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New York Herald from New York, New York • Page 7

New York Heraldi
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10 JMEW YOIIK JQEKALl), SATURDAY, MAY JUL, SHEET. TIio Now Party of "Human Eights" Nominate Victoria 0. WoocLbtdl (White) for the Presidency and Frederick Douglass (Black) fortheYice Presidency. "Dark" Prospeci for Mr. Greeley aad Ills WMte Hat.

Tlie Convention Pull of Green Cotton Umbrellas and "Humanity." ie Woodhull Nominated by Acclamation at Apollo Hall. The Cady Overthrown. Vic Says "IWHI Stump the States with Tennie A Profound and Pragmatical Platform. At last the great row between tHe two woman's rights factions, so long threatened and so often pioraised, lias begun, and no one living may prophesy where it will end. For some time past a quarrel has been brewing between the moderate ana conservative wings of the female sniiekers, led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B.

Anthony, the impregnable; Lucretia llott, te venerated, and Lucy Stone, the stainless, on one hand, and the rebels, led by Victoria Wood- liall ana Tennie C. Claflin. on the other side. On the free love question the Woodhull is bold beyond precedent, and is fearless enough tospeat her mind plainly-m the faces of immense audiences, on tlie other hand tae "moderate" opposition who have been the leaders of this woman's movement from the beginning are fast learning that a dyte once opened cannot be so easily closed, and -the torrent may possibly sweep them along in this new stampede of the rank and file to the side of the WoodnalL It is even hinted that many of the most prominent among the dwindling Stantoa-Anthony fcctlon are secretly inclined to favor the free love doctrines, but dare not do so openly as they are unfortunately saddled with fensbaads, fathers and toothers who might Hot at the further spread of this terrible heresy. Apollo Hall, where the radical v'mg of the female sariefeers met yesterday, is situated at the corner of Broadway and Twenty-eighth street, ana is 3 large, vfeB-ventilated and handsomely About sis hundred delegates (male and female) had assembled at the bidding of The Wood- Iran to join a new "People's Party," and to nominate a President and Tfce President, to be elected to November nest, to rule thia sorely-ridden catioal Abont three hundred and fifty of the delegates were women and the other frsro hnndrec and fifty belonged to the sex of the '-liorrid monster, man." Of the tnree hundred anS fifty -women aboat three hundred ana tea were more homely in the i face than as many nutmeg graters, while i Sere and there 2.

beautiful and fascinating creature, with 'serious countenance and wavy figure encased in 'Doily Tarden costume. -watted through the aisles, the observed of ali oi servers. The old -laces that are nsnaSj- attendant on women's conventions did- not show "up on this gud many strange looting csople, with umbrellas, and salekeis containing on their fcnees, were ob- Bervabje jji parts of the lialL The belle jylio bore the jSjaprs of the Convection was a -medium sized young "Jady. a' delegate, with brown eyes, and dart. chgStBufc hair, done cp in thicfc The victorious WoodhuU, also attired In Mac! was his or lior duly to offer motion or coiintei motion, UiltigB lufftn to bo oon- fuH'oU that ttui iiairin.ui lost hln head.

A Is mild that wo nnvc nn UM- io friiml In this IvunvtmMilti. It Is not so. We coiii' hum In the inlorusts of huw-inaiiity mid jirr-o- MAIIHOX. of Maine, the Ctialnnan--Oil foibld a we Hlioiild comu licro to giiml i i liavc no axes. We nil have conn' hen; tUc lull-rests of licu-munitr anil prr-o-gress, JIM tliu KCU- tlcuian from Kaunas nay.

A lulls scries of resolutions wore tlioii n'ft'l with Biich catch words "humanity." and "ptogreKS," "tiiu lomulo Bex," "ilown-troilden "Asocial lilV," "masculine tyranny," ami so on. The tioiiK concluded tiy iccoinmcndinjj lliata national ticket of "Human llitihts" be iiominatetl for President ami Vice President of the Culled States. Hccolullons accepted, but not adopted. A Professor Ilumc uncui'h. and the Comniittee on 1'er- uiauctii orgamyiition liorc rcpoitcd for officers of the Convention tlio following President.

Mr. J. D. Keyuiert. of New YorK; First Vice President, Anna M.

Middlebrook, of Connecticut; F. Elliott, New York: Thiid, Isaac M. ftazcr, Massachusetts: Fourth, taviuia Ittmrtnc, MaryUnd; Fiftli, J. M. Spear, California; for Treasurer, K.

W. Briggs. of Missouri. This report was iinnnunonMy adopted. During tlie afternuou a rule adopted, to nllow ten minutes to each speaker, after much contention among the delegates.

A number of per- soiis of both sexes availed themselves of this privilege, each speaker mounting tlie platform. Judge Rymert, of New York, accepted the permanent ciiainnauslu'p ia a brief and pertinent speech, parliamentary rules were not observed to any great extent, and questions ensued on points of order and privilege. A white-bearded delegate named SwacWionser arose and said- lie had once voted for Fcrnau Wood, but that since then he had avoided both the republican and democratic parties. He would never again vote for a candidate' who declared beforehand he would act as an noneBt man. Mr.

HENIIY BKENY was the next speaker. He said he had gone to the Cincinnati Convention in the interests of Horace Greelev snd had helped to nominate him. Had a'lvisert the Convention to go for Horace Greeley stsatlily, as they would be better enabled to carry ont the Directs of their Convention. Only let them hang on to the white coat-tail of Horace Greeley ana they would achieve their object, otherwise they might fail in tlieir great endeavors. A little man Tvitli thin lips, a quivering voice, a bald head aufl bearing a resemblance to Captain Cuttle, arose and said that he had attended ail the conventions called iu the name of freedom for tho last'twenty years, and that invariably he had been shut up, choked off and trampled on until now.

he was going to speak. In all these conventions he had triad to speak for a certain downtrodden and oppressed race. A VOICE--What race is he talking about Mix--I speak of the Indian race. I am an myself, and they never had any chance in conventions to which I refer; but, so heln me God, I hope the Messed day has arrived when that race will be heard in own defence in every convention called to as- ert the broad principles of humanity and freedom. Other addresses followed, and then Colonel BLOOD, one or Uie Committee on the Platform, step- ed forward and read the following declaration of principles of the new party of human rights.

TLATEOE3I AND DECLARATION OP PRINCIPLES. Kuch doe- mentof the United States, and to that end we a dvoeare ne adoption of a new constitution "which snail be in pcr- ect harmony with the present wants, interests and cou- lition of the people. Second--That the world has advanced so mnch in the ast ceatcry that the theories wliich tile present con.nsi- uon of the Cniied States and 01 ihe several SrsKs vitalize arc in many instances far behind onr present civilization. fhirrl--That there sfcould national code of civil and commercial law uniform throughout the coimtrv, the same to be administered bv a uniiorm system. Fourth--That ail important legislation should be submitted to and approved by the people--the becoming laws.

fifth--tost all monopolies should be abolished and si! the construction, management and nay, iin-ity with Kueli wi'ak Htupldtty! i Imli'uil, worthy tliu meanest. itlaveH. I let us have liislluc, though, (lie ItrnvuiiH full. The mi'fc f.icl tluil MilH Convention intiy numlnate v.indUlatcH Iw contest the coming election Is not. in my estimation to Ins ciitnparcil lo tlml fja-iil win piopnsc-d-tlic nrKl, without the lust wuu'd really Jiieiin while the last without tlie first would mil amount to a movement; both together may mean a revolution tnut uliall sweep, i icslKlloKS force, if not fury, over the whole country, to puru'c it.

of political trickery, despot assumiitlon and all Industrial Injustice. (Great cheering.) Mr. TIIKO. UANKS proposed that the plnt'orm be taken up and consideied. section by section.

Juilgc CAitj'Kit, of Ohio-- Tiie tune for wmds has passed. We want action. We have readied Hie culmination of our theories, and have proclaimed our principles to the world. Onr banner is unfurled. Wo want a standard bearer, aud w'io so lit to represent us as he who has so uoblv and so loni; stood by onr cause Without any more words 1 propose the name of Victoria c.

Woodhnil to be nominated President of the United States (trc- meudons cheering), and I call upon you to carrv motion by acclamation. Theu the whole audience rose and cheered vociferously. the men waved tlieir hats, and the women shook their handkerchiefs, the uproar being so great that crowds rushed in from the street. The CiiAiKMAN-- It has beeu moved and seconded that Victoria C. Woodhull, now before you on the platform, be nomlnate-J President of the United States; all In favor of the motion will say aye (a torreut of ajjes), contrary, no (silence).

The CHAIRMAN-- I now call upon you to ratify the motion by acclamation. The audience again rose ana cheered as If lungs would breaK, when an alarming rumor ran aronml the room that Mrs. Woodhull had fainted on the platform from excess of emotion, but when Mrs. WooUhull was lad forward by the chairman to respond, the applause was again and again renewed. Flu'hed and heated with gratified pride, her bosom heaving and her voice trembling, she said -I thank you om tiie b3 ttom of my 'soul for the honor you have conferred upon me to-night.

I feel it oil the more deeply as 1 have stood by you long, sometimes meriting your applause and "some times encountering your rebuffs, but I have bee always faithftil to ray puncinles, and without say ing more I again thauK you for the great honor yox have shown me. (Immense applause.) Judge CAKTEK-- We have -nominated a President We want a Vice President. to the woman can point to no class who have been so much op pressed as the negro. We want this Couvcntion proclaim eijaal rights to all therefore, to ruak our putform complete, I present the name Frederick Douglass, of Rochester, to you as Vic President of the United States. (Confusion, cries "So, 110," "Yes, yes," and great cheering.) The CnAir.MAN-- Frederick Douglass has been nom tnated; all in favor of his nomination will say Here a scene of the wildest uproar took place one-half of the audience arose and vociferously claimed a right to be heard on the motion.

The other half as strcnuouslv called for the motion. The Chairman endeavored to ijmet the disturbance bu he was unsuccessful, and the noise was so grea that it was impossible to count the vote. An ex cited gentleman arose in the centre of the room and asked the Convention was its enthusi asm not going away with its common sense sat his voice was drowned in the tumult. Whet order had in some measure been restored "a gen tleman from Oregon" shouted, "1 propose Spotted Tail for Vice President. The Indians were here be fore the negroes came, aud they have the pnoritv of right." (Great laughter.) Mrs.

LAURA Crapy SMITH, of California, proposed G. Juh'en, of Indiana. Then the nanic-s of B. H. Haywooa, of Massachusetts; Benjamin Wade, Ohio: Kobert Dale Owen, Judge Campbell, of Wyo miag: Iheodore Tilton.

Judge Reymart, Henry Waid Beecher, George Francis Train and others. Here a lady with a complexion of faded irescoe and a head of hair blowing every wav, likeaflelc of Hi-sown flax, rose and said "It is' not good for the woman to be alone, she mast have a helpmeel with her. I propose that Colonel Blood be nominated Vice President." (Laughter and auplause.) The confusion was every moment becoming greater, and the Chairman, seeing that nothing but it-onay discussion toot place relative to the merits of Fred Douglass, some averring that Ills adherence to Grant precluded Ms nomination by a convention of rising on the platform brought down tue house by saying Snow IkiiiglEss; I Snow Mm to be a he trie OBITUARY. Franco) Upton. The death on Uie lust, of Frances Mary Upton, wife of the late KlchnrU Morris aud daughter ol tilts late Captain frauds Upton, ol the UritiBh Navy, severs one more link ivllh a generation fast passing away.

Mrs. Morris was born In New York, October 18,1794, and, losing her parents during her chilJ- liood, she resided in Hie family of her maternal grandfather, Judge Jolmston, at his estate, Liulltli- gow, Dutchess county, until her marriage with Richard Morris, of Otscgo county. Her husband rounded a residence on a tiact of land, of which she was co-heiress with her sister, containing upwards of twenty thousand acres anil forming tue boundary line between Otsego and Cho- naruro counties for about twenty miles. It was held under what was known" as the Upton patent, a grant from the British Crown to her ancestor, Lord Tcmplulown, and adjoining the Morris patent granted to her husband's grandfather, Lewis Morris, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, for services rendered during the Possessing rare culture and accomplishment sand great conversational powers, Mrs. Morris lived a secluded life in her beautiful country home, dispensing an elegant hospitality and unobtrusive charities.

Her remains were placed beside those of her husband and son, in the family cerne- tary, Morris, Otsego county, aiid au impressive sermon was delivered by her relative and pastor, the Kev. Samuel Kosevclt Johnson, B. in the Morris Memorial Church of All Saints. I I Almanac Tor Itfew ITorls--Tliis Day. posing of tlie same by tlie government, escept for psblie purposes.

JEtgfuli--Thai there should be but one system of moTMev i and currency, and that tae public credit should Beits I mpnr in WKtifntrton aaonmreemir nim-t-. basis-aiid the national faith Its vifnp i JJIKIH, 111 abiungLon as engrossing cierx; js-irta-Tiiat ttM? ffloS TM emanafiBK- from ae slo to onr lats secretary, who had got worn out in irovermiient should circulate freely, and tint no payment cause: and therefore, am indignant that any lor its use should be permitted. doubt should exist as to Ills Dnncioles." (Applause tlie be direct, and I and cries of-'Stick to your iriends, old increase 01" incti- Mi-. TW. tlie eroenses of tne government.

I grave uoubt. Eleventh--That there should be unrestricted exclianse or J'ADr--I move that a telegram be sent to him all productions and commodities between nations anil ia- to ascertain if he will accept, and that the Conven- uividuals, without regard to distance or locaUry. tioc continue in session until an answer is received. j.v^ti--That wars are public feuds, and should be abolished by means of international arbitration. there be jnst public in-a-s to I Caimsui is now getting late, the regulate labor and establish uniform compensation for meeting will proceed te vote on the nominations.

i Ihe name of Fred Douglass is first upon the iist; ail the same. Snn rises 447 Sun sets 7 06 Moon sets eve 1113 High 11 15 OCEAS STEAMERS. DATES OF DEPAKTUKE FKOM NEW TORE POP. THE MONTH OF MAT. City pf Brookln, Baftic Rhjcin Idaho City of Republic Vil'ede Paris India Gitr of Dcntschlana Oceanic Trinaeria 1 Lina May Mfty 11..

May 11.. May 11.. May 14.. May 15.. May 16., May 13..

May 18 Mar JS MaV 18.. May 13.. 25.. May 25.. Liverpool-.

Bremen Bremen Havre Glasgow. Office 15 Broadway. 7 Bowling Green 19 Broadway. 2 Bowling Green 29 Broadway. 15 Broadway, 19 Broad-way.

SB Broadway. 15 Broadway. 2 Bowling Grcetl 19 Broadway. 7 Bowling Green PORT OF SEW YOKE, HAY 10, 1872. CLEARED.

Steamship Baltic (Br), Kennedy, Mverpoo! via Queenstown--J Bvde Sparks. Steamship City of Brooklyn (Br), Tibbits, Liverpool via Quccnstown--John Dale. Alseria (Br), Le Messnrier. Uverpool via vuecnstown--C Franckiyn. Steamship Anglia (Br), Small, Glasgow--Henderson Bros.

Steamship AUemannia (XG), Brandt hardt Co. Ship Charles (Br), Lechere, Antwerp--Bovd 4 Hinekcn. Bart Ansnste Tieige (XG), licckfeltlt, Cork for orders-- Funcb, Edve A Co. Barfe Fofnjot (Kor), Molback, Hai-re--lefcns Bockmann. Bark lonisa Bruno (Hal), Knsso, Gibraltar for Sejiar.

Bark Annie (Br), Mav, Kingston, Ja--G BnHey. Bark Ida (Br), Uov.nie. Caibarien-J A Alice Taiater (Br), Conner, Mamnzas--Siller Honsliton. Bark Savannah, Scaife, St Marvs, Ga--Jas 31 linnard Co, BriR Mary teigiiton. Lcigliton, Eingston, Ja--S De Cordova.

Brig Memphis (Br), Macomber, TTinasor, ICS-Crandall, Berteanx Co. BrigScnsha-w, Sylvester, Gibara--E A Kobertson. Brig Emilia Gareinlo, Bansor--A icrcsto. Schr Battler, Newcomb, Nassau, XP--B Wcnbcnt, Schr Frank Atwood, Coleinan, Earacoa--B Wcnberff. Schr Johnson, ilarte.

Wasuington, DC--Slagiit CHKirle, Bobinson, Kcnr Mary Hamilton, Brown, Hartford for Now Tort. ficlir II Urmidall, (lilyn, with planter to Crundull, A Co. CliandU'r, Titus, Windnor, NS, dnys. wHtl pliMortoJ I' Wnilbcrmwoii A Kchr Jiirncs II Dnryoii, MoMnlion, Hath for Now Yorlt, with lumber lo Gco OLlH A Co. Kchr Nuiititis Hum, Itorkport, with cninilo tx order.

Hohr Djintilud, Jiddy, JVman, i'uwtiickot for York, Kclir Mltobcll, l.ubn; lor New Voik. Kchr (Icorjjo, Khattcrdock, Waldoboro lor New York, wilh llmo to onlcr. Sclir II Ooulcl. Crowcll, New Bedford for Hchr Mowfwjr, (Jrocin'ort lor New York. Hclu anlii, ljudlow, fiwlmi lor New York.

a Allen, llrldftcpoi I'or New York. Jalmy, Itcnrv, AddUoli, Kocklund for New York, with lime to order. Bcntlcy, Providence for NPIV York. Murtru-w, Sntcy, rrovidcncc lor New York.

WiHInin- Uh to Auton. Sclir SuleiidW, Schr Grace Wureham for New York. iljiilcy, Gardiner, Me, York. ith lumber Kchr Snliiioii Waahburn, Staples', Taunton for Kcw Tiork. KclirAiiidns for New York.

hchr Smith, Brown, Jio'-ton for New York. Schr Anna li JOickjiisou, IJeacon, Cold for New Schr John Randolph, Itandolph, Tunnton for New iork. Schr Oharloy Milltr, Jonrp, Kcw lluvcn for' Virginia. Schr Smith, Oysttr for New York. J-ehr Hanlino, Providence lor Cossjickic.

Mahask, Guy, Sackctwcll, Me, lor York, with spiles to Mos-s Ward Schr Jameb Parkinson, Sen, Kelly, Providence for Xew York. Schr Hollen Brown, Iliwinson, Somerset for Sow York. Schr Franklin Pierce, Calais for New York. Peiro, Huxers, lor New York. hchr Cloven, Vlnalunven for N'ew Yore.

beer HatUo, Matliews, Lubec tor New York, Buchanan, Slovcr, New London lor New York. On on, Smith, Brooklnucn lor New York. Echr Unll, Kcw Haven for Virginia. hcnr-Montlnt. Burr, Providrncu for New York, feclir Texas, New London for Newlmrg.

i 1, Smith Eaton, Provick-nce lor Elizabctbport bclir Tf-, Magill, Jonos. New Brdlord lor New York Mnr sturges.s Lane. New lor New York. Mourner Metis, Davis, Providence lor A ew VorK, with muse ana Steamer Tlictis, Gale, Providence for Sow YorK, with mdRC and passengers. BOUND EAST.

Boston. 'S. Bchr Hattie A "Port j'ohuson for New Bedford. Schr Lfenrc, Richardson, Port Johnson forBoston- Schr Kaiusay, Brown, New York for Somerset. Schr WachcJ, Gills Piiiladcipiiia lor Newport.

Schr Addle Murchie, Gibbs, Philadelphia for Provi. deuce. Schr Jnmei Warren, Drisco, New York for bchr Phojnbt, Thompson, lloboken lor Portland. Schr Ella Towuscnd, Sickle, Elizabcthport for Providence, BC-Slaght Schr Piaro, Soper, DC-giaght 4 Petty. Cl ow 'ey, Elizabethrort-Z Folsom, Eose, Elizabc-tfinort-S Eotid Co Schr Bed Beach, Donerty, Frye 4 Co Schr time, ieijjiton.

Boston- Simnsori. Schr St Croii, Baton, Boston-Jomi Boynton's Son k5 0nc- Wickson 1Vareham-H TV Jackson ry Lemuel, JaJvfc, Sew London-- wlta a csersidrk---aai -ujr a auc necStie. came "in lats belonr tofficday, with a smile on her Up, and her sister. rj. ClaBin; similarly attired, on her arm.

Wherever these two amazons went crowds of the cluz uelegates clustered around them, and many ladies embraced and Mssed Mrs. WcodiiolL Tennie Claflin objects to Sissing, an4 would not have it. On escb. Mde of the Platform ivere bine siiten banners with -IBS following inscription blazoned in letters of reruns -wlio nave it is tlie duty of the govermeut to gnar- AOTed to all iinemnloycil persons upon equitable principles of time and coinpensatioii- capital punibhiuent sliould be annlisjied- protection of society against criaie apald be iThoSJy upon the 'principle of RaSSSrSs there Fhouja be the most extended pub- 13to intercbunge between lro- I toe mmer2 whole jeopL i iaOithouliast, ana give to the lie refused to grant! HASSOS-- II 3Ir. Donglass decUnesthe honor, I move that a gentleman ol color be nominatea in his stead.

CIIAIBHAS-- What color (Laughter.) of course. vi'TiSci-Iliomiiiate IV. Fillips in the absence of Fred Doaglass. TOICE He ain't a temperance man-- he says tnere is noTaire for drunKeness. The jnotioa was laid upon the table lor consideration to-dav.

A lady Vice President or the meeting men came subjects by an fonvaid and said. "Let us organize for action. of com- "We $200 oelbre ten.o'^locjxto-morro'w mom- resources and "i "Seither said any of tbcm that, aagnt of the; things -which he possessed was his own: but; all things common, xfce Acts, as follows "Government Protection ana Provision Irom the Cradle to the Grave;" 1 "The TJnemnloved Land. 'World and" Compensation:" Lawstaiast be Submitted to 'the People:" --71iat Hie destauy ol onr government is to exten its supremacy over Uie American contiiicnt, and that an universal for ail the people oi' tiie globe istbe aliiaintc or government therefore. thatTve form oaiselves into a distinct political organization, under the name Equal Itichts Party and declare onr Jiscd porpos tiie reconstruction of Ihe government in coafonnit the principles herein ibr the proinoUon'of the general good of mankind.

The resolniions" elaijoaiea in the platform were accepted, bet were not adopted br Convention. It was agreed they should be left open fo- A long aiscnssion then ensned. and, after much At haii-past seven o'cloct the Convention door, leaving only about three hundred persons in the lialL and this miserable minority did not seem to have'rtBy money. The strong-minded -women on a. Semedvju ald ol aa Eft Eal Inheritance to uucts 01 Tne rass Daoffld ol tte Living TtaniM taD, good-looSing jouog lisllow', witb.

shrp eves act! a fine ehoct of "haJr: Judge Carter, ol OWo, and Judge Kevmert, of Sew Tort, a second edition of Gsorge Francis Train, were two" leadtoR spirits in the Convention. and-tritli Tennie C. Claflin (who made S350 in stocKs i ofsemun- hcard on the platform, whicls carried. 1 Mrs. WoodhuB appeared ananiniousiy a neat Wact silfc the House fo.

the of the caSon- fouri who will perhaps have the honor yesterday while the Convection was Jn session) "put up all tee jobs." A Tvaite-oeaded andwhite- old fellow named Swacknouser tried to -lise to the sorJace several times, buwtbe Convcn- tion sat oa nim anii squelched his shining tSEaBefullv. A man in a graysuit, with Hiin -and a fidgety -pMa, T5vi TraBUEVeTtSe oat. gjade it UJs UostoeS to run to the side of "tke ata-ESpouna Bartrtnian theories to 'the own csaeme de- Luat uu 1U1 llici the irreet Hninan Rights Convention, the harbinger of new revolution, adjourned until ten o'clocK thig morning. O-CT- They- Propose to Carry tibte Gr-ccley 3fot To Ladies in Conncil- of the Sational Association was held yesterday, morning and evening, in Hail. A nwae- rons and attantive andience was in attendance.

At eleven o'clocS Miss Susan B. Anthony called the meeting to order and introduced the business oflhe day. In an introductory speech she plained tae platform of the association, and stated that in the forthcoming election she proposed to advocate Car man or psrty. bat any candidate who to her sister sovereign! Queen at BacKinjrnam Palacs. toot sufflragc.

It was time iirira? Social, Industrial and Educational be i pledge himself to Etrpport woman titat tfomen should no longer treated as slaves or chattels, For the first time in the fcistorv of modern civHi- zation do we sec evidences Miat its otrii ifemcaisr, characteristics are at ihe verge of culinjaaSCu IndividnaliEation, not onlf of but of aU bv which it is surrounaed. hasbeea tSe roiiBc spirit: awi followed be piaeed on a footing or with men. The amcnd- tae constitution gave the franchise to all citizens, gnd surely women had as goffi a JJght to tod walSed all tta -Its SSSI Ws or ler own way, tSatlitkiltns'nesrroes: tae ngnts of were franUaientJy wiUiheid from them, but Every delegate tad to pay His or her ywfS: "imtif riity nave "anjrrt "at Women mast tn bOllOm Of aaalVSlS--tO IKinCCt mitntrs- tt.Tfjnl(J Stamford. ward. Yotms Baltimore.

AKEIVAIiS. KEPOP.TED Br -THE HERALD ST Steamship Jason (KG), Haaek. Stett'- penhagen and Cbrirdansand, irtth gerstoWendt4KomineJ5bnrj. Steamship Crescent City, Van Si TACHTS. ffce, Jfcc, to arch variable winds verpool, 85 days, to order, fookthe Troon 63 daft, trith coal Tariable (ofJfewBaven), Ehodes, Martin- lr and bar.

rk IT -Wasa (Br), Thnrroott. Havana days, with to ocfleJt; vessel to Brett, Son Co. Had variable was days north of Hatteras. April 23, lat 23 3, Ion S22S. FDOke orig Angelia, from Jamaica for Ion 79 12, saw ship Baden, steering Bars Harriet FHnssey (ofBiehmond).

Xracv, Savannah days, with lumber to Bizlow A Ck vessel to Chas I. Wright i Co. Had fine weather; been days north of BELOW. Ship Magdalene (NO), Hcnlce, Bremen April 5, with ase and passengers to Chan Lulin" Co (bv pilot boat Abrmmni Lcggeu No 4). Shfp Caroline Stricter, from Bremen March 1SL Eark America Irons liotteraam April 5, iUi mdse to Unkart 4 Go.

Wina at Hinset NE, light Marine Disasters. Smp COMMODORE, Gilmour, at Kanaimo 20tli ult from Pan Francisco, on the second dav out, sailor named 5Ic- Ivay was knocked from the jibboom, and -was drowned; lost two upper topsails aud a foretopgallantstavsaiL SnipXoiu (Br). from Fort Gamble for Callao. put into Esqutmiitilt (British Columbia), on the 2UUiof April in from Per- Slstultinlar. (she Je only one on board acquainted with Capt ifford.

the first mate and one seaman having: died from tci er -when two weeks out Ihe fever ceased 10 days before speaking. The brig and an hands belong to MocktoD. Me. SCHEMEMESTO Nickerson. from Elizabethport for Plymouth, with coal, pnt into New Bedford 9th inst.

having burin nnfcnown bark Etlinn Allen, onhrnril bound r- nuilni'd at Hiu'lmr In the Kouil'itl Minsct Kllll-- Arriu'd, Ktwmipr Wllllnni Kennedy, barks Liverpool (I)r), Newport. Is; Iturke, Kavul, via Kt MlchacN; Xuplivrlnc (Hr), Unna- ruru; brlKn'Ulilcorn Kurinaiu; KliyU (Jlr) Olnrk. Koimrdy, llirli, llalllinoro; Hiir- nhull i i Mciliiitnr, I'oncc. AKo i i i Mill, nfiiiiilili VcUlollun, llowpa. Ilnlll- morc; ship Kovwell 1 Spurroiv, JLiverjtool bark Morjzjm, UALTIMOUK, 9-- Arrived.

nranii1ilD Caip'mn Ititclii' 1 Liverpool via Iljili'nx and Norfolk; Itark Yuiiwy- di-n Itlo.lnnijiro; Ijrii: Cofflll Day, 1'oit Uonny JJoaU KelK, "iiv Ilnvcii; Star, Baker, Card'-nng. At Quarantine, bhii) Sii las (KG). B'IIIOM. Irom Hremcn. Cleared-- Marks (Jranon rNor), niwkc, Waterford, -i (Br), Dalrymple, Rnttcnliun brfe Ida cn- ci-1 st Thomas; sclir.s Adria brfe Id niilfi.

arlmdoi; j-oti. MUlor, K.ISUII; Da'v'ia raubl, Lord, and Forest Oak, I'nrker, Boxtoil. BANG'MC. Martha Marln, VcaJic, Bonaire i I.yci-nn. I'recuian.

Mill Crc-uk; Korcbt 1-rench, New lr Tl T' 0 n- Phltndolphln. BltlbroL May 8-Sailed, Ann Unrll, Tyler Alexnnilrm: Rnlicrt I'alincr. Uabol. Plnhtdelnliia llr May lu-Arriv IS JUranpner, from. i i A Crawronl, Yoang Ot-o I' 1'ricK, Unuukin.

New York. KOBTRESS MONKOE, Jluy 10--Arrived, bark Etna (Br). from I'eriminlineo lor orders. 1'aisi'd out--Bark Deer, for Wilmington, NO; tchrs 3 Elliot, for New Jlaven; Emma Gregorv, lor Boston i fjrangor, and A I'ridemore. for New York.

Sailed--BjirkEilina, for Xew York. GALVESTON, May 3-Arrived, bark Avondule (Br), Cardiff. UEOKOETOWN, SC, April 30--Arrived, schr Btovor, Arey, Savannah. May 1--Cleared, srhrs Slopes Patten, Belfast. 2d, Fannv Shaw, Watts, Thomas-ton, Me- 3d- Grace Kenncbunk, ith, Wui Slatar, Watts, Boston.

GEOKRETOW.V, DC, May 8--Arrived, schr Jennie Rosit- lene. New York. (JAliDI.VEK. sclir Katie Mitchell Easlon. 'New York.

Sailed Ifh. schrp (Jen Howard. John-on. and Jilarv Jane, Merrill, New York; 5th, Henrietta. Piuvtnckct; Congress, York, KlizabetJiport; Oth, Alice Oaken, New York.

LYNN, Slav 3--Arrived, schrJMaipsty, Weaver, Itondont- Cth--Arrived, sclirs Jessie Knight Fenton, Philadol- pnia; Oregon, Perrv, Hioh inonu. Sth--Arrived, schrs Quickstep. Smith, Hoho'ten; Aleteatl, Hand, Rolidout; Bedabedec, Ivnowlton, Wce- hawla-ii. NEW ORLEANS. MIT 5--Arrived, steamship Snxonla.

winxcn, Bremen via Havre and Southampton 9th--Arm ca. steamship Bolcpr, New York NORFOLK, May 8-Arrived, schr Eaton, Poolc, New York. Fib- Patrick, Smith, Philadelphia: Dolphin. Smith, B'aitbnorc- Charl'js Thompson, Elizabetbport NE'V BEDf ORP, Mfiv 9--Arrived, schrs Mary Price, John, Philadelphia; Smith, Nickerpon, New York; Memento, Nickersyti, Elizabethport lor Plvmouyi (see Allen Miildleton, Davis, Georjctoivn. DC.

Falkenbitrg. Cook, Joseph. Cake, Smith; Allen, Case, and Moses Eddv, CoUrell, New- York. NEWPORT, May 8, PM--Arrived, schrs Elizabetli losan; Chcrbucfc; Elm City, Kellv, ami T'aatt Borden, lladwin. Fall River lor New York; Bsnt- ley.

Baker, Providence for do; Guo A Brandrctl), East Greenwich for Crotou; Congress. York, Portland for Nc York:, Kan-ley. Vinnuiavcn for WashiiiKtoti, DC; John FSpofford, River for New York: Warreu Gates, Smith, and Sharp, Austin, Providence for do; St ilalionsv. Anderson, Tor Philadelphia; Jiarly Bird, Eluridge, Fall Kiver lor sloop MounV Hope, Coo, Itondout. Sailed--Schrs fe'plendifl, Phinnev "Wareham for York; Statin ath, Frovideuce tor do; Nellie- Brown, Higgin.

1 Somerset lor do; Expedite, Jacket, lor do. At anchor in the outer harbor, bark DeVcbcr (Br), Wright, from Providence for HiramichL KB, waiting wind. uitbystuffini? old nnk into the DOTT kept her afloat so as to reach Hyannis where temporary repairs were made sufficient to reaeri eill ra 1e i standing sharp on tlie irind, and the other vessel was rnnning free. The unknown vessel Sept on, without stopping to Inquire as to tie condition the 31. from Pantira, NO, 6th inst, Trim rnder and head ipJSng aSd SCHE intoSfi vessel leaking.

qgmftge. 3tay bark is ashore on Turks Hands. the iloreKce Jcters, from rtaadel- rt, apt Mflean, of the ship Cambridge tBr). which staved yesterday from Liverpool, states that tuerc ivas 2o foundation whatever for the statement to the effect tnat his vossel had struck on a rock off Samaro when, cennng up. XitK MT TToitisioy.

of New Bedford, 325 tons which hss been that port since Aus 9. 1871. has been sold -with Kiventory. to Messrs Swht i Allen. She will be mted for the Arctic whale fishery.

BAHK ALPHA, of New Bedford, 345 tons, wlilch has jn that port since April 18, 1SSS, with inventon-, has Loen sold to "VVm Cook A Co. SCHE ZEcci was sold at Savannah 7th inst by US marshal fomyth. tinder a writ of venditioiii expoiias lor the cnm of SH7 Brig Emily (Br). Kettle. Alcoa Bav, CGH, 73 davs, with wool, to order.

Hounded the Cape Feb 23 and the equator Aprillin Ion S7TT: had liaht variable winds toe entire passage; March 30, 1st 1 13 Ion 34 ship Smeapore for Boston- Brig Egyptian" (Br). Lambert, Bahia, days, with rosewood to order. Crossed- the Eqnator April" 9 in Ion 36 had very light winds and calms dnring the whole ci). Aya, Tnspan, JTei. 25 arqnard.

Had light winds and Brig Dos de Slavo to BrigTTWLsrf, fBr, Beneon. Sesnsbo. trfth sofRir and raolasscs to Baidettand Pond--vessel to Hatton, Watson Co; liad ligbttvinds and becu9 days north of Hftttcrfilt. Brie ilisat (Span), Hirambeti, CarileiMis 12 days, in ballast, lo order. Brigt.aciaa(Br),Attilison.

dfivs, with molasscstoorder: vcssci to 1 Kevins Sons, Had weather; was6fiavs north ofHatters, Mavl Iat2, loa 7S 0. passed a vessel of about 150 tons, bottom or- Schr tred Smith (of Bsugort. Ssiish. Arrovo PB TS davs.Tvith'rmKraoaaiolsa'iestoBarfett i Pond; vessel to Loud A Co- Had fine weather; been 3 fiavs nortt ofHaWcras. Kanh Jane (Brt.Fcrkln.1.

StBoniinKO Citr lldays Tun nna CAffs? orflcr- bud -variable weathBX- Elca. Scnr John jenses. T5ie ton oesaa to ffil after tan of hours wcr? "spent in esanflniB; of delegates aad transaciiiig the visual pre- Jlmicaries of organization. express jmrjioK of Jayiag ttese" comer stones, i tov A very plain loosing old laciy aajac3 ITarJin ran -waich they have been so Jon? fitting andsqnaring adv. fnr --411 i tie stage and cried out to a.

for liu 1 crand time. From thi? Convention "Will 20 vote thsfs-iiBe-sreare Traiting some one sings sweepover whole worio. os be careful, ttiea, scate any tneir decide for "whom vote. At present jnev mnst mve their anncst to the candiyaV who would support their pjr.ts So Bonglw; vcssci to IncJtrcaJbcr. er.

Abrams, BlenifcerA davs, TriSi iglas; vessel Somasar. HadJfiiewca- FIUT (of Gioacegtcrt Beeves. Harbor Mann. 7 TriOi rsacs Joseph Eneas; vessel to 8 TVcnJurs. dsys north of Hat- Scbr Mitrticll (Brt, Earacoall cays, -xitti to llJ A VOICE--Give Jis Uie "Wcarias of tic Crccn TM" Mrs.

Murnx-iet us nave "HaS, Columov," and The aadieiice Uien sang hrinn in a Tcrv Etragslinz -way. several jirettv girls ia tSegaHfiry maids below in ineixdyoftne tau ami KtuGos in their zjouiis Mie fcomc maaidojis delegate irtnspered that a person in 3iall FiCail- pox, aad coBrfacraHe -svhaFnerins: ensned thercas. A man ia fcoudea srra-, earned tteMox, frrao "'war taeoTra 3n jSaiae," -was trauporary cbair- fflar, jta5 Jdrs. Saxai Sfff Tort airf JbTtnlain contains no subtle pei5Xn or of docdiency. wMch siail distU ifutwhat does freedom mean as applied vjdualttv Why.

just this (ana it was never Inorc forcibly. cJearJy or iogjcaBy sst forth lias ia the Declaration of In" right tn life, Hbtrry secrctarhs. iniess two lafiies aD wlw saw Ihem. One wore ier lalrfa jraflS: th? other had hsr liair cat down to Mr. MABPOX, of Maine, JQ iiecch, 'rota ffite chest a ITios 3 raaxrsanicd OBTIS, frcssi jiaris jmnpsaon 65s ntthle Ices sad cnea O5 arc we here Tlai.t'5 wtot the To oe free is to possess aad "SPfeat eqffiiSiy It is taa? every Uie iB- wjiat JnstJce Ttos Ure IG intfivrlTtals sTiall BjjariiiEt cause govcnoneut 3s not oonfluea 1 its (spnere ofsecartnfc cxcrrtae of iJic of indivianals, JorirtdcJi ita jaul pcrwCTS Trom rtoiits.

whatever his opinioas in other respects itthe might he- Ths associaon not msn. to pni. for- its -ward any iroaiaa as cauOsdats lor the Presidency; object Tvas to assert 15ie claims of all -sTon-ien, and for ttiis cause Uiev uinst sinK a3i Tniavr diilercECcs zn-1 mate a nnilcd effort. Jlith- Hie ibcpes -waicJi had Nrcn lormed in various QuaTvcrs roet 3 the Snalieuable lire WorkinjjmeE'sCtmvcalJoaaJColnsjibnsigaorcd Schr rycis, of tie TtoJits or -women to the saffrsgc. Tlie Liberal Scir Oliver.

Panwll, Anx Caves 33 davs, -srjtJi Jrcwowl lo Becker A Co-- vessel to Sotincs, Smi'th Co Had Jicbl winds and calms: been A davs aortJi of Wheaton of ThdAdelplaaX AtJ vilic. April Svia Char flays, with tic ew Haven rw Mill Co. Had fiirc Been dars aorUi ol HaUtras. Is proa So Sew TJ Slancvant. Crose.

HatterM days, -with shiat- clcp 3o Blafccly- to Azzoy so Schr Bozcs. Tlis in. rrcjicJj. fton Orris to sit DD irmsva "Sim" Jn a mtanlc. Osrts, of jrovemeft, ttsss.

ve staT! dav on tbe verge cT political auaTcny. Go" wlierc -TC maj in tac Isn4 we see irm, ioeroa3Ity TrccfiOTJi, cqsanty and jnsSne saouia Ire That Tre are 3or once jroing to yon at jcmr i -worl to help trarseJves, 3s Just trliat vre are I QQ -rj. flrc TJJ.JJ5, -n-jien Mr. Each win itvscivc a IKt- i. wlika tria tn-Sfls tajsi f' to aJi.

OMitrs win Jot-s seata. Aywiap lafl.r in jae jiaBirj agato Ijanfflscrdflei A actntioT en strolled iaio tic JiaM ana gapsa? at sheer wOooisTjidcni. The TOOVC thsi a of two lws.pj«-Mca Txm cat-hStale anaTcrr-c-Sory. A i.J-^-HEtTirn toore as an ajneDd-e- Unt tic Cfceer 7j-5-nt a comjaSMee of Uur- 071 jiermancTst Ad'jpt-sO. The committee: was aiipoiotea.

4Jifl re- S3rp4 jnaninucr room. TJi" were ai E. Spear, rsali- Mi's A. MaqsacW- 5 C- 'f- T. JX r.

Sjwara ir.kji'jt tSat the poTemniciJt pSbfl'lo social ttie tnaio ywn, Miartsess. lyyocriles; tor ye are Jfte auto wnHfld sEptikStires, urMKSti jndeea sjfpcar tton- tlfifl -sritlKral, tat -wIlMn arc ftiU of Jeaa IDEO' 1 3 bouse aua jrocfeajijicss: ye ontwarny tnito roeD, TmS wittta: aa'3 li may be Jala 3o-srn as ftnwlflinental isatcTeiyptTsoapn amvinc at aflnU age Js CTIM- 1154 50 Jiavc Jii'i egoaj ojiTorrnnitleg JOT sftwUtr, in- ar9 cdocaikiii. More than ODe-cKOttn or our entire poiralaMon can neither read Dor Five million two htitiarea seventy inonsarKl peTStms over the ace of tc-n years are in 'Ms lerriHs conantm--a ssfflcjcat 10 itself iaTaray tne T'fjncjplCS TtJKjfl -wtiiolj OTiT Is few4. But, says anotcr, tnjii wooW Ww raV 05 a for that frtiri ftfice iJjJiJ Tiin r.ot ferr. 10.

TT-WJH u--, iiinSon. Well, i cioJBUKmJ Conrcotioii at CSncinnaW was. if posslMe, woree. Tor hAd fm- many years Tiast thrown COM asfl rPlimlf TJTOI lie" ocveirfcnt- TJfC TriXfHsif was an TKTHV lo woman's and EO "Tfs -srorr-aa wosM Cuecxys They urasi ow wajch UK OOTJTSI" wJrich te OKI 3in rtpn'b'b'aais wonlfl jrarsnt st ana if thf c-Mins oT women fhtj fle- serrccl the warmcs! support. Faainir 43us.

there was -vet hope In Uic democrat at Baltisjore. 'Women Jtmst act roacnta they lie lollest Tccnznllion oT their iim.liena.Me nchls. AnHJOTiT was JoHftwcO 5. C. Stautou.

J. laara DC Force Gordon, A. .1. fanning. M- H.

BrtolJCirjKiiraiia oftcr laaics. who inafle appeals to the po-irK-tisin ol their Iiearcrs, In streecbos tif conaaeraMe aWiity vocawrd wannly the Jaflfs" Itie TC9P- 3nt)O7is proposea at the meetlnc of the jprecedrDg 3ay were then paaseO an3 the JWlowlnc ojficers for year Fresideaj; MissSosan of Sew Jersey; lrs.T. R. BooKer, Mis. C.

3u lazier, Sew yxr3; Mrs. 3. CMMas, Massa- chupslts; Krs. f. W.

Ba-rts, Mrs-C. F. Mrs. 3. Jcmcs, Mamc.oola; Mrs.

Frances Miner. MSSSWITJ; E. Orilfittis. ana Mrs. A.

A. Sargent, Treasnrtr. In the cvenhiR Ittcrcrtttti; were made oy Tartotis tedles. A c-imrpajKn committee was appointed lo wait apon ihc representatives of tlie political parties to learn their views In rfcfpsct to woman's solTrags. to cjiil future conrenMons.

The meeting was then formally aojonrncfi sine ate. TSB "ivOCDS. Tfi" "onS out. ives; OB we 5 Hvr.TOE. Hiiorc d' May 10.

art on JOT Fcnr iicnrsflc Satrw, f-thr Snsai ScranV-'Ti. for Pchr Uraican. TMO. Tiraoaa fnr FiarJi Eric HtunWOT ff-f. TfWtc, 1o for Sm Strsr T-w drte- Brro, TOST 35tlfaFt for Tor 1 Schr Ttvrt WgJrt, TITOC.

Cnlnis wStw Tort, trith lum- tci Jotn Btr.Tn/(Ti Stci i Ott. Mott, for TorTi, with Erne J-ol'm Tra.11, Ca Scnr Bcjirfrr f'ir TJew Twlc- SCCT Sard na, run Tarcr tor Stw T-wrt ScTiTSrotzt, rorOimfl for wia stone ScnrJttra 5 Bofrafflj, Penairton, BocUioia for Sirw wK, -wtiii lijne lo 31 wro-wn. SctoJtery Msriibtm, BrtfJranicB, Sew Srtir Hwld, for JtxnUflftt. Sctn wm I'T-tramn, SomtTsct for Stw Tort, willi Jiroe SCDT EavcTi SU-ltT Boaz, sGswortb fcr Sew Tort, w3il to w- Schr Tnlrndidro). Wott, JSt-w Twi.

ScIjT Amrrtoun Ejitlc, M.nn7ȣan. fw Ktw with JffmJitr A. Co. 5v rir 3137ji. HarrjaTirtoT) f'ff New TtrmV Tcrk.

Sraotrat or VESSELS-The -Uesanaria (Va) Gazette a great want uf vessels here for tue coal trade. Black diamonds are rapidJv accumulating unon. the wharves for want of transportation. -AtAddison. Cant A Knowles has commenced work on a vessel of 500 tons.

Tha HOSTS look intend to begin -wrorfc soon on a schooner of 200 tons. Business is brisk in the shipyards af Harrington, iTc. A large amount of lognairc will be built this season. Sewall Fcsseuden and others, ol Sandirich. are hating built in Bath a three-masted schooner or 450 tons bu? tteiLtobe connnanded by Capt Hatbawav, to run Georgetown, DC, and Coliassct Narrows, in the trade.

3Votice to mttriiiers. Mr SflisDaggett has about completed the newlisht- ionse on East Chop, to supply the pface of the one burned last December. On Thursday evening, Mav 2. it was to have been tahtea for the first time- It -mil show a ftsed red light, at an elevation of 76 feet above the level of tne sea, and can be seen about 14 miles in clear tvcatlior re-establishment of this light is due to the energy of Mr tvill be supported by contributions" of visiting Tinsvarfi Haven harbor, as before. DATUUOTIXre- Alterauon in position and in lights of coast guard ves- Ths TnrHsh covernment has given notice that the vessel to all merchant ships -passim; the Dardanclies tave to deliver Uieir flnnan has been moved from Galata Bournrsi, aadis now moored near the opposite shore at Lampsaco.

The vessel is painted yellow, and at niffht, ihree lights placed heretofore; a exhibits a red light at the mast and a ivaitc light at too! of horizontal yard. arema sn etic By order of the Bureau c. Hydrographic Office. April vvnalcmcn. Navigation, ptain CSX, Hvd: Cardenas; Ethel Boulton (8r), Hanej BrnCR- Kntjrht, ilatanzas; Beauty Br), Shields, Soser (Br).

LucRic, Demerara, G). Kas-ebohm, CabeUo: Alcvone, Davis. Caibaricn; II rland. Jacksonville; Caroline Keunedv, Coby, Norwich; CB Boston; Koljinsou, New York; Ocean eller, Adam-, Boston: Haley. Boston; Em-owl Boron, Jarris, Boston; Corson, Corson, Saiem.

Cleared--BarRs Citadel (Br), Stewart, Cork or Falmonth; Kate Crosby (Br), Hibbert, Kottcrdam; brigs Koanoke (Br), wilkie, iaguarra; McK Spearing (Br), Thomson, Cienfneeos: Alice Putnam, Rogers, JIatauzas; Pen- celi, Eaton, Caibarien; (J Dale, rierce, Banepr: schrs Mary BUey, Kiley, Salem; Tyler, Barrett, Posoer, Hndson, Boston; Oriole, Quijicy Pt; ER, Xo 34, Adams, Lottery Landing- POETtANB. May 8--Arrived, schr Harriet Fuller, vril- lard, Ke-K- Tork: steamer Franconia, Braes, do. Cleared--Bark Howard (Br), Seuliner, weymouth. schr Inaecendeuce. Strour, Port JefTerson.

9th--Arrived, brisrMinnie Miller, Leland, Pminaelphis. Cleared--Schrs Francis St Clair Edwards, POETSMo'lTTH KIT, 3fav sclirs Jatnes- Tonng. Wilson. Baitisaore:" Annie Jiarcnie, Jobb. PortJohnson: Bessie Slorris.

Alien, and iTasgie Philadelphia. 7th--Arrived, schr Kiekerson, Newburg. Mav 1--Arrived, schr Boser, Elizairethport. Sailed Cth. schrs Ada Doane, J.ickerson, and son.

Hurst, Sew Tork; 7th, Fisher, Carnes, do; Ha Boston, do. PROt'IDESCE, May 9--Arrived, bark Armstrong (Er), Brown, I-ivcrpool: seers FMerwin. Lunding, Vu; Anna Sairord, Powell, Philadelphia for Pawtuckct; FusMoil, Hudson- and Kins, Bhven.Elizabethport; JfewEegulus. Hallock: Bunce, and "VTm Burden, Adams, Rondont: Emeline Potter. EUsivorth, do for rarrtncket; David A Berry.

Walters; Minouas, Heanev, and Helen Mar, Ward, Hoboken; Eclipse, IIs.en. Northport, SaUed--Schr Cabado, Swain, Philadelphia; II Ely, Stokes: Eacticl Jane, Taylor; KorUirup; Moiitezuiua, Bulger, aud Susan AHarv, Kcll- von, Xew York. PAWnreKET, May S--Amvea; scars I Oakle3v' Nevrman, and OynthJa Itondout. Sailed--Schrs Elvira, Bancroft; James Crowell. and Samuel Carlton, Burke, New York.

RICHMOND, May bark Fmhling (KG), Koepka, Wilminet-on. NC. in ballast, to load for Liverpool; Era- maT Gregory, Thomdikc, Portland. fiom Boston Ki liverpool Stay--, iat A heading south, Ship Hoganaot, Pefcrroa, from Goanapc for Hambmrc. Atuil 10.1st 7 Jon W.

Bark'Wavelet, from 5 Kio Janeiro SrXcw Tort, Marcs 31.1nt]622S. Ion37W. BrlcAMne CliSfttd. fixssa PernsiDUnco for'Newrorfc, Apnl 21, tet 1cm KL Brig Alex Sictels. fmm XCTT Tort for HaviBa Hnv 5, lal W.

loa 75 30 hrforeV A MTE. lKnnd north, mpposea the Slarv Eicr, from Eio -Tsmciro (March lor Baltimore. April near UK; Equator- Foreign Ports. An CiTcs. April 27--la port, torig Htn, fo" aork jn sclirGenrgieiia.for 3o.33ars.

April 21--la pon brig Sadeila fSG), GrahL April 23--In port I.i!1bm TTirrcn, for XcwYprkTiwctdny; Azclda lanra, Xclaaoc: JJ-ir-r 1) Jxaich, Atkins; and Laura A do, xwn Fort Holbrook; Mount Hope. Dennis, and Pacific, Ginn, Xcw York. Saiied 4th. schrs Hardscrabble, Fales, Sew York: Cobb, Kennedy, do; Coombs, Jameson, Norfolk; Vm Mcljoon, Duncan, Ztyctiellfr; 6th. Snow Siroal' SAS FEANCISCO, May i-Arrived, ship Shirlev, Hat- thsws.

Tacoma; sehr Francisca (ilex)., San liifc. Cleared--Brii; Moorburg. (KG), Haniw, Sailed--Ship (viritvrood fBs), Juinnott, Liverpool. I0th--Arrived, s.lii;) India (Br), "Ward.

LivcrpooL SAVASXAH, May 10-Clearcd, bark Alamo, for Bcvdv schr Irvine, lorFonce. STMAKYS. Ga, May 7--Arrived, bark Adelaide. Eteb- berser. Baltimore.

SOMERSET, May 9--Sailed, scar Ceo Mills, JTiiloteon IW. SAI.EM, May T--Arrived, schrs A Harding. Hardinc Tangier; Emily 4 Jennv. -Hewitt. Philadelplila- 3ara! Ciark.

and nine, Hall. Port Johnson; Treat, Prim Elizabethport Sailed--SKshrs Godfrcv, and LABurliB- gaine, Bariinssrae, Philadelphia. scar Eva Belle. Somcrj, and Trade Wind rort, Philadelphia: Marv Ann. AHcv, Port Johnson Elizsblrcth.

Caadngc, and Abbio Willarn. Wilianl, Eifei- bethport; Snrgcnt, Sarecut, Sluf.hiU for Washington DC: FlorA A Sawyer, gutter, Blnchill for Rondont. Cleared--Bark Ellen Morrison, TACOilA (Oregon), Hay ship Disbiac Wave Stannard. yiSEYAED HAVES, Mav 9-Arrived, brig Botch, Philadelphia for Boston: schrs John 1 Tiacv Baltimore for. Boston; ATIeatfc, Philadelphia for do i John.

for do; CowpcrSlnvalL Philadcliihia for Salem: Fly, Hnqoken for do; William Darting, Elizabethport for Kcwburv- i port; Sary Gage, Jonejboro for Sew York: Bcro, Salem Mary Jane, Gardiner FJ-ivilia, Prov- ftr Prescou, for IVashinaton. DC; Cnarlotte Fish, Boston for Alexandria-. Wm HjRcrs. PortsmoutJi for Georgetown, UC; Snow Squnli, a i Also arrived, flsaintf scnrs Oasis' (of Sew HavcnX SinBDOBJ, Biadeta. Xellie Camphell.

Phibc. Eainn SmU And Isac Powers (of Harwich), Barton Kewburvport). Velocipede (of Fortsnioutb), and Morniiu; (01 Boston), all bound soath aHcr Passed bv--Brigs Isis, and Kennedv, from Baltimore for Boston. Sailed--All the before reported, esceptinc the ibuvt- arrivals, and -cnrs Maitsiac and Gicero. disEr inth--Arrived, brie John Aviles.

Boston fer DC: scbrs Xew Zealand, Philadelphia fc-r Boston: Ella, do for do; Georgia, Port Johnson for Salem; Cottager. Fall Biver for Cainoea. Sailed--Schr Snow Squall, and all the bound east. WILMBVCTOX. SC, May S-Arrivid, schrs Bay, Dt-naif, and David.

Hawkins, Jackst-nville. Cleared--Bark HoDkins. I.i-5TTT*fK»l. May s--Arrived, schr Mary Mlfliio. Tork.

AniT-cd at do 391h, steamship CnrJis. Nerr Twk via Nassia; btrk TV ABdcrscn, Brendt, Jfcw TwS, llnraoE IKIJJTO. Mav 2-In port schrs Wary Ellen fw Yolfi. ready): i no charce an vwcf X. HOUSS.

Asorncy. jjc A BRANCH OFFICE. SROOJO.Y3.-. corner of Fulton and Orca 1rom A. M- of Hearts 50.0-S5il.iS'..

A Bntrraaro'l 3 Pit, Colmnnis), April Hi-- Anivefl, lTarror. SMI Franclpoo. Kiy 10-- Arrived, JSarrh ICT Manila, ioSoad SHEW lor Sew Ss. vrrr. April JS--.

la port, liris Stllic XfilchcD, JOKJJ, JTJBL JSny Arrived. nora XG), Hatairr. JiOi, ship John Jlnim (Pr), Mjtnn, Jjrijs A Curtis, jScrrhrHm. KlaanMhri) Olyrapia (Br). Toaac, dMgow: (Twn, Wkr.

5tw Twt. MR. April aL-Axrivoa, trig CBffor Kmmy. Stw Tori. Amerf sdhr H-ATTivcfl.

bTi Stana, Hoxie. flirt, Hawes. St CaatrjinaaCT, Towjutroo. and Arac Alist, snfl A Hcnttm. Phhracyn A a WaiUnoTf, Semlct, Fan JoJinncuj.

Btlow. scliTf A BsOTjncmfl, ana I.te33e Carr, tram rwinatlpnin. Ftort nee Jflgittngals BT), Eice, Jntb Ctarawl tfawr. ienfesley. StJohn.

SB; Joseph lo for River rjntii Ncjnjnc, Bssl, StJohn, KB; SCOTS Carttta, Wj-nz, ClrfidlwarT'S, XtJIis T.nMl, i-1)tp Fish lartf 7. if, owl. SEDTJCTJOS IS CutJtry ain AKMes. EAKSFOED. PRICUS-- C1JJSA, A wATrtilTi or Inm wars 273 Ttail strcc cijf Fnlumani! A 1-e TEAS, OOFFEBS, 'TBOMAS K.

witbfnjl latin. Ac- roitrl Pr. niCE. T'oMtui CT3BIS OF KTSPEr slfl, JTiaMs, Ormstltriawn. KiarrlHtai, I-IVCT and ew York.


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