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The Daily Journal from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 1

The Daily Journali
Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i v. CyXY i 4. fOL. 12. NO, 211.

vwednespy 22, am whole number 3,622 til II X. I4II'; 1 ii i --t II I -T-' 7i rrsY 111 1 i RAIL HOiD MILITARY NOTICES. UV FVUTOn PRICK, JAH. FULTON, Associate Editor. ADYERTUEMCIT3 Inaerled daily at TWO DOLL ARB per squarw of too lines for tbe first, and OSS DOLLABp" ajoer I for each subsequent inaertloa CAtsIl IN ADYANCK.

AdvertiMroents maerted oace, twioe, or three tune a week, will ba eharvad aa new irlrtIuimAnta for aach nTO ALL WHOM IT WAT CONCKRW. iBEGUET TO FIND on the part of some or the seafaring portion of the oommunliy amonr the Pilots aad EncfB- TtHR VU to iv JL will leave VWlmin4ton on Wednesday, July at 8 O'clock. A.M.. "1 Usertion. 3u Advertiaemetita maerted aa Bpeolal or Bishop Rotioet are cbarod one-half- more than above ratea-ibt liae (loaded) of leae counted aa astiuore.

i TERMS OF fCUr-CRlPnOt CAJ1 1.1 ADVAAQS. iJcoutSa 00 6 6 60 3 (W Ae Dsiiv Journal will be aapplied by tie nionta to aol dieri only, lot ONE DOLLAR. veeiy taper per yar, 4 00 No subscription received lor the Weekly Paper for ku than 12 month. The psper willbe dtecohiinuod at the expiration 1 the the Anoaal Anoiversary txerciste 6t the LaurfcObarr CliU-sical and ki er, though it are many honorable exceptions to tbia csDtation) a disinclination, and sometimes a refusal to serve the Uovrrt.eDl of their aative land en the tern ti offers, tern lea were aot only liberal, bet extremth bonDtiful, compared with the wages which the Army and vy of tbo couiiiry receive. 1 bave only thu tu say 1 will not at thie time permit the eet iBtreu of the people to be interlerred with by any pri rate latere su whawver, aud now snuounce that anless 4rao puDucauoi mace witnoui a responatni name.

order trp. Master Transportation, li. R. R. 4 JulyJOlb 1W3 233-3t f.aid for nnifcas rfcBewea.

tub office, nut be JdrcM 4 to the proprietors. order a KAHaWKILEn A BRlTBKB are etillleg out their tire stock on hand, from thi date, at rednoed prtoea. As the stock eauat be eloeed out by the Brst of July, persona ho are in want of goods will do well by sxamialsg ovf st ck belure buyli We Invito the voholetaH And retail buyers call soon, June lifb, 2lo-lf ma owners and CfUMiguecS of prirate ranniug trs, and of Bteaiaora engaged by contract for tbe Govern-Bent, piedge tus tfmt they will not pay fatta greater lhau ilia literal terms eddied i'dou and Jti giowrs ty the Gov-ernmeoi, and tat uxiieai they auaiauteo that there akali be AVIL. JU WEU U. K.

COt' Soabo eK DlBKCrOBS, Wilminctaw. K. t'M ITh Jaly, 1863. I' UImINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS no seg i et Ot extra paytneut given over and above that VITIDIMO ho. 34.

LOST." sTrrWvt Office room OB first fiwir over O. r. Bald- III I py iLe ncitner l'llots nor engineers, nor VciMela peratWtd toluavelhia port. Ihe above aoiice ia isaued on aoujaol of certain Pilots and Engine. a reinsiog to serve their country any longer, beisue tbe pay It In their epiuioa not sullloieiii.

All such persou are informed, that herealusr they will I.iiKi ubtv icm cay a I'iVlUeOO, (10) per cent pn3ble to the Stockholders on bi Aftftl lot. An.nat fio.t JN WILMINGTON, a double easel U0LD WATCSL Johnson's manufacturer, No. 12,776, tbe eapitai iultiala etigraved on the ouuid of the Jan aitb, 2i8tf a a. Transfer Bock closed till day cf payment. L.

II. DiUOSSET, Fec'y. July ISih, 13 238 tf u.a. Aiewaraoi ruiy iAnara vui be Data to asy one serve it on imil Us.esd of ti.e sea, and at much less rates. leavini aaid Watcb at thlaOffloj W.

H. V. WUITIKU Jane 9. 300-tf Haieigh acq arhrfi papers fony ene w-ek Major-Gcueral Comm4Bang-. 24U lUt.

July 21, 18G3. hUBSTlTUTK WAJI1ED. JTtOR A GOOD MAN, over fifty years old, a liberal prloe will be paid. Apply to I1KA1I Q.UARTKR8 UKP'T OW CAROLINA, I. if LirTinf WHOLESALE ANd'bETAIL DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST.

Prescriptions accurately compounded. N. CORNER FHOSIJt MARKKT oTS.r r- I Wilmington, N. C. March 25, 1863.

14My. WALKER MKAiIKS, lfBOLE8ALJ5 AND DETAIL DW7UQIBT, 37 Makmt Btmbt, Iron JYont Building, Vl Uniiflgton, N. O. Feb. 27,1803, vi itvi vIIABTBI1M1bT1b)II.

WILSlINfiTON WELDOl K. K. CO Wilmirtctfin ty. i i 91 tact i fiLus a Mir Co ell. June 22J, 1863.

fc ll-lf OFFICEJU OF TUfcJ y. M. kpar'tmtnt; serving 'in tais command. whi ha 1 BPrElirifTlNEBNT'B OfFIOBi Wilmington, N. June 1, 18TJS KQTICM TO MECHANICS.

bTAUCtl nAKCFACTOUY, UNC11BURQ. VA. fur ward to this oflioe their estimates for Qj'rtertn ter's WANTED IMMEDIATELY, at the fehopa of thia Company, twenty-five arood Finiahers. two srood MonlderB riMiB BUBBCilIBER.1 ijave eaUbilahed, and have sow ia iunas lor month cr July, and for pay lands fjr the months of July aad August. three good Bb.cksmiths one to be a master workman, lor which the Igheat prices will be paid per day of 10 hoars good am'x laiihfut service'.

None need apply who JOHN W.OAMEUON, Major Chief (iiiartcrniaster. Joly21, 1863. 2W-4t. are not willing, to render such sorvica. Apply to noncm-UBAvr artillery.

B. h. FEEMONT, Eng. and Bop June 1st SH-tf RaleiRh ronress. Charlenton Zleraurv.

Anmsta Condi. Vj COMPANY not being full, 1 wUI state to persona wfl wihu join ueavv Ariniarv serviae. inm thev JL iucccuwm operation, a faTAUCH In the city of Lynchburg, where they are now manufactur-a One article ot PU UK wuiIK BTARCll, and arc prepared to till orders for any quality. We are determined to mam iuctore a aupnrior arUcle, having every facility aud good material, and aell to wholesale dealers at a price which Bl enable them to realist) a haodsome profit. Ws earnestly solicit the patroaage of the Bouthoro and Western buttea, as we shall keep a large supply constantly on hand, and ready tor shipping.

Caah orders respectfully solicited, and promptly tteuded to. W. J. BETTEBTOH Lyoohburg, Va. Ait.

24 th, 1863. v0-6m' tultonalist and Petersburg rpre copy 3 timet and send bids toss perinteniient tan do so by oomlug immediately to Z-ike's, (oeai Fort Fisher) aa lhare aiiihoilty to receive a few tuore good men. JAH. B. LANU.

TO TIIF3 PUBLIC THE CITY HOTEL IN IVILMWGION, N. OPEN AQAJJf. mllR DNDEBSIGNED take pleasnre in annoonciBR to JL the publio that they have rente the CITY HOTEL, the premiaea a general ami thorough cleaning up, and fornished the Bouse anew Iron bottom to top. Ladiea and Gentlemen etoppinjrat thii HouserwU ThTnlt, an rely noor beinit oomlortable daring their etay. eb.

19th, 1863 Ultr Wllmlngtoii, Chariot H.JL. Oomd'g Co. (Heavy Artillery.) 40.h Rig. N. O.

21, 1863. 240 6t. iiEAO Quarters dih r.cAPRFKAU, i Wilmington, N. Jaly 2M, 1853. Extractl and alter Wednesday, the 20th insu, the Passenger 0 Aram oa mm itoaa win run as follows USADqUABTIM DlSTBrOT CAFg FtAB,) WnmujKiou.

N.C.. June28lh. 18o3. oPhiClAL OBDER i no. in.

Tacsdays, Tbtiradaya and baturdavs. DOWN TBAIN. Mondays.Weenesdays and Fridays. Iaro 103 at .7:30 A. IAbL VESSELS, Government or private, leaving this COrt.

Will hereafter tin rvnnirH iva sir lu.tira tintlxa Gkmibai, Obdkiu, I No. 31. I 0 rAHE attnntlon oi all eonoerned Is called te the order of Leave Wilmington 9:00 A. M. beOre Iha tif tlialr lnt.ftn.iH ilnnirlnn Nmr.

.8:37 the Hoard or Navigation, published on the 'Join loat. The officer la oommaud of ort bl Pbillln will eomaunl- row, Commanding Post. ..10:00 Northwest, 10; V) Marlville. 11:23 oate the regulations to all steamers arriving at this port. will ascertain and report ihe date of deuariur of all TBBABUET DirABTMIBT, 0.

8. KichmuKd, May 11th, Mi. NOTICE te hereby giten to all holdere of two year Treasury NoUe, fawned under the act of 16th May, 1861, that thev aiurt come In and present the said notes for funding at the Treasury cr some one ot its Depositories, on or before the 31st day of July ensuing, or they will be debarred the privilege of funding. he said Notes are entitled to bo funded in eight cent, bonds payable In ten years. (Signed) C.

G. MEMMINGS2, Secretary of Treasury. Hay 18th 18C3 l86-2awtlstA Boaindale 11:17 P. M. command of Maj.

Gotf. Wbitino. As YANptU HORST," MsJ. A. A.

enl. July 21. Ib63. 240-tt. Brown 12-2 steamera tiom furvign porta, and will see that no Tease Shoe Bed Banks Moss :67 Lnmberton.

10:36 Bladenboro' Brown Harsh. ...12:10 P. M. Kosindale 12:45 paasea on et. rnuip, oa tier way np, wtthout special authority from theao ileadquaneia.

the limit pre 1:27 Lomberton 2:23 HossNeck. .3:05 Red Banks, scribed by the Quarantine t.eeutatiou. UBAUa'R P1STUICT CAPE KKAR, Waauis roN, N. July 13th, lf)G3s tExtracU "-iBarlviUe 1:32 Shoe Heel 36 Fficul Oansaa i Northwest 2:20 Arrive at Riverside Yilmington 4:00 No. 313.

Laurinbnrr 4:38 Arrive at 103 6:23 By order. $50 REWARD. BAHAWAY, from the W. M. Railroad, on the 16th of March aegro HENBY.he is black, mtiA Inninnkr.

ft.lli in A finS blacksmith. ALL TBE OFFICERS AND ENLIHTED MEN, of ty command oi maj. uen i vvbitimo. James h. hill, -r K4 A.

A. General. Jane 29. 2U t- THE HISTORY OF BORT1I CAROLINA, PUBLISHED In 1861 by the Undersigned, In its prefset conceded that Itoontalned omlaaions snavoidaole and many Imperfections. A second edition was then promised, which would remedy these

1 his is now ealied far. tie will be grateiul to any one who will point out any errors in the dates, names or facts in the various eonntisa of rlg. Ueu'l CUnt-tnan Bnade now abaant by author! XL T. Matter vf iranspor'jilion. 185-tf ty irom these llead Quarters, wul report without delay, tor ir.

hoinminff tn Kr. Lvon. of Charlotte. Ii. G.

May 16th, 1863. amy wun ueir respective regiments at cnariusion, t. v. i Kav that virfnlt uri 9 By command of Maj. Gen.

Wbitimo WILMINGTON At WKLDON RAILROAD Officb Chibf Eno. A AOCO. 1863. CO. Fpft, Wilmington, March 30th, the State and any biographical sketch of those who have done tervice In the field or sttate.

and ia supposou iui vibui. mj ui h-mington. Alo rnawaT, from the GoTernment Bhops, in Raleigh, my boy-liAKKLEbb. lie has a smiling countenance, is small, black and bandy-legged, with several scara oa his lie" was hired last year on the NauhunU Section of the Wiimington Weldon Railroad and inppoeed to be lurking tier that vicinity or Wilmington. A reward of 125 each will be given for their arrest una imprisonment in any Jail so that 1 can $ct them.

Letters may be sent to me, care of Hon. D. L. Swain. JORN 11.

WHEKLAR. ChapU Hill, N. Jane 4th, 1863 Editors pnbltthicg this tor three months, and sendinr ma a copy of the paptr contaiaing the same shall reoeive copy of the aeooud edition when published, wbieb will be enlarged, carelully corrected and embeliiahsd with ei- Major Q. M. W.

K. PE1KCE. rr. gravlng. April 4, 1863.

149-tf CHANGE OF SCIIEOt'LK. ON AND AFTER the 20th the trains ou thia Read will run aa follows PAHSENUER AND MAIL TEAINH. Leave Wilmington dally at 7 A. M. and 7 P.

M. Arrive at Wilmington daily at 6 A. M. and 4:20 P. M.

Leave Weldon daily at 4 A. II. and 4 P. M. Arrive daily at Weldon at 8 A.

M. and 7.35 P. V. Passengers going to Oae North Carolina or Baleigb Gaston Bail Boads may take either train and will lay over In Goldsboro' from 1.15 A. or P.

until about 7.30 P. M. or A. and at Weldon from 8 A. M.

or P. until 4 P. M. or A. M.

8. L. FREMONT, Chief Eng. 4 Bnpt. jayiheEailroad time is-15 minutes faster than the town time.

March 20th. 1863 137-tf Papers on the lino please copy. OPKlf AOAlM. TUB PALMETTO HOTEL Is again open for the) reception of vlaitors. The Rouse has been thorough iv renovated.

JAMhM 11. HAII.RY.. jAMKcj U. BILL, Mai. A A.

A. Ueu'l. July 13, 163. 233 tf. Raleigh Progroaa and Fayette ville Observer will copy one weea and send bill to offlce.

COX FEDERATE STATES OF A 91 Kill L(1NEIB Df FABTMKNT, DlST. CaFB FlAR Wiimington, N. iViaich 16th, 13U. NOTICE is hereby given to all persona baying claims against the Engineer Department, for set vices oi sieves employed aa laborers on ttio tend defences near Wilmington, s. that the undersigned is authorized and prepared to pay the same at his office, on the second floor of the building next above Meares' Drug more, Market Street.

a. Peraons executing Powers of Atttorney will observe the following form their signal ores, In all cases, to be wlt-neaaed by two witnesses and signed in dupli rit, or tLey may be witnessed bofore a Justice oi the Peac or Clerk oi any Court. FORM OF POWEB OF ATTORNEY. of do hereby appoint of my true and lawful Agent to aign receipts for, and receive payment of all moneys due to me by the Engineer Department of the Confederate States of America, for the services of my slaves employed aa laborers on the land defenses at daring tbe month of 186 Witness, my hand and seal, at this day of STKKL STKEL. 1-mALBS.


1 Cn. LB3. RIO COFFEE for sale, by 5UU B. G. WORTH CO.

Jue 15th, aiO-tf SALT SALT. A SUPPLY OF OCEAN SALT, a good article received tUUy, and for sale at Iowa si market rates. J. M. MONK, 47 North Water Street.

Bepiember 2th, 1861. 17-uf FOR RENT WATCHES mHAT have been left at bur Store for repairs, are ready I ior dolivcry. The owners will please call and get them. BKOWN AN'DERSON, Old stand, 37 Market Street. June 13tb, 1863 20a-tf UNTIL the first October 1863, the House on Chest, nut Street balow Fourth, reoently oooapied bj Cap tain Henry M.

Drane. Apply at THJJi 0F7ICX. Dee. 4th, 1862 47-U (sliced in duplicate.) Witnessess NOTICE FOR mVO LARGS TURPENTINE STJLL8. one 40 bbls.

and X. the other 30 bbls. capacity. Those wishing to purchase At wall 1 1 1 r. rn tt.A LOST $100 RSWARD.

ON MARKET OR BOUTH WATER STREET, to-day, between Kahnweiler's Corner and Joseph NeSTa Store, double cased GOLD WATCH and FOB CUAltf, made by Joieph French, London. The finder will receive the above reward by leaving) it wivh the fcditor of this paper. one 25. 183. 21tf.

KW ORLEANS SYRUP. 1 BBLS. SEW OSLEANS SIBUP, for sale by lO B. G. WORlli A CO. 12, 1863. 208-tf- OFFICl ElJFBBXKTlirDBRT, WxlminQion and lianchaler Hail lioad Wilmington, N. Feb. 18th, CHANGE OF HCI1EDLLK. ON and after February the 22d, double Daily Passenger Trains will be run oa this road aa follows Leave Wilmington daily, 6.20 P.

M. and 6.15 A. M. Arrite at Kingsville 7.20 A. M.

and 7.28 P. M. Leave Kingsville daily, 4.00 P. M. and 4.45 A.

M. Arrive at Wilmington 6.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M.

Leave Florence (going South) 2.15 A. M. and 2.60 P. M. Arrive at Florence (going South) A.

M. and 2.30 P. M. The Steam Ferry Boat connecting with these trains leaves the Wilmington Weldon Depot Wharf at 4.40 P. M.

and 6.30 A. M. respectively. Passengers going to Charleston should take the 6.15 A. M.

train to make a close connection at Florance with the Ncrth Eastern Rail Boa! for that place. HENRY M. D3ANT5, GenT Bup't. Feb. 25th 1863 117-tf Stor.

Columbus coontr. N. C. The signatures of colored persona should be wltsesacd by three witnesses. There must be separate duplicate Powers of Attorney lor each month.

Blank forma can be had upon application at thia office. w. Ji. JaaIEH, Capt, Chief Knff. July2ud, 18G3. KajtiU ville Observer plea copy till forbid. iti REWARD nU fur tha v. BEN, who left on Sunday th Lth of July. He obtain. a n.ininrtnn hnndav afcnlnir tint tl, Hm V.

4 M. ALT FOR SALE. AFPLY at the Store cf Hr. Geo. Myers', Front Strea to TKOalAb B7AMt.

Aur. 27tb, 1S63 W-tl tatr Bluff, whtf came iron, ana jum a moiber tbai wu 1 nrt r-muw(w nsvnsirl ht Mr A hmitk A. k. V-a CU sUU iviuivii v4 wij mi amivsi U1IIAI VI 4UV AIM at atmn nf fsSsn Js sm 1 Uf A m. KOUm 1W ew wmv bm vi east tiig DUUUU AAV about IV years ot age and ha very Urge and ihiok ilps, M.

IIKPAUTMEST, i DOMESTIC DEFENCES, I July 9, 1863. I ORDKRNO. 9. ENERAL ORDKKB naviug been received from Dead VjJ" (jaarters, for Commandants of our Feminine Forces ttj rocs re each individual a No. 1 HoOP SKIRT, this Is to notify aaid Commanders that their wauls oao be sap-plied and the Fair One's made bappy by calling and purchasing at KAilN BUO'H.

Ju.y 10, 2Jl-tf. 1 hiuu 'nuDiff "TaAJI8F0BTATI0M OFFlCB, WlL. Cbab. BUTB. R.

E. July 14, 334 SA. Laubixiceoh, Jan. lat, 1863. TllEASl'ilT KOT1CE AS TO Fl'NDLXU TREASURY NOTES.

Tkbasubt DarABTViKT, C. S. I hichmend, June 1st, 1863. ALL EOLDER3 OP TRaAbUBY NOTES Issued prior to 6th April, 18C3, are notified that until 1st August eusa-ing inclusive, they can be funded in seven per cent. Bonds.

After tnat date the Notes bearing date prior to 1st Decem WA.MTKD lO REST. BY A fiENTLEw AN AND fll3 WlFK.a neatly FURNISHED UoUaK, for whioh a good prioe wi.libe paid aud ca-e taken oi premises. Apply to WILKES MORRIS, Attetlooeer July Uth, 183 237-Oi ber, 18C2, can no longer be funded. Those which bear date between the 1st December, 1862, and 6ih April, 1863, can betundedin seven per eent at any- time oa or before 1st Acgu-t, 163 alter wmcn aaie, uey are lunoable only In lour per cenu. hTotea bearinz date on or after 6th April, 1863.

are funda SKIUT BRAID, ANY QUANTITY of all colore, and best qualtf, at KAHN WaILER A BitO'S. July 10. lfi3. Ml-tf. ble in six i er eent Bonds, if presented within one year ircm ON and after Monday next, the Freight gTrain will run as follows: r- DOWN.

Mondays. Taeadaya. Thuradajs. Fridays. Freight for above Traia must be delivered at the Warehouse by 2 o'clock, P.

MM and Batardas. No goods will be taken by Paesenger Trains, except at tbe option of tbe Company, then doable the usual rates will be charged. By order. iiOUEB P. ATKINSON, tlaater of TriusporUtion.

Jan. 7th, 18C3 75-tf the firet day of the moatn priniea across tneir lace, alter tiliElT ATTRACTION GREAT ATTRACTION I TOE LAS 1' JJOH'TLET IMS OPFORTUM'l SLIP HIROXJGB YOUR FiAUJiRS. OUR STOCK coDsisiiKg of DKY GOODri, MILLlNtuY GOOD3, GEM l' AND BOYs' CLOTHING, BuOTS AND bilOES, (Men's Women's and Ac, 4c, 4c, 4c. MUST be closed out by tne 1st August, at which time our store will be cluactj. Hoy bow wbile there ia atill an opportunity.

KAHNWELLE2 the year they are loncuDie oiuy is tour per cenu. (Signed)c c- w- MEMM1NGER, Secretary of reasury. June 8, 1865. 204-'iawtUtA. KKUOsEUE OIL.

ir oil, at jolyjlo, 1863. KAHaWEILER 4 BRO'3. 23l-tf. S30 HE WARD, RUNAWAY irom the C.4R.R. about three Am months since, a negro boy named LEW Id, belonging to Col.

Kobt Cowan, eaid Lewis Is about 16 "tit old black, and stout builw Whea4as beard from, be was at the can of one ot tbe regiment belonging to Uen brigade, (previous to their leaving for iouth taroilna,) and ia probably with one of tbe regi- "above reward will bo paid for his delivery to the nn-dersigoed, or for his arrest and coafioentent la Jail so that lea. get him. r. CABPENTES, OiaTSapfc WhC.AR.R- R. Nit KniPi '23i tlA Jnly Uth, 18C3 TQUAL TO AST received through the blockade, is now ii iriannfuf tiirad in th.

$40 REWARD, tfv BTBAYED from our Salt Works on Uasonboro LTT) Bound, about the 1st May, a large dark mare jtJLlte at OLE, with a scar or lump, caused, by a cot on um uj of tbe nose. We will pay the above reward for the delivery of said Mule at our talt Works at Wilmington, or at any point from which wt may obtain her. RA2JKJJ A MARTIN. Mi.mi.., tJ uiV IVvi can be had by the pound or box, at the store on Matket a a A vv daot a TJ Ji 1 a WASTED TO HIRE. ANEGBO GIRL to noise a child.

Address P. at JOURNAL OFFICE. IH-'A sueew, wm uwi mi W4 sraeaey a oia siaaa. H.KABCUS..

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