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Hornellsville Weekly Tribune from Hornellsville, New York • Page 8

Hornellsville, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i fAOIB ABB STUBBORN. Uornelkville Are Not Convinced By Local Testimony They Dif- From Other People. Our rMden nuit have noticed ID the pmat two jrewn bow "cures have in the newspapers like muehtooni io a meadow and following tbe Plethora of "eurea" the general public have turned remarkably are demanded, but ithaa recomended alio oeaential to kaow who supplies them, where are they tram, io floe whom have the; owed. Doubting TtiouoM will not ao- oept at par. incredilable on the oner aide of the continent, lie wauls it at home.

"Give us eome neighbor, then I will believe," is what he aaks for. Well, Ooan'a Kidney Pills do thia. Call-it what you like, at home, looal or neighbors' testimony, you can alwara ascertain tfae truth of it without leafing limits. Here ia a Wftfelg iribimc. THIS PAPER IS ONLY 50 GTS.

YEAR IF PAID, FOB VANCE-MOKE READING THAN ANY 1 OTHER AT ONE HALF THE PRICE. Mr Arthur I'agft, of 122 Main street, Baym "Doan's Kidney Pills were worth their weight in gold me in the various of I use the term various forms, advii- idly as Dean's Kidney Pill were cot only of great benefit to pewonaly, but also to my littls boy. I was told of toe merits of the medicine, and-being troubled with backache caused by my being ou my feet all day, I procured a box at Geo. T. Beed drug When jiy wife saw the box she iaid, I know that remedy, it is indeed a val jable one; my mother and others of the family hare used Doan's Pills years ago.

I used it as directed. A very few doses procured a marked change in my backache, and by tbe time I had ficiehed the contents of box the pain in my back was gone," Doan's Kiduey Pills are for sale by all dealers; price 50 centa. Mailed by Foster- Milbnrn Buffalo, N. sole agents or the Uuitei States. Remember the name --DOAN'S-take no other.

Diphtheria relieved in twenty minutes. Almost miraculous. Dr. Taomaa' Electric Oil. At any draw store.

ALFRKD. Saturday evening Mis. L. A. Pa'mi ter, a millioer of Alfred was married to Mr.

Lewie Caofield, of 80io. et tbe home of her motbet'a in Andover, INQUEST ENDED. Tbe coroner's inquest into the death of Fireman Chamberlain, who died from the effects cf his it juries received by the blowing out of the crown sheet of a engine at Cameron several months ago, which has been conducted by Corocer Blades was completed the latter part cf last week. A number of protcinoiit witnesses testified and the verdict of the jury was to the effect that Fireman Chamberlain came to bis death from injurits caused by tbe falling in of tbe crown sheet of engine No. 1327, on CANISTEO.

of Feb. 1, 1890. The company or employs are not censured. ill UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Letters remaining unclaimed at tbe F.

Hornellsvi N. for the week ending June 24, '99. "What might have that little cough hadn't been neglected--is the sad. affliction of thousands cf cnc- euniptivee. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs aud colds.

Geo. Holland Co. DOES COFFEE WITH YOU? If not, dirnk Grain-O--made from pure grains. A lady writes. "Tbe first time I made Grain-O I did not like it bat after using it for one week nothicg would induce me to go back toooffee." It nouirshes and feeds the The children can drink it freely with great benefit.

It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Get a package to-day from yiur grocer. 15 and 25p. Beach, J. L.

(2) Beetie, Oscar Gidson, Mrs. JobOEon, Miss A. McCullofth, Mies Siebert, John Wright, Blade, C. Dortby, Mrs. F.

Hplden, "Wm. King, Stephen a Mapes, Frank Steuart, Curtis Mrs. John i'ersons calling for the above letters please say "advertised." W. fl. Murray, P.

M. A diseased stomach surely undermines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys tbe nervous system, and.predisposes to insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles 'are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands of cases and IB curing them every day.

Its ingredients are such that it can't heip curing. Holland Co. CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of Thomas Ehodea, Centerfield, 0., writes: "i suffered from the plies seven or eight years No remedy gave me relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve less than a box which per- mantently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harmless. Beware of counterfeits.

Qeo. Holland A Go. HABKINVILLE. Haskinville, June 26, Mrs. O.

J. Bowen is visiting in Seneca Falls. Walter Gray lest a horse Saturday. It died on the road home from Hor- nellsville. EIRoy Bowen was up from Avoca Sunday calling on friends.

Quarterly meeting was held at Saturday and Misa Ellis spent the Sabbath at her home at Alfred, Tbe ass ess or a made their annral visit. Glair Webb is working btre, JStrawberriea era nearly gone. The crop was injured by the dry weather. BATE. Tbe action which has keen pending for a long i against the Bath Harumondsport railroad, brought by tbe village of Bath, because of the railroad unlawfully occupying Cohoo- ton street, near the Erie railroad station, with its tracks, has been decided in favor of tbe village.

Judge Bradley of Corning was referee in the case and has just rendered his decision. He directs that the SI LIE PATH TO UORNSLLSVILLE UNDER OONSTHUCWON. the W. T. U.

Points of Interest-Koad Race on the News. Canisteo, June TVSB a very pleasant and enjoyable meeting of tbe W. T. the home of Mre. A.

K. Miner on Spruce street, yesterday after noon. It was a mothers' meeting and was in charge of Mrs. James Dehaney, who is superintendent of this work for the Union, An eiceptionlly interesting article was read by Mrs. Daciel Thomas.

A reci- alion was given by Miss Mary Thomas i poem by Mre. Hanking, a reading igm Jcho Preston and special music members cf the Union and young adiea. About 30 were present. After he program light refreshments were erved. The Waldo and Drake fcose com- anies have received invitations to at- end the and parade in the ot be Leld in Andover on July lib.

Both companies have teat word tbey cculd not attend. Dr. F. L. Button, republican candidate for Corocer, was in Ccrcing yes- terdayt He will go to'Bath to-day with U.

E. Buck, to attend the meeting of the sidepath commission to ke held there. Conductor Jerry Peterson is making good progress with the grading for tbe sidepath between Catjiateo and Hor- aellsvillo. Four entries have been received to date for the 10-mile road race here on cbu Fourth. The entries are to close Saturday night of this week.

OATARRAH CANNOT BE CUBED with Local Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Oatttrrb is a blocd or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must taKe internal remedies. Catarrah Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucoub surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cuie is not a quack medic-ne. It wae prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription.

It is composed o' the best blood purifiers, acting directly on tbe mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of tbe two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrb. Send for testimonials, free. F. J.

Cheney, Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75o. Qun-ahot and powder-burns, cuts, bruieee, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insect stings and poisoning, --quickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poisioniug. Beware of counter feita.

"DeWitt's" is saf3 and sure. Qeo. Holland Co. railroad company shall remove He tracks from tbe street wi.thin three mcntb.8. Thomas Shannon, of Bath, was in charge of the case fur the village, with Miller Nichols, of the same place, for counsel: and We)ton, Percy, of New Yom, was attorney far the railroad NOTICE TO HAWKERS AND FED- LERS.

Notice is hereby given that ail Hawkers aud Pedlers are compelled to procure a licence before offering their supplies for sale in the town of Hor- Dated June 24, J. F. Deeter, Town Clerk, Arkport, N. Y. The Kind Yoii Hare Always-teigtit LADIES CAN WEAK SHOES One size smaller after using Allen's Foot-Eaae, a powder to be shaken into the shoea It makes tight or -new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corni and bunions.

It's greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Ease is 'a certain cure for ingrowing uails, sweating, hot, aching fee; At all drugg ie.ta acd 25i. Trial package FRBE by mail Addreee, Allen Olmstead, Hating meo Dr. James Headache Powders and given them to ethers who are sufferers from severe beadaobe 1 claim for them tbe highest commendation an immediate cure.

1 Ala. STRUCK Bi' LIGHTENING. James Bartlett, aged fifty-fouryeais, a prominent farmer residing oce and one-half miles souihwestof Avooa was struck by lightening and instantly killed on Tuesday. He was in bis large barn across the -road frotu his residence standing between Frank Wells who had juat driven into the barn with a load cf hay to escape the shower and Fred Towuer, Mr. Bart- lett'a faired man.

They were standing near tbe open door, about.ten feet apart. The bolt struck the gable'end of the barn. Mr. Bartlett waa struck on tbe right side of the head. Mr.

Wells waa badly shocked and burned on the neck and face and Mr. To veer waa some what shocked and his left elbow was hurt a little. RINDE.U TWINE COMBINATIONS we bought early. Powers have put the price, quality high low price Special prices for two weeks Davis Hardware, 132 Main St. Sheldon's old etacd.

COUKTY. Ore hancb at the big reduction mill North Tcnawanda are paid to be on the point of going out on a strike for higher wages. AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. kle'i Druk Store. DeWitt's Early p.i,ers benefit permanently; They lend gentle aaiiat- ance to rature, causing no pains or rinan ntly cur oousti- patioo and liver ailaente.

Geo. Holland Co. Apatui Tht Kind You Haw Hirers Boughl i log for Dr. Jameg' Headacb' I o' you to forwaru A more powders. Cat Mil 10 dosen Mch month.

J. S. Sum mom, Pok Mil 1 Vat Draff Store. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Goo. Hollands Co.

who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers, They row have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is tbe Frank Edwards a "faimer of Avoca died of pneumonia June 17th. Floyd Hunt of Cohocton, baa ins index finger of his left hand cut off, last Friday, while aniog with a portable sawmill. The Maccabees of Woodhull and surrounding towns beid a large picnic in Everett's grove the 10th iust.

Two brass bands were present. The attendance is estimated at 2,000. Tbe band boys of Cohocton, have purchased a cut glast dnh for their leader, William Adair, to be presented to him on the occasion cf bis marriage to Misa Alice Mabel Armstrong of Lakeside. YOU MAT BE THE SAPIING BUT NOT THE TREE." When disease baa become chronic and deep seated, it is often difficult to cure it. That is the reason why it is bfs to take Hoods' Sarsaparilla when disaase first shows itself--in pimples, headaches, indigestion, or other truublee which tell of poor blood, weak stomach or disordeied liver or kidneja.

Thia great remedy regulates the whole system. It never disappoints. PEKSONAL --Mr. and Mrs. Joe Qiesnwood, are visiting In Buffalo, --Mre.

Chlr Rennick la visiting in Corning, --Mies Jennie Hawley has returned from a visit Io Alfred. --Wise Eoaoaa Simona ia visiting her parente on street. Mrs. Joseph Hammond is visiting relatives in friendship. --Miea Gertrude Caciogan is home from Cornel 1 University.

--Albert Hoffcuau is in the city calling on aia many friendi. --Mw. II. Koyle baa returned from a viait ia JPenn Mies Ones Bemia ia home from her ECbool at Bradford, Pa. --DoneId Katbbun ia home from Princeton for tbe summer.

--Edward O'Oocnor baa returnso com a visit at Greenwood. Howard Bird cf Batavia is spending a few in this city. -W. O. Ahord cf Buffalo is calling on his many friends in this city.

cf Albion has been speeding a few dajs in the city. --Mis? Francis McMaater of Mew 1'ork is visiting friends in the city. -Mre. Bernard Edell acci children are visiting mother in-Wejlsville. --Edmcnd Kfflngtr cf Wellsville spent Sunday with friends in chia city.

--Me. and Mrs. Prank Gerber have been visiting rtlitivea in Tioga, -MisaesMaryWcCafftrty atdcouein, Maggie are gutbta cf Bdoaont friends. --Mrs. Jennie P.

Kiugsley is iag a viait with her sister at Loon Lake. --Cornelius MoQreevy is home called here by tbe serious illaeea of his father. --Mra. Michael Collina and Mra. Wm.

Hartnett are viaiting in Salamanca. --Herbert Sooffin of London, is visiting his father, George Scoffin of this city. --Miaa Anna Keofeof Bingbamton is vibiting tbe Mkses ford of John this city. --Mrs. Othaniel Preston and Miss Lucy Preston are at tbe Sanitarium for a brief sojourn.

--Robert B. Jess up and family expect to move rest week to Mr. Jcssup'E farm in Cameron. --Walter Stevece IB Lome, from the Genesee 'Wetlayan Seminary for hits summer "acation. --Mr.

and lura, A. Wiljox, of Woodhull are guests at the home cf Dr. E. E. Webster.

--Lieut M. J. Kegan been spocdiug several days ia this city hat, retuiced to Albany. --Mr. and Mts.

James Houlihan and two (jons Francis and Paul of Brooklyn have returned borne. --Mrs. Snow and Miss Boviar cf Ithaca are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Stevens on Maple Ave. --Mr, and Mrs.

Q. M. Collies are spending a few weeks with friends in Rochester and vicinity. --Mrs. F.

K. Mix and two children are spending a ftw weeks at Mullinger cottage on Cayuga lake --Miss Tracy cf New York is a guest at the hooce of her utcle, Chts. W. Stevens of Main ctieet. --Mias Rhocia E.

Kincer of Duckirk ia visiting her brother D. R. Kinner of Catbeiine street tbie oity, --Mra. F. Sherwood and Miss Ada Rockwell are tbe guests ot Mrs.

Fowler of Danavilie. --Miss Lizzie Hall of Hcrnellaville, is visiting Mrs. E. J. Harrison, Main Times.

--H. E. Palmer cf Hornellaville now employed at the railroad shops in this Kepublionn, --L. B. McKean cf Horneilflviile ia the gcest of Mrs.

Samuel at Wettcn's Ledger. --Mrs. Frances Deck baa been entertaining her brother, Wheeler of St. Michigan. --Coroner and family of Jersey City ia tie city, called here by the neriotBseati of bis lather.

Susie Miller has returned to this city from a two visit with her parenti at Poitway, JN. V. --Miee Qraee Orvig left Saturday aftercoou foi Philadelphia here she will make an eiteiided licit to her'sic ter. --George Beccinger of has been the gueet of 8. if.

Brickrcan, returned houe this icg. --Joliu O. Hedderucian of the Pennsylvania Unirenity baa returned home and will spend hiii vacation id thia city. Mill Ada Cornell of Carson, who has been tbe guest cf friends and rolativos io this city baa retu'ced tioae. -E 0.

Wiiaey aadCfamily cf Elm atrett havegote west for two mot til's trip in Montaca acd the Vellaw Stone Park. --Miss Helen MoOuira who has been attending MpuutSt. Joaephg Academy at returntd hocte acd will spenu her summer vacation in this city. --John J. Ccrbett who has been in the Phiiiipices, haa rtturnfVd couieand bas accepted a position with B.

Eocney. --Mifs Margaret Mcore has accepted an excelleat lojitioh as teacher in a cchocl at ifourgstown for the coming year. --Mrs. Geo. Latta of Hornellsville, is visiting Mrr.

Juniua F. Bishop at 21 Checango hamtqn Her fa id. --Mrs. Joe H. Geer and daughter, Lulu, cf West First street, are spending a fortnight with relatives in Hor- aclhuille and Advertiser.

--Mr and Mrs. Charles Severna of Silver Lake Assembly Grounds are the guests of friends arid relatives in this city. Mr. Beverns formerly worked in the Erie shops in this city. --Mrs.

William Tolan bas returned from her wedding trip and is stopping with her parents preparatory to removing her effects to Hoiuellsville, her "VVellsviila ccr. Teln- gram. --Miss Myrtla Losey cf Ilornelis- ville, who has been speeding the past week with ber grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Joseph Carney bas roturceci to her home in that Breeze. The law firm of E.

M. Worth of Wootlbuii, baa -been increased ber) welghi ten Mid one-half poucds and can already aurpaea the bend of tbe firm io A ddiaoo cor. Albtrt Randall, if Ceoterviile, town of Corning, ban gone toHorntl'i- ville to work aa a Corning Journal. --Mr acd J. Tbe farncen ID the ffitintf tt deo are nettiag coutidorable tcbatoo thii jear.

it thought tbat the toil condition! of Yatea CftUnly" are very favorable to the growth ol that crop. Main street are etavlcf ats aon'a reeidence, 34 Elm utriiiet daring hia abaence west. -Miss Bessie Dwigbt of Baniom street baa gone weat iierjtealth atd visit relatives for a couple cf years In Montana, --Mra. Wealey Bvaia seriously ill at her home on Grand from an attack cf heart failure and little are entertained for her recovery. -Miss Helen LordvAea gone to Mew York to position prieadng in the new "Man, io 'tbe' "MOOL" company.

Miss Lord Is one of the few theatrical stars who begin at top cf the ladder instead of 4eMbottoa, and ia deticed to stay, cor. 4 BEACKV1LLE FAUMEKS CLUB. The tenth annual "picnic of the Beachville Farmers Club vfill; beheld at J. L. Faulkner's Grove in South Dansville, July 8th.

Geo. N. Oroutt of this city and A. O. Bunnell cf Dansville will be the speakers aud music will be furnished, by the Fremont band.

The annual pXeetiog cf this organization are very enjoyable and are attended by a large number from the surrounding toWDB. Blood If the blood in sufficient quip. Ijfrcii fte of of tbe by-'a, haw member. (toe new mem- MAPLE CITY HOSE CO. The members of Maple City Hoso are making unusual preparation for the visit to Way land on July 4tb.

Tbe Maples' always cake an excellent appearance on parade and there is no doubt but they will be tbe most attractive company in lice. They are drilling, trghtlj' and are mastering the difflctilt in a splendid manner," WOULD NOT SUFFEfe SO AGAIN SOS. FIFTY TIMES THE PRICE. I awoke last night with severe pains in my stomach. I never felt sa badly in all my life.

When 1 came down to work this rcording felt so I could hardly a went to Miller ifcCutdy's. drug. store and they reanomendeu Charnbejtlain's Colic. Cholera atd It worked 1'ke magic snd bntfdose fixed me all right. I finest taing I tver tsfd for btOojacn trouble.

I shall cot be without ifc'Jn' my tioae herefter, for 1 should not care to end te sufferings of last uight again fjr fifty times its price--Q. II. Wilson, Liuerytcan, Burgeltatown, Washinton Co, This rerredy is fir sin by Geo Co. tity a wound ofvbem lunrs tbe rpult Life depmds the blood iV. IO All parts of the body the nutritive dementi necessary to sustain it What if these nutritive elements are absent? What if they are supplanted bv poisonous, effete matter and disease The first'fesult is disease--partial death: is the saine as from loss, of All disease ifr'tracfcable to impurity or weakness of the blood and that is the reason the i.Ui^overy ctrres --it purifies aftl vtteli'zes the and it witli "nutriment for the starving nerves and tissues.

I Consumption a ease of the blood--ej. is jerofuli! is Tliey looki like medicine will relieve "all am using a good many of your'' medicines in-ray practice." writes Dr. Joseph.Fike (or Manon years ago a patient tnine-'was. badlV affected scrofula. Her.

njoutb throat were. in. an cstJnStlon, and there were lumps on tHe outside below the jaws the size of a hen's egg. Other doctors said it was a fatal case. 1 felt confident that none of my remedies would benefit her any.

It came to my mind that Dr. pierce's Golden Medical Discovery was rep- phimended for such so, I gave it to her as directed, five bottles cured her and, She is niarHea apd has three healthy Dr. Pierce's Peileiscurebiliousaest, STUDENTS WANTED We Iiave been unable to fill one-half the calls for If you desire a better position at a larger salary, take a course in BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, OR ENGLISH at our school. Tbe demand for faithful, competent young men and women ia very large. We guarantee to give you value received for your money and time.

Address HORNELLSVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL THERE IS A GREAT DIFFERENCE IN SWEAT PADS; 1 tflJL HOOD'S FILLS fimily cathartic. are the favorite Io tbe official report of the changes in classification of presidential post- olfioe for the fi ac year ending Julyl, such a furor all over the country by I Painted Post in thia county is reduced its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma. BroBchitis, liottrne- oees and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug itore ard get a trial bottle free or a regular size for 50 cents and fl.OO.

Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. A little life may bs sacricflea in an aour's delay, Cholera infantum, letery, diairnma come suddenly. Only wfe plan is to have Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry always on baud to fourth ciasa. The following, post- offices In Steuben county have an increase of salary: Addion, fl 500 to $1,600: Avooa.

11,000 to ton. $.1,100 to 81,500. A party of young men have been iiahing with a seine in Canadice lake and one cf the party waa taken to. Honeoye Kails, where he gate bia companions away aod'arreiti are jected to Herald. 'Want of Watchfulness Makes the Thief." cases of poor health come from wnnt of watchfulness.

But if you keep your blood pure no thief can steal your health. The one effective, natural blood purifier, is Hood's Sarsaparttta. Disordered long been troubled'wth disordered blood and weak back. Hood's Sarsapurilla. him strong and htilthy; he every day." A.

S. Wykes, 5. PA. umor When I need A Mood purifier I Me Hoofs It cured my humor And is excellent, as nerve ionic." Josie Eaton, Stafford Springs, Cf. Some are stuffed with hair covered with good heavy canvas, and tHe are fastened on in good shape, while others are made as cheap as The Success, manufactured by L.

McClair Mfg. Co is the best kind.f:^Ve: sell them for 3oc to' 4oc. SUCCESS SWEAT PADS giants of excellence. A household reputatIon of worth and value. When horsemen want a pad that is a pad made straight and lofty as a Quaker's conscience they want the Success.

Ask for them and iasist on Waving them. FELTLESS SWEAT and rapid sellers, because new. Contain desirable features, are handsome, durable and delightful to tfte We are pushing them and if you will come and get a pir you will never regret it UNIVERSAL HORSE at big latent demand for devaloped. The many virtues of the Universal render it superior and favorite. It one of those rare things that combine high merit witfiwyj pjjlce.

We also have a full line of felt housing pads light and heavy harniiS: fcr 15 to soc retail. As we buy these goods in large lots we cun save you fronr2o to 25 per cent, on anything in the line of pads, collars or harness DONT FORGET THE RtACE, Pllln cure liver I1U; the non-lrrltitlng and to Hood's w. 79 flain Opposite the Page House..

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