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Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois • Page 4

Herald and Reviewi
Decatur, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1919. DECATUR HERALD DECATUR HERALD NEWS OF SPORT, "SAVED MY LIFE," SZX Decatur Busy STORtwxvsTtiLowtsT SAYS MRS. GAINES STAR PLAYERS TRY OUT ARCOLA GOMES SUNDAY WITH HEAVY SQUAD Must Change Signals and Plays For Douglas County Team FOR STALEY QUINTET Bedridden for Weeks Before Tanlac Restored Her Now Does Own Work. "Butter" Woodworth to Manage and Captain Basketball Team A BIG Being Formed by larch work en; First Practise Tonight "Yes, this Tanlac saved my life, and my husband here will tell you the same thing, too," said Mrs. C.

A. VEECH MAY BE OUT With the football season rapidly drawing to a close, interest In sports la the Staler plant Is turning to Indoor games and the firm will be represented by basketball, indoor baseball and bowling teams. These TROOP 4 OUTWITS CATHOLIC ELEVEN i Gaines, wife of a retired farmer, of Of Coats, Suits and Dresses teams, with the exception of the bowling team, will depend on the M. C. A.

for a place in which to prac tise and play. At present the chief Interest Is in the forming of a basketball quintet and from present indications there fa sufficient material in the employ Wo $45 Values, This Sale, $25 Areola will invade Decatur next Sunday and meet the Staley football squad in what is expected to be the best game played on the local field this year. The eleven from Douglas county lias been displaying a good brand of football this year, having played six games and won five oi them. This team played Illiopolis Sunday and defeated them 27 to 0. Taylorville only defeated Illiopolis 33 to 0 and for this reason the locals are expecting about as good a game as they had with the Christian county squad.

Most Change Signals. The Staley squad will also be at a big disadvantage Sunday owing to Wins Hard Fought Game SO to Wltk Forward Passes and Trick Plays. Troop 4 and Troop 16 clashed for the first time this season on the Fairview grounds Tuesday afternoon. Creech and Moran, the opposing fullbacks, who are rated best in the Scout conference played star games for their respective teams with Creech seeming to be considerably more of a ground gainer than Moran. Robertson, Creech and Molenda rolled up Troop 4's 20 points while Moran and Hogan starred for the Catholics.

ment of the plant to make a good team. The Y. M. C. A.

has granted the Basketball and indoor baseball players the use of the floor every 'Wednesday night for practise and games and first practise will be held by both teams tonight. Woodworth I Captain The Garment Event of the Season "Buster" Woodworth has been "amed captain and manager of the team and he is well quali the fact that "Bun" Moran, who TROOP 4 TROOP 16 fied for the position. "Buster" first Penniwell, re re, Kelly Minier, 111., as she pointed to a bottle of Tanlac in Sutliff Case's drag store, in Peoria, recently. Continuing, she said: "Why, when I started on this medicine I had been down in bed for weeks with nervous prostration and a general breakdown, r-or a long time could not eat a thing but liquids and finally was so bad off I would become unconscious and have terriblt sinking spells and there was little hope of my recovery. This conditior.

had been gradually coming on me for eighteen years, and all this time I could barely drag myself arouna. I never had any appetite to speak oi and had the worst sort of nervous headaches nearly all the time. My sleep was badly disturbed by frightful dreams and I had terrible night-sweats nearly every night. I could hardly do any -work and would have to stop and He down and rest several times while trying to do the least bit of housework. I suffered with such pains in the small of my back I could not get up and down without its nearly killing me, and i would become so dizzy I had to be very careful to keep from falling.

My stomach was so badly upset 1 would become dreadfully nauseated after each meal and I could rarely ever retain a thing I ate. Now, all this was befoni I got completely down, and I gradually went from bad to wiorse until I had to take to my bed. as I told you before. "My husband did all he eould to find something that would help me. played with the locals in Taylorville' November 11, will be on the Areola team, and he knows all the signals and plays of the local machine.

For a reputation for himself by his Hj-kness, rt rt, Cushing stellar work on the Shelbyvllle High ischool quintet. He later played with Brlcker, rg rg, Foran Robinson, Henebry "the Sparks Business college team for Dively, lg Johnson -over six years, tor eight years ne slightly over 20 points to Santanen, It It, Comeford Wheal, le le, Meara Creech, qb Qg, McFadden game. In one game against St -llmo be bagged 27 field goals. The Lowest Prices Yet Named in Desirable Outer Apparel Women who have not purchased Fall and Winter outer apparel will crowd our second floor to capacity tomorrow to partake of these marvelous bargains. The $25 Economy Sale is a semiannual Stewart garment affair planned weeks in advance and more attractive this Season than ever before because of Otto Pahlman.

who came to Sta- Molenda, rhb, Hogan Robertson, lhb lhb, Hlse Reese, fb fb, Moran -ley's during the later part of the -baseball season is out for the team, this reason. Coach Brannan is changing the signals and plays of the Sialey tei-n for next Sunday's game, this means a week of hard work for the men. Some new tricks and ui illations will be worked out and the team will gc into the game with the expectation of winning. With a man on the opposing team having an intimate knowledge of the strength and style of play of the Staley squad, the Arcolians will have quite an advantage over the locals, and they are taking full advantage of this opportunity by getting in a week of the hardest kind of practise. Besides strengthening their offensive and defensive playing, the Douglas county gridiron men are import 3ie plays a forward position and with help of Woodworth at the same position should make it hot for any JliW Time of quarters, 8 minutes.

Touchdowns Robertson (2) Molenda 1. Goal after touchdowns Creech, Dively, 1. Referee Hoots. team which the Staley quintet might Pahlman played for five years on the Travis club quintet, of San very special purchases. Antonlo.

Tex. and was on the Green Mile Bearcats, an Independent team AMERICAN LEAGUE from Greenville, 111. Walter Meinert will be out for DIRECTORS TO MEET xruard position and although he has not bad college experience or has been on "any prominent Independent Wrangle Over Third Place Series teams he has played basketball for Money Will Be Brought Before Magnates. ing two players from Champaign, and it is probable that one of these men will be the crack quarterback of the Champaign squad who played end with the Staley team against Taylorville. The other man will probably be Jacks, the Champaign fullback, who Is now coaching the Champaign High school squad and who formerly number of years and Is considered a good man.

Meinert is one of the etar outfielders on the Staley baseball $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $42.50 and $45.00 Values $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 $42.50 and $45.00 Values NEW YORK. Nov. 18 A specal meet but everything I tried failed to du me a particle of good. At last some one advised him to get some Tanlac. He did so, and the very firs: night after I began taking it I res better than I had in a long while and I coninued to improve.

By tb time I had finished two bottles could sit up in bed and every paw me was astonished at nv improved condition. Well, I kprt ing of the directors of the American League to consider the failure of the national commission to award third was a crack backfield man on the place world series money to the New Michigan Aggies. With the addition of two such men as these, and their York Americans has been called to meet here at noon tomorrow by the majority directors. These are Jacob Ruppert of New York, Harry Frazee akin it. and you see how well I regular players.

Areola is Bure to give the locals a fight-Has Sprained Ankle. The Staley eleven is In fairly good condition and will play with the ook now. Why, I am in perftct of Boston and Charles Comlskey, of The $25 Coats Chicago. The Detroit club had protested health and can eat three good mealf a day without even a thought of afterward. No gas or dizzy tpTIs hother mi nnv more and all mv fr-r thoubles have pone completelv against New York's third place posi tion, claiming that the games Carl regular line-up with the possible exception of Veech.

Veech had his ankle sprained in the game with Taylorville and has been unable to practise with the squad since then. He will be held out of the game Sunday unless It is absolutely necessary that Afternoon Dresses Values to $45 Juinty afternoon and tws Iresses made of Georgette, Crept ie Chine, Satins and Taffetas and Combinations. A wonirM assortment of The $25 Suits Values to $45 Just fifty-two snappy suits in this ot the season's cleverest effects in plain tailored and trimmed suits. The materials are Serges, Wool Velours, Street Dresses, $25 Values to $40 Smart Wool berges and Jersey Dresses in plain tailored and trimmed models. The Mason's newest effects and made of strictly all-wool materials in sizes for mioses, Mays pitched not be counted.

New York was officially awarded the place at a special meeting of the directors. Values to $45 A wonderful lot of the season's best coat models for misses, small women and reular sizes up to 46, The materials are Seal. Plush, Wool Velours, Heavy Cheviots, 1 now flll rnv own hnnpp worV t1 never hav tpt tired frpHnc -r! fn- rnpnv vpnrfl. A modlcinp wpl rln Tpnln' who adopted a resolution authorizing I he be put in In case the Areola team proves too strong. the national commission to pay the Yankees and players their share of the world series money.

'rtnnrptj Ml-'thf Tirnisp one could It. cnlrTn't rr' for 'V iC stood here pnd talked for- A Czecho-Slovak chamber of commerce and Industry for Switzerland has been organized. Its aim la to further mercan Broadcloth. Guna-burrel and On ford suits that were Bunella Pebble Cheviots and pile fabrics. Coats that Ruppert said that August Hermann chairman of the commission, formally acknowledged reeelpt of the resolu $25 small women and regular sise to 44 Dresses made to sell at $30.00.

some at $35.00, and others at $40.00. Choice at made to at $J0. imart up-to-the-minute models that were made to seli at $30, $35. some at $40, and others at $45, choice at $25 were made to retail at S35.00. some at and tion but made no comment upon it.

tile Interests between Switzerland and Czecho-Slovakia. The president Is John Splichal, of Zurich and Edward Bigler of Kaladel, Czecho-Slovak, is commercial manager. nine. West To Flay. West, one of the best known baaketball players in Decatur, will he on the Staley quintet.

West won a reputation for himself on the teams and during the war was a forward on the Great Lakes team. He is known as a speedy and aggressive player, who is In the game every minute of play and is almost certain of a regular on the local team. He will be out for a forward position. Art Watkins, the lengthy brother ot George Watkins, the Staley baseball catcher, will be out for the center lob, and his height and strength will be a big asset to him against competitors. Wakefield, who played with "Buster" Woodworth on the Sparks Business College five, and on the Shelbyvllle-Hish school quintet for two years, will be out for a guard position.

These players are the ones who have already signified their Intention of trying out for the team, but every nsaa who is interested In basket ball In the plant Is asked to Join the players for practise, and in this way a crack team can be developed. To Get Good Gomes. To date. Captain Woodworth has rot arranged a schedule for his team, hue will arrange for games as soon ait he sees what kind of a team he can develop out of the material at hand. He expects to play teams representing the commercial Interests of the city, and late In the season wants to make about ten trips out of the city.

The Springfield Y. M. C. A. has asked for games, and this challenge will be aocepted.

One of these games will be played in Decatur December 2b. and the other in Springfield January 20. Farmlngton, 111., has asked for a game with the locals and the Invitation will be accepted. Tanlac is sold in Decatur by Drug in Blue Mound by W. R.

Graham and in Maroa by Smeltz- Tobbs company. some at $40, choice others at choice at at now LEGION MEN ROUT CINCINNATI REDS 60 Years Trial have Proved CINCINNATI, Nov. 18. Three hund One Table Only of About Fifty Hats these Hats are Worth Up to $10 Your Choice red members of the Amerloan Legion, led by their officers raided headquarters of the Socialist party here tonight. Hundreds of pounds of literature were thrown to the street where it was burned.

DAMAGES FROM 1894 SO RIOTS ARE AWARDED Beautiful, large velvet hats In every shape and style conceivable, some small turbans, sailors and pokes all the latest models of the mid Trimmings are of Jaunty feathers, flowers, foliage and colored facings each creation is bewitchingly pretty. OJP CHICAGO, Nov. 18. As a result of damage done to their plant by rioters in the railway strike of 1S94, Swift Co. today was awarded a 113,500 verdict against the city.

Claims for nearly Bamages growing out of the race riots last summer are ess Goods Three Dr pending. BOWLING SCORES Specials $1.95 Canton Poplins $1.39 Locomotive Shops. Woman to Woman. When a woman has beoo very much benefited by a medicine she $2.50 Imperial Serges $L95 50c Zephry Ginghams, 39c can hardly refrain from telling other For Wednesday selling, pieces of 42- For Wednesday selling one Box of 32-inch zephyr finish ginghams In plaids, stripes and checks, light and dark grounds mch medium twill Imperial serges, usable for suits, coats, dresses and skirts these colors, black, navy, african, forest green, maroon, taupe, blackberry, midnight wine. uuiusui wine, For Wednesday selling only 10 pieces 3G-inch "Canton Crepe Poplins etc.

Ti( -oiors black, navy, brown, forest grW. wine, rose, reseda, gray, etc. -i f)ft I I are a most effective corrective. The present generation women about it. Mrs.

L. O. Seitz, Lima. Ohio, writes "I have a very high opinion of Chamberlain's Cough Remerty. My mother had a severe bronchial cough for months.

After taking ntfmerous cough medicines without relief she was finally cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I take pleasure in recommending It." cream, etc. As advertised $2.50 $1.95 39c for house dresses, etc. regular 50c values Wednesday The $1.95 kind for fj 1 eUV values, sale price i yard eanesaay, a yard 12 3 Tot. AV.

Koshmskl 164 ITS 142 481 160 W. Witt 146 126 132 404 135 W. 145 147 471 157 Campbell .178 171 165 514 171 Wm. Maleska.173 163 166 502 167 Totals. ...840 780 752 2372 Stale; a.

12 3 Tot. AV. 242 165 588 1S6 C. May 180 163 166 509 170 J. Krutn ...172 129 301 151 W.

May 138 119 257 129 Dressen 185 156 173 494 165 Woodworth 155 116 271 136 Handicap 24 24 24 Totals 860 869 763 2420 Great Big Bargains in Linens Prepare Yourself Now For Your Thanksgiving Day Needs High Individual average, Mintun, high individual score, Mintun, 212. 100 dozen very good plain white buck towels, in good weight and 23 pieces of beautiful all lir'K I lilooKh mscb inches 100 round scalloped mercerized table cloths, in a very good weight and variety of pat- -f 4f large size; worth regular 3Uc in very beautiful patterns: 50 pieces of extra good weight union linen crash toweling In bleached or unbleached; worth regular 30c a yard; special, a yard 25 pieces of beautiful linen huck ems: -worth $1.75 I 22c each; this sale each each; special each $2.98 easily a yard; special, a yard ARROW 150 beautiful round scalloped mer 25 dozen of linen extra heavy hemstitched huck towels, with beautiful floral and conventional cerized eatin finish table cloths; 'Jroy Sjailorea guest toweling, in 15 or lS-inch wide, in plain and floral $2.39 borders; worth regular i5 each. size 64x04; worth regular this sale, each is using them today as did their grand parents half a century ago and deriving the same benefit from them. They bring speedy and sure relief for digestive troubles. Keep the stomach right, the liver and kidneys active, and the entire body responds.

Good health will succeed to suffering, happiness to despondency. BEECHAM'S PILLS -act directly on the digestive organs. They in vigo-rate the bowels and eliminate the impurities and. toxins due to imperfect digestion. They create a healthy appetite and impart strength and tone to the entire sytem.

Try a dose tonight and insure for yourself a bright tomorrow. For gastronomic troubles Beecham's Pills 100 dozen bleached mercer napkins, hemmed and reay use; an elegant napkin for Soft Collars CLUETT, PEABODV A CO. IMC. TROY, H. V.

50c special each patterns; worth 69c a yard; special, a yard 69c v. n.r.aTirarrs. aurarts. lute uvuacs, LEGIONS PLANS NEW ATHLETIC LEAGUE CHICAGO. Nov.

18 The American Legion launched plans oday for a nationwide athletic league to be composed of legion men, and which will include every branch of sport known. Under present plans the nation will be divided into eight zones, and elimination contests in these zones will be held and the winners will meet in the finals in San Diego. for a great athletic tournament in thn fall. It is planned to make the California tuornament an annual affair, and in addition to athletic events an aviation meet is planned. NEW YORK BILLIARD PLAYER TAKES LEAD 20 dozen only of beautiful lines 100 extra heavy round scalloped table cloths in beautiful satin mercerized; size 72x72; worth 25 pieces of beautiful snow white' mercerized table damask in a S1.35 hemstitched towels; extra heavy worth $1.65 a dozen this sale, i dozen weight with fancy border; a regular $3.50 each; very large variety of pataerns: worth JO 111 HI $2.98 this sale each 98c 59c gooa towel at each; special, each regular i9c a yard; this sale a yard 75 dozen of beautiful snow mercerized napkins, hemmed 100 dozen beautiful fancy colored Turkish towels In practically all cy colored tically all 50 beautiful all linen round scalloped extra heavy satin finish in 50 pieces of beautiful bleached use; a beautiful variety of patterns; vi I'ilLitri Jib, satin finished mercerized damask; 59c YOUR ARMY COAT DYED will make you a dandy Overcoat Our Dyes Are Fast.

$2.98 a dozen, very special, a dozen colors; worth regular 75c each; this sale, each $8.98 worth regularly $11; special each 64 inches wide; worth regular SSc a yard; special, a yard- 69c 75 dozen of good weight and size and size 75 dozen of beautiful satin f-B) mercerized napkins, in a good hummed rf il satin f-o in a gooi lemmed r'f 39c piain towels, worth reghlar 50c each; special each 75 beautiful 72x72 union linen double weight pattern cloths, with combination corners for round or 20 pieces of extra good bleached mercerized damask, in a large va $2.98 CLEVELAND, Nov. 18. R. L. Canne" fax of New York, took the lead In the three cushion billiard championship tournament tonight by a victory over Pierre Maupome of Milwaukee.

for use; worth $3.50 square table; worth $7.50 each; riety of patterns; 72 inches wide; 50 dozen extra large and very beautiful Turkish towels in double and very in double a dozen; this sale a dozen $5.98 special each 98c worth $1.25 a yard; very special, a yard strength; in all colors; worth regular $1.25 each; special each 89c 450 dozen of beautiful lisieo kins, sizes 20x20 and Are Miatolte 200 dozen of Beautiful Turkish towels, embroidered in fast col ate 40 beautiful Turkish towel sets, in all colors, including bath towels. el sets, in th towels, 45 rieces of beautiful extra heavy snow white damask; will launder heavy damask; prices ver' 60 to 46 In 57 innings. In the 48th inning Maupome was 131 points behind. He passed Cannefax in the 54th inning by two points. Cannefax came back with runs of; four, one and two and took the' match.

I Charles Otis of Brooklyn, defeat-) ed Clarenee Jackson of Detroit, 60 to 39 In 67 Innings. 'i ors, all sizes, beautiful for holi lor dozen. muiviuuai towel ana wasli cloth. a wasn ciotn, and wear very good: worth $1.69 i. worm i.t9 put up In a heauuruW noil- 69c $1.39 day gifts; priced very special at $1.98.

$1.49 and for this sale. at a $4 98 and $1.25 $3.98 At all Druggists, 10c, 25c a yard; special this sale yard box; worth $1.75 a set; special a set CLEANERS AND DYERS 241 N. Main..

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