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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 21

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 Wl'l' TO TRICl'XC DOIVERU) ID YOUR IXXftl IYCmt IN TUC. YEA fO OfCIV 1 3 A VONTUr 1 j. VOLUME XCVIU. OAKLAND -CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9, 1923 NO. 40; 5rJ sstiisnis'iiuw' inmnnir'ni fl'tTl ,1 Legion Prepares Valentine Dance STREETS GET piriiriH'iMrft ff'e Sell Then Jft Home, Chad, Says Man American Woman Cold, Declares Profeor Paya BAN LEANDRO, Fab.

To night members of the San Lean dro American Legion' post will California Stefan i) MILLS HEAD MAKES PLEA FOR COLLEGE complete their decorating prepara 10 mmm Hon at St. Joseph's hall for the CI act Valentine dance to be held to Established 1675 Frmts First Floor BEBKKLET, Teh. J.Now comes a new definition of the American woman. She's a "statue cold, rational and indifferent," says Professor Oakland's Oldest Dry Coods House morrow night. The interior of the hall is being arranged in colors and effects appropriate to the spirit of the affair.

Serpentina and streamers of carnival colors will be mmm Eduardo Paya of the Spanish profuse. Members of the uadies Anxlllarv -here are aiding the Le payment of the University of rion. Th, funds derived will aid California, a arrival from early construction of a Legion A clubhouse. Dr. Reinhardt Telh Value of.

Higher Education for Women; Barrovrs "Gives Praise to Work of tne Past After asserting that aha "did not love him; hated the eight of nrm-and WS. "sick of Mrs. Vletorlns F. Moneon deserted him and her son, aged on January 2 leaving a farewell', note, asserts Paul B- Monson, 1116 Stuart street. Berkeley, In a.

divorce stilt on file today. The. note, as quoted in the complaint, says: "Dean. Paul: I will get. along better without me as you know we cannot get along together.

I don't blame you for anything, as you did the best you knew how. Please be good to babe; as I sure went through agony to make up my 'mind to leave. I don't know yet if I can stay away from but I guess it's my own fault for leaving you. Take good care of babe and tfclt him I wntto work and hope you will let me see sometimes. "VICTORINE.

South America. Of the Latin woman, the professor, says; a doll." Discussing women further before a class on the university cam 6 us, the college expert says: "The i American woman is cold because she is not susceptible to the attractions of men. The Latin woman thinks only of her lovers -phe looks up to them as ner superiors. But the American woman regards man as her equal, ight Short Avenues apd Alleys Rechristened; Two Soft Drink Licenses Are Revoked; Zone Is Created The City council this morning ehangwd the names of various odds kind ends of streets, declared a certain strip of North Oakland to be In the industrial zone and cancelled the licenses of two soft drink places. "Colleges cost a good deal, but it would cost infinitely more not OF Coats to haya Pr.

Aurella Henry Reinhardt, pre'siidenl Vof You'd Like a Home in the Country A fW acres of fruit, and sothe poultry. Say, -over to Contra Cosva. Have you read 'Country Reel-ty" in the Classified Want Ads of today's Mills College, in -speaking to members, of the. Chamber of Commerc at Hotel -Oakland at noon today. She to the many great AT so sne Is less apt to Idealize and worship htm.

"College women of America are particularly indifferent the result of co-education. Competing with men on an equal plane makes them buslne.slike and calculating; In fact, many of them accept dates with an air of Moreover, this attitude may be blamed for the college man's lack of chivalry and respect," women who have come out of our and to. the Influence qf the thO'tftsnds of tees fanious who have exerted their influence for good throughout the nation. .50 i 49 Dr. David president $35-00 $cr.

50 of the University of di rected, attention to the yery-'high; standing ef Myis' College in this' community, and exceweni Monson. who la an electrician, asserts that' his wife had acted cold and. indifferent toward him for some time, living in a separate room of the bouse for the past four months. She frequent-. ly left the child home alone, re- turning at-late hours and, refusing to explain her absence, he aa- serts- one of these occasion he Iparned thatshe had visited a gan Francisco, cafe with another man, declares Monson.

He also charges sbekept the S5 -he had given her to pay the rent for He aska custody of son. Iul Jr. i a0 TKIiKGKAM VSE. DULITTH, Minn. While Mrs.

work it has- done irt- the past in 59 so presenting a -plea for its oonliftu- The tract affected by the industrial one ruling is the 'north side Linden street from Adeline to Ban Pablo. The Emeryville line reaches to half a block from Un-6 en and the, new ruling makes all these half-blocks north of Linden an industrial zone. The soft drink licenses revoked were those of C. A. Tornell 3061 Broadway, s.

andV F. Powers, 601 Franklin. The street-name changes, all affecting short avenues, allpys- and were: Old Nam- 1 New Name. Kannlng Masterson st. Etorer ave.

Redding st. Btorer place. Redding place Fremont way BUrbeck ave. Cottage st. Mandana blvd.

Hill lane st. Jones st, Twenty-first st. Indian road SunnyhiU road. happiness, morality, education standards in her MAKES PLEA F0R" COLLEGK. ''W'hat do you expect of the best womanhood Would you help to bring the best to pass? Would you ance.

AND Harrison .8. Robinson, president of the Chamberpot Commerce, jr- was furnished by the Mais College Choral Sdciety, of twenty rolqes. These are dressy models, well made and splendidly cut. Many are shown with fur collars of squirrel, beaver and caracul. The pre-'' dominating colors are black, navy, brown and blue.

Sizes nm from 16 to 40 with some few sizes missing. The prices represent closing prices and are very drastic in their reduction. VRecently commlssloa. after r-- -i --l Wsiirv 'Tnvlo waa hastening to a nenry myivr. umvi.K..0 i -i hospital In response to a bogus spending 1 years Investigating like to live In this community In an influence of womanly goodness, beauty sweet reasonableness? Stabilize the college that was i founded for this purpose and for three score years has worked to this end.

"The. Mills woman In your city? Ton will find her lnhappy home, In well-ordered school room. In hospital boards, in organization supporting community centers, charities of every kind-," -enid 5r. telegram from her husband ner home was robbed of $100. You Can't Quit Your Job Of course not.

Buy a car (see "Autos o-r Sale," Classification 14 and ride In, in an hour, over con-Crete highway, you'll be really surprised at the bargains today. Reinhardt, ''reached the following oonelusionv 'Of all objeots of charity, the highest educatidn baa proven the' wisest, best and most effec-. tlve of i.aJU a because improving higher; education all other good care of orphans, homes for old folks; the Young Woman's Chris- causes are most effectively, aided. Also th of educational Man Association. Rhe knows and ALSO A SHOWING OF REDUCED TOR GOATS AT W5 J2500 funtTs haye most ofton cheerfuly obej-s the moral: To her funds Jn the purpose and spirit of much has been given.

Of her much Sheet Music Hits Here-- You will always find the very latest sheet music here. This shop is dpen every including Sunday," until p. m. -this for your convenience Records and player rolls here, too. shall be $16.50 yje founder The educated woman want the city as clean as her front She wants all children "as healthy as her own.

She went the schools of a type in which her own children may find a place. She wants such moral standards as she holds for her family to 4tply to her community, and befn intelligent person she knows she must co-operate to bring into being a real standard of health, comfort, riiescare polo belted styles and are to be had in Tweeds and heavy mixtures of brown, tan and gray. The sizes, run from 16 to 38 with some missing sizes. The prices also, represent immense reductions. Rrady-to-Wear Section Second Floor Olin 3 Good Ones Dumb Bell Fate All Muddled Up Branch Store 12th Broadway ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT TO SELECT OAKLAND Wi th? ROYAL FOR SHOES-.

VALENTINES A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT AT POPULAR PRICES Stationery SooUon -First floor HATS Never so gay as now and only $7.50 SHOE SMM SPRING SHOWING OF SOCKS Infants' and Children's Newest Spring Models, Just Arrived, are included at these unheard of Low Prices The Franklin Millinery 404 Fourteenth Street Bettvtm Broadway tnd franklin Street LADIES' Gombination Suits SLOOtkSuit These are made of fine soft, high grade cotton. They are of medium weight and are made with a band top, low neck, no sleeve and knee length. The sizes run five and six and the assortment includes white onry. Knit Underwear Section Second Floor All Imported Newest Patterns and Colorings Half Socks 50c the pair Three-Quarter Socks 85c the pair Hosiery Soction -First Floor sTlg '5" Fur Arrivals for Spring 1 SPECIALTY SHOPS 484 -I3Z? ST. st.

.50 29 TO FOX SCARFS in platinum, beige, dyed blue, cinnamon, slate, gray and black, in the newest shapes and finish, are sold at .04) Sale of Buster Brown And other Standard Makes of Shoes for Boys and Girls Sale of Elastic Girdles '125 29 50 OTHER SCARFS and scarf effects, in skunk. 1 .50 Purchased from a New York at a special pri concession. All lengths, all sizes; six different styles in the lot Boms all elastic, others Pekln striped back, tightly boned. Very specie py priced. mtl rmrsr I nA TO are offered at REMODELING, CLEANING AND REGLAZING YOUR OLD FURS IS AN Children's BUSTER BROWN TAN or BLACK CALF LACK SHOES Sises $7.05 8 to 11' Boys Solid Lesther TAN or BLACK DRESS' SHOES.

All she lot little and big boys Boys' BASKETBALL SHOES. Sises Wte 2, J35 for little ii r- r- r-r tt A T-f tnr" SV Al Tr" rT erOTIAK! 1IVI rUK I Al I rr.A 1 VJr UUI run OLL 1 VI For Seotkm Socood Floor to 6, for boysiaiS Men's sixes Crackerjack Bargains In Men's Shoes! Corsets New Spring models The new arrivals are de- ligbtully refreshing many of. 'them direct -from Paris, too. Lightly boned with elastic inset; girdle or elastic top, Ions; hip. subtly conveying the suggestion of the corsetkss figure.

25 Newest Normandy Voiles 1 38 Inches Wide Exquisite patterns and dainty dots much in vogue this season. Wash Weave Section First Floor New Shotting P. N. Practical Front Corsets 9 fif any figure in pink or white coutil, still to be 5 To 1 Madeira had at the old pnee. $5.

$.85 $gJB5 ins INapk Madeira hand embroidered and 'scalloped. Values up to $10. These are new patterns. dm being plahi seal See the hundreds of newest styles of Shoes nd Oxfords, in all leathers and sizes and Spring's eviesl Colonials Msde in newest gray suede with buckles to match, hand turned soles and Span- $1 C.00 rsh heels. Priced at 1 0 Pr.

Made in dull $1 yf00 mat kid iTPr. Made in patent colt and $1 O.50 vesting backs id Pi. Made of aUover $1 O.50 black satin Pr. tlet Footwear "action First Floor loped with embroKfered wrule other are more elaborate, with rose scalloped edges. i widths, for men and big PRICED' AT Silken Under thing Kayscr Silk Vests d- In dainty, new Spring shades peach, or- "sitJ chid, pink.

Featuring the new double shoulder strap, guaranteed not to break. JTm Heavily reinforced under arms. Very st- 453 tractivtly priced at S2.05. Bloomers to match In the now shades VEOT8 OP HEAVY 81XK Vsry Speeisl; all the beautiful new shades; a regular list value 95 DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS. Siturcl7.v WiU EYr Parchas boys, si these unheard-of low prices of 1 Atrol Kro (frh $4.85 and JLL the $55 Unen Section Firs Floor -v wwwi.

mri Oakland, Thirteenth and Wftsfcingtoir nw -rrmmwm "i Wjt)m.

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