife ha3 The postomce at Newland was enter ed a few nights ago and robbed of $750. The proportion of men to jeomen suicides in the United States is more 11 pound boy, but you dont tninic tnai is catching do you?" $1 Curtain.

ji Rockingham Post-Dispatch. in the universe, but the treasures or the great must not be wasted. Monroe Journal. Coodge Ray is custody, havmg admitted the theft and told the officers where the money was buried. A few drops of blood on window of the postoffice gave the clew, together with a cut place on the arm of Coodge, who when ar than two to one.

With the men shooting is; the favorite means, while the majority of women suicides use poison. Tohn Martin and Geneva McMillad A Booster for Work. negroes charged with murder and as afe complice, respectively, in connection wii North Carolina, they decided to settle down." They are said to have visited ieeral of the older towns of this State, probably including Charlotte, Salisbury, Salem, Jonesville and Wilkesboro. There they ended their career oh the stage. Supposedly, the Yates sisters whom they married and who were daughters of a farmer in Wilkes county, saw and ere teen at the showing Wilkesboro.

At tny rate, the two couples were mar rW, the twins buying their brides' fa-lSv a nice farm on the Yadkin river vey, in turn, bought land a few Y-6 from. Mount Airy and established Westeads on adjoining farms. As stat-d before, Eng would spend a week with at his home and then Chang rested, confessed to the theft. the death of William bloan, an agd Engagement Ring Shifted. In olden times if a girl were willing to marry, and not engaged, it was th eustom for her to wear a ring on the first finger of tke left hand.

she -wanted to remain thep she wore the ring on the little finger. Whefe Thirty Thousand Women Work. i 'Denvw has nearly 30,000 women Wage earners. ii v.hitc man, of Jonesboro, were bourid over to Superior court ai uurnara witu- hail. The death of Sloan occurred At first blush you- would think James L.

Waterbury, who has work: ed fifty full years at the New, Ro-chelle station of the New York, New Haven Hartford Railroad, would bo growing tired of the job. But not Work is not a chore to Mr. SK PER CENT DIVIDEND On Money Invested in Building Loan Certificates of Deposit, .03 per cent, paid July 1st, and .03 oer cent January 1st. Building and Loan Certificates free from all tax. the same as Government Bonds.

We loan only on First Mortgage Improved Real Estate in Forsyth County. All loans are passed on by Winston-Salem Business Men, and the title carefully examined by Messrs. Hastings Whicker, Attorneys. The houses on which logins are made are insured in our favor. Money can be withdrawn with reasonable notice.

This is one class of investment Where investors know their money is safe, and their dividends sure, and paid promptly. Thomas Maslin G. Miller Hinshaw J. S. Kuykendall Pres.

Vice-Pres. Sec Treaa. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE W.T.Brown G. M. Hinshaw A.

H. Galloway Security Building Loan Association Ground Floor Masonic Temple in the Johnson's bottom section, of thjt rttv UTartin. a one-kteed negro, is cJiarged with committing the -crime, fit is alleeed that he first assaulted Sloan A Bridge a Landlord. London Bridge has a rent roll of three quarters of a million dollars a year, derivcid from property left in the past for the special upkeep of the bridge, iron sale Best varities early Tomato plants, 50 for 50 cents; 100 for 85 cents, postpaid Order now and have early tomatoes. A.

W. Cline, 15 Walnut Sttreet, Winston-Salem, N. C. I Waterbury. It is his philosophy of Willie Sutton was killed and Robert Caldwell seriously injured April 15th during a severe electrical storm at Canton, -west of Asheville.

Sutton was found dead by Caldwell who, in making an effort to pick up the body stepped on a live- wire and his recovery was not expected for several hours but he rallied and physicians report he may survive. Acting upon instructions sent by a brother of William. Sloan, who died the past week, front wounds received at the hands of John Martin, negro, the remains were carried to the University of Ncith Carolina, and turned over to the Medical school The body has lain with his crutch, and afterwards stabbad him with his pocket knife. wold spend a week with Eng at his The date of their "settling down" aot available now, but it is thought to been while they were in their early thirties and orohahlv about 18.V5.: Chjnese Live on Fsh. Blum's the mal, io cents.

Address thfs EnR and Chang 'lived on their farms Fish always been one of chief articles in China. contentment; He says: "If somevOf the fellows who are everlastingly kicking- at their work and the wages they, get would take more interest in the job and less in their own ills, real or thfs world soon would be a happier place for all to' live in wheels that are now idle would be turning." No doubt some decided opinion the lime of their, deaths and both office, i Lin a Durham undertaking establishment since the man died at Watts hospital." Kenneth Elkins; of the Flat Creek section, who-is in a hospital at Asheville can be set acaiust that of the'NeW V'- Ill Rocbelle news agent on the pleasure to be found in toil. Charles Lamb Sacrifice in a critical condition, as a result of a blow on the head with a shovel in the hands of a neighboring farmer, Horace Deaver. In an argument over taxation. trudged back ta Jus garret from his mmense Business I 8't 1' high stool in the fcast India took iip his quill and wrote: ing Out of the climax came when Deaver struck Elkins on the head, fracturing his skull.

'Two young white girls. Grade Hayes first invented work and bound tnc free and holiday, rejoicing downf" All who are filling wrong niches wil say amen to that. and Cor.die Low. were convicted in mu nicipal court at High Point on a charge Mr. Samuel Jepys.

on a fine spring of Vagrancy. The girls said they came ilay made this entry in his diary; here three weeks ago from Wilkesboro the office; but, 'Lord 1 what a search of work Judge Walter Royal conflict I had with myself my heart ordered Chief of Police Blackwelder to try iS get in communication with the 4 OUR LEASE HAS BEEN SOLD, AND PROPERTY MUST BE VACATED, AND WEj ARE SLAUGHTERING ALL DISE REGARDLESS OF COST parents of the girls and get money, for tempting me a thousand trmea tc go ahead about some pleasure or other." But Samuel was no quitter. He "adds: "However, I did not budge and, to my great content, did them to return home. They were taxed with no court costs, or fines. W.

C. Rowe, formerly of High Point, a great deal of business." -N. has just learned through an. at Most persons can do a great of business with content if they torney of New South Wales, of the death of a distant relative in Australia leaving an estate valued at $250,000 and that, he was heir to one fourth of "the make up their minds to it, Waterbury, of New Rochelle, has not missed a day because of illness ia half a century. 1 Of course, he has Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware Entire Stock of CLAY MORRIS To Be Sold at Public Auction.

Two Sales Daily 1- 2:30 AND 7:30 P.M. j' This stock consists of th'e largest collection of the finest quality goods to be had on the American markets today. Xhe personal guarantee of this old and reputable firm, known throughout its career for honest and fair dealings is behind each and" every sale. Each article is guaranteed as represented. The present heavy demand for ready cash, and our extra large stock of fine and expensive jewelry demands limmediate reduction back to a normal basis EACH ARTICLE WILL BE SOLD ON ITS MERITS REGARDLESS TO LOSS, COST.

OR VALUE. 'j-'' rr 1 LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED A FREE PRESENT GIVEN AWAY EACH DAY V. estate. Mr. Rowe was" the furniture business; at High Point until about a been ill.

But he a year ago when his; factory Whenever I felt a bit off I hust pletely destroyed by tire causmg a total loss. Since that time he has been living t-4 led down to the station, because there I foreot all about being siek on his farm near. Siler City. WATCH OUR WINDOWS in doing the thousand and one things that must be attended to by a Hon. S.

M. Brinson, representative tion agent." An earlier philoso- from the third North Carolina district, nher. Shakespeare, had the same -passed away April 13th at New Bern idea as Waterbury The labor we General Hospital. following a critical ilelicrht in-rjhvsics Dain." illness there since last Saturday morning, MAN'S 'Work is an American habit. This when he came home from Battle -Creek, eountrv has millions of WaTerburys Mich, where in vain he had sought to GROSS who are all the better off in goods stem the tide of failing health that dat ed back to the 'close of the campaign in and health and spirits for sticking everlastingly to the jobs they like.

1918. He is survived by his daughter. N. Y. Tribune.

v. Miss Mary S. Brinscv who has been hi school in Washington, and a brother, Winston-Salem, N. C. Relieve Hoarseness.

M. Clay Morris, Jeweler I Trade Street 418 N. Liberty Street Hoarseness can be relieved by'mix-ing one teaspoonful of glycerine to the -well-beaten white of. an jpgg, the Hon. James M.

Brinson, prominent Montana lawyer, who has been in government service, with headquarters at" He was serving his second term in Congress and had indicated that he would be a candidate to succeed himself at the primary this falL juie of one lemon and enough sugM to make It palatable..

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