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Hornellsville Weekly Tribune from Hornellsville, New York • Page 5

Hornellsville, New York
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0. G. HUBBAED M. MTY8I0IAB AHDBtTBCUON, 1)7 Main Street, HoruelliviUe, K. Y.

Special attenton paid to diseases of the Bye. Ear and Nervous System, and the Fitting of Spectacles. LOCAL IN BBIKFI Fruit a plenty. Pleasant days. farmers happy.

Push the paving. Business is improving. The gas pipe is going down fast Merchintsare anticipating ga fair fall trade. It is said that the water system of Brad lord nets the city $35,000 a year. "Wfcllsviile hab seventeen the sixty two lawyers in Allegdny county.

It is sud tb o( the pyo'era lord nets the a year. The engine on Major Bailey's steamer a Hemlock iake blew up last Friday. Not a death has occurred in the village of Hmsdale, Oattaraugus county, sino March 8ch. A woman is employed as flagman a the Central's crossing of tbe Salt Pom road, in Duchess county. A rattlesnake three and one-half fee long was killed on Wm.

Dykeman's in Ulysses township a few days ago. Allegany users of natural gas are fine ing the expense so heavy that they are turning to the use of wood and coal. The earnings ef the Western New Yor! and Pennsylvania for the first wetk August were $78,800, an increase of $2.00 The township of Byron, Genesse county has twenty iron bridges, a greater numbs than any other township in western Ne York. A traveling show lost an eight-foo alligator in Oneida lake, and he shows occasionally and scares fishermen half death. Residents of Great Valley, Oattaraugu county, complain that their gardens an hen roosts are visited periodically by snea theives.

A Wiiliamsport man had a battle witi a pole cat the other dty. The cat wa killed and the man wanted to die b-c couldn't A bogus John L. Sullivan imposed on lot of Jamestown people and succelded i getting a kit of free whiskey before he wa found out George Palmer, an employee in th Brooks Works, Dunkirk, had his righ hand badlf crashed, letting a heavy cast ing fall on it It is reported that one night recently party of Lawrenceville fishermen securec three bushels of fish with a seine in th river near Lindley. The total receipts of the camp meeting association have been made known and will reach nearly $3)000 which $500 more than last year. Batavu's new municipal electric ligh plant which heen hi operation for a month has that time, saved to taxpayers the net sum of $263.50.

Dr. H. M. Scranton, who has just been superseded by Gen. W.Grieve as Post master of Castile, has held the office con tinuosl? for over 25 years.

"A fool and his money soon part" A 'fool buys net Saucuta blended coffee bu other and is always complaining tha can't make good coffee." The foad which -has so long been fcnown as the "Tonawanda Valley railroad," will hereafter be known as the Arcade railroad." of last week Mr. Azinah Beach of Shongo, cut a bee tree. There were seventeen feet of solid honey, which when removed tipped the scales at 175 pounds. William Lomassney, a well known Fall Brook co ductor, who lost a leg seme months ago, has received from tbe Order of Railway Conductors for the loss of ttoiSame. The management of the fiomellsviUe air most be hard up for attractions when they place on exhibition the notorious "Hi Biddy" Martin, tbe outlaw recently cap Herald.

Several B. R. P. conductors have re "blue envelopes," but the reasons therefor are not stated. It appears that seren names are on the bhcklitt and the removal of the men has caused a sensation in local railroad circles.

The Healy--Gordon litigation which has been going on at on and off for the put six years baa been decided in favor of Healy. Only a third of an acre of land was involved, and nearly $4,000 baa been expended in litigation Judge Walter Lloyd Smith, of the supreme court, has rendered a decision that owners of lands purchased partly with pen funds and partly with other money be exempt from taxation on inch property to the extent of the proportion of money used in said purchase. COUNTY. The county convention has been called for the 81st at Addison. The Oohooton village board expect to trade tbe village hand fire-engine for a hose cart.

The yacht belonging to Capt. John Hoare, of Corning, sunk in Lake Keufca Monday night Fires in the woods below Adrian, and below Addison, have done some damage the past week. A horse, 8 years old and warranted to be sound, wa sold by a Woodhull, Steu- last week Trampa thanwlvM raeh a on thsPtaMTlvmnk railroad tbat ant. Htcatrn bM ttM to TM" A ben County, sucuonenr $4 40. Miss Mabel W.

Chamberlain of Oanis teo, has gone to Raleigh, N. 0., where she will visit friends, aad drawing und painting. The HornolUville girls have an epidfta of high kicking. Some of the Cohocton gir's have a tendency In that direction, Index. The full amount of the insurance on St.

Jaaies church of Hamraondsport, $6,000, has been allowed by the company, and preparations for rebuilding are going for ward. The county convention of the W. C. of Steuben county, will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church. North Cohocton, Wednesday and Thursday, September 19 and 20.

The large barns with sheds attached, of Milo Brown's, of South Canisteo, were struck by lightning recently and entirely consumed by flre. No insurance. Another burn with 30 tons of bay was burned on South Hiil the evening of the 2d, which was also a total loss. Clark Benjamin Williams, second son of F. A.

Williams of Corning, arrived home Saturday night from Europe, where he has spent two years in study at the German Universities. Mr. Williams has accepted a professorship in the Kalamazoo, college. He is a graduate of Princeton college. NEIGHBORHOOD.

Dunkirk residents allege that the tele phone service rendered by the Central office nights is almost as bad as none at all. Calls frequently meet with no ro spouse. Arthur Bentley, a young married man of Jamestown, got jealous of his wife and tried to suicide by shooting nimself in the head. The ball failed to enter the skull and be wi'l probably recover. Mayville has a young woman who is posaessed of a remarkable appetite and traordmary digestive powers.

a went entertainment, in order to win a bet, ate ten large potatoes and 13 pn cakes. pleted a-l testei under stenu first of the order of for the Rev. Howard. Mr, Vmah of Belmont has just the commenced a aeries of meetings at Baptist church in this plaee. Willie Brasted returned to Cook acidemy thia morning, and TanWie goes back to Hamilton college next week.

They are both preparing for the ministry, and Eveline Walters are teaching school in districts near by. Mr. and lira Frank Green of Buffalo are visiting at Oscar Swains. Mrs. Delia VanDusen and daughter and Miss Howard, of your city spmt Sabbath in Howard.

Rev. J. P. White is having numerous calls to preach. Mr.

and Mrs. Calvin Bullock returned to their home in this place yesterday. D. V. S.

Beware of Ointments Catarrh that Contain Mereary. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through tbe mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as damage they will do, is ten fold to tbe good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by B. J.

Cheney A Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, -and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrah Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is 4aken internally and is made Toledo, Ohio, by f. J. Cheney Co.

Testimonials Free- by Druggists, 76c. per bottle. According to the Jamestown All young man of that city took a party of Friends into the Sherman house the other night and ordered Mamui's extra dry for tbs. crowd. Ho hadn't the money to pay for it, and the proprietor compelled him to leave his dress coat as security.

A. M. Bailey, a well known citizen of Eugene, Oregon, says his wife has for years been troubled with chronic diarrhoea and used many remedies with little relief until she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy, which has cured her! sound and well. Give it a trial and you will be surprised at tbe prompt relief brds 25 and 50 cent Lotties of this remedy 'or sale by Geo. T.

Reed Go's, three tores, Hornellsville and Canisteo. The Tonawanda News is authority for he statement that property owners in the vicinity ef the Erie depot have (fared the Ene company $1,000 if it will emove tha old building which disfigures hat section of North Tonawanda and erect a depot more in accord with tbe.surround ngs. Irving W. Larimore, physical director of Y. M.

C. A Dos Koines, Iowa, aays he can conscientiously recommend Chamber ain't Pain Balm to gymnasts, bi 'tita, foot ball players and the in for bruiMs, iprains and die looatioos; alMfor and WTwo applitd ItwillsfiMt seura government to ruu on ths Brazil It is a 21 by 20 inch cy'inder. William Weaver TOO bushels of wheat at Canaseraga, at sixty cents per bushel, to be ground up as feed for horses. This is perhaps the first time wheat was ever used as feed for horses in this region. --Angelica Republican.

Burglars made a rich haul fiom the premises of Byron Moulton, a vreahny Alexander, Genesee county farmer, last week. They relieved his trousers pocket of $103, but overlooked $200 more which he carried in his vest packet. Miss Margaret Mulvihill of Centerville, has begun an action in the supreme court, through Shoemaker Wellington, her at torneys, against Cornelius Murphy to re cover damages for a breach of promise of Journal. Miss Hattie Joces, an estimable young; woman, a former resident of Belmont, died at Bath a fow days ego of consumption. The accompanied by a sister of the deceased, Miss Nellie Jones, Mr.

Mai- Iroy and Miss Howard, were brought to Belmont for burial. Frank Watson, a farm employe at Fredonia, received temble injuries while bar nessmg a colt on Friday. After putting the collar on the animal he reached up for a loose strap which dangled over his head. The horse seized Watson in the face, tearing out the right cheek bone. William Reilly of Pendleion bad a nar row escape from the flames in Lockport on Saturday afternoon.

A load of hay on which he sat caught fire from friction on the hind wheel. The horses were saved with difficulty. Reilly also escaped by sliding quickly to the greund. W.A. Wadswcrth of Geneseo re cently received from the kennels of the Duke of Beaufort and Lord Fitzbarding, IS full blooded fox hounds, which will be used in the hunt this fall.

This is sup posed to be an important piece of new? to tbe select few who ride to hounds. A good story is told of a Wilkesbarre fisherman who tried for years to catch a particular black bass and on Saturday sue ceeded in landing the monster. When landed, it was found that it was toe full of fish books to be eaten and had to be sold for old Transcript. The lake bottom off Dunkirk has been dragged three weeks without striking the wreck of the Dean Richmond, and although the work will te carried on two weeks more it is not thought the angling will provo successful, The boat sunk with a cargo worth about $50,000 aad eight of the crew. The badly mangled remains of Henry Cole, a German, were found 'beside the Erie rail way tracks near Allegnny, Monday.

Saturday night he got a dollar from his employer and started for Olean with the avowed purpose of buying a new shirt. He was struck bj a train and killed just outside the village. Down on Long Island the -farmers prayed for rain, and in one place they got it while -still praying in the church. It came down in torrents, and leaked down through the roof of the Congregational church while the services were still going on, and the farmers turned up the collars of their coats and passed a vote of thanks, after which they waded borne in the mud. Ohautauqua has enjoyed the most prosperous season in its history.

Every resort on the lake has been well patronize 4 the assembly is in a flourishing condici The character of tbe improvements to the grounds display the faith of the managers in the permanency of the institution. It presents a greater range of attractions than any summer resort, immediately accessible to ibis section of the country. To the World of Women. Mothers and Daughters Hectored to Health and Strength. Weak, nervous, delicate, overworked women, are the'ones that strength builder, a tonic for their nerves, and'a cure for that awful internal trouble that is wear ing out their 1'ves "housandg of women have'found buch Dr.

Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Mrs. Christiana Beal, of Jonesport, Me writes that her daughter had been a great sufferer from female trouble, a after repeated trials of Doctor's prescriptions and other "FO called cures, "sed Dr. Her' tU's Remedy si pcrrnanen ru'eu bet. If ym; uU catarrh, i cl fOF 'c porino in to charge rf or ai.y cvils thtot.

orvt in feiris'e use Ff.vor't* it i in uui.u up quick'y tLe run down ion and bring refre-1 ng sleep. It will those tired 'o I fvlir 1 oua fystcm perrnvrtitly furo you Our up weak ar.J delicate. mothers such conditions by giv ing them Dr Dav 's Favorite Remedy FURNITURE Carpets, Matting BeddiNg. FD1EUL I I the finest in this city. vioe and lowest specimen IJa Ph.

S. H. CLSord, New was troubled with neuralgia and rhrumalism, his stomach was disordered, his lirzr was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribiy reduced in flesh and strength. Three bodies of Elec trie Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing.

Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Ar- mca Salve, a his leg is sound and well. John Spsak'r, Catawba, 0., had five larpe fever sores or his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. For sale i'io Reed at their and Street. HORNELLSVILLE, NIGHT rW, AT IGOR.

FOUND. A pi ice oiinji men'an 1 can fit themselves ft Hook keepers. Stenographers' Cashi.TS, Tjpownters, ttc b) alt- ruling flornell Business University, Special Announcements. Study's i a fullcomnicrcialeotirsf 1 will be given a course in Tj pew nting without extra tuition. CALL OR WRITE FOK CIRCULARS C.

E. WIIXARD, Principal, Ran by Practical ENGINES, BOILERS, STEAM PUMPS, AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY REPAIRED. STEAM PIPING, Ac. Dealers la Shafting, Hangers, Pulleys, Belting 1 and Engine Supplies. TC had years of experience In building i cntul au'l machinery, All work prompt and careful GUARANTEED, EVANS, i i t'j vill attention, i A N.

T. OfiM I ir of -ilk fine Hfeslejan Seminary i i i "--i 'j-f ci-th jear 5TH, 1894 a fir-t I hui' Th tli' tea oi LS to rone in 11 that semlrary-- faculty, cuiirsps nf Study, 1 apparatus, location ami easy terms mm iry diploma ailti'its to the colleges of, and otln states without examination. A HT'S i be it the beginning i N'o pains will be pa red to care for the minds, and bodies of fie pupils WILLIM H. REESE, D. Principle, I Y.

S. OpsosVi can be foutd ou Broad St Julius Cuhn building, with a fine lot of cigars and best liquo that are manu factured in the U. S. Ladies and gents restaurant up-stairs. Low rates vialNickel Plate road.

ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF SALJE. UBPUAVT to a.n order of the County Court, duly mode in the matter ot tiw ac- coun tinp; of Sidney H.Crane,as assighne-! of Nirom M. Cranp, for the benefit of creditors, on the 5th day of St'iitember. 1894, and duly fllod and entered with the clerk of said court; the undersigned, the said assignee ill sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of tha building known as "Crane's Bank," No 124 Main straet, in the city of Hornellsville, N. on the first day of November, 1894, at 10 o'clock, a.

all the right, title, claim and interest that the said Nirom M. Crane had on the 31st day of July, 1893, to and the following named and described property, that on the day of said sale may remain in the hands of the undersigned, viz 1 The Cranes Bank Building and lot situate on the south side of Main street and being Nos. 122 and 124 of said street, in the city of HornellsviUe, N. being about 82 feet in front on said street, and extending back to the Shattuck opera house, bemsr about 100 feet deep; upon this lot is a two- story bank building and basement, with an independent hallway and stairs for the accommodation of the first and second stories of said building; on the rear ot said lot is a two-story brick shop-building. lane or alley in the rear of said lot is for the exclusive use ot property abutting thereon.

This property is subject to the lien of tha State, county, city and taxes for 1893, and the city and paving taxes of 1894; and also subject to the inchoate right of dower ot Marie L. Crano, wife of the said assignor. n. House and lot Nos. 3 and 5 Bennett street In the city of N.

Y. Upon this lot is a two-story frame dwelling house with cellar, used as an apartment house, now occupied by fonr families; on the pear of this let is a frame barn. This property is subject to ths hen of State, county, city and school taxes of 1893, and the city tax of 1894; also to the inchoate right of dower of the wife of assignor m. An undivided one half of four vacant lots on Grand street and Fairview avenue in the city of HomellsviUe, N. Y.

The other balf of these lots 13 owned by the estate of Milton J. Baker, dec'd. This prorertr la chargeable with the taxes named, and with the inchoate right of dow er of the wife of said assignor. IV. House and lot on oast side of Carter streetln the village of Canisteo, N.

Y. Upon' this lot is a frame dwelling house. The state, county, village and other taxes upon this property are Ubpaid. This property is subject i of said assignor. inchoate right of dower of the wife V.

While in Chicago, Mr. Charles L. Kah a prominent shoe merchant of Dea Ifoinea, Iowa, had quite a serious time of it He took such a setere cold that he could talk or but the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough edy cured him of his cold so quickly that others at the hotel who had bad colds fol lowed his example and half a dozen per tons ordered it from the nearest drug They profuse in their thanks to Mr. Rakler for telling them how to cure bad cold quioklf. for sak by T.

Beed 4 at fiomalknlle 4 Oulsftra. A farm of 100 acres in the town of Fremont, Steuben county, N. known as "Waterworks Farm, And also as the "Bullock Farm There is a mortgage on this farm for 82,000 and interest from January 1st, 1884, and it is subject to the inchoate right of dower of said Mane L. Crane, wife aforesaid The State, county and school taxes for 3893 are unpaid. VI.

acres of land in the town Of Hartsville, Steuben county, N. known as the "Wilber farm." The south 100 acres of this farm is subject to A contract of sale, now outstanding. The whole of this laud is subject to a mortgage of $1,800, and interest from September 1,1894, and also to the inchoate right of dower of the wife of said assignor. vn. A farm -of 163 acres of land in the town of Wayne, Steuben county, N.

lying on the west bank of and adjoining Little Lake, Known as the 'Knox Farm, (subject to the lien of a mortgage of 500 and interest from July and also to the inchoate right of of Marie Crane, of said assignor. vin. An unknown and undivided interest in lands said to be located in the counties of Hill, Colorado. Polk, Fort Bead and Lampass, in the State of Texas. IX.

152 shares of tbe capital stock of the Hornells- Tille Water Company of the par value of $100 each. 150 shares of capital stock of the Hornellsville Water Company, of tbe par value of $100 each subject to the claim of the National Park Bank of New York, as collateral security for tlio payment of the indebtedness of said assignor, Nirom M. Crane to said bank. XI. 80 sharw of the capital of the Wellsville Water Company, of the par value of 3100 each.

XII. All the unpaid land contracts, bonds, judgments, dues, demands, except such as arc now or at the time of said sale may be in proccm of enforcement or collection la my hands as such assignee. XIII. One and the furniture in Mid Crane 1 Bank, homehold ifurnituro, ono billUrd table, vuftoni, hay, grain, sheep, latnM and other trti The mid tato oootlnmd until all of the property to KM. MttTlBl? H.

GRAH1, AsrifBM. School Books. School Books. The time for school opening is here and your Boys and Girls must have BooVs. If you want to save money on every book you have to buy, why buy of us.

No matter what price you get of other dealers our pnce will be lower. Give us a call and you will be satisfied. We have more SCHOOL BOOKS than all dealers in- Steuben County combined and we sell at a lower price. Save money by calling on us. We have the Books and our prices are below anyone.

Try us, price tells the story. GEO. T. REEDS At their Three Drug Stores, Hornellsville 4 MANHOOD RESTORED "Nerve seeds." This wonderful remedy zuar an teed to care an nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Losa of Brain nehe, WakeftUnera. Lost Manhood, NlKbtly Emissions, Qulcknead, Evil Dreams, Lack of Confidence.

NervoaineH, all drains and of power In Generative Organs of either sex caused by overexertlon, youthful excessive use of tobacco. Opium or stimulants which lead to Infirmity, Consumption and Insanity. Convenient to carry In vest pocket. By mail prepaid In plain box to any address for ftl each. or (With every order we give written guarantee ta care orrefand the money.) Sold by all drngclets.

Ask for It and accept no other. Write for free Medical Book sent sealed in plain wrapper, BEFORE AND AFTER USING. Address NEK VK SEED Temple. Chleaco. IB.

FOB SALE BY GEO, T. REED DRUGGISTS. SCHOOL BOOKS, TABLETS, SLATES, PENCILS BOOK BAGS, At Robertson Luther's Old books that are in fair condition and are now used in the schools will be taken in exchange. EVERY WOMAN a reliable, medic'ne. haral the purest drugs should used, llyou want the beetj get Dr.

Peal's Pennyroyal Pills They are prompt, safe and certain in result. The gamine (Dr. Peal's) never dlMHta noint. Sent anywhere, $1.00. FEAI.

Cleveland, 0. For sale by Geo. T. Reed 10a, Wholesale and retail drafjfrlsts, and Canisteo. W.

W. BABCOCK, DEALER Foreign and American Granite Monuments Dealing in direct connection with the Jquarries business entrusted to me will receive prompt GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Tw evenr respect. Write for prices. 199 Main St. For your house, store or any where else.

We are agents for a new furnace that furnish cheaper than others can, and warrant them to do the work. Remember that we have the largest sortment of Stoves and Ranges York and we beat them all in prices and quality. SHELDON BROT.

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