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Oakland Tribune du lieu suivant : Oakland, California • Page 88

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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fiDaklanD MARCII 2, 1921 i NIAGARA FALLS REALTOR SETTLES Production Data Given by Dept. Production of pneumatic tlrea "December Increased ever November and was about equal to production in rtpfpmbor, lflig, ac- November, totaling tor December Decorations for Building Show Dorli Cpnner, prominent leadar the Bettor ButMlnr Movewant iitinm Oakland clubwomen. 4iM la cbexfe the tecond annual Eaatbay Better Bulldlnr enow, to supervise the decoratloni for the bulldlnc exposition which Is to be stared March 14 to March tl at 1414 -Franklin aacordtns. to by George W. Kaiser, chairman the 1924 show committee.

The Better Building- show will exhibit the latest bullt-ln features for homes, kitchen and bathroom plumbing, various electrical devices, beautiful urnlshlnga, light. cordlng to report to the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. Stocks of tlrea were lower. Production of acetate of lime and methanol decreased from the November totals and December of last rear. Federal Inspected slsHghtwr of pork Increased over nearly one mmon pounua, weight.

Tha oiiuaiii1 nmnira rowers' IS FLAYED BY Association has built a precoollni Plant in that city at a eoati of tttn appointed by the committee Iny and beating yywtfms. 1150,000. NVESTS HERE 1 Annual Convention of Brick Manufacturers Adopts Resolution. W. R.

Taylor of Eastern City Invert Heavily in Oakland. SUNDAY FLIMSY BUILDING Itha annminrmnt mnrtO Indicative' of the appeal Oak land as a city of opportunity for the real estate Investor Is the case YV. H. Taylor, formerly Ni If economic conditions had permitted, there would now be some 400 more brick plants In California as a result of the sixth annual convention at the Common Brick Manufacturers' Association of America, which has Jut closed in Los Angeles. According to the expres ngsra FallB, N.

says Horace D. Jones of the California Builders' Last May. Taylor was on a visit ttv the racifjc coast, and came to Oakland. Stopping before a building under construction In the lake district, he met Jones, who was FTTZHUGH BUILDING Post and Powell Streets, San Francisco P. J.

Walter BudsUn Mealey fit Collins, Masonry Contractors Raid A rchitaO sions by visiting delegates, all would have chosen tor remain per directing the construction work. four took the-vlsitors on an hour's tour over the Skyline boulevard, showing them the great Easthay Best in 5 ways for curtain walls manently In California, This was the first-time the association had ever held Its national convention west of Kansas City. Brick makers from Canada and twenty-nine states of the Union came in two special trains of ten coaches each, stopping first in Sacramento, then Snit Francisco end the bay cities before proceeding to the convention city. More than 400 delegates many with their wives snd families, came In the caravan. Brick-making machinery manufacturers, architects and others connected with the industry accom from the heights.

The Taylors then returned to their' home But last September Taylor walked Into the-office of the California Builders' Company and BFked for Jones. "I like Oakland. I've come back to stay," he eai(Lj'I've sold out my business and I want to put the money to -work in Oakland. Get me an apartment house A few weckg later Taylor -was the. owner of a four four-room apartment on Santa Clara avenue above tho lake.

It was only a few I Opening -ae months afterward that Taylor sold out for a fiibstantial profit, Jones relates. And- todijy Taylor through the California Builders Company is building another four four-room apartment on East Fourteenth panied the party to attend the session. Among the resolutions adopted by the convention was one opposing the unfair competition that is being met with In several parts of the country, from brl-k manufactured in penal Institutions. The resolutions committee contended that, the utilization of-Such brick should be confined to state works, and. should not be introduced to the open markets and regular channels of trade.

and permitting the plaster to be ap plied directly to. the tile; 4. It never cracks, and cement plaster or stucco applied over it does not peel or crack; 5. ttSis the lowest priced of all perma' nent building materials. Whether you plan to build a modest home or a Dickey Master tile will prove an adaptable and econom ical material.

Be sure you get Dickey Mastertile (the name stamped on each piece), ,25 stronger than standard re quirements for hollow building tile. See our Dickey Mastertile wall exhibit at 604 Mission you cannot come, sign here for free illustrated books. THE Fitshugh Building (steel frame) has curtain walls of Dickey Mas' tertile -faced with architectural cotta. The Galileo High School (rein' forced concrete) has curtain walls, of Dickey Mastertile faced with cement plaster. The use of DrcoY Mastertile cur tain walls and as a backing for face brick and architectural terra cotta is increasing enormously, because- 1.

It is lighter than other fire'safe mate' rials but amply strong; 2. It is speedily erected; 3. It gives a wall of unequaled dryness, furring, Jame street between Fifth end aixth avenues. The California Builders Company reports that since January 1 it hire taken out twenty-four building permits and started construction on twenty-four new buildings. STUDY THIS MAP California lays clafm to the world's champion and most valuable bull Aberdeen, winner at the Possibly the most timely of the resolutions to Califcfrnians "is one directed at the flmsy construction that has accompanied the rapid growth of communities in this state.

The most significant part of the comment by- the resolutions committee reads: "In recognizing the spirit which has made possible this and in paying tribute to the people Chicago International LivestooK Show held in December Black Cap Revolution, the male's name, Was purchased by man of San Francisco. Mr. garrison has over 200 head of pure-bred Aberdeen-Angus on his pasture. He also acquired seven Who areresponfeWe for this re- Address T-111 teen more prize-wifiners at the Chicago show in addition to walk markable manifestation of human energy, this association nevertheless is disturbed at the apparent sacrfices to safety which have been Jnade in order speedily to secure this development. Dickey masieriile ing away with the world's cham ALL OAKLAND) WILL BE HEADE FOR BEVERLY TERRACE TODAY this choice residential and Business Property goes on sale.

Will YOU take advantage of these low prices? Shrewd buyers will be there early. The Southern Pacific Electric to SanFrancisco is only three blocks away. The Boulevard passes through this property for six city blocks 4 iN BEVERLY TERRACE you can buy view lots level lots or lots on gentle knolls where building restrictions will protect your investment. I COME OUT TO BEVERLY TERRACE Day, Today, and "Cash in" on "Opening Day" prices. pion.

thuiac I'Va hi i Hotel -WoodroW- Builds Walls that Defy Fire, Time and Weather MADE BY CALIFORNIA BRICK COMPANY The management of which reports big tourist and permanent business for the present season. Ford Samuel, photo. Associated with LIVERMORE FIRE BRICK WORKS, Manufadurers of DICKEY FACE BRICK and other Clay Produds 604 Mission San Francisco, Builders Exchange, Oakland 1341 rhones Oak. 805 Syndicate Bldg. Oakland 1348 1 rrnrrTHrTTw-MiM-iT 1 1 1 mi an im KWii'ir ain wtr wtt rw fc.

mm TractJDffice on Property 1 i ANNOUNCING THE OPENING ON APRIL FIRST OF THE NEW ALAMEDA COUNTY TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING 1 I A blr tourist, commercial and permanent business Is reported for tbs current hotel season by Mrs. with tourists, business men am others arriving in ever-lncreasiiv-numbers. -Mrs. Smith stated: "Located in the center of tha city, within easy walking distance of all Lauren J. Smith, proprietor of the principal business houses, thfaters4 Hotel Woodrow, Fourteenth street at Hotels in Oakland, it la stated, are receiving- the, full bene ana places or interest, trie VyOou- row Ilotel is naturally much ifl de- a' hi id fit of the great growth of the rity, 4 I i.

i 1 I ,1 1 Jt I 'VOU buy on a rising A market when you iJ buy in the Eastbay dis HOW as low as trict A1 7 in 1 a I WHO Hundreds of people Have pur chased home sites at Lake Orinda. Here they enjoy all the delights of suburban life iir the beautiful hills, yet they are only 20x minutes drive from 1 4th and Broadway. More and more people are going- to make this healthful change from city to country. Th entire Lake Orinda' district will surprise you. with its growth.

Lake Orinda HIGHLANDS is being de-Teloped in exactly the same fashion as the original tract a swimming pool is practically completed tennis courts, are being constructed Some pretty homes are planned Come out, this Sunday and see for yourself what an opportunity here to have a little home far away from all the huhbub of the city yet near enough to use city conveniences. "Directions .1 YOU buy in the J'ml district to reflect rising values when you buy in Korthetut fcorner of Fourteenth and Franklin Streets Lake shore Highlands But they will soon be snapped up. Remember, a small down payment will hold I -4 Convenience to schools' arid shopping THERE vt '9 etc hornet, now raady jof occupancy. ALSO some of the choicest homesites art available. Let us shou you these.

renters; the charm of natural beauty and the distinction of environment make Lakeiliore Highlands the barometer of ri'ing property values in the EaH Bay. THE VERY HEART OF THE BUSINESS DISTRICT, LEASING RESERVATIONS FOR SPACIOUS OFFICES IN THIS 'CLASS-A FIREPROOF BUILDING CAN BE MADE NOW Every Office Is an Outside Room. Reasonable Rental f. Offices Will be Arranged to Suit the of Tenants Unexcelled Elevator and Building Service FrFrPORTER COMPANY-- one. Drlre out the Tunnel Road, thru the Tunnet ajd follow siRna or out Pan Pablo and turn rifrht on new San Patio highway.

Both DRIVES! DE LAV.EAGA LTIOMMEDIEU 403 Syndicate Building 17R0M San Fran-cisca take Key iyflem Ferry and Lakehore train direct. VJOU buy with Uie knowledge that your holdings are increasing in worth day -by Jay. Walter II. Leiinert Company Business Property Managers Ak for Mr. Monze Exclusive Leasing Agents 411 Fifteenth Street OAKLAND 770 Lal.ehore Ave.

Phone Lake. 974 i 1 1.

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