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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 20

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FEBRUARY 11, 1923 illEPLAIIlG TOLER HEIGHTS TO BE SOLD Bf duction facilities at their plant, and are now turning out considerable quantities of power transmission machinery. Including cast iron pulleys, hanger, couplings, and pillow blocks. According to T. O. Williams, tha products of tha company are becoming known throughout tha Pacific coast region, and they have number of or era on hand from lad us trial plants in other cities.

The' steel Mttmirr in tMm turn. Uoa of the country haa one great advantage over eastern said Williams, "and that la in the intelligence of tba worker. In other reapecta wa cannot yet compete with eastern steel plants, account of tha present nigh cost of iron and steel; with the advent of cheaper materials, however, there la no reason why Oakland should not become a great exporting center for iron and eteel products as aha is in many other thlnge now." Fruit Trees-Roses In Great Demand GERUJ STEEL HUSK VH i I Slater- aV Williams, 101 Clay street, have recently increased pro 'I Four Hundred Trees to Be Effort to Be Made to Close Oat Thu Tract a Big Barbecue Sale. Set Oat Beutifying This Tract. 1 SUNDAY HOPE FOR THE ESQ lAXWELLPflnK MYRAN BROTHERS I- tit it In order to emphasise end add the finishing touoh to the many natural advantages of scenery and climate at Maxwell Park.

John P. Maxwell, owner of the tract, has provided 400 young trees wmcn will be planted today, along all the principal atreeta In tha park, Tba tree planting ceremony, la clock, and will be tha euDervlsion of Maxwell. Park I Improvement club. Tha trees to ba planted are commonly known if m. Ma 'J- Toler Heights, on the Foothill boulevard at the end of the 10th avenue ear line, is to ba closed out at a barbecue eate to be held one week from today on the property.

Thia property Is now held by B. N. Tapscott, and in the last few years several efforts bare been made to sell tha property off, but with only partial success. The tract has now bean placed In tha hands of Myraa Brothers, with instructions to cut prices and cell tha property off, To thle and a barbecue and sale baa been arranged for ontv-eek from today. It will be an old-fashioned Spanish barbecue, with plenty to eat for all.

whether purchasers or not The barbecue wilt be held on tha property, which can be reached by automobile via the Foothill boulevard, and by those who go by car transferring from any East Fourteenth street line at 0th avenue, this line terminating at Toler Heights. The Myrane announce that they will, cut the original pricee by 71 per cent, and that fifty-foot lots will go for from MM to 1600 each. This property Is adjacent to the industrial center that is growing up around the Chevrolet factory. 'rriffwirTYiVfifff''-irfrrii-m ittrini rtwiiiaiaii.nisisi-i au "daffodil ana wnsn matured reach a height of about If feet, ara. evergreens and similar, to tha orange blossom.

One great advantage of this tree Is that the roots Sde not damage the sidewalk, Aooordlng to Buteltt and Shea-ley, builders' in the Maxwell Park tract, these tree will add materially to tha development work already dona In tha park. They will be planted orty feet apart, each tree enclosed In a neat frame Marshall A Burks, BuflcVase A Tbooecod Oaks (Berkeley) Bungalow TA California JHunery at in the midit of th trea $hippnig Thousands of trees ara being Sold to retail purchasers at the Nile Nursery. This shows a corner of tha-sales yard for, fruit trees. work of lattice, and will emphasize tha graceful contour of the streets which swing over tha entire prop. rty.

The extension of tha Fifty-flfth avenue car Una into Maxwell The California Nursery Ilaa New Building on San Pablo Developed a Great Trade "At Nilci Yardi. has given a great Impetus to outvi I A TT A I Satisfaction Dickey Mastertfle construction offers the home builder comfort, beauty, economy and safety, thus irisuring lasting satisfaction. Bhealey, "as many people have been attracted to this district by its accessibility to all downtown points ombtned'wlth Its many advantages of beautiful scenery and mild climate. We now have 00 homes completed, and will have an additional 10Q by the first, of June." 7 S. 4vK A Niagara Of Salada Tea Fruit trees ara.

hard to get and ara becoming harder as the season advances. Tha demand for fruit treea has been heavier this year than aver before, and stocks ara being rapidly depleted. The California Nursery at NHee has reached a point where 'they, are reserving what stock they have left for their retail, customers. Early In the year, In faot even before the trees were ready for delivery; a very Urge part of the year's propagation had been sold upon orders. The management of the Nursery saw that they were going to faee a demand aueh i aa they had never, before experienced, and thev earlv took if Ai A 'i PAYS OFF ALL (nation of upkeep expense eav mm.

ey to ths owner. SAFETY-ecause Dicsxt MasTxav itlb la made of hard-borned day product of fire that reeefe decoy and sriS never burn. If yoo desire. home that wul a ford lasting satlsfiaction, Investigate Dickst Mastkbtile before you build. Our free book, "Maiing tha Build-ing Dollar Do Mors," will be sent on request.

COMFORT texaraa tbo deeul-eir paces in Dicut Hummi walls Caavlata tho interior mtSxmt tern-peratura aactroma. mbistor tuad BSAUY becaase Okxst aaTa Tit, is adaptable to soy style of architecture or any kind of sarface treatment. i ECONOMY because the tow cost of Djckbt Mastrtile, the speexf of construction and the practical dim It is interesting, aa showing tha succeee and steady growth that the Salada Tea company haa experienced during the past year, to quote front the figures of their statistician, which shows that the Increases alone for 1922 over 1921 amounted to 1.764,029 pounds. The FUfJDED DEBTS total Increase alnce 1018 amounts to approximately 7.000,000 pounds, in -'it i 4 4 statistical fashion. He "Ail the water that flows ovev Niagara Falls during the time that it takes to slowly count 120 (two minutes) would be necessary to infuse the amount of "Salada" Tea consumed during 1022.

According to the statistics from the Hydro CLARKSBtmO, Feb. How rapid has been the development of tha agricultural community centering here la indicated In tha uouncernent that the Holland Land company will pay; off lta entira funded Indebtedness this year, eleven years ahead of maturity. Extension of the area of high value crops haa made It possible tor land, buyers to secure bank loana an eminently satisfactory -i bases, thus expediting their own development plans. "3 Electric commission, the amount of water passRig over Niagara Falls atepa to save some of their stock to meet the. demand from small buyers who called at the Nlles yards.

'The result of this policy has been that hundreds of retail buyers are today being served when those who would like to purchase In great quantity are not accommodated. The man agemcnt haa reserved a complete Una of trees various aizea, but aot In large quantities. Curing tha past weak liaavy shipments have been received at Nlles from the fruit tree nursery In Placer county, which is owned by tha California, Nureery com- Sany. In thesa shipments have een received number of email trees that are' being offered for home orchards In back iota. These small trace are perfect as to type and ealthfulness, but they ara not quite as large as aome people desire.

These trees are being offered to those who want to build home orchards at special prices. w(y Dickey mariile The Standard Hollow Building Tile Madapy CALIFORNIA BRICK COMPANY 04 Miaaioa SAN FRANCISCO Bufldera Exchange, OAKLAND Arcbltocta and coetractoxs writs for "Dickey MMtrtlle Building UsaaoV booing diagrams and complete details of construction. every minute la 13,090,000 cubio feet. "Ii all the packets of "Salada" Tea sold during 1022 were placed end to end, In one long line, they would span the Atlantlo ocean, reaching from New York to Liverpool, a distance of 8,058 miles- "If the packets of "Salada" Ta in the Increase only in the sales during 1922 were placed end to" end they would reach for three hundred ClPAig ana forty miles." The rose season is also at its height at Nlles, and the California Nursery has been compelled to This -building will ba -erected at' once upon thai corner of San Pablo avenue and Nineteenth street by B. Bercovich, and this construction marks the' beginning of a movement in San Pablo avenue real estate.

of a movement In real estate such i.l as has occurred along Broadway and Telegraph avenue, flan Pablo avenue has one great advantage in that it la the only Announcement of a valve which ft is declared wilt completely, revolutionize certain departments of the plumbing industry, la made In connection with tha organization of the International Sanitary Man-ufaeturing'eompany by a group of Oakland capitalists and wen. The new company, which plans to establish a big plant in Oakland, It is announced, will be completely flnnanced by local. capital. Among the directors ara R. H.

Merchant, -Norman deVaux, J. Millar, F. W. Luver, Joseph Bobba and Nicholas J. Shields.

The which has been taken over by the company, has received universal approval by master, plumbers. Including I W. president of the Master Plumbers' Association of Alameda reserve its stock for Its retail customers; They have-long since topped salsa to dealers. The California Nursery has built up such a large trade from people who call at tha nursery and select their owm stock and carry their purohasee away, that they take every means of protecting that trade. The nursery could have cold every fruit tree and every rose a month ago, to dealers, but they have kept a complete Una, though In limited quantities, to meet the demanda of their regular trade which visits the nursery at Nlles.

1 1 Realtor From the South in Oakland A. H. Illohan, welt known In Oakland, though lately from Los Angeles, has become sales manager for Myraa Brothers, and will have active, charga of the sales force for the new firm of operators. BEUj WATER FTjANT. The Diamond Ridge Water company, doing business at Plaeervllle, El Dorado county, made application to tha Railroad Commission for authority to give an option to the El Dorado Water corporation for tha eala its propertlee to the latter.

Indications That Boom 'Will Reach Northward Along San Pablo. Ths initial step In the great increase in building activities along San Pablo avenue which this year will see la marked by the purchase by B. Bercovich of ths southeast corner of Nineteenth and San Pablo avenue. Bercovich pur. chased this property through the office of F.

and will erect a modern three-etory office and store buildingfconstructlon to be started Immediately. Ban Pablo avenue Is sharing in the expansion of the downtown business district, and has recently been the scene of several tranaae-tions involving business property. The trend of the downtown business district to expand UKfnorth-erly direction has made property along San Pablo very desirable. The construction of a modern office and store building at Nineteenth and Ban Pablo was regarded by Beroovlch aa a good Investment, aa thle eectlon will soon be the center through street running in a northerly dlreotlon. and all tralflo to and from points north of Oakland must pass along this streets The new building will ba of reinforced concrete construction, with every modern convenience.

The architect F. D. Voorheea. "The present year will see a still greater inorease In building activities In the downtown business dis-trot." said F. F.

Porter, "and all indications point to a great development along Ban Pablo avenue. We have several deals pending at the present time which involve business property along this street, and within a few months an era of building and real estate activity in this section will be well under way." K. K. Spccht and XI Grey, Oakland manufacturers of Gray's Luggage Carriers, are opening an agency In tos Angelas for this Oakland product. county, ine vaivs, orcmrau.

fa February PLANTING. THE will reduce the consumption or water fully twenty-five per cent, and it la so simple In its nature that it practically eliminates repairs. --(; The field for Its use ranges front five-room cottage to tha biggest buildings. Incorporation; of tha company, it is announced, will take place within the next few1 weeks. and It la planned to have the plant In active operation before the end of the year." Best Guilt Ready Cut in Tklal 7 $4'0 GOLD FOR A GOOD SLOGAN The 400 members of the Builders' Exchange, of Alameda County want to advertise their business and their Exchange.

We Need a Slogan for Them They represent the best in the building industry Dependable BuUding (instruction For Alameda County is their aim $40 IN CASH AWARDS $25 for the best slogan submitted. $10 for the second best slogan submitted. 5 for the third best slogan submitted. Contest cloeei February 1 2th, Award announced February 1 8th Address Publicity Committee BUILDERS' EXCHANGE OF ALAMEDA COUNTY 351 Twelfth Street 7 I The ideal time to plant your family garden and beautify, your home grounds TREES (FRUIT and ORNAMENTAL) SHRUBS, PLANTS, VINES and ROSES are the gifts of nature that become living part of your horned Of pleasure to you as well as the passerby. We are specialists irv'the propagating of this plant life and have over 400 acres devoted to their culture.

1 GEO. ROEDING, Pre. California Nursery Goi (Founded is 1865 by John Rock) ISfles, Only $2227 Price Includes all lumber materials, built in fixtures, hardware, paint, gutter, etc ALSO THE SERVICES OP ONE OF OUR EXPERT WORKING FOREMEN TO SUPERINTEND THE CONSTRUCTION FOR DAYS FREE. Write For Plan Book Full description, photographs, figures. DON'T WAIT aend coupon today NOWI Turawtter Ltr.

Mill enurrnooa fpj Drive Oat to Our SALES YARD It's a delightful hour's ride from Oakland on a paved highway. OPEN: Daily and Sunday to Visitor! and Purchasers. Fart lee interested In beautifying home placea will find It advantageous to make selection of trees and plants at our aalee yard aa we can authentically advise them on the care and culture of stock purchased. i "iii i 10 Tamwater. Wnk, n-oiui, Oakland, Cmu aflMMm mm 1 TuMwATER LUMBER MILL PImm mi aw row aUe book.

1 axuieWfif buIUio. N.1MS i 'i -ii ii.

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