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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 44

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

afelanD Crfftune MARCH 16, 1924 SUNDAY 11 WOMEN EE i'AEss us ill (mm experts rami HFiinyFOB BIR MHMWWrejywy.lLa. ADMIT EGOffOMIC ROAD IBS TO TAKE OP STUDIES' WE6R0ES fypelilcih ri i ni i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 linn I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 phaum theater, Tuesday evening, C0STS2.315.000 The following is a complete RROR ON RHINE unrntuiv anuvv April HZ. The following commit of officers for the cooks, tee is in charge the party: Fred Walters and Waitresses Union, lo cal No. SI. who were nominated Sanford, Thomas Mulllns, George Two of the outstanding events By O.

D. TOLISCHTJS, Universal Service Staff Correspondent. BERLIN, March IB. Despite the cry which Is still accepted almost universally Germany that tha place of tha woman at the last regular meeting of the cocKran, Thomas a. sunivan and Ben wager.

Several added at Ruhr Mission Hat Failed in organization and will start tne term for the year ending April. Apportionment Recommend tractiong-tiT-te regular bill will during the past ten daya among the bay cities colored citizens were the Mardl Gras celebration held by the Louisiana Commercial elub be presented Celebrated Movie Stars to 17ead Bill With Original Vaudeville Sketch. ed Includes 11,500,000 for Yosemite. is In tha kitchen and the nursery, the number of women taking up Every Angle, Le Carnet Informs Paris. The local labor council has been Moor has submitted tha i following as tha result of tha election: Mrs.

Mable Calhoun, chairman of advisory board; Mrs. Hettle B. Tllghman, recording secretary: Mrs. Melba Stafford, financial chairman; Jan Hudson, membership; Mrs. W.

Henry, room registry and employment; A. Wells, employment girls; Mrs. Theo L. Purnell. health and education; Mrs.

A. Willis. Girls' Reserve; Mrs. Edith Scott, re a liberal profession la steadily in and the election of the first board of directors of the Linden Street advised by the American Federa creasing. tion of Labor that a sub-commit Branch Y.

W. C. A. The Mardl In IS23, there were 8581 a-lrl stu 1925: President. William A.

Spooner; vice president, Jospeh Marquet; secretary treasurer, George Hampshire; business representative, Carl P. Hibbard; trustees, Frank Howard and Fred Smith; executive board members, William A. Spooner, Joseph Marquet, George Hampshire, George 8chnlder, Frank Gratteau ami George Clark; delegates to the renti-al Labor Council of Alameda By I'nlversal Service. PARIS, March 15. At a time tee has reported to the United States senate Judiciary committee a proposed, constitutional amend dents In German i universities, Gras celebration was one of the most beautiful affairs ever held by colored people in Oakland.

The attendance taxed the capacity of when the French government Is BPICUt BT WISE TO THB lalBUNB By LKO A. McCLATCHY. WASHINGTON. March 15. A total of $2,315,000 would be expended on road construction in the against 1,298 tha year before, which had broken aU reoorda.

Be reportedly contesting the advice of ment which will give congress full power to prohibit child labor. The proposal Is a compromise on sev ligious; Mrs. O. Bush, social; the Dawe8 experts' committee that she cease to attempt to run the Ruhr economically and hand the Mra. H.

B. Tllghman, publicity four California national parks un eral child labor amendments to The publio seat sale for tht Oak-; knd Pres ciub how at the Oak- land Orpheum April will open Monday following the close of the aaia for memberg of the olub. heading the bill will be Llla Lee nd James Klrkwood. Celebrated motion ploiure figures, who will wm from Hollywood to stage an rlglnal vaudeville sketch. The body of the bill will be pro.

i Tided by the-. Qrpheum, whleh Is committee. der apportionments which have the constitution which have been factories, railroads and mines of suggested in the senate, been made of the $7,500,000 road appropriation for all parks, and he Valley to the Germans, fore the war, 1914, only 4,100 girls had taken up higher studies. Most of tha latter were then studying for posltiona as teachers. Now the German woman has In-, vaded all professions, even the most technical.

Moat of the girl stulents are at the Universities of Berlin, Munich, Leipzig. Frankfort, Cologne and The following ia quoted from the S. F. Western Outlook: "The the following article by VThe Economist" of Le Carnet de la Oakland League of Women Voters The local Mulders' union has been udvlsed by their international Semaine of Paris is particularly Arcadia pavilion, tl is of interest to the reading public to know why this affair was called Mardl Gras. This society is composed of former colored citizens of Louisiana.

They are 'keeping alive the traditions of Louisiana by. holding in Oakland every year this celebration. In Louisiana a whole week is usually given over to Mardl Gras which corresponds to the Fiesta of early California. All' classes of citizens, the Louisiana Frenchman, the Oc-taroon and the Creole each in his own particular group participate (white) are to act as hostess to the California League of Women organization that by a small ma nterestlng. In the article "The jority of 312 votes, members of contends that the monuments, recommended by the House public lands committee.

largest expenditure in any Individual park, not only in California, but in the entire country, would be made at Yosemite. which would be allotted $1,500,000. General Grant Park would get Lassen, and Sequoia, tne international Molders' Union routing a super show to Oakland tor that night. Details of this bill will be announced In a-few days Voters at their annual convention in May, at which time the election will take A -committee of Ruhr has been a failure, Hamburg. The smaller, "college favored the creation of an emer politically; and financially.

town" universities hava-very few William Goas, Frank Gratteau, George Clark, Joseph Mar-nuet. George Hampshire, Carl P. Hibbard and William A. siniuiin-. The committee in charge of the twinty-third anniversary celebration of the organization reported everything in readiness for the entertainment and dunce w.hieh is to be given at the headquarters of the union at Twenty-second and' Grove streets on April 4.

Several sit the chefs. employed iri the large restaurants and hotels wtir-pre-pare special dainties for the banquet and the Bakery and Confectionery Workers" Union, local No. 11, will make a 200-pound cake gency defense, fund. In a' refer was fcald five, selected from the various girl students. endum vote 42S4 members voted The Press club sketch, the only By "THE ECONOMIST." Of the Paris Carnet da la Scmalne." "yes, and 3972 voted This amateur number on the program matter will-lie one the-nrtTinrnnt -will be presented by newspaper IssTreTrHrthTFTOirrint-rTOhvrrtton-of The economic of the Ruhr the same as that "of Versailles tne molders.

$455,000. The work would be done over a three-year period, for the 'generar" appropriation would be made available in annual allotments of $2,500,000. clubs will nominate and present to the convention officials candidates for election. Among the nominating group is Mrs. Hettle Tllghman." Mrs.

Tllghman Is one of the foremost colored women of the state. It was under her leadership as president of the State Federation is a continuation of the" non At the last remilar nipetinir nf list to the executive board of tha N. A. A. C.

of Northern Call- tion for the first colored troops to leave for overseas duty. It was through her efforts that the Fed-' erated clubs sent Christmas boxea of cheer to the men in camp. She in the festival. Mew Orleans is usually selected for this affair, the lastaay "of- which Is-featured by' a street parade consisting of floats bearing costumed persons representing historical characters. Street dancing is indulged in, and at a night masquarade ball and sensical theory that It is possible to transfer from nation to nation.

the Moving Pirture and Protection Machine- Operators, locnl "iin. In Sequoia, the $465,000 would Davment, liquid sums. And be used on the General's Highway, connecting that park with General even for payment to be made in merchandise conditions non-exist works for the advancement of her Grant. During the last three years, i pageant King Rex unmasks, and men. -among them H.

H. Sweetzer, Harvey Cushlng, Orvllle E. Jones, T. De Foster, Frank Morris-ey, Louis Allen, I. P.

McDonald, Donald Cruzan, William A. Curtis, J. Walter Frates and Marvin Blair. They will' be seen in ''Twenty Tears From Now," which will represent the Oakland city council at meeting In 1944. The action will represent the sketch in the form fa, rehearsal, with the various characters trying to work out the Sketch.

It will be presented without- scenery or costume, for that ent at present neceBsary. the nark service has been build his queen is crowned, after which of Colored Womens' Clubs that the colored women heavily invested in Liberty Bonds. During tha World war she personally visited all the exemption boards around the bay Principally It shqujd be set down ing a road up the Middle Fork to the following resolutions were adopted: "Whereas, the Supreme Ruler of the universe has, in his infinite Wisdom, chosen to call to his last rest and taken from our midst our beloved friend and brother. Benjamin F. Clavlca; and "Whereas, his cheery smile, hi for the occasion.

invnaumis be extended to prominent city and county officials and labor leaders on both sides pf the bay. William A Spooner is general' chairman ol the committee In charge of entertainment. The Butchers' Union, local No. 120. has made arrangements for ih theater nartv which Is to be that Germany-Can only hiake pay- connect with Giant Forest, and race in organizations and alone.

daughter of a distin, guished California pioneer, Captain John Jones, who waa associated with the late Senator Broderlck of San Francisco. cities and secured the names and addresses of the first colored boys to be drafted, and presented her she unmasks. This festival ends on Shrove Tuesday, just before the beginning of Lent. The Louisiana Society of the bay cities held Its Mardl Gras festivities on Shrove Tuesday evening. The" other event of importance was tha election of the first execu ment In raw material, which, alone have a base of yajue.the' same as money.

-V Trying to make Germany pay in manufactured goods is like Selling ntini at the Bourse on margin that road would be continued on to the jnorth boundary of the park, connecting just the park area with a county road, and eon-tlnulng on over to General Grant. IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED. The total nroject in Sequoia calls ever-ready ikillingness to help others in timesT of need and sorrow given under the susplces of the reason. 1 Special motion pictures and muslc will complete the bill. organization at the Oakland Or- tive board of managers of the Lln- THOUSANDS on pretext that the wheat and the sugar" which are the ingredients of the bun are thus sold.

for 1.6 miles of den Street Branch Y. M. C. A. H22.B00: surfacing ot 81.5 nf PREVENTION GRIPPE Iri the second place it la vital hut mich raw material as la exlgea miles of road with surface rock and gravel at a cost of $105,600, and new construction of 12 miles, costing $236,000.

The $10,000 for General -Grant Pnrir would he used in reconstruct of Germany by ihe Commission of Reparations sho 'Id be free of Hen that is, that-it should not con stitute the base of some local in ing the road that winds among the I dustry of which it is the reason of our thrifty customers Are taking advantage of our Unusual Morning Bargains. Are you? UNUSUAL MONDAY and his genial companionship will be sorely missed by us; now therefore be it "Resolved, That we the officers and members of Local Union No. 19, I. A. T.

S. do hereby express in our humble manner our heartfelt sorrow at the early and untimely demise of our beloved friend and brother; and be it further "Resolved, That we stand for a period of one minute with bowed heads out of respect for him who has been called from us to that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens; and be it further "Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be presented to the wife and family of our departed brother by the president of our union, and that a copy be spread in full for existence. DIFFICULT CON Now, this condition is the most fficult to fulfill. Practically all Yon know that grippe, influenza and other respiratory ailments are caused by germs taking hold of the weakened body, oaf do you realize how true is the old adage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'? OF" pure vitamin -rich cod-uver oil the coal and coke of the Ruhr are necessary to the industries of the Ruhr virtually necessary. And the industries of are.

vital to the economic of Germany. i Morning Barga If we extinguish this eoonomlo life by denying it food and water, then ins we extinguish at the same ume the only chance we have of ever i upon tne minutes, and that a copy nves its power to prevent weakness by its ability to given the press for publication; S3, i .1 i tand be it further being paid our indemnity of war. snounsn ana strongmen uie system ana Keep resistance -Rexoived, That our charter be UNTIL NOON All the experts' commissions, in a a M. I Heretofore this board has eerved by appointment from the Central W. C.

A. and the eastern secretaries for colored T. W. C. A.

work. The organization is four years old. During the past year it has put forth every effort to become a branch instead of. a center. Hence its first election of officers and membership dinner was a history-making event for the colored people of Oakland.

The following is an extract from the annual report of the executive secretary, Miss Ruth Moore: "The rapid growth of the Linden street Center W. A. during the year is due in part to the vision our general secretary. Miss Alice M. Brookman, and partly to" the eagerness arising out of the community necessity Jor an organization with a Christian purpos'and a practical place for colored women.

The advisory board is the executive body of the Center. The splendid work done, by the Linden Center Y. W. C. A.

during the year has been, due largely to the efforts and sacrifices of these women. The chairman of the Center is Mrs, Guy Ream Davis, who has given her time and best thought to further the Interest of the Center. It was the aim1 of the membership committee to bring the membership up to 200 active members by the end of the year. The present membership roll is 217, not including the 'Girls' Reserve' membership. Membership in the Linden street Center means to be a part in a progressive world organization and a chance to help other women and girls.

"This annual report does nqt cover all' of the years' activities, nevertheless it is a report of sacrifice, of earnest endeavors and keen appreciation. In, spite ot vy-v normal. tc vw c.rTLt. II cluding the present, have recognized this fact. But the trouble has been that the experts are not dictators.

They are only advisors. tt-iii Scott Bowne. Bleomfield, N. J. Big Trees, ana wiueuuis umi roads.

In Yostemite, It Is proposed to pave the. floor roads of the valley-down to EI Portal; to reconstruct the road in the Mariposa Grove of Big Trees; the road from Wawona leading into the valley from the south; the road up to Glacier Point; the Big Oak Flat road and the Tioga road. The reconstruction will cost $860,000, and the paving. $640,000. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS.

In Lassen, a road would be built connecting with the state highway out of Redding up to Manzanita Lake. The road would be built up to the northeast shoulder of Lassen Peak to Summit Lake, then along the east flank of the mountain to Lake Helen, then down to the existing highway connecting with another state highway, would be built into the Cinder Cone region, which was a national monument befoTerthe park wascreated. The road leading from the Red Bluff highway to Lake Helen would cost the one leading in from the north to Summit Lake, Cinder Cone road, $40,000, and the road connecting the Sum mit Lake and Lake Helen road, $120,000. FEDERAL CHICAGO, March 15. Judge Francis F.

Baker, presiding justice of the United States court of appeals, died here today after a long illness. Th governments are supposed to Large cans, in heavy syrup Sun-Maid, seeded or seedless, 13-oz. pkg. draped for the period of thirty (30) days out of respect for our departed brother. DAUL, President, "JAMES PERRY.

Secretary." At the last regular meetiW of, the' Central Labor Council of m-meda County a recommendation of the council's executive committee anent calling a meeting of the Alameda County Non Partisan Federation of Labor was con 20c APRICOTS RAISINS TOMATOES iake their advice on matters which tVamaahmC a A 15c 10c 35c tllW gUVCllilliClilO mi.nw not competent to judge, but in fact Large Standard for UPTifHI A the governments never do take their advice as a whole because it invariably comflicts with the special interests which were back of the government's prior policy. 1 in it i' i curred in. The -executive commit Some of Our Regular Saving Prices tee brought in the recommenda: Mi tion with the idea in mind of doing everything possible to secure the nominuation of Major George L. Berry, president of the Interna- CANNED FISH tlnnnl Printing Pronamon'a aH A a- I sistants' Union of North America, ror the Democratic vice presiden I tial nomination. 27 $1.05 05c Secretary Spooner states that MILK M.

M. Tall cans; 3 for. 1 dozen for. M. M.

Small cans. EAGLE BRAND MILK Rainbows as Ponce -De Leon did when he set out to find the Fountain of Youth? True enough he immortalized himself. expressed a universal desire to find the Fountain of i' Youth. Worth more than all the gold and jewels on earth! De Leon felt that he would find what he had lost, be-s lieiunt that nature having taken his youth would give it back. the call will be sent out In a few BLAMES POIXCARE.

Politicians led us into the Ruhr in the face of the combined warnings of all the greatest experts; politicians and- soldiers are keeping us there. Politicians alone can get us It is, wise therefore to base no extravagant hopes on the results of the labors of the experts' committees which are just now engaged- in winding up their work. Common-sense prop6ses; politics disposes. This has always been the way and seems likely to always be the way in the future, unhappily for the future' of Kurope. The Ruhr was that region In the world, as it happened, where supplies and labor conflicted to the Civ.f Hovrss Rv seizing the, days and that the indications are misunderstandings that must of, that a determined campaign will be made in behalf ot Major Berry's 1 candidacy.

1 Why not? Biblical records told him that Methuselah lived i i. i ri. LA- necessity come with a program so extensive, and at the same time so new, it Is to the credit of the women of this association, that they have, figuratively speaking, stood to their guns and met the demands of the The Linden street Center Is now a branch Y. W. C.

and Miss A new edition of "Child Labor in the United States: Ten Questions Answered," publication No. of the children's department CALINUT is made from the pure nut oil. There is no better SALMON Red Alaska. Tall cans SALMON Del Monte, Tall cans SALMON Del Monte, Flat SALMON Medium Red, Tall cans SALMON Medium Red, Flat cans. SARDINES 3 cans for.

of the United States department of labor, lias just been issued. This substitute on the railways we disorganized transport 25c 20c 25c 19c 15 10c 40c 25c 15c RUPTURED market. One pound for. NUCOA 29c I Wh.iv whf rluick ami 15, t.he 'industrials pleading physical impossibility. The result is that a truly terrible perspective opens up before France and Europe.

The worst of it is. too, that the government does not seem to see the extreme gravity of the situation. While it ayaits- the fatal date of; April 15, it publishes lengthy propaganda based on cooked statistics and economic assertions, the logic of which is childish. Stephane Lauzarine, who Is the French writer, the most capable of inditing foolishness, stated in the Matin of the sixth of February, that the Ruhr was at last paying "grace to MM. Poincare and Le-Trouquer." No grace to Stinnes! There is a difference." Monsieur Sommier, proprietor of a chateau at Melun, we will say, spends two million a year in living in great style.

In the spring he harvests and sells a few cherries. The statistic of the sale of thes cherries cannot be called an indi JV1AYONNAISE GOLD MEDAL FRENCH SARDINES IES nine hundred years, so ne reu warranted in oenevuiK, as fact many others believed in his day, that old Methuselah had access to fountain of renewal. Methuselah did have this Fountain of "Youth, but he had it in his own body. Ponce De Leon had the same thing but did not know, it; Methuselah's fountain was good for nine hundred yearsf Ponce De Leon's good 'for only sixty-one years, Why the difference? The answer is the condition of the spine. Methuselah" lived onjand a slow easy-going life, early to nsejio hard battle for exislenceT Ponce De Leon on the other hand fought the elements, sailed the high seas, went through hardships, placed a terrific strain on his body, and died at the age of sixty-one.

Still, Ponce De Leon in all his adventuring did not put his body through the terrific pace we do in our every-day life. The average life today, according to insurance statistics, is less than thirty-two years. Why? The change from slow life, to steel, concrete, automobiles, street-cars, electricity and fast life. Vibrations and jars caused by the steady, daily pound of your feet on concrete and steel, year in and year out, destroy the small cushions in your spine that protect your Fountain of Youth, your power plant, your brain. Lots of sleep helps nature to build these cushions, but with our modern electric lights, night is turned into day, and the average person just drives his body, or human machine, to the limit, paying for it i By occupying the factories we made ourselves dependent on the German organization and the German source of And then what did we do? YVc took that -source- of supply-the coal mines and coke furnaces and directed them into France and Belgium and.

calle it And meunwhlle, the factories we had taken over could not work because the coal and coke intended for them were being xisea in the French furnaces of Lorraine or householder's stove In Paris. ELOQUENCE OF POLITICIANS. We' attempted! to eat the Ruhr cake and have It too. An economist would have said that was impossible. But the eloquence of within ymir reach? No muf-Ur how bad r- mature or how nmny times yoB hai been dibai pointed, see what I have oflr.

You will L-e i a I srd at the evidence dreia hate been cured by niv STpHt invpn QUART jar PINT jar. 8y2-OUNCE jar 90c 48c 28c in pure olive oil. 2 for SARDINES in cotton seed oil. 2 for TUNA White Star, 31-page pamphlet an answer In clear and concise form to -ten Important questions about child labor, giving information about the number of children at work in the United the occupations in which they are engaped, the sections of the couhtfyTh'whicnth largest number are at work, as well as a presentation of the status of legal regulation, both federal and state, of child labor. The legislative material in the new edition has been revised to December 1.

1923. Maps, charts and Illustrate the text. Single copies of the leaflet may be secured upon application to the children's bureau at Washington. Limited quantities may be purchased at 6 cents a copy from the superintendent of documents, government printing office, Washington, p. C.

At the recent meeting of the eS-ecutive council of the California State Federation of Labor the following California labor representatives were appointed to serve on the executive campaign committee for the California waier and pow er act for 1924: Seth R. Brown, President of the California State' Federation of Labor; Frank C. MacDonald, president of the State Building Trades Council of California; Paul secretary of the California State Fed RIPE OLIVES cation of the financial situation of tluii! Only Eleotric Trust the world! all br address Prof. W. J.

Pierce 954 Park ALAMEDA, Cal. QUART CANS, select quality 30c Monsieur Sommier: Well, April the Ruhr cherries will be ripe. noliticians make anymiii8 Meanwhile, it is. practically cer tain that the accords in tiio Ruhr industrial! 9 OUNCE CANS medium size, iJ select quality. IDC PICKLES PINT JARS will not be renewed after April president of the Calif ornia fit ate nf Labor, and Henry white meat Large size CRAB 45c size and quality SHRIMP Very good quality.

Can. WHOLE CLAMS- Tall can MINCED CLAMS, Pioneer OYSTERS Large cans. OYSTERS small cans, 2 for CODFISH Fancy boneless brick. 30c 39c 19c 25c 19c 32c 35c 22c Boyen, attorney for the San Fran Sour, bottle. Sweet, bottle.

15c 17c The executive council also heard with good health, for sickness. The spinal column, or backbone, is so constructed that it transmits down its central, canal, brain impulses to the nerves leading from its bony structure to all parts of the It is composed of twenty-four movable joints with cartilage cushions between each joint. The jars, falls, strains and vibrations we go through throw some of these bones, or joints, out of alignment. compress the cartilage between the and cut off your a report upon the rormaiion oi comnosed of rep resentatlves from the University SUGAR CORN California and the Stata feneration of Labor to further workers education In California In accoroT- eration or Lshor: Thomas c. vick-l ers.

vice president ofithe Interna-! tional Brotherhood of Electrical i Workers: It. W. Robinson, vice ILLINOIS BABY anoe with the plans of the worn r' f.rlnration Bureau of Amer KERNEL 2 cans jwer, or life, to some part of the body. The! result disease, Vsickness. or weakness to the organs involved.

Sickness, disease, 35c ua nnnroved bv the last con ventlon of the American Fodera. Hriti nf Labor. The- university representatives nn th ininL committee are Pro- STOMACH QUEER" GAS. INDIGESTION fnittm T.enn Richardson, Ira In All Our Meat Departments or -operations can be avoided if this is corrected. When you come to us we X-ray your spine to find the trouble.

You are under no charge 6r obligation for tlus in' anyway, ''Afterwe- -find your trouble we correct it without keeping you from your work or play. The wok is painless and requires but a few' moments of your timej each day. If yqu are sick, no matter what Lrrnsn. Jess ca Felxotto ana chairman of the department of la- Cleanliness, Courtesy, Quality oor education In the extension ai- vision. The federation represent ative- are.

Daniel C. Murpny, STEAKS of young beef, sirloin cuts, np VEAL SHOULDERS CHOP Milk or veal, LDC James W. Mullln. Paul Scharren- SAY "BAYER'' when you buy- berk and J. L.

Kerchen. your trouble is. come to us tor advice regarding correction before you say you can't be helped. We are Palmer Chiropractors and if we can't help you we will tell you so. Don't delay.

Come today. Use the coupon below. lb Chew a few Pleasant Tablets. Instant Stomach Relief! Pursuant to instructions of the CHOP OF YOUNG Untess you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets vou are reaent convention of the American VEAL Loin and rib, lb. 30c Federation of Labor.

Samuel Gompers, president, has returned not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 23 years for from the Isthmus of Panama, X-RAY CO I PON LAMB CHOPS, young lamb, large loin and rib, lb. jDC CORNED BEEF, mild sugar-cured, bone- less brisket, IDC VEAL BREAST or neck for boiling where he made a personal invew-tigation of the conditions of lift and labor on the canal zone. Every or lOl- or stewing, li2C effort was made by Gompers to learn the truth as to all questions VVehxnger X-Ray Chiropractors PAIMUI' GnADUATKS Oaklaa OffWl JTJ.1S TeUrrash fkomr Plrdmaat Klfrj Hours: 10 AM. tol P. 3.1.2 to 8 P.

M. to 8:30 P. Sundays I to 12 A. M. Kmllr SIS Glln Ciai Tkeatrr Bids.

Saa Fraaeiara, I'aaae Pmn-I ir fr-Bt within io Sa rrm tair iu tatitlr. 1 WJ (i SPna (1 THE II TO (( i wra i) -v-ionTa 21 AW st is.ue in the district. Visits were made to shops and drydocks. where Conferenr were held with indi Headache Rheumatism Lumbago Pain, Pain Colds Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia If you feel fall, sick uncom-fertsble after eat inn. here is harm- ftirkoM tree of ciiarce tr ab iratWn It, viduals and committees.

A copy of the report has been submitted to Secretary of War John W. Weeks, who stated that he would study the report and give the complaints contained therein his personal attention. ny way. t-K-Zt i lsa stomach relief. "Pace's l)la- fos Angrle OffR-e: 180H W.

Tth St. pepsin" settles the stomach and corrects digestion the moment It ISO Baar Nth St. ltb and Froadway reaches the stomach. Gompers was accompanied an tlT 16( St. No Medicine, Surgery, Massage or Electricity sm coiir a.

2PS Coilec At. 01? San Pablo A. Broadway :129 Sbattnck Ava. nvestigstion by several Acccyt only "Bayer" pa eta re which contains proven directions. I 471 Ninth St.

Ull East 14tb St. 1441 FrultTala Ave. Piedmont J'h rd PnnlT'an heads of the different I 411 llta SI I This guaranteed stomach cor-j his tour of I rectlve costs but a few-cents i prominent 1 any drag eiore. Keep it baodyl labor depart Advertisement. the federmtk federation, Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 Ublet Also bottles of 24 and 100 DroizifcU.

partments connected with aayiria la tat trafe atart at Bant Mtaafartan af UaaetlaeMwtt StllcUcactt I i i i.

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